#🙇🏾‍♀️ guess which state a from lol
vincentsleftear · 4 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers :)
(You don't have to send it on if you don't want~)
Hi again!! Thanks for the ask!!
Also, a thank you to @thursdayinspace and @casuallycryingoverbooks for sending similar asks :)
1. Music!!! Little else can lift my mood quicker than putting on a good song to jump around to🤗
2. A good breeze. I know this sounds corny but here me out. I live in the American south. Where I live it gets *despicably* hot. This past year was the worst I’ve ever experienced (thanks climate change!!). My family and I have compared stepping outside during that time to the feeling of opening an oven that’s been cranked to the highest setting. Just a blast of *PURE* heat straight to the face. Or even worse. This heat + humidity?! You can’t escape. Just completely engulfed in an oppressive, suffocating, sticky heat. So. Needless to say 😅. When I’m outside feeling like I’ve just been teleported to the 10th circle of hell, even a brief moment of a nice breeze makes my heart sing.
3. Iced coffee. No explanation needed there.
4. Water!! Let me tell you. There is not a single feeling in the world that can compare to being so deep in the ocean that your body is lifted off the sea floor by the waves. Now. Is that the safest situation to be in? Hey. Probably not. Would never recommend if you don’t have lots of experience being in and around large bodies of water (and even if you do, never go that deep alone!!). But my goodness. Just relaxing your body and floating in the water around you?? Just allowing the water to carry you up and down?? You’re not able to touch the floor but it’s truly the most grounding experience. The first time I had ever gone that far out into the ocean I was with my dad. Must have been around 13/14?? I distinctly remember thinking that it may be the happiest I had ever been.
5. Honestly. When my math work makes sense. 😭. I’ve realized recently that math can actually be really fun!! I enjoy the rhythm of it. Formulas to remember and plug in, clear steps to follow, rows and rows of work down the page, a precise answer in the end. So yeah. math can actually be really fun and really cool…when you know what you’re doing that is… *cries is calculus student*
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