#🙁 hey man thats weird!
h3llcat01 · 3 months
My personal opinion I really dont care if you have something to say about it
I feel like this is really normalized and I see so much weird stuff and its kind of weird, y is there grown men whimpering as well as grinding into their phones on tiktok?
Its ok to be an adult on that app n stuff jus for fun n to see funny things or cute cat things but its not okay to jus post really weird stuff/18+ stuff and all on a literal 13+ app
I honestly probably have no room to talk because I make a lot of weird jokes but the difference is they're between me and friends who r comfy with that n its not as open as it is on here (Theres also WARNINGS, man.) Y r there literal (s) to the (ex) bots as well as people doing weird things like grinding into their phones for an app that was designed specifically for a 13+ audience
this goes to kids too that post weird stuff you're 13 pls stop posting urself in a weird manner or saying smth like "pick me!" on a grown persons post abt them needing someone in a /r way or sexual way, its for your own safety, people are weird, and you shouldn't be doing that anyway.
You shouldnt be sexualizing yourself as well at 13, I am so sorry if you went through smth that made you do that, in a lot of situations kids will do that for attention.
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doomzday-zone · 1 month
hey sorry it's me again (<- girl who needs to go to sleep) urrhm ok walks into ur office with a stack of papers it's me secretary over apologizer
anywah rum um um th hey hi so uh looks around can weeee talk about the really big theme of nowhere to hide in the book and the game interchangeably like um. um. hi. okay so I'm literally laying in bed right now complete darkness like oh wow the characters oh wow oh wow smacks into a wall face first. and um um
okay like I just feel like god this thing with like.. yeagh.. there really is nowhere to hide from your parents ❤ that's literally the ultimate thing being a child like you can't just LEAVE and that's actually such a scary ass theme and the way the house keeps getting put on more and more lockdown in the game is like This is so alarming ❤ BUT that doesn't happen (or isnt stated) in the book, the difference in the book since u havent read it is just that oz doesn't leave for a few days because he's scared and can hear the. the thing standing outside his door all the time and it's like (steps up to microphone) WOW I LOVE THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN LITERALLY NOT BEINF ABLE TO JUST LEAVE AND THE MENTAL STATE OF NOT BEING ABLE TO Just Leave um and the way you run out of places to go in the game is so like ohhfmygodd sorry it's just really good like the game feels like it's suffocating that boy like u gotta get out of here because soon there will physically be no exit !! and the way the hiding minigames work ooogg ooohhh hi hey um hi sorry this game is written so beautifully it makes me physically nauseous only good fnaf game ever. uh but the hiding games not being designed like traditional hiding mechanics in games like holding a door shut or something, but stuff like oh keep the spiders away because it feels more like SORRY KID THERE'S NOTHING THAT YOU CAN DO OTHER THAN SIT THERE AND PRAY havr fun!!! ob my god head in hands like You can try to stop the toys or not breathe so scared but you can't physically hold a door shut because you're too little 🙁🙁😞😞😞😢 this game is so alarming I hate it not really but it's like ohntmmgdos and and and and hi hey okay so more with nowhere to hide like
I said this in my insane tags on that one post but the way that every single adult is like Oh you're so fucking strange weird little kid causing trouble . like it's not only like he can't tell anyone because he'd sound crazy but the universe being predisposed to everyone not listening to children about anything ever is like I feel like I've been punched in the face thanks like directly in the jaw my teeth r on the floorrr
like ugh I h h RATTLES BARS
um and and and looks around :c I can say more things but I just yeagh..
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YEAAAAAAAA ARGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEFUCMING. AHHHHHH !!!!!!! thats smth i REALLY REALLY like abt into the pit like you REALLY feel like ur put into the shoes of a kid here you can only do so much while trying and experiencing shit wayyyy bigger than yourself, n it just elevates the horror bc like, obv ur oarent/someone you love being replaced by an imperfect impostir is already a scary notion. n being a CHILD TOO????? like fuckkkkk man your options r dwindling. n the way kuds r treated in society n shit as well as eveything else, oswalds just a kid, hes in sixth grade like?????? how do you deal w this???????? theres a fucking EVIL ANIMAL in your house. the world is already si scary as achild w/o all this but yhis maies it ten yimes worse, AND your home isnt even safe either. the amount if stress n trauma this kid experiences in a work week is fuxking insane hashtag justice for ozwald gotdamn.
AD AND i still xant stop thinking about the fat like. oswald is forced to relive the trauma of the events n shit that transpired a freddys, from the child victims at the pizzeria, to Michaels and the crying childs in his own home. smth smth themes of generational trauma n whatever its insane my brian explodes into ten million bloody chunks.
n what u said abt the book..... man........ imagine being holed up in ur room for days in end bc of The Thing on the other end of the door. like LITERALLY FNAF 4 SHIT GODDD. oswald reliving the trauma of the entire fnaf franchise in five nights like: INSANEEE. CRAZYYYYY.
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nami-lvr · 1 year
Correct OP Headcannons
Ft: Luffy, Usopp, Nami, Robin, Zoro, Sanji, Chopper, Brook, and Franky!
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 |
A/N: Hey guys! First post YAYAYAYYAYAY 🔥🔥 I love love love the silly show smsmsm and the next part will include Mihawk, Doffy, Cora, Buggy, and Crocodile!
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Erm I don’t have much for him
Bro smells
Does not wash his ass
Has those back pimple thingys and lets you pop them (GROSS!!!)
Band kid
For sure
100% a band kid
iPad kid as well
Can’t do anything without entertainment
Has autism
If you disagree you don’t like autistic ppl :/ (JOKING OFC!!)
I think his special interest would be pirates bc he thinks they’re cool
Has greasy hair
Smells bad (knows) doesn’t care
Doesn’t floss his damn teeth
Needs braces
Doesn’t get them bc this fool won’t take care of them
Paints his nails
Extremely ugly and bright colors
Cat shit green
Dog puke brown
Effervescent Shitstain
Whatever he can find
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My bbg would also be a band kid
Would not do anything with his hair.
At all.
Not even pick through it.
I swear
He just lets that shit grow
Won’t even loc up.
Only pulls bitches in his late teens/early adulthood because he doesn’t look 5 anymore
I’m convinced he has a gyatdayum uhhh
Fat ass
Im positive that if he was real he would have that THANG just THANGin up back there
Grabbable asf
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Popular pretty nice girl
Pick me (sorry!)
Would smell like strawberries for sure
Would be the girl to always have lotion on her
Would willingly take Spanish and be invested in it
Would always have gum on her
Lie about having gum on her so people won’t ask
People ask anyways
Definitelyyyy is the girl who only hangs out with guys (no shade to girls who do)
Not bc she gets along better
But because of Sanji 🙁
Literally they’re there to protect her from him (can you tell I hate Sanji yet 😛)
Basic white girl BUT I STILL LOVE HER
Stan Nami ong
She would be so proud of her friends
“Nami I got a 90% on my tes-“
So supportive
Very erm
Tough love kinda gal
You definitely have to WORK to be her friend
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I heavily headcannon that she speaks Russian. (I’m projecting 😊)
She would teach you Russian for sure
And be like
Super nice about it
I love Robin
She is so
Guys hear me out
She is a cat person
Would always wear fuzzy socks
Prefers the cold
She is allergic to grass fight me
Does yoga I can feel it in my bones
Would do yoga with you
Definitely bakes
Her favorite show is something true crime related
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Cmon man
This guy is so likeable
Dyes his hair a different color every month depending on what the awareness for that month is
As in blue for child abuse awareness month and green for mental health awareness month and so on
But no one knows that that’s why
They just think its cool
But he knows
He knows.
And I just think he would be the kind of guy to help the teachers clean the classroom
Straight C student
Sleeps in class
Has neck problems
Complains about said neck problems
Cycle repeats
Everyones friend
Natural born leader fr
Every tía would pass him the baby
He’s incredibly good with kids and wants some of his own
He is asexual
Makes fun one people to their face (me for real)
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I fucking hate Sanji. Not sorry! He is weird 😁🫶🏻
Would probably grab my ass
Would probably stare at my boobs
(I’m a well built gal)
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My son
I adopted him back in erm
Mexicans existed in the 1800’s and I adopted him then so
Everything I say from now on is cannon bc he is my son :p
Paints his nails
Bites his nails
Has autism
Bc I said so
Definitely loves plain pasta
Like thats his favorite food
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I don’t really like him either-
Bro is a stoner
No more questions
Tokes it up in the back of class
Gives no fucks if he gets caught
The kinda guy you wanna smoke your first joint with
Extremely good trip sitter
I feel like
I really feel like
I hope hope hope
He would dislike Sanji for being perverted and see that its bad and change his ways
Brook recovery arc bc i say so
#brook redemption arc
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The fun uncle
Everyone loves Franky
Loud drunk
Extremely loud drunk
Noise complaint loud kinda drunk
Still funny as shit thought
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