#πŸ—² β€’β€’ chart a course (wishlist);
stcrmborne Β· 1 year
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stcrmborne-a Β· 2 years
Β  Β  Β I’m in a mood today and all I can think about is Rhaya as a crotchety 100+ year old druid in the body of a 30-40-something year old due to Timeless Body, growing excessively bitter and violent because she’s outlived every single one of her Calamity family members and friends soΒ what the hell is she supposed to do now?Β And all she can really do is either stay in Drenchport becoming more and more of a hermit or wander aimlessly, and she’s finally starting to understand why the previous Master of Gales was so damn pessimistic and cold all time time.
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