#🔮.fellow witch mar
potionpeddlerpatchy · 3 months
My darling wifey patchy♡♡♡
I love a mood board and beach hc of me and Kuroo going on a double date with you and bokuto ♡♡♡
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Mar! My darling sweet, so happy you could come to my beach party! Just would not be the same without you! And I am glad you brought Kuroo, because he will keep my Bo happy and occupied as I spend all my time with you~ 😉💛
Unfortunately, because you are at the beach, there is only one thing that comes to Kuroo's mind and that is volleyball. Despite getting it mostly out of his system in his younger days, he still gets a craving for it! And what better place to do it than at the beach!?
So, expect lots of his old (and current) buddies to be tagging along on your day out.
But you can't complain, at least not too much, because not only will you still have company *cough cough me cough* but you'll get to see your beloved all glistening in the sun as he gives it his all in the fake volleyball tournament they started 😏 Of course, you'll have to be close by to properly cheer and motivate Kuroo as he plays.
Of course, when the day moves on, and everyone is tired of playing, he'll take you on a few strolls to enjoy the beautiful scenery and cool water!
And, when the sun sets in the sky, you KNOW he has a dinner reservation waiting for you both at the nearby marina so you can enjoy a lovely date night after~
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Also also! Please enjoy your moodboard! 😊💛
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come join my beach party~ 🔮
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potionpeddlerpatchy · 11 months
Goodness is there anyone more sweet on this hellsite than @crowned-peony??
Because I don't think there is 💛
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potionpeddlerpatchy · 9 months
can you please give me an anime
I am curious as to why..... and if it because you wish to give a gift, this peddler does not know how she will handle such a thing!!
But, if you must, Demon Slayer is something I have been enjoying now
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potionpeddlerpatchy · 4 months
Oh Patchy♡~
a simple follower here asking to bless us with hc of husband nanami and husband bokuto ♡
kisses xoxo
Oh Mar, what a lovely lovely ask! I am honored you would want to know!
He's the one thats always planning something for us to do on the weekends! Sometimes its a weekend away, sometimes its just to make an extra fun stop after we run our errands. Either way, it fills his Instagram right up!
Evening walks are always a must! He wants to ensure I get enough movement in and I want to make sure he burns off enough energy so he can go to bed at a decent hour - so a win win! Plus we love to look at the pretty houses together!
Because of the way his work is, he usually has plenty of time in the summer to keep me company. Which, of course, drives me mad at times because I am trying to work! So, to combat this, he now uses his 9-5 time to help run and coach a youth volleyball camp! He works best with the younger crowd (5-7 year olds) and by the time he gets home, he's no longer bouncing off the walls! A win for both of us.
We also try new summer recipes (or recipes in general to fit the season) so on most Sunday nights you can find us lounging on our balcony with a new cocktail to try and an assortment of fresh apps as we soak in the sun 😊
Despite me arguing otherwise, Nanami will always make breakfast for me every morning. No, if's, and's, or butts! Its the easiest way to ensure my day starts off right, and he enjoys taking care of me! And, I will say, he's gotten damn good! His omelets are to DIE for
Of course I pay him back in kind and make dinner~
In the summer months, we end up going to the beach a lot. He just really enjoys the sound of the ocean and feel of sand beneath his feet! He knows I'm not the biggest fan of wearing a swimsuit, but he appreciates I make the effort anyhow! He leaves me be to be under my umbrella as he takes a swim! I always make sure we have a nice picnic lunch for us to enjoy after, and he makes sure we both have enough sunblock on!
We watch TV dramas together. Not quite the soap operas, but those long-running shows that are almost like that, ya know? He gets way more into it than I, though his face hides it all. Every up, down, and surprise always keeps him hooked, and he enjoys my outburts as I try to understand another stupid decision that a character has made. It's also funny how he rushes to get back to couch whenever I say I'm about to press play 🤭
I hope these will suffice darling~
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potionpeddlerpatchy · 8 months
I love you more than I love color pink, demon dick and soft blankets
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I am so honored! And I do love you too 💛💛
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potionpeddlerpatchy · 10 months
Are we the other women? I think we getting in-between their fairytale relationship
I think we just might be!! Seems Kuroo and Bokuto just wanna be together and we're in the way! 😭
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Hi honey♡
Hope that the problem you been having at work has been dealt with and you having a lovely day
I can assure you that is HAS been dealt with! That manager will have to WAIT like I told them to at the beginning; so they won't be much of a bother now, which thank goodness!
How are you my sweet?? You having a good day as well? Come, sit with me and tell me all about it, yeah? 💛💛
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Dearest and fairest of potions making Patchy♡ I would like to have a Bottle of Diegesis of you will. Could the bottle be split into two vials? I like to give it to my two beloveds Shinsou and Shoto♡
If they could be made in Gold vials and the potion in the color of Lavender ♡
(A dream date is going to a botanical garden, I really love to spend most of the day just looking and learning about so many plants and the chance to see the cute little bug friends or walk around a museum and after get ice cream♡)
Love you and thank you so much beautiful ♡♡♡
Dearest Mar, thank you so very much for wanting to join me at this celebration, and for being such a sweet and good friend to me. Your presence is always a joy and I appreciate all that you do and give. If I could, I would give you the world and all the sweet things within it. But hopefully, for now, this is good enough 💛
Now please, sit and get comfortable. I have a potion to brew for you.🔮
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“Butterfly exhibit is this way.”
You felt Shouto’s cold hand begin to tug you gently in the direction where the special, limited-access, exhibit was being hosted within the Nature Museum you were currently strolling in; a gentle smile formed as he looked down at your sweet face. You couldn’t even make it a full step before your hand was grabbed again, tugging you back as you stumbled ungraciously into a sturdy chest 
“Yeah, but the night-blooming flowers are being shown this way” Shinsou’s calm voice immediately calmed you down as your tense shoulder’s relaxed as you let out a sigh of relief.
“Maybe so, but she wanted to see the butterflies. Didn’t you, my love?” Shouto countered, gently tugging you once more back onto your feet and towards him; hand brushing your cheek as he cooed down at you.
“Yes, she did.” Shinsou agreed, though his grip was still tight enough to stop Shouto from running away with you “But she also said she wanted to see the Moonflowers.” 
“We can see both” You interrupted, voice soft as to try and stop any scene that may unfold “We can see the moonflowers first, then the butterflies because they’ll lead to the rest of the museum, okay?”
You beamed happily at the nods of approval, feeling their grips on your hands slacken as they allowed you to take the lead and drag them off to where you wanted to go. 
After all, it was your day of spoiling; an idea proposed by both of them a week ago after they noticed your excitement when you read a news article about the special ‘spring-themed’ exhibits that were coming to the city - and how could they even think of not going when they say your eyes sparkle as you read to them what was going to be there?
Though, they seemed to have a problem with sharing when it came to you on a date. Not that they hated the idea, not at all, they wouldn’t be in the arrangement if they hadn’t. It was just…. you were too precious and they couldn’t help but want to be the reason you smile - this was, after all, the third little spat you had to break up since arriving. But, you couldn’t help but feel special over the attention, you always did.
“And after, we can go for ice cream!” You exclaimed, tugging them along even faster as you saw the “Night-Flower’ exhibit sign.
“Sounds like a good idea to me” and “A perfect way to end the day” they both mumbled out with adoration in their eyes as they watched you being authentically you.
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A potion for a potion, I hope this pleases you 🔮
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I saw little baby and thought of you♡♡♡
I noticed; and it meant so much to me that not only did you THINK of me but that you tagged me in it too 💛💛
You're so sweet and adorable Mar, wanna give you all the hugs!
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potionpeddlerpatchy · 2 years
Just wanted to let you know I am so inspired about how you basically live in an AU
like ♡♡♡♡
Oh well hello Mar! Thank you so kindly! I know, its a little impressive 😌 everyone should be inspired - as well it makes perfect sense and to why I am the way I am
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I'm drooling too 👀
Listen, Bokuto is a fine man indeed and it is almost cruel that he's so beefy cause I just wanna have him squish me in his arms
I wanna see him lift things just to see the muscles move and bulge and just 🤤🤤🤤
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potionpeddlerpatchy · 2 years
Happy birthday beautiful 😍 ♡ I hope you have an amazimg, wonderful day filled with so much love and happiness♡ Hope that this year treats you kinder than last and may so many of your wishes come true♡♡♡
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Oh my goodness Mar! This is so so sweet of you! The fact you made me such a nice card?? With Bokuto on it???
I love it and you! Please come sit with me and eat some yummy cake 💛
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potionpeddlerpatchy · 2 years
look it's you!!
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I am here for my kisses
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Oh you got it babe!! 💛💛
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potionpeddlerpatchy · 7 months
Here you go my precious, beautiful, talented, sweet, magnificent honey bun♡♡♡
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Mar, I adore you so so much! And I cannot thank you enough for this lovely gift!! Much love to you 💛💛
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potionpeddlerpatchy · 10 months
A toji enjoyer I see 👀
Actually no! But, how can I not make that comment?? When he's behaving in such a way?
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