#🔥) ⋆。°✩ v // hero of the fiery flame
drachliebe · 2 months
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random headcanon generator .... ( show edition , because funny . )
tagged by : @scarescraper ,, ty toma <3
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Tblga has been to prison.
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“ yea , in eisworld . like two times ? ”
Tblga has punched a hole in their wall .
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& a mighty impressive feat considering this is a german cartoon ...
Tblga screams like an anime girl .
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t.abaluga isn't sure what this means but feels incredibly insulted .
Tblga can't spell restaurant .
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“ r- e- s- t- r ...a ... oh , gimme a break ! i'mma dragon AND seven . i don't need this . ”
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Lilli has an incredible long-term memory but an awful short-term memory .
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the better for remembering what you did .
Lilli desperately needs a hug but doesn't know it and refuses to ask for one .
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hm .
Lilli is afraid to close their eyes in the shower .
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not afraid . how else is she supposed to get them clean ?
Lilli would buy clothes from the soup store .
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“ &%#$ you . ” HOkay , that's enough--
either she's memorized the skit & father is still unaware why his daughter & head guard laugh-scream about soup over the walkie-talkie , or lilli's inability to lie has lead to a very interesting conversation that a.rktos will certainly remember & laugh about w/ the staff when he's in a good mood .
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drachliebe · 3 months
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it kinda bugged me that humsin was just a desert-themed version of a.rktos ( VERY boring , if you ask me ) , & yet somehow worse than our dearly be-loathed ?? that , & if he's the embodiment of the desert , wouldn't killing him off be a detriment to the natural order ?
so anyway , i was bouncing around ideas of him being a his own bastard , while using a.rktos and eisworld's structure as basis for polarization . rather than solely being a desert spirit , humsin is a dream demon- a twisted sandman that uses mirages & one's greatest desires to control them , eventually spiraling them into insanity . fun , right ?
there's still that dichotomy with a.rktos , mind you- just less blatant . eisworld's under a textbook definition of a dictatorship , while the badlands are an anarchy , with humsin carrying himself as a " king of fools " rather than a supreme ruler . if ice is control , then the desert is chaos ; it's tech vs. dark magic , restraint vs. hedonism -- both extremes are bad , & greenland is caught right smack dab in the middle of it .
also , i wanted to play with his design where it makes him look more intimidating / appealing . my working idea is that he's a yellow-robed figure with only his eyes shown from the void , & his hands wrapped in bandages like a mummy . essentially , the combo of care.bear's No Heart , E.T.A. hoffman's Der S.andmann , & the k.ing in y.ell.ow merged into one .
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drachliebe · 1 year
@warncdandwiles con't from ( 🔥 )
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oh , cry him a river ! or whatever the equivalent was for a snowman . flittering above the disgruntled ice spirit , t.abaluga jeers playfully . his amusement seems to carry throughout all of paradise ; the green foliage and golden sunrays of late summer laugh along with their little defender through vibrancy and a warm breeze .
maybe he should be more courteous to the icy guest . he's not exactly competent trekking though the tyrant's snowy terrain , and that truce of theirs is certainly on thin ice , so to speak . no thanks to A.RKTOS' efforts , mind you ! but t.abaluga isn't being malicious-- ol' carrot-nose is just too funny !
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“ hey , a deal's a deal ! ” the youth sniggers . “ ain't like for ' the great arktos ' to welch on a deal-- right ? ”
for a little dragon to not tease the ill-tempered snowman is akin to a fly resisting honey ! and unfortunately for a.rktos , it may be just as annoying .
“ besiiiiides , a little exercise wouldn't hurt'cha ! ” it's certainly not worse than the things he put creatures through for centuries !
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drachliebe · 4 months
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casually tosses tblga into the " kid/s pair up w/ a dragon companion in a magical world that mirrors the turbulence that the kid's are experiencing in their own lives , and by helping the dragon overcome the issue they are capable of facing the real world head on " genre .
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drachliebe · 4 months
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thinking about cartoon!v again and the general rule of thumb is it's a world catered to the imagination and dreams of children . it was briefly touched in tblga and leo , but there are many different ways to get to this magical world-- especially for kids .
adults can also find these thresholds , but it's a lot more difficult . only those who've haven't discarded or forgotten their childhood have the best chance of finding one , otherwise they have to be led or they "fall in" by accident .
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drachliebe · 1 year
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been thinking about cartoon!v again and needed to ramble about taba and a.rktos--
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as much as a wet cat a.rktos is in the show , the sentiment to him being this " primordial and unknowable entity of ice and hatred " IS PRESENT . . . except that its very much exaggerated . bastard's been tormenting greenland for centuries ( and there is a possibility that he was far more nefarious before taba was born ) , so old stories passed down for generations really played a major role in amping up the fear factor .
a.rktos really IS a bogeyman here , as most of his power and infamy deriving from that very fear . otherwise . . . he's just a petulant , overgrown bully with ice powers . taba's relationship with this a.rtkos starts out in the same sentiment as in main , but it doesn't take TOO long to figure out the truth .
that's where the dynamic dissolves to a more playful antagonism-- think peter pan and captain hook . what better way for a wild child to counter that stiff and tyrannical oppression of adulthood than with pranks and mischief ? and although the dragon babe is a genuinely sweet creature , the line of " lets teach this jerk a lesson " to " hey lets see how far we can push his buttons " can be pretty thin at times . . .
but it doesn't end there either . as t.abaluga matures , so do his views of the world and everyone around him . there's gonna be that moment of clarity where the kid realizes just how painfully alone his nemesis is and how similar their struggles really are . both were only kids when they lost their parents , both are following their " destinies ." but unlike taba , a.rtkos had no comfort left behind for him in dreams or stars . there was no respite to be given , no friends to be made . ( not that the selfish prick would know how , but i digress )
i believe that that should have been taba's arch with his nemesis-- from fearing and hating the foe , to playful antagonism , to empathy and possibly friendship . a bit like how we see our villains after we grow a little , huh ?
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drachliebe · 5 months
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the german dub of the cartoon's closing song hits differently man ;-;
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drachliebe · 11 months
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-> constantly thinking about how the winter celebration of paradise is centered around the truce between eisworld and grünland and being grateful for the old year and joyful for the new one coming
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drachliebe · 1 year
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i guess some specific hc i have for cartoon v because i can and i should--
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taba is a lot more puckish . causes mayhem because he's a child flamethrower and everything is so new and cool to him that he MUST interact with it . just a little creechur that occasionally chooses violence . his literal theme is literally about how he recognizes that the older dragons are fed up with his antics but he ? just wants to have fun ?? let my boy commit arson at least once
alternatively , he's still very naïve and kindhearted . takes criticism / scolding to heart and if he learns he's hurt someone , he'll feel really bad about it . he wants to be good and is generally a gentle soul like his dad , he just plays a little rough .
there's some unspoken anxiety and overlooked grief after being left behind by tyrion and inheriting the responsibility of a hero . tends to bite off more than he can chew and needs someone else to tell him ' hey- this is too much . '
since the show can't make up it's mind , tyrion died of overexertion in his final battle . he was already old and just couldn't get up this time . and yes , a.rktos does end up freezing him , but he was already gone by then .
he had actually physically visited the moon . moon's haunted : )
has absolute fun putting a.rktos in his place , and isn't above being a little stinker about it . most of the time it's well deserved , but even when they're not directly in confrontation , he will sass the old spirit for funsies . granted , it gets difficult to say whether it's truly antagonistic or playful , as their hero / villain dynamic is a lot more lighthearted continues to grow moreso . taba has suspected the other being capable of goodness-- and with lilli , even more so .
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drachliebe · 18 days
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tblga's verse retags :
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🔥) ⋆。°✩ little dragons will do what little dragons do ⋮ gen!v
🔥) ⋆。°✩ hero of the fiery flame ⋮ cartoon!v
🔥) ⋆。°✩ i never wanted to grow up ⋮ film!v
🔥) ⋆。°✩ the magic jadestone brought me here ⋮ crossover!v
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drachliebe · 2 months
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was recently reminded of something wicked this way comes & got to thinking more of season 2 stuff ...
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so from this post , essentially the kiddos gotta fight not only a new physical threat , but a psychological one-- as humsin being a dream demon means that things like nightmares , black magic , & general psychological warfare are sort of his game .
other than him , bilingua would also play a bigger role as a baddie by being humsin's right hand & reobtain her role as a metaphorical representation of envy . the pretty , yet incredibly vain serpent willingly follows & serves humsin after the latter used his magic sand to give her the physical appearance of a nymph-- but of course , the vile thing's pride is still prone to feeling threatened . she would specifically play up the " responsible adult " to the children ( esp ojo & lilli ) , only to seek out their vulnerabilities & plant seeds of doubt in them masked as " big girl advice ," or " looking out for them . " long story short , she's the worst .
& of course , what's two big bads without a laughable lackey ? kayo is pretty much the same , except that his abuse is a lot more hinted at . the miserable thing is basically humsin's & bilingua's personal physical & emotional punching bag & has no sense of self , physically embodying the term " social chameleon . " he's still a rotter & a nuisance at the time , but... ya really start to feel for the little cretin .
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drachliebe · 7 months
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also ! since it's march , i like to think that before the spring equinox there's increased tension between a.rktos and grünland as winter gives way to springtime .
march is often a very unpredictable time of year-- sunny one day and cold the next , so i like to imagine it's the old bogey giving his last hail mary before his time OFFICIALLY comes to an end .
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drachliebe · 9 months
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the winter solstice was yesterday , lets talk about winter celebrations , because yes ! there is something worth celebrating !
because before , the coming of winter was a time to be fearful , as a.rktos had complete dominion for three months . the latter of course , greatly looks forward to this , as well as looking forward to make everyone cold and miserable , and for once no beast can make qualms against it . and i don't know about ya'll , but the best kinds of revenge is making good out of a difficult situation .
of course , some creatures sleep with the earth , and some simply cannot withstand the cold and fly south . but those that remain are left with making the best out of a rather harsh time of the year . and when you have a dragon and the winter's child to help , it's not long before winter is seen has a fun thing !
but in less petty and more sentimental territory , there is a bit of a reverse element to the tale of hades and persephone here , only in this case , the coming of winter is when lilli is able to reunite with her father and the winter kingdom . and with the eisworlders coming down to join in on the fun , some of the charitable ones even help their neighboring beasts by teaching them how to withstand the cold months . dens are kept warm , mouths are fed , and creatures laugh and play in the snow .
essentially , it's a celebration of peace between the two nations ; winter is welcomed in joy and thankfulness , showing how much things have changed since the war had ended .
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drachliebe · 1 year
souhoo : as the youngest crown prince ever , it will be your responsibility to take care of greenland .
taba : soooooooo like it's always been ? cool . :)
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