#📫 anon
ventismacchiato · 2 months
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THANK U IKR the group cherry bullet has a gun lightstick so i took inspo from that 🤞
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were-team-fortress · 2 months
Hi Miss P!
I hope you had a good time yesterday, are you happy with the flowers you picked out? I thought your choices were beautiful!!
[He sighs softly before quietly starting to fill the mailbox. After a brief pause, he speaks again,]
Are you sure you aren’t a uhm… thing with one Scout or the another…?
I mean he just seems very… attached, I don’t want to mess with anything you have going on, y’know?
I had an amazing time! The flowers were absolutely gorgeous and your mother was very entertaining.
[She pauses and fiddles with her sleeve awkwardly.] Um, those two? God, they've been trying to get with me forever. I swear I've been quite direct about it. I'm really not trying to lead either one of them on, they have the wrong idea about what we are. I'm not tied down to anyone.
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sexlapis · 8 months
yn and toji filming a buzzfeed puppies interview together then getting a question about if they would adopt a dog together 🎀🎀🎀
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⤷ cw: fluff, short fic, cute puppies, toji & yn haven’t exactly gone public but everyone basically knows they’re together 💀
a/n: needed to make this a whole thing bc i love this idea sm 🤭
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“oh my god!” you squeal as the crew members release six fluffy, tiny golden retriever puppies to where you and toji sit. the puppies immediately run over to both of you, and begin licking all over you knees and hands.
“hey, little guy..” toji coos and gently lifts the dog in his hands, practically dwarfing the small animal in the size of them. “such a little squirt, huh?”
you on the other hand, now have three bundles of pale yellow fluff bundled up in your arms, cradling them like they’re your children. “oh my god, oh my god. they’re all coming home with me, i’ll make it happen somehow.”
“easy.” toji begins, smirking. “i’d be a wolf. i-”
in the midst of rubbing the belly of one of the puppies, you snort harshly at his answer, pulling you lips together.
toji drops the smirk and looks at you while he rocks two puppies in crook of his big arms. “what’s funny?”
“toji…you? a wolf? i don’t think so..”
toji scoffs. “what’d you think i’d be then?”
“hmm.. i think.. i think you’d be a chipmunk.”
“chipmunk?!” toji exclaims. “no way!”
you hold one of the puppies up to your face, speaking in a baby voice. “toji would be a chipmunk, wouldn’t he? yes he would! yes he would!”
“i would- you know what you would be?” he starts and you know he’s probably going to say something crazy. “you’d be a pterodactyl.”
“a what!” you cackle, dropping your head onto the floor and laying on your stomach. some of the puppies start climbing on your back. “what the hell would i be a dinosaur?”
he puts one of the puppies on the ground and it rests on his shoe. “pterodactyls ain’t dinosaur actually-”
“ok, toji the palaeontologist, why the hell would be a pterodactyl?”
toji shrug, nuzzling the puppy in his arm. “y’know.. they’re loud..and they got big mouths.”
you gasp. “that is-” you puff your cheeks and start throwing the squeaky toys at him aggressively.
“hey! stop!”
“oh, definitely mikasa ackerman.” you answer. “she’s so talented and sweet.” you bounce the puppy in your arms, one who seems to especially love you and toji. “she’s so sweet! yes she is!”
“yeah i’ve heard good things about her..” toji said. “‘think my choice would be..nanami kento. he’s done good work..seems respectable.”
“wow, really? you’d both hate each other.”
“_____, why are you so negative?” toji asks, faking seriousness. “we would get along. don’t be jealous.”
“yeah, jealous,” toji picks up the smallest puppy and it to his chest, stroking its head, “ain’t that right? she’s jealous, right?” he shakes his head at you while shaking the head of the puppy with his hand. “she’s so- oh, that one’s taking a shit on the floor.”
you turn and there it was, a tiny puppy, in toji’s words, taking a shit.
“ew.. i forgot they just did that…”
when the puppy finishes it’s…business, the other puppies run over and start sniffing it.
“oh fuck, they’re about to eat his fucking shit.” toji wheezes, shoulders bouncing m. “their faces just make you forget how fucking disgusting they are..”
“eugh, they’re so nastyy.” you cringe at them, cooing at the puppy in your lap. “but you’re not like they are you?”
“yes! yes we would!” you rest the female puppy in your arms. “wouldn’t we, toji?”
toji looks at you, admiring how adorable you look with the adorable, little puppy in your arms. he looks back to the puppies in his arms and lap. “‘couldn’t hurt..”
you shout happily. “toji, we’re taking this one home.” you lift the puppy in your hands to the sky like she’s simba. you look off camera. “can we take this one home? please?”
at the end of the video, you’re hugging toji along with the other puppies. “you’re all coming home with me!”
toji looks to the camera for help
(and that’s how you both end up with 6 golden retriever puppies for pets :))
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kaymarie-bell · 7 months
u ever wonder what would have happened if Malleus got a furby instead of a tamagochi
Self-recognition through the Other
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Malleus would manage to make a Furby a metaphor for life and death and the fragility of man somehow still
POV: you enter Malleus’ room at night
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bonus drawing because the update has me in shambles
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carnivorousyandeere · 2 months
Literally Dae-Hyun 😂 the comment section quoting Jekyll and Hyde only makes it better
LMFAOOOOOO the pose Dae-Hyun makes in his sleep when he’s struggling to perfect an experiment:
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The pose he sleeps in when everything is going according to plan:
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youre-ackermine · 4 months
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Sunburst: a sudden brief appearance of the full sun from behind clouds
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Characters: Levi Ackerman / Hange Zoe / Petra Ral / Erwin Smith / Miche Zacharias / Nanaba / Zeke Jaeger / Nifa (mention) / Moblit Berner (mention) / Yelena (mention)
Pairing: Levihan (friendship) / Rivetra / Zekehan / Erumike (implied)
Wordcount: 2265 approx.
Modern AU / SFW / Levihan slow burn / High school friends / Established relationships / Non-binary AFAB Hange Zoe / Swearwords / POV Levi Ackerman
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His mood probably couldn’t get gloomier now that he had finished all the tasks -most likely meant to distract him from his dejection now he thought about it- that Miche had assigned to him since morning.
He was sitting on the steps leading to the porch, a glass of iced-tea from the bowl he had freshly prepared in hand. On the surface his face showed all the usual signs of annoyance and boredom that seemed to be his signature expression but, if you could get a closer look, melancholy tinged his features quite unexpectedly as he scrolled on his phone.
Levi frowned, squinting his eyes in the sun and gluing them to the screen. His heart sank when he saw Petra’s latest post on Instagram, a picture of Nifa and herself, all smiles as they drank some fruity cocktail from a ridiculously huge coconut through colorful straws. A nasty surge of jealousy stung him when he noticed the lustful glances a bunch of guys sitting with them around a restaurant table cast her way.
“The fuck that means,” he mumbled under his breath. 
They were supposed to drink stupid cocktails from stupid coconuts together and they were supposed to bask in the sun on this stupid white sand beach together and they were supposed to soak in this stupid warm lagoon water together. But she had gone on vacation with Nifa instead, arguing she needed time. And space. To find herself, to recharge. To think about them.
Yeah, they were on a break. Yeah, she had decided this one-sidedly. Yeah, she had urged him to pack some of his stuff and stay at his best friend’s for a while. Yeah, he didn’t understand the fuck why she wanted this but he had obliged. Yeah, he would oblige again and again. And fucking yeah, he would do anything she asked if it meant he could win her back.
But dammit! Seeing her having a good time away from him, seeing her smiling as he was still stuck in anger and sadness after four weeks apart, imagining other men ogling her perfect curves, flirting with her, or even laying their dirty hands on her was tearing his heart apart.
A firm yet friendly pat on his shoulder snapped Levi off his stupor. He glanced sideways at Erwin as he sat down next to him.
“No point in hurting yourself over something you can’t control, Levi,” his best friend said, a hint of concern in his soft tone. A faint but incredibly fond smile appeared on Erwin’s face. “Get rid of your phone for now and go freshen up. You wouldn’t want Miche to scold you in front of the guests, would you?”
“As if I gave two shits about what that blond titan thinks!” Levi replied, rolling his eyes. He got up and pocketed his phone nonetheless, heading to his bedroom to change clothes.
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He was pouring a refreshing drink for Nanaba, casually catching up with her, when a boisterous exclamation caught their attention. Everybody raised their heads and glasses, cheering the guest of honor as they waved frantically from the driveway where they were stepping out of their car.
“Oh my God! I can’t believe you all came! I’m so happy!” Hange shrieked, eyes sparkling with excitement and a huge smile on their face.
They laughed heartily as their step-brother picked them up in his arms and spun them around as if they weighed nothing.
“Happy birthday, Nerdling,” Miche whispered in their ear, his mustache tickling their skin when he pecked their cheek.
He loosened his embrace and let Hange go. Their gaze wandered around the garden to greet their guests, their radiant smile growing wider and reaching their eyes as they finally fell on their best friend.
“Happy birthday Hans!” she said, her arms wrapping around them. They held each other tight for a while until Hange peeked past Nanaba’s shoulder and recognised the short man standing next to the iced-tea bowl, his pouring gesture frozen in the air.
Hange’s eyes widened. “Holy Walls! Grumpy Pants, is that you?!”
“Tch… No shit, Four-Eyes,” he deadpanned, still gripping Nanaba’s glass by the rim.
“Still so handsome behind the scowl, right Shorty?” They chuckled and winked at him before turning to another guest.
For some reason his stomach churned.
A rhetorical question. Obviously.
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The festive afternoon was drawing to a close. The birthday cake was nothing more than a few forgotten crumbs on a plate by now, the opened gifts had been thrown haphazardly on Hange’s car backseat, and the last guests had said their goodbyes a while ago.
Trash bags in hand, Miche, Erwin and Nanaba busied themselves around the garden and the terrace to throw paper plates and plastic cups away.
Levi had found the party more pleasant than expected. And definitely more pleasant than he would ever admit. 
After flitting from one friend to the next, Hange had finally pulled out a chair to sit across from him in his favourite corner of the garden, near a bush of fragrant roses that always reminded him of his mother’s perfume.
They hadn’t met since the graduation ceremony a few years ago. They had caught up on what they had both been doing since then, inadvertently -and frankly, as an afterthought, much to his relief- dodging the matters of the heart.
He knew from Miche that they had been studying abroad in a prestigious university in Hizuru and had recently come back to work in a renowned research company in Trost, dragging their all-time lab partner Moblit -the fuck was this name by the way?- along with them. They had asked him a lot of questions about his work as an architect and his accomplishments in his hobbies. MMA techniques seemed to fascinate them by the way.
Levi's mind had been at ease listening to Hange’s enthusiastic babbling for hours, taking in their lively face and their bright, beautiful brown eyes behind their stained glasses. He had forgotten his worries for a while, lulled into a blissful daze by their voice, his heart almost soothed by their cheerful presence.
As the sun slowly set behind a hill, the gate creaked open to reveal a tall blond man with a well-trimmed beard and a pair of golden round glasses. Levi looked up at the newcomer who gestured to him to remain silent while he smoothly joined them, careful not to crunch the gravel under his feet.
Sensing something was off when their eyes fell on Levi’s face, Hange stopped their rant about whatever toxic plant they were blabbering about.
“Shorty? Something’s wrong? You’re as white as Moblit’s asscheeks all of a sudden!” they asked in a worried tone.
Moblit's assch-, what? Taken aback, Levi didn’t have time enough to retort.
Hange squealed when the man slid his hands over their waist from behind, but tilted their head back to look at him and flashed a beaming smile. He kissed their lips, lingering a bit too much to Levi’s liking, forcing him to avert his gaze in a burst of decency.
“By the Walls Zeke, I missed you so much!” Hange asked between kisses. “I’ve been waiting for you all day! Where have you been?”
Levi felt more and more like a creep, staring at the couple.
“Yelena missed her train to her parents' town so I gave her a drive there. Thought you wouldn’t mind, Honey!”
“Oh, Yelena… Of course I don’t mind!” Their voice faltered uncharacteristically.
Levi’s chest tightened as he noticed the way Hange’s face fell with their half-assed reply. How could someone be oblivious or careless enough to let down someone as kind as Hange on their own birthday? How could someone be cruel enough and bear to swipe Hange’s bright smile off their face?
That monkey could, of course.
Hange’s smile quickly came back to enlighten their face though. They got up, fidgeting with the paper napkin they still held in their hands. They tittered and gestured between both men.
“Oh, I'm sorry! Let me introduce you, guys!” they blurted out. “Zeke Darling, this is Levi Ackerman, Erwin’s best friend. Shorty, this is my fiancé Zeke Jaeger.”
Levi got up, gritting his teeth as he extended his hand and shook Zeke’s in a tight grip.
“What are the odds! You’re both renowned architects now I think about it!” Hange exclaimed cheerfully.
“Oh but your friend and I have already met before Honey!” The blond man smirked. “I won the Trost Finance Center building project over him!”
Zeke let go of Levi’s hand.
“Nice to see you again Ackerman,” he added with a feigned joviality.
He snaked his arm around Hange’s waist to pull them closer.
“Let’s go Honey! It’s getting late and I’d like to make it up to you tonight,” he said in a disgusting husky voice, shamelessly kissing his fiancée’s skin under their ear until they blushed and gasped like a shy teenager. Levi clenched his fists.
Hange stuttered as they bid him goodbye, promising to meet again soon over a cup of coffee, and waved to their hosts and best friend before heading to their car. They giggled when Zeke slid his hand down the small of their back and over their ass, whispering something in their ear as they walked down the driveway.
Levi’s eyes followed the rear lights until the car turned left at the end of the street, leaving a hollow feeling in his guts.
A friendly arm wrapped around his shoulder and Nanaba dragged him towards the house.
“C’mon Munchkin, let’s grab a beer and order a pizza!”
She pecked him on the cheek.
“So fucking gross Nana, I can’t stand wet kisses,” he grumbled.
“Of course you can’t sweetie.”
But he couldn’t help but smile when she pulled him closer to kiss him again and burst out laughing when he swiftly wiped his cheek.
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Levi relished in the cool sensation of the breeze over his skin and the comforting warmth of his tea. The chirping of crickets nearby was lulling him into a peaceful slumber. He felt his stiff shoulders, his clenched jaw, his tense nape finally relax.
“So, Hange…” Erwin started once Nanaba had left and Miche had gone to bed.
“The fuck are you talking ‘bout Four-Eyes?” he replied, all the tension washing back over him.
Erwin raised his hands in a gesture of appeasement. “You seemed to get along well today, is all.”
Here we go, you blond bastard.
Erwin’s speech was only getting started and pain already throbbed in his head. Levi pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.
“Yeah, ‘twas nice to catch up after all those years. They’re not so bad to talk to.” He paused.  “Distracted me from this shitty life of mine for a bit.”
“I could tell.” Erwin took a sip of coffee and placed the cup back on the saucer. “You didn’t seem to enjoy Zeke’s company though.”
“That monkey? Hell no! You know how dirty he played with the Finance Tower project and fucked me over! How could I ever want to see this shithead again, you dumbass?”
Erwin knew better than to reply yet.
“How this brainiac is engaged to such a jerk is beyond me! Like, it’s their birthday and he shows up when the party's over, with all his lovey-dovey shit to cover up how he spent the afternoon with someone else instead… Disrespectful at the very least ‘f you ask me!”
Erwin smirked at his friend’s rant.
“What’s with the smirk, moron?”
“Nothing really.” Erwin’s gaze softened. “I don’t remember hearing you say so many words in one go. Ever. I wonder what got into you.” He chuckled.
Levi clicked his tongue. “Nothing special. We were having a nice little talk with Four-Eyes and I started to forget the crap piling up in my life at the moment and that fucking monkey ruined it all.”
Silence settled for a few minutes between both men.
“Seemed to do you good talking with someone else. You’re gonna hang with them again? I mean Hange.” Erwin asked after a while.
“Er yeah I guess… They mentioned a cup of coffee or shit some day soon.”
“Good! We’re your friends and we’re all worried about you, Levi. But, as you won't talk to us then talk with Hange. Anything that makes you feel better.”
Levi facepalmed to soothe the increasing pounding in his head and sighed.
“Could you mind your own fucking business for once, Blondie?” he hissed, rubbing his temples in a circle. “You’re giving me a headache.”
Erwin stood up, put a hand on Levi’s shoulder and squeezed it.
“Well, I’ll leave you alone then.”
He scooped his coffee cup off the table and took a few steps towards the door before turning around.
“Try to sleep tonight. You need to get some rest.”
Levi remained silent.
Erwin’s steps echoed in the evening darkness and he stopped briefly when gripping the handle.
“Good night Levi. See you tomorrow.”
As the door softly clicked shut, Levi let out a sharp breath he was holding for some time.
Yeah. Another day full of crap. The sparkle Hange had briefly brought in his otherwise dull life today was at least something he supposed.
“Shit! Life sucks, huh Four-Eyes?” he muttered to himself. His day couldn’t get any shittier than it already was, right?
Something vibrated in his back pocket. He fished his phone and answered without even thinking.
“Levi?” Petra’s voice. His body stiffened.
“Uhm yeah…” He ran his fingers through his hair to try and shut down his nervousness.
“We need to talk.”
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Requested by anon // Prompt #30 "Where have you been?" from this drabble challenge
Proofreading @dont-f-with-moogles Thank you so much for your help Terra Darling 🩶
Header & dividers @youre-ackermine
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A/N: Crossposted on AO3 as chapter 2 of my series It's not like I've got something grand to say to you // This takes place one year before Dumbstruck // English is not my usual language
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jahayla-parker · 1 year
Do you think that Kaz would use toys and stuff on reader since he can't get rid of his touch aversion so easily and still craves her?
Warning: NO smut is below, but discussion relating to how Kaz would handle sex & mentions of touch aversion. Please read at your own discretion 💜
I can see him doing that once he gets comfortable enough with the reader to enter that level of intimacy.
For Kaz it’s not just sex and physical contact that’s difficult.
It’s also vulnerability and emotional intimacy that he struggles with.
It’ll take him awhile to get comfortable in those areas of the relationship before he’d be able to truly desire to become that intimately physical and then to get comfortable doing so.
That being said, I do think once he gets to the point where he starts to have those desires, he would look for ways to help the reader find pleasure until he could offer it himself.
It would be far more intimate than that behavior would normally be in most relationships given how intense it would be for Kaz (and how considerate he would be to put those feelings aside for the reader’s sake).
I don’t think he’d particularly love it, as we’ve seen he does want to eventually get to being okay with physical contact with others. And as such, I don’t think he’d find it to be enough (and would probably be hard on himself over needing to use them) in the long run.
But I think he would find it to be a good middle ground/interim solution until he healed enough to go further.
I hope that answers your question! 🖤
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itzsana-kiddingmenow · 3 months
NOO MY DMS... I've been exposed huhu.. but feel free to talk to me if you wish !! and felix hm..? AHH i might be going crazy but y'know how his skzoo is a chicken? Now imagine him just nibbling and blowing raspberries and his members saying he's a chicken with a beak and eating.. (eating a certain piece of dwaekki..WHO SAID THAT.) i think i love lee bin too much, he's a cutie.
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an idea for you... anyways, love you sana!!
-<3 anon
my dear you do WONDERS to my inspiration and motivation 🫥🫥🫥
ai can only develop if someone fed it that information HOW DOES IT KNOW HOW TO FLUSTER THE ENTIRETY OF THE TICKLE COMMUNITY
tickle machine
lee!jisung who buys a tickle machine that would tickle him exactly the way he likes it if he tells it how to do it
wait wait wait and then minho goes on a trip and ji really misses him
so jisung is just pleasantly surprised when the machine RUTHLESSLY WRECKS HIM JUST LIKE MINHO WOULD
but after all of that poor baby goes back to missing his ler :c
'wait ill write this as a proper thought later KSHIUDHJF'
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bizarrescribblez · 5 months
Why is your tag for alan called 21st century man? :0
OMG ANON HELLO IM SO HAPPY YOU ASKED!!! I know it’s prob confusing but I try to make my tags tied to songs I feel fit the character/ship the most ^_^ and for Alan his is an ELO song with said name!!
IF YOU WANNA LISTEN HERE IT IS 🥺 the lyrics are so him I bet he’d love this whole album so much.. he has ELO enjoyer energy hehehe
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Literally.. so Alan core GRAHHHHHHHH
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candewlsy · 4 months
Describe your friendships with your moots as kpop idol's friendships 🍄
Oh yeah 😻💫 lesgaur
@eeunoia [HoonWon]
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Pysche is my escape from reality <3 Whenever I need a break from reality, I turn to Psyche's username on Tumblr. Her fics are nothing short of amazing, and reading them is my favourite thing to do during recess or free time. She's been my inspiration ever since we became friends, and she's my first moot. Our friendship is reminiscent of Sunghoon and Jungwon's bond in Enhypen 😻 and I'm always there to protect her and attack anyone who dares to hurt her. That's why I'm like Sunghoon, hehee. I can't begin to describe how much she means to me, and I still can't believe how happy I was when Psyche followed me back and wanted to be friends. It's been a year already, but I'm still over the moon about it 🥹🥹🤍🤍
@malarign [SooGyu]
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I feel incredibly lucky to have Joo in my life. She's not just a friend but a source of comfort for me. Joo and I have a special bond that I truly cherish. Our friendship is unique and beautiful in its own way. While she may see us Jakewon as a great match, I think that Soobin and Beomgyu would be the perfect match for us. They too share a special bond of comfort, just like us. One thing that I love about our friendship is the perfect balance of comfort and chaos. We can share our deepest fears and worries with each other, but at the same time, we can be silly and crazy together. In fact, we often find ourselves sharing similar interests and obsessions. For example, we both have a special spot for Sunghoon. 😍
@enmayz [JakeWon]
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I absolutely adore Lily, she is like an angel to me. Our friendship is so special, and I cherish it deeply. We can talk about anything and everything, and it never gets dull or boring. I feel incredibly lucky to have her in my life, as she is not just my friend but also my safe place. Our friendship reminds me of the bond between Jake and Jungwon, who were our biases. I love how our friendship is giving Jakewon - it's just so beautiful. For instance, Jake always called Jungwon a baby kitten, and Lily calls me a baby. Although I pretend to be annoyed, I secretly love it when she babies me. It's just so cute. No, what. It's a lie y'all
I also love how Lily is teaching me Chinese, just like Jake teaches Jungwon Aussie slang. It's like we are experiencing the same things, but in different languages. It's so heartwarming that we have such a strong connection, and we appreciate it so much. I find it so adorable that our names are so similar - Mizu and Mira. It's like we were meant to be friends 🥺 I cannot express how much I love our friendship, and I hope it lasts forever, hehe.
Tumblr only allows 10 pictures per post, so I'll be making a sequel for the rest of my pictures. Can't leave any of my friends behind 😔😠
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cloudyyangel · 2 years
m-may I ask what you mean by “absolute possessive greedy animals” from that reblog 👀
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This post, right? Mm I just think about Yuuji being like that a lot. He’s so sweet, so kind and caring. Never a bad word about anyone, never an insult or condescending tone from him. No sir, not with Itadori Yuuji. Yuuji is sickly sweet, a bit of an airhead but so honest in his feelings and words. Always willing to lend a helping hand, sharing whatever he has if others need it, just so giving. No one would look at him and think he has a malice bone in his body. No one would believe that this golden boy clenches his jaw when he sees you, eyes widening and heart racing when you get near him.They couldn’t possible think that he has to physically remove his hands from yours, allow you to walk away when in reality he wants to keep you right by his side. That would be most unbecoming of ray of sunshine Yuuji. 
Except when he has you trapped beneath him, his large hands holding your wrists together, your arms stretched above you as his teeth sink into your neck. His hips snapping into you, pressing against your thighs as he drives himself further in with every thrust. This is when he takes- takes so many whines and groans, takes all of your quivers and shakes and he keeps taking until you have nothing left to give. He’s so greedy for you, just keeps wanting more more more to the point where he’s essentially overstimming himself but he just can’t stop because you feel so good. And god do you give it so well, pretty utterances of his name fall from your lips as you wrap your legs around him and let him take all that he deserves. Not only is he greedy about you, but so possessive. He can’t stop marking you up- growls of mine leaking out from his sharp teeth as he fills you up one more time. He needs everyone to know, everyone to see that you are his no matter how nice he can be. You are his and he will make sure that reflects on your body as he takes everything he wants from you.
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ventismacchiato · 2 months
i have a genuine addiction to ur posts i’m looking at them when i’m supposed to be studying help
on that note may i pretty please be 💌 anon — tbh i don’t remember if i’ve asked to be (blank) anon before but i don’t think so, so i guess i’m rebranding as 💌
omg that’s so cute 🥹❤️
and yes!! but i already have that emoji anon so can i rebrand you to 📫 anon?
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were-team-fortress · 2 months
I apologize for my random letter Scout, I stopped by for a second time today just to drop this mail off!
I have no intent to step on your toes… especially if you and Miss P are an… item. Of sorts.
Anyhow, I just wanted to insure there were no misunderstandings here and I hope you enjoyed my flowers!
I can deliver more just for you if you liked them.
Best regards,
Marco (aka: The Mailman)
- 📫
[He groans and glances over at the flowers he stuffed in a can of Bonk!]
Yeah, sure, they're great flowers. They're not really my type though, y'know? Since they were meant for Miss P.
I wish we were a thing, man! I've been tryin', but she doesn't like me like that. I don't know, I guess I'm still not over it.
If you're gonna bring me more flowers, make sure they can survive in the cold. It snows a lot out here, y'know? Thanks, though, I guess. I've never gotten flowers before.
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sexlapis · 8 months
hi stella! so i remember rachel mcadams and ryan gosling winning “best kiss” at an award show bc of the notebook and when they go up stage they recreate that kiss ….. so what about actor toji and reader doing it???
OMG?? anon your mind?????????????????!!!!!!
this is the kiss btw !!!!
౨ৎ actor toji x actress/actor reader
kissing! kissing! kissing!
actor!toji masterlist
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the romance film you and toji starred in exceeded everyone’s already high expectations. it became the best performing romance film of the year and one of the most successful films of that same year, period.
but was anyone surprised? not really.
people loved you. people loved toji. people loved you and toji. people loved you and toji together, especially when you were both kissing and fucking in an intense, angsty, emotional-rollercoaster of a romance film.
the public all had their speculations and assumptions about whether you and toji were really together or not, but tonight, after this award show? this very moment erased any doubts in their minds.
it was time to announce the nominees for the (only) category you and toji were nominated for, ‘Best Kiss’.
you turn around and look at toji who is seated behind you and grin toothily at him, giving small claps. he smirks, giving you a sleazy wink.
when the exaggerated, deep voice booms from the speakers, announcing you and toji as nominees and displaying the kiss scene on the vast plasma screen, the crowd grows crazy, chaotic almost - they’re screaming like they’re fucking dying. and that’s when you and toji both know you’ve got this in the bag.
you almost feel bad for the other nominees and at how the crowd essentially goes quiet at their scenes. oh well.
shoko and gojo are there to announce the winners.
“and the ‘best kiss’ goes to…” shoko trails off, building anticipation as gojo opens the card that states the award winner.
“ha! someone’s that’s gonna be cleaning up tonight.” gojo laughs “..toji fushiguro and _____!”
the audience began to shriek before they even got through toji’s whole name.
you and toji look at each other and smile, knowingly. knowing the shit you were both about to cause with what you’re about to do.
standing up languidly, toji places a hand on your back as you two stroll right up to the stage, the crowd deafening you at this point.
the steps lead to a double path in the stage and you and toji part ways temporarily, walking around to be opposite each other.
you unbutton your cardigan and let it drop to the floor, hearing whistles and cheers in the pools of crowds next to you, reaching their hands out and screaming your name.
toji begins fake stretching, jumping up and down like he is about to exercise and you giggle at his antics before making a serious face, gazing at him in mock seduction.
he begins striding towards you across the length of the stage, making a ‘come here’ with a long, thick fingers. and you’re like a magnet, rushing towards him, the audience rising in volume as you two grow closer together.
and then you’re jumping up on him, wrapping your legs around his waist as his roughly smashes his lips onto yours and shoves his tongue into your mouth. you accept it, gleeful with his actions, knowing that people will not stop talking about this moment for weeks.
your hands are tugging at his hair and his large hands cup your ass as you both make the fuck out in front of sea of people, who are now louder than you even thought was possible.
toji bites your bottom lip, sucking gently, before finally pulling away from a kiss that lasted what felt like an eternity.
realising what has just transpired, even though you both planned this, you feel embarrassed. you cover you hot face as toji carried you to the podium, your ears ringing from the nonstop echo of the crowds cheers, jeers, whistles and screams.
toji sets you down on your feet and urges you to speak in the microphone. you huff and puff, not really wanting to talk after that…stunt you just pulled.
“toji!” you growl. “get up here!”
“alright, alright..” toji sighs, picking up the trophy of popcorn and holding it up. “i would just like to say…that it was my pleasure.”
his words make the fans go insane again, some members demanding an encore of that steamy kiss.
sighing, you take you trophy and toji places a sweet kiss on your temple. you both walk away side by side, leaving the chaos of the crowd behind as you go to walk backstage. toji reaches down and swings your fallen cardigan over his shoulder, smiling, clearly smug and satisfied with himself.
he looks down at you and you blink up at him, biting the inside of your cheek. you take in his tight, black top, shamelessly staring at his pecs and thick neck as you walk.
toji notices. and when you look him in the eye again, he winks.
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a/n: anon what if i diedddd!!!!😩😩😩😩
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kaymarie-bell · 2 years
in your diasomnia chapter predictions you mentioned something about a time loop theory ?? what's that about ????
Hi there~
I'll do my best to explain, but the Time-Loop Theory has been around since 2020 and it actually originated from the Japanese players before it spread to the English side, and people keep adding to it or changing bits of it as each Chapter comes out and we get more info, so I might miss some of the most recent ideas.
According to the theory the characters are trapped in a time loop because of a great disaster, namely the Overblot!Grim battle we get as a "tutorial" at the beginning of the game, which destroys NRC and maybe even kills some or all of the students. The loop is initiated by Crowley turning time back in order to stop the tragedy from happening, however he keeps failing every time, ultimately deciding to summon an outside party -the Player, Yuu- in hopes of changing the outcome...
The main 'evidence' people use for this theory begins at the Prologue itself:
• The "spell" we hear at the beginning which is believed to be Crowley summoning the Player into TWST (For me. For them. For yourself. We are all running out of time. No matter what, never let go of my hand...)
• The battleground appears to be a destroyed Mirror Chamber
• The "monster" in the tutorial is almost certainly Grim, and if you take a closer look at his body you can find elements resembling the Phantoms that came out of the Dorm Leaders' own overblots, which indicates that those events have already occurred. This battle can't be won.
Some also theorize that a few of the characters are aware of the 'resets' to some extent (like Crowley, Lilia, Leona, and even Ace)
This theory has been talked about for a long time because people keep finding arguments in its favor even in later events and recent media:
• Endless Halloween makes it evident that someone powerful enough can alter time
• The existence of multiple Yuu(s) across the novel and the manga Episodes indicates alternate realities where the events of the Main Story occur in the same order
I'll leave it at that for now since explaining the full length of it at once can make it confusing. If you're interested in looking further into it you can find lots on Twitter, YouTube and other Tumblr blogs!
I personally find this theory interesting to think about but I'm not expecting it to be necessarily true. We'll know soon enough! 🌻
Although, reading the Prologue scene in the novel does make my singular braicell work overtime trying to relate it to my "Yuu's dreams/visions are being influenced by someone else and they connect to Silver somehow" theories- but that's for another time.
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essthereal-archived · 6 months
🎧 -🪽anon
i've been looping a lot of FFDP ( five finger death punch ) but my favorite rn is afterlife ^w^
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