vagabond-umlaut · 1 year
Your Sukuna fic recs? pretty please? 🥺🥺
ofc nonnie! i nvr ever turn down an opportunity for showing (few of) my fave authors their much well-deserved love, respect & attention! 😊😊🫶🫶
ryomen sukuna x reader fic recs (I)
‣ this is merely a list of works i've enjoyed reading. kindly heed the tags and warnings in each of them and consume content responsibly, at your own discretion. ‣ that being said, i own neither these fics nor the characters. enjoy reading! 🥰
⇌ Conquest (SukunaXReader) (series) by JellyBelly531 on ao3 [I can't say anything on this series here, except, to request you to read this— provided you're fine with the tags and warnings the author has given. This is an absolute delight for those who love Trueform!Sukuna set in a canon-y historical backdrop. A 200% masterpiece, I'm tellin' ya! :))]
⇌ Sukuna with reader whos just dumb (hcs) by @poe-daydreams on tumblr [Humor, Fluff, Humor, Fluff, Humor— Comedy at its finest :D]
⇌ rhymes (oneshot) by @tender-rosiey on tumblr [Tooth-rotting fluff ft. Dad!Sukuna and his adorably menacing attitude xDD]
⇌ Tribe leader/Viking Sukuna (hcs) by @yuujispinkhair on tumblr [Terrifying 'Kuna + Charming 'Kuna + Protective 'Kuna + Soft 'Kuna + Husband 'Kuna + Dad 'Kuna— what more do you need, hmmm? ^_^]
⇌ Black Magic (twoshot) by sukirichi on ao3 [Arranged Marriage with Enemies-to-Lovers dynamics and Scary™️ Househusband 'Kuna— an ALL TIME FAVOURITE FIC of mine, for sure ^_^]
⇌ Little Monster (oneshot belonging to a series) by @lemonlover1110 on tumblr [A sweet combination of the tropes: Dad!Sukuna & Sukuna being Sukuna. I really love the way 'Kuna is in-character in this fic :))]
⇌ to satiate, seduce, and to sin. (oneshot) by @poe-daydreams on tumblr [For the twisted-yet-loving!Sukuna fuckers lovers like me ;)]
⇌ To the end (7 chapters) by @yuujispinkhair on tumblr [One Of THE very best Zombie Apocalypse AUs I've ever read. Please keep tissues close to you for the sad tears, then the happy tears. I ugly-cried while reading this, no kidding :))]
⇌ 7/11 (oneshot) by astreaborn on ao3 [Perfect way to lift your spirits, if you're ever feeling down. The characterizations are so well written... Just go read it, please. You will not regret it— I'm 10^10 times sure of this!! :))]
⇌ "make me (yours)." (oneshot) by @ancient-vivarium on tumblr [Age gap romance with rich older bf!Sukuna, ft. slow burn, fluff and SPICE— this is what one should call GIRL BREAKFAST, LUNCH & DINNER! ;DD]
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kaymarie-bell · 10 months
Furby with dead battery: chirp chirp demonic wailing
Child Mallues: Ah yes, just like the inescapable cycle of live and death and watching loved ones depart
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According to the Furbish language dictionary:
1. Sleep / 2. Good night
Someone help me name the Furby 🌻
First part
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gorejo · 1 month
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to say it's unnecessary and to conclude that "it's your story so wtv" is so passive and rude. if you don't like something, no need to read it. it was just a thought, so no need to feel entitled over the storyline when you clearly said "it's your story."
i'm not sure what you mean by time to time, but forbes30 in all its entirety is him choosing the reader — the reader isn't the one left behind, she chose to leave him. I've provided that for you, so what's wrong with taking a spin on it, without having satoru involved?? though I have a lot of people who love satoru on this blog, doesn't mean I can't explore and write for other characters. you say it's cliche, but sorry to tell you but forbes gojo in itself is also a very cliche fanfic.
the only reason why I thought it would be interesting to write about the other woman is because of the angst potential but also the growth she can go through as a character. fun fact: getting dumped isn't a fanfic thing. you learn through break ups and you become stronger. gojo wouldn't be the protagonist here but another male character, since he's already out of the picture in her life. if you just see her as the "other woman Satoru left behind" then sure, but that's not me.
it was really just a thought, and it's not like I started writing anything for it. I'm not here to argue about my ideas and what I find interesting. if you don't find it "necessary" for what I write, then don't read it and follow someone else that suits your tastes.
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idolkilling · 23 days
Questions from creatrackers’s Writer (& Artist) Ask Game!
No. 21 When did you start considering yourself a writer/artist?
This one is kind of funny because it’s fluctated over the years… In elementary school (probably 2nd grade) I definitely considered myself both, but it switched to artist-only once I stopped writing as much, because I thought to be considered a writer you have to have actual finished stories under your belt—my hundreds of pages of RPs or worldbuilding didn’t count.
I stopped considering myself as either in my early 20s, not believing I made anything of value to be labelled a “real” artist—if it was just my hobby and I don’t have aspirations to publish, isn’t that just “content,” I thought? If I don’t have a desire to push myself to make impressive pieces, could I possibly be an artist?
Now at 25+ I consider myself to be both, just because I write and I draw and I’m passionate about both of those things, the craft and culture www. Someday I’d like to publish something finished, even if it’s just a short story or oneshot comic—but I guess I decided I didn’t like the mindset that you have to make something of yourself to be considered authentic… Tangent under cut!
I feel like I see many people who base their identity as a writer or artist around an existent body of work, rather than the enjoyment of the craft itself (or justify the latter by having a former)? I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that, but I do wish there were more spaces for hobbyists to just enjoy themselves together w/o feeling a need to publish, especially hobbyists who enjoy dark fiction.
Especially due to technology and SNS becoming more fast-paced, there’s increasing pressure to publish something easily-digestible and concrete—you have to make videos, comics, short stories, etc. If you want to post things out of context—just doodles and headcanons and musings—there’s no audience unless it’s fanwork…
At least from what I’ve seen, there aren’t many spaces where you can just share your world and characters and talk about them with other people without expectation for something to come of it 🤔 There’s more commodification of creative works, less collaboration for the love of the game. At least when it comes to dead dove/dark fiction-friendly stuff, I feel like I’ve mostly just seen people promoting their ongoing, closed stories for profit and treating collabs in a mutual clout promo sort of manner aha ^^;;
Not that there’s anything wrong with that! I’m just nostalgic for years past when writing and art didn’t feel like it had to be capitalised on to have value and be discussed, I suppose? I just want to be silly with my OCs, get to know other people’s OCs, and for that to be enough.
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ask-toonie-cogsworth · 9 months
These holidays i spent alone, mostly in my office or at home. It feels a bit sad, but i hope anyone else had a very happy and festive holidays. -Mx Cogsworth
I spent my holidays with my parents and extended family, sure we sometimes get heated but at the end we still love each other. Sometimes moments of happiness go a long way. - Salty Westerdile
Work has slowed during the festive season, I got a chance to spend quality time with my beautiful partner and feel a sense of ease, which I dont typically find in my continuous work. - Daphne Screwdon
The influx of Toonsmas cards and gifts flowing through the mail line has been wonderful! It's always so exciting to see so much love being stored into an envelope and transported across the globe! Goes to show how love doesn't care how far someone is. - Lydia Lonsden
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feihrt · 2 months
aaa hey!! you seem super cool :) i love the vibe of your blog! we like a lot of the same music artists agjwskla i hope we can be friends! if u ever wanna chat i'd love to dm or talk through inbox!!
omg hii!! tysmm 😞🙏 u seem super nice & i love ur blog too, its v pretty
ohh who r some of ur fav musical artists?
I hope we can b friends too!!! :) id love to talk more w u, but im kind of shy to text first haha dms or inbox r both fine w me tho!
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mordsfesch · 9 months
3, 10 and 13 for the bookish photo asks ? :)
Thanks for the ask! ☺️
3. Currently reading
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10. Two books you love from the opposite end of the spectrum (however you want to interpret that)
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13. A book you would recommend to everyone
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This is a difficult one since tastes differ so much, which means I recommend different books to different people, but this is my favourite one from last year, and I have recommended and gifted it to other people.
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hatsune · 3 months
i keep getting hit on and asked if im single at work lol
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mothfinite · 6 months
Do you have a favorite Vocaloid producer and or favorite Vocaloid?
i love vane lily and circusp !!!!!! its so hard to choose a favorite vocaloid though, i love miku, gumi, teto, luka, vflower, and IA <3 not technically vocaloid specifically but i also adore solaria, eleanor forte, and asterian
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starglitterz · 7 months
hewwo, quill! congrats on the 5k!!! for your event, please may i request #8 greedy with kaveh? if that one's already taken, i also like #4 from the start and #10 daydreaming! thank you very much, and congrats again! ❤
hiii cutie !!! omg thank you sm 🥹🫶🫶🫶
#8 — greedy : they want one too many dances with you, and only you, refusing to dance with anyone else. 
ahhh my first time writing for kaveh hehehe i'll do my best !!!!! hope it lives up to your expectations 🤭💕
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vagabond-umlaut · 6 months
My turn to ask:
Would you love me if I was a worm? 🥺 👉🏻👈🏻
yes, my love!!! ofc ofc 😊😊
i would keep you in a nice warm, moist, dark box w proper ventilation and adequate quantities of soil and yummy fresh fruits & veggies :DD if u want to, i cld also take u to the fortnightly meetings of all ur worm friends, so tht u can catch up on everything happening in the wormie community. and... oh yeahh, i would also take u to the worm vet for ur regular check ups so tht u stay healthy and fine!!! <333
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kaymarie-bell · 2 years
in your diasomnia chapter predictions you mentioned something about a time loop theory ?? what's that about ????
Hi there~
I'll do my best to explain, but the Time-Loop Theory has been around since 2020 and it actually originated from the Japanese players before it spread to the English side, and people keep adding to it or changing bits of it as each Chapter comes out and we get more info, so I might miss some of the most recent ideas.
According to the theory the characters are trapped in a time loop because of a great disaster, namely the Overblot!Grim battle we get as a "tutorial" at the beginning of the game, which destroys NRC and maybe even kills some or all of the students. The loop is initiated by Crowley turning time back in order to stop the tragedy from happening, however he keeps failing every time, ultimately deciding to summon an outside party -the Player, Yuu- in hopes of changing the outcome...
The main 'evidence' people use for this theory begins at the Prologue itself:
• The "spell" we hear at the beginning which is believed to be Crowley summoning the Player into TWST (For me. For them. For yourself. We are all running out of time. No matter what, never let go of my hand...)
• The battleground appears to be a destroyed Mirror Chamber
• The "monster" in the tutorial is almost certainly Grim, and if you take a closer look at his body you can find elements resembling the Phantoms that came out of the Dorm Leaders' own overblots, which indicates that those events have already occurred. This battle can't be won.
Some also theorize that a few of the characters are aware of the 'resets' to some extent (like Crowley, Lilia, Leona, and even Ace)
This theory has been talked about for a long time because people keep finding arguments in its favor even in later events and recent media:
• Endless Halloween makes it evident that someone powerful enough can alter time
• The existence of multiple Yuu(s) across the novel and the manga Episodes indicates alternate realities where the events of the Main Story occur in the same order
I'll leave it at that for now since explaining the full length of it at once can make it confusing. If you're interested in looking further into it you can find lots on Twitter, YouTube and other Tumblr blogs!
I personally find this theory interesting to think about but I'm not expecting it to be necessarily true. We'll know soon enough! 🌻
Although, reading the Prologue scene in the novel does make my singular braicell work overtime trying to relate it to my "Yuu's dreams/visions are being influenced by someone else and they connect to Silver somehow" theories- but that's for another time.
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gorejo · 1 day
i’m gonna need birthday sex forbes gojo like right now, badly 😫😫
haha birthday sex (birthday month) with satoru in november
and no nut december for his HAHAH how about that??
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idolkilling · 1 month
How would you describe Reis's love language?
He’s an acts of service person first and foremost, with quality time and gift-giving secondary!  
He likes cultivating a dependable image, being someone others can rely on for anything they might need, any advice they might want, etc.  Initially he has unsavoury intent with this, but it carries over to his genuine attachments after a shift in his own perspective—being seen as trustworthy is personal now, so he wants to prove he’s useful and loyal…  He’s gonna be the beeesssttt friend they’ve eeeverrr had :)  
(Conversely, he’s most receptive to physical touch/quality time, especially from people who know his true nature and stick around despite it.)
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limerine · 9 months
Lol not you exploding my inbox 👁👄👁
It's because i love you *mwah*
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feihrt · 2 months
ur layout is so cute i love the blue
TY so much <33 i also love urs!!!! it gives me the same vibes as small cafes that smell rlly good haha
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