#šŸ“˜ if you listen only with your ears i canā€™t get in. izuku (mute verse)
starshinc Ā· 8 months
@electricea liked for a mute!izuku starter! (Accepting!)
He canā€™t help his hesitation upon entering the classroom - actually, it took a gentle tug from the dog at his side to start moving forward towards his seat, soon settling down. At least he only had one desk neighbour on one side. Ah, what if..?
Thereā€™s a moment or two of hesitation, before one hand waved to the boy, trying to get his attention. Hello! The sign came first, but Izuku was also aware that not everyone understood sign language, soā€¦ itā€™s seconds later that he hastily scribbled a note.
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Hello - I just wanted to make sure you didnā€™t mind Ramen? Heā€™s a good boy and wonā€™t be any trouble, I promise. He gestures down to the dog - a golden retriever, with a working dog vest on, complete with a couple of pouches to hold items, curled up on top of Izukuā€™s feet. I can probably arrange to move if youā€™re not a fan of dogs? Sorry for the trouble!
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starshinc Ā· 2 months
ā€œoi,ā€ the bakugouā€™s voice cuts the silence of their apartment as he pushes through their bedroom door, cursing when noodle crosses in front of him.Ā  damn dog.Ā  he knows katsuki set aside the first pancake for himĀ  ā€”Ā  but first, the ones meant for izuku himself.Ā  ā€œizuku.Ā  youā€™re not about to waste your entire birthday sleeping in, are you?Ā  when i booked my day off for you?Ā  tch.ā€
he acts like he minds, but the blond still sits at his side, offers the plate of american-style pancakes, rolls his eyes while tossing noodle his designated one.Ā  an amused quirk of his lips brightens the faux sour look as he ruffles up the messy bedhead of curls.Ā  in truthā€¦Ā  he doesnā€™t mind slower mornings.Ā  even if heā€™s awake earlier, focused on giving his boyfriend his breakfast first, then whatever.Ā  heā€™ll sulk, be dramatic, but heā€™s the one that chose this.
the next point of call comes when he sprawls over izukuā€™s lower legs.Ā  ā€œyou ainā€™t gonna see your first gift today, but i got you some new tools for your lab.Ā  saw you eyeing some the other day.ā€Ā  and before izuku can speak-Ā  ā€œyes, i do pay attention to what you want.Ā  asking is for losers.ā€
that wait will be worth it.Ā  izuku can mess with his new toys tomorrow, and katsuki can see what he gets up to with them.
but that leaves his gifts for today.
ā€œfinish your food, then kick me off ā€˜n go look on the kitchen counter.Ā  trust me.ā€Ā  he grins, then.Ā  ā€œyouā€™re gonna nerd the fuck out.ā€
katsuki is confident because of the array heā€™s managed to secure;Ā  on the counter resides dynamight merch that hasnā€™t even hit the market yet, prototype pieces that only katsuki could get his hands on, all meant for his biggest fan.Ā  itā€™s a blanket, a hoodie, a playing card and gacha mini, a pair of safety goggles for his tinkering in the workshopĀ  ā€”Ā  even a fun little bandana for noodle.Ā  the other gifts are small bits of exclusive merch lines from his friends, other heroes.Ā  he paid for them, of course, because he refused to be given any, butā€¦
well, izuku has always been a fan of heroes.
even if he wasnā€™t so much a fan of all might anymore, he was a sure fan of katsuki and his former class.
katsukiā€™s only regret is that he couldnā€™t get an entire room full of assorted gifts for him.Ā  he had to leave out some ideas for the next few years so he could at least keep outdoing himself.
ā€œhowā€™s that for a birthday gift?ā€
green eyes flutter open as a result of katsukiā€™s call. huh. heā€™d not stirred with katsuki leaving - rare, but he figured his boyfriend had pretty much mastered that by now. it takes a couple seconds for his brain to catch up, and - oh. oh! itā€™s his birthday! thatā€™s as far as he gets, sitting up just in time for the hair ruffle, bedhead now justā€¦.a plain old mess. besides, he can tell katsuki isnā€™t actually that bothered - so he opts to take the plate of pancakes. thereā€™s a little giggle as noodle jumps into the air to catch his designated pancake. ā€œthank you, kacchanā€¦!ā€ it was always worth waking up for katsukiā€™s american style pancakes. heā€™d have these for every breakfast if he could - almost hearing his boyfriendā€™s grumbles to that suggestion. he figures special occasions like this made it all my more tastier.
a slight ā€œoof!ā€ as his boyfriend decides his lower legs are free real estate, but izuku really canā€™t find it in him to mind all that much. wait, first gift? what did he mean, first? one should have been more than enoughā€¦! butā€¦.it is katsuki. he has a thing to outdo himself each and every time. izuku swallows his bite of pancakes - deliciously fluffy! ā€œkacchan, those tools are top of the lineā€¦.!ā€ yes, he may have been staring, but figured that the ones he uses are good for now - ā€œi canā€™t believe you - thank you!ā€™ heā€™d absolutely be playing with those new toys the following day, and heā€™s going to make sure the first thing he does with them is make something for katsuki. itā€™ll make the gauntlet repair almost instantaneousā€¦! but for now, before he can chase that rabbit, izuku opts to do as heā€™s told and finish his pancakes. the grin isā€¦worrying him, a little. yes, they may be number one hero and number one support hero, respectively, but - sometimes, itā€™s too much!
gently shifting katsuki off his lower legs, noodle coming to walk by izukuā€™s side loyally - he takes a breath and walks to the kitchen counter. and as his boyfriend quite rightly predicted, he nerds. well - right after heā€™s finished rebooting, that is. itā€™s not long before a long string of muttering starts - the blanket is so soft, and probably a new favourite. the hoodie is immediately pulled on over his clothes, the playing card and mini gatcha held extremely gently. yep, they are absolutely getting put on his desk at work. katsukiā€™s biggest fan is absolutely buzzing right now. he tries the googles on, turning to his boyfriend with a bright smile. yep, still a giant nerd. the bandana? soon on noodleā€™s neck, the pup wagging his tail happily.
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honestly, the merch from their friends make izuku light up even more. heā€™s always been fans of his friends, and having their merch to rep at work is more than he could ask for! blinking a bit as he turned back to katsuki, eyes welling up a little - always a crybaby - he stretched to press a quick kiss to the blondā€™s cheek, then heading down to the corner of his lips. ā€œthank you.ā€ he whispered quietly. ā€œyou didnā€™t have to do all thisā€¦! but i love them all.ā€ honestly? probably one of the best birthday giftsā€¦ever.
and he knows damn well that katsuki will most likely make it a personal mission to outdo himself next year.
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@dynmghts - izukuā€™s birthday 2024!
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starshinc Ā· 3 months
katsuki doesnā€™t tolerate fancy events very well. he especially doesnā€™t enjoy being paraded around as some beacon of hope for hero society because of his weird ass debt to the commission, but he still endures it anyway - as a favour to them for not locking him up or whatever. whatā€™s it matter? at least he isnā€™t alone this time around.
crimson gaze glances to the support tech that practically sticks by his side with his therapy dog, brows furrowing a moment in concern. when the commission told him to bring izuku along, he actually tried to protest it. the man isnā€™t built for publicity. katsuki deals with it because itā€™s part of his job, and if he wants to be number one, he would keep doing so. izuku?
he was content working his magic behind the scenes - didnā€™t much like the spotlight.
the event buzzed around them with infectiously disgusting talks of this, that, the other thing; investors looking to strike deals and agencies placing their bets. most of them avoid katsuki. in turn, any poor soul that looks like they want to talk with izuku keep a distanceā€¦ and katsuki wonders, then, if thatā€™s why izuku stays near.
the music is slow. some people are taking to the floor. he has a feeling that people looking for their chance will keep circling the two of them until katsuki lets his guard down, and he despises that.
there was a way to maybe avoid this.
he eyes the floor a moment more, and finds his impulse acts first.
ā€œstill got two left feet?ā€ he teases, low; warm palm encircles izukuā€™s closest wrist and tugs him toward the dance floor, making sure to pick a spot that allowed ramen to stay near. he doesnā€™t dance either. but- ā€œcā€™mon. keep preoccupied all night, ā€˜n nobodyā€™s gonna talk to you. and even if they try, i ainā€™t helpinā€™ ā€˜em.ā€
he hesitates now. katsuki hadnā€™t thought this far, really, andā€¦ fucking impulse, pulling him in impulsively stupid decisions, where heā€™s trying to steel his resolve and settle hands somewhere where it doesnā€™t feel like burning, and-
sometimes, he really gets izukuā€™s overthinking.
ā€œdonā€™t gotta be long,ā€ he amends, as if itā€™ll make the sudden unease settle in his chest. ā€œbut i ainā€™t dealing with fucking vultures tonight. are you?ā€
he definitely wasn't planning on attending an event like this anytime soon. actually, if izuku had his way, he'd not be anywhere near this building - much rather be in his support lab, cup of tea in hand and sketching blueprints. but unfortunately for him, katsuki had approached and insisted on izuku coming along - something about the commission.
so somehow, he'd ended up at the event - dressed up as much as possible, thanks to the blond all but shoving a suit at him and doing what he could to make his curls extra soft considering there was no taming them. ramen, his support dog had been groomed (izuku prided himself in taking great care of the golden retriever's coat, but for an event like this, a professional wash and groom was probably a good idea...) and was proudly wearing a bowtie on his collar. he'd kept his working vest on, but he may have thrown it in the washer and dryer beforehand.
izuku was resolutely sticking close to katsuki's side, to the point of brushing against the taller sometimes. there were simply too many people - thankfully, not many had even approached. though, in fairness, the knowledge about jsl was shocking in the room - it would definitely be worth bringing it up to katsuki again, pushing more knowledge. it's important! he's just watching the dance floor, listening to the music and making sure ramen isn't bothered. the second people got too close, he'd tuck himself further into katsuki's side.
warmth around his wrists surprises him, but he allows himself to be dragged towards the floor, registering the words a few seconds later. wait, kacchan surely isn't going to do what he thinks - oh, no, he is. izuku's open-mouthed reaction was probably priceless, and they should thank their lucky stars that the media weren't invited to this event. thankfully, he could still sign.
'kacchan, you know i can't dance...!' the protest starts, signing more jittery than normal. thank goodness he'd picked a spot where ramen could sit nearby. but thinking on it for a moment or two, the logic made sense - there was no chance at ALL that anyone would bother them on the dance floor. with any luck, they could keep to themselves until it was an acceptable time to leave.
'okay.' he signed back, a little grin. 'i'm sorry in advance if i step on your foot.' he'd going to trust the blond to lead, here. and focus on not tripping them both over. 'i don't want to, ah... talk to any investors either, today.' he's already booked out for a good six months. perks of being the most recognised support technician, though he tries to ignore that fact on the daily.
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'don't let me fall over, please.'
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@dynmghts - unprompted!
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starshinc Ā· 6 months
@dynmghts said; FLICKER : sender thinks theyā€™re too late to save receiver and begins to mourn them / sinks in defeat and grief, holding them close, only to find through a simple action (a cough, a twitch of a hand, a murmured word) that they havenā€™t left them after all.Ā  / also izuku! - Accepting!
The last couple of weeks have been absolute hell on earth.
It had started at their agency - Katsuki was on patrol, with Izuku peacefully working his way through client orders; rapidly making a name for himself as one of the most trusted Support Hero across Japan. It probably helped that him and Katsuki had partnered up following their UA graduation - but work was steady, the pair content in their relationship - even getting a house together! It was supposed to be their first Christmas together in their own home, but of course it could never work out that way.
Izuku had been taken, kidnapped - remnants of the League in a clear attempt to trigger Katsuki's conditioning. He couldn't exactly expect them to treat him well - he'd been separated from Noodle, his Support Dog almost immediately and had heard nothing on his wellbeing since. That was a deep blow to begin with, but as the hours ticked by, giving into weeks; starvation and injuries had taken hold.
Despite the attempts, Izuku refused to give anything up. Actually - he simply didn't speak most of the time. He wasn't going to give them the satisfaction - much less, give them information regarding Katsuki. He could only hope that his boyfriend kept control, and remained safe. That was his priority.
He almost didn't believe it when the door was thrown open - blond bleeding into blurry vision, piercing red eyes soon following. Was that...? Izuku thinks that it's Katsuki, but he's so weak at this point that he doesn't trust his eyes. It's only when he's cradled gently, feeling warmth and inhaling Katsuki's scent that he realises he's been saved; opting to close tired eyes and relax. That's the moment where Izuku's heart stops, body effectively crashing as the injuries and starvation took over.
It's all a confused blur after that. Through the shouting and desperate attempts to regain a pulse, Izuku simply floats. It's a few minutes of desperation, uncertain if they'd arrived too late. For a while, it appeared to be the case. Still, one thing about Izuku Midoriya was that he was stubborn to a fault.
He hears bits and pieces. Hard to completely understand. but he does manage to grab onto the fact that Katsuki was definitely there. He'd found him, despite the League's best attempts. Kacchan was mourning. He could hear heartbreak, even if he couldn't make out words. Small sensations crept in, his body moving or being held close. Remembering how to breathe, move, sign - it was hard. Everything hurt, and Izuku was having to put everything he had into it. He couldn't let this beat him - and he wouldn't.
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"Kacchan." The word is barely even audible, and Izuku realises that he lacks the strength to attempt to speak again. He's struggling to cling onto consciousness, but he had to try. Hopefully, it would be enough.
Izuku couldn't leave Katsuki. Not now, and not ever if he could help it.
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starshinc Ā· 8 months
@aeviare liked for a mute!izuku starter! (Accepting!)
While tours of the Support Labs were uncommon, at least during class hours - they still could happen. This appeared to be the situation today - Izuku hastily cleaned his desk up a little bit. Normally, itā€™s all organised chaos, a mix of half completed inventions, piles of notebooks and blueprints, hastily shuffled together in something that represents some form of order. Well, it was probably a blessing in disguise - itā€™s a lot easier to find stuff now, anyway. Heā€™d even hastily tidied the small cubby underneath his desk - Ramen huffing as he was disturbed by the adjusting of his bed and toys. Ah, well. The majority of the class were so used to the therapy assistance dog by now, he was one of the class.
Despite trying to busy himself with completing a blueprint - Izuku was on high alert as the door opened, Ramen noting this. The Golden Retriever is quick to rise from underneath he desk, sitting next to Izuku and placing his head in his lap. That helps considerably, one hand reaching to stroke the dogā€™s head as his eyes kept an eye on the tour. Something about the elements? Control? Hm. he probably shouldnā€™t listen in too much - turning back to the blueprint on his desk, sketching out a design for a support item for a member of Class 1-A. He paused though, Ramen pushing closer as he glanced up, eyes locking with the person having a tour. Ah, heā€™s been bustedā€¦! He glanced down at Ramen for a second, glancing back up. Izuku waved sheepishly, smiled shyly, before ducking his head.
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Something about having more control over the elements? An elemental quirk, then. Hmm. Perhaps similar to those Quirks heā€™d seen from 1-A. From the sounds of things - the boy was here to maybe have a Support Item developedā€¦? Thatā€™s interesting. Okay, He gives up on being subtle, listening in. He canā€™t help it! It looked like an amazing ability! Andā€¦Ramen was wagging his tail on the basis that Izuku had said hello - sort of.
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starshinc Ā· 4 months
ā€œthereā€™s something youā€™re not telling me.ā€ / for mute izuuuu
Sometimes, Izuku really hated just how perceptive Katsuki could be. He couldn't hide anything from the blond, no matter how hard he tried. In fairness, it probably didn't help that Ramen was so accustomed to calling Izuku out, so hiding things was a pointless exercise.
Still, Izuku tried - and failed - every single time. You think at one point, he'd start to learn.
It had started with extra grogginess this morning, cracking his eyes open with a hint of confusion - ah, that was right. He stayed over in Katsuki's dorm over Saturday nights. That...took him a few more seconds than normal to remember. He felt...bone-deep tired, despite blacking out almost immediately upon lying down - a rarity, really. The entire purpose of the weekly sleepovers was self care lessons and beating insomnia, but it was still unsual.
Sitting up and starting the day, Izuku continued to try and hide how he was feeling - ignoring the shake of limbs, tremble in his right hand. The light delay in movements due to a headache creeping into the side of his skull. Still, Izuku figured he was hiding it rather well - pointedly ignoring how Ramen stuck close, maybe a giveaway being he merely had a slice of toast. Didn't even mither Katsuki for pancakes, like routine.
It didn't last, though, green orbs snapping up to the blond at the statement, pouting a bit that he's been caught. He knows, at this point, that there isn't much of a chance in continuing to lie.
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'I just feel a bit tired, Kacchan. I'm really fine though...!' He made sure to sign quickly. 'I just need a drink and some painkillers. Didn't you want to go through blueprints today?'
He's still going to try and downplay, at least?
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starshinc Ā· 6 months
@dynmghts said; [ clean ] sender reaches up to wipe something off receiver's face / for m!izuku! and then katsuki promptly shoves him away abfbsbcjskgksvnskf
Sometimes, Kacchan came to the Support Department to watch Izuku work. At first, this was foreign to Izuku - he was used to staying later or beginning earlier in the morning, when no one except Ramen was loyally curled up under his desk. But since Kacchanā€™s recovery and return to normal lessons? Sometimes, he found the spare time to come along to the labs. Mostly when Izuku was working on the hero studentā€™s support items, but that was okay. Izuku could understand that. If the roles were reversed, heā€™d want to check the process of the support items being made, too!
It was later in the evening, rapidly approaching dinner time at this point. But Kacchan had mentioned that he had a hero practical tomorrow - which was great! Heā€™d been waiting for that day for months! So Izuku had insisted to stay in the labs for just a bit longer, wanting to make absolutely sure that the gauntlets were working to perfection. Heā€™s got an entire checklist heā€™s finally completed, now moving on to a final clean and polish. He wanted to make sure they practically shone during the class tomorrow.
Heā€™d gotten so used to the blond being there at this point, he just muttered away as he worked for a while. Eventually, finally, he deemed those gauntlets perfect, sitting back and stretching. There. He could now get some dinner - Ramen would probably be hungry too, and-
Kacchan was reaching for this face? Huh. Izuku blinked, but muscles locked into place and he remained completely still as Katsuki wiped away a stray bit of oil from his cheek. Oh. He did have a habit of getting covered in it - and his hairā€¦ but he canā€™t help but feel warmth at the touch. Before he could even begin to raise his hands to sign? Heā€™s shoved backwards, gasping a bit as he stumbled and regained his footing.
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Kacchan! The sign was fast, exhaling a soft sigh as he placed his tools down. You donā€™t have to shove me about like thatā€¦! A pause, reaching to stroke Ramen as he came over. But thanks. Iā€¦get sorta messy while working sometimes. Iā€™ll have a bath before dinner.
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starshinc Ā· 9 months
šŸ’æ u know who this is for lmao
send me a šŸ’æ and i'll shuffle my music and write a starter based on the first song i get - accepting!
song: over my head (cable car) - the fray.
everyone knows iā€™m in over my head.
this had been a common theme throughout the boyā€™s life. from the moment he was first diagnosed as quirkless. at first, izuku had done his best to carry on as if everything was fine, and he would still achieve his dreams of being a hero. he could become the first quirkless hero! that is, until the world started giving him harsh realities. the first instance the look of pity in his motherā€™s eyes, the whispered apologies - iā€™m so sorry, izuku! - which wasnā€™t what he needed in that moment. he needed her to believe in him, but maybe things would be different at school? perhaps-
the second harsh dose of reality, thrown over him like cold water - the flashing target that was constantly fired at. eventually, as a result, izuku made that decision to simply make the target as small as possible by opting to switch to silence. signing or writing his way through communication, not engaging with his peers or mother alike. that was fine, he simply wouldnā€™t draw much attention to himself. if he couldnā€™t be a hero this way, heā€™d simply become one through the support course. he could build, create - and these would absolutely make sure other people, quirk or not, non-offensive quirks - could become heroes.
iā€™d rather run the other way than stay and see, the smoke and whoā€™s still standing when it clears
then disaster struck. as katsuki was taken from his class during that supposedly routine training camp. what followed after - desperate struggles to track the movements of the new ā€œground zero.ā€ walking stupidly right into the fire and flames, risking it all to bring katsuki back from the depths of conditioning - away from the leagueā€™s clutches and have recovery period started. in a way, this recovery period seemed to be for the both of them, despite izuku never truly understanding it. a lot of his energy went into kacchan, after all. still, at least in the beginning - and still now, taking the time to think about it - their relationship was still extremely rocky.
i wonā€™t let it go down till we torch it ourselves-
of course, izuku couldnā€™t give up - even when reversing the conditioning was providing extremely difficult. at times, the only people the blond seemed to tolerate in his room were his parents, aizawa-sensei and maybe izuku himself. though this appeared rare, the atmosphere frosty at best and straight up explosive at worst. it was difficult, too, with izuku still getting used to the hand now covered in scars and sometimes limited movements, a souvenir from his attempt at bringing katsuki back. still, he was absolutely determined.
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Good Morning, Kacchan. His signing is awkward, favouring his left hand over the over. How are you feeling today?
Heā€™s way in over his head here, but he wants to keep trying. Katsuki deserved to be a hero after all this.
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starshinc Ā· 1 year
oh and throws a dreepy at mute izu,
ok i lost the meme but basically give a pokemon until you have 6 - mute!izuku edition, 1/6
Wait, what exactly is Kacchan about to throw at him? Oh no, thatā€™s a Pokemonā€¦! And oh, no, heā€™s holding his wrenchā€¦!
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Heā€™s not holding his wrench anymore, the metal clattering on the ground as heā€¦.semi-catches the dreepy. Hey, at least it can fly? More of a guide down than anything else. The second Izuku can get one of his hands free, heā€™s signing. Aggressively. Kacchan, you canā€™t just throw Pokemon like that aroundā€¦.! What if I couldnā€™t catch him in time?!
Huffing, he turns his attention to the Pokemon now floating by his shoulder, smiling a little in relief that the little guy survived the throw without being injured. What do you say, little one? You can be my Pokemon if you want!
Well, Izuku is very happy!
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starshinc Ā· 1 year
@phcenixiisms said,
Carefully surprises his twin brother after classes were finished for the day, scooping him up into a tight hug.
"Happy birthday, Zuku!" Izuku beams, twirling him at least twice before setting his brother down onto the floor. Not wanting to accidently make him dizzy by spinning him around too much.
"I got-er well made you some um! Cupcakes and of course got you a present!" He gently tugged Zuku to the small table in their shared room to show the box of a dozen cupcakes and another larger box just beside it. The wrapped box has a few All Might merch items and the biggest one being an oversized long sleeved All Might shirt.
Zuku is always surprised by his brother always scooping him up - compared to his older twin, who is in the hero course, Zuku being in support was a bean pole in comparison. He's giggling at the twirls, squeezing his brother back, beaming as he's set back down onto his own feet.
"Happy birthday to you too, Izuku...!" he makes sure to tackle his brother into a hug, blinking - and beginning to laugh. "I've made you some cupcakes, too...!" And he heads to his side of their shared room, pulling out the cupcakes he made for his brother, as well as a large box. Oh, wouldn't it be ironic if they got one another the same items...? The oversized long sleeve All Might Shirt is pulled over his head immediately. It's clear he loves it.
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starshinc Ā· 1 year
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places this song down for mute! izuku and sobs my fucking eyes out.
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starshinc Ā· 1 year
@ofdetonation said, oi, izuku, c'mere a sec." katsuki gestures to his husband before sitting next to their son on the floor, patting his leg while looking into matching crimson. hiroki scrambles up and sits comfortably while the blond rests a hand on his back to stop him from falling backwards. "he's been practicin' something for you. wanna show him, hiro?"
hiro nods before very slowly lifting his hands, looking between his slow gestures and katsuki's patient gaze. he seems hesitant but ah! he's signing! he starts off with; hello, my name is... worried young gaze looks at katsuki as he seems to hit a roadblock, but katsuki lifts his free hand, helping him start fingerspelling. and when he sees what he's forgetting, hiroki lights up, quickly turning to izuku and making sure to direct his fingerspelling to him - and it's his name!
"there y'go, brat." katsuki ruffles up his hair, glancing to izuku to try and gauge his reaction. "so? whaddya reckon? he ain't too shabby, huh?" / mute au :D
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ā€œComing, Kacchan!ā€ Izuku called, finishing up what he was doing - being a maintenance clean and checking his husbandā€™s gauntlets, looking up just as Katsuki came into the room. Izuku was just finishing putting the gauntlets back together and giving them a good clean and shine before Katsuki was gesturing. Wiping his hands on his apron and removing it, he followed Katsuki as requested, watching Hiro crawl into Katsukiā€™s lap. Practising something, for him? That does explain why their son and katsuki himself had been so quietā€¦
Izuku waited patiently as Hiro raised his hands, not catching on until - oh. oh my god, hiro is signing. heā€™s signing. at him. hiro is signing!!! izuku gasps widely, his eyes absolutely lighting up in delight, and thenā€¦emotional. he wasnā€™t expecting katsuki to teach hiro sign languageā€¦! especially as izuku tended to talk at home - ah, no, it would make sense for when theyā€™re out and aboutā€¦
He waits patiently, his smile widening as hiro looks to his papa for help, watching katsuki gently guide him through the signs that heā€™d forgotten. at katsukiā€™s glance, izukuā€™s eyes are welling up, but heā€™s beaming. ā€œhiro, that was amazingā€¦!ā€ and izuku immediately moves to scoop up their son, swinging him around and giving him a tickle. ā€œyou picked that up so fast, hiro! thank you! you did amazing!ā€ keeping their son in his lap, izuku leaned to press his forehead to his husbandā€™s. ā€œthank you.ā€ he whispered.
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