#💭 — lee sangyeon
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dear my only sangyeon, happy birthday 💭
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might be one of the funniest things jacob has done
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WORLD STOP WORLD PAUSE THE SUNGBEAM IS BACK AND SHE DELIVERED ‼️‼️‼️ this was such a new writing style and i find it SO CUTE ACTUALLY HAHAHHAHA it's kind like reading a magazine interview they're so chaotic (as expected tbh)
some of my fav moments:
[The words “As expected from our resident The Notebook enthusiast” flash across the screen briefly.]
hshshshsh pls the notebook will never leave this man's memory i fear 😭😭😭
ERIC: It was when Sangyeon hyung first introduced us to her. It was at a bonfire party at the beach, and I remember how excited he was. His eyes were just… brighter than the flipping fire whenever he talked about her, talked to her, looked at her. Man… [He shakes his head with almost a wistful smile.] Anyways, the first thing he does when they get there is introduce her to every single one of his friends. He started talking about how she liked Kimi ni Todoke, and I got excited, but I couldn't fucking talk 'cause— ERIC: Basically, hyung wanted her to build connections with all of us. He made the effort to take that first step, and she continued walking that road. They're perfect for each other. SUNWOO: You interrupted me.
[HAKNYEON purses his lips.] HAKNYEON: I feel like it wasn't really a moment for me, but a gradual realization, y'know.
bcs my boyfriend knows best 🥰🥰🥰
HAKNYEON: Ah! It was Changmin. He was doing that fake gagging thing, and Yn and Sangyeon just did not give a shit.
SANGYEON: You're right. I guess I've always known, somehow, that she was the one. It's really hard to envision where I'd be without her with me. I can't see myself rolling out of an empty bed or having coffee by myself in the mornings. I can't go without her hugs anymore, her smile and laugh. It's funny how much of a person can become so integral to your life that they almost become merged with your own.
im framing this shit on a picture frame idc im putting it on my desk bcs sangyeon loves me the mostest 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
[He pauses.] SANGYEON: It was snowing. Maybe the first snow of that year—it probably was. But I was making dinner, and she came barreling in all covered in that fluffy ice, but her eyes were twinkling and she was grinning from ear to ear. She pushes my coat over my body and drags me outside to see it fall… and I fell in love with her all over again. And I think… I think maybe that was when I realized I wanted to experience this—her—for the rest of my life.
y-you're telling me he saw me in that way im 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
SANGYEON: My love, I can't wait to marry you and experience everything, new or old, with you. I love you so much.
when did you know?
nonidol!lee sangyeon x f!reader
1.8k words, sangyeon and his friends are asked a very important question in wake of your wedding, fluff, est relationship au, transcript-style writing?, mild swearing, mentions of food
a/n: wrote this on the plane ride home :')

[The camera shifts and focuses on the figures in its viewfinder. They're a pair of handsome, young men—one of several to come in this series. A soft cough is heard from behind the camera, drawing their attention toward the sound.]
[JACOB and KEVIN flash the interviewer twin smiles.]
INTERVIEWER: Hi, thanks for being here today.
JACOB: Oh, it's our pleasure!
INTERVIEWER: As you may know, this will be a part of a short documentary-style film for the bride and groom. This session should be brief depending on what your answer to the question is.
[KEVIN's eyebrows arch slightly.] KEVIN: Oh, a question? Only one?
INTERVIEWER: Yes, just one. You and the groom are all good friends, right?
[JACOB and KEVIN nod, exchanging glances.]
KEVIN: Definitely. We're all in this big circle of friends. We kind of accumulated numbers throughout college, so to speak. Is that the question? [He chuckles.]
INTERVIEWER: No, no. My question has to do with the couple themselves. When did you know they were the ones for each other?
[ERIC claps his hands with a boyish grin, palms warming against one another as a response cooks in his head. Beside him, SUNWOO glances over with a silent look of contemplation.]
ERIC: I remember exactly when.
[The words “As expected from our resident The Notebook enthusiast” flash across the screen briefly.]
ERIC: It was when Sangyeon hyung first introduced us to her. It was at a bonfire party at the beach, and I remember how excited he was. His eyes were just… brighter than the flipping fire whenever he talked about her, talked to her, looked at her. Man… [He shakes his head with almost a wistful smile.] Anyways, the first thing he does when they get there is introduce her to every single one of his friends.
[SUNWOO starts to nod.] SUNWOO: You know, I do remember that. Hyung brought her over to me and I had half a hot dog in my mouth. He started talking about how she liked Kimi ni Todoke, and I got excited, but I couldn't fucking talk 'cause—
ERIC: Basically, hyung wanted her to build connections with all of us. He made the effort to take that first step, and she continued walking that road. They're perfect for each other.
SUNWOO: You interrupted me.
[ERIC only smiles, but it's clearly with a strain of pettiness at the corners.] ERIC: Well, you ate my ramen. And no one wants to hear about how you had a hot dog in your mouth.
[SUNWOO sticks his tongue out at his counterpart.] SUNWOO: Yn would…
YOUNGHOON: Well, this should be fun. [His face lights up with a smile, impish or innocent, no one can tell. He is just that good.]
[HAKNYEON purses his lips.] HAKNYEON: I feel like it wasn't really a moment for me, but a gradual realization, y'know.
[YOUNGHOON nods.] YOUNGHOON: I think you're right. It's like what they say about love: it sneaks up on you; but for us, it was the epiphany that our friend had found his perfect match.
[The friends share a smile with each other. Their answer is surprisingly wholesome.]
HAKNYEON: But if you want a specific moment—
YOUNGHOON: What about that one game night? They were being so sickly domestic, and I can't remember who said it…
HAKNYEON: Ah! It was Changmin. He was doing that fake gagging thing, and Yn and Sangyeon just did not give a shit. [A bright laugh falls from his mouth.] I bet they were already talking about rings then.
YOUNGHOON: That would make a lot of sense. 'Just get married already.’ And I don't think anyone expected them to look at each other like that.
HAKNYEON: Like... the only thing stopping them from going through with it right then and there was that there was no minister to ordain them.
CHANHEE: Yah, Ji Changmin, take this seriously!
[CHANGMIN lets out a high-pitched laugh, landing a playful slap on his friend's shoulder.] CHANGMIN: I will, I will—I swear!
[A sigh.] CHANHEE: As for your question, that specific moment probably came when Yn-ie confided in us about being scared. D'you remember that?
[His companion suddenly nods with an incredible amount of sobriety compared to just a few seconds ago.] CHANGMIN: Mmh. Yeah, that actually was… pretty revelatory.
INTERVIEWER: Scared? How would that correlate to your confidence in their partnership?
CHANHEE: Well, that night she told us how scared she was about it all going wrong. This is the longest relationship she's been in—I hope that's fine to say, Yn-ie—but her feelings were so overwhelming that she just…
CHANGMIN: There were a lot of things going wrong at that point in her life, but one of the few things she stressed about most was making sure that she and Sangyeon hyung were okay. She didn't need to say that he was her person; it's just something that you knew.
[Another surprisingly wholesome answer.]
[CHANHEE nods his agreement.] CHANHEE: Well said. I think when you're scared to lose a person in the way that she was, that's when you know.
CHANGMIN: Still don't know why she wouldn't let Chucky give her a hug though.
CHANHEE: Absolutely no one wants a hug from that cretin.
[And there it is. But it's the thought that counts, right?]
HYUNJAE: Man! Do I have a shit ton of stories—oh, we're allowed to curse, right? There aren't kids watching this at the wedding, are there? [He winces slightly, suddenly thinking of Sangyeon's nephews. Quickly, he mouths a very clear apology to the camera, but he doesn't know that others have already cursed in this video, too, and cared far less.]
[Like a couple of his friends, JUYEON is the one to marinate on the question a little longer. He's not as vocal about his romanticisms, but they do exist. There's a reason he loves Paris like he does.] JUYEON: Once, hyung wasn't feeling great. I forgot which finals week it was, but he'd had such a Hell week already—
HYUNJAE: So we can curse? Wait, is saying Hell a curse? [He waves away the thought.] Whatever. Yeah, I remember that one. I think it was our senior year of uni and he was trying to land a permanent position at his internship, too.
JUYEON: It was brutal out there. He got sick, but refused to rest when any of us tried to get him to.
[A nod.] HYUNJAE: Yn was the one who talked some sense into him. I don't know what she said to him, but I saw that man's defenses crumble right on his face. It was incredible.
JUYEON: Yeah… and I think besides making me realize that they were meant for each other, it made me also realize… if Sangyeon takes care of us, then who takes care of Sangyeon?
JUYEON and HYUNJAE, together: Yn.
INTERVIEWER: They take care of each other.
[JUYEON nods.] JUYEON: Of course. It's like they know exactly what the other person needs at that moment. It's magic. I want that one day.
HYUNJAE: I would call it a hive mind, but—who am I kidding? They're kind of perfect for each other.
[JACOB and KEVIN glance at each other again, and it's as if they've communicated through looks alone.]
KEVIN: We went ring shopping with him. [He grins brightly.]
JACOB: And it was an honor. Even though it was also very stressful. I can't imagine how stressful planning this wedding was, though.
[KEVIN wipes an imaginary bead of sweat from his forehead.] KEVIN: I am so glad I was not the Maid of Honor. I do not envy Soyeon. But yeah, we went ring shopping with him, and when we were at the last shop of the day, he got a call from her, from Yn.
JACOB: Mhm. Very standard ‘I’ll be home by dinner’ call, but at that moment, Sangyeon finds the ring.
[They nod.] JACOB and KEVIN, together: The ring.
JACOB: And time just kind of stops for a moment, before he's furiously pointing to it and waving us over—
KEVIN: All while Yn's on the other side of the phone, mind you.
JACOB: When the jeweler pulls the ring out of the case—and he just melts. It was the one he was looking for; we all knew. And he motioned for the ring to be bought and packed up, and then went right back to the call.
KEVIN: You could just tell that he was happy to just hear her voice. She must've said she was tired or something, because he offered to go pickup dinner and meet her at home.
JACOB: I know this isn't like the moment we realized they were meant to be, because obviously we thought that before, as well.
KEVIN: Somebody needed to talk about the ring shopping fiasco.
[They point at each other.] JACOB and KEVIN, together: Agreed.
INTERVIEWER: Do you need more time?
[SANGYEON glances up, rubbing his palms against his thighs. It's somewhat anxious, but there's a simultaneous calmness to his facial expression.] SANGYEON: No, I think I've got it. Though, it might sound cliché to some, but it's true, at least for me.
INTERVIEWER: That's all that matters—that it's true to you.
SANGYEON: You're right. I guess I've always known, somehow, that she was the one. It's really hard to envision where I'd be without her with me. I can't see myself rolling out of an empty bed or having coffee by myself in the mornings. I can't go without her hugs anymore, her smile and laugh. It's funny how much of a person can become so integral to your life that they almost become merged with your own.
INTERVIEWER: Some of the testimonials say you're close to soulmates.
[He chuckles, eyebrows raising.] SANGYEON: Is that what the kids are saying? I'm surprised. Soulmates is a… good way to put it.
INTERVIEWER: Do you not agree?
SANGYEON: No, I do agree. I just—we’re just two people in love. I think she would be in so many brilliant places even without me, but she makes me better. I am a better man with her by my side. If I had to pinpoint an exact moment, though?
[He pauses.] SANGYEON: It was snowing. Maybe the first snow of that year—it probably was. But I was making dinner, and she came barreling in all covered in that fluffy ice, but her eyes were twinkling and she was grinning from ear to ear. She pushes my coat over my body and drags me outside to see it fall… and I fell in love with her all over again. And I think… I think maybe that was when I realized I wanted to experience this—her—for the rest of my life.
INTERVIEWER: What would you say to her now?
[He takes a moment to gather himself, and there's a smile crawling onto his face when he raises his head to look straight into the camera.] SANGYEON: My love, I can't wait to marry you and experience everything, new or old, with you. I love you so much.
[The screen fades to black, marking the end to this section of the video.]
a/n: remember to reblog if you enjoyed!
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#the boyz x reader#💭 — lee sangyeon#mutuals! <3#dearest beam ✨#also le gasp she wrote for another member instead of changmin
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☆ lee sangyeon x male reader 18+ MDNI
-> sugar daddy!sangyeon x sugar baby!reader
꩜ .ᐟ smut, headcanons
contents: rough sex, brat taming, gentle sex, hickeys, spanking, pulling hair, doting, showing off, dressing up, hugging, scratching, public sex, bdsm, bondage, dollification, bragging, dominant!sangyeon x submissive!reader, voyeurism, obsession
♡︎♡︎♡︎ likes, comments and reblogs are highly appreciated ♡︎♡︎♡︎
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
✮⋆˙ he enjoys dressing you up like his little doll and purchasing you more clothing, shoes, and accessories than you could possibly fathom.
✮⋆˙ he enjoys bringing you to every business event he attends in order to show you off and boast about you to his pompous colleagues.
✮⋆˙ he likes to hug you in his arms and bury his nose in your hair while inhaling the fresh aroma of your shampoo.
✮⋆˙ he loves to shower you with affection and indulges your every need.
✮⋆˙ he adores you with a passion that borders on obsession.
✮⋆˙ he enjoys taking you out to dinner, exclusively dining at five-star restaurants, and purchasing you whatever you want from the menu.
✮⋆˙ he enjoys brat-taming you! give him all the attitude you want, he'll just fuck it out of you later.
✮⋆˙ he enjoys fucking you gently and lovingly after you've been a good boy.
"daddy's so happy, you've been such a good boy to me today." "do you feel daddy's love, baby?" "daddy will never stop loving you, my sweet baby." "who's my good boy, huh?"
✮⋆˙ he takes your face and makes you look him in the eyes while he fucks you.
“look at daddy, baby.” “let me see those pretty eyes, let me see the love you have for me in them.” “you’re so cute, baby. you look so cute when you’re on my cock.”
✮⋆˙ he enjoys fucking you relentlessly when you've been a bad boy, as well as whispering sweet nothings into your ear.
"you’re such a good doll.” “taking daddy's dick feels good, doesn't it, baby?" "tell daddy you are sorry, baby. let me hear you scream for daddy."
✮⋆˙ the next day, he will take you on shopping sprees or deposit a large sum of money into your account as a reward for taking his cock so nicely.
✮⋆˙ he will take you out to buy clothes only to fuck you in the changing rooms. his hand covers your mouth to prevent being caught. sure, he can rent entire stores and have simply you and him inside, but where's the pleasure in that?
✮⋆˙ he takes great joy in stroking every area of your body and seeing the reaction he gets.
✮⋆˙ he likes brutal sex. pulling your hair, scratching you, or having you dig your nails into his skin, spanking your ass until you beg him to stop, pinching, or applying nipple clamps to your already sensitive nipples.
✮⋆˙ he enjoys watching you jerk off at the sight of him.
"look at daddy, baby." "am i turning you on?" "do you want daddy to take over? beg for it."
✮⋆˙ he enjoys tying you up, watching you tied and defenseless while he asserts his dominance over you.
✮⋆˙ he enjoys fucking you until your legs tremble violently; even then, he does not stop, pulling you into his arms, as you grasp onto him for dear life.
✮⋆˙ he enjoys leaving hickeys all over your body, and he will dress you up and take you out in outfits that highlight those lovely hickeys.
✮⋆˙ he considers you more than just a sugar baby; you're his muse, his confidante, his most treasured possession, his everything.
#— hynzsn’s thoughts 💌#kpop x male reader#tbz x male reader#male reader#sangyeon x male reader#sangyeon x reader#sangyeon smut#sangyeon#lee sangyeon#the boyz hard hours#the boyz smut#the boyz x male reader#the boyz imagines#the boyz scenarios#the boyz#tbz hard hours#tbz imagines#tbz smut#tbz scenarios#tbz#smut#kpop smut#mlm smut
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hi! i'm izzy! 🔞 still me, different page:
@from-izzy 💐 @written-letters-from-izzy 💌 @gifs-from-izzy 🎥
nets: 📢 ; 💙 ; 🎞️ ; 🍿 ; 💛 ; 💭 ; 🌌 ; 🤩
about my writings!! 💜 my health and writing! 💜 tracking! a note from the old me! (to the new me!) 📝 2023 -> 2024
main account masterlist (all sfw!!)
[22:58] | tbz lee juyeon
deep | tbz kim sunwoo
perfect for you | tbz choi chanhee | new
diving in | tbz eric sohn
gleaming | tbz lee sangyeon
here | tbz kim sunwoo
requests currently closed!!
feel free to do so! any sfw requests, send to @from-izzy !!
absolutely no pairings from below:
idol x idol brother/sister's best friend x reader/character 5+ year age gap romantic relationships teacher x student
all videos, images, gifs and musics to their rightful owners! any resemblances to existing persons, places and stories are fully coincidential!! all ideas, plotline, stories and og!characters are mine unless stated otherwise!!
all rights reserved © 2024 from-m-izzy. please do not repost my work at any platforms with and especially without credit. note that either options are plagiarism.
#masterlist#the boyz masterlist#nct masterlist#the boyz x reader#the boyz x you#the boyz imagines#the boyz fluff#the boyz fanfic#the boyz suggestive#the boyz angst#tbz x reader#tbz imagines#tbz scenarios#tbz timestamps#nct x reader#nct x you#nct x y/n#nct x oc#jaemin x reader#jaemin x you#nct#nct dream#nct 127#nct u#nct 2023#the boyz#nct fluff#nct fanfic#the boyz smut#nct smut
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🔞 MDNI!! 🔞
oh well. oh daisy. oh dearest daisy im so sane and normal about you being my secret santa and you writing this for me 😄 istg you are so 😇

oh you're so foul for putting hakkie and eric knowing how ive been having a horrible brainrot for them lately imagine what i was going through when i read this




bjankdjnsakjsnkn stop you referenced one of my fav songs moth to a flame YES IM THE MOTH SANGYEON IS THE FLAMEEEEE


can he freaking just. shut up.


hsashhahahaha why did i laugh at this i thought about the scenario of them writing this down so funny like they need an actual contract



well now you know SO COME GET ME JAYDEN LEE



..............im so stressed im so tired im so done with him.

Unspoken Words (Pt. 1)

‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. Pairing: best friend!Sangyeon x afab!reader x enemy!Hyunjae
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. Summary: If someone were to tell you that you'd be in a fake relationship with the person you despise the most just to make your best friend jealous, you would've laughed in their face. But here you are... caught up in this exact situation.
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. Word Count: 4.2K
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. Warnings: (18+, minors DNI), fake dating, mutual pining, angst, jealousy, lots of suggestive themes such as: mention of a handjob and orgasm, groping, and fondling with breasts. Mentions of alcohol. Some cursing, lots of kissing and making out, eventual smut in the part two. One use of the pet name “baby”. Implied sex and loss of virginity. Lots of time skipping. Let me know if I missed anything! Proofread twice.
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. A/N: And just in the nick of time I’ve managed to write out my Secret Santa exchange gift. This one’s for you baby girl @winterchimez / @midnightfantasiez. You nearly sniffed out that it was me writing for you so I had to deviate and lie to you for a moment so sorry about that huhu anyway! A true blessing that you happen to be my recipient because we both love sangmil. A two-part mini series because I just love to keep you on your toes 😈 Hope you enjoy this gift! Thank you so much for your friendship and all the fun moments shared! Special shoutout to @momhwa-agenda / @aimeecarreros for being my accomplice hehe. Finally a sangmil fic has made its debut on the blog!
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. Network: @deoboyznet

You never should’ve gone to this stupid spring dance.
The thought in your mind repeating like a broken record as you try to hug yourself from the cold air outside the gymnasium. Tears running down your face as you stare off into the ground trying not to remember the reason why you suddenly ran out of the venue to begin with.
It wasn’t always like this. You were once very content with how things were going on in your life.
With the semester almost ending and all your mid-term grades just enough to pass, you couldn’t wait to celebrate surviving your last year of college with this one magical night. Especially with your best friend Sangyeon by your side.
Right… best friend.
The same best friend that had been ignoring you for the last two months or so (not that you were counting of course). Your mind races as you try to figure out for the nth time what even started this whole issue between you two.
All you could think back to was the beginning of his odd behavior, which started the week after your birthday. At first you thought Sangyeon was just busy with extracurriculars, which was often the case since he was part of numerous clubs and volunteer work.
But then things started to feel off as soon as he would ignore your calls, take too long to reply to texts, hearing from other friends he was just at home when he told you he was “fully booked” to hang out. It was like he was trying to come up with every excuse in the book just to not see your face.
Was he trying to hide something from you perhaps? That idea immediately disappeared as soon as you accidentally overheard his conversation with Haknyeon that one time you were all hanging out at Eric’s apartment.
“What?! You’re not gonna ask her to the spring dance?” You hear Haknyeon’s surprised tone.
“Of course not.” Sangyeon scoffs. “Why would I want to bring her? We’re just friends after all.”
You felt a sudden pang in your heart. Tears threatening to fall down as Sangyeon’s words bore deep holes within your soul. After everything you’ve been through together, this is how he thinks of you?
It shouldn’t have been that deep honestly, but with him ignoring you for the past couple of weeks and remembering the promise you made with each other to go together to the spring dance? It really fucking hurt you. Especially when you and Sangyeon had been by each other’s side since you first met three years ago at your freshman orientation. Instantly hitting it off like two peas in a pod and the rest was history.
Somewhere down the line, you knew you had some sort of feelings for him. Who wouldn’t?
With a smile that can cure any bad feeling you had, how he always took care of you first, the lingering hugs before you had to part ways at the end of the day, the way he would remember even the most insignificant details of a story you were rambling about, and made sure to always message you good night and good morning… He was the dream guy for you.
And even if you had moments wherein you thought he might’ve felt the same way, you didn’t want to sacrifice the strong bond you had with him over a stupid little crush. You just settled with the idea of just staying in the friend zone and not dare to cross any lines with him. Burying any what could’ves and everything else in-between.
Maybe that’s why Sangyeon distancing himself from you hurt more than it should’ve honestly.
So when you were seated at your table during the dance and saw Sangyeon entering the room with his date wrapping her arm around his, you felt massive sting in your chest.
That should’ve been you. It should've been you spending this night with him instead of whoever was currently by his side.
You thought you could go through the night just by avoiding your gaze their table, but the way Sangyeon smiled at his date and at everyone else like nothing was wrong, but his face slightly faltering as he quickly glanced your way, you just had to get out of there before things went downhill.
Your teeth were chattering from the cold air breezing against your exposed skin, nose sniffling and hands wiping whatever tears were leaving marks on your face. Suddenly, a pair of shoes enter your line of vision while your eyes were still glued to the ground.
“You shouldn’t be out here, it’s freezing.” The familiar voice tells you.
As soon as you look up, you find Hyunjae staring down at you. One of his eyebrows slightly raised as he wonders what has gotten you into this depressed state on a special night like this.
“Laugh it up Hyunjae, isn’t this what you’ve always wanted? To see me cry?” You look up at him for a moment with your tear-stained face before looking back down at your feet.
Before you could even continue feeling sorry for yourself, Hyunjae sighs and squats down, his face now at the same level as yours. You feel his fingers lift your chin and gently tap the tears away from your cheeks with his handkerchief. Your eyes widen as he leans in closer, making sure not to ruin your makeup in the process.
“W-what are you doing?” you stutter.
“Pretty girls like you shouldn’t be crying.” He nonchalantly replies.
You’re too stunned to speak at his comment. As far as you know, Hyunjae has been nothing but a pain in your ass ever since he accidentally bumped into you in the hallway causing your diorama to break into tiny pieces as it fell to the ground.
Since then, you wrote him off as your sworn enemy. Always finding ways to annoy the hell out of you and get you to react to his antics, making side comments to one another, and his constant teasing that made you want to rip your hair off.
So no, never in your wildest dreams would you hear such a comment coming out of Hyunjae’s mouth.
“Hello?” Hyunjae waves his hand in front of you.
“What?” You shook your head as you were too distracted from hearing the question he had asked you.
“I said, do you wanna get out of here or what?” He sighs as he lends his hand out for you to grab. You hesitate at first. In any normal situation, you would never even let Hyunjae get as close as he did just now, let alone go somewhere with him.
But what the hell… Anywhere is better than here.

“So… who’s the lucky guy that has you bawling your eyes out? It’s obviously not me.” Hyunjae smirks. You had found yourself seated by the bar, eating french fries as you waited for your drinks to arrive.
“It’s uh- It’s a little complicated.” You try to avoid his eyes.
“Trouble in paradise?” Hyunjae pops a fry into his mouth waiting for your answer. Your eyes widen at his suggestion, knowing who he was referring to.
“What? No! I mean- We were never together if that’s what you’re thinking.” You sigh before carefully explaining to him the whole situation you were currently in with Sangyeon. Hyunjae intently looks into your eyes as you tell your side of the story.
“Huh…” Hyunjae takes a sip of his beer.
“That’s it? That’s all you have to say?” You look at him as he drinks, trying to not to dwell too much at the way his neck looks flexed under the dim light.
“You’re really impatient you know that?” He chuckles before taking another sip. “I was about to tell you an idea I just thought of.”
“Yeah? Let’s hear it then.” You take a sip of your cocktail this time.
“What if you make him jealous? Like really jealous.” Hyunjae suggests.
“Pass. First of all, I don’t think he likes me that way. And second, who the hell would he even be jealous of? Sangyeon hardly gets jealous by anything.” You squint at him. What a silly idea.
“No c’mon. Trust me, he’ll be jealous alright. Especially when it comes to you.” He eyes you up and down subtly.
“What does that even me-” Before you could even finish your sentence you spot behind Hyunjae a group of students dressed in formal attire entering the bar. And like a moth to a flame, you immediately spot Sangyeon and his date amongst the group.
Hyunjae turns around to see what had been the cause of your panic, his eyes immediately spotting Sangyeon from a distance as well. And as soon as Sangyeon had a puzzled look on his face he knew that Sangyeon had spotted the two of you by the bar, wondering what the hell were you doing with Hyunjae of all people.
You hop off the bar stool, attempting to run away like you did during the dance, but you suddenly feel a hand gently grab you by the arm and pull you back before you could even make a run for it.
“C’mere.” Hyunjae asks.
“Just follow my lead.” He whispers in your ear.
And before you know it, you feel Hyunjae lips pressed against yours. His hands cupping your face before sliding down to your waist, pulling you closer to him. It takes a moment for your brain to process what’s going on, but your body responds faster by wrapping your arms around Hyunjae’s neck and deepening the kiss.
The way his lips perfectly mold against yours, how soft they feel as his hands squeeze your waist. The little groan he lets out as you slip your tongue inside his mouth, tasting the beer he had drank as your fingers run through his hair.
You nearly moan with how he slowly but expertly moves his mouth against yours. As if he’s taking to memory what your lips feel like in case this moment would never happen again. Both you and Hyunjae nearly forget you’re practically sucking each other’s faces off in public, which was surprising considering the nature of your relationship with one another.
No one could even tell the two of you despised the other as you held each other like lovers.
None of you see it, but the way Sangyeon looks at both of you right now is as if he wants to throw daggers at Hyunjae from across the room. Witnessing the both of you passionately kissing each other makes his stomach churn, a feeling he has never felt before. So many questions run in his head as he continues to watch from afar.
Before he even tries to take a step towards your direction, he sees you both pull away from one another. Hyunjae whispering something in your ear as you look too stunned to speak before taking out his wallet, pulling out cash and settling it on the table before whisking you away out of the bar.
Sangyeon really should’ve brought you to the spring dance like he promised… because not only does he feel like an asshole, but a jealous one at that.

The car ride on the way to your house was incredibly silent, as if what had happened between you and Hyunjae was just your imagination. Except it wasn’t. You could still feel his lips lingering on yours as you try to lean your head against the window and looking at anything passing by.
You’re broken from your trance as you hear Hyunjae’s door closing and his figure making its way to your side of the car. He lends out his hand for you to grab once again, helping you get out of the car and walk you to the front of your apartment.
“So… I’ll see you around?” Hyunjae smiles awkwardly says as he puts both his hands in his pockets.
“Hyunjae, wait-” You grab his elbow as he’s about to turn around.
“Hm?” He raises one eyebrow.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this but-” You huff in-between, “let’s go with your plan.” You watch the little mischievous smirk appear on Hyunjae’s lips.
“If you just wanted to make out some more you could’ve just asked.” He teases. You’re about to slap him on the arm but he catches your hand and holds it tight.
“I’m kidding! Just… Let me know when and what time we can talk about it more alright?” He squeezes your hand gently. You don’t know why but a tiny little butterfly flutters in your stomach as you feel Hyunjae’s thumb subconsciously stroke the back of your hand.
“Okay… Thank you by the way for tonight-” you tiptoe a bit to hold Hyunjae’s cheek and leave a light peck on his lips. He’s caught off guard by your action, almost leaning forward some more to continue kissing you but you pull away quick enough before he does.
“Y-yeah, sure. Anytime.” Thank god it’s night time he thinks, otherwise you would've easily spotted the redness flaring in his ears and made fun of him for it.
“Call me okay?” He squeezes your hand once more before letting go and walking back to his car. You watch him drive off before heading up to your apartment, leaning against the front door and letting out one big sigh of relief.
“What the hell did I get myself into?”

“If you really want this to work, we have to set a few ground rules.” Hyunjae he pulls out a pen and paper from his bag, immediately writing down a numbered list for you both to fill out.
“Rule one- if one of us wants to stop this thing at any given moment, the contract will end.” Hyunjae says as he writes it down.
“Hmm.. what about rule two- if any of us catch some sort of feelings for one another, the contract is immediately terminated” You add. Hyunjae scoffs at the idea.
“Catch feelings? Seriously?” He looks up at you with a smirk. “Is there something you’ve been meaning to tell me this whole time?” He continues to tease.
“I’m serious! It’s only gonna get complicated for us to execute this plan if feelings are involved. Haven’t you seen the movies?” You ask him.
“Fine, you have a point.” He writes down your suggestion earlier.
“Okay, rule three- kisses are a must if you want this thing to work.” He looks at you in the eyes. “And other things couples do.”
You roll your eyes at him, “Fine, but nothing beyond second base please?” You scrunch your face at the thought.
“Oh?” Hyunjae looks at you with a few twinkles in his eyes. “So does that mean I get to play with your-”
“NO! Not that. Like y’know, just waist touching and maybe the occasional touch of the ass. But definitely and absolutely no touching my chest whatsoever.” You point your finger at him. “I'm serious.”
“Alright alright!” Hyunjae raises his hands up in defense. “Anything else you wanna add?”
“Let me see the list again.” You grab the paper from his hands, carefully examining the words written before nodding.
“This looks good. Yeah, I’m fine with this.” You hand the paper back to Hyunjae.
“It’s a deal.” He says as you both shake on it before getting up to part ways.
Before you have a chance to take a step towards where your class is, Hyunjae pulls you into his chest and leaves a kiss on your lips, making you squeal in surprise.
“Sit with me during lunch. We start this today, okay?” Hyunjae reminds you. You nod your head before shyly giving him a kiss on his cheek and walking away to head to your first class of the day.

Sangyeon could not keep his eyes off you during study period. It had been this way every time you happen to be in the same room as him. You looked beautiful as ever of course but he could feel his blood pressure shooting up every time he would be near you.
Ever since that night he saw you kissing Hyunjae almost two weeks ago, it was like the two of you were everywhere.
He hated the way Hyunjae would always whisper something in your ear and you would laugh at whatever he said. Or the way his hand would find purchase on your lower back. And not to mention the way he would brush any loose hair behind your ear before kissing you goodbye.
It should’ve been him. He should've been the one doing all these things to you. He should've been the guy leaving you all those loving kisses, holding you by your waist, reminding you of how beautiful you look every single chance he got.
If only he was honest with you that night.
Sangyeon’s internal monologuing was cut short when he sees you getting up from your seat and patting Hyunjae on the shoulder before making your way between the bookshelves in the library.
As you slowly search for the book you need for your English paper, your shoulder bumps into a semi hard surface. “Oh! I’m so so-” you whisper but stop mid sentence as the familiar scent of cologne hits your nose.
“Hey….” Sangyeon whispers.
“Uh- Hi.” You back away from him a bit as an awkward silence falls between you two.
“How are things going? We haven’t talked in a while.” He fiddles with his own fingers, trying to think of the next words to say to you.
“Good I guess? Just trying to make it through the semester and stay motivated.” You respond.
“Sure looks like it-” Sangyeon mumbles. But you clearly hear him and scoff at his rudeness.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” You cross your arms against your chest.
“Seriously… Hyunjae? Why him?” He loudly whispers. “You’re better than that.”
“Yeah?” You step a little closer to Sangyeon, closing the gap between you two.
“Well where the fuck have you been huh? Where were you when I needed you?” You match the level of his tone.
“You don’t understand-”
“Then explain it to me then Sangyeon! I’m listening.”
He tries to speak but nothing comes out, panicking that this might be the last chance he could get to explain why he’s been so distant.
“I-uh” His eyes look everywhere else except you.
“Nothing? Thought so.” You push past him, making sure to harshly nudge your shoulder against his.
Sangyeon tries to follow you, but as soon as he steps out between the bookshelves he sees you head out of the library while Hyunjae scrambles to grab all your things from the table and chases after you. He sighs out of frustration combing his hair as he mentally curses at himself.
Oh he really fucked things up didn’t he?

“And he had the nerve, THE NERVE to tell me I know better. I can’t believe him!” You pace back and forth in your bedroom as you rant to Hyunjae about the events that took place in the library
“I honestly don’t know if I should feel offended or flattered at his little comment about me.” Hyunjae’s eyes follow you as you continue to move around.
“Think about it this way, at least we know the plan is working. Otherwise he wouldn’t have approached you like that.”
“Maybe? Ugh! Why are men so dumb?” You sigh.
“We think with our dicks that’s why. Well… maybe that’s just me.” He smirks, trying to crack a joke to break the tension. His little joke becomes successful when you look back at him and chuckle.
“Forget about him,” Hyunjae adds. “Tonight we drink to celebrate passing yet another exam and watch movies til we fall asleep or you decide to kick me out. Whichever comes first.”
He pours a full glass of wine for each of you as you plop down beside him and get cozy.
“Fine, but I’m picking the movie okay?” You tell him as you open your laptop and search for your favorite comfort movie.

Hours pass, almost three bottles of wine finished, and the movie long forgotten as you decide to chat with each other about anything and everything instead. It’s been nothing but laughs and mocking each other as you reminisce all the times you pissed each other off and funny stories of one another.
“Oh the look on your face was fucking priceless-” You laugh out loud, trying to catch your breath as you recall one embarrassing moment of Hyunjae.
“Well what the hell was I supposed to do then huh? Tell the professor I was getting a handjob under the table during his class?” His voice raises in defense. “Not my fault she couldn’t resist me.”
“You looked so mortified too holy shit-” You laugh.
“I was nearing a fucking orgasm okay? Then he calls me to the front of the class to write down my answer for the stupid formula. That professor practically edged me!” His cheeks starting to turn even more red as you continue to laugh at him.
“Ow it hurts, wait-” You clutch your stomach from the pain of laughing too much.
“Oh yeah? Let’s see how you like it then-” Hyunjae lunges forward, pulling your arms away to tickle you furiously.
You squeal out his name, trying to push him away while he tackles you. As you try to squirm out of his grip, you don’t even realize the position you’ve gotten yourselves into. Your body caged under his as he grabs your wrists and pins them down at each side of your head.
As the laughter starts to die down, Hyunjae looks down at you with heavy eyelids. You look incredibly pretty under him in this moment, he thinks to himself.
You didn’t even do anything in that moment but it was like he felt so drawn to you. Like you were a siren pulling him in. Your breath hitches as he leans down closer to your face, briefly stopping to search for any sign of consent before fully pressing his lips against yours.
This obviously is not the first time you two have kissed. But for some reason, this kiss felt different than all the other ones. You both kiss each other slowly, lips molding like a perfect dance as his hands let go of your wrist and hold you by your waist instead.
And just like the first time you kissed, you find yourself automatically wrapping your arms around him and running your fingers through his hair, pulling his body closer to yours as kisses travel down from your jaw to the most sensitive part of your neck.
You feel your core blooming in heat as his tongue expertly swirls inside your mouth. How it pulsates for him as you feel his hands go under your shirt, stopping right under your breasts.
You suddenly gasp as his hands start fondling your bra covered chest, gently kneading them as he continues to leave small marks on your sensitive skin with his lips.
A choked moan comes out as you feel his manhood throb against your core, reminding you of the thin layers of clothing, your thin pajama shorts and his sweatpants that stand between you two from crossing any lines.
“Hyunjae, wait-” You try to slowly push him off. His head pulls away to look at your face.
“Oh shit. I’m- fuck sorry no chest stuff-” You see the panic look in his eyes. But before he’s able to pull away, you grab him by the wrists and press his hands deeper into your chest.
A deep groan comes out of his mouth as he squeezes your breasts again, feeling your sensitive buds slowly hardening under your bra.
“No it’s not that. I-” You close your eyes for a moment before swallowing the lump in your throat. You feel your cheeks become warm at what you’re about to confess to him.
"I've never done stuff like this before..." you nervously say.
It takes a few seconds for your words to sink in before Hyunjae looks back at you with widened eyes.
“Oh uh- are you sure? We can stop. We don’t even have to do anything more-” He caresses your cheek.
“The thing is…” You pause to slowly swipe your thumb on his lower lip. “I want to-”
You look up at him with the most innocent looking eyes and Hyunjae swears to himself that he’s never seen anyone look at him the way you do. Like he had hung the moon for you. Hyunjae softly smiles at you before leaning to kiss you once again,
"Then sit tight baby… Because I'm about to rock your world."

#the boyz x reader#🔞 — mature themes!#💭 — lee sangyeon#🐻 — lee hyunjae#lee sangyeon x reader#lee sangyeon smut#lee hyunjae x reader#lee hyunjae smut#mutuals! <3#daisy 🌼
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Disclaimer: this is fanfiction written by me and I use THE BOYZ’s Lee Juyeon, Lee Sangyeon, Kim Sunwoo and Lee Hyunjae as the face claim of my character here. Everything is here is not related to THE BOYZ and IST Entertainment. Picture credit to the owner.
Juyeon adiknya adalah lelaki yang sopan.
Juyeon adiknya selalu menjaga tutur kata dengan baik.
Juyeon adiknya selalu bersikap ramah pada siapapun.
Tapi Juyeon di depan Sangyeon saat ini bukan sosok adik yang selalu ia banggakan pada siapapun. Sangyeon tidak tahu kemana larinya senyum manis Juyeon yang selalu membuat kedua matanya berubah menjadi bulan sabit. Sangyeon juga tidak bisa menjawab ada di mana sorot mata lembut dan penuh keteduhan yang selalu Juyeon tunjukkan.
Sekarang hanya ada Juyeon yang menatapnya tajam dengan kedua tangan sengaja ia lipat di depan dada. Sudah sepuluh menit berlalu, tetapi Juyeon tidak membuka mulutnya sama sekali. Netra kelam itu hanya beralih menatap Sangyeon dan Sunwoo— seorang lelaki remaja yang ada di sebelah Sangyeon— penuh kebencian.
Sangyeon tahu dan sadar akan ini. Sangyeon bukan orang bodoh. Ia jelas mengerti aura apa yang Juyeon pancarkan saat ini; marah, benci, dendam dan kecewa.
“So far, if I’m not mistaken, you’ve stated that you hate Ayah. But hatred is eating away at you to the point where you act exactly like him.”
Akhirnya Juyeon membuka suara setelah sekian lama betah mengatupkan bibirnya rapat-rapat. Intonasi yang ia pilih jelas membuat Sunwoo dilanda rasa takut yang teramat sangat. Sangyeon selalu memuji Juyeon yang sopan dan lembut sampai membuat Sunwoo berharap bisa bertemu Juyeon secara langsung. Namun yang terjadi dipertemuan pertama mereka adalah ekspresi wajah penuh amarah dengan rahang menegang keras.
“Juyeon. Abang gak—”
“Gak kaya Ayah?” Juyeon menyela ucapan Sangyeon begitu saja sebelum terkekeh sinis. Kepalanya sengaja ia alihkan ke arah lain. Menunjukkan betapa enggan dirinya menatap sang kakak yang selalu ia hormati selama ini. “Jelasin ke gue letak lo gak mirip Ayah di mana? di mata gue kalian sama. Bilang sibuk kerja, sibuk ini dan tai lah. Ya elo emang sibuk sih. Sibuk berduaan sama anak remaja seolah-olah lo balik ke masa remaja yang dimabuk cinta. Persis banget Ayah.”
Juyeon menghentikan ucapannya. Kali ini matanya teralihkan memperhatikan Sunwoo yang menunduk dalam-dalam. Berusaha keras menghindari tatapan Juyeon. “Lo ingat gak umur berapa gue tau kalau Ayah selingkuh sama teman kerjanya? persis banget seumuran sama selingkuhan lo ini.”
Sangyeon terhenyak. Dalam hitungan detik memori tentang Juyeon yang hancur di depannya terputar begitu saja. Kenangan buruk tentang betapa hancur hati Sangyeon, Bunda serta Juyeon membuat Sangyeon tiba-tiba merasa sesak nafas. Kehilangan kemampuannya menghirup udara.
“Tingkah lo gini gak cuma buat keluarga kecil lo kecewa Bang, tapi gue dan Bunda juga kecewa setengah mati sama lo. Lo tau gimana Bunda sayang banget sama istri lo, selalu berharap kalian bahagia karena Bunda tau rasanya sakit hati dikhianati. Tapi ternyata kelakuan brengsek mantan suaminya nurun ke anak sulungnya ini.” Juyeon masih menjadi orang yang menguasai percakapan karena baik Sangyeon dan Sunwoo memilih menutup mulut. Membiarkan Juyeon meluapkan segala emosinya. “Anjing lo Bang. Lo gak cuma menorehkan luka ke keluarga lo, tapi juga gue. Lo buat berdarah lagi luka gue. Lo bikin gue kehilangan kepercayaan diri yang udah susah payah gue bangun. Bajingan.”
“Lo adalah orang yang paling tau gimana perilaku bejat Ayah memengaruhi hidup gue, merusak hidup gue. Lo tau dengan sangat jelas gimana gue dihantui bayang-bayang ucapan orang kalau buah gak akan jatuh jauh dari pohonnya. Lo memahami gue yang takut memulai hubungan karena gimana Ayah memperlakukan Bunda karena gue takut melakukan hal serupa. I finally felt comfortable enough with myself to begin dating Hyunjae after a lengthy period of doubt, and your actions have given me hope that I, too, may become someone as jerky as you. It really haunted me.”
“Gue minta maaf.”
Tawa Juyeon lagi-lagi terdengar. Kali ini membuat Sunwoo benar-benar tidak nyaman. Apalagi Sangyeon tidak melakukan sesuatu yang berarti untuk sekadar membela posisinya.
“Maaf kak. Maaf atas perilaku gue dan Kak Sangyeon. Kita saling sayang, Kak. Emang salah rasa sayang kita berdua?” dengan segenap keberanian yang tersisa akhirnya Sunwoo membuka suara.
Juyeon menggertakkan giginya usai mendengar ucapan Sunwoo. Sengaja ia tatap lurus Sunwoo. “Oh bisa ngomong? gue kira lo bisu sih soalnya gak bisa menolak dan bilang gak ke orang yang punya istri dan anak.”
Bukan hanya Sunwoo yang tertohok karena Sangyeon juga merasa demikian.
“Terus lo bakalan gunain cinta sebagai excuse dari tingkah kalian ini? halah bocah. Lo mau membangun dongeng impian lo, tapi menghancurkan dongeng orang lain? lo waras gak?” Juyeon meninggikan nada suaranya. “Lo pernah gak kepikiran anak dan istri saat hahah hehehe sama Abang gue? rasa cinta lo setelah ini mungkin bisa berkurang, tapi sakit hati dan luka yang dirasain keluarga kami gak akan bisa berkurang mau lo kasih seluruh harta lo termasuk diri lo juga. Tingkah lo gak cuma menghancurkan hati orang lain, tapi juga merusak mental seorang perempuan dan anak kecil yang gak tau apa-apa.”
Juyeon bangkit dari duduknya. Memandangi sang kakak dan kekasihnya bergantian sambil menghirup nafas dalam-dalam. Berusaha sekuat tenaga mengisi paru-parunya dengan oksigen semampu yang ia bisa.
Hati Juyeon remuk.
Trauma ia dan Bunda belum sembuh, tapi sang kakak malah membuat trauma baru ke orang lain. Juyeon ingin menangis sekuat-kuatnya. Meraung pada sang kakak keras-keras. Namun yang mampu ia keluarkan adalah;
“As soon as you have an affair with him, you should be aware that you have lost more than just your wife and daughter—you have also lost your brother as well.”
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the boy ot11 header??
sorry if it’s a lil blurry. </3

#₍⑅ᐢ›ﻌ‹ᐢ₎ ‧ ₊˚ ౨ strawbericc’s requests ! ( 💭. 🎀 )#the boyz#the boyz headers#the boyz layouts#the boyz icons#the boyz lq#the boyz lq icons#tbz headers#tbz layouts#kim younghoon#lee juyeon#kevin moon#jacob bae#eric sohn#lee hyunjae#lee sangyeon#ju haknyeon#kim sunwoo#choi chanhee#ji changmin#tbz younghoon#tbz kevin#tbz jacob#tbz sunwoo#tbz eric#tbz hyunjae#tbz juyeon#tbz sangyeon#tbz chanhee#tbz changmin
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tag directory <3
— just in case you get confused, or if you’d like to sift through a particular tag for particular recs :)
🔞 — explicit : 18+ / minors dni
💓 — fluffy : fluff
🧊 — angsty : angst
🔊 — crack : crack
🫶.[title] : series that i’m currently reading
➖ — connect!
🐹 — heeseung
🦅 — jay
🦮 — jake
🐧 — sunghoon
🦊 — sunoo
🐈 — jungwon
🐥 — riki
✖️ — one dream!
🦊 — yeonjun
🐰 — soobin
🐻 — beomgyu
🐿 — taehyun
🐧 — huening kai
✔️ — say the name!
🍒 — seungcheol
😇 — jeonghan
🦌 — joshua
😼 — jun
🐯 — soonyoung
🐱 — wonwoo
🍚 — jihoon
⚔️ — seokmin
🐶 — mingyu
🐸 — minghao
🍊 — seungkwan
🐢 — vernon
🦦 — chan
➗ — step out!
🐺 — bang chan
🐰 — lee know
🐷 — changbin
🐱 — hyunjin
🐿 — han
🐥 — felix
🐶 — seungmin
🦊 — jeongin
♾️ — 8 makes 1 team!
🐰 — seonghwa
🐿️ — hongjoong
🐶 — yunho
🍓 — yeosang
🏔️ — san
🐥 — mingi
🐈⬛ — wooyoung
🐻 — jongho
©️ — yo dream!
🐆 — mark lee
🦊 — renjun
🐶 — jeno
🐻 — hyuck
🐰 — jaemin
🐬 — chenle
🐹 — jisung
🟰 — best! we the boyz!
💭 — sangyeon
🍐 — jacob
🍞 — younghoon
🐻 — hyunjae
🐱 — juyeon
🌙 — kevin
🐧 — chanhee
🐿️ — changmin
🐷 — haknyeon
🦝 — sunwoo
🦄 — eric
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reblogging & recommending this here too bcs THIS IS SO GOOD. 😩😩😩
a new writer?! wowww! welcome welcome! i hope you can do something for sangyeon too. here's a headstart idea (or maybe an inspiration if you would take it that way.)
only child fm!reader was left alone with stepfather!sangyeon in the house because fm!reader's biological mom is out to get groceries and meet friends.fm!reader has been finding her stepdad very hot and when her mom told her that they can get to know each other while she's out, fm!reader tries to get his attention and she succeeded. she takes his hand.
"where are you taking me, sweet pea?" he asked in a gentle tone.
"to my room. it's less risky there because mom is the type of person who doesn't come in until she was told to," reader says. "and she has quite a bad hearing so if she doesn"t hear anything, she will just leave. she will immediately think i dont wanna be disturbed."
"of course." he said. "you will never want to be cut off while having fun on my dick."
thank you so much for welcoming me so warmly! <3
content: 18+, stepdaddy!sangyeon, stepcest, con, smut, mdni, he calls you pet names(babygirl, sweetie, etc)
you've always found your stepfather!sangyeon quite attractive. but it felt weird, but you couldn't help it. he's not your blood, so it's not THAT bad...right?
who knew you'd be in this position. sangyeon was slurping and licking, eating you out like his life depended on it. you had your panties stuffed in your mouth at the moment, so the moans you he was creating out of you was muffled. "don't want your mother hearing now do we babygirl?"
at this point, while eating you out sangyeon had already discarded his jeans, and underwear. the taste alone was making him hump the air a bit. you felt in complete bliss. who knew YOU'D also be experiencing what you've heard between thin walls. your mother muffled moans, the pleasure he was giving her, he was now giving to you. you were in HEAVEN, that you didn't even hear your mother call out, "guys, I'm home!!"
sangyeon heard it, and motioned for you to stay quiet, and covered your mouth with his hand. you nodded, but he decided it was the PERFECT time to slip 2 fingers into your tiny little pussy, while flicking his tongue against your clit. the mews and whimpers escaping your mouth was a little louder than expected.
"darling, you're being too loud.." the squishy and lewd noises your pussy is making from his fingers is insanely loud in the quiet room. mother still hasn't knocked or tried coming in, so it seems to be safe!
sangyeon decided you were prepped enough before standing up at the foot of the bed. your chest heaving as you watch him spit on his hand before stroking his cock lubing it up for you. he wasn't exactly big but he wasn't small either.
sangyeon interwined his fingers with yours before removing your panties from your mouth, and kissing you deeply. "are you ready, sweetie?" you nodded, before he prodded his cock against your opening, slapping it on your click before reaching between to rub your slick against his cock. a quiet "mmmh" against your neck before slipping himself inside.
you had squeezed his hand, and pursed your lips together so the moan that was threatening to escape, didn't. you felt so full. "daddy, it feels so good.." you whimpered quietly, taking a bit out of the arm closest to your head. "god, you're so fucking tight babygirl."
he sped up just a little, but not enough where the headboard is hitting the wall. feeling him thrust in & out felt like complete heaven. you were in bliss. "you know.. i've thought about this moment for a while.." he started gasping a little out of breathe. "i've always thought about having your tight little pussy wrapped around this cock."
just those words had you clenching, you were close. the tight feeling in your abdomen was getting closer and closer. "daddy, i'm gonna" biting your lip before a loud whimper accidently left your lips. you noticed sangyeon smiling before he let out a soft chuckle, covering your mouth. "you can cum baby, please cum around my cock."
and his voice alone helped, you let it all go. the feeling of ecstasy, making your vision blurry and seeing stars. the clench around his cock, made him let go. he quickly pulled out before spraying his cum against your stomach. both a grunting mess, your body shaking. "mmm fuck.." sangyeon gasped into your neck before laying down next to you.
"we should... do this more often, sweetheart." before placing a kiss on your forehead.
#📚 — fics rec!#the boyz smut#💭 — lee sangyeon#lee sangyeon x reader#lee sangyeon smut#jayden lee the man you are 🫠🫠🫠
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🔞 MDNI!! 🔞
oh good lord NOW I WANT SANTA DADDY SANGYEON 😩😩😩😩😩 ELENA YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW THIS IS AWAKENED SOMETHING WITHIN ME AND HOW BADLY I WANT TO GRIND ON HIS COCK 🥵🥵🥵 I WILL GLADLY BE ON HIS NAUGHTY LIST ALL YEAR IF THIS IS WHAT I GET IN RETURN 🥰🥰🥰 (also lmao i burst out laughing when the son called him out for kissing every mums bcs hey its lee sangyeon and he's the daddiest of them all so ofc he would do that 24/7 😚😚😚)
momma's kissing santa
PAIRING: Sangyeon/AFAB Reader
WARNINGS: Fluff, daddy Sangyeon, smut (18+ MINORS DNI!!), dry humping, Santa roleplay kink, unprotected sex, creampie.
SUMMARY: On a magical Christmas Eve, a heartwarming surprise is in the works for your son as your husband transforms into Santa Claus. In the cozy glow of the living room, the festive plan takes an unexpected turn when Sangyeon, lost in the enchantment of the moment, shares a tender kiss with you, right in front of your son.
A/N: This and the Younghoon fic were all smutty thoughts lmao. But pleeeasse Dad!Sangyeon and Christmas sexual innuendos? I can't resist. S/N for son's name.
It's nearly Christmas Eve, and your son is adamant about staying awake until midnight to catch a glimpse of Santa. "Okay, we'll wait for Santa together, but first, let's take a bath," you suggest. Once he's in his pajamas, he rushes back to the living room, eagerly peering out the window for Santa's sleigh.
"Honey, give him some time," you giggle at his excitement. "I'll read you a storybook, or we can play with your new toys while waiting." Despite his initial pout, he agrees to your suggestion, and you sigh in relief.
You and Sangyeon planned a surprise for your boy, having Sangyeon dress up as Santa Claus. To ensure the plan's success, you keep your son occupied to avoid spoiling the surprise, until he falls asleep in your arms.
As he sleeps, you receive a heartwarming Christmas greeting from your husband: "Merry Christmas to my lovely wife. I'm in the living room now." Blushing at the greeting, you gently wake your son, whispering, "Merry Christmas, S/N. Let's go meet Santa." Excitement sparkles in his wide eyes as you lead him to the living room. By the glimmering Christmas tree, Sangyeon, dressed as Santa Claus, waits. You watch the heartwarming scene unfold as your son runs into Santa's embrace.
“Santa! I knew you would come!” S/N
“What made you think I wouldn't?” you purse your lips, fighting the urge to laugh at the sound of Sangyeon’s deep voice, impersonating Santa.
"I tried to be a good boy all year because people said Santa only visits children who are good."
"Well, let me tell you something," Sangyeon says, his eyes crinkling into crescents. "I have a list of all the kids who are nice and a list for those who are naughty. But there is hope for every kid to improve every year."
“Improve?” your son asks, tilting his head.
“To do better next time. And I'm proud of you, S/N. I just hope you're kind to your mother.”
“Oh, I love mommy,” S/N coos. “Even when she gives me ugly greens, I still love mommy.”
You both laugh at your sweet boy. “Well, that means your mother is good at her job.” Sangyeon says, turning to look at you. For a moment, Sangyeon forgets he's dressed as Santa and gives you a light kiss on the lips.
"Santa, why did you kiss my mom?" your son pipes up. You fight to show any reaction by covering your mouth – which muffles your laughter – leaving your husband to answer his child’s question. “Well, the kiss is a... blessing because your mother works hard.”
“Do you do that for every mother?” Just when things couldn’t get any more awkward. With your palm still covering your mouth, you look away and Sangyeon is just stammering. “Oh no… your mother is just very special…That’s why,”
Luckily, your son buys it, and he excitedly asks Santa to stay while he opens some of his presents. After some time, S/N yawns, and you carry him to his room, tucking him in bed.
Returning to the living room, you and Sangyeon revel in the success of the surprise.
“I’m so glad that worked” you place a hand on your chest. “We're cool parents, that's why," he declares, hugging you and planting a kiss on your head.
“Nice move, by the way, babe,” you add, lightly punching his shoulder. Sangyeon frowns, and you roll your eyes. “The kiss. On the lips,” you stress.
“Ahhh,” he brings you back into his arms, pressing his cheek to yours. “I’m sorry, love, it’s a reflex. You’re irresistible” he adds, making a goofy face. You pull his hat down to cover his eyes. “It'll take him a couple more years before he understands that."
"He better not just yet. I don't want to scar him," you tell him.
"He won't. You're doing a good job," Sangyeon reassures you, rubbing your back.
Looking up at Sangyeon, you bat your eyes. “How about me? Do I have a present from the great gift giver of this festive holiday?”
Sangyeon’s lips curl into a smirk. “Oh, I don't know. I'm confused, honestly, because you're on the naughty list, ma'am.”
“But what if I can make up for it? I can be a good girl, Santa” you fiddle with the white curls of his fake beard. “I can start now” you bring his face forward, taking his mouth in an erotic kiss. Sangyeon groans, hands moving from your waist down to grope your ass. You hook one leg around his waist, rolling your hips against his crotch.
Did it feel a little cliche that you were horny and saying all the festive themed sexual innuendos? Maybe a little. But for some reason, your husband dressed as Santa motivated you even more to rile him up.
“Mmm, Santa, you’re so naughty too” you gasp, feeling up his hard-on.
“Are you sure this is the way to get on my nice list?” he hums.
“Well I think you work so hard, and I really want to show you how grateful I am” the last couple of words roll out of your seductively. At that, your husband carries you to the couch, positioning you on top to straddle his lap.
Your tongues tangle around each other ferociously, as you grind on his cock. You’re so needy for him that your arousal stains his pants and neither of you have even undressed yet.
“Do you do this often with…other naughty mommies?” you moan into his ear.
Sangyeon bites his lip, restraining himself from groaning too loud. “Believe me, you’re the only one” his hand slips under your pajamas, twisting his fingers around the waistband of your panties before pulling it up, digging into your folds. Your eyes widen and you purse your lips preventing you from making a sound. “Who has made a good impression” he finishes, rolling his tongue out, barely touching your lips, teasing you.
Reaching behind him to grip the sofa deck, your movements turn desperate. Sangyeon slips two fingers to rub all over your pussy lips and tears start to form in your eyes. The way he could easily draw tears from your eyes just from rubbing your cunt, and having no choice but to bite back your moans was so wicked of him. Fuck, I love him so much, you think.
“Sang-” you cut yourself off, nearly saying your husband’s name. Similar to how he forgot he was playing Santa earlier.
“I need your cock now”
Sangyeon immediately reaches between you, taking his cock out, precum trickling down from his tip. You adjust yourself a little, just enough to move the lacy piece aside, before sinking onto his cock. You hug him close, gasping as you sink your teeth on his neck. Sangyeon digs his fingers into your skin, gripping your ass harder. Even he was having difficulty keeping his groans down.
“Is this everything you wanted on your wishlist?” he manages.
You face him, resting your hands on his knees as you slowly ride him. “Yes. It’s everything I wanted”
You were so wet, you coated Sangyeon’s cock with your juices that the sound of your wetness and the slapping of skin on skin filled the room. Regardless of how many times, how many positions he had you on, Sangyeon was never getting used to the delicious sight of you fucking yourself on his cock. He moves one hand up under your shirt to grope your breasts, turning you on so much you speed up your pace.
“I want you to look at me,” he huskily says. You open your eyes, and in that moment both of you felt your impending orgasms. The daze and lust in you and your husband’s eyes was enough to engulf you both in the shared explosion of your releases.
In one swift motion, you connect your mouths together, muffling both of your moans as he raised his hips to continue fucking yourselves through the wave of your orgasm.
When you eventually calm down from your high, you and Sangyeon just stay there. Holding each other in the tender afterglow.
He kisses your forehead, “Merry Christmas, my love” he tells you.
“Merry Christmas, Sangyeon” you whisper to his lips.
@daisyvisions @snowflakewhispers @winterchimez this is for us ✨💝 here's to a new year of writing and our chaotic friendship.
#the boyz x reader#🔞 — mature themes!#💭 — lee sangyeon#lee sangyeon x reader#lee sangyeon smut#mutuals! <3#elena 👙
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SCREAMING LAUGHING CRYING WHY IS HE SUCH A GOOFBALL 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 PLEASE THE WAY HE LOVES HIMSELF TOO MUCH IS SO FUNNY TO ME LIKE UGH OK KIND SIR IF YOU SAY SO 🙄 (and then i secretly ogle over his daddy pics) I LOVE HOWON SM AND LMAO HIS NEPHEWS LOVING THE AUNT MORE IS SO TRUE BCS BOYS WILL BE BOYS AKA 🫶🏻 GIRLS ☺️ definitely not on the way to save him from being bitten by changmin he needs to learn his lesson for being a whore lately 😤
daily texts with bf sangyeon!

requested by: @winterchimez
a/n: HI ALLY i hope you like this 🫶🏻 and i hope you’ll recover after the sangyeon overload lmao
#the boyz x reader#💭 — lee sangyeon#lee sangyeon x reader#mutuals! <3#emma 🩰#again thank you thank you for writing this for me 🥹💗
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vae vae 🥹 not me still fangirling over the fact that we’re now mutuals andbdjdh but can i request a timestamp of 2:00AM, where you’ve just had a pretty rough day at work and you come home to sangyeon just pampering and taking care of you and just being the sweetest human being ever 🥺 ily vae 💗

Many aspire to have careers outside of their limitations, such as wanting to gain immense popularity or receive an income of seven digits, but your only want is to find a job you truly feel at home. It didn’t matter how many hours you would have to work or what time of day you’d have to show up—you grew up learning to appreciate what you could afford—as long as it made you happy.
You thought you were approaching that accomplishment at your newest job of being a waiter. Everything seemed possible—that you were potentially well-liked and praised, but that figment of your imagination was utterly shattered. From customers lashing out at you to your co-workers talking behind your back and rolling their eyes, all the pressure of you being the worst had built up. During your break, you would stash yourself into the further stall from the bathroom door and cry silently into your hands, your chest heaving as it struggled to understand why you were getting treated this way.
Nothing urged you more than to quit the moment you got home.
Yet somehow, throughout the busiest and most tormenting night of your life, you seemed to have forgotten the presence of your newly wedded husband. The moment you stepped inside your shared small apartment, Sangyeon’s tired state on the couch dissipated the moment he saw you. His slow blinks became rapid ones, forcing himself awake while he rushed over to you and greeted you with a hug.
What he didn’t expect was for his medicine—you—to shrug him off, tears pooling in your eyes as you kicked off your shoes.
“I’m going to quit.”
Your brain wasn’t functioning well enough to consider why Sangyeon was awake this late into the night or that you were heading in the direction of taking out all your frustrations on him. All you could think about was screaming at the world for treating you this way, crying until all the pain was gone, and never being passionate about anything again.
Fortunately for you, the love of your life knew you better than yourself. Despite being slightly startled by your outburst, he brings his hands to your hips, squeezing them in order to ground you.
“Tough shift?”
“More than tough,” you snapped. Your body was fired up with all the anger you’d accumulated over the night, yet you couldn’t find it in you to push Sangyeon away.
“They all looked at me as if I was worthless, Sang-...and I mean, you know…I don’t know-, maybe they’re right, you know? But that doesn’t mean they should-”
“Woah there, tiger,” Sangyeon murmured, cutting you off with the slight tilt of his head. His eyes would search your face, wondering how badly you were treated to be thinking this way. His mood matched yours with concern, the frown on his lips apparent after hearing yourself considering that you could potentially be worthless.
He kissed your forehead to soothe you, allowing you to settle your thoughts as he rubbed circles into your skin.
“How about we get you dressed for bed first, okay? Or a snack? Have you eaten?” The corner of his lips only deepened even further when you shook your head.
“Okay, then we get you something to eat first, then we get ready for bed so I can hold you and you can tell me everything that happened. Or if you don’t want to think about it, we could do something else together? Maybe play a game for a bit or talk about other things that make us happy? It would give me a chance to tell you all the things I love about you as you fall asleep, baby.”
You hated how quick you were to smile at his suggestions, shaking your head at him before hugging him close, wanting to remain as close as possible. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you thought about how grateful you were to have Sangyeon by your side at all times, never failing to comfort you.
“You’re spoiling me,” you mumbled. Your fingers played with the material of his shirt, rubbing it between the pads of your fingers as you sniffled into his neck.
“I love you, but let me finish, you dork.” He kissed the side of your head before continuing. “Then, no matter how late we sleep, I’ll be here with you in the morning to accompany you when you quit.”
Sangyeon reached for your hand, the one with your wedding ring, and interlocked his fingers with yours. He gave it a squeeze before pulling back to get a proper look at you. His other hand then met your cheek, allowing you to relax against his touch and feel the metal band rest on your skin as he made you look up at him.
“Does that sound okay?”
All the hurt and pain in your eyes faded when you gazed into his, unable to help but feel so light with love and reassurance.
“Thank you,” you whispered. His smile made your stomach flutter, like whenever he confesses his undying love for you. He was glad he could be your greatest comfort and distraction, wanting nothing more for the person he cherished most.
“You’re my everything.”
permanent taglist . . . @armysantiny @stealanity @zzoguri @nyujjan @tinisprout @the-kpop-simp @sunwoosberrie
author's note // for my lovely lovely LOVELY ALLY :( nothing makes me fangirl more than ppl fangirling over me? im slightly scared to put this out because im scared i didnt live up to expectations 😭 i hope you forgive me 🙏🙏 BUT ILYSM ALLY and i really hope this timestamp brought you some sense of comfort :(
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hihi peony its ally ☺️ naurrrrr why is this the cutest shit ive read bcs sangyeon is just so 😭😭😭😭😭 the sweetest lil cutie patootie he went all out trying to learn about matcha and kept trying till he got the perfect cup 😭 and then he went about to write cute notes and made cute art too and dhmendndjddhdjh 🥺🥺🥺 lmao the moment he got caught its so cute and funny he’s the cutest lil thing 😔 also ive always believed sangyeon is the epitome of the ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ emoticon so when i read i just 🥹🥹🥹 overall i really loved this peony!! this was such a cute and fun read thankiew sm for writing this for me!! 💗💗💗

Pairing: Neighbor!Sangyeon x GN!Reader
Genre: Fluff and comedy
Warning(s): None
Word count: 2.4k
Summary: Being the new lead executive manager meant moving to a new city and new cities mean new experiences. New experiences included receiving a fresh matcha latte on your door step every morning before work. For weeks these lattes showed up until one day you finally caught.... Your neighbor?
A/n: Hi ally! Tysm for placing your order with Hyungseos-cafe! I hope you enjoy! I also made Sangyeon to be a clumbsy and silly boy ₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎ One more thing! I ended up doing some light research on matcha and heavily referenced this page!
Order for @winterchimez
┊⋆ ˚✯✩. Songs to listen to while reading: Blue - Kamal, Patterns - Chelan + NNAVY .✩✯⋆ ˚ ┊
Taglist: @deoboyznet
“I just can’t find any coffee shops that make good matcha lattes here” Sangyeon heard coming from the hallway. He had just come home from a long day of work when he heard the unfamiliar voice speak. His interest had suddenly peaked at the prospect of a new neighbor since his previous one left about two months ago which left the third floor of the building relatively quiet. He began rounding the corner when his eyes where the voice had come from.
You just moved into the older apartment complex after your job transferred you to the newest branch where you now have the role of lead executive manager. Finding your way around the big new city was easy, however finding a coffee shop that makes a matcha latte just how you liked it… Difficult. Your search for a good coffee shop began as soon as you landed. Coffee shop-hopping, that’s what your best friend on the phone said when you told her your troubles.
Making eye contact with your new neighbor, you whispered to your best friend who was on the other line about calling her back later.
“Hey” Sangyeon waved
“Oh hey! I’m your new neighbor I guess” You waved back
“I’m Sangyeon! Welcome to the neighborhood!”
“Y/n, thanks”
That was it, that was the only interaction Sangyeon had with you. Oddly enough this short interaction fueled his desire to make you his best matcha latte… Erm, well after he learned how to make them.
“Wait, so there's two grades of matcha?” He thought out loud, there are two grades of matcha, ceremonial grade matcha and culinary grade matcha.
“Ceremonial grade matcha is used in Japanese tea ceremonies and culinary grade matcha is used for coffee and baking” Sangyeon jotted down in his notebook. The poor boy had 10 different tabs opened on his laptop.
“Alright, so next step is to buy some matcha”
The next following days Sangyeon spent researching the best tea houses to visit and inquired about their matcha tea powders. After hours of research, Sangyeon settled on ‘Lucid Dream Tea House’ , the city's most highly rated tea house. Upon arrival, he noticed the delicately decorated interior. High ceilings with floor to ceiling windows, brick walls, dainty fairy lights and wooden countertops with mismatched wooden stools.
“Hi, welcome to Lucid Dream Tea House! How can I help you?” The kind barista greeted him.
“Hey, thanks! I was actually looking for some matcha powder, do you sell that here?”
“We do indeed, would you want to try some?”
Sangyeon nodded as the barista walked over to the bar and prepared a matcha flight. The barista began by soaking the matcha whisk while sifting some matcha powder into 3 different cups. The barista then poured a small amount of hot water into each cup before one by one whisking.
“Alrighty, so the first cup here is called the Matcha Sunrise which has a base of our culinary grade matcha from Shizuoka prefecture with milk and a fresh mango puree” The barista explained while handing the cup over to Sangyeon. The latte has a slight bitterness from the matcha that is cut with the tartness of the mango puree.
“Next, we have just our classic Matcha Latte sweetened with a simple syrup infused with vanilla bean from Madagascar” The barista explained, the latte was a perfect balance of sweet and bitter. Sangyeon nodded, pointing out the unique flavor of the vanilla bean.
“These are delicious! Before I get to the last one, I would love to buy some matcha powder to make some lattes at home”
“That’s really great to hear! I’ll make sure to send you home with our signature matcha powder” The barista smiled.
“Okay, our last and final latte is a bit of an experiment for us I would admit, so it doesn’t quite have a name yet. This latte is again our signature matcha powder with milk and a sweetened black sesame paste” The latte was delicious and had a slight nutty flavor from the sesame paste.
Sangyeon sat at the bar contemplating which latte he wanted to recreate and after some deep thought, he decided to start with the classic latte. It required very minimal ingredients and was rather simple. Once he mastered that, he could move onto more complex drinks. Meanwhile the barista went to wash the cups and retrieve a can of matcha powder for Sangyeon to purchase.
After the barista returned with the matcha, Sangyeon stood up to follow the barista to the register. “Have you decided which latte you’d like to recreate?” The barista gently questioned.
“Yes, I actually have! I want to start with something simple, so the classic matcha latte you made seemed perfect!”
“Oh wonderful! Just a quick tip though, as you are just starting out, you don’t actually need to buy madagascar vanilla. It’s actually quite expensive, so just a simple vanilla extract from the supermarket will do the trick”
“Thank you” Sangyeon bowed as he finished paying.
“Okay so, first step is to soak the matcha whisk in hot water, done. Next heat up some milk in the milk frother, done” Sangyeon spoke to himself while he prepared the vanilla infused simple syrup. Taking the barista's advice, he went for the cheaper vanilla extract. The simple syrup was just equal parts water to sugar with a splash of vanilla.
“Now we take out the whisk and sift some matcha into a bowl” He began taking a mini scoop of the matcha and delicately sifted it into a small bowl and poured some hot water over and began whisking.
“Last step, pour the frothy milk into a cup with a bit of simple syrup and then pour the matcha on top”
Before rewarding himself with his hard work, Sangyeon began cleaning his work station. Cleaning up his little mess from the milk splatters on the counter top and a mini matcha explosion from accidently sneezing when he sniffed the matcha.
“Let’s hope this tastes good” Sangyeon said to himself before going in to take a sip. His face contorted, bitter. Too bitter.
“The cup I made last time was way too bitter,” Sangyeon noted as he began researching on his laptop. Apparently the bitterness was due to the water being too hot, the matcha was required to be heated at a certain temperature.
Taking what he learned from many failed attempts, he went back to the kitchen to heat up some milk in the frother once again before lowering the temperature for the boiled water. This time, he made sure not to sneeze again because this matcha powder isn’t cheap…
Using the leftover vanilla simple syrup, he mixed the matcha and gave it a quick taste….
While practicing his matcha latte making skills, Sangyeon made an effort to pay attention to when you left for the office every morning. 7:30 am, that was the time you always left which meant he would have to wake up at least an hour before to prepare everything. Honestly waking up at 6:30 wasn’t too bad considering he used to wake up earlier for his previous job. Now that he worked a less strenuous job that didn’t require him to be at the office until 10 am meant he had ample time.
The next morning, Sangyeon woke up 15 minutes before his alarm that was set at 6:30. He was so excited to surprise you that he rushed to get ready. Once he entered his kitchen, he began laying out his tools. Milk frother, matcha whisk, sifter, cups, milk, matcha powder and the second batch of vanilla simple syrup he made the night before.
Pouring the milk into the frother and soaking the matcha whisk, Sangyeon began placing a small heaping scoop of matcha and sifted the matcha into the small cup below. He poured over some hot water and took the whisk from the water and started to gently whisk while the milk was heating up. After the matcha was slightly foamy, he poured a bit of the simple syrup into another tall glass cup before pouring in the frothed milk. He then took the matcha he whisked and poured it over the milk with the back of a spoon to not splash the matcha.
Sangyeon checked the time “7:15” it read, meaning he had 15 minutes before you left to drop the latte off at your door. Quickly, he jotted down a short note on the back of an old receipt and headed to your door. Calming down his breathing, he placed the drink onto your door mat leaving the note next to it and knocked on your door. He sprinted back to his apartment, watching through the peephole he saw your face light up with a smile. Seeing your eyes light up taking a sip made him smile.
“I’m telling you! Someone in my building keeps dropping off these amazing matcha lattes for me! I don’t know who it is” You spoke on the phone, you had just left the apartment complex before hopping onto the train with said latte in hand. The note attached to the latte read “Hope you’ve been enjoying these lattes! They’re so matcha fun to make” You smiled, shoving the note into your pocket.
From the other side of the door sat Sangyeon on the floor giddy with excitement. Now that he knows you’re enjoying his lattes, the next step was to upgrade the notes. He had been scribbling notes onto old receipts and he knew that you deserved better. Sangyeon turned to get ready and headed out to the nearest stationary store. There, he picked up some memo pads and nice pens. He picked up a variety pack of fruit memo pads and a pack of nice gel pens.
The next morning, Sangyeon woke up a little later than usual, 6:45 am which meant he only had half an hour to prepare everything. Sangyeon quickly got ready and rushed into the kitchen to soak the matcha whisk while heating up some water. Surprisingly, everything went well considering the limited time. As soon as he finished garnishing the latte with some matcha powder, he took a memo sheet from the stack he bought yesterday and jotted down a quick note.
“Have a great day ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ” the note read, however little did he know, you were behind the door leaving a few minutes early. Your boss had to call out suddenly which left you with more work than you could manage. As soon as you opened your door, you were met with Sangyeon. His eyes slowly widened as he realized the situation.
He abruptly shoved the latte (with a lid of course) into your hand and quickly turned around with the note dropping from his hands. He was caught. Sangyeon was surprised when you knocked on his door with a sheepish smile.
“H-hey neighbor” You began holding tightly onto the cup so as to not drop it from nervousness.
“Hi, I’m sorry if you thought someone else was making you lattes” Sangyeon sighed, not looking into your eyes.
“Oh, no, these are delicious! I was wondering who made these, so I’m really glad I found out it was you”
“Really? I’m glad you like them! I can always stop if you want, I didn’t want to overstep your boundaries”
You smiled, your neighbor was this shy, incredibly talented and handsome man, yet he was quite modest which made him all the more adorable. You stood there smiling at him, but it was your turn to be shocked as the time passed.
“Shoot, I’m so sorry, I really need to leave now. Gosh, work got really busy. Will I see you later?” You hurriedly sputtered out as you headed towards the stairs, turning to hear his response.
“Yeah, no worries! Get to work safely”
It slowly became a tradition that Sangyeon would make you a custom matcha latte every morning adorned with latte art and a sprinkle of matcha. You woke up every morning expecting cute latte art and honestly, you were never disappointed. The notes slowly became sweeter until one day the words scribbled shocked you.
“Meet me at Lucid Dream Tea House tonight at 6, I want to ask you something” the note read, your heart began beating outside of your chest. Did your neighbor just as you out? Unfortunately for you, work came first, so you sat through a long meeting… Which could have been an email that dragged on longer than expected. However, luckily for you, the tea house was just a block down from your office.
Once you arrived, your eyes met. It was Sangyeon, he sat at the table near the large windows with what looks like another latte? He looked handsome with his hair slicked back, he was dressed casually in a sweatshirt and jeans. It was a simple look, but something about it made your heart tingle. Maybe it was the specs or the hair? Or maybe it was him.
“You’re here” Sangyeon beamed, his smile was gorgeous, almost as gorgeous as his face.
“I am, thank you for inviting me”
“It’s no problem, I actually brought you here so I could as you something”
“S-sure” You shifted uncomfortably in your chair, the worry in your eyes evident as your lips pressed into a thin line.
“Well, now that you know it was me making you these lattes” he gestures to the latte in your hand
“I– I uh, well, I was uh” Sangyeon struggled to get a coherent sentence out as he cleared his throat.
“Wou– would you like to go out sometime?”
“M– me?” You pointed to yourself, the shock was evident in your face as you sat back in your seat.
“You seem shocked, did I say something wrong? I didn’t make you uncomfortable, did I?”
“No, not at all! You just took me off guard, I wasn’t expecting you to return the feelings. That’s all”
It was his turn to be shocked, it completely shook his world that his neighbor, the one he’s been making lattes for actually returned his feelings? The endless trips to various tea houses, the hours of research and many failed lattes made it all worth it. You were worth it.
“We’re the perfect matcha, don’t you think?” You giggled at your own pun.
“Absolutely” Sangyeon smiled, he reached across the table to take your hand in his.
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🔞 MDNI!! 🔞

[11:33PM] No Thoughts, Just You - (l.sy)
Warnings: Smut (18+, minors DNI), bully!sangyeon, masturbation, mentions of sex, degradation, face slapping, some brattiness. It’s simp sangyeon in the house y’all, we love to see it. Word Count: 0.6K
A/N: Been trying to write since my last posting but can’t seem to nowadays huhu so taking this as a way to exercise those writing muscles again, wrote this on the spot and not proofread. Realized I did not write for Sangyeon's bday so considered it my entry idc how late it is 🤪 Tagging @deoboyznet @aimeecarreros @snowflakewhispers @winterchimez

Thinking about bully!Sangyeon, who lays on his bed nearing the dead of night thinking about the intimate moment you had with one another the other day.
His member aches underneath his boxers, trying not to visualize the faces you made when he was balls deep inside you. Or the way you whined and acted so bratty towards him. God when you acted that way it always made him twitch inside. There was something about getting under your skin that turned him on.
What’s even better is the fact you revealed you had dreamt about him the way he had dreamt about you (And for Sangyeon, it was a ton of dreams about you.)
He doesn't even realize his hand is slowly traveling down south, his fingers caressing his bulge before he gives it a good tug. And before you know it, he’s already starting to jerk himself off, remembering what you sounded like, how you said his name in that voice…
Remembering the way your walls stretched out for him, and just for him. How they hugged his length so perfectly like this was meant to be. How he fucked you so good he’s sure he’s molded the shape and size of his thick cock inside you, ruining it for anyone who dare tries to get you the way he did in that classroom.
The pace of his hand starts to go faster, remembering how your hips rolled on him in that chair, the way he let you have it your way even just for a moment. He would let you have your way all the time to be honest, if only you weren’t so bratty.
But who's he kidding anyway? That’s one of the things that’s got him attracted to you like a moth to a flame. Someone who doesn’t treat him like the star student all the time, someone who is able to attempt to stand up to his bullshit, someone who can put him in his place.
He slowly starts to feel himself closer to the edge, huffing and moaning as he visualizes you riding him right now and taking control of him. Whispering the most degrading things to his ear, making him feel small. God even thinking about the way you slapped his face twice was making his manhood twitch and strain even further.
“Fuck…” he moans as he continuously pumps his cock. Pre-cum slowly oozing from the top of his tip and dripping down, acting like a lubricant to help him jerk off even more.
His high hits him out of nowhere, his cum shooting out so much to the point globs of it are just coating his hand, making a mess everywhere. He wishes he was cumming inside you right now, wished he did that day instead of blowing his load on your back.
Sangyeon slowly comes down from his high and steadies his breathing. He feels so out of it right now, his mind not thinking straight. It’s like you hypnotized him or something, because he just doesn't think of anything else except you. Like you’ve placed him under a spell he can’t get out of. It was driving him insane.
He regrets not being able to take his time with you, to be able to kiss every part of you body, worshipped you with his hands, praising you like you deserve it. Wishing he could perhaps love you properly instead of the current dynamic you have. To kiss to oh so pretty lips again and again and just melt into you, that would be the dream.
After cleaning up his mess he pauses for a moment and suddenly a lightbulb idea enters his brain. He opens his phone and taps on your chat with him. He hesitates at first seeing what he typed out, but if his assumptions were right, maybe you might somewhat feel the same too. So he sends out a message he never thought he would be sending to you in a million years,
“I miss you…”

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I CANT ANYMORE ✋🏼✋🏼✋🏼✋🏼✋🏼😭

#ALSO FOREHEAD ERIC#how they look so goooodd ☠☠#the boyz#tbz#sangyeon#lee sangyeon#jacob#jacob bae#younghoon#kim younghoon#hyunjae#lee jaehyun#juyeon#lee juyeon#kevin#kevin moon#new#choi chanhee#q#ji changmin#haknyeon#ju haknyeon#sunwoo#kim sunwoo#eric#eric sohn#posts 📢❤#allie's thoughts 💭
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