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starry-nights12 ¡ 2 years ago
Without context, it looks like he's sitting in comfortable silence as he watches her paint😭
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ceoofglytchell ¡ 6 months ago
Safe Haven
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Summary: While Aemond searches for comfort with Madame Sylvi, the older brother has long chosen you, one of the Madame’s more expensive girls, to be the shoulder he cries on.
Pairing: Aegon II Targaryen x Brothel worker!Reader
Word count: 3127 words
Warnings: hurt/comfort, making out, brief nudity, brief smut, allusions to past smut, mention of sex work, mention of the death of a child, he’s kinda dependent on you, no mention of Y/N
Notes: I just wanted to thank you all for the positive reactions to my first fanfic! I could never have imagined people would actually read and like the stuff I write and I am very grateful for that. Also I would like to thank @danytar for supporting me ever since I started this blog, love ya! Anyways, here’s another one for you! 💛
“Look, it's the king!”
You looked up from the cup of wine that you had been holding for some time, staring into the dark red liquid, hoping that tonight you would just have to sit there and look pretty for the men coming by to get rid of their loneliness for an hour or so. While you were grateful for your job, as it meant you wouldn’t have to live a miserable life on the dirty streets of King’s Landing, there were times when you wished you were someone else.
A lady from a rich house, a princess, a queen...
However, those were nothing more but daydreams and besides, you didn't really want to carry the burdens of royal life on your shoulders. Not when you had heard for many years how much they plagued a certain silver haired prince who came to you ever since he saw you dancing for some men once in Sylvi's fine establishment. It had been several years ago and at first he had actually only come to you to have someone to drink with. A little later, he had begun to open up to you and then you often dried his tears and held him in your arms whenever his grandfather and mother once again frightened him with the thought that he would have to wear the crown one day.
It had been two weeks since he had last been with you. The poor boy had stumbled into the brothel in the middle of the night, completely drunk, bumped into people and started a fight because he had thought you were taking care of another client, the thought of which he could not stand, which had not been true, as you had simply taken a small break. You had barely run into the room after you had been told he had come when he had already thrown himself directly into your arms and buried his face in your hair while sobbing bitterly.
The very next day, you and many other people had been dragged into the dragon pit to watch Aegon being crowned King of the Seven Kingdoms in front of everyone, and that moment your heart had broken for him, knowing how much he had never wanted that title.
Now, some time later, he was standing in the doorway again, his two friends Martyn and Leon were standing not far behind him and a young man with raven-black hair was also there, but you didn't recognize him and he seemed to be a little unwell. Aegon also seemed drunk, very drunk actually, as he was slurring his words and could hardly walk in a straight line, but when he spotted you on the opposite side of the room, a broad grin formed on his handsome face.
"My love!" he called loudly and stumbled past a couple, who seemed lost in a passionate dance, and ran up a small staircase to where you and some other girls were sitting on the sofas and talking to pass the time. His friends followed him cautiously, knowing how infatuated he was with you.
You quickly placed your golden cup of wine on the side table, stood up and approached him just to make sure he wouldn't trip and embarrass himself in front of all these people. He was the king after all and you knew some who already saw him as weak and incapable of ruling, which you wanted to shield him from. You knew what he had been through recently and it had only been a matter of time before he came back to you.
There was just one small problem... his brother had also come through the doors not too long ago and he had not left yet.
So you had two things to worry about that night: Aegon and not accidentally stumbling over Aemond.
As soon as you got close enough, Aegon wrapped his arms around your smaller frame and held you tightly against him, as if to make sure you wouldn't vanish into thin air. You have been his safe haven for quite some time now, and your mere presence did wonders for his troubled soul, your smile a balm for his heavy heart. Your long, wavy hair smelled of roses, and your body, wrapped in green satin robes, clung to his so perfectly that for a moment he thought you had melted into one. Aegon wanted nothing more than you and your closeness, which was why he had come here that evening. He had wanted to see you.
"I missed you," Aegon murmured into your hair, his fingers digging into the fabric of your robes over your hips to feel your warmth. But he would prefer it if you weren't wearing any clothes at all so he could feel your soft skin under his fingers instead. You didn't even have to do anything together, he just wanted to be close to you.
"I missed you too, Your Grace."
"Don't call me that," he grumbled into your shoulder and instinctively hugged you tighter. He came to you to feel free and forget some of the burdens that weighed on his shoulders, not for you to remind him who he was and that he wasn't supposed to be here. He was supposed to be in the council chambers, talking to his council about the next steps of the war or just doing something, but instead he sought comfort from you - a whore.
"My Darling? Sweetling? Precious?" you joked playfully instead, while stroking his back with your gentle hands. You had used all of these names with him before, but he had never admitted which one was his favorite or whether he found them all to be terrible. However, you always thought he liked them better than some respectful noble title that he didn't want to wear anyway.
One of his friends, Martyn, cleared his throat and patted the young black-haired man on the shoulders, as if to tell his king that there was still something to do before he could devote himself to his own satisfaction.
His head shot up again immediately, which messed up his silver hair a little, which was not a very unusual sight for him, and he put an arm protectively around your waist, while he looked right back at his drinking companions. "Right, right. Dove, we are looking for the madam. This young lad here needs bedding in, gently. I thought she was the perfect choice, don’t you agree?”
Your lover wanted to go with you in the direction of the private rooms, but you managed to hold him back by the arm, whereupon he clumsily bumped back into you in his drunken state, but you were already used to that.
"Madame Sylvi is busy right now."
Aegon opened his mouth to reply, but thank the gods he was a little slower in his movements and reactions at the moment due to the influence of wine.
"However, I know someone else who would treat the boy well." You only had to snap your fingers once and one of the girls you had been sitting with on the sofas earlier came running over and quickly grabbed the boy's hand. She was a little younger than you, pretty, and talented. In your eyes, that was certainly better than interrupting the madam right now, especially considering who she was with in this very moment.
"You heard the woman. Go on, get going. And have fun!" Aegon called after the squire as he was being dragged into one of the back rooms by the whore you had called to help, whereupon he burst into loud, drunken laughter. You just rolled your eyes and shook your head, but a small glint within your gaze revealed how much you truly cared for the king no how much he meant to you.
It wasn't just the sack of gold he gave you after every night, or the sex that was important to you, but rather everything about him. You loved his loud laugh, the way he constantly sought your closeness, his urge to always touch you, you loved his jests just as much as the moments when he showed you how vulnerable and broken he truly was, when he just leaned on your shoulder and cried and you stroked his back and told him how good he was being and that he would always be enough for you. That was what you loved. You loved him.
"And what are we two going to do now?" you asked him, amused, to which he simply grabbed your hand in response and started to pull you along, while he didn't even look back at his friends, since you were everything that mattered to him. You were the only one who could ease his hidden pain.
Since he came here again and again especially for you, he knew his way around here like few other and knew exactly where the little alcoves were where two people could make themselves comfortable, be alone and spend time together. Luckily for the both of you, one at the beginning of the corridor had just become free, so you wouldn't run into a certain other Targaryen. You did not want an argument, not now.
As soon as Aegon had shut the curtain behind you both, he sighed and fell onto the soft mattress while you moved to lit the candles to make the atmosphere a little more pleasant. It smelled of candle wax and fire, but also of various perfumes and other fragrant oils that the previous guests had probably used before they had left again. You already knew that the hour he would spend with you would be either very nice or very heartbreaking. After all, you hadn't seen each other for two weeks and he certainly had much to talk about. You, on the other hand, could mostly only tell him the same stories about overzealous customers and strange preferences that the other women had told you about. Those talks didn't bore him, because he was sure that he would always be happy as long as you were with him.
For a moment you considered taking off your clothes and pulling him into your lap, but you decided against it when you saw that he was just staring into one direction, his good mood evaporating like a pile of ashes in the wind. You knew that look and it was usually never a good sign. He needed you. Now perhaps more than ever.
"Aegon?" you asked carefully and sat down next to him on the white sheets, which were a bit out of order and had stains in some places that you didn't want to think about too long.
"Come here, I need you," the king murmured and tugged at the ends of your robe, whereupon you chuckled and dropped down next to him on the round bed and immediately wrapped your arms around him and buried your head in the crook of his neck.
"I wish I could have been there for you. That night."
You knew the night he lost his son was a difficult subject and probably not what he wanted to talk about, or what he had come to you for, but you couldn't hold that thought back any longer. The other girls had told you how he had all the rat catchers hanged the next day and how hard it had been to watch the little prince's funeral march. You hadn't been there because you had things to do, but you weren't sure you would have watched it voluntarily either, because the regret would probably have eaten you alive.
All the time he spent with you, he could have spent with his children, but he was probably aware of that as well. But the regret didn't change his feelings for you, and you both knew that he would come back again and again and again. Sometimes you really believed he was as dependent on you as he was on dornish wine.
"They wanted Aemond, did you know that? It was supposed to be revenge for Rhaenyra's dead son, but because he wasn't there... because he wasn't there, they murdered my little son in his bed."
His grip on your waist tightened and you knew from his voice alone that he was close to tears, if they weren't already shining in his eyes. You would weep too if your child had been murdered, but you did not have one. A bastard would only hinder you from your work and you didn't want to lose your only source of livelihood, even if the thought of being a mother was one that often crossed your mind.
Especially if he would be the father...
"It's my brother's fault. It's all, all his fault. If it had not been for him, I would be far away from all this in the free cities or gods know where! I would not be king and my boy would still be alive!"
Aegon was sobbing now and you couldn't do anything but wrap your arms around him even more and listen to him speak, because if he didn't tell you, who else would listen to his thoughts? Certainly not his mother, not his brother anymore either, he rarely spoke to his sister-wife anyway and thus he only had you. You were the only one who always listened to him and who was always honest.
He wished he could have married you... You two could have lived a simple, beautiful life far away from King’s Landing, outside of Westeros. But neither of you were granted such a life. He was the king and you were just the whore he loved.
"Don't you have anything to say, love?"
You looked up from his shoulder and leaned over him so you could see his sad amethyst colored eyes and the tear that slowly made its way down his cheek, leaving a trail of wetness behind on his pale skin. You felt a brief urge to brush it away, but instead you let it fall and watched as the tear fell onto the velvet pillow that lay beneath his head, leaving a tiny black stain that would disappear in a matter of minutes. No one would ever know what you and the king did behind the curtain, but you knew that if you happened to be mentioned later on, history would describe you as nothing more than his mere mistress. Perhaps in this case you wanted to be forgotten entirely, for no writing would ever do justice to what you two had together.
The bond that bound you to each other was strong, but no one would ever know about it.
"What can I say, darling? There is nothing I can say except that I am deeply sorry, and I already did."
"Then don't say anything. Show me." As much as he tried to make it sound like a suggestion, it was a command. But you loved him too much to tell him that this was not the right way and that you were not exactly good for him. He wouldn't listen to you anyway. Two days later and he would be at your doorstep again. That's how it had always been and that's how it always would be. You would get gold for your efforts and he would kiss you goodbye and leave.
As always, you obeyed him and connected your lips with his. Two weeks without you had been too much for him. Aegon moaned into the kiss and pulled you closer to him, as close as humanly possible so that he could feel every feminine curve of your body pressed against his even though you were both still wearing your clothes.
Normally this would be the moment when he would turn you onto your back and rip those sheer robes from your body, but this time he did nothing of the sort and gave you full control.
Your tongue found its way into his mouth and you could still taste the heavy wine that was clouding his senses on his own tongue and it was clear that he had probably drunk a lot of before he had set foot in this establishment again, which you couldn't blame him for. If you had been in his place, you would probably have thrown yourself off one of the balconies of the Red Keep long ago, but he was stronger than that.
You kissed him desperately, pouring every emotion you had ever felt for him into that one kiss and he let it happen and he lost himself in it, he lost himself in you.
You managed to numb his senses better than anyone in the known world and perhaps that was another reason why he always found his way back to you in the end. But you let him in every time, which told him that you must feel for him too.
There were moments when he couldn't help but wonder if you were real. Not whether you existed, because he knew very well that you did, no, whether your affection for him was really genuine. Your smile, your laughter, the way you always sought his closeness whenever he was with you, and how gently you treated him all gave him the hope that you actually felt the same as he did, but he would probably never be sure. After all, you never refused his gold. Probably only then would he be sure that it was real.
Your gentle hands slowly brushed his coat from his shoulders and worked on the clasps of his tunic, believing that this was exactly what he wanted, because after all, he hadn't told you anything except that you should show him what you couldn't with words.
A short time later, you were both completely undressed and you moved your hips against his in a way that made his eyes flutter shut and left him gasping for air and groaning your name in pure bliss.
Fucking, alcohol and you were the only things that could distract him from being king or from wondering when the next time would be the stranger's shadow would fall upon his family and who it would be. It just couldn’t be you. If he lost you... he wouldn't know what to do.
Aegon was aware that none of this was good for him and that he should have stopped coming back to you years ago, but when you lay in his arms again a little later, breathing heavily, a light layer of sweat on your body and a happy, radiant smile on your face, he knew that no matter what happened, he would never let you go. You would always be with him, although unfortunately not as his wife, but he couldn't help his feelings and he wouldn't hide them from you.
"I love you," he whispered to you, his hand stroking your side soothingly and his head resting against yours.
"I love you too, Aegon."
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moonmaiden1996 ¡ 22 days ago
If you're not a couple... How would Sanji react to you catching him masturbating and vice versa? 😏
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Catching Sanji Masturbating 💛🔥
You weren’t expecting to walk in on him like this. Maybe you were looking for him in the kitchen, expecting to find him making a late-night snack, but instead, you find yourself standing frozen at the threshold of his dimly lit quarters.
And what you see?
Sanji sprawled out on his bed, half-undressed, shirt unbuttoned and barely hanging from his shoulders. Golden strands of his hair cling to his damp forehead, his chest rising and falling with labored breaths. His fingers clutch desperately at the sheets beneath him, knuckles white from the strain, but it’s his other hand that really steals your attention.
He’s stroking himself—long, slow, deep strokes—hips bucking slightly, thighs trembling. And the worst (or best?) part?
He’s moaning your name.
A broken, needy sound that punches the air from your lungs.
The moment he realizes he’s not alone, everything stops. His entire body tenses, muscles locking up as his dazed, pleasure-clouded eyes flicker open. He meets your gaze, and the realization hits—his breath catches, face burning a deep shade of red, his mouth opening and closing like he’s scrambling for something—anything—to say.
"I-It’s not what it looks like!"
Oh, but it is.
Frantic, he tries to cover himself, grabbing the nearest object—which, unfortunately for him, is a thin pillow that does absolutely nothing to hide his straining, twitching arousal. His fingers tremble against the fabric, his chest still heaving as he struggles to regain any semblance of composure.
If you tease him? He might die on the spot. Stammering, apologizing, maybe even begging you to forget what you saw. But if you don’t leave—if you take even one slow, measured step closer—his breath hitches.
His Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows thickly, muscles visibly tensing beneath his flushed, sweat-slicked skin. His hand twitches—like he wants to keep touching himself but doesn’t know if he can with you watching.
"D-Don’t just stand there looking at me like that…" his voice is barely more than a shaky whisper, hoarse and desperate. "You’re making it worse."
You own him now.
Because every time after this? Every single time he’s alone, needy and restless, his hand clamping around his aching cock his thoughts are going to go right back to this moment. To you standing there, watching him, teasing him, maybe even joining him.
Sanji was already down bad for you—this? This just sealed his fate, you are the one for him.
Sanji Catching You Masturbating—And Screaming His Name 🔥💛
You thought you were alone.
The ship was quiet, the night air cool, and everyone else had either retired or gone about their own business. It was safe. No one would walk in.
Or so you thought.
Your back arched off the mattress, fingers working over your heated skin, teasing yourself, chasing that sweet, blissful edge. Your breathy moans filled the room, growing louder, needier—until finally, the pleasure overwhelmed you, and the name on your lips spilled out in a sharp, helpless cry.
And that was the moment the door slammed open.
A sharp, strangled inhale, followed by the thunk of something hitting the floor.
Your eyes fly open, panic spiking through your veins, and there he is—Sanji, standing in the doorway like he just walked into heaven and hell at the same time.
His breath is caught in his throat, his entire body locked up. His eyes, dark and wild, flicker from your flushed face to where your fingers are still buried between your thighs, glistening and trembling.
His cigarette slips from his lips. He doesn’t even notice.
For a moment, there’s only silence.
"Oh my god."
His voice is wrecked, deep, hoarse, and shaking as he grips the doorframe like it’s the only thing keeping him standing. His face is redder than his damn suit, and his chest heaves like he just sprinted across the entire ship.
*"I—I didn’t—I mean, I heard—*mon dieu—I thought you were in danger—" his voice breaks slightly, physically trembling now. His knuckles are white from how hard he’s gripping the wood.
And then? His knees buckle.
He drops to the floor like his legs have completely given out.
His gaze is glued to you, pupils blown wide with a mixture of shock, arousal, and something darker. He’s still trying—trying to be a gentleman, trying to look away, to respect you, but his hands twitch against his thighs, his tongue flicking out to wet his lips, and—oh, he’s struggling.
"I—do you—" he swallows hard, voice dangerously low, "Do you need help?"
And if you nod? If you so much as whisper his name again?
He whimpers.
And if you order him to stay....To watch? To help?
Sanji—sweet, hopelessly lovesick, would be in heaven because he will die from the most powerful nose bleed to ever overtake him.
Eitherway Sanji is in trouble. He is screwed both literally and figuratively.
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lokideservesahug ¡ 10 months ago
Did She?
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Pairing: Nico Rosberg x reader, Lewis Hamilton x reader (one sided)
Warnings: Reader is Mercedes' head strategist. Love triangle of sorts? A few innuendos from people on twitter but just the usual oomf shenanigans. Kind of unrequited crush for Lewis (I'm so sorry)
Notes: Based on that "She chose me. Did she?" Audio on tik tok.
Request: I combined this request and one from @a-beaverhausen suggesting I make something based on the tik tok audio so I hope it's OK!
Summary: The mid 2010s were the golden years for Mercedes and all of the team. Especially Hamilton, Rosberg and lead strategist Y/L/N. But how does that dynamic hold up in the present day?
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Yourusername: What a wonderful weekend. Truly a touching memory to two legend's legacies. Thank you @sebastianvettel and Sempre Senna and Sempre Ratzenberger 💛❤
Liked by: Nicorosberg, Lewishamilton, Sebastianvettel and 754,987 others
View all 321 comments
User1: Nico still being in the likes after all this time doesn't let my RosY/L/N heart down gently 😔
↳User2: This but with my Lewis+Y/N shipping self...
User3: Her and Lewis are so sweet together omd!
Liked by Lewishamilton
User4: Senna forever 💛 Long Live Roland❤
Liked by yourusername
User5: Her and Lewis are such a good couple awww!
↳User6: Not a couple bae!
↳User5: Wait what!!!!?!?!?😦
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Lewishamilton: Great weekend so far. P4 in quali but let's keep pushing💪
Liked by yourusername, charlesleclerc and 8,987,097 others
View all 1,023 comments
User1: Lewis honey, your jealousy is showing...
User2: Nico shows up for 0.2 seconds of the weekend and he's already trying to prove a point.
User3: It's giving she chose me. Did she?
↳User5: Like it was a difficult decision. Anyone would choose Lewis in a heartbeat
↳User4: Hmmm...maybe not Y/N.
Yourusername: Great performance so far Lewis! Let's hope this pace can continue!!
↳Lewishamilton: It's all thanks to you but fingers crossed🤞
↳User6: Bro pls just ask her out it's been nearly 10 years now...
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Nicorosberg: Happy 10 years together (and 8 years of putting up with being married to me) to my amazing wife. I can't think of a better way to celebrate than seeing you in your element.
Schatz I love you so much and I am so happy that you took a chance and chose me. Not a single day passes where I wake up and am not in awe of your beauty, intelligence and just sheer existence. Thank you and I love you.
-Your lover, Britney x
Liked by yourusername and 2,886,094 others
View all 56 comments
Yourusername: I love you more🖤
↳Nicorosberg: Not at all possible Meine Liebe 🤍
-This user has limited comments-
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Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it!
As always, likes,reblogs and especially feedback is always welcome!
Taglist:@nikfigueiredo @mysoulispainted @leclercings @d3kstar @hiireadstuff @a-beaverhausen @nichmeddar @lozzamez3 @stinkyjax @marymustdie @littlesatanicassholebitch @mehrmonga @insanedeathwish @ems-alexandra @a-disturbing-self-reflection @cherry-piee
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evolnoomym ¡ 4 months ago
Birds of a Feather 🌙☀️
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General Masterlist | Joel Miller Masterlist | Support me |
Summary: A peek into the future.
Rating: 18+ mature content mdni!!!!
Word count: 0.8 k
Authors note: First of all Happy Birthday to my Wife @joelmillerisapunk and myself, I love you so much Sunshine (we are literally Scorpio twins) 🫶🏻 This was supposed to be something else, a whole multi-chapter Fic based around this couple (which I still plan on writing) but as you know my life kinda changed completely so I was busy with taking care of that instead. I hope y’all like this little gift I’ve prepared.
Warnings: no use of y/n, Female reader, Female OC, FFM, beautiful domestic vibes, getting married, implied age-gap, cock lol, throuple,
Shoutout to @saradika @strangergraphics and @steddiecameraroll-graphics 💛
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so if you come across mistakes it might be due to that. You are always welcome to talk with me about my writing. In general I appreciate comments, likes and reblogs greatly. 🫶🏻
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If someone would’ve told you that your future is gonna look like this you would’ve never believed it. So full of love, happiness and joy, exactly what you deserve after all these painful years. You finally get to wake up and be happy about it. Free of the past that kept dragging you down into the abyss. Meeting Sunny changed everything, you spend hours day after day talking to her and never once getting tired of each other. Love at first sight. Within months the decision was made to leave everything behind, runaway and move in with her.
It may seem rushed to others, but not once since then did you regret leaving. Sunny and you quickly fell into a blissful domestic routine, waking up together in bed, making breakfast for each other, cleaning the house like maniacs together and let’s not forget about those countless trips to Costco while listening to music you both loved. Movie nights cuddled up on the couch, tending to the vegetable garden in the backyard and all the dates Sunny planned, showing off the beautiful hidden spots of her town.
Of course one day the topic of getting married came up and it wasn’t surprising that the both of you had similar dreams, tying the knot in Italy. A month after that conversation Sunny got down on one knee and popped the question, which of course you immediately said yes to. A couple weeks after she slipped that moon shaped diamond down your finger it was time to walk down the aisle. It was a small ceremony. One of the best days in your life, one you won’t ever forget. The day you married the love of your life.
A year has since passed and if someone, again, would’ve told you that it will get even better you would have not believed it.
Life was already pretty perfect, but then you met Joel Miller that fateful night, 6 months ago, at the local bar. Sunny and you had talked about sharing someone but the opportunity never came. Joel however was different from those other guys, his interest was not driven by perversion, no, he was genuine and respectful. A mature man who knows what it takes to make a gal happy. Broad shoulders, strong arms, the sweetest brown eyes and luscious brown locks streaked with grey.
In the beginning you felt like a traitor for feeling the way you did about Joel.
Sunny ever the Angel reassured you each time that you are not a bad person for loving more than one person, after all she loved him too.
Those doubts feel silly now as you stand in the kitchen of the house you three share. Glancing out of the big window above the countertop you can see Sunny in the garden outstretched on a big blanket. She’s soaking up the last rays of sunlight and the golden hues make her look so angelic. It’s November 10th, her birthday and yours too.
You quietly step out onto the porch, tiptoeing over to her, she seems to sense your presence and opens her eyes. “Hii Babygirl,” Sunny’s sweet voice greets you. As you sink down to your knees, she sits up on her knees and slides her arms around your waist. “What did you do inside?” Sunny asks after pressing her soft lips on yours. “I cleaned the kitchen,” you try to lean in for another kiss “Wait I already cleaned the kitchen this morning,” Sunny pulls back and tilts her head questioning “are you okay Baby?” She knows you so well. “Yeah I’m just nervous, do you think he has something planned for us?”
Sunny chuckles “I sure hope he does or else he won’t get his cock sucked tonight,” her boldness still makes you blush furiously “ awww Baby no need to get shy, it’s okay I know you love that cock.” She smirks and you can only nod bashful.
“Yes, but shouldn’t he do something to us?” You pout your lips and Sunny takes the opportunity to kiss you again. She strokes through your hair gently “He will definitely do something to us, but that gift you want probably the most has to wait for a little longer.”
“I know, maybe we can give him that for his birthday?” You suggest in a giddy tone.
“Would it really be a surprise if he’s actively involved in making that gift?” She retorts.
“No, but you know what I mean.”
“Yes I do, let’s talk about it with him okay sweet cheeks?” You nod.
Sunny’s attention is pulled to something behind you “Speaking of the devil,” Sunny smiles and points to something behind you.
When you whip around you see Joel with two huge bouquets in his arms, a big smile on his face and even after he’s worked a hard shift he still looks breathtakingly handsome. And when he opens his mouth to bless your ears with his deep Texas drawl you are immediately put at ease.
“There are my two pretty girls, now who’s ready for a Birthday Party?”
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Friends: @beefrobeefcal @pedrospatch @penvisions @tightjeansjavi @aurorawritestoescape @milla-frenchy @strang3lov3 @guiltyasdave @xdaddysprincessxx @mountainsandmayhem @mrsmando @iamasaddie @syd-djarin @msjarvis @mermaidgirl30 @noxturnalnymph @sizzlingcloudmentality @the-mandawhor1an @yorksgirl @sin-djarin @thundermartini @clawdee @almostfoxglove @ace-turned-confused @always-andromeda @sawymredfox @morallyinept @ovaryacted @toxicanonymity @luxurychristmaspudding @rivnedell @moonlitbirdie @zloshy @sixhours @merz-8 @punkshort @beardedjoel @sp00kymulderr @joelslegalwhre @baronessvonglitter @tonysopranosrobe @pedropeach @ozarkthedog @joelsdagger @whocaresstillthelouvre @littlemisspascal
©️ evolnoomym 2024. Please don’t repost, copy, translate, or feed into any AI. Support your fellow creators by reblogging, commenting, and liking!
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thisismeracing ¡ 2 years ago
Ex | MS47
Pairing: black!singer!reader (she/her) x mick schumacher
Warnings: curse words, Twitter environment, breakup, mention of food, pregnancy, it's not proofread, etc etc. Minors DNI!
summary: Y/n and Mick used to be the golden couple in the paddock, that's why the internet went wild when they announced their breakup. Imagine how they reacted when Y/n dropped a song about not wanting to be his ex. Would the couple have any hope in getting back together?
a/n: none of the pictures used are mine, they are all from Pinterest and other apps. everything else is made up by me and I do not give permission for it to be published on a different platform. I would appreciate it if those things could be taken into consideration 💛
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liked by dualipa, mercedesamgf1, and others
yourusername New song is out 🖤 Hope you guys like it!
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schumicedes This feels like such a personal song, it gave me chills!
⤡ yn1990 It's like she recorded a voice message for him and then dropped it as a song.
f1sainzito I still can't believe they broke up, I'm still mourning their relationship
⤡ charleslechair1 I bet they will get back after this song lol
ynprincess I love her but this cover feels so...weird, idk, like it's rushed
⤡ mickeyn someone made a thread on twitter explaining it a bit, but it's basically a picture mick took of her, she wanted to make her message clear and that's why it's so artistically beautiful, it goes beyond the aesthetic
jorjasmith you’re so brave and pure, Ily!❤️❤️
winteryn Yn wanting to be friends with her ex, meanwhile I literally changed cities so I wouldn't see mine again
⤡ cruelsummer1 that's why I feel like they like gave themselves time, not really broke up fr, and now they realize it was not the best idea because they literally love each other.
dojacat Don't make me miss my ex, yn!!!! ☠️
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liked by georgerussell63, mercedesamgf1, and others
mickschumacher ⛰️
comments on tihs post have been limited
ynandschumi I wanted to comment something but I just know it will be deleted, so I'm just gonna say: you guys look good, hope you enjoyed your hike!��️ also Angie seems a bit sad without her mother doesn't she....................
⤡ mercedessummer bestie, you did not LMAO
lewishamilton Roscoe says he's mad he was not invited!
mickschum90 I love you, mick!
sunandstarsyn This does not give happiness vibe...
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liked by wonderfulyn and others
dailycelebsupdate We woke up this morning to the leaking of Y/n Y/l/n’s baby shower. The singer spent a little over a year off the radar after her breakup with F1 star Mick Schumacher, only to show up now pregnant! Who are we betting on to be the baby daddy?
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ynlove we aint betting a thing, and stop saying “only to show up” as if these pics were posted intently, they were LEAKED. Respect Y/n’s right to her privacy!
sainzsunny I hated the fact that the leaked something that she did not want people to know, but my bet would be that she and Mick are back together since that song release 🤐
mickeyf1 You guys are disgusting
swiftieyln She lookes so peaceful, glowing and everything 😭
⤡ ynhundreds that because she was being able to keep her private life to herself.
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liked by user90, and others
f1gossipupdates Is everyone thinking the same thing?
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schumacher47 Is leaking season? Wtf the wrong, why cant celebs have their privacy??
⤷ f1khalid especially Mick, he’s really open about how he likes to have his personal life respected. 😔
hockeyf1d They MARRIED???!!!
ynbrasil I just know Yn will be pissed when she open her socials to this shitshow
yourusername and mickschumacher
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liked by mercedesamgf1, estebanocon, and others
yourusername It's been a long ride and we wanted to share with you guys in a different way, the circumstances, however, did not help, so we are sticking to the good ol' Instagram announcement. We got married last year and decided to keep living in our particular heaven, I hope you guys don't get this the wrong way because we love the love and support some of you give us, but Mick and I needed to bask in our own love without interruptions or assumptions. This love grew bigger than us and it will be walking around the world in a couple of months. We appreciate our friends' discretion, and our fans' love, we see you and we love you. We hope you guys can respect our privacy and our wishes on keeping some details to ourselves. Love, Mick and Yn Schumacher
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schumickeyf1 "This love grew bigger than us and it will be walking around the world in a couple of months" PLEASE IM SO LONELY THIS IS A WHOLE NEW LEVEL OF ROMANTIC
mickschumacher Forever, mrs. Schumacher ❤️
⤷ yourusername forever and some more, my love 💗
charles_leclerc omg thank goodness you guys told everyone, I was so scared I would let it slip
⤷ lechair16 Charles ☠️☠️ LMAO
lewishamilton you guys deserve all the happiness in this world 🤍
ynandmick I was right and nature is healing
twentyoneyns So let me get this clear, my ex gives me a reason to go to therapy, while Y/n's ex gives her a ring, then all the love and orgasms in the world, and then a baby??????????? God definitely has its favorites.
⤷ schumercedes not the orgasms 🗣🗣 HAHAHAHAHAH
⤡ popyn Literally
mercedesamgf1 We already have a spot for them 💜
sunnydaysyln Are we calling the baby schumini or minimacher? or baby schumi? or macherbaby?
⤡ yourusername HAHAHAHHA I love them all
If you liked it, make sure to like and reblog <3 feel free to talk to me as well, my inbox is always open!
I will start a taglist on my posts, to be part of it you just gotta comment/send an ask saying so, and most important: have your age in your profile (I don’t interact with minors!). See you guys next story! <3
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upside-garden-of-dreams ¡ 11 months ago
Sunshine Boy, Golden Love [Hybrid!Jake x Reader]
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none at all~
General info: Reader is kept pretty gender neutral, Jake is a golden retriever puppy/dog boy, please excuse the typos
[More puppy Jake]
There's something about this boy and his cuteness that made my brain flare up with these couple hybrid ideas! I craved some more petting Jake's ears, so this came into existence Do take a read and enjoy this little story ~! 🐶💛
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Silky golden locks danced around your fingers as you and Jake laid facing each other in bed.
Floppy ears twitched with every delicate movement of your hands atop his head.
Your adorable puppy boyfriend hummed in enjoyment, tail wagging and thumping on the cushioned matress.
But then, the most wonderful duo of words escaped your mouth:
"Good boy~"
Jake's heart leaped and fluttered inside his chest, cheeks dusted a pretty pink. Brown eyes looked at you shyly.
On the outside, it seemed your lover wanted to stop you from continuing your train of thought, but his excited tail betrayed his bashful act.
"Such a good boy, the cutest puppy ever," you mushed his cheeks to make him pout slightly, "Adorable doggy, yes you are!"
One peck.
Two pecks.
Three pecks.
And then, a multitude of kisses were peppered along his heated cheeks and puckered lips.
"My cutie boy!"
"Jakey, you're too adorable!"
"The Goodest Boy to Walk on Earth~"
"Good pup! Aaaah, I wanna kiss you so much!"
With every new compliment, a rainfall of sweet and playful kisses landed all over his handsome face.
The dog boy became overwhelmed. Internal vibrations of joy and adoration sparked his entire being until...
A high pitched whine of "More~!" tore through his throat before he grabbed your waist and threw himself back into the fluffy blanket under him, bringing you in tow towards him, making you stradle him as you seeked to continue your ministrations.
Such was his excitement that this embarrassing instinct manifested.
Tongue out, short pants of excitement, and the swishing of a tail going a mile a minute gave him away.
You lost no time in peppering even more kisses all over his cute face while massaging the base of his ears with more enthusiasm.
Seriously, he'll give you a heart attack with the amount of cute aggression he's making you feel right now!
"My Bestest Boy Ever, Jakey! I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you!" On and on you repeatedly professed your affection.
With every proclamation of love, a new kiss was placed on his lips, leaving the poor dog boy drunk and dazed from such indulgence.
The dummy look on his face as his brown eyes looked at you made it seem like hearts were floating all over his head.
All cute laying there, tip of his tongue peeking from between his lips, hair and ears a mess from all the petting, golden tail ever revealing his emotions....
It's impossible for someone to be this adorable!
With a soft smile, your lips landed on his one more time. Adoration and love making the gesture last longer than before.
Once separated, Jake could not control his animal side, that ever embarrassing pull taking control of his mind before he could stop it.
A long swipe of his tongue crossed over your lips towards your cheek.
Jake licked your face in a trance before reality downed on him a second after. It felt like lightning stroke his spine from how he flinched and froze in place, tongue still out with the lingering taste of you taunting his senses.
Mortified, his wide eyes examined your next move. The mirage he was in broke like a mirror with no hopes of being repaired.
However, it's you he just licked, it's you who witnessed his slip into the more mindless side of his self.
With you, there's nothing to be insecure about
Sure enough, your lips turned into the brightest smile ever, hugging him close to your chest as you giggled.
Jake immediately returned to his dreamland of love while squeezing you back in happiness. Tiny laughs of his own escaped to create a beautiful melody alongside your giggles.
Gentle hands pushed back the hair on his face to look into his eyes, "You're so adorable, Jake~ Perfect as you are~" You said with a smile.
Your boyfriend couldn't help but fall in love all over again as your confession shot an arrow straight to his heart.
With the way his smile relaxed into a peaceful one and his thumbs rubbed circles on your skin, it was evident your comment touched him.
" Wouldn't change anything for the world. "
What option did you give him, other than to seal your pomise with a tender kiss?
[ END ]
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GOLDEN RETRIEVER!JAKE IS JUST TOO ADORABLE, I HAAAD TO 🥺💛 may more hybrid thoughts come to mind 🙏🏻 Hope you enjoyed! Feel free to like, reblog, and comment~
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yourdaddyfigur3 ¡ 4 months ago
Welcome to my blog!!!
Previously known as @yourdaddyfigure. This is strictly a (18+ only) blog. So please if you’re under the age of 18 kindly show some respect and do not follow me or any blog I interact with in this community.
I very much love interacting with my mutuals and following. So please feel free to come chat, all I ask is that you please be respectful and I promise to do the same. Also, don’t get angry at me if I don’t respond to your messages immediately. This will lead to you getting blocked. We all have our own things to worry about outside of tumblr and sometimes needing a mental break is very much needed.
Note I’m not interested in any sexting, so if that’s your endgame here you will sadly be disappointed. I much rather just have genuine conversations with all of you and hear all about you instead.
The best way to reach me is through ask which are open to all. 🫶🏼 I am more likely to reply to asks & anons.
I am straight however please note that I heavily support LGBT+🏳️‍🌈 and if you do not, well there’s the door.
A Couple Rules!
First and please I can't say this enough. DO NOT address me as Daddy EVER. May it be in comments, messages, or even ask. Yes, I am a Daddy, but I am not YOUR Daddy.
This blog will not tolerate any type of negative behavior. Be kind or leave. If you're going to be negative on my blog in any way, may it be comments, ask or messages you will be immediately blocked no questions asked.
If I see any of you interact with any underage/minors in any capacity I will report you and block you without a second thought.
If there’s no sign of your age in your bio or in a pinned post you made for yourself you will be immediately blocked. Same goes for any blank blogs.
Please respect yourself and my mutuals always!
So for now this is all I got 🥰 sorry that it’s pretty lengthy. If any of you actually took the time to read all of this, thank you so much and here’s your golden star 🌟. Stay safe and hydrated my friends!
If anyone is interested in joining the emoji army you’re more than welcome to do so! Just please don’t copy someone’s emoji. The list is below 👇 Thank you! 🫶🏼
Emoji Army:
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lightlycareless ¡ 14 days ago
Thank you for feeding the Naoya lovers 💛💛
I have two requests
- Naoya and y/n playing the pocky game
- Naoya bought some lingerie for y/n and she’s trying them on infront of him
Smut or not I would still eat it up 😫
Always my pleasure 🙈🙈🙈 tajkghkjagjtks I'm so grateful you enjoy my work 🥺💖💖💖!!!
Now, thank you so much for your requests heheh one of them (the pocky one) is actually something I've been thinking about for a while now; just stuff from the hs au. While the other... thanks for the suggestion, now I won't be able to keep it out of my head 😭😭
I will get to that one of course, but for now, let's start with the pocky one 😼
warnings: fluff, highschool au. y'all met in jujutsu high. :) naoya is redeemed by the power of love hahahahaaa
Happy reading!
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You getting a boyfriend is certainly one of the best things that could’ve happened to you; from a teenaged, hopeless romantic perspective of course—because not only do you get to be with the potential love of your life (which he is, you’ve come to gleefully discover soon enough)
But also get the chance to go through the endless list of activities to do as a couple you’ve secretly prepared with anticipation.
Naoya, at first, was a bit distraught by your enthusiasm. Completely unaware if these were things couples normally did, thus naturally worried that he wouldn’t be able to fit your expectations; but he’d eventually grow accustomed to your witticisms and even suggest some himself.
Though the pocky game was your idea.
“A game?” Naoya raises an eyebrow. “How could anyone make a game with this?”
“I don’t know, some are just creative like that—but I still want to try it out, pretty please?” you smile, batting your eyes at him. He chuckles.
“You know you don’t have to beg; I’ll do whatever you ask.” He responds, kissing the top of your head. “So… how do we do this?”
“Well, it seems we just gotta pick a pocky, grab it with our lips, and eat it! The first one that breaks it, or pulls away, loses. So, no holding back, hm?”
“And that’s all?” Naoya responds, skeptical about the supposed easiness of the game. Surely there must be a trick—or reward, given what usually happens to those stubborn enough to remain. “Alright. Then I hope you’re prepared to lose, don’t think I’m going on easy just because it’s you, mochi.”
“Ha! What makes you think I’ll be the one needing mercy?” You smirk, taking out a pocky and placing it between your lips. “Come on, let’s start!”
Having set eyes on the prize, Naoya quickly takes the pocky and proceeds to act out the method that always seemed to earn him victories: swiftly and precisely, with no chance for error.
Unfortunately, he didn’t count on the fragility of the pocky, breaking the moment he took an ambitious, big bite that left you startled for a second, wide-eyed as you observed his piece fall down before letting out a chuckle, amused by his eagerness.
“You have to be patient, Naoya.” You say, taking out another pocky from the box. “Or you’re not going to win like that.”
“You know I can’t be patient, princess.” Not with things like this, anyways. And it doesn’t help he’s naturally competitive, even with you.
“You’ll have to try.” You reaffirm, placing another stick between your lips and starting the game once again—
Which was continuously interrupted by one reason or another, from Naoya’s consistent eagerness to your own miscalculations, seemingly unable to follow your own advice when victory appeared to be within your grasp.
And the opportunities were quickly running out, only a few sticks left before you’d need another box.
But the premise of such defeat isn’t something that perturbed your mind much, for your attention would solely dwell on the look Naoya put on when trying to get closed to you: burning, golden gaze, a prominent frown, alongside tensed lips and even a small drop of sweat sliding down his forehead…
It was the sight of someone who took this lighthearted moment too seriously, and such, indebted to ease his pressure as well as amused by his act, you put the final stop to it by laughing.
“Oh, Naoya, I can’t take you seriously like this!” you giggle, letting go of the pocky —the last one— much to Naoya’s dismay. “it’s just that you make this funny face… I can’t focus anymore!”
“Hey! I was close!” He exclaimed, sounding genuinely disappointed. Naoya had just gotten the hang of it, why did you suddenly decide you weren’t interested anymore?! “Let’s get another box, I’m not willing to end it like this.”
“I think we’ve tried enough, Naoya, I’m tired.” You say, further confusing him. Are you teasing him on purpose?
“Don’t you want to see who wins in the end?” He asks, you shake your head.
“It’s no fun if you get all stressed about it! Besides…” you then wrap your arms around his shoulders, gently pulling down to you and placing a kiss on his lips. “You don’t need to win some silly game to get my kisses.”
Naoya is, past the eccentricities and glamour of his family title, a simple man at heart. All he needed was to receive your affection and he’d be fulfilled. No wonder classmates alike always waited for you to be near when delivering bad news, you were the only one capable enough to calm him!
“Will they be chocolate flavored too?” Naoya jests, sign that he was back to his usual self, and making you pout—but not as much when he says the following. “Though I suppose I prefer the tonkotsu ramen, taro mochi ones.”
“You—that’s gross!” you exclaim. “I’m never letting you kiss me after I eat ever again…”
“At least make promises you intend to keep, princess.”
“Well, at least I don’t get tachycardia when kissing!!” you gasp.
“You’re never letting that go, are you?” he blushes.
“No, it was too cute.” You smile, resting against his chest.
“Only because it’s you.” Naoya leans in for another kiss, which you reciprocate sweetly with a smile. “But do you seriously not want any more pocky? I find it hard to believe you’d pass an opportunity to sink your teeth on something sweet.”
“…Fine, you know me too well. But no more games!” you say. “Or I’ll start laughing because of your face…”
“You know what? We’ll just skip them entirely.”
“Oh, Naoya! It was just a joke! You’re actually very handsome, a bit goofy looking at times, but still handsome!!”
“I don’t want to hear it; you can get them yourself.”
“Naoya!!” you laugh. “Come on!”
He may stubbornly continue to put on an indifferent façade, exclaim he couldn’t care less about what you wanted now that you’ve seemingly offended you, but just as it was stated before it only takes a simple gesture, a soft squeeze of his palm, or batting your eyes to make him putty in your hands.
Because such is the effect of your affection, his commitment to you: to be the perfect boyfriend, willing to entertain all and every idea you could muster.
Even the trivial, surprisingly competitive ones.
Can’t it always be like this?
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The ramen part is in reference to their first date, which you can read over here. agjksagkjsa it's all connected!!!
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed a sillier side of Naoya, the one that is very conscious of his appearance when it comes to you and wants to be seen nothing but manly 😂 also, he needs to win every single game, I do not make the rules lol.
Now, take care and hope to see you soon!!
p.s. if it wasn't because naoya has decided to please your every whim, he would've immediately discarded the pocky's and make out with you. you might've begged him to stop, and drop the idea of the game soon after hehe.
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slamminslamminmcgill ¡ 1 year ago
Hear me out, Joel quite but rough fucking you while you’re hiding out in a new place (I keep thinking about him with a piss kink but I don’t think I can come up with a scenario where he’d have one, I think he might be an exception🥲)
i wrote a little bit about that first idea here. it’s short but just a couple thoughts abt it
and not to worry brother i got some ideas for joel piss >:3
warning: piss, degradation/humiliation, spit, face slapping, a little bit of intox (alcohol), squirting mention, daddy kink (i feel like that’s just synonymous with me posting joel at all tbh)
anatomical terms: pussy/cunt
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there’s 2 main reasons he likes it
1.) messiness - he’s already a fan of sloppy sex, whether it be him spitting on you, blowing a few loads on/in you, or just your makeup running while you’re squirting your fucking brains out, he loves seeing how disheveled he can get you. covering you with piss is another way to do that
2.) degradation - having you so addicted to his cock that you’d do whatever he says no matter how humiliating. and you BET he’s gonna rub it in
“dirty fuckin’ whore. you’ll just let me do anything to you, won’t ya?” SMACK “bet i could piss all over this pretty face, and you’d like it. prolly beg me for more, even.”
he says that in jest, but when you’re receptive to it, he’s pleasantly surprised.
“oh shit, for real? goddamn. knew you were a freaky bitch.”
he is NOT properly hydrated sorry. his piss is yellow and strong welcome to flavortown. he likes making you drink it if you can. but if you can’t he’ll be nice and just give you a hot golden shower 💛 how sweet of him
orrrr he’ll just stick his cock down your throat and piss like that. you won’t have to taste it if it completely bypasses your tongue hehe
if you ARE able to handle the taste, he’ll give you a mouthful and hold your jaw open so he can spit into it. then he’ll say
“flush it down, slut.”
loves praising you after, but ofc it’s backhanded compliments. he knows you need positive reinforcement, but he can’t have you getting too full of yourself.
“good boy. such a good little pisspig for your daddy, aren’t’cha, boy? nasty little cunt, drinkin’ all his daddy’s piss like that. ‘m proud of ya.”
he wants to try going a full day where every time he has to piss, he does it in your mouth. daddy needs to keep his baby hydrated 🥰
OOOOO WHAT IF WHAT IF what if y’all are both shitfaced drunk and you’re fucking in the shower. he’s got you bent over, his cock buried to the hilt in your pussy, and he just. goes still.
you look back over your shoulder at him, “joel? what’re you-?”
“shhh,” he grabs you by the hair and smushes your face into the wet tile wall, “don’t fuckin’ move.”
he doesn’t say any more than that. you’re left wondering what the he’ll he means by that, until you feel heat swelling inside you, filling you up and putting pressure on your cunt from the inside out.
you gasp and shake when you realize what he’s doing, “a-ah! joel! joel, that’s-“
he just squeezes your hips tighter against him, “told you not to fuckin’ move.” he lets out a deep sigh as he empties his bladder inside you. “s’okay, babe. daddy’s almost done…”
by the time he finishes, you feel like you’re about to burst, you’re so full. then he slowly withdraws his hips, and all that heat comes rushing out of you. it’s such a sweet relief, it has you drooling down the shower wall. and it makes your cunt so slick and slippery when he fucks the rest out of you
ofc he’ll wash you off after. lots of hugs and kisses and REAL praise to thank you for indulging him 🥹
“good job, sweetheart. did so good for me. let’s get you cleaned up now, alright?”
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timetodecidedjo ¡ 6 months ago
The Poolverine Wedding Fic is here ❤️💛
Huge thank you to @avenging-captain for being my beta reader, and just genuinely being so sweet and supportive of my work!
It’s also posted over on my AO3 under I Never Loved A Man (The Way I Love You) by xuaerduobb if you wanna leave some love 🥺
I Never Loved A Man (The Way I Love You)
The air was crisp and filled with the earthy scent of fallen leaves. The sunlight, a vibrant golden amber color, was preparing to set on the day and transition into the evening. Logan felt the cool chill of the wind down his adamantium grafted spine and made a joke in his head about getting cold feet.
It was the evening of his wedding, and minute by minute, it was getting closer and closer to ceremony time. Most of their guests had already arrived and were seated in their mismatched chairs on each side of the aisle, waiting with excitement and anticipation for the happy couple. Everyone looked so nice and dressed up for the occasion, clad in scarves and warm coats to combat the chill of the October air. Logan had decided he wanted to be in full black for the wedding, black suit, black shirt, black tie. His blushing “spouse to be” always said he looked so good in dark colors, minus his iconic yellow suit.
The rolling hills of upstate New York made for such a breathtaking backdrop that Logan couldn’t help but to keep thanking Vanessa over and over for the help finding the perfect venue. Wade had said on so many occasions that it didn’t matter to him where they had the wedding, that he would’ve married Logan Howlett right there in their crummy apartment. Logan knew that he wasn’t kidding, but also knew that Wade deserved to have the perfect day he had always dreamed of.
“Logan, I have the rings, do you have your vows?” Laura asked, pulling Logan back into the present. He nodded and pulled out a folded up piece of paper from his jacket pocket, waving it in front of her. Laura was wearing a floor length black satin dress, gold jewelry and a pair of short heeled nude shoes. Her long hair was pulled back into a messy bun, with a few pieces of hair framing her face. She had a simple makeup look for the day to celebrate her TWO dads.
“You look beautiful, sweetheart,” Logan beamed as he took his daughter’s hand into his own.
She smiled and pulled him into a loving hug, so proud to be a part of their day. She pulled back when Vanessa tapped on her shoulder to alert her that it was almost time, and that everyone needed to get into their positions. Laura gave her father a reassuring smile and followed Vanessa back to the barn on the other side of the lawn where Wade and the rest of the wedding party were waiting.
Logan walked up the aisle to stand at the front of their entire family, smiling and waving at the guests that were there. The sight was so surreal. Never in his 200 years of living did he think that this would be his life, that he would get to experience falling in love and getting married to the person of his dreams.
Wade had asked Colossus to be the officiant for the wedding, and he was there waiting for them at the end of the aisle. Logan reached out to shake the steel man’s cold hand as a thank you again for agreeing to be a part of their special day.
“It is no problem, Logan,” the man made of organic steel replied as he shuffled through the book he needed to read from. “I am very happy for you and Wade.”
Just then, the hired DJ began playing the orchestral music that the bridal party was to walk down the aisle to. Wade had picked a classical version of pov by Ariana Grande, and though Logan was pretty sure he had never heard the song before, he had to admit that it was just as beautiful as the evening had turned out to be. First to come out was Yukio and Ellie, both dressed in similar black dresses to Laura’s. Their floral bouquets were decorated with sunflowers and red roses, a nod to Wade and Logan’s suits.They both had big smiles on their faces as they walked down the aisle to end at their respective spots, Yukio on Wade’s side and Ellie on Logan’s.
Then it was Vanessa and Laura’s turn as the maid of honor and best woman. Vanessa’s long black hair spilled over her shoulder and onto her back, her pale skin contrasting from the black dress she had on. They walked together with their arms linked until they had to separate, Laura standing by her father’s side, and Vanessa waiting for Wade. She looked over at Logan and mouthed, “He can’t wait to see you.”
Next, arguably more the star of the evening than Wade was, Mary Puppins pranced her way down the aisle with a basket of red and yellow flower petals hooked to her back. She ran straight to Logan and hopped up into his arms allowing all of the petals to finally fall out of the basket and onto the ground. She gave Logan quite the stinky kiss before he put her back down where she sat at his feet, like she could finally relax.
At long last, it was time. Logan was about to watch the love of his life walk down the aisle, dressed in his best suit, looking as handsome as ever, and when they’d walk back down said aisle, they’d be husbands. There was a mix of gentle, swirling energy inside of Logan’s abdomen, like his stomach had been doing flips. Before even seeing him, Wade gave him butterflies.
The barn doors opened completely this time, revealing Logan’s future husband and mother in law. Althea, who had been like Wade’s mother figure over the last 10+ years, shuffled her way down the rocky aisle, arguably Wade moreso escorting her. Though she was blind, there had been no one else Wade would’ve wanted to walk with on this special day. It was funny really, because it was kinda like a metaphor, right? Wade, blindly finding his way to the person who would be his soulmate to the altar, the aisle being the time it took for them to get to this day. The writer is hoping that makes sense…
When their eyes met, everyone else faded away, and it was just the two of them. Time had immediately slowed down. The noise, the people, the nerves… it all became a blur as Logan’s full attention shifted to Wade. He could feel his eyes soften and his vision become blurry as they filled with tears. Happy tears. Wade helped Althea to her seat and made his way to the spot next to Logan’s, where he wanted to be for the rest of their lives.
“Hey, Honey Badger,” the merc smiled, looking so incredibly handsome in his all black suit to match. “Or should I say Mr. Logan Howlett-Wilson.”
“Not just yet,” the Wolverine teased, taking his fiance’s hand into his own and kissing it. “I have some things to say to you first.”
They both turned their heads to face Colossus, but stayed in place, hands still intertwined. Wade’s hands were so cold. They always were. Logan made a mental note to send someone for gloves once the ceremony was over.
“Friends and family,” Colossus began, reading from the book in his hands. “We are gathered here today to celebrate the love between these two men, Wade Wilson and Logan Howlett. They are two of my closest friends, and I am so appreciative of their friendship. I have known Wade much longer than I’ve known this Logan, but now I don’t think I could ever know them separately ever again.”
“That’s right,” Wade grinned, still gripping onto Logan’s calloused hands tightly. “I’m not letting you go. Ever.”
Logan shook his head, but couldn’t help but feel a smile creep up onto his face. His cheeks hurt like hell from all the smiling, but it was a good hurt. One of the best hurts he’d felt in a long time.
“It is now time to exchange the vows. Who would like to go first?”
Before Logan could even say Wade, the merc with the mouth was already pulling out the sloppily written notes out of his pocket with one free hand.
“To my Honey Badger, my sweet boy, my Logan:
You know, they say don’t meet your heroes… that most of the time, these idealized versions of people will only set us up for disappointment. People have flaws, imperfections, make mistakes, and sometimes make choices that aren’t always the best. But meeting you, Logan, and getting the chance to fall head over heels, slit my own throat in love with you, has proven all that to be wrong. I did have a glamorized idea of you in my head, and you’ve exceeded it in every way possible. I know that it’s hard for you to see the things that I see in you, but I think I always knew deep down that you were and still are the best Wolverine. You’re the best Logan. Especially for me. I wanna fight with you. I wanna hold you when you’re feeling anxious. I wanna make you breakfast in bed on the weekends, even though I’m always burning the eggs. I wanna make sure you know how loved you are. Most importantly, I wanna make everyone in our apartment building uncomfortable when we’re taking a trip to pound town.”
“You do that already!” Althea called out from her seat in the front row. “The landlord gets at least 10 complaints every week. I know. I’m 7 of them.”
Everyone burst into nervous laughter, except for Althea and Ellie. It wasn’t funny.
Wade looked back down at his vows, and continued on with reciting them, this time not reading from the paper, but looking into Logan’s tired eyes.
“I call you by so many names: Wolvie, Honey Badger, Peanut, Angel Baby, Loverboy, Sweet Cheeks, the list goes on. But you’re also: my protector, my teammate, my best friend, my soulmate. I love you with every cancerous fiber of my being and I’m so excited to spend the rest of eternity with you.”
The emotions that Logan was feeling in that moment, all of them, hit him like a ton of bricks. He was never one to cry or show any emotions really. Other than anger. For so long, it was just anger. But from the moment they had met, Wade was one of the only ones who could ever break down his walls, brick by brick. No matter how hard he tried to hide it, he just couldn’t anymore. One single tear finally fell from his eye and rolled down his cheek. The merc released his grip on Logan’s hand in order to use his thumb to wipe away the wetness. Logan leaned into the touch and smiled softly before pressing a quick kiss onto Wade’s palm.
“Sorry I made you cry, Wolvie,” Wade apologized as he took his hand back and brought it back to Logan’s.
“Wait till you hear his,” Laura whispered with a small smile.
The mutant pulled out his written vows from his jacket pocket and opened them up slowly. This was hard for him. Being vulnerable like this in front of so many people… it was like knocking the wind out of his chest. He felt paralyzed, frozen there in his spot at the altar. Laura pressed a supportive hand to his back, quietly giving him the strength that he needed to say what he needed to say.
“Wade, that day in the bar when you found me drunk, wallowing in my self hatred and filled with so much anger… you literally showed up out of the blue and dragged me back to reality. You reminded me of who I am, who I was always meant to be. You continue to make me a better man every single day, teaching me patience and taking me out of my comfort zone. Wade, you keep me focused on the present and more importantly, our future… and you never make me feel bad about my past. You never stop making me laugh. Even when you’re being the most annoying person on the planet, you’re still making me laugh. You’re the funniest, sweetest, most thoughtful person I’ve ever known. You’re also a bit of a fuckin’ lunatic, but that’s just part of the Wade Wilson charm.”
Again, another laugh from the crowd, even Wade joining in. His eyes were just as glossy as Logan’s were before.
“You do these little things to show me how much you care; things that most people don’t ever see. In the middle of the night when I’m having a bad dream, you help me to wake up and realize that it was nothing but a nightmare. You’re always bringing me back little trinkets from places you travel to for work, and I still have every single one. When we order pizza on the weekends and they put mushrooms on it even though I always tell them not to, you pick them off for me before I ever notice that they’re there. You brought the daughter I never knew I needed into my life, and you love her as much as I do.”
Logan took a small breath so that he could finish his vows, his stomach in knots from all of the emotions running rampant.
“You’re the anchor being of my universe, and I’m so grateful that you made an educated wish two years ago. Our love transcends time and space. It’s a love I never knew I was capable of. It’s a love I never thought I’d ever get to experience. I love you, Wade Wilson.”
Not a dry eye in the house. Classical fucking Logan… swooping in and making a bigger impact on the audience, as always.
“Who has the rings?” Colossus inquired, primarily asking Logan because everyone knew not to allow Wade to keep them in his possession. He could be trusted with getting milk on the way home from a mission or feeding the dog every single night, but when it came to their wedding rings, it was better to be safe than sorry. Laura pulled out a small velvet jewelry bag that contained the rings out of her bouquet and passed it over to Logan. He took the ring he had picked for Wade out of the small bag and placed it onto his ring finger. Being an expert sword fighter, Wade could always keep a steady hand. But now? His body was shaking. He was barely keeping his shit together. It felt like his entire body was vibrating with excitement, anxiety, joy, adoration, desire… Once the ring made its way down his finger, the mutant brought Wade’s hand to his lips to press a kiss onto it.
Logan flipped the small bag over and out plopped the ring Wade had picked out for Logan. It was beautiful. Both rings were. The pair had been specially made out of adamantium and each had one singular garnet gemstone and a yellow sapphire embedded in. Wade had saved up every penny he could to get those rings and did NOT steal them in any way, shape, or form. Got it? Good.
Colossus continued to read from the book he held in his hands, flipping to a particular page.
“These rings represent infinity, signifying your eternal love and bond. It is a visible promise that you are forever devoted to each other through the highs and the lows, the hardships and in prosperity, when the sun shines and when it rains-“
“Hey, big guy,” Wade whispered, giving the steel man his best side eye. “That’s all very sweet, and I love the sentiment, I really do, but I’m dying to kiss this smoking hot, very soon to be completely off the market hunk right here. Finish strong, ‘kay?”
The steel mutant sighed and rubbed his forehead with his palm, closing the book he was reading from in the other.
“I am not really sure if any of this is actually legal due to Logan being from another timeline, but, by the power vested in me by the state of New York, I now pronounce you… married! You may now share a kiss.”
Wade had practically launched himself into Logan in an effort to be as close to him as possible. If body parts happened to rub against each other in the process, that was just good luck. Not for everyone else attending the wedding, but that's neither here nor there. Logan took Wade’s face into his hands and they shared a deep kiss, a familiar warmth consuming both of their mended hearts. It was a kiss that hit both their bodies like a tidal wave, and sent all of their emotions into a frenzy. Every guest broke out in a supportive cheer, and the orchestral music began to play again. When the two men broke away from the kiss, they walked back down the aisle, hand in hand, as newlyweds.
Set against the rustic charm of the old barn on the venue’s property, the wedding reception was this small and cozy atmosphere. There were golden string lights hung up all around the ceiling that gave the inside of the barn just the right amount of glow. It was enough to see one another, but it was dark enough that you could relax and unwind from the evening. Every table was adorned with lanterns and floral arrangements that accompanied the bridal bouquets from the ceremony. There were several fire pits set up outside so that guests could go outside and drink under the stars. The DJ had a steady stream of music pouring out of the speakers, and people were already starting to drink and dance on the makeshift dance floor. It was utterly perfect.
The DJ lowered the volume on the music and started to speak on the microphone.
“I’d like to turn everyone’s attention to the doors at the front of the barn to give a warm welcome to the newlyweds…”
The barn doors opened allowing Logan and Wade to walk in together, hand in hand, all smiles and full of so much joy.
“Please clear the dance floor so these two lovebirds can share their first dance as a married couple.”
The entire barn erupted in applause as the happy couple walked inside and onto the dance floor, people moving out of their way so that they could share their first dance.
Aretha Franklin’s I Never Loved A Man (The Way I Love You) started to play softly from the speakers, the sultry jazz and blues music adding to the coziness of the atmosphere. It was an interesting song choice for sure, but the couple had made quite an interesting pair.
Wade pulled Logan close and wrapped his arms around the older mutant’s waist, the biggest smile permanently fixed onto his face. Logan looked at Wade, his eyes softening, and draped his arms around Wade’s shoulders. They slowly grooved together to the music and took another opportunity to kiss each other, this time a little more risque than it had been back at the ceremony. It was their wedding, damnit, and Wade could NOT be expected to keep his hands or his lips to himself for the rest of the evening.
“You know, I keep waiting to wake up from this dream. This just can’t be my life,” Wade murmured as he danced with his new husband. His husband. His Logan.
“Wow, and you didn’t even say ‘wet dream.’ I’m a little offended. I got all dressed up in this nice suit, let Yukio fix my hair, and you’ve hardly made any inappropriate comments about my ass. I’m even wearing that thong you bought that says ‘eat me.’”
“We’re gonna come back to that last thing, but I’m a married man now. That’s like, major adult-like behavior,” the merc replied back, watching Logan immediately rolling his eyes and laughing at his response.
“Plus, I promised Colossus that I would act appropriately tonight. As soon as he leaves for the mansion though, I’m not gonna stop making inappropriate comments about your ass. I’m gonna say absolutely vulgar and obscene things about it, to be quite honest. And don’t even get me started on the kitty ears you got going on up there,” Wade yapped on, taking his index finger and swirling the little cowlick on top of Logan’s head. “And good choice on the whole monochromatic black look. A callback to 2013’s The Wolverine when you attended Yashida’s funeral? Arguably one of the only good decisions Fox ever made.”
Logan did what he always had to do to get The Merc With a Mouth to shut up and planted another big sloppy kiss onto his lips, successfully getting his message across. Loud and clear. They continued like that for most of the night, swaying together to the music, hands all over one another, drunk off of the bliss they felt just being with each other like this. Married. In love. Soulmates. Forever.
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maxymanspeed ¡ 1 year ago
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F1’s golden couple! 💛👑
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ericgold42 ¡ 4 months ago
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My house guests Pt 1
Hey bro WELCUM 2 the golden sunny state Br0 , need a place to stay br0? No prob, u can stay wit me. Oh, your girlfriend's with you? Ugh, that's ok, I got room. How long til u find a hotel , ymm that's almost a week bro but ok.
Later that night ..
Yo bro, u guys still up ? (Opening the door without knocking, the dude and his gf were startled they were both just in underwear) " yea were up he said" yah? cool, let's go have some beer in my hot tub and chill . Ur girl um..BTW what's your names again? " I'm Johnny n this is Amanda" he said in his thick Texas accent.
Ok cool , I was pretty drunk earlier my bad. I'm Eric everyone calls me Mr. Gold.
This statement made the couples eyes fall into a hypnotic like state and from them on they just like agreed with everything I said.
Amanda said she needed a few minutes to get ready..So I took Johnny outside to have a beer and feel the hot breeze. I of coarse had my own plans for Johnny 😈 💛💪🏼
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To be continued....
Until then ,Come join the Golden army bro get broified and get set up with your kit and start bonding with real Br0s @brodygold was super helpful wit me so he will help u n get u part of the team asap .
Stay tuned 🪙
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aclowntiny ¡ 1 year ago
can you plz do first _ with yuyu for example: first kiss, first hand holding, first ily, first date, first puppy etc ><
Ooh I like this I would have never thought of that! So cute 🥺 can't wait to do this with all the members! & thank you sweetie 🥹🥰
Yunho + Firsts (Gender Neutral Reader)
(This picture gives off such out with your bf vibes 🥺)
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First Date: He may have asked you out beneath beautiful blossoms, but your first date is at the zoo. He bounces like a puppy at the adorable way the baby pandas roll, holding out his phone for videos. There’s a photo op that gives you panda ears, so of course Yunho pulls you over to it for a shot! You guys probably also get matching gift shop plushies too.
First Time Holding Hands: On your first date! It’s a little step forward in affection for sure, but it feels right even though it happens by accident. It’s a bit of a run to get to the next round of aviary entrances and Yunho really wants to make it, to get a chance to feed the beautiful birds and maybe even have them land on you! In his excitement he grabs your hand, tugging you into his little jog to the pay booth.
First Kiss: You guys have a few dates before the first kiss. Neither of you mind, enjoying each other’s company and valuing that more than anything physical- Yunho makes that clear from the start! He wants that moment to be very traditional and romantic, so he knows the moment will come to him when it’s right. That moment comes at your doorstep after your first nice dinner together, when he tells you what a wonderful time he had, reminds you how beautiful you are, before cupping your cheek lightly and following your leaning lead to connect your lips.
First ‘I Love You’: It isn’t something you do, some concrete action that sets the gears turning in Yunho’s head. It’s just the joy, the sheer completion he feels in your presence, the way you don’t have to do anything to make him smile. Facts about each other fall naturally from both of your lips. So when he sees you all dressed up for an extra nice night out, smiling up to your eyes not at the gifts in his hand, but at him, it only cements his decision. When you ask him why he’s showering you with all that he is, he smiles widely and the answer comes out as easy as it would be to say his own name. “Because I love you, (y/n), that’s why.”
First Fight: In all honesty, it takes a long time for you guys to fight. Yunho isn’t an aggressive or argumentative person, so he doesn’t get angry easily or enjoy picking fights. The argument you guys have is small, but it feels heavier due to being your first fight. He hadn’t been sure if he could make plans of yours and cancelled last minute. You completely understood, but it was still very upsetting so you snapped a little and he shot back. You guys felt terrible and apologized quickly, though, hearts dropping at the thought of hurting the other.
First Anniversary: The first milestone is your hundred days. Yunho goes very classic, taking you out to lunch in the cutest café he could find and gifting you a set of matching couple rings! And playfully swapping them, of course, to see if each one fits both of you! By the look in his eyes as he slides your ring on your finger, you wonder if he’s thinking about another chance he could have to do that a little further down the line…
First Pet: Your first pet is a puppy! We all think of Yuyu as a dog person, and I think this would fully carry through as he muses on wanting a puppy, prompting you to surprise him for Valentine’s Day with the new fluffy baby! It’s important to adopt, not shop, so to get your golden retriever you research a rescue. You know he’s yours the moment you see him, big and wide-eyed as he jumps into your arms. When he came there, it was with a broken leg, and your heart melts at the pictures of him in his little cast. Yunho names him Hero because your little man is a survivor 💛
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carlos-in-glasses ¡ 9 months ago
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Happy Sunday! I wrote this for Poet Fic just now! Hot off the press! Excited to share!...But once again if everybody could agree not to tell my mother that I wrote this, that would be great:
TK leans up, props himself on the crook of his elbow and studies Carlos. His journey takes him from the top of his messy black curls, down his muscular chest and arms and his beautiful golden-brown skin, all the way to where the sheet begins. How shyly it half-cloaks the curve of his ass and hangs over his crotch. How it exposes an angle of hair but his c*ck his shadowed.
TK wants to reach into the dark gap the sheet creates and wrap his hand around him, but Carlos is too sleepy, so TK instead wraps a hand around himself, tugs a couple of times, just enough to make himself salivate.
He’s thinking of the most recent sex they had – which wasn’t last night, but the night before, when Carlos had been in the mood to bottom, really in the mood, and he came all over TK while riding him. TK can still feel the clench of Carlos’ muscles around his c*ck when he came. He tries to recreate it with his hand, but he can’t. There’s nothing like the real thing.
Open tag and tags below.
@safeaswrites @literateowl @kiwichaeng @fallout-mars
@eclectic-sassycoweyes @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad
@nancys-braids @carlos-tk @vineofroses
@captain-gillian @jesuisici33 @tellmegoodbye @orchidscript
@herefortarlos @sugdenlovesdingle @honeybee-taskforce
@theghostofashton @freneticfloetry @lemonlyman-dotcom
@chicgeekgirl89 @sanjuwrites @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut
@alrightbuckaroo @liminalmemories21 @heartstringsduet
@never-blooms @welcometololaland @rmd-writes
@lightningboltreader @goodways @reyesstrand
@bonheur-cafe @strandnreyes @paperstorm
@thisbuildinghasfeelings - if you want to share/ haven't already! No pressure ever!
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pupkashi ¡ 2 years ago
congratulations once again my love 💛 i'm bringing out the confetti!! may i request number 5 with kento, pretty please?🥺 kissing your cheeks, thank you in advance 💛💛💛
thank u so much julie my beloved <333 big smooches for u ^♡^ i hope you enjoy this !!!
join the celebration!
there’s a persistent nudging that makes your brows furrow, eyes fighting to open as the dimly lit room comes into focus.
“darling? you up?” the deep whisper causing your head to turn slowly, rubbing your eyes so you could focus on the man standing at the foot of you bed.
“ken? what’re you doing up?” you mumble, yawning as you sit up, checking the clock on the bedside table and frowning, “and why’re you waking me up at 5 in the morning.”
the whine in your voice makes kento smile, running a hand through his still messy blonde hair. he’s wearing grey sweatpants and a loose navy t shirt, one that you’d gifted him not too long ago.
“get changed i wanna take you somewhere” his voice is gentle, keeping in mind how much you hate loud noises when you wake up. when he sees the apprehension in your still sleepy face he moves next to you, leaning down a bit and kissing your cheek.
“please? I’ll make it worth it, i promise” there’s a charming smile on his face and you can’t stop yourself from leaning your head against his chest, mumbling something along of the lines of ‘only for you.’
it’s twenty minutes later that you’re walking into the living room, more awake than before but still a bit drowsy, grabbing a granola bar and nibbling away as he ushers you into the car.
“what’s that smell?” you ask, turning to look in the backseat but finding nothing.
“hm?” nanami only smiles, adoring the way you leaned your head against the window, humming along to the music playing softly from the speakers. he wastes no time in intertwining your fingers with him, brining your hand to his lips and pressing a gentle kiss to the back of your hand.
it’s a short drive, your eyes fluttering open when you hear the car engine stop. you’re looking around and kento is only giving you a small grin.
“give me five minutes then I’ll come get you, okay?” he asks, leaning over the center console to give you a soft kiss as you nod.
he’s opening the trunk of the car and walking quickly somewhere you can’t see from your point of view, only coming back into your line of sight a couple minutes later, a satisfied smile on his face as he opens the car door for you.
“ready?” you only nod, smiling as his takes his hand in your once more, closing the door behind you and leading you to where he’s disappeared to.
there’s a white and red blanket sprawled on the grass, surrounded by flowers. there’s fruits, croissants and a couple donuts on display, two warm coffees still in the wicker basket.
“ken” you breathe out, turning to look at the blonde man next to you, he only smiled at you, ushering you to sit on the soft blanket.
“surprise” he chuckles, the sound makes you smile, looking over at him and taking in his relaxed form. you’re both munching on the croissants when the sun begins to rise.
“you really made these?” you ask, inspecting the bread before looking back at your lover.
“‘s that so hard to believe, my love?” there’s a teasing grin on his face that makes you scrunch your nose up, shoving him with your shoulder slightly before letting your head rest on his chest.
one of his arms is behind him, hand in the dewy grass for balance as the other snakes around your shoulders, keeping you close to him as the reds and oranges slowly engulf the sky.
“it’s so pretty” you murmur, the two of you bathed in the suns golden rays as it slowly rises from its sleep, kissing both of you good morning.
nanami isn’t looking at the sun, he’s seen the sunrise more than enough times. instead, his eyes are focused on you, a gentle smile on his face. he’s memorizing every detail of your face, the way your hair looks a different color in the golden light.
he’s falling in love with you all over again when he replies to you, “yeah, so beautiful.”
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