#💖: Shouta Aizawa
tatakaeeren · 2 years
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"Don't lay a finger on my students!"
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hannanodaa · 2 months
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Can’t stop thinking about how adorable this man is
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tired-teacher-blog · 2 years
Hello, hello! I read your tags, I love you too 😋
Shouta will occasionally get in these moods. He just can't help himself. He'll whisper little innuendos in your ear spontaneously throughout the day. If anyone asks, he's chastising you for whatever bullshit paperwork you gave him about one of the students you both teach.
His eyes will scan your body when he walks by you in the hallway or the teacher's lounge, somehow without anyone else noticing, and then you're red in the face.
When you're alone he MIGHT even bring in a sense of touch: his lips might brush against the shell of your ear, his fingers might graze yours as you hand him a stack of papers, he may even bump into you in the hallway (of course making it look like it was your fault).
You pick up on what he's doing quickly.
When you both get back to your shared place, you confront him on his actions. He'll say he doesn't know what you're talking about, but you notice the little twitch at the corners of his lips.
- 🐺
He's a tease isn't he?
It's annoying especially when you're the only one struggling to keep a straight face around his provocation.
Why aren't goosebumps appearing on his skin as they are on yours when his hands decide to grab onto your waist as he pretends to squeeze his way around you? And why isn't he biting down on his lip to keep a whimper in, same way you're doing when he's whispering lustful words in your reddening shell?
He relishes your mumbled whines and weak punches on his chest when you're finally alone, and you're so cute to him that he can't help but grunt impatiently before silencing you with his lips on yours as he finally kisses you properly.
He drives you insane, but you love him.
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mango-bango-bby · 2 years
Yandere aizawa family who is aizawa and hisashi ( mic sensei) and shinzo and eri who wont let reader become a hero even tho she is shinzo's twin sis and have the same quirk
Yandere aizawa family who wont let reader have a relationship cuz they might hurt the reader
♡ Your Own Good ♡
(A/N: I have so many platonic yandere requests right now, everyone just wants platonic yandere and I am here for it!! I hope you like, I think erasermic family is a very cute idea 💖)
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, platonic yandere, child and teen!reader, overprotectiveness, mentions of bullying
Summary: You want to be a hero yet your family refuses (Platonic!Yandere!EraserMic Family x Teen!Reader)
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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You slam your bedroom door behind you, crawling into your bed with fat tears rolling down your cheeks. It seemed as if everyone in your family were heros. Both of your fathers were heroes, your brother was a hero in training.
Even your little sister was allowed near heroic stuff yet they all treated you like a child and told you it was to dangerous. You just wanted to be a hero, you just want to help people.
Shouta kneels down next to your bed, gently wiping some tears off of your sleeping face. It’s hard for him not to see you as the small child he saved along with Hitoshi.
He knows that you just want to save people but he’s just so scared that you’re going to be hurt. It makes him feel like a asshole to shut down your dreams, but he wants to keep you safe.
“It’s for their own good, Shouta” Hizashi says from the doorway. Shouta glances up at his husband for a moment.
“I know” he says simply. You had the same quirk as Hitoshi, both you and your brother were heavily bullied because of your quirks. Hitoshi tended to internalize all of the pain from the bullying, instead opting to comfort you when anything would happen.
Hizashi and Shouta still remember you coming home from school sobbing because people called you a villain. They remember you coming home covered in dirt after bullies pushed you down.
They remember you hiding in your room so you wouldn’t have to been seen in public. They even remember you sobbing and telling them you were scared that you were going to end up a villain simply because of your quirk.
After all you’ve been through, how could your family not be overprotective of you? You couldn’t be a hero. You were to fragile. You were to fragile which is why you need your family to protect you.
“They just need to be protected” Shouta mumbles, finally standing up from the side of your bed. You had gotten into a fight with your fathers about how you wanted to become a hero but they refused. So you went to your room, slamming your door and crying yourself to sleep.
“I know, but we’re doing the right thing” Hizashi smile, leaning down to give you a kiss on the forehead. They turn off the light as they leave your room, they’ll have to talk to you later about why they won’t let you become a hero. They’re only isolating you and they’re only prohibiting you from your dreams so that you’re safe.
︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵ Thank you for reading, darling!!
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Hi, there! 🥰
I'm really, really, really excited to announce you that I'm currently working with my beloved and talented friend @merrymonkey on an illustrated fanfic of Aizawa, starting from his U.A. days and moving into the present when he's the homeroom teacher of class 1A.
This is gonna be kind of long, we hope you enjoy the ride. 💖
Our Hero Academy
Chapter 1
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Pairing: Shota Aizawa x female OC
Genre: Shota Aizawa X female OC fluff, angst, high school romance, friends to lovers
Words: 2k
Summary: 15 years ago, Eraser Head was starting his hero studies with his best friends Hizashi and Oboro. Contrary to what people think, his teenage years in the U.A. were bright and lovely, filled with the laughter of his best friends and his girlfriend's unconditional love. What happened over the years? What changed him into a gloomy sensei?
Extra note: You can totally picture Y/N in the OC female name, it's just that it'd be cute to read Aizawa calling her pet names. ��
Chapter 1 - Welcome to the U.A.
On the first day of school, the UA’s enormous doors opened earlier than usual. Some teachers, the kindest ones, had come out to welcome the new students. Some of them already knew each other, having grown up in the same neighborhood and lucky enough to be in the same high school class. Such was the case with Hizashi Yamada, Oboro Shirakumo, and Shouta Aizawa.
While the first two talked quite loudly, drawing the attention of anyone who passed by, the last one was not only almost asleep but also remarkably quiet, he looked like a calm boy, someone who didn't look for trouble.
Starting with Hizashi, he was a tall and slim boy with blond hair, which he wore spiked upwards. His eyes were covered with some pretty cool sunglasses, and it was very common to see him with a large smile on his face. Hizashi had an eccentric personality, almost like a radio host. He even often posed when he talked and maintained a certain level of excitement or volume, regardless of the situation. Though he tended to be a jovial individual, Hizashi was capable of great rage, but that wasn't really common to occur, for he was the typical extroverted and popular guy.
Meanwhile, Oboro's light blue wavy hair was his charm, as well as his adorable and bright personality. He usually wore an expression of excitement. Very prone to making jokes and witty comments with innuendos, his energetic and goofy personality was similar to that of Hizashi, although Oboro never quite reached his friend's excitement. Due to his extravagant behavior, he was not the type of person who followed protocol and had little sense of shame, hence just as he was walking with his friends, he closed his uniform shirt as if he were in his room.
Finally, behind came the third of them, Shouta Aizawa. He was a slender and tall, tanned-skinned boy with messy, shoulder-length black hair, that partially hung in front of his face and half-opened black eyes. His worn-out appearance made him often look fatigued, especially because of his tired eyes. He was a very stern and reserved person; actually, he often came off as cold and apathetic, someone who preferred to take naps in every possible place over any other activity. Although quiet, the young hero student was very vocal and bold when expressing his ideas, which lead him to only had two friends. Despite his apathetic traits, he genuinely cared about his friends and was willing to do anything for them. In fact, he had already done it, he had already gotten into more than one problem because of Hizashi and Oboro. Shouta often grinned and even made jokes about his friends' eccentric personalities. Although it was more common to see him serious or rather shy.
While Hizashi spoke, or rather, he shouted expressing his immense emotion, Oboro adjusted his uniform. To tell the truth, it seemed that he was getting dressed, because now he was buttoning up his shirt.
“Do you really have to do that while we walk among so many people?” Aizawa asked.
“I didn't have time to get dressed. If you hadn't held us up for wanting to rescue that cat, I'd have been able to do it, so now you suck it up." He said with a mischievous smile as he tried to find his belt inside his backpack.
“Do you think they assign us the same section? I want us to be classmates again." Hizashi commented when they were already walking through the main gates.
Aizawa listened to Oboro's answer until something else completely stole his attention. Sitting on a bench next to a window, a girl was waiting for the doors of the academy's auditorium to open so that the professors could give them the welcome speech.
He was not the type of individual who paid special attention to admiring another person's beauty, he had had beautiful classmates at high school, and he had even seen some very pretty girls entering the academy, however, none of them had got to awake something on him, as it had happened to Oboro and Hizashi and their numerous dates. 
Yet, that girl just a few steps away had taken his breath away. Aizawa cut the conversation with his friends because, for a few seconds, he couldn't do anything else but admire that short girl with long, wavy pastel pink hair tied in a braid. She had been nervously playing with a pink hair tie while waiting to enter the auditorium. Suddenly, a gust of wind made her look at the branches of a tree through the window, allowing Aizawa to see a bit more of her face.
Possibly due to Aizawa's piercing stare, she realized someone was looking at her, and turning around, she discovered him. Her lovely and expressive green eyes were now fixed on the young man's black eyes. His usual tired gaze switched to a wide-eye one by noticing an undeniable sparkle in the girl's look. Such interaction struck Aizawa to the core; it was so overwhelming, that he was about to break that eye contact. Luckily, he did not do it and did not miss the kind but shy and fleeting smile that the girl gave him. Shota couldn't smile back not because he didn't want to, but because he simply couldn't, he just froze. Naturally, when the girl saw that the guy didn't even react back, she looked away from him and had to force herself to think of something else; otherwise, the auto cringe would have made her leave the place.
"You okay, bro? Are you that nervous? Your face's red." Oboro said looking at his friend, but Aizawa just shook his head.
"Let's go in, the doors are already open." Aizawa replied without forgetting the girl's smile. 
He wasn't the typical guy who got a lot of smiles or kind looks, perhaps because his eyes were usually on the ground, or because his gaze was a tired one, not precisely a cordial one. Whatever the reason, it was not common for him to receive such a kind facial expression like that. All his life he was used to Hizashi and Oboro turning out to be the ones who stole peeks and received compliments. To tell the truth, Aizawa had never minded that since social interactions were not his thing at all.
Yet, he did not have time to think more about it, the professor who welcomed them had already started with his talk. He explained to the students how the academy worked and how they would be assigned to a class. That was how that day, once again fate wanted Aizawa, Oboro, and Hizashi to be together in the same class. Though that was not the only surprise. When they entered the room, Aizawa saw the girl again; apparently, the four of them would study together from now on.
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That was how they spent the first days at the UA. The professional heroes didn't give them a break, it was training after training, in addition to master classes, of course. Knowing and trusting each one's quick was a must to survive the UA classes; therefore, Aizawa was definitely not having a good time. Meanwhile, Hizashi and Oboro not only controlled theirs better, but they also felt comfortable with their powers and were confident that they would become excellent heroes. However, the shy young man constantly doubted his ability, and when possible, he trained alone so as not to slow anyone down. But that changed the second week when one of the teachers asked them to pair up for the next lesson in one of the many training camps.
"Okay, this is it! I'll ask Hoshino to work with me!" Oboro said, adjusting his uniform and referring to the pink-haired girl, who turned out to be very quiet and introverted. Even though she had all her classmates drooling over her from the first day, she was always alone and studying in her spare time in the library.
"Don't even dream about it, Oboro, I'll ask her," Hizashi replied. "You are very noisy, she won't want to be your partner." 
“What the fuck, Hizashi!? You scream instead of talking! Besides, you'll scare her, you're too aggressive."
"I'm not aggressive!"
"And you're not very bright either, why would the best of the class want to work with you?"
Aizawa, for his part, chuckled upon hearing his friends and continued tying his shoelaces. In the meantime, Hizashi and Oboro were so focused on arguing among themselves that they didn't realize when the girl approached where they were.
Thus, she touched the least expected person's shoulder and spoke.  “Hi... Hum, excuse me, would you mind if we worked together? I've seen your quirk and I think we could make a good team.” As determined as she was to train with him, there was a hint of shyness in her voice.
"WHAT THE HELL?!" Oboro and Hizashi asked looking at how she had chosen Aizawa as her partner.
Although the two outgoing boys had come to her since day one to introduce themselves, Aizawa hadn't said a word, preferring to stay behind. So, her proposal was quite unexpected for everyone, especially for Aizawa, who looked at her as if hoping that she would realize that she was speaking to HIM and not to his friends.
"I see... you already have a partner, I'm sorry." Wishing that the earth would swallow her, the girl was about to disappear, she didn't do it only because Oboro was faster and prevented her.
"No, he doesn't have one! It's just that Aizawa's very shy." Oboro replied as Hizashi practically pushed his friend to his feet.
“Did you hear that, Shota? You'll be able to work with the best of the class!” The blonde said.
"Are you sure you want to work with me?"
"Come on, Shota, don't be so humble, your quirk's awesome!" Hizashi said pushing him to such an extent that the young black-haired man almost lost his balance.
That was how Aizawa and the girl ended up teaming up together. The mission they had been given to train was to enter the forest that surrounded the UA and find a hidden bomb as quickly as possible. For that, they would have the whole class, for the terrain was huge.
All the way Aizawa was wondering the same thing. "Why does she want to work with me?" The girl had passed the entrance exam with the highest score, and despite only taking two weeks of classes, all her teachers had already recognized her as the best of her generation.
“So, you erase quirks with your gaze…" The girl said, interrupting Aizawa's analysis. "That's so cool! You have one of the best powers I've ever seen.”
“The effect lasts until I blink. It's not very useful." 
"Have you tried using eye drops? That way your eyes will be moisturized, and you can train them for a longer use of your quirk. Maybe they'll be a little dry, but at least they won't hurt afterward."
Aizawa remained silent, contemplating the option that the girl gave him; truth be told, she made a lot of sense. After some minutes of walking in silence, the boy talked. “What about your quirk? Can you manipulate any kind of energy? If so, you have unlimited potential."
"It's not that easy." She responded by shaking her head. “When I transform energy, I use my own. The more energy I manipulate, the less I have left to fight. Also, it's not unlimited, quite the opposite. If I intend to control some type of energy, I first must know it thoroughly, know how it works, and what risks can come."
"That's why she studies so much..." Aizawa thought.
“If I don't know the type of energy, or if I convert more than what my body resists, things don't end well. It's happened a couple of times and it hasn't been nice." She confessed somewhat embarrassed. "That's why I think we could make a good team, you could give me a hand if things get messy." 
"You barely know me, are you going to trust me that much?"
"I saw how you helped your friend when we floated higher than expected."
The girl giggled remembering how during one of the first practices, Oboro used one of his clouds to float. He was just bragging; yet, thanks to the wind, the cloud flew higher and quicker. It was Aizawa who controlled the situation by erasing his quirk and helping him get back to earth. 
"Oh, you saw that..." He whispered just about to laugh. Not even Shota could deny how funny it was to see Oboro fall over Hizashi. 
"How not to? Your other friend, the blond one, kept yelling at the cloud guy to get off of him."
"Yeah, that's kind of common when it comes to Hizashi and Oboro."
"Well, we'd better hurry if we want to find that bomb first."
The dynamic between the two students turned out to be quite good, not only did they complete the mission successfully, but they also had time to get to know each other a little better, because by finishing before all the other groups, they had almost an hour free. Thus, sitting on some rocks on the banks of a river, Shota discovered that her family lived in the countryside and that to pursue her dream of becoming a hero, she had moved to the city alone. The academy had dormitories for students with similar situations, so she had no problem finding a place to live. That short interaction was enough for Aizawa to judge her as a nice and extremely sweet girl. 
Without knowing how or why, she quickly felt comfortable with Aizawa, so much so that she made a couple of jokes and even imitated him. Apparently, in that week the young heroine had analyzed him enough to discover several of his habits.
“You have a lot of free time in class.” The boy commented unable to avoid laughing just a little when he saw her imitating the way he yawned.
“The first week has been calmer than I imagined.”
“That's because you're talented. I barely approved the physical performance exams.”
Once again, the girl started to play with her hair tie, anyone could tell she was struggling to decide if saying what she was thinking or remaining silent. In the end, she mustered some courage and dared to say it.  “We could train together in the afternoons.” 
Aizawa raised his gaze and looked at her as if looking for any sign that he had listened wrong. “YOU are going to train with me? You, the number one in the class?”
“I also need to train, and I think we could complement ourselves. I mean... our quirks." She corrected herself while blushing. 
Aizawa was the first classmate she actively approached and, to tell the truth, it had been hard for her to summon up the courage to speak to him. Judging by his actions during those two weeks of classes, it was highly possible that he would say no. After all, Shota hardly talked with his two friends, why would he say yes to training with her?
"I mean, it's just an idea. But if you already train with someone else, that's fine." She said feeling how her face was turning even more red.
Noticing that he was making her feel uncomfortable, Aizawa reacted. “It's not what you're thinking. Honestly, I didn't expect you to want to team up with me. You caught me off guard."
Understanding that it wasn't that he was rejecting her, but that this was all very unexpected for him, she felt less embarrassed. “I'm not very good at making friends and many of our classmates already knew each other. Besides…. You seem like a very trustworthy person and your quirk is wonderful. I'm sorry, I think I already told you this a dozen times.” She said between a shy giggling.
The black-haired hero looked at her for a few moments. "She's really cute. No wonder why Hizashi and Oboro say it all the time." 
"Well, I don't want to put you on the spot. If one day you have some free time, we could train together, Aizawa.” She said getting up, it was time to meet up with the rest of the class.
"Shota, call me Shota."
“My name's Kaori. Thanks for working with me today, Shota.” She responded with a sweet smile.
Next chapter
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lemmetreatya · 2 years
Hi!! Can I request Aizawa, strawberry, and buttercream?🖤🖤 pronouns (she/her), name Ash
TA-DA! Your Strawberry flavoured Aizawa with Buttercream icing is READY!
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Subject: Something you got for free
“Shouta, look!”
Crouching down near the water drain, you softly pout at the yowling jet black baby who seemed riddled with dirt.
Lightly caressing the back of your finger from the crown of it’s head to its neck, you looked back at Aizawa.
“It’s a lil kitty.” The kitten moved to lick your hand and so you turned back to it. “Hey baby.”
Coming down to squat next to you, Aizawa was briefly silent. His eyes analysing the situation from behind his scarf.
“It was probably the runt of a stray litter.” He concludes. He looks around.
“There doesn’t seem to be any other cats with it either.”
You give Aizawa another pout before peering closer to the kitten.
“Oh no. It has fleas and everything.”
A beat passed.
“Ash, we’re taking it home.”
With an expression of surprise, you look towards Aizawa.
“We’re taking it home.” He reiterates before lifting the kitten up to hold within his arms.
“We can give it a bath and the proper treatment it may need. It probably hasn’t eaten anything in ages either.”
You watched as the man stroked the kitten by the nape of it’s neck. The baby bopped from the movement but it’s eyes nonetheless closed and content from the new warmness.
With a curious glance you stand up too as you watched the man interact with the cat.
“And then find it a more suitable home, right?”
You see Aizawa look at you from the side of his eyes but he doesn’t reply right away. All he does is turn around and begin walking in the direction you were both originally walking in.
“Right.” He mutters more to himself.
All you can do is softly laugh as you quickly jog to catch up with him.
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shouta-edits · 2 years
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Could I perhaps request for a selfship moodboard of Shouta Aizawa (Bnha) with dark colors and a theme of Teacher/student, Age gap, Secret/forbidden relationship, Comfort and Fluff? Tysvm in Advance! 🥰❣️❤️💓💘💕💗💝💞💖- anon requested
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thats-how-i-like-it · 5 months
★ list of my f/os!! (and making special tags for them <3)
I don't mind sharing as long as your respectful, but I would like to ask for those who have my parental f/os as their romantic f/o to please keep some space/tag their stuff appropriately.
I may edit this list when I get a new f/o or something.
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here they are:
shinsou hitoshi (mha) -> #lavender hues 💜 | unlabeled
hatsume mei (mha) -> #dear machinery baby 💗 | qpr
underswap papyrus (undertale au) -> #honey bones 🍯 | unlabeled/familial (shipcest)
geto suguru (jjk) -> #against all odds 🖤 | romantic/familial (shipcest)
uraraka ochako (mha) -> #floating candy cloud 🍬 | romantic
bakugou katsuki (mha) -> #my future number one 💥 | qpr
portia and julian devorak (the arcana) -> #the mischievous redheads 🍒 | alterous
asra alnazar (the arcana) -> #that wonderful magician 🔮 | romantic/familial (shipcest)
fresh sans (undertale au) -> #colorful swagger 🌈 | qpr
joanne harcourt (kuroshitsuji) -> my little blond boy ✨ | sexual/familial/younger brother (shipcest)
riley andersen (inside out) -> my sunshine girl ☀️ | familial/younger sister (shipcest)
fizzarolli (hb) -> #best clowns forever 🃏 | platonic
verosika mayday (hb) -> #hot pink sweetheart 💖 | platonic/fwb
gojo satoru (jjk) -> #sapphire crystals 💙 | qpr
kaminari denki (mha) -> #electric angel pals ⚡ | platonic/fwb
montgomery gator (fnafsb) -> #rock and gator-aid 🐊
kenji sato (ultraman rising) -> #ultrasecret affairs🦸 | sexual/romantic
sero hanta (mha) -> #tape-worm buddies 🧡 | platonic/ambiguous
aizawa shouta and hizashi yamada (mha) -> #the loud and sleepy fam 🌓 | familial/parental (my fathers <3)
cross sans (undertale au "xtale") -> #silly bonehead 👾 | familial/younger brother
yuugo and lucas (tpn): #the bunker duo ⚔️ | familial/parental (uncles/parental figures)
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tatakaeeren · 2 years
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Happy Birthday 💖 Aizawa Shouta [08.11] *:・゚✧
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mobolanz · 11 months
For the fun OC asks: 6, 15 and 24!
Okie thank you!:D ✨💖💞
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6. What would they give their life for?:
Mia: for a very naturally giving and devoted individual, that's really on edge considering she wouldn't be so much of that if anyone takes it for granted and abuses it. She'll have to hold that someone VERY. VERY. VERY dear to her to actually give away the chance for great life as she pleased for herself if she thought this specific individual needed it more, be it if for their passions and dreams, or even that person's very life and safety to allow them continue and persuade the former.
Cecille: she doesn't think of that one much, or at least doesn't want to. She finds it to be a miracle she even woke up the next morning (for someone who hates sleeping) and hasn't worn herself out of the struggle to keep herself standing against those who don't like it, so actually valuing anything beyond that and disregarding her own life is an absurd concept to her. She thinks no ill and actually admires those who would, it shows they're true to whatever cause it is, but that can't be her. Especially because last time she actually tried, she found herself furthest from home thrown in a dark alley.
Evelyn: Being granted a right and way to exist and go on with her life just the way vulnerable gentle and Passionate she is without her mere presence causing anyone harm or leeching them dry. In a way it's "being forgiven" even if she's left with nothing, but she's obviously scared of being left with nothing. Which is an odd thing to work herself to death for, because then what would she do should she finally achieve it? Like bb omg ;-;
15. What was something their parents taught them?:
Mia: thinking of this one as I type because I never pondered much on her familial life... but I figure that despite living alone , she had a positive relationship with hers in contrast to the later two. So ever since young age it's to be all about what she feels she can truly do great in life,and is pleasant for herself as much as for others. And persuade it however available to her, and not hesitate when the chance to achieve more is offered to her - so long as she'll love doing it as much as the service she offers. That way to never waste away. A long one for love what you do and do what you love. Which explains her displeasure with her Living situation ever since departing- until a certain supernatural involvement OwO
Cecille: same as Evelyn's minus the guardian. But otherwise not much that isn't a toxic mentality that if she let's anything block her way from perfecting, that's not enough of a try, sje doesn't want it enough, and even an excuse.
Evelyn: Biological ones- most basics of her polite & ladylike mannerism (or more specifically delivered the overall program to her personal tutorers)
Her guardian since middle teenage years- learn when to shut up and be thankful for what you actually have because asking for more and more is what got you to lose it all to begin with.
24. Do you know their MBTI type?:
(Ohhhh love this one since I took ones for each of them 🤭)
(personal favourite examples: saki hanajima, shin-ah, chihiro ogino, nunnally vu Britannia, jane eyre, nia teppelin)
Cecille: ISTP
(personal favourite examples: Levi, Annie, sailor uranus, kyo sohma, aizawa shouta, arya stark)
Evelyn: ENFJ (Interesting factor: opposite of Cecille's and mirroring Mia's )
( personal favourite examples: falco grice, mami tomoe, margaery tyrell, princess yona, chibiusa, )
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bluebirdsboi · 1 year
My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia Masterlist | Last Updated: 6/12/23
Fluff = 🥰 | Angst = 😢 | Smut = 🥵 | Hurt Comfort = 🩹 Platonic = 🤝 Headcanons = 📝 | ABC Headcanons = 👩‍🏫 | Oneshot = 📘 | Series = 📚 AU = 🌎 | Songfic = 🎵 Male Reader = 💙 | Gender Neutral Reader = 💜 | Female x Female = 💖 Story on hold = ✋ | Character on hold = 🔒
Denki Kaminari
Coming soon... 
Eijiro Kirishima
Coming soon...
Enji Todoroki (Endeavor)
Coming soon...
Hitoshi Shinso
Coming soon...
Izuku Midoriya
His confession 🥰 | 📝 | 💜
Katsuki Bakugo
Coming soon...
Keigo Takami (Hawks) 
Coming soon...
Mashirao Ojiro
Coming soon...
Mezo Shoji
Coming soon...
Mirio Togata
Coming soon...
Sekijiro Kan (Vlad King) 
Coming soon...
Shoto Todoroki 
Coming soon...
Shouta Aizawa (Eraser Head) 
Coming soon...
Tamaki Amajiki
Coming soon...
Tashiro Toyomitsu (Fat Gum) 
Coming soon...
Tenya Iida
Coming soon...
Toshinori Yagi (All Might) 
Coming soon...
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nartothelar · 3 years
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erasermic family doodle dump for @athenoot!
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🖤”Happy Birthday Aizawa”❤️
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Happy birthday Aizawa!! I love this lil eraser man so much!!
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kunshi-junzi · 2 years
They're Here!
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My babies arrived in the mail this week 😢 To be honest, they're FAR from perfect---but it's a learning experience and something I wanted to have made for a long time.
I know I had mentioned in a previous post about raffling a pair off, but given the low interest level, I shall withhold that plan.
Let this post be proof that I tried and failed, but tried, at least.
(PS For anyone interested in ordering your own custom acrylic charms, please check out: www.vograce.com
They produce stickers and washi tape also! 💖)
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rxdyzsoull · 3 years
My friend is literally FEEDING me with hot Aizawa fanart rn coz she knows I'm a slut for it 😋
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mango-bango-bby · 3 years
mango if I may.. I love jealousy prompts but, when the darling is jealous that the attention is being taken away and then they get all needy and clingy cause listen “this yandere is mine 😤” is such a warm feeling. Aizawa and Hawks with a cute jealous darling maybe..? I feel any yandere would adore that jealous attention tbh
�� Late ♡
(A/N: I also love jealous darlings!! It’s always so cute 💖 I think all yanderes would love that possessive attention or any attention for that matter lol!!! Enjoy 💖💖)
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, jealousy, bit of of insecurity
Summary: You stay up because you miss Aizawa and you’re jealous he haven’t been with you as much (Yan!Aizawa x GN!reader)
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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You shouldn’t want Shouta to be with you. You shouldn’t feel jealous over him! But you did, you felt as if he wasn’t giving you enough attention. Then the insecure thoughts came, you started wondering if he had fallen for someone else.
He fell for you in a short amount of time so who are you to say he won’t do it again! But there’s a part of you that tells you that’s not true, you know that Shouta loves you. You know he wouldn’t lesbe you, but you’re still jealous!
You sit on the couch trying to distract yourself as you wait for Shouta to get home. You just want him to spend more time home with you, you want him to hug you and you want to hug him back. You’re supposed to be in bed by now but you stayed up waiting for him.
You yawn, laying down on the couch. There’s no harm in laying down while you wait for him to get home. You don’t even notice your eyelids starting to feel heavy until you eventually let them fall and you drift off to sleep.
♡ ♡ ♡
“You’re a mess” Shouta jokingly mumbles, watching your eyes gently blink open.
“Why are you staring at me while I sleep?” You ask chuckling, noticing that he’s still in his hero outfit so he must’ve just gotten home. “Well why were you sleeping on the couch?” Shouta asks you back, not answering your question.
“I was waiting for you” you mumble, closing your eyes again as you’re still tired and wanting to sleep. However hopefully he’ll go to sleep with you tonight. Shouta just raises an eyebrow at your words.
“You were waiting up for me?” He asks, watching you nod your head against the couch cushion.
“Mhm, I was waiting for you to get home so I could spend more time with you” You mumble before continuing, spilling out all of your feelings in your sleepy state. “I was worrying you were with someone else” you say, still muffled.
Shouta just rolls his eyes and can’t help but chuckle a bit at your words. “As if I even like anyone else but you” he says, watching you sleepily hum. “I know, I’m sorry” you mumble, grabbing onto him to hold him in a hug.
“I was just jealous” you mumble, pulling away to lay back down on the couch. Shouta can’t help but smile a bit. Yes you were jealous which would make you upset, but this also meant you loved him back.
“You don’t need to worry about that I promise” Shouta says “Now you need to get in bed because you’re not sleeping on the couch”
︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵ Thank you for reading, darling!!
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