#πŸ’Œ; I dont like going out on my own much.. I always get weird looks. ahaha.
nymphialamode Β· 6 months
I went to go buy some stuff earlier, and I kept freaking out for a few minutes because I thought I lost my wallet. I didn't, I just kept forgetting that I put it in my bag..
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fairycosmos Β· 6 months
i’m starting a new job soon too!! anything you’ve found that’s been helpful? hope you feel all settled in soon xx
congratulations v v happy for you!! ❀️ so exciting and amazing job at landing a new role. i think one thing ive learned to force myself to do is ask literally every and any question that comes to mind and try to supersede the fear of feeling dumb or looking stupid or whatever. obviously the anxiety might still be there but try to acknowledge it for what it is and go ahead and ask all the questions you have anyway. everyone knows ur new and they dont expect you to know much. ask for written or simpler instructions if you neeed to, ask for clarification etc. no point in sitting in turmoil on your own tbh. also try not to get involved w any team drama just like smile and nod and go back to ur business because it is notttt worth it lol no job pays enough for you to expend your energy like that imo. hmmmm what else. understand that you can be competent at your role and still make mistakes at the same time. it's not an either/or thing and it is OK to give yourself room to fuck up. also try to get everything important in writing so you can keep a record of what has been said and done and set strong boundaries from the jump about what you tolerate and what you dont. kindly but firmly. and allow yourself to freak out when you need to without catastrosphising about losing ur job or making some huge irreparable mistake - i allot myself time to this for basically every task i get that im new at or nervous about. it's ok to feel that way and it doesn't mean you are fucked forever. i lose my mind at my computer for 2 hrs take a bathroom break to breathe or a lunch break to eat and then come back and ask for help or break the task down into tiny chunks. ive also learned that coworkers aren't necessarily friends so it's best to just be respectful and friendly with them without getting overly involved. obviously there's exceptions to that but yeah. i pretty much just accept that the first few months are going to feel embarrassing and weird and disjointed and i try to take each day or even each morning/afternoon as it comes. always having a list of stuff that youve been working on and and making it sound fancy even if its a v simple task comes in handy too when talking to ur boss or whatever. it's all a lot easier said than done but at least trying to implement the above strategies kinda helps a bit. wishing you the absolute best of luck - i know you are going to kill it!! Xxx β€οΈπŸ’Œ
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