bitofthisandthat · 1 year
The KRANG connection to the C.O.W Boys...
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{ Rereading through some of the IDW and crossover comics for the COWBOYS ( since they are written by the TMNT creators too ) and in one of the iterations they come right out and say it: In the Cowboys' world, "the Mesa" is actually a segmented part of a distant planet similar to Earth, where the KRANG were using the lifeforms as an experiment platform. Which, of course, led to a galactic war above to kick them out. So when they were waging a war in the stars above said planet, their shrapnel and war machines created the "comet" that created "the Mesa." The mystic stones they used to power the Technodrome were attached to a lot of that shrapnel, and it fell into this planet's new formation, and created a radiation cloud that mutated most of the animals into what they are now.
The radiation from the crystal is ( canonly ) the base catalyst for the "Ooze" in the TMNT world. So the Cowboys and everyone on the Mesa that are now humanoid? Mutants. ( Not aliens as once thought )
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bitofsin · 1 year
👀 from Death for Gabby/Lily
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send 👀 for a dirty thought and/or fantasy my muse has had about yours.
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"Easy enough. You are quite larger than me. I am usually the tallest one in the room. Therefore, I am expected to corner them, male or female, and fuck their brains out. So, when a male is so much bigger or taller than I, I wish to be taken hard and fast from the back. And I mean hard and fast. Although to be perfectly clear, I don't mean anything anal. That can be negotiated much later. But yes, grope me from behind and ride as rough as you please. Trust me. I can take it. My people are stronger than they look and can fuck for hours, it is in my bloodline ."
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"I will want to put up a fight, I am not as demure as ya'll think. I save that faintin'-blushin'-belle stuff if I really care about you, but if we're just talkin' pure pleasure? Then, ah-heh, I like luring ya in, lettin' you think I'm shocked and surprised, but you'll know I want it if you've been escorted int'a my quarters, where I EXPECT to be overpowered and be pinned down while you have your wild way with me. And I will play back and try to claw my way out of it, but don't worry. No one gets that far without me wantin' it. I intend to be ravaged, and dominated. If you can get me there, then alright. I may wantch'u again."
@ofwolfpacksins | @wolfpackmuses
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bitofthisandthat · 8 months
@reanimatedmuses [ FROM? All the memes! ]
The lawman chuckles a little, he can tell he's dealing with adolescents here, fighters not much younger than the Kid. "Alriiiiight, Alright. I can tell you youngin's are little more seasoned than the average bear, but we have a grave sit'iation here. None of us have any idea on how to get ourselves back to where we came from, and so far, all yer good-guy-soldier-types here seem to be...uh...finicky toward folks like us.
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The holstein butts right in.
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"He means the weird lookin' folk here think we're some kinda monsters and not the right-proper good guys that we really are." He whistled slow, and let out a nervous laugh. "One of them police fellers called us mutants? What'n sam hill does that even MEAN?"
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The redhead heifer fixes her brow into a thoughtful expression, still reeling from the fact that only they got zapped here, and some of their 'circle' did not. The barmaid shrugs, used to shoot outs and fights breaking out around her; heck, she didn't get cussed at by those fur-less, feather-less people, so as far as she was concerned, this was all a misunderstanding. "Why don't we all jest get to a quieter, more secure place? 'Afore these turtle boys start to explain it all. I for one would like to know WHAT this place is before findin' out how we all got here."
0 notes
bitofthisandthat · 1 year
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@wolfpackmuses asked: ❝It’s fine. It’s fine. I got this.❞ for Lily or Gabby from Death.
ÉȘ ᮀᮍ ɮᮏᮛ ᎏᎋᎀʏ ᎥÉȘ᎛ʜ ᎛ʜÉȘꜱ: MEME
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Getting ransacked by random thugs was not unusual for the Tumbleweed, let alone the whole town. Which is probably why she's pulled back A LOT on the fancy decor in the open bar area. But that didn't stop this gang doujour from tearing up her plain tables and shooting into the basic chandeliers, while threatening the patronage--for whatever reason. Thugs don't need reasons out in the mesa to be needlessly violent.
Still didn't stop the redhead from standing up for her establishment.
"Hey! If ya'll don't stop this MADNESS you're gonna get a tail end full of lead--"
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Except...her shotgun was at the other end of the bar. Shoot. Literally. Before she could take cover under the mahogany and brass, the large white wolf is in the thick of the chaos, overpowering her vandals with swift precision.
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The crowd's screams fizzle out as they take cover, running out of the saloon from the pinpoint throwdown. The 4 man gang is flattened, leaving the wolf standing alone.
"...Are...are you alright?" Is all she can muster after THAT display.
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bitofthisandthat · 2 years
@heedingcalls​ [ GOLDIE ]​
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Lily glanced over the blonde’s resume, sapphire eyes darting between the pheasant and the entertainment skills written down before her. She sets the paper down onto the hard wood table between them, then gestures for Frank, her main tender, to get them both something to drink. The redhead’s tone is genial and welcoming, as always.
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“Well now! You have quite a lot of interests here, Miss Goldie. But are ya sure ya wanna pull up stakes and settle in out here? Cow Town is NO Jersey City, and we certainly aren’t any fancy Paree, but...if ya want a fresh start, I’m sure I can find a place for you here. I always need new girls and I always need more help. Seems like we’re always gettin’ new crowds coming in from the east, trying to find their fortune out here. Though can’t say we’re big time yet, in spite a’ all that.”
True, the area has its fair share of prospectors and oil tycoons coming in and out, and a TON of cattleman trying to make their fortune in ranching...but the biggest draw out here seems to be the lawlessness, and Lily knows that’s the number one cause of her revolving door for employees. It’s not easy dealing with outlaws on the rampage every minute.
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“I haveta’ warn ya, we get a lot of rowdy types, and if you can’t take their noise and rabble, well...” She cuts herself off. Lily hates to turn anyone down looking for honest work or a fresh start, so she shakes her apprehension off. “Aw, pshaw! I can find SOMETHING for you to do around here ifn’ the men around here get too hard for you to take. I don’t want any of my gals to feel put up or dragged around. ‘Sides, we have 3 very brave Lawcows that keep order around here, ‘round the clock. I’m sure you’ll see ‘em soon enough.
So...why don’t we start with what you expect to do around here? Hm?” She nods in polite thanks to Frank as he sets their drinks down before returning to his post at the bar. “You wanna take the stage, darlin? Or are ya thinkin’ of waitin’ and tendin’?...Or is there something else you’re hopin’ to do?”
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bitofthisandthat · 2 years
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bitofthisandthat · 3 years
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I think RenĂ© has normal human feet...sorta. However, instead of toes, there’s a flattened hoof going on, but the ball/arch and ankle are like human feet. 
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--Just as in the Moo Mesa universe, where Lily and some of the other hooved anthros have going on feet-wise in THAT world.
I don’t know. There seems to be levels of “how humanoid/evolved” they can be versus someone that’s just an upright critter that can be scant or half clothed and still pass as decent. ANYWAY. 
Feet. Normal-ish. And why he’s probably a runner and not some other athlete type. 
Though, Bolt has tiny gator legs and still managed to pole vault and win. FURRY LAWS OF BIOLOGY/CULTURE DO NOT EVER MAKE SENSE.
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bitofthisandthat · 3 years
Miss Lily's quite the lady, but I'd like to ask, if I may. What's your opinion on Marshal Moo? He's one of my favorites. :)
{ Lily's opinion of him? Because we know she LOVES him...
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Me? Growing up, I thought he was okay I guess---I liked his character for what he was and stood for, and the fact you can tell Pat Fraley obviously had lots of fun playing on Old Western actor troupes through him, but I always preferred the Cowlarado Kid out of the trio. ( Pat also voiced BRAVESTARR, another wild west cartoon rarely known, and Bravestarr was verrrrry close in demeanor to Moo. ) I also way more preferred Dakota Dude in season 1 to season 2. The whole joke that he was “the strong silent type” was ruined by turning him into a hot tempered bull in season 2. :(
Also friendly reminder to the creeps out there that ship the boys with each other, they're canonly first COUSINS. Marshall Moo specifically chose them to be his deputies because he only trusted FAMILY in a town run by a crooked Mayor Bulloney & Sherriff Terribull. ( LORD HELP ME THE NAME PUNS )
Anyway, yeah. Also liked JR. ( AKA José Rey, the Pueblo-Buffalo friend of theirs--wonder why Tejua didn't return in season 2??? I liked her too! )
I know too much about a very small and obscure fandom...}
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bitofthisandthat · 4 years
rules: you can only say “guilty” or “innocent”. you are not allowed to explain anything unless someone messages or asks you. repost, don’t reblog!
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asked someone to marry you? — INNOCENT.
kissed one of your friends? — GUILTY.
danced on a table in a bar / tavern? — GUILTY.
ever told a lie? — INNOCENT. ( She clams up rather than lie )
had feelings for someone you can’t have? — GUILTY.
ever kissed someone of the same sex? — GUILTY.
kissed a picture? — INNOCENT.
slept until 5pm? — GUILTY.
fallen asleep at work / school? — INNOCENT.
worked at a fast food chain / restaurant? — INNOCENT.
stolen something? — GUILTY.
been fired from a job? — INNOCENT.
done something you regret? — INNOCENT AND GUILTY.
laughed until something you were drinking came out of your nose? — INNOCENT.
caught a snowflake on your tongue? — GUILTY.
kissed in the rain? — GUILTY.
sat on a roof top? — GUILTY.
kissed someone you shouldn’t have? — GUILTY.
sang in the shower? — GUILTY.
been pushed into a body of water with all your clothes on? — GUILTY.
shaved your head? — INNOCENT.
slept naked? — GUILTY.
made a boyfriend / girlfriend cry? — INNOCENT. ( She thinks not? )
shot a gun? — GUILTY.
still loved someone you shouldn’t? — GUILTY.
have / had a tattoo? — INNOCENT.
liked someone, but will never tell who? — GUILTY.
been too honest? — GUILTY.
ruined a surprise? — INNOCENT.
been told that you’re beautiful by someone who totally meant what they said? — GUILTY.
thoughts about murder? — GUILTY.
how about mass murder? — GUILTY.
cheated on someone? — INNOCENT.
gotten so angry that you cried? — INNOCENT.
tried to stay away from someone for their own good? — GUILTY.
had a girlfriend / boyfriend? — INNOCENT AND GUILTY. ( Verse Dependent!! )
gotten totally drunk during a holiday? — GUILTY.
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asked someone to marry you? — GUILTY. ( My Negs has 4-5 ex wives XD )
kissed one of your friends? — INNOCENT.
danced on a table in a bar / tavern? — INNOCENT.
ever told a lie? — GUILTY.
had feelings for someone you can’t have? — GUILTY.
ever kissed someone of the same sex? — INNOCENT.
kissed a picture? — INNOCENT.
slept until 5pm? — GUILTY.
fallen asleep at work / school? — INNOCENT.
worked at a fast food chain / restaurant? — INNOCENT.
stolen something? — GUILTY.
been fired from a job? — INNOCENT.
done something you regret? — GUILTY.
laughed until something you were drinking came out of your nose? — GUILTY.
caught a snowflake on your tongue? — GUILTY.
kissed in the rain? — GUILTY.
sat on a roof top? — GUILTY.
kissed someone you shouldn’t have? — GUILTY.
sang in the shower? — GUILTY.
been pushed into a body of water with all your clothes on? — GUILTY.
shaved your head? — GUILTY.
slept naked? — GUILTY.
made a boyfriend / girlfriend cry? — GUILTY.
shot a gun? — GUILTY.
still loved someone you shouldn’t? — GUILTY.
have / had a tattoo? — GUILTY.
liked someone, but will never tell who? — GUILTY.
been too honest? — GUILTY.
ruined a surprise? — GUILTY.
been told that you’re beautiful by someone who totally meant what they said? — INNOCENT.
thoughts about murder? — GUILTY.
how about mass murder? — GUILTY.
cheated on someone? — INNOCENT.
gotten so angry that you cried? — GUILTY.
tried to stay away from someone for their own good? — GUILTY.
had a girlfriend / boyfriend? —GUILTY.
gotten totally drunk during a holiday?— GUILTY.
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asked someone to marry you? — INNOCENT.
kissed one of your friends? — GUILTY.
danced on a table in a bar / tavern? — GUILTY.
ever told a lie? — INNOCENT.
had feelings for someone you can’t have? — INNOCENT.
ever kissed someone of the same sex? — GUILTY.
kissed a picture? — GUILTY.
slept until 5pm? — INNOCENT.
fallen asleep at work / school? — INNOCENT.
worked at a fast food chain / restaurant? — GUILTY. ( Technically an inn & bar )
stolen something? — INNOCENT.
been fired from a job? — GUILTY.
done something you regret? — GUILTY.
laughed until something you were drinking came out of your nose? — GUILTY.
caught a snowflake on your tongue? — INNOCENT.
kissed in the rain? — GUILTY.
sat on a roof top? — INNOCENT.
kissed someone you shouldn’t have? — INNOCENT.
sang in the shower? — GUILTY.
been pushed into a body of water with all your clothes on? — GUILTY.
shaved your head? — INNOCENT.
slept naked? — GUILTY.
made a boyfriend / girlfriend cry? — INNOCENT.
shot a gun? — GUILTY.
still loved someone you shouldn’t? — INNOCENT.
have / had a tattoo? — INNOCENT.
liked someone, but will never tell who? — INNOCENT.
been too honest? — GUILTY.
ruined a surprise? — INNOCENT.
been told that you’re beautiful by someone who totally meant what they said? — GUILTY.
thoughts about murder? — GUILTY.
how about mass murder? — INNOCENT.
cheated on someone? — GUILTY.
gotten so angry that you cried? — GUILTY.
tried to stay away from someone for their own good? — INNOCENT.
had a girlfriend / boyfriend? — GUILTY.
gotten totally drunk during a holiday? — GUILTY.
Tagged: @heedingcalls
Tagging: Y O U
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bitofthisandthat · 4 years
TAGGED: Stoled it TAGGING: @goddessofbirth​ ; @kissofthemuses​ ; @heedingcalls ; @hoopsheartthrob​ @priimalurges ; @gamblealife​ ; @pick-your-poison-please​  Steal it tooooo.
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SUN RAYS. effervescent smiles, dandelion puffs, bare feet, beach waves, flowers pressed into books, champagne glasses, rose-gold eye shadow, boho skirts, wire-rimmed glasses, hair in loose waves, kaleidoscope eyes, sunshine in your hair, fire in your soul.
INCANDESCENT BULBS. crop tops, floral print, dancing in the rain, quiet defiance, hand-knit beanies, rosé, painted bookmarks, marble floors, cirrus clouds against a blue sky, polaroid pictures, hands held, fingers intertwined, flower crowns, baby bluebirds.
STARDUST. lace bralettes, brisk breezes, jasmine-scented perfume, books with yellowed pages, tracking constellations, sterling silver, violin music, chess games, iced coffee, glittery dresses, high heels, secret grins, midnight meetings, wishing upon a star.
CANDLE FLAMES. denim jackets, gladiator sandals, braided hair, messenger bags, movies at the cinema, stolen kisses, wax-sealed envelopes, haiku poetry, cherry wood, succulents, fountain pens, jigsaw puzzles, soft tired eyes, hidden smiles, cuddling with someone you trust.
MOONBEAMS. newspapers, over-sized sweaters, dancing shadows, fleece throws, cutoff shorts, piano chords, red wine, messy buns, embossed journals, a hint of blush dusted across your cheeks, freshly fallen snow, tranquil solitude, burning incense, light hair and dark skin.
AURORAS. combat boots, burgundy lips, infectious laughter, spiral-bound notebooks, pencils used down to the stub, ripped jeans, painted nails, cloud-watching, summer thunderstorms, hiking trails, vinyl records, film cameras, skating on a frozen lake, hot chocolate by the fire.
FIREWORKS. dancing until the break of dawn, heelys, being wheeled around in a shopping cart by your best friend, the euphoria of soaring through the air, being excited for what the future holds, group hugs, colorful tattoos, bronzer-highlighted cheeks, hugging a stuffed animal, lifting a child onto your shoulders, space buns, bright streaks in your hair.
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SUN RAYS. effervescent smiles, dandelion puffs, bare feet, beach waves, flowers pressed into books, champagne glasses, rose-gold eye shadow, boho skirts, wire-rimmed glasses, hair in loose waves, kaleidoscope eyes, sunshine in your hair, fire in your soul.
INCANDESCENT BULBS. crop tops, floral print, dancing in the rain, quiet defiance, hand-knit beanies, rosé, painted bookmarks, marble floors, cirrus clouds against a blue sky, polaroid pictures, hands held, fingers intertwined, flower crowns, baby bluebirds.
STARDUST. lace bralettes, brisk breezes, jasmine-scented perfume, books with yellowed pages, tracking constellations, sterling silver, violin music, chess games, iced coffee, glittery dresses, high heels, secret grins, midnight meetings, wishing upon a star.
CANDLE FLAMES. denim jackets, gladiator sandals, braided hair, messenger bags, movies at the cinema, stolen kisses, wax-sealed envelopes, haiku poetry, cherry wood, succulents, fountain pens, jigsaw puzzles, soft tired eyes, hidden smiles, cuddling with someone you trust.
MOONBEAMS. newspapers, over-sized sweaters, dancing shadows, fleece throws, cutoff shorts, piano chords, red wine, messy buns, embossed journals, a hint of blush dusted across your cheeks, freshly fallen snow, tranquil solitude, burning incense, light hair and dark skin.
AURORAS. combat boots, burgundy lips, infectious laughter, spiral-bound notebooks, pencils used down to the stub, ripped jeans, painted nails, cloud-watching, summer thunderstorms, hiking trails, vinyl records, film cameras, skating on a frozen lake, hot chocolate by the fire.
FIREWORKS. dancing until the break of dawn, heelys, being wheeled around in a shopping cart by your best friend, the euphoria of soaring through the air, being excited for what the future holds, group hugs, colorful tattoos, bronzer-highlighted cheeks, hugging a stuffed animal, lifting a child onto your shoulders, space buns, bright streaks in your hair.
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SUN RAYS. effervescent smiles, dandelion puffs, bare feet, beach waves, flowers pressed into books, champagne glasses, rose-gold eye shadow, boho skirts, wire-rimmed glasses, hair in loose waves, kaleidoscope eyes, sunshine in your hair, fire in your soul.
INCANDESCENT BULBS. crop tops, floral print, dancing in the rain, quiet defiance, hand-knit beanies, rosé, painted bookmarks, marble floors, cirrus clouds against a blue sky, polaroid pictures, hands held, fingers intertwined, flower crowns, baby bluebirds.
STARDUST. lace bralettes, brisk breezes, jasmine-scented perfume, books with yellowed pages, tracking constellations, sterling silver, violin music, chess games, iced coffee, glittery dresses, high heels, secret grins, midnight meetings, wishing upon a star.
CANDLE FLAMES. denim jackets, gladiator sandals, braided hair, messenger bags, movies at the cinema, stolen kisses, wax-sealed envelopes, haiku poetry, cherry wood, succulents, fountain pens, jigsaw puzzles, soft tired eyes, hidden smiles, cuddling with someone you trust.
MOONBEAMS. newspapers, over-sized sweaters, dancing shadows, fleece throws, cutoff shorts, piano chords, red wine, messy buns, embossed journals, a hint of blush dusted across your cheeks, freshly fallen snow, tranquil solitude, burning incense, light hair and dark skin.
AURORAS. combat boots, burgundy lips, infectious laughter, spiral-bound notebooks, pencils used down to the stub, ripped jeans, painted nails, cloud-watching, summer thunderstorms, hiking trails, vinyl records, film cameras, skating on a frozen lake, hot chocolate by the fire.
FIREWORKS. dancing until the break of dawn, heelys, being wheeled around in a shopping cart by your best friend, the euphoria of soaring through the air, being excited for what the future holds, group hugs, colorful tattoos, bronzer-highlighted cheeks, hugging a stuffed animal, lifting a child onto your shoulders, space buns, bright streaks in your hair.
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bitofthisandthat · 5 years
Types of People - Flowers
Repost don’t Reblog Bold what applies to your muse. Italicize conditional things.
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Francine Smith!
> Daisy: Wears their heart on their sleeve. Soft voice. Minimalistic clothing. Laying in a field of tall grass. Walking barefoot. Puts other people’s happiness above their own.
> Bellflower: Very consistent friend. Happy face with sad eyes. Careful touches. Hiding a blush. Light giggles. Makes friends easily. Knows how to make you smile.
> Protea: Proud. Big gestures. African heritage. Blushes easily. Tries to look tough but is really just a big softie. Content where they are. Doesn’t love easily, but always deeply.
> Moonflower: Knowing smiles. Doesn’t open up easily. Late night. Tired eyes. Soft skin. Not as innocent as they seem. Loose clothing.
> Bleeding Heart: Hopeless romantic. Still laughs at dirty jokes. Believes they can change the world. Caring looks. Dyed hair. Kisses on the cheek.
> Sunflower: Big smiles. Always looking for the positive. Lots of friends. Warm afternoons. Basking in the sun. Stares off into space a lot. Sitting in comfortable silence.
> Dandelion: Wishing for the impossible. Shooting stars. Light breezes through their hair. White clothing. Whispered secrets. Far off looks. Kind eyes.
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Lily Bovine!
> Daisy: Wears their heart on their sleeve. Soft voice. Minimalistic clothing. Laying in a field of tall grass. Walking barefoot. Puts other people’s happiness above their own.
> Bellflower: Very consistent friend. Happy face with sad eyes. Careful touches. Hiding a blush. Light giggles. Makes friends easily. Knows how to make you smile.
> Protea: Proud. Big gestures. African heritage. Blushes easily. Tries to look tough but is really just a big softie. Content where they are. Doesn’t love easily, but always deeply.
> Moonflower: Knowing smiles. Doesn’t open up easily. Late night. Tired eyes. Soft skin. Not as innocent as they seem. Loose clothing.
> Bleeding Heart: Hopeless romantic. Still laughs at dirty jokes. Believes they can change the world. Caring looks. Dyed hair. Kisses on the cheek.
> Sunflower: Big smiles. Always looking for the positive. Lots of friends. Warm afternoons. Basking in the sun. Stares off into space a lot. Sitting in comfortable silence.
> Dandelion: Wishing for the impossible. Shooting stars. Light breezes through their hair. White clothing. Whispered secrets. Far off looks. Kind eyes
Tagged by: ( stolen from ) @wildgcd​ Tagging:  EVERYONE. Sorry I’m so lazy but not really :P
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bitofthisandthat · 5 years
Bold what applies to your muse, italicize situational ones. Feel free to add your own suggestions and carry it on.
Tagged by: ( STOLEN ) @sullenchoir
Tagging:  ANYONE take it; it’s a good one!
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“country” │ “backwoods” │ “sailor” │ “noble” │ “city/street” | foreign speaker | “the queen’s english” | other-- A mix of noble and city/street; based on ww travel & upbringing
educated │ uneducated │ doesn’t use conjunctions │ shortens words │ just makes up their own words │ old English | uses old terms & old slang |  uses local colloquialisms
â–ș TONE
loud │ soft │ room volume │ high pitched  | medium pitched  | low pitched |  seductive│ velvety │ speech impediment │ abrasive │ gruff │ shrill │ booming │ matter-of-fact │ toneless │ husky │ gravelly │ breathy │ nasal │ barking │ chatty │ condescending │ musical │ suave │ world-weary │ brash │ authoritative
refers to self in third person plurals │ incorporates different languages/terms/sayings │ uses gender-specific terms │ adapts to audience │ changes pitch around animals or children │ shifts tone when lying │ gives others nicknames │ uses terms of respect towards others | 
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“country” │ “backwoods” │ “sailor” │ “noble” │ “city/street”  | foreign speaker | “the queen’s english” | other--
educated │ uneducated │ doesn’t use conjunctions │ shortens words │ just makes up their own words │ old English | uses old terms & old slang |  uses local colloquialisms
â–ș TONE
loud │ soft │ room volume │ high pitched  | medium pitch│ low pitched |  seductive│ velvety │ speech impediment │ abrasive │ gruff │ shrill │ booming │ matter-of-fact │ toneless │ husky │ gravelly │ breathy │ nasal │ barking │ chatty │ condescending │ musical │ suave │ world-weary │ brash │ authoritative
refers to self in third person plurals │ incorporates different languages/terms/sayings │ uses gender-specific terms │ adapts to audience │ changes pitch around animals or children │ shifts tone when lying │ gives others nicknames│uses terms of respect towards others (only ironically)
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“country” │ “backwoods” │ “sailor” │ “noble” │ “city/street” | foreign speaker | “the queen’s english” | other-- Western, not so much country; but with a softer southern influence too, as she moved out west from the “south” first. So a blend.
educated │ uneducated │ doesn’t use conjunctions │ shortens words │ just makes up their own words │ old English  | uses old terms & old slang | uses local colloquialisms
â–ș TONE
loud │ soft │ room volume │ high pitched│medium pitched | low pitched |  seductive│ velvety │ speech impediment │ abrasive │ gruff │ shrill │ booming │ matter-of-fact │ toneless │ husky │ gravelly │ breathy │ nasal │ barking │ chatty │ condescending │ musical │ suave │ world-weary │ brash │ authoritative
refers to self in third person plurals │ incorporates different languages/terms/sayings │ uses gender-specific terms │ adapts to audience │ changes pitch around animals or children│ shifts tone when lying │ gives others nicknames │ uses terms of respect towards others |
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bitofthisandthat · 5 years
Toon!Town AU || Hammerspace & Designer Coffee
This verse applies to ONLY:
Morgana Macawber*
Gabby McStabberson*
Lily Bovine
Darlene the Spider Queen
Kim Possible
Francine Smith
*added 10/19
NB: [ MTL muses, Sinbad muses & Avatar muses ] are NOT in this AU, despite being animated characters. They are way more “realistic” and have strong human ties despite their supernatural leanings.
ă‚œăƒ»ă€‚ă€‚ăƒ»ă‚œâ˜†ă‚œăƒ»ă€‚ă€‚ăƒ»ă‚œâ˜† ă‚œăƒ»ă€‚ă€‚ăƒ»ă‚œâ˜† ă‚œăƒ»ă€‚ă€‚ăƒ»ă‚œ In this version of the WFRR concept, the above “toons” are merged with the human/normal world, and are known “stars” from more than their shows. They also contribute to their spin-off comics, and other pending projects, social media, and of course, public appearances. Another BIG difference from the WFRR Toon-Town world, is that they are NOT owned by their studio/human agent, and are NOT property. They can move freely in their own toon world and into each others’ worlds too. So when an episode or issue is done for the day, they go back to their normal lives and hang with whatever toon from whichever franchise they choose. With some exceptions, as Adult Toons (not po.rn, adult comedy) and Anime Toons often snub other toon types. But it’s not unheard of that a WB toon is dating or married to an Adult or Anime toon. So, species do cross from time to time.
However, they are stuck as themselves in recognition and casting, since toons are made to play a single part or kind of character. IE: Negaduck is forever a villain, Kim Possible is forever a hero. Most of their traits are built into what they are, so they can NEVER change. Child toons, stay children as well. There’s no “Adult brain stuck in a child’s body” unless the toon is written that way: IE: Babydoll and Stewie Griffin. So yes, Dora the Explorer is a true child forever.
They experience normal lives and emotions off the studio lots and set, but their personalities and interests remain the same, maybe just watered down A LITTLE here and there to be civil, but overall they’re the same person. For instance, if the line in St.arbucks is taking too long, and he’s losing patience because the customers in front of him are all ordering complicated drinks when ALL HE WANTS “IS A VENTI BLACK TO GO!!”, Negaduck will whip out a chainsaw from hammerspace and “urge” the line and barristas to speed it up.
Most of the above toons have long standing shows/franchises to keep them active, but for one-shots like Darlene, her career is completely dependent on being a fill-in monster/comedy role for other toons’ shows. She has fluctuated between her monster self and human-glamorized self in various past roles. “Gravity Falls” employed a lot of old monster/horror toons that were big stars in the past, so staring on the show was like a who’s-who of old school horror toons and comics. Darlene is a seasoned pro, from “Tales from the Crypt” and “Creepshow.” But her jobs nowadays consist of random cameos. 
Ponyhead is part of several franchises, not just SVTFOE; all on educational or small children series’, pulling double shift on ML.P and other unicorn themed shows. ( Unicorns are ALWAYS in demand ) so when she got her role on SVTFOE, she was ecstatic to finally play a role that was more mature and dealt with darker (albeit funny) material. She actually tones herself down for both SVTFOE and her small children's programs, in reality, she’s way more adult-minded.
Francine Smith has the longest standing active series out of everyone listed, ( 2005-present ) and hasn’t had to deal with the impending doom & fear that a toon goes through when their show is cancelled. And she is also part of the “Triad” from all of Seth McFarlene’s animated projects. She gets job offers to intermingle with other Adult Toons, like: ALL of Matt Groenings’ creations, “Rick & Morty”, “Archer”, “Bob’s Burger’s”,  and old school shows like “Daria,” “King of the Hill,” “Beavis & Butthead”, “Dr. Katz” and “Home Movies,” etc. Adult Toons, (not to be confused with XXX toons and anime) are apart from every other class of toon. Often they are SO protected by the studios and treated as if they are almost human, that they have their own cliques and often don’t associate with other types of toons. It’s considered a downgrade to socialize, or God forbid, date a toon from another class.
Lily Bovine had a short, but successful stint on Saturday morning TV, which used to be the holy grail of toondom. Only “royalty” had Saturday morning slots. She ( and her cast mates ) were led to believe that they were riding high and were going to skyrocket as high as their fellow studio/comic mates, the TMNTs. So, as toons, they were in a constant, intense state of their characterizations, in a place called “toon bliss.” It’s a dangerous state many toons have fallen victim to, where they are so elated that they are popular, that they fail to see the danger of “sudden death cancellation.” There are countless Toons that have been very popular for 1-2 seasons, but were cancelled on a spree, with no warning.
Her series was promised more comics and more seasons, but was cancelled suddenly during a hostile studio takeover where the new CEO wanted to focus on HIS material only. ( Mike Eisner/Disney ) The sudden destruction of her show/comic sent her and her fellow Moo Mesa cast-mates into a tail spin, and all suffered a stasis. They were isolated and forced to stay among fellow toons, and forbidden to interact with normals. ( akin to a toon going mad and needing to be in asylum to “rest” )
However, since Lily IS part of the same company that TMNT belong to as well, they decided to repair their state of existence, and the Moo Mesa crew have been partially revived among the TMNT franchise, so she is no longer in a state of confusion.
Kim and Negaduck are part of the same group ( The Disney, WB, & DW triad ) so they never had to fear loss like Lily or even Darlene. However, since both their shows and comics ended, they still struggle with being eternally stuck in the Hero/ Villain state. Neutral, “normal seeming” or filler characters never suffer the way Extreme Hero and Villain types do. Kim is stuck in her perfectionist state and if she doesn’t have a series or comic that is active, she becomes self destructive. She can only wind down if she has some outlet. She has made-do with stunt work for other toons that have action sequences or need a double. She’s been begging to be written into the Marvel or DC animated worlds, rallying that cause for herself for years. But they won’t allow her in, because they don’t think she can make the leap from teen hero to dark and gritty. Plus, Kim sees how Marvel toons are losing their Comic Rights and their characters are being “altered”, so she is growing terrified of them anyway. 
Toons that are “alerted” to fit new audiences or eras suffer a great deal; it’s like performing an operation without anesthetic, and many toons are never the same nor can they remember much of who they were once they are “flipped” and redone. Jem, Sh.e-Ra.h and other redos are half-mad off set now.
Negaduck stays active in the comic world, as do ALL the duck people in the Disney arcs. But he has been scheming and fighting to get his OWN show at last, this time where he is the star and it’s from his perspective. ( Not DWD ) In real life, Villains and their Hero counterparts cannot live without each other’s rivalry. So they may not fist fight like in their shows, but off set they argue and get into each other’s business. The same can be said about every Villain vs. Hero or Princess vs. Evil Queen, etc. etc. Like Extreme Hero toons, VILLAINS cannot change who they are, so if they are not given an outlet, they can become very dangerous, moreso than their roles on screen or on paper. Negaduck has been put “in the cooler” many times since the late 90â€Čs when even his comic appearances weened.
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bitofthisandthat · 5 years
Aesthetics Headcanons !!
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Honey  And  Lemon  Or  Milk  And  Sugar  //  Musicals  Or  Plays  // Lemonade Or  Iced  Tea  //  Strawberries  Or  Raspberries  //  Winter  Or Summer  //  Beaches  Or  Forests  //  Diners  Or  Cafés  //  Unicorns Or  Dragons  //  Gemstones  Or  Crystals  //  Hummingbirds  Or  Owls  //  Fireworks  Or Sparklers  //  Brunch  Or  Happy  Hour  //  Sweet  Or  Sour  //  Rome  Or  Amsterdam  //  Classic  Or  Modern  Art  //  Sushi  Or  Ramen  //  Sun  Or  Moon  //  Polka  Dots  Or  Stripes  //  Macaroons  Or  Croissants  //  Glitter  Or  Matte  //  Degas  Or  Seurat  //  Aquariums  Or  Planetariums  //  Road  Trip  Or  Camping  Trip  //  Colouring  Books  Or  Watercolour  //  Fairy  Lights  Or  Candles
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Honey  And  Lemon  Or  Milk  And  Sugar  //  Musicals  Or  Plays  // Lemonade Or  Iced  Tea  //  Strawberries  Or  Raspberries  //  Winter  Or Summer  //  Beaches  Or  Forests //  Diners  Or  Cafés  //  Unicorns Or  Dragons  //  Gemstones  Or  Crystals  //  Hummingbirds  Or  Owls  //  Fireworks  Or Sparklers  //  Brunch Or  Happy  Hour  //  Sweet Or  Sour  //  Rome  Or  Amsterdam  //  Classic  Or  Modern  Art  //  Sushi  Or  Ramen  //  Sun Or  Moon  //  Polka  Dots  Or  Stripes  //  Macaroons  Or Croissants //  Glitter  Or  Matte  //  Degas  Or  Seurat  // Aquariums  Or  Planetariums  //  Road  Trip  Or  Camping  Trip  //  Colouring  Books  Or Watercolour //  Fairy  Lights  Or  Candles
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