#👑 Call Me King (mnvrs) | Tamaki Suou 🤍
drinkitfrommymouthsuou · 11 months
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꧁⁕༻♕༺⁕꧂ “This was just a thought —but whoever invented avocados had a wonderful idea.”
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drinkitfrommymouthsuou · 10 months
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꧁⁕༻♕༺⁕꧂ He quietly weeps in the corner and shivers. Both Kyoya and Haruhi made the nice list, and Tamaki did not? What was this world coming to if the Shadow King was on the nice list, and the precious Host Club King wasn't?! Without a doubt, he would surely disintegrate into nothing if he ever found out one of the twins made the nice list.
"If Kyoya switches our stockings, then I am well and truly doomed. I'll surely receive coal for Christmas this year. I'll never be on the nice list, again!"
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How Are You Color Coded?
Green Coded - Green: a study in living life, growth, and change. you're one of the people who often find themselves believing that anybody can be better than they are right now, should they put in the effort. you know when to quit, of course, but that tolerance is very high. you know when to put faith in the right people, but that knowledge was earned the hard way. the world is a dangerous place, and you know that. but that doesn't mean that life isn't worth living. the world is a place full of danger, of love, of wonder. you know that firsthand.
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꧁⁕༻♕༺⁕꧂ "Hmh, what an unexpected result but not wholly untrue."
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tagged by: @moonsmultimusings (thank you, my dear~)
tagging: @a-girl-named-angel, @a-basket-of-muses, @shiroi---kumo, @aquaticsoul, @kurai-honoo, @dnangelic, @seekingfancytuna, @shadkyo, @the-sunset-rose, @10percent-more-hitachiin, @snowmaidn, @kitxkatrp (Kaoru), @story-magic (Kagome) Multimuse blogs may pick if muse is not specified (and anyone else who would like to join! Let's make a rainbow!)
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drinkitfrommymouthsuou · 10 months
Dash Games
Naughty or Nice List ->
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꧁⁕༻♕༺⁕꧂ "Uhhh, boss, the game is called 'kick the can', not 'kick the kitten'."
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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN??!!! I don't kick kittens!! I treat all of my kittens with nothing but love, respect and dignity!! I don't get coal in my stocking!! That's never happened before! I'm a good boy!"
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He knows there's a joke here but he's choosing to keep his mouth shut for the king's sake. "Yeah...whatever, boss."
tagged by @shiroi---kumo tagging: @moonsmultimusings (Kyoya), @a-girl-named-angel, @a-basket-of-muses (any muse), @kitxkatrp (Kaoru), @seekingfancytuna, @the-sunset-rose, @clumsyhost, @codedfaith (Kyoya), @snowmaidn (and whoever else wants to try!)
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drinkitfrommymouthsuou · 11 months
🎃 Happy Halloween, my darlings~
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꧁⁕༻♕༺⁕꧂ "Though the wind may howl through leafless trees, and the moon may shine a gloomy glow upon the land.  When demons and ghosts roam our world, know this, my darling, I will be here to protect you.  My arms will remain your haven during these haunting hours.
"Oh, but do not fret when you feel the coldness of my skin, and do not shy away from me, when you cannot see my magnificent beauty reflected in mirrors.  I am not your enemy. There are no tricks here.
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"I am only a ‘Prince of the Night’, starved for love and companionship.  My delectable treat—I hunger for you. Tilt your head for me and let me prey; with one taste I will vow to stay by your side for all eternity, my darling."
Happy Halloween!
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-Walks up to Tamaki- "Here." -Places an odd looking large egg into the host king's hands, then walks away. The egg wiggles slightly in Tamaki's hands.-
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꧁⁕༻♕༺⁕꧂ "Good afternoon~! Ah~ Another bright and beautiful day outside. Mother nature has certainly out done herself again. Why, the day is almost as beautiful as moi." The host club king's voice carried high with delight as he greeted his fellow students in the hallways of Ouran Academy.
His highness just turned a corner when suddenly, someone stood in front of him. Tamaki nearly fell over as he lost his balance, doing his best not to collide with the person. "Oh, forgive me, I almost didn't see you there." Tamaki began but tilted his head curiously at the grey-faced figure. Were they apart of the drama club? What a strange looking mask...
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Suddenly, the mysterious figure shoved what looked like a large egg into the host king's hands. "Ngh! Ah--Hey!! Wait!! What is this?!" Tamaki cried and he flinched as it wiggled in his hands. Before he could get an answer, the grey figure vanished, leaving him thoroughly confused and in charge of this mysterious egg. The blond looked over the egg curiously and wondered what could possibly be in this oddly shaped egg; what sort of creature lived inside? One thing was for sure, Tamaki needed to find a way to keep it safe and warm!
Without a second thought, the blond dashed off toward the music room with the egg tucked safely in his arms.
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drinkitfrommymouthsuou · 10 months
Avocados milord?? Is there anything you don’t like?
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꧁⁕༻♕༺⁕꧂ Tamaki eyed the grey faced intruder; judging by their language he knew exactly who they were. So he liked avocados and recently had a slight obsession over the green mushy food. It wasn't that big of a deal.
Fine. He would play along with the anonymity.
"I like a great many things but—I hate chrysanthemum." Tamaki visibly shook and wrinkled his nose out of disgust. —Yuck!
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drinkitfrommymouthsuou · 11 months
“ Avocados… are just a regular food.. that have been around for centuries. “ Seriously. They were pretty normal. “ Though I guess they are a little pricey compared to other options.. “
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꧁⁕༻♕༺⁕꧂ "A regular food??! How can you say that—why, avocados are incredibly luscious little balls of goodness." He beamed and clasped his hands together dreamily. "Ah~! My darling, have you ever had something as soft as silk in your mouth? That is what it is like eating an avocado." The blond cooed and folded his arms across his chest, gripping his forearms.
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"It will change your life; rich or commoner, we will stock the host room full of this delicious treat."
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𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑨𝒓𝒆 𝑵𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝑨𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒆
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He pressed his shoulder against the jamb of the open door as he peered into the empty classroom. 
The classroom was nearly empty. Save for the redhead who sat at one of the desks by himself in the corner of the classroom.
Outside the day was starting to fade and brush strokes of orange, pink and purple stained the sky; the late hour cast long shadows in the dim classroom. 
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“Heh—You know? I thought I might find you in here.” Tamaki finally broke the silence.  “What do you think you’re doing skipping out on the club like that?”  Tamaki admonished the younger Hitachiin playfully.  It was not out of the ordinary for one, or even both twins, to go missing from the club occasionally. 
It used to bother Tamaki at first but there was a method to their madness, and soon, Tamaki learned not to take it personally when the Hitachiin’s refused to show up.  Usually there was a good reason.  And in this case, Tamaki knew the reason.  
The week before, the twins announced to the club that Hikaru was going to be leaving for a few days on business with their mother.  Much to the twins’ obvious dismay; they would be apart, effectively disrupting not only their rhythm, but it also drove a wedge in the club’s ability to offer a ‘brotherly love’ package for their guests. 
The overall feeling of despondency was almost palpable, and it permeated throughout the host club and affected the overall atmosphere of the club whenever the twins were pulled apart.     
The third year pushed himself away from the door jamb and walked further into the classroom. He wandered over to one of the desks not far from Kaoru, and he sat down gracefully.  The king shifted his gaze and eyed Kaoru for a moment before he sighed to himself. 
Sometimes the twins were a handful, and it was often exhausting trying to keep up with them.  Still, Tamaki adored both and wouldn’t change their existence in his life for anything in this world.
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drinkitfrommymouthsuou · 11 months
"I'll pass on the Avacado..." His nose only wrinkling slightly Tim has to agree with the other man, they aren't that good and fails to see the appeal.
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꧁⁕༻♕༺⁕꧂ “Ah! You don’t like avocados either, Tim?” Tamaki was surprised. How could anyone dislike something so delicious? “They’re like soft green pillows for the mouth to enjoy!” They may not be sweet, but they were creamy and delicious. Still, Tamaki appreciated an accepted all opinions. “I guess that means I won’t have to share.”
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drinkitfrommymouthsuou · 11 months
The first 5 Asks to send 💋 get a kiss (3/5)
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꧁⁕༻♕༺⁕꧂ Soft fingers grabbed gently at North's chin. The blond host meant for the new student to look at him. Blue eyes watched carefully, while his gaze moved over the other's face. Tamaki grinned. "Has anyone ever told you not to play with a host's heart?" The blond inhaled softly. "We are fragile creatures, my darling, prone to falling so deeply in love that we may never reach the surface again. And yet—," The prince's mind retreated to the very corners of his subconscious.
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A longing so strong reflected inside the blond's eyes. "You make the drowning worth it; when I gaze into your eyes, my prince, I see—," Tamaki shook his head. "Enough, I can't wait any longer..." Tamaki's voice faded as he leaned in and kissed North softly on the cheek, just before the corner of his mouth.
He pulled away and his blue eyes, no longer seemed so far away and sad anymore. Now they twinkled with merriment and delight. "Take this as a warning, my love. Never mess with a host's heart. We are...fragile creatures."
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drinkitfrommymouthsuou · 11 months
He was so handsome, it made her dizzy. But she had to focus! "Yes, I went to the infirmary because I twisted my ankle and saw her walk out-- and then I overheard the nurses talk about it being work of one of the Hitachiins!"
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꧁⁕༻♕༺⁕꧂ "What do you mean she went to the infirmary?!" His voice rose so high it was becoming shrill. He reached for the girl and grabbed her by the shoulders. His blue eyes stared intensely at this woman who he had never met before; he pulled her close.
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"Tell me what you know! ...What do you mean by.. 'the work of one of the Hitcahiins!" How could this be? His sweet innocent Haruhi. Those jerks would pay for this!
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drinkitfrommymouthsuou · 10 months
💭 @shiroi---kumo || moonbeam
Send 💭 for a thought my muse has had about yours
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꧁⁕༻♕༺⁕꧂ Tamaki's face lit up when he saw the-once-upon-a-time-floating-cosplayer. Overjoyed to see his friend again, Tamaki bounded over to the ivory haired man he had come to know as White Cloud. He was far more impressive than any character from a story that Tamaki had ever known. Truly, he was a figure of greatness in his own right. "White Cloud--Moonbeam, my friend; mon ami. I think about how I have never met anyone quite like you before. We haven't known each other long, but in that time I have learned so much. I hope that continues to be the case. No matter what happens, my prince." Tamaki nodded his head affirmatively and offered this new found friend a bright smile.
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He wasn't sure but had a feeling. For some reason he felt he could trust this man with his life. No matter what might happen to them in the future; no matter what tangled vines they find themselves ensnared in, deep down the blond knew he would always be able to count on White Cloud.
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drinkitfrommymouthsuou · 10 months
Love's Thorns: A White Rose's Fear
My muse is being held hostage by your muse's enemy, what would you do? -> for @lady-or-host
((outofroses: So this turned into more of a drabble, lol! I hope you like it. Nothing about this is very canon...but oh well)).
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꧁⁕༻♕༺⁕꧂ The front doors of the third music room burst open as Tamaki rammed his shoulder into them. Pain coursed through his body from the impact, particularly through his neck, but he ignored it, however. He feared a pain far greater than the physical discomfort that he was currently experiencing, if he didn’t make it in time…
Though the string of bodyguards, who once stood guard in front of the music room (now dealt with in the Haninozuka style) would have suggested otherwise, the room was empty. Tamaki felt his stomach drop and his mouth run dry; this couldn’t be, they had to be here…
The twins were the first to alert Tamaki that something was not right. They had noticed a strange man pull Haruhi out of class.  Thank God for their suspicious and curious nature; they snuck out of class to follow the brunette as the strange man led the girl-host through the halls of Ouran.  Who was he? Was he a friend of her father, or perhaps he was a relative that Haruhi failed to mention?
The twins followed the pair and shockingly realized they recognized they were headed in the direction of the third music room. As they approached the end of the hall, a group of guards stood with an old woman, dressed most traditionally, stood at the front of this group.  Her cold and distant gaze was hard to forget.  Shizue Suou.  The matriarch of the Suou Group, and Tamaki’s grandmother.  After Haruhi was brought to the woman, and after exchanging what looked like brief introductions, the pair went into the host room and shut the door with a resounding thunk.
Panic overtook the twins; it was Kaoru who made the decision that they should get the others.  It had only been a week since Tamaki almost left to head back to France with Éclair; they had to wonder why Shizue wanted to meet with Haruhi in the first place. And the reasons couldn’t be good.
Now, standing in the middle of his host room, Tamaki looked around.  Blue eyes dilated with panic as he frantically scanned the room, until his gaze fell upon the closed doors of the prep-room. 
“Haruhi!!” Tamaki cried out and yanked the prep-room doors open. For a moment, it felt as though time was moving in slow motion; Tamaki let out a shuddering gasp at the sight before him. 
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Shizue, with her arms tucked deep into her sleeves, took a step back and turned to face her grandson. She fixed him with an unreadable gaze that made Tamaki feel small.  Standing opposite Shizue, Haruhi’s brown eyes grew wide from the shock of the blond’s sudden appearance.  It didn’t matter why they were there, or what they were discussing.  Only one thing mattered to Tamaki in this moment, and that was he wanted to grab Haruhi and run as far away as possible.
So much had been taken away from Tamaki in these last few years; he couldn’t bear the thought of Haruhi being taken away from him, as well.  Unceremoniously, Tamaki brushed past his grandmother; his long legs making short work of the distance. He didn’t want to be disrespectful toward his her, but now even Tamaki’s patience was gone over his grandmother’s intimidation tactics.
He grasped Haruhi’s wrist, as he shoved his other hand into his unform trouser pocket, and with his head held as high as he could muster, he began tugging Haruhi along after him. “Come on, Haruhi; we’re leaving.” Despite the anxiety that gripped him, Tamaki’s voice held an unnatural calmness.
Surprisingly, Shizue said nothing and did nothing; she merely watched as Tamaki escorted the brunette out of the music room entirely.  Tamaki led Haruhi along. He even walked by the rest of the host club; their faces transforming from excitement over seeing Haruhi with Tamaki, to confusion as the blond trudged past them.
Where were they going? How far was he going to lead Haruhi away? “Uh senpai, hey...hold on—,” Up until this moment, Haruhi didn’t make a fuss, but Haruhi needed him to slow down at the least or to stop his onward march at the most. Deep down he was sure he would’ve kept on going if Haruhi hadn’t said something. But he did stop.  He let her wrist go and he stood with his back toward his Haruhi; his hands flexed into tight fists at his sides. The silence between the two felt like an eternity while they stood in a far-flung hallway on the opposite side of the school.
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“I am so sorry, Haruhi,” His voice felt airy, like a sigh, but wavered with deep emotion. He brought a hand up to cover his face while he tried to contain himself; he tried to add a cheerful note into his voice to reassure Haruhi that everything was okay; that she was safe and he wasn’t going to let anything, or anyone hurt her. “I hope she didn’t scare you,” He chuckled almost darkly as he realized the irony in his words for he was scared to death. “I apologize on behalf of the Suou family if she did.”  Tamaki turned to face the brunette and nonetheless offered her a charming smile amidst blue eyes that glistened with unshed tears.
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drinkitfrommymouthsuou · 10 months
( @ghostboy-291 ) ->
He has no clue how he got here. Not really - probably another accidental slip into some realm or... something. But this place isn't the ghost realm. It's a school.
Not a school an eleven-year-old should be attending, judging by how much taller the students here seem to be...
Either way, he doesn't want to talk to them. He wants to hide. He wants to find some quiet spot to take a nap and then get on his way back home.
He ends up waiting inside a janitor closet for the school day to end, too scared of being found to sleep. Once the sound of students in the halls dies down, he shuffles down the hall. There's got to be an empty room somewhere around here, right?
The door he chooses at random to push open reveals the smell of roses and bright lights - definitely not empty.
It's too late to run, isn't it? He'll try anyway. His back turns before whoever is in this room can greet him. He breaks into the best sprint he can with tears already pricking at the edges of glowing violet eyes.
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꧁⁕༻♕༺⁕꧂ The Ouran Host Club was opened for business.  A dull hum from the chattering of patrons and hosts alike filled the once abandoned third music room. The bright lights did little to dilute the radiance of the King of Hosts. 
Tamaki was holding court again. A long leg crossed over the other as Tamaki leaned back comfortably on the couch. His skills as a host were barely challenged as he entertained two beautiful guests who sat on either side of him.
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“Tamaki, why are your eyes so pretty?” One of his guests asked with her hands clasped together; her tone bordered on awestruck. It didn’t take long for Tamaki to turn his attention to her: he gently grabbed her chin and tilted her head up so their eyes could meet. 
“Why, to be able to capture your attention, my darling.  Like a moth to a flame, I hope to draw you ever closer.  Let my gaze spark that flame of desire inside you, my princess.  Then I shall never remember the loneliness that comes from not being by your side.”
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“Oh, Tamaki…” Her wobbling body suggested she was close to fainting right there in his arms. Giving the girl a chance to recover, Tamaki turned his attention to his second guest.  However, something else piqued his interest.  By now, Tamaki was an expert when it came down to hearing when someone entered his host club.  It was paramount that he knew when, or if, he needed to greet a familiar guest, or welcome a new face. 
Something peered inside.  Tamaki froze and his face grew pale. “Whaugh…Whoa!! What is that?!”  He cried out and his guest jumped, slightly taken aback by his sudden outburst. “Tamaki...?! What do you mea—?”
Tamaki shot to his feet and rushed to the front doors of the host club.  He peered down the hall and caught a glimpse of whatever it was. 
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“Tamaki, it looks as though you’ve seen a ghost.”  He heard his best friend speak up and the voice of the Shadow King startled Tamaki away from his racing thoughts.  No doubt Kyoya had come over to remind Tamaki about the rules and etiquette of the host club—the very rules the blond created when they first started the host club.  The Frenchman grabbed his friend’s shoulders and fixed Kyoya with a wild stare. 
“Kyoya, I saw something.”  He gulped.  Maybe it was a kid who forgot that Halloween was a couple of weeks ago.  Maybe…but the blond could have sworn he saw glowing eyes.  That wasn’t normal! “I am sure you’re just seeing things.” Kyoya pushed his glasses up on the bridge of his nose; against his better judgement, he decided to give his friend the benefit of the doubt. “Go.  If you want to go chasing figments of your imagination, then who am I to stop you?” 
What?! Tamaki bristled before nervously peering down the hall.  Why was he the only one who noticed? While Tamaki knew he saw something, perhaps it wasn’t a ghost after all. But if it was a kid, and if they were lost, Tamaki felt obligated to help. The blond followed in the direction of the boy, and decided to give chase. “Hey!!! Wait!! I—I won’t hurt you! I want to help!”
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0 notes
drinkitfrommymouthsuou · 10 months
💋 {{ Hand Kiss Kagome }}
The first 5 Asks to send 💋 get a kiss (5/5)
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꧁⁕༻♕༺⁕꧂ A flock of startled doves flew into the sky as the giant clock tower rang out to signal the three o’clock hour. Besides the occasional groundskeeper the campus of the prestigous, elite private school, Ouran Academy, sat bare of the usual school activities.  After school clubs started promptly at three o’clock, and everyone was already where they needed to be.  The Ouran host club was the last to worry about poor attendance.  As one of the more popular clubs on campus, there was never a lack of activity inside the once abandoned third music room.  
Therefore, it came as no surprise when the doors to the music room opened for another curious guest.  As busy as they were, each host skillfully glanced in the direction of the front door without missing a beat in their current task.
“Ah–! Kagome!”  Tamaki was shocked to see the girl, with Percival always by her side.  The blond politely excused himself from his guest, and got up to see their new visitor. No one else made a move as Tamaki seemed to be the only host to recognize her. He gently grabbed her shoulders and peered down at Kagome with a light blush on his cheeks.  To be honest, he found it rather embarrassing that she was here…at his host club. 
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“Whu–what’re you doing here, princess? Heh—I’m not sure this is the best place for you.” He nervously laughed. 
Leaning back in his chair to get a better look, Hikaru raised a curious eyebrow. “Don’t tell me you’re going around picking up little girls, boss.” “Yeah, that’s kind of creepy.” Kaoru snickered. Tamaki bristled and his body flinched as if a jolt of electricity coursed through his body. “Would you punks shut it!!! I wouldn’t do that!! She’s my sister!!!” Smoke rolled from Tamaki’s nostrils as he snorted angrily. “YOUR SISTER???!!!”  All six hosts, and a few guests exclaimed. Tamaki ignored the burning question, and smiled as he stroked his chin thoughtfully. Let them wonder, he thought. 
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“Well, since you’re here, I will be happy to give you a tour—,” Tamaki smiled and took Kagome’s delicate hand to plant the softest kiss upon her knuckles.  His blue eyes twinkled brightly as he cocked his head to the side.  “My darling, welcome to the Ouran Host Club.”
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