#πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ everything's fine goodnight
mulletmitsuya Β· 9 months
Tokyo revengers groupchat
Warnings: suggestive, swearing, 5th grade humour, an unknown femboy is mentioned, Takeomi is homophobic but no one cares, also this has the Sano's and everyone involved or close to them
Desc: Shin gets his first date in like 10 years. Also this is the final timeline but events don't exactly match up to canon soπŸ‘
Shinichiro: GUYS
Shinichiro: I'M GOING ON A DATE😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Benkei: i don't care
Takeomi: congratulations. it's only been like 30 years
Wakasa: how many times have you started a conversation exactly like this? give up for all of our sakes. we're tiredπŸ™
Takeomi: Shin there's nothing wrong with being single at your big age. it's not humiliating at all
Wakasa: aren't you single?😐
Shinichiro: screw you guys, actually ☹️
Benkei: emoji's are for children. stop using them. you're gonna frown? as a grown man? what's wrong with you
Shinichiro: what's wrong with frowning??
Shinichiro: we're meeting at a karaoke bar
Takeomi: if this happens to be real, do not drink
Takeomi: you get touchy when you're drunk and it's fucking weird😐
Wakasa: girls might think that's weird and creepy
Shinichiro: that was one time and i apologized
Takeomi: i don't give a fuck if you apologized you kissed me you fucking cunt
Takeomi: i don't even wanna talk about it i'm gonna vomit
Shinichiro: it was just a goodnight kiss. for the homies πŸ˜•
Wakasa: you stuck your tongue down his throat dude
Shinichiro: we were wearing socks so it was fine
Benkei: you just say shit
Shinchiro: you guys are ruining my vibe rn so i'm just gonna get ready for my date and the future love of my life
Shinchiro: she's so pretty i'm in love with her
Shinichiro: oh man i'm getting butterflies
Takeomi: send a pic
Shinchiro: you'll see her soon enough if things go well
Takeomi: guess i'm never seeing her
Sano affiliated groupchat
Inupi: idk a lot of us in here aren't Sano's and it kind of annoys me that this is what the groupchat's called
Mikey: get that stick out of your ass or leave like it's not that deep
Inupi: shut the fuck up you dwarf
Mikey: i'm the average height for a japanese male
Inupi: "i'm the average height for a japanese maleπŸ€“β˜οΈ"
Inupi: and no you're not. you're 5'3 and the average height is 5'7
Mikey: at least i have more than 3/4 of my face
Inupi: should you be saying that when you have a history of mutilating people's faces
Inupi: isn't that right Haruchiyo
Haruchiyo: kill yourself
Senju: girls, stop fighting
Emma: guys please not again
Draken: Inupi don't leave, Shinichiro wanted us here for something important so can we be civil for a few minutes
Inupi: whatever
Inupi: where is he anyway he said we should all be online cause of an emergency and he's not even here
Izana: are the old people here?
Takeomi: we're not old
Izana: ok grandpa
Kakucho: what's the emergency?
Benkei: fuck if we know
Wakasa: if i've come here to waste my time i'm gonna twist his dick off
Mikey: why do you want his dick in your hand🀨?
Wakasa: stop playing games Manjiro...
Benkei: is corporal punishment still legal
Mikey: i was kidding 😭
Mikey: also i'm a full grown adult so that would just be assault
Benkei: is assault still illegal
Emma: uh yes?
Benkei: i don't know why i asked because i'm going to do it anyway
Mikey: are your anger management classes even workingπŸ’€?
Mikey: and lucky for me i'll be in Paris tmr for a fan meetup soπŸ˜‹
Shinchiro: hi guys
Wakasa: what do you want
Takeomi: i bet he fumbled
Mikey: fumbled what?
Takeomi: he had a date
Inupi: what's the emergency Shinichiro?
Shinchiro: i need you guys to answer these questions as quickly as possible
Shinichiro: what's a femboy??
Emma: now what does that have to do with the urgent emergency you told us you had?? i missed my pregnancy yoga classes for this? SHIN?
Senju: why is everything you do so unserious
Baji: Haruchiyo's a femboy
Haruchiyo: no the fuck i'm not you piece of shit
Mikey: you're not?
Haruchiyo: no??
Mikey: but you're pretty, and you look like a girl so?
Haruchiyo: no... but uh, thanks ig
Senju: girl stand up. this is embarrassingπŸ˜•
Shinichiro: guys please this is serious i can't hide in the bathroom forever
Emma: what are you doing in the bathroom??
Shinichiro: i'm on my date right? so we're having a great time and we're singing and drinking and i tell her what a pretty girl she is and she says "girl?" and i'm like "yeah you're a pretty girl" and she says she's a femboy and i don't know what that means like what does "boy" have to do with anything so i went to the bathroom to ask you guys this question real quick because she said we're going to her apartment after this (!!!i think for sex!!!) but i'm just trying to clear up what she meant by the boy part
Izana: it means "she" is a he
Izana: that's not a girl, it's a feminine presenting man. hence the description femboy
Baji: can you even call yourself femboy when you're like in your 30's? that's a grown ass man
Takeomi: what's up with you and all these suspiciously gay situations
Wakasa: i think the universe is trying to tell you something
Benkei: how did you not know he was a guy
Shinichiro: because she's pretty! like a girl
Haruchiyo: *he's a guy
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Baji: why's the cat sad. that's fucked up
Kakucho: it's basically how Senju looks like a boy most of the time and Haruchiyo looks like a girl
Takeomi: how did you not see a bulge or something
Shinchiro: she's wearing a skirt
Mikey: *he
Wakasa: and nothing was swinging out?
Izana: what kind of question is this
Emma: stop being vulgar Waka-nii😐. this is such a stupid conversation
Wakasa: aren't you a grown woman tho i feel like you can handle me talking about dicks
Shinchiro: holy shit she's a he
Inupi: can we go now
Baji: a hole is a hole
Emma: Baji ewπŸ˜•
Takeomi: the difference between them is that one makes you gay because you're fucking a guy in the ass and the other one is normal
Baji: same difference
Takeomi: did you read what i just said
Mikey: he's illiterate
Baji: you can't insult me with a word i don't know the meaning of
Inupi: Shin what's the verdict?
Shinichiro: well...this is still a very pretty person so...
Takeomi: bro??
Shinichiro: is it that big of a deal tho?? i don't think it is
Shinichiro: yeah, this is fine
Shinichiro: is it all that gay if you're attracted to someone who looks like a woman?
Takeomi: if you're gonna fuck them, YES???
Benkei: he's lost it
Wakasa: i'm gonna need you to be sure about this because do you even know what to do? you're gonna embarrass yourself. you're not educated on gay sex at all
Baji: i can help with that
Draken: if i'm being honest i don't think you should take advice from anyone here at all
Baji: but i'm an expert
Mikey: we don't wanna know anything about what you and Chifuyu do 😐
Baji: yes you do
Inupi: google exists. just buy lube and condoms holy shit you guys are overcomplicating this so much
Mikey: of course you would knowπŸ˜’
Inupi: yeah i would know because i'm gay?? fucking idiot
Senju: are buttholes self lubricating? i can't be sure since i have constipation and my buttholes as dry as some tree bark
Haruchiyo: why would you tell us that
Takeomi: Senju watch how you talk. girls aren't suppose to say stuff like that
Senju: fine, next time i'll say anus to be more ladylike
Takeomi: and to answer your question, yes. because when you poop there's residue
Takeomi: you hear that Shin
Takeomi: shit in the ass
Takeomi: don't do this
Haruchiyo: you just told us you don't wipe your ass properly
Emma: i hate everyone here so bad omg
Draken: i think it's our cue to leave
Shinichiro: fuck it. i'm gonna do it
Shinichiro: thanks for the help guys! it is what it is at this point 😁
Shinichiro: bye!!
Mikey: i knew he'd eventually succumb to homosexuality
Takeomi: well since i'm homophobic i can't be his friend anymore
Benkei: no one cares
Benkei: Shinichiro successfully wasted our time once again
Benkei: i hope he gets an STD
Mikey: woah 😭
Emma: you're so fuckung dramatic😐
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fridayth13 Β· 7 months
Hii, this is my first time requesting something so don't hate on me lol.
Could I get some cuddle headcanons for beel, and mammon?
Much loveee
↳ mammon and beelzebub Γ— gn!reader (separately)
↳ genre: fluff | wordcount: 500+ | warnings: none
↳ notes: sorry this took a while! but i hope you like it. tooth rotting fluff right here πŸ‘
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mammon holds you very tightly
he cuddles you like it's the last time he'll ever get to touch you again. he holds you like he's afraid of losing you, which, to be fair, he really is
most nights, it isn't really a bad thing. he just likes clinging holding onto you a lot, you know? he likes feeling how close you are
literally does not care about cuddle positions. he will drape himself on you and he will roll around the bed like a rolypoly until you both get comfortable
he does have a special place in his heart for when you ask to hold him though
like. you want to hold him πŸ₯ΊπŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ no he's not crying
just try petting him while you're cuddling, he will melt
fingers in his hair, rubbing circles on his back, or even something as sweet and simple as intertwining your fingers. he's near tears already
he is a sucker for sweet nothings. from him or from you. he enjoys whispering into your ear about how much he adores your laugh and your smile and how happy you make him
on the occasion that you guys aren't able to cuddle to sleep at night, he has a little hoard collection of your things he stole very politely borrowed but is reluctant to return
the collection consists of things like your clothes, pillows, and he might take a stuffed toy if you have more than one so he can crush that to sleep instead
okay fine he'll return it if you ask. in fairness he's horrible at hiding things from you
he just misses you a lot πŸ˜” he loves you a lot
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warm. so warm
he is soft and sweet and gentle in everything he does about you!!
very much like a teddy bear
if permitted, he will scoop you up in his arms to carry you off to bed at every opportunity
he is also lowkey afraid of rolling over on top of you in the middle of the night and suffocating your face :(
he tries his best to be careful with you
whatever positions you'll end up in depends on you, but if you don't have any preference, he'd like to hold you
having you wrapped in his arms with your head nuzzling into his chest just hits different i guess πŸ˜” it makes him feel like he's protecting you
he doesn't move around a lot in his sleep though, despite his fear of crushing you so there may be the issue of having up wake him up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom because his grip is too strong
he doesn't use words much, he just likes to hold you against him. just to feel you there
when his head is on your chest, he immediately tries looking for your heartbeat. he isn't particularly sure why, he just likes listening to it
big fan of pressing his face against in the top of your head πŸ‘ and just nuzzling in general
so many little kisses on your forehead, your temple, a goodnight peck on the lips, anywhere he can reach, really
and he would be elated if you did the same
on the occasion he wakes up because of a bad dream (like in lesson 6(?)) he would very much appreciate it if you held his hand. he might not talk about it in full, but his heart would soar even at such a small gesture
tldr you mean the world to him. by the way
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dividers from @clutteredfun
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wackywavyrainbowwyrm Β· 4 months
Just watched Murde rDrones guys ! :) feeling fine. Feeling normal . Ok πŸ‘ Everything's fine. Dveyrhtings fine. Everything's fine. It's all good. Nothing is wrong ever. Goodnight everyone
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valley-o Β· 1 month
im gonna make myself a pinned post at 3am
im val! or sonder/fate/chance/fractal/any number of other names
i use a lot of pronouns. many. but if you wanna be basic they/them is fine
im an ✨ adult ✨. a uni attending one. English and Sociology doer, in particular
i am autistic and a mishmash of other disabilities πŸ‘
im queer. and a lot of labels that fall under that. if you do not like the word Queer this is your chance to leave
im english and irish πŸ‘ both πŸ‘
there is no dni here because I don't wanna give a list of people that would annoy me the most to have to interact with. but if you are transphobic or any other kind of phobic don't be surprised if you get blocked
i tag about two things consistently. Long posts, and mika. everything else is a free-for-all. good luck
at a future point, i will place userboxes and a link to my pronouns page here
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freckledsweetpea Β· 6 years
well holy shit fuck me I guess. You ever spend a week talking to someone and you actually like them and then they block you after y'all said goodnight and everything was fine? πŸ‘
guess I'm a shit person afterall.
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