#👍 very funny when characters have attitude
deathmetalunicorn1 · 3 months
Glad you opened requests! i kind of longed for a second part of the “all hail the king of the world” request in which male reader goes on a date with the ror characters, still being insufferable yet hot. Just him constantly getting on their nerves with his unashamed flirting yet managing to charm them successfully 👍 same characters than the original request btw
-It had been several weeks since the end of Ragnarok, humanity earning their salvation as well as earning the respect of the gods, as humans refused to give up.
-You were the one to suggest the idea of a massive party with all warriors and Valkyries, to celebrate this new milestone in Valhalla, which was agreed upon, just to have an excuse to party!
-(Love) watched you speaking to Brunnhilde from across the floor, talking respectfully to her, while flirting every now and then, but she knew that you had eyes for someone else, so she knew you were harmless.
-You and (Love) had recently became an item, and a hot one at that, everyone was talking about the two of you! They wanted to know about your relationship and what things were like behind closed doors, but neither of you were saying anything, but you liked teasing, flustering those who would ask, “You can get a front row seat, if you allow us to share you~” which would always make them run away, flustered while you were laughing warmly.
-(Love) knew you weren’t serious, you weren’t the sharing type of person, once you had (Love) all to yourself, he was going to stay that way.
-When she left you, you had turned, looking around the room before your face lit up, seeing (Love) there, and you immediately came over, “I hope I didn’t keep you waiting my dear~”
-(Love) couldn’t believe that he was with you now as he gave you a small grin.
-He couldn’t help but smile, resting his head against your chest as your fingers, after you removed your claw-like finger-caps, scratched at his scalp as you both lounged together in your massive pillow pit full of soft pillows, perfectly for cuddling in. You both had left the party hours ago, drunk and wanting to nap and cuddle. It didn’t really come as a surprise to others when you both finally announced you were dating, as they thought that you had been dating for a while now, thanks to your shameless flirting with one another. The two of you were quite the handful together, something Brunnhilde had to deal with a lot, as she needed to keep you both in line, usually with giving you both lumps on your heads after you would tag-team her with flirting. Brunnhilde never admitted it, but she thought it was funny, even more so when you would do it to others.
            -Qin Shi Huang and Buddha
-He didn’t know how he got into this situation; he had no idea how you even convinced him to accept a date with you. Your persuasiveness was very intimidating, but you had been nothing but polite with him, minding his personal space, not touching if he didn’t want it, and overall, you were just a gentleman, except with your flirting. He had no idea how you could flirt so easily and so much with him all while keeping a straight face and acting so suave!! As much as your flirting and perverted attitude irritated him, he hated to admit that it was growing on him, you were growing on him, and he was beginning to look forward to your antics and seeing you each day. He wouldn’t tell you that though, he grew to enjoy this cat-and-mouse game.
            -Jack, Hades, and Nikola
-He tried to deny that the two of you were dating, which you thought was rather cute, seeing him so shy, “Oh don’t be so cold baby~” which would make him push your face away with his whole hand, trying to hide his flushed face. You couldn’t help but tease- he was just too fun not too!! He thought you were irritating, pushy, and shameless with how you flirted with him so openly, especially out in public!! When he would threaten you, holding your shirt, telling you to knock it off, you couldn’t help but grin, “Of course daddy~ I’ll be a good boy- hey where you going?!” he had to walk away from you- you were just too much!! Why was he attracted to an idiot like you?!
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bigboobshaunt · 2 months
This took me really long to respond because I am The Indecisive
👑 Favorite version of Zelda?
Honestly really hard to pick just one. I like BotW/TotK Zelda a lot because she has such a fantastic arc and you really feel for her and her story plus I find her very relatable...
Spirit Tracks Zelda is easily among my favorites too, her being a ghost and your companion makes her SO unique and she's really funny and cute and has one of the best relationships with her Link, and she also gets to shine in combat, too!
Skyward Sword Zelda also set the standard for her backstory and I think she's so likable but I do wish we saw more of her in general...
Ocarina of Time Zelda had such a cool story what with messing with forces she didn't necessarily understand while trying to plot against Ganondorf even though she was just a kid, not to MENTION the Sheik reveal which is just iconic tbh.
Both for Hyrule Warriors and Wind Waker I don't have much to say in general about them but I still really like their take charge, more active attitudes! I do hate how they lighten Tetra's skin color and remove her from being active in the plot when the reveal comes though... you hate to see it!
Twilight Princess Zelda... what can I say, she is an elegant sapphic icon and she will always be famous. I was a bit ticked off when they changed out her for ALBW Zelda in Smash because I think she is much more memorable.
I would be remiss not to mention Wand of Gamelon Zelda at least a lil' bit too... Idk she's cute and cheesy and I'm not sorry for including her. Maybe if Nintendo made her actually playable in their games I wouldn't have to do it but 💅
🐳 If you were a Zelda character, what race would you be?
Probably a Hylian boringly enough but I would kill to be one of those occasional enemies that does their own thing for some reason, like... I could be a wolfperson who can't eat their yogurt until you trade me a spoon for my boomerang or whatever.
👊 Favorite Zelda Villain/Boss?
Villain-wise, I love Hilda... she was clearly in the wrong but my god I can completely understand the desperation... Twinrova also I ALWAYS adore seeing whenever they pop up - I love me some comically evil grannies. Ghirahim and Yuga heard "slay" and said "this has multiple meanings and I'll do all of them," and honestly Ganon(dorf) is super cool always but I particularly enjoy his portrayals in ALttP, OoT, WW and TP. Shoutout to Veran and Onox too for variety's sake.
Too many cool bosses to mention but Koloktos is still my fave.
🧚 Favorite Zelda companion?
Uh-Oh... Here's the thing about me - I'm an Annoying Companion Enjoyer (tm) and I don't think I dislike any of them, even the infamous ones. Navi is my girl she was just trying to help and everyone attacks her and attacks her and attacks her... ungrateful behavior.
Tatl is so iconic and funny, I will always be mad they kinda toned down her mean girl-ness in the 3DS remake, even though I get that some of it was for accessibility reasons since a lot of her og comments just weren't helpful at all lmao... tho I think they could have struck a better balance.
Ciela is SO underrated, honestly. She had a good arc and I love her bickering with Linebeck so much.
Midna has the best story out of all of them and everything about her is excellence from her design to her attitude to her relationship with Link and Zelda... ugh she is so good, I miss her.
I've already said my piece about Zelda in Spirit Tracks BUT WHO CARES, HER AGAIN!!!
Fi is the only one who actually made me sob in real life from her last scene and I really enjoy her design and her dances and I genuinely think people forget how sassy she could be sometimes, not to mention being the actual Master Sword - I was ecstatic when they hinted at her existence again in BotW and TotK :)
👍 Favorite Zelda Headcanons?
The Triforce being in flux and changing aspects between its wielders in some games, like Zelda in BotW potentially holding Courage since her key scene was going up alone against Calamity Ganon and Link's usage of the runes and primary association with Blue could tie to him bearing Wisdom in them. If not just headcanon, I think it's a prime idea for fan content.
This one also maybe doesn't count as a headcanon per se but... the Zelda Timelines... I greatly enjoy speculating around them but I do believe taking it too seriously is generally just bunk. I don't think even the developers take them as a wholly 100% accurate and important deal and I think that's actually completely fine. I am an ALttP->Link's Awakening->Oracle Games truther btw.
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llycaons · 9 months
ep37: a-qing just can't catch a break
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the way his face just lights up when he has the opportunity to do something helpful...I mean I kind of get it but also. kid. get a hobby besides being a teacher's pet PLEASE
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ohh neat. wwx talked a lot in the book about commoner's solutions to problems without cultivator involvement. it would have been nice to see a more pointed critique of the highly specialized and often impractical and elitist education the rich sect kids get
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I love this shot. so mysterious and eerie! and he is so handsome <3
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it makes me so mad that wwx is joking about a-qing's looks, not so much because I care about him being a dick and scaring the kids on purpose, but because it's a shitty and narrow-minded way to view a young person who is clearly suffering some kind of horrible...death? every single junior includes some comment on her beauty or looks and it's so annoying. she's more than that! she deserves more!
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wwx scolding jl for emulating jc and sounding like a brat (or maybe more accurately to wwx's complaints, a little bitch) is weirdly satisfying to me. no he thinks the way jc raised jl sucks, actually, and he's trying to fix jl's attitude. here jl goes along with wwx's prank and then yells at him afterwards, even though he himself played along. a bit different from the jc situation sin he's a child, but I imagine wwx got irritated when he was younger a lot when jc would go along with his schemes and them turn around and complain about him as if he didn't particupate
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STOP WEARING HIS FACE! YOU SICK FUCK. it's so bizarre to see xxc in black that I didn't even recognize him this time around. with the eyes hidden, it's a bit harder to tell
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when I was reading swbts this weekend, she mentions that nobody actually follows all the precepts, because it's impractical and absurd. but there were some really obvious ones like 'don't murder' and it's nice to see that the lan precepts include some good things in there besides the well-criticized 'don't laugh without a cause' and such. also, lwj is the only person following every single one anyway and that doesn't have anything to do with whether he's a good person or whether he thinks wwx is a good person, either. they're really not connected and his character development is realizing that
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aww, they're all offering their blood up. this little scene where wwx asked if anyone has blank talismans and commenting on their cultivation level was also explained further in the books - strong cultivators can write their own, but still-learning kids need to bring talismans that have already been written
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wwx's face here is so sad. he admired sl and xxc so much and wanted to emulate them, and to see them come to an end like this...must be devastating. as if he hadn't already lost so much
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ALSO the idea that would-be lovers turned on each other and tried to kill each other. I imagine that would be very difficult for wwx given his own history with lwj
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ssc's actor did so well. that smile is all xy
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help why did he say it like that
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oh damn that's jgy
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xy interacting with wwx is so funny to me honestly. like a huge fanboy. his greatest psychosexual obsession is with xxc but he definitely has a thing for wwx too I know he wants to be topped or something
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classic line. we love not dehumanizing our autistic undead friend 👍
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oh and this is also funny. wwx like 'are you bullying me since I'm still recovering?' (implying he IS recovering and could still rebuild a core 👀 and xy being like 'yep! as you recall I am a delinquent and I am acting like it!' and wwx being like 'no fair. MAN'
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omg and as soon as lwj appears and xy is like 'hehe we meet again' and lwj just refuses to answer, summons xxc's sword, and delivers THIS devastating line. love it. no bullshit. no tolerance
I feel like xy recognizes lwj as objectively handsome but he's not really into him
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his two-bladed sword is so sick too bad he's evil
I don't really think about villains in terms of whether they're 'redeemable' or not and I don't like to think of people as ontologically evil but man I don't think xy was ever going to be anything besides what he was. it did suck that he was mutilated as a child, and it must have been difficult growing up on the streets, but the glee with which he talks about mass murder makes me think he would have kind of taken any excuse to go wild and murder a ton of people. 'oh he just needed love and understand' well he got it! and he used it to trick the person who loved him into murdering more people and then he tortured and murdered their teenage ward/friend. I can appreciate a reading where he's more harmless and just funny in his destructiveness, but I will never be able to swallow AUs where he's genuinely a good person. loving murder is just too much a part of him!
there's also a line where the juniors make wwx say that lwj is good at stuff and he seems very taken aback to be asked, which is weird bc aren't they at least traveling companions? maybe he was confused at being asked to give an account with authority since he knows the kids still think he's a random jin exile who's known lwj for like. a few weeks max. man I don't like that moment, it seems really forced and awkward even if wwx is still in his 'I don't quite understand why lwj is doing this or how long it'll last' era. which also seems weird given them moments they've already shared and the comfort wwx has in stating with lwj? man, maybe it's easier if he doesn't have to think about it or explain it to other people. I GUESS
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god this sucks....that's his last connection to his mama
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A QING!!!!!!!!
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wwx comforting her is so. he's been such a dick to the kids this episode so it's nice to remember what a kind person he is when it really counts. and a-qing hasn't felt human touch in a very long time
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and when he says he'll do empathy, it's jl who objects! one of those 'aw, he really does care' moments
personal highlights:
while this wasn't as horribly dull and poorly done as the last third-party character focused plot (I seriously spent a lot of 34 thinking 'oh god, cql is bad after all), it didn't offer a lot in terms of special moments or humor. a solid 5/10. mediocre. let's see
wwx talking about folk remedies
the kids offering their blood. because they love him
wwx calling xy a drama queen
wwx seeing sl and xxc's bodies and realizing what state they're in. that shit hurted
"you don't deserve this sword' TELL HIM HANGUANG-JUN
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multicolour-ink · 4 years
Just seen the Sonic Movie. Holy rings it was good! I feel like I've been on an adrenaline rush!
Highlights of the Sonic Movie (in no particular order)
1. Ben Schwartz as Sonic
Ok so when first heard Schwartz as Sonic, I didn't think it fit. But the more I heard it and after hearing it throughout the movie - this IS a good Sonic voice! It's very 90s...but surprisingly fits Sonic's "I don't give a crap" attitude. And Schwartz brings so much emotion to Sonic!
2. Sonic himself
Dang this little Blue Blur is perfect. Character development, plucky attitude, expressive, childlike. Yep this is the Sonic I know and love 👍
3. Jim Carrey
Like with Ben Schwartz, I wasn't sure if Carrey was going to work. But he does. No question. He nearly steals the movie. Just. Over the top, bizarre, and hints to a sad backstory 👌
4. Tom and Maddie
Nice characters . Did their job. Also can we appreciate that we got a couple who are ALREADY together??? Too many of these movies have the man trying to impress the girl, or vice versa, until the fictional character is the only one who can get them together. Thank goodness this movie did away with that trope, and they have great chemistry.
I will say...that come the sequel and other subsequent movies...I honestly would not mind if they didn't show up.
Now don't get me wrong, I liked these characters, but their story feels done, there really is not much to do with them now. And Sonic has to go back to his own world at some point. It would really bog down the next movies if they just took place on Earth in Green Hills every time. Sonic has always been about meeting new people, then running off to the next adventure.
I would love Tom and Maddie to be referenced now and again, but they don't need to be brought back.
5. Jojo
Jojo is an angel. That is all.
6. Fast Freaking Action!
Sonic's speed, the fights against Robotnick, spin dashing AAAHHHH so good! This movie nailed Sonic's speed and adrenaline. Also the slow-mo scenes were funny and actually eye-opening. I never really thought about it, but if Sonic is moving so fast, of course everything would be slow-mo to him! It's all effortless to him. No wonder Robotnick can't keep up.
And speaking of Robotnick....
7. The fights against Robotnick
Ooooooohhhh this was the highlight. The movie goes from the fights being tame, to brilliantly developing Sonic and Robotnick's rivalry, and Robotnick's hatred and insanity.
I can't describe it anymore than that except...breathtaking. Watch the scenes yourself and you'll see what I mean.
Last is a major spoiler
Oh and I will need to talk about the negative things...(there aren't many!)
1. The beginning is too quick
Seriously the whole thing with Baby Sonic is over in about 5 minutes. Could've spent some time trying to establish his relationship with Longclaw, but we're just thrown into everything so fast it doesn't give you time to process it
2. Sonic talks...A LOT
He monologues the entire beginning, then halfway through the battle like a commentator. It's annoying.
3. They only scrapped the surface
This is more a nitpick - but one of the reasons I'm not the biggest fan of first movies, is because they always have to spend half the movie setting things up. Which is boring. I'd rather be thrown into the action and just work it all out.
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safehavenofmonsters · 4 years
This is kinda random, but
TKRB starter swords for each of my OCs
Miyoko: A TKRB OC already, and it’s already established that she starts with Mutsunokami, so that’s that.
Lynette: Kiyomitsu!! Red aesthetic lovers unite!! That fear of being abandoned too... stirs up a huge amount of guilt in her heart... She might end up spending a bunch of time around Kiyo to make up for her regrets, but I doubt he would mind. Actually, I think Kiyo would welcome her constant presence.
Silas: Maybe Mutsu? Silas is the type of guy who resists change, so pairing him up with the reformation loving Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki would be funny to behold. It’s also good for character development. 👍
Majid: My first impulse was to choose Hachisuka b/c 😔👌 ✨golden boys✨ amirite? They both also seem to hold very judging attitudes, differentiating b/w “real” or “fake”, between what is “truth” or “lie”. So, I feel like they would get along. Or clash. 😬 Similar personalities aren’t always the best of combinations.
But it would also be fun to watch Majid try and get along with Yamanbagiri as well!! Manba’s reclusive personality would force Majid to take the initiative for once. After hearing for the 324th time of “I’m just a duplicate”, Majid would snap, looking at him square in the face as he replied, “Would you be quiet already? Anyway, that doesn’t even matter.” “???” “Look. It doesn’t matter if you’re a duplicate. You already look like the actual Yamanbagiri, so what’s the harm in acting like it too?” “I... I thought you hated lies.”
“If living a lie will get you to stop being so annoying, then maybe, MAYBE, I wouldn’t mind. Besides, if people believe in a lie hard enough, they can make it become true. So why can’t you do the same?”
And then character development takes place from there!!! With both of them sipporting each other to be the best they can be!!!
Kodi: I’m tempted to say Mutsu again b/c ✨ocean boys✨, but no. So let’s go with Kasen then!! Maybe Kodi can learn some tips on how to be as elegant as him!!! And become a little frightened of the sword’s bloody history, but bounce back just as quickly when he learns that Kasen is a man of the arts. Watercolor buddies!
Berenice: This is kinda difficult... Maybe if she were to start off with her personality when she was alive and then gradually reveal her true self... then I would choose Manba. They can have similar character arcs, both learning to have confidence in themselves and their own beliefs.
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