#👄💔how to be a heartbreaker👄💋 headcanons
noxyoxrbaxbiegixl · 2 years
// Molly is obsessed with the 80s. Especially the fashion, music and the chick flicks that came out during that era.
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noxyoxrbaxbiegixl · 2 years
*Insert all the Disney headcanons for that meme here* <3
Hercules - Is your muse more physically strong, or emotionally strong? 
Physically. She's strong in both ways but her emotions do get the best of her sometimes
Cinderella - Did your muse experience any childhood traumas? Did they overcome them?
Yes! She lost her mother at 15, her older brother when she was in her 20s and her twin in her 30s. She herself died shortly after due to suicide by Molly overdose. Her father died shortly after her.
Bambi - What is your muse’s relationship with their parents like?
Molly and Angel were both very close with their mother. Molly had a friendly relationship with her father but also resented him for how controlling he was with her and the way he treated Anthony.
Pinocchio - How honest is your muse? What is their moral stance on white lies?
Molly is honest with most people but has no problem lying if she feels it's necessary.
Fantasia - Does your muse believe in magic? What is their view on it?
She has no choice but to! She knows certain demons possess magical abilities and she herself dabbles in witchcraft.
Mulan - Is your muse secure in their gender identity? Have they ever experienced sexism or transphobia?
Yes. Sexism was rampant in her time period but she refused to be made into a stereotype.
Dumbo - Has your muse ever been bullied for a physical difference?
Yes. During the 1900s, racism against Italians was rampant due to the war. So she was bullied because of her ethnicity.
Aladdin - If your muse had 3 wishes, what would they wish for?
1) To have her mother back
2) For her father and Arakniss to treat Angel right
3) For Angel to be free from Valentino. She's aware of what is happening but doesn't know the gory details.
Zootopia - Would your muse enjoy living in a utopia, or would they feel out of place?
She would immediately feel out of place. Things like that are eerie to her.
Tarzan - How did the place your muse grew up in affect them?
Well, her family is mafia so it taught her how to fight and how to get away with a lot of shit.
Moana - Does your muse believe in fate or destiny? What is theirs?
Nope and it's a mystery
Atlantis - Is your muse adventurous or do they prefer to seclude themselves?
Molly can be adventurous! Especially if she has her twin bro by her side
101 Dalmatians - Does your muse have a large collection of any particular thing?
Yes. Hello Kitty merch
Oliver and Company - Is your muse more street smart or book smart?
Street smart. Not to say she isn't book smart but education wasn't great when she was growing up.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame - What is your muse’s religious beliefs? Have they ever experienced oppression at the hands of religion?
She was raised Catholic and still holds some of those beliefs but not really.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - How trusting of strangers is your muse? Would they accept a gift from a stranger?
She is very distrustful of demons she doesn't know. Especially given what some demons would do to someone like her.
The Princess and the Frog - Would your muse accept someone else’s help in fulfilling their dreams, or would they want to earn it for themself?
She would want to work for it herself
The Emperor’s New Groove - What animal would you associate your muse with? Why?
Spider xD I think this is pretty self-explanatory
The Lion King - Is your muse prepared for the responsibilities laid out for them in life?
Yes and no. She's capable of course but she doesn't really want to.
Peter Pan - Is your muse a child at heart? What is their mental age or maturity?
Yes! She's a giant kid though she knows how to be mature as well.
The Little Mermaid - Would your muse change themself for love, or would they wait to find someone who loves them for who they are?
She would want someone to love her for her.
Wreck-It Ralph - What does ‘being a winner’ mean to your muse?
I don't have an answer for this
Lilo & Stitch - Does your muse have any pets? Do they want any?
She doesn't but she'd like one. She doesn't think she has time to though
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noxyoxrbaxbiegixl · 2 years
// Molly has a MASSIVE shoe and handbag collection. It's an inside joke between her and Angel that they're competing to see who's collection is bigger.
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noxyoxrbaxbiegixl · 2 years
// Her entire room is covered with Hello Kitty and band merch. Mostly of 80s punk bands but she does have Avril Lavigne and a few other early 2000s female punk artists decorating her room. She owns a record player and loves listening to it
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noxyoxrbaxbiegixl · 2 years
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Pros of Dating Molly Dust
She's a fantastic cook and will make anything you ask for!
Super sweet and silly, will always make you laugh.
Loves to cuddle!
She's a bit dense sometimes
A little overprotective
A little bit clingy
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noxyoxrbaxbiegixl · 2 years
//Found this little gem and I LOVE it. I just think it needs to be a little deeper and maybe a bit more NYC twang. Then I think it's spot on!
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noxyoxrbaxbiegixl · 2 years
Do you have any deep, detailed headcanons about your Molly?
//Hmmm.... Let me think.
1) Molly was never originally supposed to fight. Her father taught her how to shoot to protect herself but he believed women weren't supposed to fight unnecessarily.
2) She can sew. Medically and recreationally. Her mother taught her. She also knows First-Aid.
3) She's skilled with poisons. One of her mother's favorite ways to take down rivals (and a few times, her husband) is with poison or sleeping pills in her sauce. She taught Molly and Angel how to do it too. Arakniss knows how to do it but he prefers other methods.
4) When she and Angel were small, they used to "swap places". This was before they understood that fraternal and identical weren't the same thing.
5) Molly has always been super girly but that doesn't mean she won't wrestle her brothers if need be. She's basically standing in for their mother.
6) Whenever Arakniss and Angel are bickering, she's usually the one to break it up but often gets sucked into the drama.
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noxyoxrbaxbiegixl · 2 years
🌸 Headcanon Time 🌸
//Thanks to a certain RP server on Discord, I now have guns for Molly! She carries these around with her, much like Angel does.
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And this one was a gift from Arakniss
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They all have names too. {From Left to Right: She-Devil, Kitty, BB, Belle, Via and the one that Arakniss gave her is named after their mother (in my canon, her name is Arabeth)}
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noxyoxrbaxbiegixl · 2 years
Would Molly like k-pop and metal music?
// I don't think so. My Molly likes pop music mostly but isn't opposed to rock, especially classic rock. She also enjoys swing.
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noxyoxrbaxbiegixl · 2 years
What's a Mother's Day headcanon / headcanons do you have for Molly?
//Molly spends the whole day mourning, maybe invites Angel over to reminisce about their mother and have dinner together.
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noxyoxrbaxbiegixl · 2 years
//Molly has an unbridled sweet tooth. She loves anything sweet!
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noxyoxrbaxbiegixl · 2 years
Does your Molly like bedazzled chainsaws?💖✨ Also, what's her favorite / signature weapon? For my Mollz, it's a rolling pin! >:)
//She's actually never used one but she would LOVE one! Her signature weapon is the gun Arakniss gave her
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noxyoxrbaxbiegixl · 2 years
//No one asked for this but you're getting it anyway
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== Results from bdsmtest.org ==
100% Exhibitionist
99% Voyeur
89% Experimentalist
87% Switch
83% Vanilla
79% Brat
68% Submissive
68% Dominant
65% Ageplayer
59% Boy/Girl
57% Brat tamer
56% Rope bunny
51% Rigger
48% Degrader
43% Non-monogamist
41% Sadist
29% Pet
19% Masochist
16% Primal (Hunter)
10% Daddy/Mommy
9% Owner
8% Degradee
8% Master/Mistress
4% Slave
0% Primal (Prey)
My Molly is a switch ;) Do with that what you will
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noxyoxrbaxbiegixl · 2 years
Ya do anything for a living since you're in hell? Ya live on your own or with your family?
"I work at a club similar t' where Angie works but it's more o' a burlesque club. I live on my own f' the most part. I drop in t' visit my family occasionally."
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noxyoxrbaxbiegixl · 2 years
Garnet Core, Amethyst Terrors, Makeshift Stone, Brickwork Shadows, Cracked Cement, Peridot Ghosts, Ruby Craze, and Opal Sky!
Garnet Core: What sorts of things would they be willing to do for friends? For family? For their significant other(s)?
Molly would do pretty much anything for the people she loves. Pretty much anything they ask unless it hurts them or her.
Amethyst Terrors: Are their nights plagued with past memories or nightmares in general? What do they usually entail if so?
She has nightmares of watching Anthony kill himself and then has more pleasant ones about childhood memories.
Makeshift Stone: What does their internet search history usually include? Are there any parts of their searches that they’re embarrassed by?
She looks up a lot of modern slang (it confuses her xD) and recipes mostly. Occasionally she looks up family history.
Brickwork Shadows: Is your muse good with their hands, or do they tend to be fairly clumsy?
She is very good with her hands! She can be clumsy sometimes though
Cracked Cement: Are they adept at using technology of any kind or do they typically need help with it?
She's good with most technology but occasionally needs help from Angel who is way more tech savvy.
Peridot Ghosts: What kind of things get them frazzled or anxious? Do they tend to handle them well or get swept up in the moment?
Seeing her brothers in trouble. Or anyone she loves in trouble for that matter.
Ruby Craze: Are they a passionate person or do they tend to be more down-to-earth?
She's definitely down-to-earth but also very passionate! Once she's got an idea in her head, good luck telling her no
Opal Sky: Do they tend to get lost in their own thoughts/daydreams?
Sometimes! She gets caught up in daydreams occasionally
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noxyoxrbaxbiegixl · 2 years
Rosy Haze, Rosy Touch, Apatite Chatter, annnnd Apatite Tic :3
Rosy Haze: Do they react well when they develop feelings for someone and if not why?
Molly is a hopeless romantic to put it lightly but she's also pretty guarded. She's seen Angel get hurt and doesn't want the same to happen to her. She's smart about who she has crushes on.
Rosy Touch: How do they show affection nonverbally? Are they likely to show affection with their words as well?
Like her twin, she is also very physically affectionate. She LOVES hugs and hugging people and would probably shower her S/O in kisses every chance she got. She's good with words too but she is much better with physical affection.
Apatite Chatter: Are they the friendly sort or do they prefer to let others start off interactions with them?
She is VERY friendly and LOUD! She can be a little shy at times but she's mostly pretty outgoing and bubbly.
Apatite Tic: Does your muse have any sort of verbal tics or impediments?
She has a thick New York City accent like the rest of her family though it's not as thick as Henroin or Arakniss'.
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