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continuing @undoubtedlyhuman x
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That really surprised the man. Even if you never played the games, almost everyone knew Mario or Sonic or Kirby.
"Ah...well, they are just characters to the games.. If you want when im done with my route, you can come to my place, and I'll play a game for you, or you can try to play some"
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Of course, he would be tuckered out and probably have to skip work the next day even though he really doesn't want to, but it has been awhile since he played a game or done anything for himself. So maybe hanging out with Envi wouldn't be that bad
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He listened to Envi explaining she was here for a long time which surprised him a bit. He seen them rarely so he thought they just moved over here "Oh shit really? I should try to pay more attention then...I thought you just moved to be honest.." He mumbled as he kept leading the way
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"Ok ill get a cheese stuffed crust pizza then.. I am sorta basic I like pepperoni and bacon, But i like cheese as well if it's done right" He shrugged as they got to the apartment and opened the door "After you!"
biscuits was sleeping on the couch and the place wasn't that messy just a little bit of junk here and there
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Envi glanced over as Marco spoke up.
“Oh! I have been in this town for… many years now. Though, if we are to be the technical, I only moved into my house a few years ago. Is that what you meant?”
At the mention of pizza, the shapeshifter hummed in thought.
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“It is not easy to narrow it down to just one kind. I like most everything.”
She pondered it a bit more as they walked along.
“I guess If I had only one choice though, the best pizza to me would be a simple cheese. One can never go wrong with that. Though, I do wish they did not ask for so much moneys to add the cheese hidden in the crust.“
She stifled a small laugh.
“What say you? What is your favorite kind?”
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countinuing w/ @undoubtedlyhuman X
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"You mean delievering mail?"
It was hard to understand Envi, at least to Marco, but he played it off as she wasn't from america and didn't speak english, so he didn't judge her on it.
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He shrugged at the question. He never had time to do anything anymore except sleeping. But he didn't want to tell her that.
"I hang out with friends.. Play with my dog..Play video games.. I sometimes make origami and used to collect leafs..."
of course, he was saying some old hobbies he used to do and some rare things he sometimes does. He let out a weak chuckle as he shrugged
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"That sorta it.. I know it sounds pretty boring... um..How about you?"
the awkward people are talking shhh/silly
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@undoubtedlyhuman liked for a starter!
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"I know someone is staring. Look, whoever it is, you can say something. Im not busy, and i dont bite. "
Marco was putting things up in his truck and wasn't looking behind him. He knew someone was watching him, but he didn't know who it was yet
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🎃 - (hi! hi!)
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you thought i would chose ditto didnt you :3
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Truth + “Mailed-Man Marco, why do you steal mailboxes?”
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"Out of spite for my jackass boss, for fun, or for collecting"
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"Annnddd for the rush! It gets your heart pounding and your blood pumping..and because they are neat."
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"...I regret not being with Streber when he was in the hospital. A lot actually. I should have convinced my boss to let me skip a few days.."
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“Mailed-man, you won’t believe what I’ve found! It smells like cinnamon, but it isn’t cinnamon at all! Check it out!”
Envi gives Marco a cinnamon scented candle.
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"What in the world are you-"
He then noticed the candle and was handed it. He just looked at the candle for a second before sniffing it...Damn the candle actually smelled really good!
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"Well, i'll be damned!! Its a good smelling candle! You know how rare they are to find now?"
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"Thank you very much. I appreciate it a lot.."
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He chuckled a bit at Envi. He was glad she was excited to be honest. He shook his head as he smiled a bit. He didn't really mind that much he did need some food to eat after all. "Yeah its fine besides I think it would be easier if i ordered it and i got the money for it anyways.."
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He grabbed the backdoor of the mail truck and shut it before checking the time on his phone "I have to go but no problem. If everything works out i shoulddd be back around... 9:30 tonight. Is that alright with you?" He asked as he put his phone up as he stretched a tiny bit. He just wanted to ask since he didn't know if they would mind being up a tiny bit late or not
Envi could hardly contain their excitement. They were going to learn something completely new and hang out with one of their neighbors at the same time! What a thrill! They were admittedly quite surprised by Marco’s kindness, even offering to pay for food.
“Oh! Are you sure? You are already inviting me to spend the time passing at your home. And that is plenty kind on its own. I do not want to impose.”
How generous of him! Though Envi did wonder how else they might express their appreciation for all of this. Well, they’d think on it for now; and maybe send the mailman something next week. For now, maybe a thank you would do. That was what humans normally said, right?
“Thank you so much for doing this, Mailed-Man. It means very much.”
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"Ah its just you-"
He was pretty much able to tell since only one person called him "mailed man" it was pretty silly in his opinion even though it gave him a scare the first few times.
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He put up the boxes before turning around. He didn't mind her that much. Yeah, she was a little different, but she was nice, so he didn't mind
"Yeah I have a few moments to spare... whats up?"
Someone was most certainly there, staring from their own yard at the mailman. Though their staring was not ill meaning. Just curious. Envi had wanted to talk to the local mailman for a while now, but didn’t know if they’d be interrupting his work or not.
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When they had heard Marco call out to them, they realized their staring from afar might be somewhat rude. So, they figured it was time they finally approached Marco to converse.
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“Ah, hello Mailed-Man! Sorry to bother you. Do you have a few moments for the chit-chat?”
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Marco was glad that Envi wasn't mad for being late. He always hated making people wait anyways. "alright if you say so.." He mumbled as he turned around and pointed to the left "Its just a straight shot you cant miss it to be honest" he mumbled as he started walking down the sidewalk to his house leading Envi to his home
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He was quiet for a bit making the walk sorta awkward so he asks a question to make it less awkward "Howwww long have you been here? I know you have been here awhile but im just curious...OH!! What's your favorite type of pizza?.. I never really asked"
Continued with @thescarecrowmailman from here
Hearing Marco’s knocking, Envi hurried to the door to greet him. His timing didn’t bother the shapeshifter at all. They were still just thrilled this was happening to begin with.
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“That’s okay Mailed-Man! It is good to see you again! Thank you for taking the time to do this. I know I had said it earlier, but it really is much exciting!”
The shapeshifter stepped outside and locked their door.
“Okay! I am ready! Lead the pathway and I shall follow!”
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Marco returned around 9:35 as he went to Envi's house as he knocked on the door. Of course, he was tired, but hey, Envi was happy, and that was good enough for him.
"Heyyyyyyyy..Im back, sorry i'm a little late. Something held me up.."
He let out a small chuckle as he put his hands in his pockets. Even if it was 5 minutes late, he hated making people wait
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"You ready to go to my house?"
He asked as he fidgeted with his hoodie pockets
Envi could hardly contain their excitement. They were going to learn something completely new and hang out with one of their neighbors at the same time! What a thrill! They were admittedly quite surprised by Marco’s kindness, even offering to pay for food.
“Oh! Are you sure? You are already inviting me to spend the time passing at your home. And that is plenty kind on its own. I do not want to impose.”
How generous of him! Though Envi did wonder how else they might express their appreciation for all of this. Well, they’d think on it for now; and maybe send the mailman something next week. For now, maybe a thank you would do. That was what humans normally said, right?
“Thank you so much for doing this, Mailed-Man. It means very much.”
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God Envi was so excited that it made Marco smile a tiny bit. It sorta reminded him of how his brother loved it when he played games with him
"It's fine. I can pay. i think i have enough for pizza for this month.."
he mumbled before giving a smile smile. This shouldn't be soooo bad to Marco. I mean, he gets to play games he has never really played in a long time and has some company. Even if he never admits it, he does like having someone around so he doesn't get super paranoid
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"I will warn you my apartment isn't the cleanest, so i hope you dont mind that"
continuing @undoubtedlyhuman x
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That really surprised the man. Even if you never played the games, almost everyone knew Mario or Sonic or Kirby.
"Ah...well, they are just characters to the games.. If you want when im done with my route, you can come to my place, and I'll play a game for you, or you can try to play some"
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Of course, he would be tuckered out and probably have to skip work the next day even though he really doesn't want to, but it has been awhile since he played a game or done anything for himself. So maybe hanging out with Envi wouldn't be that bad
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"They are really nice.. Kevin is a little mean, but once you get to know him, he's pretty nice."
he chuckled a bit as Envi rambled about their hobbies. It was nice hearing they were having fun and having free time to do things like that..
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"You know, like Super mario.. sonic.. Kirby.. games you play on devices or tv's to pass the time-"
he suddenly got quiet for a quick second, and his eyes widened as he was slowly, realizing Envi probably never played a video game before, which was surprising to him, to be honestly
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"Wait a second.. You had to have played at least one video game..right?? I thought everyone had"
He let out a small chuckle as he put his hands in his pockets, seeming more interested in the conversation now
countinuing w/ @undoubtedlyhuman X
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"You mean delievering mail?"
It was hard to understand Envi, at least to Marco, but he played it off as she wasn't from america and didn't speak english, so he didn't judge her on it.
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He shrugged at the question. He never had time to do anything anymore except sleeping. But he didn't want to tell her that.
"I hang out with friends.. Play with my dog..Play video games.. I sometimes make origami and used to collect leafs..."
of course, he was saying some old hobbies he used to do and some rare things he sometimes does. He let out a weak chuckle as he shrugged
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"That sorta it.. I know it sounds pretty boring... um..How about you?"
the awkward people are talking shhh/silly
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He shut the door behind him and locked the door behind him as he noticed Envi saw Biscuits as she was snoring away
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"Oh, I got her recently.. Like around a month ago? Her owner couldn't take her with them, They decided to give her to me.. She's pretty cute, right? Anyways, make yourself at home. Im going to order the pizza's really quick"
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Envi glanced over as Marco spoke up.
“Oh! I have been in this town for… many years now. Though, if we are to be the technical, I only moved into my house a few years ago. Is that what you meant?”
At the mention of pizza, the shapeshifter hummed in thought.
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“It is not easy to narrow it down to just one kind. I like most everything.”
She pondered it a bit more as they walked along.
“I guess If I had only one choice though, the best pizza to me would be a simple cheese. One can never go wrong with that. Though, I do wish they did not ask for so much moneys to add the cheese hidden in the crust.“
She stifled a small laugh.
“What say you? What is your favorite kind?”
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