#👀👜 anon 💍 era
woozi · 3 years
business major yza that's cool!! and you used to be a film major 👀?? i'm also the eldest sister hehe, i wanted to be an author or study english lit dsjgkgksdf but i picked a nice useful subject that i also like! so it's not the end of the world hehe. what kind of things do you learn as a business major? dfsjdsfdf i mean obviously you learn Business Things, but what's your favourite thing that you've learned?- 👀👜💍 <3
yes, i used to be a film major 💔
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woozi · 3 years
your spider era layout was SO GOOD omg. 11111/10 the BEST so pretty. also yeah my exams are on the 11th and 12th!! when are yours?
- your wife <333
the first one i kinda popped off w ngl FDJKDFJK
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woozi · 3 years
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woozi · 3 years
that gif is EXACTLY how i feel with regards to ruby gldsglsds. also YES why is woozi allowed to say "shit this is red too" but not tell us what he doesn't give. come on hybe we want to know.
also!! you've got exams too?? good luck yza!! we'll ace these exams!! 💪
- 👀👜💍
they're trying to make it pg 13 ig 😭😭😭
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woozi · 3 years
YZA MY LOVE HOW ARE YOU DEALING W RUBY!!!! personally i think jihoon has gone TOO FAR you can find me in a puddle on my floor i CANNOT deal w this. he rlly said "oh she's got exams? time to DESTROY her" lmao
- your WIFE <3
literally feel like this tbh 😭
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woozi · 3 years
yza your new theme is so sexy. it's even got a little ruby that's so fucking cool.
also rip,, to be fair, we did go back to physical classes and i can't say my social skills improved all that much lmaoo.
uh so we start w nursery and end with y13 it's like. you start around 4 yrs old and finish at around 18-19! so it goes nursery (4 yrs old) then reception (5) then yrs 1-13 dhfshldfs. not everyone does nursery though dfhkgdf. how does the system work where you are? and yeah chemistry!! tbh the more i learn about the structure of an atom the more i wonder. how much more is there in an atom. but it's really fascinating! drawing the structures is so much fun hlfsdsdffds my favourite thing is probably when they give you a structure and you have to name it.
also wow i cannot believe?? i've been here almost a year?? time feels fake wtf. here's to another year!! 🍾🥂 sdjggkfsdf. as for the theme perhaps it should be ruby <3 in honour of jihoon lmao dfgldsfdsf.
- your wife 👀👜🕶💍 (that chain of emojis gets longer every time i'm loving it gdjffdsffds)
lich rally ruby world domination idc idc <3 also u flatter me too much omg my head's gonna be so big 😭😭😭
KDFKDFJDJFK i mean 😭😭 it IS very difficult to improve it ngl. also love that u got to go back i feel like i'd be so 👁👄👁 when we finally get in person classes again (though i doubt it tbh, the situation's just worsening and i only have 3 semesters left lol)
OHHH okay that makes a lot more sense!! the school system's kind of been revised here lately, kids used to start off with primary school (had 3 levels, but kids could skip a year or two), grade school for 6 years, 4 years of secondary school, and then uni/technical vocational schools. i was about to graduate from secondary when it got revised JDFJKDFKJ so now it's kinder (just one level i think), then 10 years of the aforementioned, + an additional 2 years called senior high school, which i had to take KJFKJDFJFD. similarly, kids can choose paths they like (kind of like your subjects) in senior hs!!
gonna have an existential crisis at 1 pm in the afternoon icb this KJFDJKFDJKFDFD aND UR RIGHT <3 <3 <3 THAT IS V FUN!!!
also can i just say how incredible it is to me that we started off by talking abt jun's eyebags and now we're here lmao 😭 IKKKK. since covid hit i feel like it's just been 1 whole year tbh. ALSO RUBY!!!!!!!!!!!! imagine a red dress omg that'd be bomb <3
u know what, at the rate we're going, you'd prob be named entirely different by the end of the month 😭😭
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woozi · 3 years
VISUAL COMMUNICATION that's so cool omg. every time i send in an ask you just get cooler?? feel like the wedding ring should've been engraved w a 🕶 tbh. also you got into the top uni in your country can't believe my wife is a GENIUS™.
as for the school system here! in year 12-13 everyone chooses different subjects to Specialise In depending on what they want to study in uni (prior to that you all take pretty much the same subjects until years 10-11, where you take Mostly the same subjects like english, maths and the sciences, and some different ones depending on what you want to do), and, since these are subjects you're Really Doing In Depth, people tend to only choose 3-5 (3 alone is incredibly difficult, though, and only actual geniuses choose 5 lmao). i chose maths and computer science because i want to study compsci at uni (which you need a maths a level for lmao) and then i chose psychology because i like it and find it interesting. chemistry was a surprise lol i literally just took it because i had a free slot and thought why not, since i enjoyed it when i took it before.
also omg you love psychology and language classes 👀👀?? same brain omg i took a modern foreign language (arabic) during my gsces and honestly, i would've taken a language this year as well except i was Not ready to do 5 a levels lmao.
also!! accounting and econ 👀👀 nice.
also yes i think i've been here since maybe two months before your spider layout?? sdfhlgjdfsfd. and i am Ready to renew my vows!! if that's what it's called lol fdhlgdggf. 💍💍💍💍💍💍💍
- 👀👜💍 <33
NAURRRRRRRR i'm not cool at all i'm literally just some girl but thank u i am v flattered that u think so <3 also i'm just good at academics tbh, but that's not really useful irl so 😭😭😭 really wish i could hone on my social skills more but we've never went back to in person classes since the start of the pandemic </3
YOU ALL HAVE YEAR 13??????????/ that is insane oh my god how long do you guys have to go to school 😭 i'm assuming you guys don't have kindergarten/pre-school anymore? ALSO U TAKING 4 OMGGGGGGGG <3 U R THE GENIUS HERE HELLAURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!! ok we really should get that 🕶 on our rings <3 ur choices are so sexie omg u have a wrinkly wrinkly brain i bet. ALSO FELT W CHEMISTRY!! also took a few units for it in uni just bc i wanted to lol. and i used to love drawing the chemical structures JFDJKDFJFD
YES I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 maybe this is why we're married <3 and arabic!!!!!!!!! one of my friends took this up she had a really fun time that semester. also love how you're managing yourself <3 <3 MWAH that's on self-care
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woozi · 3 years
ah no i'm in sixth form so this is for my A levels! i take chemistry, maths, psychology and computer science, but rn i've only got exams in chemistry and maths luckily. i'm looking to major in compsci though!! you're in uni right yza my love?? what's your major 👀
- 👀👜💍
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woozi · 3 years
SO NEAR!!!! im feeling ok for maths (11th) but i am sooooo scared form chemistry (12th) tbh. hope it goes ok. also UNTIL THE 18TH????? that's sooo many damn. good luck!!! you've GOT this i believe in you!! <333
- 👀👜💍
the way you're doing better at math than chemistry <3 iconique
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woozi · 3 years
MY WIFE HAS A NEW ICON??? it's sooooo sexy omg
- 👀👜anon 💍 era
(also good LUCK on your exams!!! once again dfgjdfs) <3
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woozi · 3 years
good AFTERNOON yza my love (you seem to be 4ish hours ahead of me? hope it's not actually 10pm or smth lmao) i am SO excited for the wolo i literally cannot wait.
- your beloved wife, 👀👜anon with a 💍!!!!!
hmm inch resting <3 it is 5 pm here hehehe <3
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woozi · 3 years
jan 2 already wow. hope the 1st was eventful in a good way!! my day's been ok!! got some studying done although i'm still a little behind haha. going to finish that up and then go to bed! good night yza my dearest (it seems to be morning for you? so good day, maybe?) and i hope you dream sweet dreams of the wolo (woozi solo) lmao i am SO excited for it.
- your WIFE
the way you're so perceptive omg <3
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woozi · 3 years
you love rings??? [upturns a cute little cloth bag] here 💍💍💍💍💍💍💍. also why yes my love it IS a proposal. do you take me to be your lawfully wedded wife. i am DOWN ON ONE KNEE asking yza sweetness. will you marry me.
- eyebag anon
the way u gave me exactly 7 <3 one for each day of the week
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woozi · 3 years
I'M A MARRIED WOMAN NOW. also i see that you added 💍 era to my tag that's so. you're a genius do you see this guys my wife is a GENIUS and i lvoe her. im going to be that person just like "LOOK WHAT MY WIFE DID ISN'T SHE AMAZING" i hope you're READY yza my love. ANYWAY i hope your first day of 2022 went well (i actually have no idea what time it is for you?? it's 9pm jan 1st here; i hope you're similarly like,, more than 5 hours into 2022 lmao) and that the rest of the year continues to do so!!! <3333
- 👜👀 anon 💍 RING ERA
FDKJFDJKFDJFKD i'm a trophy wife now bet <3
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