#🐺 honorable to a fault even if it causes his death: robb stark interactions
neithergodsnormen · 3 months
@winterreigned sent:
angst prompt for robb: sansa arrives at winterfell to be wed to ramsay , he escorts her through the cellars , she sees robb , who she had mourned and grieved , thought dead. it's the first time she's seen him in five years. sansa is all shaky breaths and wobbling legs, trying to stabilize herself. she fears an overreaction would give ramsay what he desires, but she's basically trembling and falling apart seeing robb like this.
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Robb had been in the cells of various castles for nearly two years at this point, being moved in the night and kept from light. He was certainly paler than he ever had been, and Roose had someone regularly come to make sure he was shorn and the Tully red hair was not recognizable. The Young Wolf was shackled well in his prison, for he still had fight in him despite the treatment the traitor had provided. He listens closely when he hears the sound of footsteps and wonders if it is Ramsay wanting to again show him to the shell of a man that had once been Theon.
Tully blue eyes flick up as he glares at those who approach, his arms kept apart by a wooden block shackle, the chains upon his legs clanging as he shifts. Everything stops when he sees her. Sansa. It made no sense to him, she was a captive in King's Landing last he'd heard and married by force to the son of Tywin Lannister. He told himself that he had to be mistaken, though he would know his sister anywhere. He glares at the Bastard of Bolton, his jaw clenching and his voice a growl. "Another taunt, Snow?"
Robb is well aware that reminding a bastard that they are not trueborn is the quickest way to hurt them when your fists could not, which is why he refused to call Ramsay anything but Snow. It was well known that there was only one Snow who was allowed to reside peacefully in Winterfell and he was at the Wall. His eyes do not leave Sansa, worry in them as he tries to stand tall and strong in spite of years of captivity.
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neithergodsnormen · 4 months
@warriorsandladies​ sent: ❝ you are an honorable man with a good heart. it’s a rare thing. ❞ (warriorsandladies Kyra Frey for Robb for reasons) 
house of the dragon starters    
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Robb was still struck by how beautiful a woman Kyra was, more Lannister like her mother than Frey. When he had come to the Twins after he was named King of the North and the Riverlands, he had not thought that he would find a bride that appealed to him. Once he was crowned it was best that he get his wedding out of the way, for if anything happened to his brothers he needed to secure his line. He was equally surprised that he found himself actually liking Kyra Frey as a person. He could certainly not say he loved her, as it was far to early for that, but he could see himself growing to love her, as his father and mother had grown to love one another.
“Thank you, Kyra.... as you are a treasure that many men can only hope to find.”
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neithergodsnormen · 2 years
@agirlofwinterfell sent: ❛ My crimes and sins are beyond counting. ❜ for Robb
Robb frowned, getting up and moving to put his arms around his sister. He did not like that these thoughts were going through Arya’s head, that she had to do gods knew what in order to survive. He wanted nothing more than to turn back time and keep her from going with their father to the capital, to think of some reason for her and Sansa both to have stayed behind. He had no words, no idea how to respond, but he still found a voice. “You are safe, and that is what matters.I will do my best to ensure that it says that way, and you have no need to comment any such thing again.”
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neithergodsnormen · 2 years
@agirlofwinterfell sent: “i’m the damned fool who loved him.” For Robb 
Westeros: an American Musical - Sentence Starters
“King Robert Baratheon” (Alexander Hamilton)
Robb found himself blinking in surprise, not sure how to even respond to the tale that Arya had told to him, but there was one thing that he had picked up on when she had told him of her argument of the blacksmith boy named Gendry. “You said that he said that you would be ‘My lady’, correct? Not ‘Milady’ or the way that smallfolk say it as ‘m’lady’. He’s now technically a knight... what is a knight’s lady, Arya?”
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neithergodsnormen · 2 years
@coerulus hit the like for a random starter
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Robb looked up at the woman who was more than a head taller than he was, and wondered just how she had grown to be so tall. When his mother had returned from the attempt to treat with Renly with only the woman who stood before him in tow, he had known that something had gone wrong. He was glad, however, that Brienne of Tarth was in Riverrun now. He did not have to worry about who would protect his mother, not with Brienne at her side. Hearing that the woman had bested even the Knight of Flowers in the melee had put to rest any doubts that she would be able to keep his mother safe.
“Lady Brienne, come, walk with me,” the young king bade before turning to head towards the Godswood. The Goodswood here was more akin to a garden than the one in Winterfell and it had a slender weirwood as the heart tree, nothing like the one he had grown up with. The gods still resided in it, though, and he like many of his men came there to pray while the Riverlords would go to the sept.
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neithergodsnormen · 4 years
@ladyxredxwolf​ starter for Robb and Sansa
Robb Stark was a king now, and kings protected their families, this was known. Robb hated that his sister was in Lannister hands, hated that he could do nothing for fear that they would harm her. Then an opportunity came and he could have kissed his uncle in joy when the news had come. He could have strangled him, for Edmure had taken a huge risk. That it had paid off was amazing. He would have thought that the battle of the Stonemill would have stopped Tywin chasing him through the Westerlands and into an ambush. Instead, gods be good, it had given him the chance to attack Tywin, to blindside him and take out a large portion of the Lannister forces. 
The Lannister army was scattered and the Tyrells had suffered great losses defeating Stannis during the Battle of the Blackwater. King's Landing was practically begging to be taken. And so, take it they had. They had come under cover of darkness and the smoke of the remains of the ships along the Blackwater. The city gates appeared to have taken a significant amount of damage during the battle, making the entering of the city all the easier. Riverlords and Northerners had poured through the streets, silent as they could be as not to raise any alarm. Grey Wind had killed at least four gold cloaks to keep the procession a secret. Robb wanted as little bloodshed as was possible, if they could get to the Red Keep before the fighting started then perhaps there would be far fewer innocent lives lost. It would also limit the chances of the Lannisters hurting Sansa. Jaime Lannister captive in Riverrun would not guarantee that they would not harm her. It did not stop his father's execution, after all. 
The memory caused Robb's heart to ache as he moved through the streets of King's Landing, Grey Wind at his side. He could only imagine how that lone act had shattered his sister's worldview. He already knows that when he finds her, she will not be the same girl who believed that no harm could come from knights or princes. She would be a girl who had been shown the dark truth of reality, and that was what he could not forgive the Lannisters for the most. Sansa was his little sister to protect, from the moment he was three years old and their mother let him hold her for the first time, and she had seen the worst thing he could imagine her witnessing.
The fighting started when they entered the grounds of the Red Keep, Lannister guards, gold cloaks, it did not matter, they all started to fall at the mercy of Robb's army just the same. Grey Wind was a help to prevent too much of a clash, several of the men took one look at the direwolf and ran. The wolf was near as large as a horse now, big and snarling he was like something of a nightmare. If they became the nightmare of these men, Robb no longer cared. All he cared about was how close he was to finally freeing his sister. I am coming, Sansa. I am coming, little sister. With Bran and Rickon dead, gods that hurt him to think about, Sansa was his heir. The North would rally to her should anything happen to him, he could not let this attack on the Red Keep, this rescue, fail. He had already lost his brothers to a mistake, he could not let this battle be his first defeat.
When men use the chance when Grey Wind is away to approach him, Robb practically dances on his feet. Spinning out of the way of swinging steel and ducking with his own blow to counter. Each blow feels as easy as breathing, each blow brings him that much closer to saving his sister. With every strike, he thinks about all the cruel things that Joffery could have had done, could have allowed, and with each new idea he grows angrier and angrier. He has been called the Young Wolf, and a wolf he was in these moments, as wolfblooded as his Uncle Brandon had been whispered to be. He could see through Grey Wind and Grey Wind could see through him, there was no verbal communication to warn the men he was fighting that if they thought they could get the upper hand by attacking from behind that the last thing they would see is large direwolf teeth closing in.
The sound of fighting was bound to have woken a portion of the castle by now, and he saw a few nobles peek out of rooms, only to bolt back in when they saw the Wolves of the North leading the charge. A few were bold enough to go for swords or bows to defend themselves, and Robb would grieve most of them for that bravery. More and more knights and lordlings started to come out in either partial armor or in full armor, and so the procession through started to slow, though not by too much. When he sees the familiar armor of the Kingsguard, Robb roars in fury, “WHERE IS MY SISTER!”
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neithergodsnormen · 4 years
@jcyne​ hit the like for a starter
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Robb had not expected to run into Jeyne when he had turned the corner, lost in his thoughts at the fact he was about to learn just how to be a lord without Father being dead. He supposed that it was good that he was getting the experience, and he would have Mother to help him, but knowing that his sisters and Bran would not be there either... It was still odd. His mind had certainly been elsewhere, he supposed that was likely why he had not heard Jeyne earlier. “Sorry, Jeyne. My mind was elsewhere...”
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neithergodsnormen · 4 years
@agirlofwinterfell​ hit the like for a starter
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Robb looks up at the sound of someone entering the hall he had made his in Riverrun. His orders had been that no one was to bother him, he needed some time alone before he went back to the Westerlands to make more of a headway in taking lands from Tywin. The young king had returned to Riverrun only because he had come to check on his mother when he received word that Ironborn had taken his brothers hostage. He had hated that she was right about trusting Theon, wished that the friend who was like a brother had been more his brother and less his friend in this instant. His next plan of attack was to go after and take the Crag, then move along the coast until they were closer to Casterly Rock.
Grey Wind was at his side, the direwolf nearly as big as a small horse now, and he draws up beside his master. Robb allows Grey Wind to share what he is smelling with him, something familiar he knew... but something the wolf had not smelled in a long time. They both slid into their own minds as he moved out the door, head turning towards the entrance of the hall. Confusion filled him as he saw that he could only think was a little boy at first, short hair brown hair and certainly dressed as a boy was. The face, though... the face reminded him of times that felt a long time ago now, so similar to how Jon had looked when they were little. A Stark face.
There was only one person so young with a Stark face, and thinking of her had Robb’s long legs moving, carrying him down the hall until he found himself hugging the frail little thing that had walked through the door. “Arya?” he asked, his voice breaking as he says her name, praying that it is her, that she wasn’t dead as he had feared for months now.
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neithergodsnormen · 4 years
@icekraken​ hit the like for a starter
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Robb was pacing around the rooms he had chosen to occupy in Riverrun when he heard Theon enter his room. Theon was his closest friend, the person that he trusted more than anyone else that had been in that room shouting the words ‘King in the North’ and he felt a small relief at the sight of him. It still felt as if he had a thousand giants sat upon his shoulders, unable to have time to keep grieving his father. No, he could not stop to grieve that loss until his sisters were safely back at Winterfell and Joffery was dead. 
Grey WInd barely lifted his head as Robb broke from the line he had been pacing, the now king making his way to his best friend’s side. “Theon, thank you for coming to see me. Your presence is more relief from my mind than you could even imagine.” He had to find a way to make this war work, had to find a way to beat the most ruthless commander that had lived in half a century. A few battles were nothing, he needed to find a way to destroy Tywin and what better person to discuss ideas with than the son of the man who had smashed the Lannister fleet not even a decade ago.
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neithergodsnormen · 4 years
@flayersdaughter​ hit the like for a starter
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Robb was allowed to wander the Dreadfort, though under heavy guard. Being allowed such only because everyone was in Winterfell, the thought making his stomach turn. The men who betrayed his family, who slaughtered his wife and mother, in his home intending to marry his sister to a bastard. He just prayed to the gods that they did not actually have Arya, not thinking she would suffer such a fate well. The loss of Grey Wind had hit him the hardest, like half of his person was now just gone from the world.
He was a fool, that much he knew above all else. Trusting Frey after he had broken his vow to him, trusting Bolton who had married into the Freys... trusting that Roose’s men would keep Jeyne safe... Taking responsibility for marring a girl’s honor had cost him everything and everyone he had left in his control that he cared about.
Now, now the world seemed dark and food tasted of ash. Now, he was Roose Bolton’s last card to put into play if needed to control the North. Now, it was just a matter of time before he died at Bolton hands. The sound of another person causes him pause, and he looks over, expecting another of Roose Bolton’s servants. Instead his jaw drops open slightly at the sight of Bolton’s own daughter.
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neithergodsnormen · 4 years
@lannisqueen​ hit the like for a starter
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Robb narrows his eyes at the lioness before him, one hand drumming lightly on the table they were sat at and the other turning a folded parchment in it. To say that this meeting was a miracle would be an understatement. They had his uncle to thank he supposed, going out to fight a battle and win glory. Instead Edmure had somehow managed to not bungle up Robb’s plans but add to them. Meetings of negotiation were not something that he would have thought they could achieve with the Lannisters, not after what had happened with Joffery and his father. He was not sure who was behind the chance, who had convinced the others to at least sit with the Northerners to discuss a hostage exchange. Jaime Lannister and Tommen Baratheon, the prince taken by chance when he was being sent from the Red Keep to elsewhere, would be enough to bargain for his sisters and they still would be able to manage to keep one hostage if all went well. The young king sits tall and lean in the chair, his direwolf beside him. Grey Wind was not yet wild and snapping at the other party, so he did not yet think they would attempt to betray them, but he would take great care in these talks. “Thank you for meeting with us, Your Grace, my Lords.”
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