#🎶​Here's where they meet Prince Charming🎶But they won't discover that it's him 'til chapter three!🎶
softer-ua · 4 years
First Episode Breakdown- part 2
This Is where Katsukis character completly unraveled for me
(Part 1)
We’re 9 minutes in, I’m enjoying the show but the set up was simple so I wasn’t paying that close attention just casually cheering Deku on and having fun hating on Blasty right up until-
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This shit came out of left field, I remember my neck popped from how hard I jerked at the blasting noise. Fucker broke Dekus desk, and I’m like ooh okay villain villain I see you
But then it got weird, their shit teacher doesn’t stop them and Katsukis entire demeanor has changed
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We know Deku’s quirkless, it’s been hammered in for the lasting 10ish minutes. So why does Deku think Katsuki sees him as competition, why does Katsuki think Deku is a threat when he was just …
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Laughing it up cockily ready to go to against his entire class, but suddenly the quirkless kid who we’ve already seen you beat up easily, has no friends, and the teacher just lets students blow up his desk is a threat?
Something isn’t adding up for me. Kid him was completely self assured of his and Dekus place.
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He thinks Dekus a little strange for sticking up to him but he’s made to look like he’s actually looking forward to beating up another kid. He makes a snide comment about Deku being unable to be a hero than leaves him in the dirt no problem. Just a awful little shit through and through.
But middle school Bakugo?
He has actual beef. He’s trying to prove a point that as of yet we have no context for.
He’s clearly not doing it for fun and just because he can like a stereotypical bully would. He’s clearly upset and not enjoying this interaction.
Deku can’t just be an easy target to make Katsuki feel better because Katsuki gains nothing from showing him up and wasn’t feeling bad about anything before this happened. Also he doesn’t seem to feel any better afterwards.
I was kinda leaning towards Bakugo just hating quirkless people but “Defenseless Izuku, you’d die in the exams” on top of the “why” makes it seem like it’s more personal, and he never makes any generalizations about quirkless people. If bigotry was the marker he was supposed to hit he’d have said something gross by this point.
Dekus not shown to be a threat to Katsuki on the food chain at all. The class doesn’t like him, he has no power, and the teacher doesn’t care about him. Deku isn’t really rocking the boat in a significant way.
There’s absolutely zero logical reason Katsuki shouldn’t have laughed him off like the rest of the class
But this Katsuki can’t let it be, he’s no longer capable of walking away from Deku
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How could he possibly not have made his point earlier? Wtf is his deal, why won’t he leave my broccoli bb alone??????
Katsukis goons actually make it more evident how not stereotypical Katsukis being
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They’re have actual fun at Deku expense, making Bakugo seem that much more serious.
No this Katsuki isn’t trying to gain something, he’s trying to insure he doesn’t lose something
Just taking the note book? Too basic.
Singeing it to hell? Not good enough.
Turning it to actual ash? Makes too much sense.
Tossing it out the fucking window?? Sure, why not you weird hellish monster child.
(Fuck anyone sitting under that window you have a point to prove. You need to prove that you the kid with all the power and clout are stronger than the kid with nothing)
“That’s so mean”?? Deku why do you seem at all surprised by his shitheadness ?? He’s a bully?? This is what he does??? Seriously, Honey, get your head in the mf game here
Bakugo: *gives another speech about how great he is*
Also Bakugo:
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Bitch tf you so scared of Deku for??
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Wow I am supposed to hate him with my entire being, they want me to wish for bad things to happen to him. And it is working
Oh shit Dekus mad? We gonna find out why Bakugo’s so scared??
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Nope. I’m just going to be more confused. He shut Deku up right quick and I’m lost af about why the last 5 minutes have even happened.
Now we get Dekus whole background and it is so sad in the most real world mundane way, just a series of beat downs from life and it looks like it’s only getting worse. Nothing more on Katsuki.
Okay first episode is over and I still don’t know why Bakugo’s character did a 180. The teacher said Deku also wanted to get into UA and Katsuki’s bravado flew south for the fucking winter with no explanation or even a farewell message.
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Seriously, weirdest personality snap I’ve ever seen. Mostly because they just let it slide, there was no trigger scene to build up to this nor any breakdown or breakthrough. It accomplished nothing for either side, Deku wasn’t dissuaded and Katsuki doesn’t feel any more settled.
Deku was never exposed to be a bigger threat than his other classmates, in fact it’s the exact opposite. He’s also never shown to have more potential than Katsuki in anyway.
Remember at this point we don’t know anything about their relationship.
We don’t know they used to be friends
We don’t know that Katsuki recognizes Deku as a truly heroic person (we get a glimpse of him acting like an even smaller Steve Rogers but it’s immediately made clear that Deku gained nothing except an understanding that other people can kick his ass. Like pre-serum Cap at least makes friends, but the kid who Deku stood up for grows up to be Katsukis lackey)
We don’t know even what Dekus grades are like, we only know that the teacher thought it was appropriate to say Katsuki had good enough grades to get into UA and then the teacher only says Deku wants to apply. A complement for Katsuki, a call out for Deku.
So I’m hooked, I need to know why a clearly essential character has lost their designated markers so early. Like he should have found Deku trying to be a hero actually funny and pointless, no one else in the class took him seriously.
If Katsuki really thought Deku was worse than the rest why would he bother giving a show of strength and another speech? He didn’t seem even slightly bothered by the other kids??
Why would he bother asking if Deku thought UA would take him over Mr.BombThreat
More importantly than everything else though, is how does Deku know to try an assure Katsuki that he isn’t a threat?
Deku would have made a thousand times more sense to be confused by Katsuki even asking the question, or just simply not understanding and trying to explain why he could compete, especially since assuring him isn’t shown to help him.
Why would he try to coddle Katsuki if he gains nothing and it doesn’t mollify Katsuki in anyway?
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