livealittleoc-cb · 1 year
A Long Time Coming
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It had been days? Weeks? He wasn't sure but he did know that Hyunjin wasn't talking to him.
He wasn't coming back.
At least that's what Di thought, that's what always happened and what was going to change things this time?
Di looked through his closet, a cigarette in his hand as he blew out smoke from his parted lips. Ace was sat on his bed folding Di's clothes and putting them into a duffel bag. His face was downcasted as he chewed at his bottom lip. The taller man came back with a couple shirts, sitting down with a sigh. "These are the last shirts I'm taking." He muttered while Ace just nodded not saying anything. Di looked at him pained, reaching over to put out his cigarette.
He sat closer to Ace and wrapped an arm around him, laying his head on his shoulder. "I need to do this you know?" Ace sniffled, starting to cry while shaking his head quickly.
"N-No you don't. Not cause of him." Di sighed and put his chin on top of Ace's head.
"Baby, you know I love you very much right?" Ace nodded. "And you know I love you very much right?" He sniffled and said a small 'yes'. "And Felix loves you, your mas love you and your little brothers." Ace moved his head and turned to look at Di.
"What are you trying to say?" Di sighed as he licked his lips.
"What I'm trying to say is...you have people that love you here. I...I don't." He closed his eyes before opening them, dual colored eyes looking into pink ones.
"You have me."
"I do and I know but...I can't take you away from them. I can't always be around you when I feel lonely. I don't think Felix would be too happy about that." He gave a watery laugh trying to lighten up the mood. Even when in pain he always thought of Ace over himself. Always thought of everyone else over himself. "I've been feeling really homesick...I'll be back on Monday, alright."
"No you're not." Di sighed and kissed his head.
"You can always come up whenever you want." Ace just sniffled and clinged to Di before they finished packing.
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Di had made his ride up to Olympus and got to the house he had there. Olympus had changed over the centuries, becoming more and more modern along with still having elements of Ancient Greece. He sighed as he unpacked before checking the time.
He had a meeting with Zeus.
He made his way to where Zeus had his office and sat in front of him. He looked his dad in the eyes, the older's blue eyes looking at completely red eyes, before speaking. "Hey old man. How ya been?" It sounded quieter than he had wished, picking at his nails and just looking...defeated.
"Hello son." Zeus let out a breath. "You know you don't need to call me into my office to have a conversation with me."
"I know." He rubbed his neck as he sighed. "I just...this is important and I need you to just give me this one thing and say yes. Please." He begged him with his eyes and his dad shook his head.
"Depends on what it is, I can't just say yes."
"Can I please give up my humanity and permanently stay up in Olympus." Zeus choked on his spit when he heard his son and shook his head right away.
"But. Zeus-"
"I said no Theo. No means no." Di looked at his dad and that's when he broke down. His eyes water, red tears streaming down his face as he shook.
"Dad. Please. I don't belong down there. I belong up here. No one needs me or wants me down there." He choked out as he tried to take large gulps of air. He never called him dad. That's when Zeus knew this was something big. "Please. Please. Please." Zeus stood up and went to Di, wrapping his arms around him and holding him close. Di for the first time allowed himself to forgive his father, to let things go.
He was terrified of abandament but he knew...he knew he was trying.
"You have Ace and that human boy. Hyunjin was it?" At the sound of his name made him shake and sob harder as he shook his head.
"He doesn't want me. I haven't talked to him in so long. He keeps a-avoiding me. I...it just went like everyone else I let in. Everyone else I let myself l-love." His dad sighed as his eyes softened and saddened. "I don't have anyone down there. Ace has people and I can't take him away from them. You and ma and Ampelos are all up here." Di sobbed out. He felt pathetic but this was years of pent up emotions, emotions he never let himself feel. Emotions he set aside for others.
"Go talk to your mom, she misses you. I'll think this through." He muttered. "Just know that...I might not allow it. Not to that extent." Di shook in his arms but nodded. He chocked and held onto Zeus not wanting to let go just yet. He needed the comfort.
He needed home.
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It was Saturday and Ace was meant to go meet Di up in Olympus, but he had gotten a call from Zeus with a request.
He stepped through the doors of the club and made a beeline to the counter. Felix was out front and smiled happily at his boyfriend. Ace giggled and pressed a kiss to his lips before pulling away. "What are you doing here Cupid? I thought you had somewhere to be?"
"Yeah but...um do you know where Hyunjin is?" Felix looked at him in surprise but nodded.
"I do...why?" He eyed him a bit in question while Ace played with his fingers.
"I need to speak to him. It's important." He said looking at Felix with pleading eyes. The freckled boyed just let out a breath and went to get Hyunjin.
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livealittleoc-cb · 1 year
💼. Hmm...007 for Dionysus?
007. an empty auto shop, hood of a car left open and quiet music coming through speakers .
Di was at one of the few foster family he had contact with. It was an uncle he grew close with but wasn't allowed to take him in. Him and his bio aunt had become good friends while he was in that families care and everything just worked out. He gained this hobby as one of the few good things he developed from being there.
He had made sure to let people know he was there and was going to be there till very late. It had been a stressful couple of days and he really needed the relief. He had soft music playing from his speakers, humming softly to it. There was a gold locket around his neck and gold bracelet with a vindemiator [Virgo] constellation charm. He was wearing a white fitting tank top and a pair of loose sweats.
He walked to a table that held tools in them, wiping his forehead with a towel as he looked for the next tool he needed. As he did his head perked up hearing the door to the shop being opened. The chain's attached to it rattling and making loud sounds. He turned his head confusion quickly becoming surprise as he saw someone he wasn't expecting. "Hey." Hyunjin said with a sheepish smile as he stepped in holding a bag in his hand. "Sorry for bothering you while you work." He said as his eyes went from the car with the open hood to Di himself.
His eyes roamed for a bit before he shook his head face buring as he held up the bag. "I know you don't eat much but I thought it would be important you don't skip lunch and dinner for once." He sassed a little, more so to hide the fact he was checking him out, while Di rolled his eyes playfully and took the bag.
"Thank you Selene~ I wasn't planning on taking a break any time soon but..." He eyed the car and then Hyun. "I will for you." He said as he pulled out two chairs, Hyun's heart fluttering as he sat down, and cleaned up his hands. He opened the contents of the bag and started eating in small bites. Di wasn't a big eater, being in foster homes with children that didn't like you made sustain a way of surviving with little bits of food at a time. As he ate the two enjoyed the quiet moment together until Hyun noticed the gold jewlery.
"I've never seen you wear these." He said as he lightly touched the locket and than the bracelet. Di slightly froze when he touched them but calmed down when he reminded himself who he was with. Hyun ignored or didn't notce him tensing up as he continued. "You look good in gold. You should wear it more often."
"Thank you." He muttered as he took another bite before setting the food to the side. "I don't tend to wear them cause I'm scared of loosing them. But today..." he rubbed his face in stress as Hyun looked at him a little worried. "I needed the comfort." Hyun's heart ached a little that Di didn't come to him in his time of stress but he understood and pushed the feeling away.
"Oh? I'm assuming it's really important to you then." Di nodded as he played with the locket.
"Yeah." He said as he pulled off the locket and opened it handing it carefully to Hyun. Inside was the picture of a beautiful woman, she had green eyes, barley there freckles and long wavey brown hair. "That's my ma." He said softly as Hyun held the locket in his hands as if it would break if he held it any tighter. He looked at the picture carefully and small smile on his face.
"She has the same smile as you." Di looked away rubbing the back of his neck as it flushed. "She's beautiful." He handed the locket back and Di nodded and put it back on.
"She was the most amazing woman you could ever ask to be around. She was perfect, the old man was lucky to be married to her." He snorted under his breath as he shook his head. "I managed to save her engament and marriage rings along with the bear she gave me as a baby." Hyun nodded as he listened to him talk with a small smile and nod, enjoying Di opening up to him a little. He pointed to the bracelet.
"How about this one?" Di looked at it carefully and shook his head a little.
"I'm...I'm not ready to tell you about them." Hyun nodded not pushing the subject any farther. "But I really hope you'll be able to meet both of them some day." He said softly as he looked at the bracelet before turning to look at him and smiled. "I know they'll love you so so much."
He said that so gently.
So full of love.
Hyun felt his breath leave him as he looked into Di's dual colored eyes.
Why did it feel like he was falling?
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livealittleoc-cb · 1 year
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[Hwang Hyunjin’s future within these pictures~]
🍷: *picks up Hyun and sets him on his hip* Hey, I got a new cat his name is Hyunjin~
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livealittleoc-cb · 1 year
because I intend on using your own tactics against you~ oh and I wrote the prose myself hehe
A page of Hyunjin's sketchbook is left on the table as he leaves, no clue as to whether the bartender left it there intentionally or not. It's a handcuffed pair of hands, with what can only be described as wine pouring into the open palms. There's a note scribbled in the corner, possibly explaining the piece.
My hands are but trapped Trapped by the sins of my past while you pour Your unyeilding love uncapped I cannot hold it all, but will you give me more?
🍷: *he passes by heading to get a snack before turning to look at the table* hm? *he looks over the drawing in wonder and awe* he really was blessed by Apollo *he mumbles before reading the note over* Of course I will *he picks it and takes it with him a small smile on his face*
Text from Theo ❤️‍🔥🍇
🍷: Selene you forgot something on the table
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livealittleoc-cb · 1 year
Text from; Sam 😘🥂
🥂. Théo~
🥂. Sorry for vanishing baby~
🥂. I'm gonna grab some food
🥂. Movie night at yours?
🥂. ...he called my name
🥂. He saw me
🥂. Shit I think he's following me
🥂. Di
🥂. Dionysus what do I do I'm scared
🥂. He's ri
*5 minutes pass*
🥂. Actually, I'm fine Dionysus. Don't worry about me. Nothing is wrong
🥂. Don't tell those idiots at the bar where I am
🍷 Di stared at his phone feeling nauseous. He slammed him cup down, the delicate glass breaking from the impact as he stood up fast. He quickly dialed Ace’s number throwing on a jacket clumsily. “Ace?! Tell Felix Hyunjin isn’t okay. I’m going there right now.” He didn’t give Ace a moment to answer before hanging up and running out to his car getting in and sending one last text.
Text from Theo 🍇💋
🍷: you’re done for bitch.
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livealittleoc-cb · 2 years
[ wash up ] my muse (Hyunjin) is caught in the bathroom, washing the blood from them by your muse (Dionysus) . 
Di hums as he pet Snowcone. He was waiting for Hyunjin to come over since they wanted to hangout for a little while before Hyun had to go to work. The Ragdoll cat purred happily, nipping at his fingers enjoying her pets. Once there was a knock at the door, Snowcone meowed, stretching, before getting off his lap and letting the god go to open the door.
"Coming~" He said as he went to the door and opened it. He went to greet Hyun but was slightly pushed to the side as Hyun rushed in and speed walked to Di's bathroom. "Hello to you to...?" He muttered as he closed the door. Snow meowed as she followed Di into his kitchen. He was pouring two glasses of red wine until Snow came in and tugged at the end of his sweatpants leg. "What is it Snow?" He asked as he let the cat lead him to where Hyun was. Sometimes he questions why he fully trusts his cat but she's right most of the time so why question it.
She nudged her head against the back of his leg to go forward and check on him. He let out a little sigh as he knocked on the bathroom door. "Sam, love, are you okay?" When he didn't get an answer he leaned closer to the door. He heard the faucet running and nothing more. He started to get worried and tested the knob seeing he forgot to lock the door. He opened it and slowly walked in.
Before he said anything he was hit by the smell of blood and then the he saw the red being washed away in the sink. Di's jaw dropped as Hyun jumped at seeing him. "Um Theo...darling...it's not what it looks like." Di process what he was seeing before he shook his head.
"Here." He muttered slightly as he walked to the sink and turned off the sink. "You won't be getting it off like that, you need bleach." He said as he took out a small bottle that had bleach in it. Hyun blinked and looked up at him in surprise.
"How...How do you know that'll help." Di just shrugged as he picked up and sat Hyun on the edge of the sink before taking his hands and started to work on getting the crimson substance off of them.
"I used to ring fight. When I was 18 in the human realm till about 23." He hummed as Hyun nodded taking in the new information.
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livealittleoc-cb · 1 year
Text from; My Moon 🌙
🥂. Hi love
🥂. Thank you for the care pachage, it was really sweet
🥂. ...it's hard to text when my arms ars so far infront of me though 😅
🥂. How are you? The café? Mis you ㅠㅠㅠ
@welcome-to-maniac added in the typos for realism lol
Text from Theo❤️‍🔥
🍷: Hello my darling
🍷: Of course anything for you
🍷: You should rest- I’ll come visit you soon~
🍷: I’m…alright I think…the cafe is doing amazing!
🍷: I miss you too I’ll come visit
0 notes
livealittleoc-cb · 1 year
Text from; Jinnie 🌙
🥂. Hi Dionysus
🥂. Surprise, I'm not dead!
🥂. Okay I know that's not funny
🥂. Sorry for everything
🥂. Really. I've been an ass to you
🥂. To so many people in fact
🥂. I don't want to step where I'm not wanted
🥂. So uh
🥂 I'll be here when you're ready :)
[30 mins later]
🥂. Uh hi it's Jeongin
🥂. Hyunjin hyung's been in and out of it all day
🥂. He left his phone on
🥂. I thought I'd let you know how he's doing
🥂. The hospital says he's recovering
🥂. Other than the broken bones, he's coming off from a pretty bad concussion
🥂. He's knocking out a lot less
🥂. It's not my place obv, but I really think you should come see him. He really misses you.
Text from Di🍷
🍷: Honestly
🍷: You have
🍷: It really hurt you bringing him up like that
🍷: I’m not forgetting that but
🍷: I still love you
[30 Mins Later]
🍷: Hey In
🍷: I’m glad he’s getting better
🍷: Don’t forget to take care of yourself too
🍷: …I’ll think about it
🍷: I miss him too
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livealittleoc-cb · 2 years
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"A nice glass of wine, the lights dimmed and a good book. A perfect night~"
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:・゚✧:・.☽˚。・゚✧:・.: Dionysus [Theodore Angelos]
⋆。°✩ Greek God of Wine, Pleasure, Festivity && Madness
⋆。°✩ Owns a cafe in the human realm
⋆。°✩ Has a Ragdoll Cat named Snowcone
⋆。°✩ In "human" form he's from Greece/New York, in Astria he's from Grail Fra [Thebes, Greece]
⋆。°✩ He/They | Pansexual, Poly | 27 [Human Years], is as old as Wine && Desires | 12/21 [Sagittarius] | 6'2"
⋆。°✩ He is:
pretty level headed
emotionally constipated
can get really aggressive && mean
only friendly with people he's close with
a tease™️
has a bit of party animal tendancy
also kind of horny man
God Information / Form Stuff
⋆。°✩ he feeds off of wine, desire, && pleasure to keep his strength
⋆。°✩ wine does so much && he has to feed off of other people's desires && or pleasure
⋆。°✩ parties are his homeland
⋆。°✩ he tends to sleep around because of this but is trying to refrain from it...which might be messing with his over all health
⋆。°✩ when he feeds his eyes turn blood red
⋆。°✩ as a god he can smell && sense emotions well but the smell/sensation of lust is the strongest he can depict
⋆。°✩ he has a bit more of strength then a normal human but not the same amount as other gods
⋆。°✩ he can change his "human" apperance [height, eye color, hair color, etc.]
⋆。°✩ each god has a human name they go by, his is Theodore or Theo
⋆。°✩ in his god form he is a lot taller...even though he's already really tall-
⋆。°✩ he can get up to around 7'2"
⋆。°✩ in his god form he has white eyes, he carries a harp, his hair curls && his nails are permanently painted red, he has one tattoo on his wrist of the words 'bravery & sacrafice'
⋆。°✩ when not in astria or the human realm he resides in the olymipian realm [olympus]
⋆。°✩ in his half && half form he is his normal 6'2", has his tattoos && piercings, his eyes are either their normal one wine red && one grape purple or all white, straighter/wavy hair
⋆。°✩ natural eye color: one wine red && one grape purple
⋆。°✩ eyes might glow redder when angered
⋆。°✩ has a tattoo sleeve on his left arm another sleeve on his right leg
⋆。°✩ has an one eyebrow piercing on his left eyebrow && a dermal piercing on his right hand below the thumb && above the wrist
⋆。°✩ likes: wine, crackers, cheese, coffee, sleeping, cats, going to the gym from time to time, the color red
⋆。°✩ dislikes: people he deems annoying, lightweights [selective/endearing]
⋆。°✩ languages: greek && english
⋆。°✩ he has a small greek accent that switches into a new yorkian accent when angered
⋆。°✩ lazy dom, power bottom; some of his kinks are oral [giving && receiving], pet play [be his kitten, bunny or puppy~], marking [giving], breeding [giving], size kink, squirting [giving], public, impact play [giving], praise [giving], degradation [giving], hair pulling [giving && receiving], orgasam control [giving], auralism; open to having an fuck buddy [buddies] if his partners are okay with it
⋆。°✩ hard nos: feet, watersports, wasteplay
⋆。°✩ di tends to be really lazy && tends to dom && take control from the bottom && is a pleasure dom
⋆。°✩ if his partner wants him on top he will gladly do it for them
⋆。°✩ he's open to most kinks but might domdrop after doing harder kinks
⋆。°✩ both his eyes turn a ruby red when he is arroused
⋆。°✩ safe word: grapes
⋆。°✩ uses 🍷 on dash
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Relationship Statuses
He is in a relationship with Ace!!!
⋆。°✩ at home cooking && really happy
⋆。°✩ happily dating [1/2-4] @welcome-to-maniac Hyunjin [crescent moon eyes🌙] [04.30.23]; uninterested
⋆。°✩ happily dating Ace [🐰their bunny ] && @monsterhigh-cb Hongjoong [🐶their puppy ] [2.22.23] [ace && di will not be taking anymore partners together]
⋆。°✩ friends:
⋆。°✩ children: @k-half-blood Sebastian [toddler brat 🙄😒]
⋆。°✩ relationship tag(s): #💙❤️joongdi [little puppy ship tag], #💙❤️🩷joongdice [throuple ship tag], #⚡️🐶lightning puppy [little puppy ship tag], #🤍❤️hyundi [pretty ferret ship tag], #🌕🎨my moon [pretty ferret ship tag]
⋆。°✩ friend tag(s):
⋆。°✩ music tag(s): #🎶dionysus music [di music inspo], #🎼character music [all character music inspo]
⋆。°✩ inspo tag(s):
⋆。°✩ other tag(s): #🍷dionysus.txt [di text/interactions]
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faceclaim: @/whoiskir on instagram
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