#🍭kye drabbles
clownnotes-png · 8 days
Hi hi! I really like your writing! I was wondering if I could request regressor Aether with caregivers Diluc and Kaeya? Maybe something hurt/comfort if you are up to writing angst :3
I LOGE ANGST !!! Also this is like 970 words omg </3
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The sun was too bright. Clothes too itchy. It was loud. Loud, itchy, bright - Aether was so tired of it all. The sun beating down on him, the hilichurls chanting and screaming, the grass itching against his back. Aether was so tired of the wilderness. Everything screamed at him to go back and find find his papa or dada; the world was too harsh for a baby who simply wanted to be loved.
Albeit his yearns (and small tears) Aether didn't turn back to head for his carers - no he couldn't. He had to keep moving and find his sister. It didn't matter if Aether's legs felt like jelly has he stepped back on to Liyue Harbor from Inazuma; nothing mattered until he found his sister.
Paimon steadied Aether as he stumbled on the dock, body adjusting to the steady world (and a world twice his size, he feels so smallsmallsmall). "Hey traveler! I think maybe we should take some downtime" Paimon's voice trailed off towards the end.
"No Pai'on can't, we gots to go Su'eru" Aether sniffled and shouldered off Paimons hold. Everything around him was rapidly growing, his head was fuzzing at the seams, and Paimon was being too caring.
Streets in Liyue were loud, they were loud and crowded and tootootootoo much. It was suffocating, Aether needed out. He needed out, he needed papa and dada Diluc and Kaeya.
"Hey goldie!" Hands lifted Aether up under his armpits, pulling him away from the crowd, the noise, the suffocating feeling. "It seems like I came at the right time, huh?" Kaeya stood in front of Aether, smiling up at the boy he held.
Carefully Kaeya shifted Aether onto his hip, moving them out of the crowd. "Hey Paimon, what are you guys doing here in Liyue?" As Aether lifted his head up to respond Kaeya quickly ruffled his hair while moving the boys head to his shoulder.
Paimon floated up to match Kaeya's height and grinned, "We just got back from Inazuma! The traveler had to fight the Raiden Shogun and we helped her and the Kamisato clan and so many others!" As Paimon went into stories of their time in Inazuma, Kaeya worked on settling her and Aether onto his horse, deciding that the boy would probably prefer the comfort of Mondstadt.
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Kaeya's horse slowed to a stop in front of Dawn Winery, turning itself slightly so Kaeya could easily get Aether off its back. "There we go bud," Kaeya lifted Aether up and back on to his hip so he could easily hitch his horse up to a post, "are you excited to see papa sunflower?"
At the mention of Diluc Aether excitedly nodded and tapped Kaeya's chest with his palm, "Papa! Hurry, hurry!!" A grin had graced the boys face as he spoke, already looking up at the porch steps. Flowers that the boy had planted by the stairs the last time he was here (the last time he regressed..) were already blooming. Had it been that long?
The porch stairs creaked as Kaeya stepped up them, walking slowly so Aether could look at the flowers and pillars (why did baby Aether always love the pillars). As the two approached the door Aether excitedly leaned over - almost toppling - to knock on the door. "Woah there sunflower! Lets not fall out of dada's hold, kay?"
Aether looked up at Kaeya, big puppy eyes staring at him as if he was going to cry. "Sorryyy, was e'cited to see papa!" Aether's voice rose a little at the end of his apology covering the soft squeak of the front door opening.
"Oh my, my pumpkin has come to visit!" Diluc watched as Aether excited leaned over and reached out to him. A grin blessing his face, he hadn't seen his papa and dada in so long! It felt like eons since they were able to see each other - partially due to Paimon and Aether being locked away in Inazuma and partially due to Aether shoving his regression away.
Now that the blond was wrapped in his papa's arms he could not remember why he ever shoved the fuzzy feeling away. Deep within his subconscious though Aether knew there was a reason, of course he did. Every day he had to remind himself of it so he would keep up the act; he had to keep shoving it away (for the betterment of those around him).
Diluc squeezed Aether's cheeks, dragging the boy out of his own head. "Hey pumpkin, do you want juice or milk?" The question was spoken softly, almost as if Diluc was afraid of breaking the kid with his voice. Each option was resembled with different colored cards in Diluc's hands, an option for if he was nonverbal at the moment (he was, Aether always loved how his carers knew him so well).
Juice was soon brought to Aether and Kaeya dropped down next to boy, "Now what are we playing bud! We have stuffies and we have blocks?" A bag of blocks sat in front of Aether along with a small collection of the stuffed animals that he kept in Dawn Winery's spare room.
Quickly Aether grabbed a stuffed animal and forced their paws into his hands so he could make the animal pick up and stack blocks. "Ooo Mr. Hops is building!" Diluc leaned over the couch and smiled, "what is being built?" Aether looked up and grinned before putting a finger in front of his lips and mouthing 'secret' at both boys.
With that, the three spent the rest of the day running around and playing. Aether 'forcing' (it was simple puppy eyes, the brothers Cannot resist them) Diluc to give him a piggyback ride, and Kaeya helping him hide grapes they snuck from the vines. <3
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clownnotes-png · 10 months
Regressor Diluc and Kaeya with CG! Adelinde
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Kaeya and Diluc don’t get along in headspace ! But it’s the sibling rivalry kind of way rather than their. Normal not getting along
Kaeya is older than Diluc in headspace and likes to tease him about how He’s the big brother and Diluc must listen to him
That gets a swift block to the head for Kaeya and a scolding from Adelinde for Diluc
Kaeya will drag Diluc everywhere! Sure they’re rivals but Kaeya just HAS to show Diluc something (Adelinde is always behind them)
On Library days Kaeya always runs through the Main Street of Mondstadt instead of going the back ways with Adelinde and Diluc
Adelinde is okay with it as long as Kaeya promises to be there on time and not follow anyone (she knows no one will take him but she worries!)
Diluc always tears up if Kaeya isn’t on time (no it’s totalllyyy not cause he worries his big brother got taken!! It’s just cause they have to wait to go into the library!)
When Diluc is in his kidspace he and Kaeya play wrestle but it’s always cut short by Adelinde cause while they’re little they still have big bodies and Can Hurt Each Other
Diluc shows Kaeya his favorite spot to eat grapes in the vineyard
These boys always give Adelinde a heart attack and a headache
Dinner is a Mess, poor picky Diluc and defiant Kaeya
Kaeya always reads Diluc a bedtime story while Adelinde sits to the side waiting to tuck in both boys
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clownnotes-png · 2 months
Freminet AgeRe Drabble
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This one’s angsty, CW: Crying , mental breakdown, throwing up, metaphorical body horror(? use of word "rip"/"tear"/"claw")
Silk bedsheets crumpled under Freminet's hands, carefully the fabric was pulled up and shoved into the boys face. Tears soaked into the sheet and muffled the soft sniffles and sobs that Freminet let out. The world was suffocating; it clawed and tore at the shreds of himself that Freminet still had.
It was interesting how the smallest things could wear and tear at the blonde's heart strings. All it took was something he could so easily write off. Freminet had simply asked Lynette and Lyney if they wanted to come with him to a secret spot he had found while exploring the Elton Trench seas. The twins response; they are busy.
Freminet knew it was so silly to be getting distressed to the point of crying 'til he hunched over vomiting. It was just that something in the back of his mind screamed that they were trying to avoid him. He knew, knew, knew, they weren't.
Why can't he accept that?
So, of course he is sobbing into his bedsheets at the dead of night, of course he is feeling his mind rip itself apart in a frantic tug of war. Logic and Emotion frantically tried to take control, to comfort him via different means.
Logic wanted him to understand, to talk it out with his bubba 'n sissy , with his brother and sister. He wanted to hug them and apologize for feeling so distraught over this. Emotion though? Emotion wants him to scream and sob, it wanted him to rip his hair out and chew all his nails down. Emotion wanted his destruction.
Instead of falling to either, Freminet sunk. His head warped reality and comforted him through shrinking his mentality down. Suddenly, already big feelings for a teenager were a nightmare for a toddler. Guilt toppled and crushed the boy.
So Freminet sobbed, he sobbed into his silk bedsheets that suddenly felt unfamiliar as all he wanted was his bubba's laced corset scratching his plush cheek. He wanted his sissy's coffin nails to scratch at his scalp as she murmured comforting words. Freminet loved how his sibby's comforted, it healed part of his heart that still yearned for affection - a part that he thought he lost long ago.
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clownnotes-png · 10 months
Kaeya who ignores his regression because he feels like he has no time for it, why regress when there’s more important things to do !?
He quickly learns why when he suddenly drops in his apartment from something So Simple as his favorite pen running out of ink
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clownnotes-png · 6 months
Regressor Lyney & Fremi
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The sibling trip are all flips ! Lynette is the primary CG between all of them though
Which is why it was odd that she had been sent out on a mission for Father and both of the boys had dropped down.
Normally at least one could keep themselves in their big headspace when Sissy was out, yet here Freminet was a bit older than Lyney and trying to stop his tears
“Lyn, no more tears! We can umm,” Freminet paused and looked around their shared room, frantically trying to find something to distract his brother, “we can play with Quackers?”
Lyney hiccuped and blearily opened his eyes, the heel of his palms wiping away the tears clouding his vision. With that, there was Freminet holding a stuffed duck in front of his face.
Quackers was a duck that Freminet had dragged to the House with him when he arrived. The boy sobbed when anyone tried to touch it, so it stayed. The fur was well-loved and an eye had been sewn back in multiple times by Lynette, but both boys adored Quackers in headspace.
“Okie, we play.” The duck was pushed into Lyneys lap as Freminet got up to grab a few other animals that had been stashed around the room. Some were stuffed like Quackers while others the blond had created through mechanics. “Fremi, don go far!”
The separation anxiety all three suffered with was a challenge some days, but they made it through. Beaded bracelets from Lynette decorated each of their wrists, all of them had safety mechanics from Freminet, and Lyney wrote notes and letters for his younger siblings.
They managed and made sure to come home at the end of the day. They always promised.
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clownnotes-png · 9 months
Small cw, this is a bit on the sadder side !!
The day Adelinde decides to take matters into her own hands with her boys is the day she witnesses Diluc breakdown over finding some of Kaeyas old drawings in the closet. Everything just seemed to crumble and soon Adelinde had a five year old Diluc sobbing so hard he nearly became sick, gagging and gasping as the world felt too small for all his emotions.
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clownnotes-png · 1 year
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First Plush!
<33 . In which Tsukishima gets his first ever plush from his new carer and best friend!!
Yamaguchi crouched down, smiling with his hands behind his back - skillfully hiding the present he had bought for Tsukishima. "'Shima baby, I have something for you." Towards the end of Yamaguchi's sentence he tilted his pitch up to seem more playful for the boy.
"Pre'ent?" Tsukishima skillfully moved around his block toward, avoiding knocking over the meticulously stacked rainbow blocks. "What the thi'ng?" As Tsukishima spoke - lisp and all, he moved to carefully sit down without undoing his previous work of protecting the rainbow stack.
Tilting slightly to avoid the curious regressors attempts at peeking, Yamaguchi motioned for Tsukishima to cover his eyes. "No peeking lovebug!" Luckily Tsukishima only minorly whined about needing to cover his eyes, though it quickly stopped as something soft and plush hit his lap.
A small gasp was let out as Tsukishima opened his eyes and was met with a medium sized blue plush dinosaur with gray accents on his feet, stomach and spikes. "Dino!" Within a blink of an eye the dinosaur was scooped up and being squeezed to Tsukishima's chest. "Dino fo' me?"
Yamaguchi smiled and nodded, "of course! Who else would the cutie be for?" A quick ruffle of Tsuki's blonde locks followed the words, causing a small high-pitch giggle to be let out. "Now, what were we building love?"
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clownnotes-png · 1 year
Suna who is such a sleepy regressor, like it doesn’t matter how old the poor boy is all he wants is a little nap !! Please just let the poor boy rest :( no he does not want his blocks or a snackie !!
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