#🍥 gallery 🍥
writing-for-life · 8 months
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A Sacred Garden: Death & Delight—Michael Zulli
Oh… was the first thing I thought when I found this. I need your help, fellow art aficionados…
I am not entirely sure if the title should be “A Wicked Garden” or “A Sacred Garden” (I find the latter more likely because of the symbolism, plus a gallery also has it listed as that), because it is listed as both.
But what on earth are we looking at here?!
Because Death is tied up. I immediately had to think of Jesus on the cross here (not least because Delight’s positioning reminds me of many paintings of the crucifixion and both Maries, but naturally also because of how Death is positioned).
And the flower floating above Delight’s hand is a rose, like in so many of Zulli’s paintings (they often stand for love and passion, but especially with Death, he often uses them for grief and mourning. They don’t have a specific colour here—if they were blue or red, it would be easier to figure out what they stand for. Also, I have to think of swirling things the way the rose is floating 🍥).
But what is going on here? Who tied Death to the tree? And what with all the skulls? Are they symbolic for Delight dying/changing to Delirium?
And is this some sort of altar (the thing Delight is holding on to with her right, with the jug on the left and the ram’s skull on the right)? Who’s the sacrificial lamb here? Is she bargaining for more time as Delight?
Another connotation is that of St. Sebastian, in many depictions tied to a tree, although that’s less straightforward. People used to pray to St. Sebastian for protection against the plague, which could also make sense in this context (mental plague rather than bubonic—again, is there some bargaining going on here?). I’m honestly so confused…
Or could we actually turn this on its head, and it’s not about Delight turning into Delirium at all—at least not at this point. What if it’s actually about Death, and how she relates to her function, and her own struggles? I’ll just leave that question sitting there...
Zulli painted a Triptych of Death and Delight roundabout the same time which makes me think that could be also be an option, or at least that they are both affecting each other:
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The individual paintings are called “She rides a pale horse”, “Sisters” and “Eternal Spring.” Here, the roses are actually coming out of Delight’s hair, and they’re red. And her hair is beginning to dissolve in the last one.
Edit to quickly remind everyone of this reference to the falling blossoms in her domain in Brief Lives:
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This takes me in all different directions, and it’s immensely confusing.
Death as the saviour makes sense (well, sometimes I guess). But is Delight looking for salvation? Did she want to die? Is that what turned her into Delirium? Is it symbolic for the loss of innocence and understanding that this is what comes for all of us? Or is it also about Death?
“Oh” indeed…
Tagging @tickldpnk8 @windsweptinred without pressure—and everyone else who’d like to have a go at this one.
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New Visual for the 20th Naruto anime anniversary released on Naruto's birthday! 😁
Happy birthday Naruto! 🎉🎂🍥
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The full visual gallery can be accessed here:
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childhoodlesson · 3 months
I love your blog ^_^ ♡ Can I claim 🐏🍥 Anon if possible? Also are object shows on your blacklist?
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you can! also, they aren't — but please make sure that there is a wiki page or something with enough unique images to edit ^_^ if there isn't a wiki but you have screenshots or something, you can upload them to postimg as a gallery and send in the link
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rainee-da · 4 months
hello ! can i request hugging or something like that for domina, levis, and carpaccio? they srsly need more attention 😞
🍀 Hugging Headcanons [1]
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CHARACTER ❥ Carpaccio Luo-Yang 🍥 / Domina Blowelive 💧
W A R N I N G ⚠️ PG-13 w/ TW for panic attack / BIG SPOILER for anime watchers!!!! / might be too OOC for you.
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C A R P A C C I O L U O - Y A N G 🍥
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He may seem to be an uncaring person and you might expect his hug would feel forceful.
If you think that way though, you'll be very wrong because this man's hug is very gentle.
The two of you didn't hug for the first few months, and any attempt you made towards him to hint that you want to hug him will fly over his head.
It's not because he didn't want to though. It's just that he... didn't know.
He never had any emotional relationship with someone before. He wasn't even fully in tune with his emotions yet. Everything is still so new to him that he needs time to process it all.
But one day, he'll ask you for a hug. And it's out of nowhere too.
He probably saw a random couple on school grounds hugging and being lovey-dovey, and it piqued his curiosity.
He will approach you slowly, his expression as intense as it could be, hands reaching out to grab your waist before he asks for your consent, "I want to hug you."
Okay, I KNOW that sounds more like an order, but I swear you can actually refuse if you feel uncomfortable hugging him!
He'll nod calmly and back away before continuing on his activities. No hard feelings from him! If it's other people it will be a very different case though...
It's just that he's blunt, and sucks at communication.
But if you gave him your consent though, he'll waste no time in pulling you to his chest and engulfing you in a tight hug.
He will bury his face in the nook of your neck while his eyes glance towards you, checking your expression.
When he deems that you're not uncomfortable, his hand will slowly roam from your waist to your upper back. Curiosity glimmered in his eyes.
Hugging felt odd for him. It's warm, and he had people being this close to him before. He can feel your heart thumping straight to his chest, and your breath on his hair.
It's... interesting, to say the least. He wants more
But you wouldn't know that he actually likes it because when you pull away after a short while you'll find him frowning towards you, with eyes blanking out.
Then he just... walks away. Yeah, that's how your first hug goes.
A few days later, he'll ask for a hug again. But this time he didn't hug you right away. He pulled out his phone and checked something.
His brows furrowed and he seemed frustrated as he scrolled through his phone, muttering something you cannot hear.
If you peeked at his phone though, you'll find out that he's scrolling through an album in his gallery, which is full of couples hugging each other in various different ways.
Where and when did he take that picture? He'll never tell you. But it was clear as day that he lost some sleep in obtaining that picture.
"I want to try this one," he stated bluntly, showing you the picture in his phone. Awaiting your reaction.
If you ask him why you want that specific type of hug, he'll just tilt his head and say, "Because it's different from yesterday?"
This will become your daily routine, and as the relationship goes on he'll just simply walk towards you and show you a picture. You'll nod, and there you go!
When you told him that 1). he doesn't need to show you a picture reference to get a hug, and 2). He can hug you whenever he wants, he'll look confused for a minute before having an 'aha!' moment. He'll simply gave you a silent nod, and go on with his day.
It seems so normal, so you didn't realize your mistake right away...
After that, he never showed you pictures anymore. He just goes straight for a hug. Anywhere, anytime.
You're in public? You're having an important conversation? Your parents are around? S o w h a t ?
His hug will progressively got weirder and wilder too. One time you ended up having to talk with your teacher while he's hanging like a koala with legs crossed on your waist.
Yeaaa... you gotta learn to be more specific when it comes to him. This man is a clueless dork after all. Be patient pls.
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D O M I N A B L O W E L I V E 💧
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Hugging with Domina will go on differently, depending on the stage of your relationship.
If you're still in the first few months of your relationship, he will not hug you. And you're not allowed to hug him. Period.
Forget about hugging; the most he would do with you at that time is only sitting by your side. He wouldn't even hold your hands and would recoil in disgust if you attempted to hold his.
Cruel as that may be, are you really surprised though?
He was controlled, abused, and neglected his entire childhood. In his mind, being given any form of affection without a silver lining = is suspicious.
He is aware that he's being cruel towards you. He didn't doubt for once that you had any ill intention towards him. And he also loves you! so MUCH! MORE THAN HIMSELF-
But the thought of you, loving him back? loving him for being him? Now that's a fairy tale.
As time passes and the relationship progresses though, he'll slowly open up to you emotionally.
He'll start complimenting you often, scoot closer when you sit by each other, he tell you what's on his mind, venting to you when the day and his thoughts overwhelm him, it's a big progress!
But hugging? Yea, it's still too much.
All of that will changed one day though. Your first hug will happened when you found him alone at the corner of the school grounds, having a panic attack.
He barked at you to go away as his hand trembled, trying to cover his numbed and agape mouth. He cries so much that his snot and drool are all over the place. His eyes are watery and red as tears stream down and stain his puffy cheeks.
He hates how his ear is ringing. How his vision is so blurry that he can't see your expression clearly. Were you disgusted? Were you mad? Were you afraid?
He hates himself so much. Everything is too much, he feels like being alive is a mistake, and 'why the fuck are you here NOW?'
He expects you to walk away, to laugh at him, kick him, anything. What he didn't expect though is for you to tackle him into a big hug.
Your breath tickles his ear as you mumble words of affirmation to calm him down. He can feel your palm circling on his back while your other hand crossed behind him and massages his opposite shoulder.
He didn't expect that such a simple action managed to shatter the loud static in his mind. He didn't expect that a simple action such as 'hugging' would be this... pacifying.
He never expected such action to break the final defense in his heart. He never expected that you'd make him cry his heart out for the first time in his life.
After that, your relationship will drastically changed.
Cold and detached Domina? Yea, it doesn't exist anymore.
Previously, the most physical contact he's willing to make with you is just secretive finger-holding. But now? He tackles you whenever you're in his sight.
His hug is super tight and clingy. He'll lean his body towards you, nuzzle his face onto yours while smiling so wide it almost looks yandere-ish.
He'll notice if you change the fragrance on your body and ask you about it. He'll comment about how cute you are and giggle so heartily if you react to his sudden hug.
He'll become super mischievous too. Hugging you from behind while you're talking, pulling you to sit on his lap and burying his face on your stomach, all that jazz.
But if other people dared to mention anything about it, he didn't mind using his Third to the other party :)
It happened so suddenly and so startling that Levis and the other almost went to the holy temple to request for exorcism lol.
He's now big on cuddling too! When both of you on the bedroom, he'll pull you in for a cuddle.
During nighttime, his insecurity will creep in again so he'll be more emotionally vulnerable during this time.
But just cuddle him, hug him, love him, and he'll be fine!
After all, you're his serendipity.
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I'm really sorry but I really had no idea about what to write for Levis! I might do one for him along with Walkis students later in the future but for now this is all I had in mind...
I've been having a fever back and forth due to seasonal allergy and it'll take me awhile to write stuff until I fully recovered. Even writing a simple email fried my brain rn lol.
Again, sorry anon for not writing all the characters that you want. I hope this is fine tho 🍀 have a nice day!
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leandrosansarte · 2 years
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🇧🇷 Mais um trabalho bem sucedido feito para um cliente. Obrigado pela confiança! Se curtiu, comente e compartilhe! Tâmo junto!👊🏻 🇺🇲 Another successful job done for a client. Thank you for your trust! If you like it, comment and share! Were together!👊🏻 🍥🌊🏍️⛰️ #desenho #desenhos #desenhodigital #desenhocolorido #desenhoartistico #draw #artwork #drawing #illustration #paint #artes #ilustração #painting #sketch #drawings #artistsoninstagram #creative #desenhar #color #cartoon #desenhista #foto #desenhando #gallery #digitalsketching #artedigital #marketingdigital #design #agenciademarketing #publicidade https://www.instagram.com/p/CVnUjZprnQR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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senthysaysblogger · 2 years
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My cake explosion of the senses today, at @decadentdessertsdbn 🍰🍥🧁🍰🍥🧁🍰🍥🧁🍰🍥🧁🍰🍥 🧁🍰🍥🧁🍰🍥🧁🍰🍥🧁 If you live in Durban, Kzn, I gotta say go seek them out!!! More of what you are missing out on!!! You can find them at The Social Gallery on the Roof Top Level Main Entrance of @thepavilionsa Pop by the Social Gallery, main rooftop Entrance, at the @thepavilionsa YOU WILL THANK ME FOR IT. 🍰🍥🧁🍰🍥🧁🍰🍥🧁🍰🍥🧁🍰🍥 🧁🍰🍥🧁🍰🍥🧁🍰🍥🧁 WATCH THIS SPACE!!! FOMO MUCH??? - - - #cakeoftheday #cakesofinstagram #cakeideasfoto #caked #cakes #cakesofinstagram #cakesofig #cakeporn #cakedesign #cakeart #cakedecorating #cakelover #cakeinajar #cakepops #cakeboss #cakelove #cake #cakedecorator #cakeinspiration #confectionery #confectionary #confection #confections #tart #mousse #tastydessert #eat #dessertlover #supportlocal #pastry #supportsmallbusiness (at Durban, KwaZulu-Natal) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci5WdN4qYKU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rhaviic · 2 years
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☁.. Icons Gallery - @ceinwyne | conta primária.
❗❗❗ Não reposte ou reedite. Curta ou reblogue caso pegar. Créditos são opcionais.
🍥... a ask sempre estará aberta para sugestões. 🍥 ... icons também postados em meu pinterest
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the-soul-system · 2 years
🎶~We're the Soul System~🎶
We're an introject heavy, traumagenic OSDD-1B system!
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Frequent Fronter(s) List:
Lane, 20 (Host) [Any Pronouns EXCEPT SHE/HER]
Ashe, 23 (Avenger) [He/They/Dust]
Tim, 25 (Co-Host) [He/Him]
Kylar, 18 (Symptom Holder) [Any Pronouns]
Takoda, Ageless (Protector) [He/Him]
Lynx, 32 (Primary Protector) [He/They/Purr]
Toby, 20 (Host) [He/It/Xe/Axe]
Damien, 3 (Little) [He/Him]
Axel, Unknown age (Gatekeeper) [He/They/It/Meow/Kit/Vroom]
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We also have the following diabilities/disorders:
Clinical Depression
Arthritus (It runs in our family sadly)
We are bodily 18+. This means those who are bodily MINORS should NOT flirt or attempt any kind of NSFW interactions. We would prefer if minors would avoid certain alters as that would make us comfortable, but can't really control that.
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So here is our DNI
DNI transmeds, truscum, TERFs, lgbtphobic, nsfw, dni if you support maps/nomaps, ableist, you think narcissistic abuse exists, discourse, syscourse, endo "systems" and supporters, tulpa "systems", demo "systems", etc.
(This will be added to as needed)
(We are not an NSFW blog, however some topics discussed here may potentially be dark and/or unsuitable for young children. Usually this applies to venting/trauma dumping that we may do.)
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*If you find anything posted on our account that belongs to you OR comes from your blog, let us know so we can credit. ((Lots of things get lost in our gallery after saving them and intending to use them, so we often forget where they came from))
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Alter Emoji List:
Alice -😇
Apple Jack -🍎
Aries -⚰️
Arlene -💋
Ash -☁️
Ashe -🖐️
Asriel -🐐
Axel -⚙️
Beelze -🧟
BEN -👾
Bolt -⚡
Bonnie -🐰
Brambleclaw -🐅
Castor -🍋
Celeste -💉
Churro -🐱
Cleru -⚔️
Cotton -🍥
Damien -🪺
Ditzy -🫧
Dovewing -🪽
Drake -🐉
Eridan -♒
Eros -🚬
Error -⚠️
Evangeline -💾
Firestar -🔥
Flash -🔌
Frisk -♥️
Gamzee -♑
Gaster/G -🙌
Gaz -⛽
Ghost -💀
Hank -🐟
Hawks -🪶
Hiccup -🛡️
Hope -🌈
Hunter -🦌
Ice-Bear -🐻‍❄️
Ink -🖌️
Izabella -✨
Jayce -🎊
Jaye -🦖
Jeff -🔪
Jelly -🍇
Jester -🃏
Joseph -✝️
Kai -💥
Kale -🐙
Kankri -♋
Keeta -🐕
König -👑
Kylar -💻
Lane -🎉
Laughing Jack -🍭
Leo -🦁
Leopold -🐇
Lexi -🦊
Lillith -🎸
Louise -👤
Luna -🦄
Lynn -🧁
Lynx -💤
Mangle -⛓️‍💥
Mark -🎮
Masky -📹
Mettaton -🤖
Misty -👽
Mono -🐼
Montgomery -🐊
Moondrop -🌚
Nova/Noah -🌟
Pepper -🌶️
Percy -🦉
Pip -🍬
Price -💰
Pride -🐆
Rooney -🦘
Slender -📼
Soap -🧼
Sollux -♊
Springtrap -🔩
Squishy -🐾
Stella -🪐
Sunnydrop -🌞
Takoda -🦅
Tanner -🧜
Tif -🧚
Timmy -🧸
Timothy -💊
Toby -🪓
Torch -🌋
Tristan -🍀
Fell Sans -🧨
Swap Sans -🫐
Classic Sans -🦴
Venus -🛸
Vincent -💜
Wolfe -🐺
Xerxes -🐭
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yeonhwrts · 2 years
🍥!Just found out that you a cat lover too :(
I just had these kitten pics piled up in my gallery and thought it would cheer you up Luvv!!.. Love lots the jun to my tyun🌸♡(∩o∩)♡<3
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I'm one of the moas who think taehyun looks more like a cat than 🐿️ do not come for me . 😭
Plus I'll forver be on feline yeonjun agenda ❗♥️
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saudade-mayari · 3 years
💜 Hi Luna can I have a match up request, Naruto fandom 🍥
I’m super short, brown hair (but I sometimes dye it bright colours) and have green eyes. They/them and I’m 22. My star sign is cancer and apparently it’s obvious? I have a neurodivergent brain and I love talking about weird random stuff, being sarcastic and creative. I like art, reading, tea, learning and exercising. I can be a bit of a introvert and have mild agoraphobia so I’d need someone who could push me out of my comfort zone but also be there if I get too overwhelmed. Someone who will help me stay organised but also not take everything too seriously and tell me being lazy is ok sometimes especially if you’re not well (e.g, depression). Must be good at communication and planning together or willing to work on it! Someone to laugh with and make life slightly easier and happier by being together. My favourite date places would be a tea room, museum, art gallery or botanical gardens. SFW, any scenario or gender. Thank you ❤️
Hēdonē’s Masterlist!
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I will match you with Itachi Uchiha. He is the man who could definitely hear you out and give the right words. Itachi is on the side where he talks and where he doesn’t as well, but if it’s for you he wants to help you go out of your comfort zone so little by little he helps you. First with his parents, then Sasuke, then Shisui until every person in Uchiha district knows you already.
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warnings: headcanons, fluffs
Itachi at first is having a hard time to cope up with our sarcasm 😂 but he ends up getting it too so worry not!
He can push your buttons in a positive way but he knows as well if you are being uncomfortable. Itachi is very observant.
He likes to hold your hand. His way of saying “I’m here.”
Definitely you and Itachi had plans already. When having problems, he is the type of person not to go around the bush and just tell him.
He goes planting with you. Takes you to pretty fields and loves watching you do your art.
He makes good tea so expect a good care from Itachi.
Wouldn’t mind on going dates with you
But he is no joke on trainings. He doesn’t want to crush your ego by purposely losing so he doesn’t hold back.
Don’t worry he’ll give you good massage after with matching bread and tea that he had already prepared ahead of time.
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y-masuyama · 2 years
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私も小安文青街で出店します。 おいでませ。 請過來 お~、台湾スイーツ(^^;) #Repost @tanaka_asia with @let.repost • • • • • • . ネオタイワン in 亜細亜商店街 🐲 福井駅前開催決定❗️ 日時 4月15.16.17日 (ネオタイワンエリアは16と17日) 台湾と日本を舞台に台日系カルチャーを発信する生活芸人 田中が主宰するPOP UPイベント「ネオタイワン」。 コンセプトは「日本人が創る台湾」。 今回は福井駅前の店舗を歩いて亜細亜を遊ぶ、楽しむイベント「亜細亜商店街」と同時開催! 台湾旅行が行けない今の時期だからこそ、ここ福井の亜細亜商店街で“タイワン”を五感で遊びつくそう!  ▼ネオタイワンエリア🇹🇼 会場 ニシワキビル 1F クマゴローカフェ ✳️朝インロー オープン日 16日/17日 7:00 ~10:00 豆乳スープ「鹹豆漿」をはじめ台湾スタイルの朝ごはん🥣 ✳️昼マルクチ  16日/17日 11:00 ~ 16:00 アジア居酒屋「マルクチ」のスペシャルな昼営業!「魯肉飯」「水餃子」など台湾ランチ🍚 ✳️小安文青街 16日/17日 14:00 ~17:00 福井市東郷地区の裏通り、もの好きが集まる「小安文青街」。この街の"お菓子な男子”がつくる台湾のスイーツとお茶でアフタヌーンティーを🫖 ✳️OM商店 オープン日 16日 17:00 ~ 22:00 ※17日は3Fの桃源郷にて営業 (11:00 ~ 17:00) 台湾夜市グルメ 「発酵」をキーワードに台湾グルメを絶品アレンジする「OM商店」。台湾現地で大人気の夜市メニューで乾杯🍻 3F 桃源郷 16日(土) 10:00 ~21:00 17日(日) 10:00~17:00 🔥亜細亜商店街のテイクアウト飲食スペース 🔥亜細亜商店街 スタンプラリー景品交換所 ✳️台感 16日/10:00 ~21:00 17日/ 10:00~17:00 台湾雑貨/台湾夜市ゲーム/台湾式おみくじ/台湾カフェ&バー ✳️蘇州夜曲 16日 10:00 14:00 17:00 17日 10:00 14:00 ちょっとプレミアムな台湾茶会/お茶の入れ方レクチャー ✳️カルチャーゴガク 16日 11:00 15:00 17日 11:00 15:00 台湾式の中国語と台湾カルチャー情報トーク ▼亜細亜商店街🍜 参加店 ・HANDS COFFEE ・マギーズファーム ・KABUKU ・サヌック ・チェッカ ・TRAY HOUSE ・深緑 ・livin for green ・Sorara gallery ・ポポー軒 ・キルトハウス 昨年の開催からさらに参加店舗も増え、さらにパワーアップした亜細亜商店街✨ 各店舗の詳細は亜細亜商店街のSNSよりご確認ください🍥 「ネオタイワン in 亜細亜商店街」のアートワークはマルクチケンさん❗️ 台湾の人形劇「布袋戲」や、大衆劇「歌仔戲」の舞台デザインをモチーフに描いていただきました🏮素敵すぎ...😍 #福井 #台湾 #ネオタイワン  #アジア #亜細亜商店街 #福井駅前 https://www.instagram.com/p/CbbK4I6BaBH/?utm_medium=tumblr
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senthysaysblogger · 2 years
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This Heritage Day I spent some time with the beautiful Vaneshrie Pillay from @decadentdessertsdbn This one has to be on the Bucket List for you for sure!!! 🍰🍥🧁🍰🍥🧁🍰🍥🧁🍰🍥🧁🍰🍥 🧁🍰🍥🧁🍰🍥🧁🍰🍥🧁 If you live in Durban, Kzn I simply gotta say YOU ARE MISSING OUT on Confectionery Heaven!!! As always, I tell you like it is, and where to find the best of the best in Kzn! You can find them at The Social Gallery on the Roof Top Level Main Entrance of @thepavilionsa A sneak peek at what you are missing out on, everytime you leave without popping by the Social Gallery, main rooftop Entrance, at the @thepavilionsa 🍰🍥🧁🍰🍥🧁🍰🍥🧁🍰🍥🧁🍰🍥 🧁🍰🍥🧁🍰🍥🧁🍰🍥🧁 WATCH THIS SPACE!!! I shall share with you this well kept secret until now that is... - - - #cakeoftheday #cakesofinstagram #cakeideasfoto #caked #cakes #cakesofinstagram #cakesofig #cakeporn #cakedesign #cakeart #cakedecorating #cakelover #cakeinajar #cakepops #cakeboss #cakelove #cake #cakedecorator #cakeinspiration #confectionery #confectionary #confection #confections #tart #mousse #tastydessert #eat #dessertlover #supportlocal #pastry #supportsmallbusiness (at Durban, KwaZulu-Natal) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci5VjpqKq2m/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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