#🍜« aesthetics »
cupcek · 3 months
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eternalyoo · 5 months
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There’s no meaning without you 🥀
Mine - Do not repost - Requested by @kimjunnoodle
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softredribbon-kins · 2 years
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Anne Boonchuy with frogcore themes for 🍜 anon !
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ashkeaton · 1 year
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I made pretty ramen 🥺
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aliminnna · 1 year
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I just wanted to post some random photos that I take a long time ago
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kitookem · 2 years
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noodlebcy · 2 years
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envyland · 3 months
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Belphi!♡:3 he's aesthetic moodboard is japancore...he is cute( ˶°ㅁ°) !!ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁.ᐟ🍙🍜🍥
Look at his smile ( ˶°ㅁ°) !!˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Please repost my post?˚.🍤
Make that heart red🍮ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁.ᐟ
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sxulcxtcher · 5 months
( very unethical play… i think )
he was a regular corporate office worker, well that was until he met you… maybe it was the fact that he was secretly closeted or the fact that he was pent the fuck up - but you somehow slept with him so quickly.
tugging at the leash around his neck, he choked out a strained sob as he tightened his hole around your cock. “who knew you were such a whore…” you narrowed your eyes, watching his back curl up as you pulled harder at his leash.
“h-hhghf-! a-aaghk—!” his hands instinctively reached up to claw at the collar around his neck, indicating for you to stop tugging and give the poor boy a break. he plopped down on the bed, attempting to catch his breath.
“oh noo…” you cooed and gently rocked your cock against all his sweet spots <3 eliciting a soft whimper from his lips. “you’re all loose now…” gripping his plush ass, you pushed his body into bed before watching him spring back onto your lovely dick.
out of pure curiosity, or complete sadism, you pressed a finger around the rim of the other’s hole before sliding in a digit as well. “it pushed in so easily…” you grinned and slid in an additional finger, feeling the man underneath you shiver in response.
“i could slide a toy in here, yeah?” a rather cruel snicker escaped your mouth as you pulled out your fingers. gripping the sides of his waist, you thrusted into him so deeply, a lump caught in his throat.
“maybe then your messy hole will finally tighten up,” he cried in response, incoherent babbles and whatnot escaping his lips before he lost his breath again. “yeah… i’ll shove two toys in here til i make your hole into my personal pocket pussy, wouldn’t you enjoy that?”
clearly he did, tightening up in response. you grinned at that knowledge, it was gonna be a fun training session for you two yeah <3
i’m baaack <3 loving the new aesthetic (^_^)yellow’s a personal fave color of mine !!
i haven’t been feeling motivated to write recently… i’m sorry if you were waiting for gloryhole part2 but i’m not feeling up to finishing it ( ;∀;) i hope you enjoyed this little story though… not beta read so please excuse any mistakes…
as always, i hope you have a wonderful rest of your day - 🎀
ur writing is just 🍳🧀🥨🥖🍗🍖🦴🍕🥪🌭🥓🍔🍟🥩🥙🧆🥞🧇🌮🍤🌯🍣🥮🥯🍥🍲🍜🍝🥫🫕🥘🥗🫔🍱🍛🍙🍚🍘🥠🍩🍿🍫🍰🍪🥧
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brunaestaobesa · 2 years
Conduta p/ 2023
Pra começar vou fazer 18h de nf todos os dias
Vou ser a viciada em exercício, todos os dias terei q fazer alguma coisa que mexa o corpo e gaste kcals
Acordar as 7h dias de semana e as 8h aos finais de semana
Pelo menos uma vez na semana fazer uma caminhada até a praia
Cortar o carbo refinado
Pão 🍞🫓🥐🥖🥯🍔🌭🥪🥨
Biscoito (nem tipo "fit")
Macarrão 🍝🍜🥡
O pão só trás inchaço, gordura e culpa! Se for usado, deve ser de forma estratégica combinado com proteína e sem gordura.
O biscoito é traiçoeiro, parece inofensivo umas bolachas de água e sal né?! Pois em apenas 4 unidades tem 160 funking calorias!!! E a coisa so triplica quando e aquela recheada, seja do formato q for! Aquela fantasiada de fitness, cara e cheia de frufru n fica de fora, pelo contrário, se for pra comer biscoito de aveia, magic toast, torrada 7 grãos e o caralho a quatro, melhor comer a porcaria de 4 trakinas e ser feliz de uma vez!!
Macarrão caseiro e uma bomba calorias nojenta e o miojo n vale a pena, aquela massa frita com o pacotinho de puro sódio acaba com a limpeza interna do corpo e ainda deixa inchada.
Comeca com o chiclete zero açúcar, dps uma pastilha de menta n mata ngm, em seguida um drops azedinha n vai me engordar, e talvez essa balinha de chocolate n seja tão maligna afinal...
Depois disso ate um balde de Nutella eu considero passavel e vira um novo ciclo de r.e de semanas a fio comendo de tudo e engordando os 3/4 kg que lutei o mes inteiro pra perder em menos de 10 dias!! 🤬🤕👹
Então é por isso q devo passar pelo processo de abstinência para ficar limpa do açúcar. O doce da mais vontade de doce, e quando vc percebe aquele docinho depois do almoço passa a ser encaixado em várias refeições do dia
Alguns alimentos estão totalmente liberado e outros deverá ser tomado mais cautela...
Frutas de baixa kcals
Vegetais e legumes a vontade
Proteína sem gordura no preparo, na Air fryer ou cozido mesmo, como:
O importante é inovar nos preparos e evitar a gordura, seja vegetal, natural, animal ou industrial!!
Chá, suco zero, refri zero, café, agua saborizada deve ser consumido com EXAGERO!! Está com sede? Bebe água. Esta com fome? Bebe suco. Esta louca por doce? Bebe refri. Está sem energia? Bebe café. Esta entediada? Faz um chá doido e toma. Quer algo gelado, refrescante e aesthetic? Faz um suco verde, posta, e bebe tudo. N faz 💩 pq n está comendo? Faz chá de sene e boa sorte!!
O importante desse ponto é não ser vencida pelo cérebro, se estiver prestes a destruir tudo, bebe algum líquido ate n aguentar mais e esquecer a vontade.
Extremo cuidado
Frutas favorite, porém calórica e engordativa
🥭🍌🥥🥑 tentar usar em receitas em dias de refeição livre é a melhor opção. Usar a banana em panqueca, bolinho ou shake. O coco deve ser consumido em tips cru ou assado para melhor controle de quantidade. O abacate, manga, jaca, temoia e semelhantes deve ser um evento!!
E considerado saldavel e inofensivo por muitos nutricionista, mas uma porção é tão pequena para quantidade de kcals que n vale a pena. São os grãos, oleaginosas e os cereais.
Arroz, feijão e grão de bico é saldavel, mas o preparo desses alimentos aqui no Brasil e cheios de adições desnecessária e extremamente caloricas. No arroz coloca óleo e sal. No feijão soca carne, embutidos, gordura vegetal, animal e artificial, e muuuuito sal. Uma porção pequena para agradar a vó ou a mãe uma vez na vida n vai estragar progresso, mas n deve ser frequente essas escapadas.
Bebida alcoólica somente em ocasiões especiais e que n tenha outra opção menos calorica. O álcool so faz inchar, desidratar, jogar sais minerais no ralo, ressaca e barriga de shop, então cuidado com a quantidade pois tbm tem muita caloria para pouca quantidade.
Sobre a gordura que é usada no preparo de alimentos cozidos ou fritos: A opção mais aceitável é a banha e o óleo de coco. Para refolgar uma carne, 5 a 10 gramas já é mais que suficiente. Para omelete e panqueca, pincelar a gordura bem espalhado na frigideira é o ideal. Ovo frito sem comentários pq está banido.
O senhor sínico, o sal 🧂
O sal causa retenção de líquido, o que engorda visualmente e na balança principalmente. Existem milhares de temperos para ser descoberto e apreciado no mundo. Vai de omelete? Coloca orégano, cuminho e curry e uma pintadinha de sal, n tem erro!
O cigarro ☠️🚬
Esse vai ser o verdadeiro castigo do monstro, a guerra entre eu e EU, o que vai ser decisivo em 2023.
Para adaptação será feita uma diminuição de dose. Será estabelecido horários para fumar. Será 5 🚬 por dia
Manhã. Ao acordar ou depois de realizar as primeiras tarefas do dia
Intervalo/almoço. Depois de realizar alguma tarefa mais exaustiva e que mereça ser recompensada, pode fumar. Assim como depois da quebra do nf no almoço, é uma boa hora pra um cigarrinho.
Tarde entediante ou tarde produtiva, esse horário do dia pede um cigarrinho.
Fim da tarde início de noite, fechando o ciclo alimentar, depois do Exercício ou do banho, agora é a hora do cigarettes.
O último. A chave que fecha o dia, o cigarro antes de escovar os dentes e fechar as portas.
Essa será a fase inicial e ate mesmo flexível do processo. Quando essa parte difícil passar e virar uma rotina de fumante, está na hora de introduzir uma distribuição de cigarro menor em momentos mais relachados.
Tres a dois cigarros, vc vai decidir o momento de fumar. No 2 semestre do ano ja será a hora de começar esse .
Uma clean girl 🧖
Uma garota bonita e magra n e o suficiente, para ser perfeita é preciso rosto e corpo limpo, cheiroso e bem cuidado!
Rosto de dar inveja
A água ja e figurinha repetida então sem muita delongas, BEBA ÁGUA E SUA PELE VAI AGRADECER, SÉRIO!
Invista antes de tudo em um protetor solar fp 50. O uso deve ser diário, logo após escovar os dentes de manhã, seja sol ou chuva.
Água micellar para remover impurezas do dia a dia e a maquiagem que venha a ser usada.
Um kit basico de skin care é o ideal para começar, para quem n tem costume nem noção de produtos e funções é a opção mai sensata.
Quem tem Braço e perna peluda é aranha cargueira
Depilação deve ser como culto de domingo, religiosamente feito toda semana.
Pe de 🐸??? Nunca mais!! Usar sandália é essencial, se vc quer mudar seu corpo, pare de ser moleca e passe a andar calcada para ter pés de princesa. Assim como a pele e o cabelo os pés também precisa de cuidados. Faça a pedicure semanalmente, no banho esfregue cada dobrinha e cantinho e lixe a sola para deixar lisinho e limpo.
Produtos para pele: esfoliante corporal(1X na semana); óleo de banho(1X no dia); creme hidratante com cheiro Mach com perfume(após o banho)
Perfume e a marca registrada de uma garota. Pesquise o cheiro que deseja ter e qual sensação causar nas pessoas com ele, se arrisque e compre alguns, uma hora vc vai escolher um. Tenha um baratinho pra usar em casa pra ir dormir e um principal para o dia a dia.
Cabelo é foda, pra quem treina diariamente pior ainda. Existem duas opções, cortar deixando bem curtinho ou Pixel. E a mais chata, lavar o cabelo religiosamente todos os dias após o treino e manter um cronograma semanal de hidratação e crescimento capilar 🥲. É uma grande decisão...
Roupa transmite sua essência 👗✨
Para uma pessoa indecisa como sou, essa vai ser complicado:
Escolha um estilo propio!! Gosta de roupas folgadas, despojada, cool e desfem, mas tbm gosta de calça de alfaiataria, blusas femininas e salto alto...
Combine os seus gostos!! Põe um vestido com um tênis branco e uma bolsa cool 😎
Mude seu guarda roupas de dentro casa. Use roupas mais simples e baratas para o dia a dia e para ir na padaria, mas que imprimam sua personalidade com elas
2023 será o seu ano, chega de deixar a depressão tomar sua vida! Então vc vai fazer cursos e procurar um novo emprego, então faca pastas no Pinterest com as inspos de roupas e looks q vc vai usar.
Tenha pecas coringas!!
Parte de cima > blusa baby look clean, de cor neutra para base de looks; camisas oversize com estampas descolada e cool para math com parte de baixo mais simples; body clean e com pouca estampas para parte de baixo que merecem mais destaque; tops cropped para cintura alta.
Parte de baixo > calça jeans mom e wide será a predominância; calça de alfaiataria, seja as mais estruturadas e mais carinhas e ate as mais soltinhas. Tenha uma de cada cor; shorts e saias não vai ser usado com constância, mas e bom ter alguns jeans, alfaiataria e soltinhos para usar no verão.
Calça e shorts legging para treinar, de preferência cores escuras e tecido de qualidade.
Vestidos, muitos vestidos!!! Curto, longo, molinho, estruturado, clean, estampado, de festa, de casa... Use e abuse de vestidos, eles sao perfeitos para dias de preguicinha, é so por e ir.
Calçados > compre rasterinhas, elas são baratinhas e ate uma ida a padaria fica mais arrumada com uma. Tenha umas mais trabalhadas para rolês que pede algo a mais sem deixar de ser casual, e varias mais simples para o informal do dia a dia; tênis sera seu best: um alstar branco e outro preto, um lv branco pra o rolê descolado, um basiquinho adidas, um tênis novo para treinar e outros dois mais decorado; saltinhos baixos tanto plataforma quanto bico fino, mas toda mulher, seja a casual a paty, tem q ter bons saltos.
Gym skinny girl🏋🏽‍♀️
Para ser uma verdadeira it girl em 2023 vc precisa se manter magra e torneada, isso sera alcançado com musculação.
Treinar pesado, intenso, fofo, cardio, ou 10 min de hit, fodasse!! Treine msm quando sentir q foi mt ativa no dia. Fodasse tbm a motivação, o foco é na disciplina!!!
Fazer musculação seria muito bom msm, então tenha como meta primordial do início do ano de entrar na academia
É importante tornar o Exercício um hábito tal qual escovar os dentes de manhã
Caminhada é bom pra pensar na vida, organizar as ideias, e principalmente gastar kcals e tempo. Tente fazer ao menos 1X na semana. Caminhar bem cedinho ate a praia, por os pés na água e correr na areia vai tornar o seu dia 5 vezes melhor!
Paty pobre 💍👑
Uma garota marcante usa e abusa de acessórios sofisticados e harmônicos. E uma garota cool e de personalidade usa prata!! A shoppe vai te ajudar nessa missão
🤚 mão direita
Smartwatch ☑️
Pandora coração cravejado
Pandora reflexions
Tiffany bolinhas
Anel Pandora coração
Anel Pandora gota
Anel Pandora V cravejado
✋ mão esquerda
Bulgari serpenti
Hermes bracelet
Cartier love
Cartier prego
Van Cleef cravejado
Anel Cartier love
Anel Pandora V coroa
Anel simple cravejado
📿 colares fixos
Pandora circulo grande
Pandora choker reflection
Os charms n devem ser esses baratinhos nem banhado, dê total preferência a comprar um a cada 1/2 meses, mas q seja totalmente prata 925 e da loja tanfa
Por enquanto é isso, qualquer coisa vou atualizando dps
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autumnlake · 2 months
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01.08.24 ⭐︎ 02/100 days of productivity🌟
studied legal
did my compendium topics
read a few essays
gonna do rc and revise gk topics before sleeping (hope so)
non-academic 🍜-the 1st half of my day was ruined by period cramps + I got flu, sad. i wanted to get a specific order as my comfort food but i'm boycotting that brand cuz of genocide in Palestine (free palestine) so i didn't.. and i can't make aesthetic notes for the life of me so don't come for me
max concentration🔦- 1h 9m
🎧castle crumbling- taylor swift (IT SHOULD'VE BEEN AUGUST I KNOW)
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eternalyoo · 4 months
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Happy birthday @kimjunnoodle 💜
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matchalattegreen · 5 months
Ask game!!
🤍 favorite color?
🤥 worst lie you’ve ever told?
🤩 favorite celeb?
🤯 favorite fun fact?
👠 favorite outfit that you have?
🥹 something that makes you really happy?
😖 your pet peeve?
🍄 your aesthetic?
🎻 do you play any instruments?
🚘 favorite car style?
😳 most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done?
💜 favorite fictional character?
🌊 favorite visual artist?
🥶 what temperature do you consider to be cold?
😉 who are your most trusted mutuals on here?
🍜 comfort food?
📖 favorite author?
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the-golden-comet · 15 days
✨OC Favorites Tag🪽✨
Thank you for tagging me here, @indecentpause !! 💛✨
Rules: share photos of your OCs' favorite color, season, shoe choice, weapon, food & drink, clothing style, mode of transportation, animal, pastime, and breakfast and if they're an introvert/ambivert/extrovert then change up any one of the five favorite things categories for the next round. BONUS: Add some music/songs that fit their aesthetic (the songs don't have to be their favorite songs, just fit their vibe)!
I’ll do Tenshi’s whole profile now! 💛✨
Tenshi: Yay! ✨
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Favorite color: Sky-blue or Sun-Gold, bonus if both together.
Favorite season: Summer ☀️
Shoe choice: Hermes Sandals ✨
Weapon/Attunement: Staff of Lightning ⚡️
Favorite Food: Itazura’s Udon 🍜
Favorite Drink: Tea with honey 🫖
Clothing Style: Angelic, loose fitting garbs 🪽✨
Mode of transportation: Flight, or car rides with Itazura ✨
Animal: Dove 🕊️✨
Pastime: Reading, or spending time with Itazura. 📚✨
Breakfast: scrambled eggs, or anything Itazura makes. 🍳✨
Introvert/Ambivert/Extrovert 👥🫂✨
Favorite song: Walking on Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves ☀️✨
Theme Song: “Close to the Sun” by TheFatRat ☀️✨
I will gently (no pressure) tag: @tragedycoded , @wyked-ao3 , @gioiaalbanoart , @finickyfelix , @drchenquill , @alinacapellabooks , @sableglass , @cowboybrunch , @saturnine-saturneight , @paeliae-occasionally , @agirlandherquill , @illarian-rambling , @honeybewrites , @nczaversnick , @oliolioxenfreewrites , @somethingclevermahogony , @thecomfywriter , @willtheweaver , @yourpenpaldee , @mysticstarlightduck , @ominous-feychild , @kaylinalexanderbooks , @katenewmanwrites , @eccaiia , @rhikasa , @noxxytocin , @mauannacreates , @rotting-moon-writes , @lychhiker-writes , @ragin-cajun-fangirl , @musicismymoirail , @lavender-gloom , @smellyrottentrees , @theink-stainedfolk , @flurrysahin , @48lexr , @topazadine , @avaseofpeonies , @saebawrites , @orions-quill , @houseplantblank , @theaistired , @autism-purgatory , +open tag! ✨
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idv-news-boi · 2 years
-> Questions to get to know an IDV OC!
{written by Laurence :D}
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{If you ever read this part, I’m intended to put all this questions in one list just to write down notes about OCs who respond some of them,,, This is maybe one way how Laurence learns about his peers-/ih}
🔤// What’s the meaning of their name? Did they ever questioned why did they got the name? Would they like to change it?
💼// They have occupations, but what was their original occupation they wanted to be at first?
💵// What social class are they in?
🇺🇸// What’s their nationality? (if is a fictional place, it counts too!) How much do they know their homecountry’s history? What city/state were they born in?
🖊️// How does their handwriting look like when they write their journals/letters/notes?
⚠️// From 1-10, how hostile are they? (1 is Pure Friendly, 2-3 is Passive, 4-6 is Neutral, and 7-10 is Hostile. You can also describe the extent if necessary)
🗄️// What are their greatest fears? (Be honest, or I’ll emphasize the no fear to one fear meme-/hj/ih)
📺// What time period are they stuck in mentally? (*looks at Mary who most likely was from the French Revolution and never aged after death somehow-/ih*)
📔// How old are they physically and mentally?
Childhood Story
🎉// Do you celebrate your birthday? How do you celebrate it? If no, would you like your birthday to be celebrated by friends still?
💫// What are/were their dreams?
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦// How many people do they have in their family? If none, how did they to live as an orphan/foster kid?
👨‍👩‍👧// Tell me anything about their parents (occupation, personality, talents, the way they raise you, etc.)
⏱️// Is their family system strict or not? How do their relatives interact with each other?
🧸// What was their first toy?
📚// Did they went to school? Got mentored at home? How is it?
🚲// Have they ever learned how to ride a bike? When? How?
🥪// What’s their favorite food?
🍎// What’s their favorite fruit? Can they see themselves becoming their favorite fruit?
🥦// Do they eat their veggies?
🌮// Do they love their national food dishes? Which one is their favorite?
🍱// How would their lunch box/bento look like?
🍕// Do they prefer putting pepperoni on the pizza, or pineapple? (If is other, you can name it!)
🍜// Did they eat ramen before? Do they like it? What unique habits do they have when eating ramen?
🍽️// How would they usually eat? And when would be the times when they get hungry?
🥄// Do they eat 3 times a day? Or they usually follow a different kind of eating routine other than breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner?
🍴// What weird habits do they have when they eat?
🎂// What kind of cake do they love so much? (ex=Chocolate-flavored, creamy, fondant, with fruit, chocolate sign, etc. any kind of details.)
✨// What kind of style represents them? (Aesthetic)
🎶// What kinds of songs represent them? Can you give us some example?
👘// What’s their favorite costume? Favorite artifact?
🧵// What fashion brands would they most likely use?
Love {Ship Category}
🔮// Do they believe in love horoscopes? Prophecies? Soulmates?
💝// Would they remember important dates and anniversaries for their romantic partner?
💋// How do they kiss their partner?
🫂// What are their ways of showing affection?
💝// How do they describe their love for their partner?
💘// Are they willing to take a bullet for them?
💔// Are they most likely to break up with their partner eventually?
🤟// What languages do they speak? What language would they like to learn next?
🩰// Do they like to dance? How would their dance emote look like?
📖// How often do they read books? Favorite genre? Do they read news, too?
🏈// What sport do they play? {IDV Sport Event based}
🧳// What items would they bring for a 1 week journey?
✈️// Would they like to travel somewhere? To what countries?
👝// When shopping, are they a money spender or money saver? Do they like buying cheap, or get luxurious? What items do they actually seek for as a customer?
🎥// What are their thoughts on Akihiko? Would they accept his mochi gift as a good acquaintance?/ih
📰// What are their thoughts on Laurence? Would they tolerate his talkative, silly nature?
📆// Are you alright if people drops holidays that remind them of your muse?
❓// What are your thoughts on {insert anyone’s OC}? Do you get along? Would you stay calm for at least 30 minutes in a room with them?/ih
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chaoticarson16 · 5 months
Idk if you still doing these but if you do:
Main six +NJ
Hope this is ok
Yay I haven’t had one of these in a while! :D
🧑‍🧑‍🧒 - Family
California: Him and the other Spanish colonies are siblings (Cal, Tex, Four corners, Florida, and Nevada). He’s the second oldest of his siblings, Texas being the oldest. He really wants to adopt a kid with New York, but he’s been too anxious to ask. So for now he’ll just be the best and totally the favorite uncle to Utah’s kids.
New York: He’s siblings with the other og13. Somewhere around being a middle child and he’s also twins with New Jersey. IDC, Gov, Maine, and DC are his niece and nephews (PA, Mass, and Maryland being parents is totally cannon I swear)
Louisiana: You’ve probably noticed a common theme. He’s siblings with the other French colonies and he’s the oldest. Those siblings are the twins Bama and Sippi, Missouri, Michigan, Arkansas, Illinois, and Oklahoma.
Florida: As mentioned in California’s, he’s siblings with the other Spanish colonies. He’s pretty close with California, even thought they don’t act like it but messing with each other is how they show their affection. Utahs kids love him because he doesn’t have any rules and he loves to do science experiments with them. Much to Utah’s dismay.
Texas: You know the drill. Since he’s the oldest he practically raised the others with help from the other older siblings.
Gov: He’s twins with IDC and they’re actually identical twins but IDC likes to dye her hair so it’s not that noticeable. If you put both of them plus their father side by side they look like carbon copies of each other. The only differences are the twins hair is darker and their eyes colors are a little different. When he was younger, his uncles would spoil the hell out of him and his sister. They would also go on play dates with Maine quite a bit. When DC was (born?? spawned??) they would take care of him too and treated him like a younger brother. There’s so many photos that they all use to embarrass Gov, IDC, Maine, and DC from the shenanigans they would get into.
New Jersey: Same as New York, middle sibling of the og13 and twins with York. Jersey was the uncle that spent the most time with the kids because he was the only one who could get them to go to sleep (to everyone’s surprise). They would rope him into their shenanigans cause they knew he would never say no to them.
🍜 - Food
California: Most people believe he’s vegan, but he’s actually not. He’s just a bit picky with meat and will only eat it if it’s seasoned certain ways. Like he can eat burgers perfectly fine but if you season and cook chicken the same way he’ll puke. That’s why he only eats vegetables or fruit if the others offer, cause there’s nothing done to them.
New York: This man is a picky eater. His siblings all know this and will either make him something else and or prepare the dish differently so he can eat it. Jersey’s been the only one who could get him to eat everything he made.
Louisiana: He is chef. No but fr this man loves to cook and everything he makes is amazing. He also eats everything, like he’s the opposite of New York.
Florida: He’ll eat any and everything. Except oysters and clams. He hates them. Only Loui knows why. It’s their texture
Texas: Everyone assumes he eats meat with every meal. Since he’ll jokingly make fun of California, they think he doesn’t like vegans or vegetarians (which California isn’t). He actually only eats meat maybe once or twice a week, usually on the weekends during cookouts. Them bull instincts make meat seem very unappealing.
Gov: This man runs on coffee and spite alone and the occasional grilled cheese
New Jersey: He can eat anything and I mean anything. Stupid little goat boy
👔 - Clothing
California: He’s usually seen in a skater boy kind of aesthetic, but he also likes wearing those cottage core type dresses. He’s also definitely got those glasses chains with the little charms at the end. He’s got many different ones but his favorite and New Yorks have little knives on them.
New York: He’s got that typical city style but when he doesn’t have meetings he likes to wear dark academia type outfits. This man has style
Louisiana: He is Adam Sandler and he’s waiting on them to play Gangnam style. Nah but fr the only stylizing he does are the occasional pieces of jewelry and the charms in his hair.
Florida: He’s got that beach boy/surfer boy style like you see at the table. He hates the way pants feel on his legs and he rarely wear sweaters only his husbands
Texas: Typically in farm wear like jeans and button ups or t shirts but he can also be seen in lounge wear when he’s at the statehouse
Gov: Usually in business attire since he’s at work almost 24/7. When the others actually manage to drag him out of his office to go somewhere, they’re surprised to see him space themed outfits. The most common thing is he’ll have stars on his clothing then planet based jewelry
New Jersey: Grunge goblincore is all that came to mind for him. Just the more earthy tones and the sweaters but also perfect for doing outdoorsy things. Perfect
🟣 - Romantic/Sexual/Shippy
California: I’m mainly a Caliyork shipper but I’m open to any ships that are legal and not toxic! His love languages are definitely physical touch and acts of service. He loves just holding his partners hand or hugging them and picking them up. He also loves doing anything they ask. Whether that be cooking or cleaning or just going with them somewhere. He likes feeling useful.
New York: Again the Caliyork brain rot is real. His love language is quality time. He loves just being around his partner. They don’t even have to be interacting, one could be on their phone and the other could be reading on the other side of the room and he’d be happy.
Louisiana: Flouigov are the husbands ever. They help teach Gov to relax and Gov helps them find better ways to regulate their energy that won’t upset anyone. His love language is acts of service
Florida: Same as before but Florida loves to cuddle them. His love languages are touch and acts of service. He also loves baking for them (the only form of cooking he can do)
Texas: I’m a major multi-shipper but my current fav is Texahoma (enemies/rivals to lovers fr) his love languages are words of affirmation and gift giving
Gov: He loves info-dumping about his interests to his partners. And they listen because they know he rarely gets to. He’s always either working or in meetings so the very rare occasions when he has free time he cuddle with his partners and starts talking. His love languages are words of affirmation and quality time
New Jersey: I see him being with both Nevada and Wyoming (it’s random I know but I love them) his love languages are quality time and physical touch
🗡️ - Fighting
California: Mainly fights with his legs and he’s really strong with them. He once dislocated Florida’s knee after he broke one of his mugs
New York: Mainly uses his fists and brass knuckles but he also uses his bat and a gun
Louisiana: Mainly magic but he can and will shoot someone and when he somehow gets a gun he shoots to kill
Florida: He uses any and everything. That chair? Oh word. This stick? Hell yeah. His brother who just so happened to be standing next to him? Let’s do get help.
Texas: Gun. That’s it just gun. And occasionally his fists but mainly gun
Gov: He’s an excellent manipulator. He can usually dissolve the situation before he has to fight but he does carry a combat knife on him for when that doesn’t work
New Jersey: He uses all his limbs. His fists, his legs, his teeth. Whatever works
Got a bit lazy at the end but I’m so sorry this is late I’ve been pretty busy
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