#🍗 Shovel Knight
fairymint-archive · 3 years
🎵🎵🎵 [Felix, Sans, andddd Shovel Knight?]
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There's a Nico and Vinz song or two that kitty vibes with! the entirety of Imagine is one, he's very sweet natured.
on the flip side, trauma. Praying, hits so....very close to home. Misgendering included, in a troubled past.
Her momma believed that the devil had her dress on Her daddy believed that the needle was a highway
unfortunately these are both true. Take it for what it is, parents being a sensitive subject, for more.....mundane problems. Down to earth.
And too deep to save herself, she takes a pill that seems to help Close her eyes, forget she standing at the alter. So she's out on the town tonight with even less on So she powders her nose, cause the fire numbs the night pains
and then there's that trans allegory. That medication because of the realization that girl doesn't exist dude, not anymore. She's Gone. Along with those coping mechanisms, yo. That guilt that carries on relying on other boys, especially with said medication exacerbating it. Gotta have that dopamine somehow.
At some point you just might want to be independent, yeah? like, no wonder she left home and coincidentally, never came back. Bye bye child.
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Sans and Shovel Knight do share a song, actually! Perhaps their ego issues, albeit for totally different reasons. Very Genuine guys, kinda shy.
This Feeling by the Chainsmokers is it. very much a theme of like....Judgement.
Sans is a good guy. He's a fantastic character, and it's like, no wonder people like him. He's popular. And, he is also, a fantastic judge of character. That's basically his purpose, functionally wise. So, along with any dramatic consequences of being associated with him and him trying to live up to his reputation and problems.....he knows what's good. Despite not being the most proactive at times.
Meanwhile, Shovel Knight might be projecting a lot of his fears; He gets very, very sad and gives up when things don't quite go right. But.....he's loyal, still, overall. A kind heart may be all it takes to keep him going! I find the 8 bit cover of the song vibing with his aesthetic, of course. As a single man, he worries about being judged as a fish person, haha.
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felixamicos-blog · 6 years
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When it’s hot, like 80F, that’s when Shovel Knight gets more showy, sports bravado, and is very active. Why? well that’s just when catfish start getting flirty and busy and hey i just like animal facts ok
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fairymint-archive · 3 years
((doing the likable trait meme for Shovel even though our versions haven't interacted but they're in the same canon so I hope that's alright?)) Plague would say "your face in the dirt (affectionate)," but her younger self would be more honest and say: "Your courage and persistence! Hee hee! I swear it's contagious!"
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🍗~ "....Please tell me why dost thou have gotten worse with time? You're mean~" Absolutely insulting, but he still can't help but give out a hardy and deep laugh, perhaps since things haven't come to blows, yet.
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fairymint-archive · 3 years
send 🍯 for a food headcanon (for Shovel, Samus, and Felix)
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The fowl legs that he enjoys eating so much are probably swan; you see, turkeys aren't exactly native to Europe. People of his kind may even eat random birds when big enough, so be wary of ponds!
Samus's suit may filter in some energy; At this point she can suck raw energy, but food energy works, as well.
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Felix is more familiar with fish and tofu than anything, as well as vegetarian dishes. While his species and 'feral' pets are not the same, it's considered impolite and a social faux pas to eat some meats, with elements of racism not helping the fact.
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fairymint-archive · 3 years
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🍗~ “What-ho????” Did a flying bat just nick his nifty looking new find? The nerve of her! “Well that just drives me batty.”
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fairymint-archive · 3 years
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Pico is one I actually kinda associate w/ Felix, even tho Boyfriend literally sings in it, haha. Maybe it's just the aesthetic, i can see him hanging out in a city in summer, dressed in light street clothes like shorts, and hanging around something like a song battle and singing along, the hip hop sound probably doesn't help.
meanwhile, specifically this 8-bit cover of This Feeling by the Chainsmokers reminds me of Shovel Knight mostly because of the...medival retro sound.
which is funny....cause the official music video of the same song has way more of a Sans vibe.
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fairymint-archive · 4 years
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fairymint-archive · 4 years
i saw it yesterday but this video is sexy as fuck
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fairymint-archive · 4 years
Lost Souls Maker
Tagged by: @tazmilyxfamily​ thank you so much <3 Tagging: bishes love dress ups and picrews...
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Xavier (Shoppy)
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Shovel Knight:
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fairymint-archive · 5 years
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🍗~”Why, it’s a rather lovely spring day, is it not? What’s strange about that?~” 
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fairymint-archive · 5 years
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🍗~ if you thought Shovel Knight refers to his s/os as anything else than ‘my darling’ and ‘my love’, you’d be sorely mistaken! It’d have to be a very serious or tender moment for him to actually call them by name.
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fairymint-archive · 6 years
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🍗 Interesting.....He hadn’t seen such dangerous creatures often, but the knight was no stranger to the protocol, staying fairly hidden and calm moving; Having superior senses to stay a few steps ahead always did help.
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fairymint-archive · 6 years
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🍗 Quite a bit of Shovel Knight’s insecurities come from his species and face under that helmet. A common reaction to fish folk like him is to either consider him repulsive.....or a meal. It’s honestly the main obstacle as far as shipping or any kind of close relationship goes.
He has a sunshiny front, but this man’s easily depressed without emotional support.
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fairymint-archive · 6 years
[ How about [Legs] and [Skin] for Shovel Knight?? ]
[legs]: are they solidly built, short and stubby, or long and graceful, do they have knobbly knees or rounded knees, what’s their gait, etc.
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Shovel Knight may be top heavy, but his legs are decently sturdy! In fact looking at the amiibos, they’re thicker than even animal crossing char’s legs. his thighs are a bit thinner than both his calves and butt, even armor considered. 
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his gait seems pretty smooth? I mean smash and his game just kinda sell it, he moves fairly gracefully despite all that armor even if a tad slow.
[skin]: obviously colour, but also if they’re inclined to run hot or cold, do they have any blemishes or unusual markings, are they inclined to blush, are they freckled, do they tan, what does their skin feel like, etc.
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His skin of course is the same shade of blue as his armor, and figures show…golden armor shoves and green p2 with heads matching the colors even though ingame you can swap them out freely, so I guess he likes to coordinate lmao?The high detail figure they made of him shows there is a consistent bumpy texture to his skin, but it’s uniform and I HC it as fairly smooth.
He’s probably colored for camouflage as catfish do, what with having the white underside, so…a fair amount of melanin. He might freckle on top tbh.He’s fairly cold-blooded, so…..might only get flushed in warm weather when he’s already frisky. I do imagine him blushing in shame but the severity probably depends on the temp too, he might be just anthro/human enough to blush proper unlike a reptile.
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fairymint-archive · 6 years
not a headcanon but actual canon;
Shovel Knight's bad puns:
Why would they just leave the catapult unattended? The operator is out to launch!
Why don't the snow wolves make any sound? They don't know howl.
Why was Treasure Knight talking to a therapist? He had deep sea-ted anchor issues.
What do they serve for breakfast on the Flying Machine? Two eggs, hover-easy.
Why is Mona like a math book? Because they both have problems!
Why didn't Specter Knight go to the dance? He didn't have any body to go with!
Why did King Knight go to the dentist? Because he needed a new crown!
Why don't the rats in the Clockwork Tower make good pets? They are full of ticks!
Why is it called the Dark Ages? Because there's no shortage of knights!
Have you heard the Gastronomer is starting to cook with bullion? I tried some, but my soup was gold!
I applied for a job at the Juice Bar... I said "put me to good juice!"
How did Baz feel after being rejected by the Order of No Quarter? Wrestle-less!
New disciples always ask about weapons besides the Shovel Blade... but we'll hear nothing of the sword!
I tried to pick up some gauntlets the other day... ...but the blacksmith said "arm working on 'em, but armor not finished yet!"
Did you hear about the time Tinker Knight went on a date? It was heart-wrenching!
Did you hear about my battle with Polar Knight? Snow problem!
Did you see my painting of the Troupple King? I'm not one to brag, but it's the spitting image!
Why does Mole Knight keep digging all the time? Just beclaws.
What did I say as a rat knocked me into the bottomless pit? Rats!
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fairymint-archive · 6 years
Pats Shovel Knight's head. There, there.
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🍗 BEAMS...!.....Don’t let’m know he really needed that. That’s a nice Pick me Up.
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