#🍑 ʲᵉˢˢⁱᶜᵃ ᶜʳᵘᶻ
gorgonnes · 2 years
some wee headcanons to kick off the blog (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥
aiyana doesn’t do friends. she doesn’t like people. she’s been alive since before the colonization of turtle island. she’s seen so many people she’s loved die and she just doesn’t like outliving her friends.
she can’t die. she’s the chosen protector of turtle island.
her shop abides by howl’s moving castle rules. she can relocate her shop quickly using the same if not similar magic.
she’ll often use plains cree in everyday conversation. translations will be available in tags when i write them.
aiyana is considered by both the canadian and united states governments as an eco-terrorist. she does not define herself as a villain. her villain status is 100% ascribed to her by the white people.
aiyana wears a necklace with a red jewel pendant that her grandmother made her. it’s a protection talisman that her grandmother made prior to her death.
aiyana is a mermaid and a siren. her mermaid-ness abides by h2o just add water rules (within 10 seconds of touching water she sprouts a tail). her mermaid form doesn’t take traditional mer-form. it’s similar to how a lot of art represents the inuit goddess, sedna. her tail is similar to an orca’s and the skin is similar to a sharks.
while aiyana can’t die, she can get injured. she has a lot of scars on her human body as well as her mer-body.
aiyana voice claims: #1 and #2
aiyana changes her name every few decades
aiyana has been banned from most major european countries. the Big Ones are the UK, France, Spain, Germany, and Italy. Since the formation of the EU, it’s extended to countries within the EU.
she uses full names for people to distance herself from them. if she starts using just ur first name, she’s beginning to care about u
aiyana dances fancy shawl
at least once a week, aiyana needs to submerge herself in some water (fresh or salt doesn’t matter; pools work too). if she doesn’t, her whole body will start to ache, her joints get stiff, and her skin looks ashy and dry.
aiyana has little webs in between her fingers. they’re super translucent and look almost holographic.
she likes to keep her nails quite long and uses them in combat since they’re not made out of keratin like human nails. the material is similar to stonefish spines and in her mer form, they’re also poisonous.
aiyana is 6′1
when she’s sad or missing home, star will just fly up to the moon and sit there. she likes to look at the earth and wonder what it’d be like if her parents could meet her friends
i blend teen titans and comic canon a little bit but starfire was never SAed. i do write that she was experimented on by the Citadel/Psions alongside her sister. She didn’t know her sister betrayed her and their people and she believes her sister to be dead.
she has a lot of scars on her torso and her arms. she covers them with her clothing most of the time and she sees them as her greatest shame because she couldn’t save her people, her family, or her sister.
the climate on Tamaran tends to run warmer than earth. as such, star is often very cold so she has a large collection of sweaters and jackets. her bed is a gigantic blanket nest.
jessica cruz
jessica currently still has the ring of volthoom, the ring she had before her green lantern ring.
the ring of volthoom feeds off of jessica’s anxiety and agoraphobia. it’s currently making her very sick and wants her weak so it can use her and possess her.
jessica’s friends were murdered in october and happened three years ago.
jessica is a dreamer and her parents are mexican immigrants that settled in coast city. currently, jessica lives in portland.
jessica has one sister named sara.
because jessica IS agoraphobic, she’ll watch a lot of movies and tv shows, esp bad reality tv shows.
jessica streams video games. her twitch is limelightgames
mad maggie
mad maggie is a persona that maggie adopts. to her friends and loved ones, she’s margaret/maggie, but her protest persona is mad maggie and it’s the label that most news outlets and government officials ascribe her.
maggie is VERY muscular. she’s also fairly flat chested. she keeps her hair cut short so she can braid it.
before big protests, and if things get hairy, maggie performs war hak.
maggie is so good with kids. maggie loves kids.
this woman is a big ol’ lesbian
she’s an excellent cook. she feeds everyone. her home is just...a rotating door for people. it’s open to anyone and everyone that needs it, ESPECIALLY kids. when she moves to gotham, she uses cracked talon funds to buy a big house and she has several rooms for orphaned kids.
cracked talon is her ‘warband’. it’s similar to a gang. but she doesn’t have territory. she’ll dispatch her warband to different protests. she’s a HUGE activist
she also participates in illegal underground fighting rings. she uses her winnings to fund cracked talon.
she never went to university. she barely graduated high school. but she’s not dumb. she’s super fucking smart. academia just wasn’t it for her. she’s a natural born public speaker, an incredibly tactician, and she’s well versed in various forms of combat and firearms. she’s not illiterate but she has a hard time reading and writing.
when she was arrested in the states and at her trial, she got really mad at how the judge was treating her so she slammed her head down on the desk and knocked a tooth loose and proceeded to spit it at the judge :) she also tore out the throat of one of the guards at blackgate that was mistreating her and one of her friends.
she spent 20 years in prison.
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