#๐ŸŠ ๐ฆ๐š๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ ๐ก๐ž๐š๐ซ๐ญ๐ฌ ( lawna. )
citrus-himmel ยท 3 years
@medicus-mortemโ€‹ โ€”โ€” told you Law was getting slaughtered. enjoy. ;)
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Law looked so enticing sitting the way he was, slouched comfortably in a lone chair he pulled away from the rowdy crowd that was her crew. Probably did so in the hopes of not getting involved with Luffy's shenanigans. Nami grinned, bringing her drink up to polish off the rest of the liquor still in her mug before leaving it to be forgotten on one of the many already cluttered tables of the bar. The noise resulting from the ruckus easily overpowered the way her chair scraped against the floor when she pushed herself up from the table. Heeled shoes barely made a sound as she made her way over to the clearly unimpressed surgeon, her grin only widening when his golden gaze flicked to her. She stopped, standing before Law with little more than a foot of space between their knees, and leaned forward to rest her hands against his thighs, gently forcing him to uncross his legs. โ Not having any fun, Law? โžย Nami asked, tone teasing as she made herself comfortable on his lap, slender, naked thighs easily straddling his jean-clad ones.ย โ Should we change that? โž Ignoring the fact that her crew were only mere feet away, more than likely too busy to pay attention to what was happening in the corner of the bar, Nami leaned forward to ghost her lips across Law's. Her tongue darted out, tracing over his thin upper lip as her hands mapped out the planes of his stomach and chest that she already knew so well. They continued their journey over his shoulders, squeezing firm biceps and only stopping when she got to his wrists where she took hold of them and brought them up. With a nip to Law's lip she straightened, brown eyes smoldering as Nami watched his face closely for any minute reaction. โ Pay attention to me, โžย Nami murmured, practically breathed as the fingers of one hand slid over the underside of his wrist, across the prominent lines of his palm and then made themselves at home in the spaces between his own. The grip on his other wrist shifted then tightened slightly, bringing that hand up so she could press feather light kisses across the tattoo adorning its back, starting in the middle of the inked circle then moving onto the spokes. Nami dug her thumb into the meat of his palm, not once breaking eye contact while she continued laving his hand in attention, borderline worshipping. Teeth nipped at each knuckle, tongue dancing across the slightly faded, inked letters. By now Law probably knew exactly what she had planned, if not from her actions than by the mischief that sparkled in her slowly darkening gaze. Nami didn't speak another word, simply gave his other hand a squeeze, fingertips massaging into the spaces between his knuckles while forcing the one she had her attention on however she saw fit. As if to only tease him further, not wanting to give him exactly what she had planned right away, Nami swirled her tongue once around his index and middle finger before moving on to his palm. There, she began tracing the natural lines with the very tip of her tongue, making abstract patterns along his skin and humming her appreciation every time she placed a kiss. โ I really do like your hands... โžย Nami mumbled as a few minutes as she nuzzled into his wrist, sighing softly. More kisses up his hand, opened mouth and a just a smidge sloppier than the ones she delivered thus far, leaving tiny spots of dampness behind until she reached his fingers once more. โ Your fingers especially. They can do so much... Bring pain. โžย She pressed the flat of her tongue against the base of his middle finger and dragged up to the tip, eyes back on his face. โ Pleasure. โžย A repeat of the motion, only on his index this time. โ You've even killed, and saved with these very fingers. โžย Nami hummed, the tips of those to fingers now pressed to her bottom lip. Finally, finally, she took them into her mouth down to the first knuckle, lips secure around the digits as she continued her decent, looking very much like she wasn't taking fingers into her mouth at all. Cheeks hollowed, thumb pressing into the soft underside of his wrist when the pads of his fingers touched the back of her throat, no gag reflex to trigger. Nami lavved her tongue around once, then twice with a soft groan, giving a gentle suck before retreating. The color of her eyes were almost eclipsed by lust blown pupils as she stared at Law, practically pleading for him to take control. Not that she would ever say out loud, but he was the only one she would ever allow to control her, that she would submit to.
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citrus-himmel ยท 3 years
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โ€ƒโ€ƒโ€ƒโœ‰โ€ƒ@medicus-mortem said: Law comes up behind Nami, draping his arm over her shoulders. In it is a box tied by a yellow bow which is a bit strange. Law never wraps his gifts. He smirks at her, leaning in to brush lips close to the corner of her mouth, pressing a kiss before he straightens. "Happy womb evacuation day," Law hums. "Here is your official oversized Hearts hoodie. Now you can wear something that proudly displays my claim over you." As much as he wanted to put his mark on her that isn't actually the design. The hoodie is orange instead of yellow and has her pinwheel tattoo on it. [I know you're not about right now but he wanted to give a gift.]
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The warmth Nami felt against her back from Law's presence coming up behind her hadn't been unwelcome. Over the course of their alliance she'd gotten used to him randomly popping up to observe whatever it was she busied herself with at the time. And because of what this particular day happened to be, it wasn't the first time she got surprised; wouldn't be the last time, either, if she had to take a guess. However, she wasn't exactly expecting to get a physical gift from the surgeon, already knowing he wasn't much for gift giving. Maybe some form of sarcastic 'happy birthday', but nothing beyond that. Her curious brown gaze stared at the wrapped present dangling from Law's tattooed fingers for a moment to admire the pretty wrapping and yellow ribbon, involuntarily leaning into the chaste kiss pressed to the corner of her mouth. Though the moment those words spilled from his lips she groaned, eyebrows pulling together as she turned her head enough to level him with an unimpressed stare. โ Did you really have to ruin the moment and word it like that? You couldn't just say 'happy birthday' like a normal person? โž Nami whined in exasperation, hands reaching up despite her complaint to retrieve the present from his lax grasp. His words that followed only piqued her curiosity further. Pointedly ignoring the 'claim' part of his statement and how it didn't make her chest flutter, Nami carefully placed the box down on the desk in front of her and got to work with unwrapping. Nimble fingers meticulously undid the ribbon and tape securing the paper to the box so she didn't accidentally rip the wrapping, revealing the rather plain cardboard hidden within. She almost made a sly comment about being surprised that everything wasn't emblazened with his jolly roger that he adored so much, but it got stuck in her throat when she lifted the cover. Instead of what she expected to be a replica of his signature hoodie, Nami stared at a heavily personalized version, and she couldn't hold in the gasp that escaped her throat. Brilliant orange almost matching her hair where yellow would normally be, and he even went so far as to get her tattoo printed onto it. She ran a hand over the mark, noting how soft the fabric surrounding it was. It almost felt like it had already been worn in despite it quite clearly being brand new. Reaching in fully, she pulled the sweater from the box and held it up in front of her to get a proper look. As he stated, it was definitely oversized. Nami could practically wear it as a dress. Perfect, in her opinion. The smallest of smiles stretched across her lips and without thinking she hugged it to her chest. โ Thank you, Law, โž she whispered, voice slightly muffled from how she had her face buried into the fabric. โ But don't think this means I won't still steal your's whenever I get the chance. โž
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