#🌹smutty stuff
bakugoyelling · 1 year
We Can Take Things Slow
Aki Hayakawa x Fem! Reader 
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Warnings: (minors dni) 18+ smut, virgin! reader, fluff, fingering, praise
Word Count: 5.1 K
Summary: What started as a crush has bloomed into a full-on relationship, and for the first time in your life, you're ready to do more than kiss.
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Out of all people, you would have never thought that he would be your boyfriend; the first time he came in, you had to force yourself to stop staring. You had only worked at the local grocery store for about six months, and while you had seen attractive people come in to shop before, you had never seen a man as handsome as him.
He was tall — with blue eyes and black hair, the dark tresses often tied atop his head. His topknot hairstyle actually made your lips quirk up into a smile the first time you saw him. The ponytail was just so small and, for lack of a better word, cute.
He didn’t go to your register that day, and although slightly disappointed, you were glad. Just looking his way made your heart rate speed up. Who knows how you would have embarrassed yourself if you had to talk to him.
The next time you saw him, he walked in with — what you assumed to be — his friends, a guy and a girl who appeared to be rather rambunctious, one rolling in on a shopping cart while the other tossed boxes of snack cakes into it. Or maybe, they’re roommates; you thought as they walked past, watching them head down the aisle as you scanned a carton of milk. You wondered if he liked milk.
He didn’t go to your register that time either — well, he almost did, but he pivoted this shopping cart at the last second and headed a lane over, even though your current customer had just checked out. He must really like waiting in line.
And every time after that, he did the same, always with that boisterous duo; he never went to you. It was such a regular occurrence you no longer felt nervous when he came in.
But at least you still got to admire him. Sure, he might be avoiding you, but he was still pretty. Handsome, just like the first time you ever saw him. Plus, there was no harm in looking at him, right? A girl’s allowed to have a crush.
Then one evening, he came in alone. Dressed in a short-sleeved button-down, he spent most of his time in the produce section, picking out fruits and vegetables before disappearing between the aisles, where you didn’t see him again until he emerged at the check-out line — your check-out line.
Placing his groceries on the conveyor belt, you stood in disbelief, the nerves you thought you had long forgotten returning.
“Hello,” with a nod, the man greeted you, his eyes looking into yours as your cheeks grew warm.
“Hi! Did you find everything okay today?”
Overly peppy, you continued, tapping a button on the cash register before you began scanning his items, trying your best to appear calm.
“I did,” he said.
For a second, your eyes met as you glanced up at him, nodding in approval as you kept scanning.
The silence that followed was awkward. Well, it was for you, at least. Time seemed to slow while you worked, and halfway through, attempting to ease the feeling, you commented on his choice of milk — your face filling with a heavy heat as soon as the phrase left your lips.
“Mmm, oat milk,”
You’re not sure what response you were expecting, but all he did was exhale an amused huff and nod at you, taking out his wallet as he prepared to pay.
Great, he totally thinks you’re weird now, you thought. The next time he comes in, he’ll definitely go back to avoiding you.
Plus, surely he’s already got a girlfriend, right? Now that you’ve seen him up close, it’s proven just how attractive he is. Maybe next time he’ll come in with her. Maybe, you’ll even get to see them kiss.
But that never happened because he didn’t have a girlfriend. He either came in with his two friends or alone. And while he didn’t always go to your line, he frequented it more often. Over time, you even got less nervous when he appeared, and your interactions grew less stiff. You even learned his name — Aki. The two syllables felt like a dream leaving your lips. Along the line, you even found out about his profession. He was a devil hunter. Not uncommon, but dangerous. You’d known people who had joined Public Safety before, and although things didn't usually end well for them, you had to stop yourself from thinking of all the terrible possibilities this could mean. At least, this explained the formal clothing he sometimes wore.
Even your coworkers started noticing that things were different. Every time Aki came in, they’d tease you, asking things like, “So, when’s the wedding?” and “Have you hooked up yet?” Their questions were lighthearted, but you refused to answer — it was fun talking about the man you admired, but they didn’t need to know everything.
That is until, months later, after a series of secret rendezvous, one of them had seen you and Aki outside of work — at a table for two at a local restaurant, where he asked for a taste of your food, and you giggled, leaning in with a pair of chopsticks to fed him. But the light kiss that followed was what really caught their attention.
So the next day, your closest work buddies threw a lunchroom celebration, where despite their playful banter, they made sure to share how happy they were for you. Your oldest friend, who’s twice your age, even mentioned that she “Could tell he was a sweet one” and “Always knew he had a crush on you,”
Her words were the highlight of your day.
Sometimes you still can’t believe you're really with him. The two of you are similar in some ways. But in a lot of ways, you aren’t. Aki smokes, and you don’t — but that’s good, he tells you. Aki enjoys drinking beer, but you’ve never liked the taste. So you sip on water most of the time. But that’s great too, he says. In fact, he should be more like you, he insists. Aki has been in a relationship before. He’s had sex — shared his naked body with someone other than himself — And you haven’t. Not even close. All you’ve done is kiss. But you haven’t told him that.
And while you shouldn't feel shame for such a thing, you do. Like when you go to his apartment and spend the night eating cereal together, honey-flavored grains swimming in oat milk.
“Hey, let’s do the crossword puzzle on the back,” you say, dipping your spoon in for another bite.
If this were a different cereal box, the game on the back would probably already be done. However, lucky for you, Power and Denji — Aki’s roommates that you met sometime back at the grocery store — keep their hands off his boxes of “grandpa food,”
Grabbing a pen, Aki hands it to you, looking on as you begin to fill out the small square boxes, lifting a finger every so often so he can point out an answer. And when the puzzle is complete — and your bowls are empty, he washes them as you get ready for bed, changing into your pajamas to wait for him in the bedroom.
Being alone with him in here makes your heart race sometimes. Although the only thing the two of you have done in here is kiss, you can’t help but think of what will happen when you tell him that's all you've ever done.
It’s only happened once before, but one time things got heated. Clearly more experienced than you, Aki's kisses grew fervent, his lips moving against yours with ease. Like the love interest in a romance movie, he moved with such seduction, his tongue brushing against your bottom lip as his hands grazed the skin beneath your shirt. Your body grew hot, and for a second, you thought of letting him undress you, but instead, you gently pulled away — kissing one last time before you left to get a cup of water.
The memory makes you feel bad in a way. You should have just told him then, explained to Aki how you didn’t push him away because of what he did, but instead because you’re a nervous virgin. Or maybe you should tell him tonight — get it over with and…
“Did you already brush your teeth?”
But his question breaks you from the idea, and as you shake your head in response, you decide, maybe next time. Besides, brushing your teeth is more important anyway.
Four weeks later, you find yourself facing the decision again.
Your relationship with Aki has even reached a new milestone — you’ve said you love him. And with the faintest blush, Aki has said he loves you too.
In fact, he said it just moments ago before you kissed him — before you straddled him on his bed and began tasting his tongue. Slowly getting comfortable, you’ve started taking the lead with things like this now. It’s fun and exciting, yet, the idea of going further still makes you nervous.
It’s not like you don’t want to go further. You do, but you’re scared. Afraid that once you tell Aki, things won’t be the same, the flame will fizzle out, and he’ll leave you. Or even worse, he’ll use you for sex, and that’ll be the end of it — a cherry-popping dream come true.
“Hey, you okay?”
Caught on to how you’ve stopped and pulled away, he questions you, studying your expression as you refuse to make eye contact.
“Aki…” you mutter his name in quiet guilt, shifting about as you decide to rip off the proverbial band-aid, your heart pounding in your chest as you timidly confess, “I’m a virgin,”
“Huh?” caught off guard, his brows pull together as you remove yourself from his lap, your eyes growing glossy as panic sets in. If he laughs right now, then it’s over.
“I’ve never done anything, okay?” you hush, wiping away at your cheek.
You'll tell everyone at work that he's a jerk.
But Aki doesn't laugh. He doesn't chuckle; he doesn't even smirk. Instead, Aki thinks. He acknowledges your reactions — figures this information must have been weighing down on you for a while, and from what he can tell, you must be worried right now. And while to him, it’s no big deal, to you, it is. So in respect of your feelings, he does what he can to comfort you.
“That’s okay,” he gently speaks. “That doesn't change how I see you,” Hoping he’s not making things worse, he continues.
“Did you think it would?”
Peering up through dampened lashes, you nod. It’s embarrassing to admit, but it’s true. Before you got into a relationship with Aki, your lack of sex was never an issue — other than the fact that you’ve never been with another person, you did plenty of sexual exploring on your own. You’ve done things that not even your friends in two-year relationships had done, knew kinks by name, and even told them what kind of toys to bring into the bedroom. You know your body, and you know what you like. You’ve just never had anyone to share it with. Being vulnerable in such a way can be scary. And while no, you don’t have to say anything about it, you feel it’s best that you do.
“That’s why I wanted to tell you…before things went any further. I just need you to know. So, we can take things slow, okay?”
Shifting closer, Aki nods before wrapping his arms around you in a comforting hug, holding the back of your head as you press yourself against him, the scent of soap heavy on his skin.
“Don’t worry, it’s fine,” he whispers. “I don’t mind taking things slow,”
In his arms, you continue to listen, his acceptance putting you at ease.
“We don’t have to do anything until you’re ready. Until you want to, alright?
In response, you nod, silently agreeing before you pull back, peering up at Aki as you wipe your eyes. 
“What if I only ever want to hold hands?” you mumble.
“Then we’ll only hold hands...and I’ll still love you,” smiling down, he assures you.
Aki only wants to make you happy, and although he can’t guarantee he'll never make you sad or worried, he can promise to never make you uncomfortable. 
“So, got any plans for the weekend?” your coworker asks from beside you, adjusting a can of corn as you reorganize the shelves before closing time.
“Actually, I do,” you say, the lilt in your voice soft as you continue working. “Aki and I are going to a new gyoza restaurant tonight. It just opened up,”
“Ooh, a date, I see? And will you be feeding him again this time?”
You give your friend the side eye, and they chuckle, the memory of when they first saw you together causing you to laugh along.
“And what if I do? Are you gonna be there watching like last time,”
“Hey, I just happened to be there,” your friend holds their hands up in defense. “It’s not my fault I caught you kissing mister topknot,” they tease. “Besides, I’ve got my own boyfriend to feed tonight,”
“Oh yeah, how is your cat, by the way?” Humored by your joke, you smile, peering over at your friend as they shake their head with a chortle. The end of your shift flies by when the two of you are together, and before you know it, the grocery store is closed for the night.
Once back home, you call Aki to let him know. Telling him that after you shower and get ready, you’ll call him back so he can pick you up. 
“Alright, see you soon then. Love you,” 
“Love you too, bye,” his voice carries over before hanging up, the end of the call leaving you eager to be with him again. 
An hour later, he’s knocking on your door, standing outside your apartment with joy in his eyes when you open up to greet him — two overnight bags in hand. 
“You ready to go?” he asks, silently admiring your features.
“Yup,” you smile as he takes your bags for you. “I’m so ready to eat too. I’ve been dreaming of this gyoza all day!” 
Heading to the car, he chuckles at your enthusiasm. It sounds like tonight he won’t be getting any of your leftovers. Guess he’ll just have to order extra.
Four plates of fried dumplings later, the two of you have had your fill, and with the bill paid, you head back to Aki’s apartment.
“Denji and Power are out, by the way.” he mentions while unlocking the door, “But they’ll be back tomorrow afternoon, so enjoy it while you can,”
“Hey, don’t be mean,” you giggle, “I like them,”
“Yeah, yeah…”
With the place so quiet, you and Aki fall into what feels like a sense of domestic bliss — the tv on in the background providing a bit of sound as you go about helping him rid his fridge of spoiled food. It’s something he does every weekend lest he discovers a container of leftovers growing mold.
After that, he puts a load of laundry into the wash while you make a cup of tea — the last time you came over, he had a flavor you had never tried. You thought it was good, so Aki made sure to get more.
The two of you even brush your teeth together, which is nice because the minty fresh flavor of it remains once you’ve settled in bed — your upper half pressing against his as you kiss. Over and over, until the short pecks turn into your tongue running across his bottom lip, teasing him before he opens up and accepts, his hands sliding down to rest on your waistband as you pull back to catch your breath.
“Aki,” his eyes watch your kiss-swollen lips whisper his name. The warmth of your fingers resting against his jaw as he lifts his gaze.
Suddenly aware that you’re on top of him, he removes his hands from your hips — the subtle movement is a sign that he’s being cautious, your comfort always at the forefront of his mind. 
“You know, I still want to take things slow,” your heart rate speeds up as he keeps his eyes on you. “And I don’t think I’m ready to go all the way yet, but,” 
Now Aki’s heart is racing. He’s almost positive that he knows what you’re going to say, and he’d be lying if he said the thought of pleasing you in any way doesn't get his body aching with desire. 
“Can we try something?”
Your face blooms at the question, a sense of embarrassment washing over you as your boyfriend remains silent for a second, lips parting before he places his hands back on you and nods.
 “Anything you want,” he murmurs.
And while it’s difficult to ask your first real boyfriend to finger you, you do it. You probably sound like a total dork, you think, but Aki thinks you sound cute — delicate, endearing, but not the least bit innocent as you softly ask, “Will you fuck me with your fingers, please?”
The phrase sounds so vulgarly sweet; Aki has never wanted to satisfy someone's desires as much as he does yours. With your words repeating in his mind, he nods, keeping an eye on you as you move off him, settling beside him instead.
Shifting onto his side, Aki leans in to kiss you, interlocking your fingers with his as he pulls back to ask, “Are you sure about this?”
He knows you’re the one who brought it up, but he still feels the need to ask.
Your lips curve into a gentle smile as you shake your head in response, “I’m positive,” you assure him. 
Aki nods once more, bringing your entwined hands up to his lips to kiss your knuckles, one by one, until he lets go and places his hand on your hip, stroking your soft skin as you peer up at him.
Caught on by his hesitance, you pull him in for a heated kiss, reassuring him even further of your request with the tracing of your tongue against his lips — the wet muscle flicking against his as you glide your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck, breathing out a moan while his hand travels further down, dipping into the waistband of your shorts.
“Can I?” he mumbles, thumb tracing against the fabric.
Agreeing, you shift your hips beneath him, allowing his hand to go all the way in, your lips parting in a shaky breath as his digits slide across the front of your panties, stopping just above your clit.
You’re glad you wore such a thin pair tonight, the friction of the lacy material already feels so good, and with each light circle Aki presses against you, you can feel the fabric dampen, knowing that soon, his touch will feel even better. 
As he teases you, Aki is sure to gauge your reactions. He pays attention to your movements, focusing on bringing you nothing but pleasure. And when your hips grow more fervent, when your legs spread open further, he experiments with a few words.
“Oh, you’re all nice and wet for me. Aren't you?” 
His voice is so low it’s impossible to hold back the moan in your throat. No one has ever said such a thing to you. But Aki can tell you like it. The way your clit twitches is enough to indicate that. 
“Will you let me see?” he asks.
You’ve never felt so needy before, eagerly nodding before he kisses your nose and leans away, settling on his knees so he can undress you. You haven't been this nervous in a while — but it's a giddy nervous, and each of Aki’s tender movements helps ease you. He’s slow, gentle, and careful of where he touches you as he kisses the swell of your knee, peering up at you while he glides his hands up your thighs. Everything he does is with your desire in mind.    
The veins in his hands flex while he grabs your hips, testing the waters once more as his fingers hook onto the sides of your panties — waiting for your permission.
Aki’s hands have always been nice to you, and as you shake your head in approval, you get lost in the vision of them, admiring how they look in this intimate moment as he undresses you, his long fingers pulling down your shorts and underwear until your core is exposed. 
Flustered, your knees pull together as you catch him staring, his blue eyes focused on your sex as he swallows, his lips parting while he softly speaks, “You’re absolutely perfect,”
Your breath hitches, and he kisses your thigh before adjusting himself, moving up the mattress until he’s lying beside you. This position will be more comfortable, he decides. He can please you without his gaze being too overbearing, and the closeness of your lips will make it easier to kiss as he touches you. He’s committed to making this experience a good one for you.
“Are you feeling alright?” he asks, gliding a hand across your stomach.
Nodding, you lift the hem of your shirt, muttering out a quiet “yeah” as you pull it up to reveal your tits, your nipples pebbling from both the cool air and Aki’s stare. He silently curses at how good you are at teasing, leaning in to kiss you as his calloused hand moves up to knead the soft mounds of flesh. The stimulation has you moaning, bucking your hips into the air as his thumb and forefinger pinch the sensitive skin — the slickness between your thighs increasing by the second.
“Mm, Aki,” you mutter his name between kisses, your eyes heavy-lidded as you place your hand on his, guiding it down until it rests on your pelvis. 
“I know, I know,” he hushes, “I want to touch you too, just gotta make sure it feels good for you,” he kisses your cheek and then finally; lets his fingers begin to explore.
They brush past the strip of pubic hair you shaved this afternoon, slowly making their way towards your pussy lips, where his fingers dip in to gather your slick as you spread your legs for him. Having Aki touch you like this feels like heaven, and you can feel the strings of your essence separating as you open up for him. His digits circles around your entrance a few times before trailing back up, stopping mid-stroke while he gently speaks, “Oh, you’ve got the cutest little clit I've ever seen,”
The sensitive nub throbs as he makes contact with it, a whine spilling from your throat while he languidly rubs it, his fingers returning to your slit before it becomes too much — if he had kept it up, you would have come in an instant, which isn't bad, but you enjoy the build-up.
Wetting his digits some more, Aki teases your entrance, kissing just below your ear as he quietly instructs you, “Just relax for me, okay?” 
Nodding your head, you take a deep breath, staring down as he continues playing with your pussy, rubbing your slick folds up and down before slowly sliding his middle finger into you. The sensation has both of you gasping. Aki because you’re so tight and warm, and you because his fingers are so much bigger than yours. They’re thicker and longer, and as the discomfort melts he begins to move.
He sinks his digit all the way in before almost pulling out, repeating the movement a few times over as your half-lidded eyes grow wide, a breathy moan falling from your lips as you adjust to the feeling. 
“You okay?” your boyfriend mumbles.
“Mmhm, your fingers are just…bigger than mine,”
Endeared with the comparison, he huffs out a laugh, kissing your lips while he sinks into you once again, swallowing your mewls of pleasure as he curls his finger this time, pressing against the swelled tissue of your g-spot. It’s like discovering the area for the first time all over again, and your brows pull together as your hips buck against his hand, your legs spreading further as you grab at your tits.     
 “That feel good?” Aki’s voice remains low, the sticky clicks of your cunt mixing in with the sound while you earnestly nod.
“Yeah…” you whimper, slack-jawed as you whimper on.“Yeah…I want more,” you plead, your lust-filled gaze meeting his while you desperately shift your hips.
You may not know it. You may not even be trying, but through each passing second, through each soft phrase, Aki grows more and more captivated in pleasing you — and knowing that he’ll soon be the reason behind your erotic gratification; has him happy to oblige. 
He pumps his middle finger into you a few more times before he pulls it out, tracing along your clenching little pussy while he eases it back into you, his ring finger joining in this time as you breathlessly curse. His digits are so much thicker than yours, longer too. You think this feels good when you do it yourself, but having Aki finger you feels even better. Unrestricted as to how far your wrist can twist, this new angle allows you to feel things deeper, granting you a new level of satisfaction you could never give yourself.
When he feels your walls relax again, Aki begins building the movement of his fingers, pumping the two digits at a steadying pace as he kisses you, trailing his lips down your neck and across your chest. Grazing your nipple, his tongue laps at the bud as he curves his fingers, brushing against your sweet spot. In search of repetition, your hips jolt into his touch, your cunt clamping down as Aki adjusts himself, “Gonna go a little faster now, alright?” he says, sliding his body further down for better reach. Slick with arousal, you’re taken aback by how easily he’s able to speed up his digits, your head thrown back in a heady groan as your pleasure elevates to another height, the sticky sounds of your cunt growing as Aki works his wrist, his palm brushing against your clit every so often.
Cute and high-pitched, your whines are intoxicating to him, swallowing them up between kisses while his fingers stroke your walls.
Your heavy lids make it difficult to keep your eyes open, but even in your lust-filled daze, you make it a priority to drop your chin and take a peek, to watch as your boyfriend fucks you with his fingers. So wet from your pussy, his hand glistens before you, your face flooding with warmth as you whimper his name, “Ah-Aki, Aki,”
You’re close; you can feel it — building up with every thrust of his fingers — with every graze of his heavy palm against your clit. Your skin is heating up, and your hips are jerking, grinding against him in search of more. Just a bit more of that pressure, and you’ll be falling past the edge.
Observant, Aki catches the way your swollen bud twitches and quickens his pace, rapidly pumping his fingers as you clench around him, the sloppy sound mixing in with your cries of ecstasy as he pushes all the way in, his palm grazing your clit as his fingers curl into the spot that has you keening. Repeating the motion, he watches your brows pull together as you shift your stare, meeting his gaze before he presses his forehead against yours. The fading mint of his breath fanning across your lips while he whispers, “You gonna cum for me?”
Your breath hitches as he pushes the heel of his hand towards you, the calloused skin rubbing against your sensitive nub while you press your knees together, trapping his hand in place while your brows crease, urgently nodding your head in admission. 
“Yeah?” Aki gives his own little nod while continuing to work his fingers, hitting the spongy spot in the back of your cunt as you struggle to speak.
 “Y-yes, yes fuck, please, ohh –” your words cut off into a drawn-out sob, your stomach clenching as you squeeze your thighs together, your body twitching while you dissolve into pleasure with Aki for the very first time — the reality of it all making your walls tighten around his digits even harder, soaking them in your essence as he works you through orgasm.
The sensation has Aki’s mouth falling open, feeling your pussy squeeze his fingers as you curve into his touch, keening through the incredible high while you melt into him. Your shattered breaths catch on the tip of his tongue as he kisses you, tangling his wet muscle with yours — swallowing the moans that escape you.
“Feels good, doesn't it?” Aki whispers against your lips as your clit throbs, his palm pushing down on the swollen nub, causing you to twitch in place while your climax begins to fade. As you relax, his fingers slow their pace, your body slumping into his as your heavy breaths grow steady, your half-lidded eyes catching sight of his digits pulling out of you.
You sigh as they leave you, your cunt squeezing around nothing as you hear your boyfriend mutter out a quiet “Fuck…” — Enamored with how you leak for him, how you’ve coated his thick digits in the creamy white of your pussy. How you’ve allowed him to share such an experience with you.
“You’re perfect, you know that?” he says as you lie back. The endearment has you lazily smiling, his lips pressing against the damp skin of your forehead.
“So perfect,” he repeats between kisses, tilting your chin to peck your lips.
A dreamy haze surrounds him as he stares down at you — your lower half still exposed as you peer into those beautiful cerulean eyes of his, thoughtlessly murmuring out loud, “So, do I have to give you a handjob now?”
The enchanting clouds dissipate as you realize what you've said, the apples of your cheeks growing warm as Aki's face goes blank — a tinge of regret traveling down your spine for even asking the question.
“Well, do you want to?” He calmly replies as you continue to look up at him, searching his gaze while you swallow the words caught in your throat. As much as you desire Aki — as much as you want to have him fall apart because of you; you’re not ready. At least, not tonight.
Prepared to see disappointment spread across his features, you silently shake your head, declining with a nodded no. But to your relief, Aki responds with an affirming smile.
“Then no, you don’t have to,” he says, “We can save that for some other time,”
“Are you sure?”
Kissing the top of your head, he nods, pulling back to assure you once again, “I’m positive,” he replies.
Not until you're ready.
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— please do not modify or repost my work
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A/N: Aki is so boyfriend :') he's got such nice hands too Heheh, thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this, let me know! Kind comments are always appreciated ♡♡♡
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tiredmamaissy · 2 years
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Hi! I'm issy. Welcome to my nsfw blog. All my works are intended for adult consumption only. If you are a minor, i.e. under the age of 18, please do not interact. If I suspect you’re a minor, you will be blocked. If you are of age, and you're interested in literature about blue fictional aliens, then I hope you enjoy! Here, you can access all of my current and upcoming works, and other general information. Please do not repost any of my works to any other site without my permission.
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⊱Heats/Ruts/Knotting Info ⊱Request Rules/Info [currently closed] ⊱Writing Help ⊱AO3 ⊱Wattpad ⊱All characters are of age, or aged up.
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⸻Neteyam Sully
Neteyam's First Rut Series: ⊱Chapter I: Neteyam's First Rut ⊱Chapter II: Tying the Knot ⊱Chapter III: The Heat Within ⊱Chapter IV: A Synchronous Fever ⊱Chapter V: With My Life ⊱Chapter VI: To Set Ablaze ⊱Chapter VII: Moment of Truth
Special Episodes: ⊱Special Ep. I - Insaitable ⊱Special Ep. II - At First Sight [prequel]
Sub-Neteyam: ⊱Sub-Neteyam One Shot - Bound (bdsm; edging) ⊱Sub-Neteyam One Shot - Hide and Peek (exhibition kink)
Dom-Neteyam: ⊱Forgiven - Forgive Me Part II (mirror sex)
Misc. Neteyam: ⊱Jealous-Neteyam One Shot - Eyes for You ⊱Comforting-Neteyam One Shot - All Your Curves
Clingy Neteyam: ⊱Part I ⊱Part II ⊱Part III
⸻Lo'ak Sully
Non-Unrequited Love Trilogy (lo’ak in rut): ⊱Part I - slight smut ⊱Part II - pure smut ⊱Part III - smutty smut
Special Episodes: ⊱Special Ep. I - Inextinguishable ⊱Special Ep. II - Twin Flame [double pov] ⊱Special Ep. III - Ashes [double pov]
Sub-Lo'ak: ⊱Sub-Lo'ak One Shot - Prized Obsession (edging lo'ak)
Dom-Lo’ak: ⊱Is that So? ⊱Handle Me - Part I ⊱ Part II
⸻Neteyam Sully + Lo'ak Sully
Make Your Choice Mini Series (w/ alternative endings): ⊱Make Your Choice: Part I ⊱ Part II (possibly dark) ⊱Make Your Choice Endings: Neteyam ⊱ Lo'ak ⊱ Both
Ao'nung in Rut: ⊱Behind the Façade Part I ⊱Behind the Façade Part II (coming soon)
⊱Sub-Rotxo One Shot: Feel Better
⸻Jake Sully
⊱Forgive Me ft. Neteyam Sully (dark) ; Part II ⊱Little Secret ft. Lo'ak Sully (dark) ; part II (coming soon) ⊱A Night to Remember - Birthday Sex (for my dani <3)
⸻Ralak te Sepwan Ieyk (collab w/ @zestys-stuff)
⊱Chapter I ⊱Chapter II ⊱Chapter III ⊱Chapter IV ⊱Chapter V
Special Episodes: ⊱Special Ep. I - Ralak’s First Rut ⊱Special Ep. II - Concurrent Tides ⊱Special Ep. III - Calm After the Storm ⊱Special Ep. IV - Seed of Life ⊱Special Ep. V - Something is Brewing ⊱Special Ep. VI - Labor of Love ⊱Part I ⊱Part II ⊱Part III (coming next)
⸻HighIssyTalks (click me)
⊱blurbs/drabbles ⊱get to know me ⊱high questions + answers + thoughts ⊱neteyam talks ⊱aonung talks ⊱ralak talks ⊱loak talks ⊱jake talks ⊱read it all under #high issy talks
⸻NSFW Alphabet
⊱Lo'ak Sully + Neteyam Sully ⊱Tonowari + Jake Sully (coming soon)
⸻My Emoji Anons
⊱🐬🦩📖⚡️🍪⚰️💍🙊💦🫧🩰🧿🪅🕸🦋🦦🌳 🏹 🏵️ 🧜‍♀️ 🍱 🔮🌵❤️‍🔥 🥮🌱🐋🐚🍀 🌹 🤺👄 🌺🩷
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zep-zep-blog · 8 months
If I had a nickel for each time I made a oneshot based off a prompt from @timeslugarts I would have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird it happened twice.🧍🏼‍♂️
Vox x gn!reader
Genre: Fluff, hurt/comfort
Cw: Talk of sex, mentions of feeling not good enough
The last red rose🌹
Reader feels like Vox is ashamed or embarrassed by their relationship and a drunk Valentino only solidifies those thoughts.
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You were Vox's prized diamond, a rose surrounded by thorns, the last unicorn in his eyes. You were kind, thoughtful, funny, tons of stuff the average sinner wasn't. He went to several lengths to make sure your beauty was safe and protected from the several news channels and overlords that were looking in. Unfortunately, his actions came off as him being ashamed of your relationship with you. It made you feel like you would never be enough to be seen with him in public.
Valentino had made another borderline porn film and Vox chose to go to the red carpet premiere with Velvette to support his friend and fellow overlord. You sat in your shared bed, wanting to stay in and not watch the smutty movie Val produced. The silk sheets rubbed comfortably against your skin as you settled into a more comfy position. Watching as the camera panned over other famous demons, hellborn, and overlords. The camera then focuses on Vox, bringing a subconscious smile to your face as you see him answer questions and look into the camera.
"Are you seeing anyone?" The journalist asks, shoving the mic into his face. Before he could answer a drunk Valentino takes it and giggles, "We are like rabbits." This made you sit up, shocked as he went on and on about different bedroom acts. This felt like a red, hot iron strike your heart. How dare he just let him speak like that when he knows you're watching. All for an image to sinners that he said were less important, less worthy of his time, less worthy of him.
His laugh was what broke you, that nonchalant chuckle he made when he tried to escape awkward situations. Warm tears started to roll, muffled sobs escaping your mouth as you covered it with your hand. You were angry. The man you loved, cherished, and planned on marrying one day just betrayed you after his actions made you think you were nothing more than some toy he could play house with.
When he comes home he's shit-faced drunk, removing his jacket and throwing it to the floor, expecting to cuddle with you. Unfortunately, he was only met with a cold bed and messy sheets, a clear sign you were here, but you were nowhere to be seen. This sobered him up a bit, he did everything to protect you, but he failed. That is until he found the note, at first he thought it was a ransom note or something, but it was your handwriting. He read the scribbled ink;
'I went somewhere else. As I know you're probably embarrassed by me, so I hope you're happy with Valentino'
This shook him to his core, he tried everything to keep you out of the public eye for your safety only to be the reason you left. He crumpled the note, cursing under his breath. He did this and now he has to fix it. He collected all the photos he had and wrote a script up for his nightly talk show.
He addressed the journalist's question and Valentino's response. Stating that his relationship with Val was only friendly and platonic and that he was very much in love with someone else. Pictures of your first date, birthdays, holidays, even one of Vox sleeping faded in and out slowly on the screen as he talked about his genuine feelings and how he felt about your relationship, and his reasons to keep you hidden.
He talked about how your nose scrunched when you giggled and how you held his hand when you felt nervous.
"I fucked up. I tried so hard to keep you out of the camera that I pushed you away. I know words can't fix actions, but please come back to me so I can make things up to you. Please." He said while looking directly into the camera.
This was broadcasted all over hell, even on the radio in hopes you would hear it and hear it you did. You had went to Charlie for advice and help, sobbing on her couch when the broadcast came on. You were touched, hell genuinely thinking about fully forgiving him, but a small part of you was still angry. It took you to leave for him to wake up to address the rumors of his and Val's relationship that spread months ago and finally speak the truth about your role in his life. You ultimately decided to go back, apologizing for leaving. "Darling, don't apologize. If anyone should apologize, it should be me. I made you feel like nothing, but you're everything to me." He stated, hugging you tightly when you walked into his office.
Cameras clicked as the limo rolled up, shouts of questions and excitement started up as the door opened and Vox got out, giving the cameras his signature smile before turning back and holding out his hand towards you. You grab his hand nervously, stepping out and giving a shy smile to the crowd. Finally, you both felt like you were his only thought.
Carpal tunnel core <3 /j Hope yall enjoy (^^)
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itsastrobixch · 2 years
ASTROLOGY OBSERVATIONS PART 5 🌹Chiron in 1st house people can't seem to relax in pictures. They always either seem tensed, drawn like a bow string in photos.
🌹Lilith in 4th in my opinion isn't just not getting along with the women in their family, but being and growing up alienated from their relatives and family. They loose touch with their ancestral roots or there is some sort of shame associated with their identity in that regard. It's like they almost try to reject that part of themselves when presenting themselves to others. they are ashamed of, in this case, anything to do with certain facets of their family.
🌹Count yourself lucky if an air sign comes to you with their problems, and ask for ur opinion. They may seem confident, just like fire signs and like they can handle it all on their own, but while fire signs bulldoze through the issue without thinking twice, the air people have come up with 1000's of ways this scenario could play out and are internally freaking out lmao
🌹Mercury aspecting Neptune people are either excellent liars and manipulators ( in the sense they can manipulate any situation to their advantage) or they suck at lying and everyone knows when they're bluffing. It's usually indicated by the positive or negative aspects, both planets make.
🌹I don't know where the bad rep about having Natal mercury Rx and communication comes from. people say They turn the influence of mercury inwards, an in some ways, yeah true. They may make the individuals think things much more thoroughly before they talk, Make sure their point is clearly communicated etc etc. This actually makes them an excellent communicator. It doesn't interfere with the expression of mercury in my opinion. For that, we have to look at the sign mercury's present in and the aspects it makes.
🌹Sun conjunct Mercury people usually read a lot, and the sign it conjuncts in can show their favorite genre or the themes they may like in their books. For ex : I have it in Libra and of course I'm a sucker for those sweet sweet romance and Smutty novels.
🌹Libras are NOT pushovers. we need to emphasise this more lol. They will look like they're fluttering around here and there trying to decide on something. But in actuality they have already decided and they just weighing the pros and cons of that. Yeah they are an air sign but they're cardinal air. You can't convince cardinal people to move a fingernail if they don't wanna lmao
🌹Uranus and or Mercury in 3rd house, the house of mind, have a lot of ideas. But they're all either scattered or they come and go in a fleet, with the person not even conscious of it, much less process it and write it down. But sometimes their ideas are electric and revolutionary, especially Uranus, solving stuff in very unconventional ways and surprising everyone with their eccentric genius.
🌹If an air sign texts u DAILY, keeps in touch with you DAILY, then they love you lmao.. they take a minimum of 3 to 6 business days to text people back..so if they do it daily, consider yourself occupying a high position in an air signs life 😂
🌹Venus - Neptune pisces venus 🤝 Venus Pluto scorpio venus : Falling for unattainable and elusive people and giving them more chances than they deserve.
🌹The ascendant of your ascendant persona chart also determines some of your physical features, it's not just your asc that determines your physical structure, and your ascendant of your ascendant persona chart isn't just how people see you. The sign your ascendant persona is in will contribute some factors in your appearance too. Along with the planets in 1st house if u have any.
🌹For example a sag rising with a Taurus in their asc persona, will have good thighs and legs but will also be very curvy and soft, with full lips and some venusian features.
🌹 Venus Pluto and scorpio venus people, being in love is their addiction. Not the person they fall in love with like most people assume, but the feelings their lover evoke in them, the way they lose themselves in their partner, and become one with them, that is their addiction.
🌹word of the wise : don't argue with people who have personal planets in Virgo. You'll be humiliated and proved wrong. Straight up. They don't get into arguments which aren't logical or which they aren't sure they'll win. So they go in prepared and armed. They're masters of rubbing Salt in the wounds
🌹 this is just a theory, but hear me out. Our 1st house and the planets in them have a large influence on our appearance. But..i also think, our 6th house plays a part in it too. Our 6th house affects our appearance too but in am indirect way. Our 6th house rules our health right and under that comes our weight, likes and dislikes in terms of food, our BMI etc.
🌹 case on point, me. So I'm a Sagittarius ascendant, and I have good hips and thighs. But I'm not tall. And I'm very much curvy. Although sag rising tends to produce that too, I've a fuller venusian figure. And i have Taurus in 6th house.
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franciskirkland · 4 months
rusfra idk what the ask is just BLARGH THEM
bro i was literally just browsing pixiv and saw 1 (one) Rusfra and i was like. heh. u know who likes rusfra. my buddy oscar. also me >:^) apparently the internet tubes ARE long enough bc we are connected 🙏🌻🌹
indeed... Them... 💕 rusfra is probably my fave ship for ivan and extremely underrated in general. unfortunately there is never enough of them, anywhere. this is an absolute travesty. who is going to fix this.
also this might come off as a peabrained take and im ok with that but like. most of the time i cant be bothered to think about The Blorbos in a serious historical context; rusfra is def an exception, i love nationverse rusfra, learning about their military history and alliances, them simping over each other's literature and culture will never get old to me. ivan speaking french... ivan speaking french!!!1 ough
as for humanverse yk there are several different frans rotating inside my skull at any given moment and some of them are terrified of ivan. all are compelled. like. u can't tell me fran doesn't thirst after this enigmatic beefcake of a man. i love ur russia the mostest and my fran wants to climb him like a tree, respectfully. we love a big boy amen
if u ever have any ideas PLEASE hit my line bc i'd love to write some rusfra fic i'm just at a loss for ideas, ig cause i haven't written them before (other than RPing with u <3) ik ur mostly into platonic and non-shippy stuff and that's cool, but if you are ever looking to read smth more romantic/angsty/smutty, that's the type of shit i write bc i'm bored housewife coded.
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smutty-ki113r · 1 year
BEHOLD! Thy masterpiece that will most likely just actually be a bunch of jumbled words. 🤣🤣🤣 Also behold, tad bit long. 😭
So the general idea is yandere EJ x shy reader. They're just so surprised when the get captured but they play it off real cool no anger or tears just... neutrality. EJ doesn't wanna force himself tho so he just kinda pampers reader and reader is just quiet and polite and let him snuggle them. Altho reader isn't necessarily outwardly hateful, their distaste is still pretty obvious. Talking to the absolute minimum, tensing when he touches them, constant side eyes, moving away from him as soon as possible, only calling him EJ or Eyeless instead of Jack like he wants. Reader is just kinda locked up in his room but one day they get uno reverse kidnapped (old boyfriend, secret creepypasta hunting organization, police, etc you pick) and ends up getting horribly injured. Obviously, our knight in shining bl00d comes to the rescue. ʕ ꈍᴥꈍʔ But reader hasta sit in just undergarments in order doe their wounds to be properly treated. Jack's just CRAVING them and just BARELY restraining himself. But reader is getting a bit hot. ;) Reader get help but get a bit aroused with how tenderly EJ is patching them up, muttering things under his breath like "fuck I shoulda been there for you" and "I'm so sorry I let them hurt you, darling" and stuffs. Reader can't help but soften up and OH BOYO THIS IS WHEN THE TENSION COMES IN! Close proximity, nervous eye contact, breathy talk. He gets all close to them and reader doesn't have it in them to push him away. "Aren't you a little close?" "Idk. *leans in more* Am I?" "I-I... I don't... I don't know". STUTTERING, BLUSHING, HEAVY BREATHING! Meanwhile Jack is on the verge of loosing control and practically devouring his darling. The tension is so thick, he just wants to loose control in readers insides. He's gripping onto reader and practically BEGGING in his own silent way. But reader feels as if they should despise him so they go to push him away but make one fatal mistake. Instead of calling him EJ or Eyeless, reader calls him Jack in this low, breathy voice that's just QUIVERING with a rush of different emotions and this man LOOSES IT! Full primal, and reader just sinks into it and just fully excepts their fate, making Jack go even more feral. Kept daydreaming about this yesterday and I was like, "bruh I needa see if Red's requests are open bc if anybody can write this masterpiece, it's them". Bc all ur writing are perfect works of art. Duh. 💅💅💅 If you wanna write it, pls do. If not then I understand. And if ur willing to write it, but it takes you a bit, that's perfectly fine too! No rush. Remember to drink (energy drinks don't count-) and grab a snack. Take care of urself. 🫂🫂🫂 💗🌹
Hi my love I read all of this and I think it’s a good idea, I like it, minus the whole back and forth kidnapping thing it’s too y/n but I love the idea of slowly giving in.-
It sounds like you’ve got a lot of ideas for this and I implore you to write it yourself because you know the storyline better than I ever can and it’s your idea so why not I want to see what you come up with!!
:) the next ej thing is probably pt. 2 of animals I think I’m calling it flesh?? 
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roguelov · 1 year
Hey, I know this is a small thing but thank you for tagging your smutty stuff. Reading smut makes me uncomfortable and it’s kind of hard to find good smut-less fics in this fandom at times. But I love reading your responses to the asks and it feels like I’m getting my fix of Sandman that way. So, thank you 😊
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You’re welcome!!! I’m so happy to make your day little better and get your daily fix 🤭🥰🥹 and please tell me if I mistag anything!
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bts-hyperfixation · 2 years
For Not Smutty MTL how well do you think each guy would deal with their girlfriend/wife having a dangerous job? This one is definitely about a female partner because it goes against gender expectations. As a former woman Marine, I always wonder stuff like this. Thoughts? 🌹
Yoongi - Knew exactly what he was getting himself into and is more than prepared even if he doesn't love it. He chose her because she was a badass. Joked a lot about getting her brass knuckles for an engagement gift
Namjoon - Not a massive fan, does a lot of work to fully understand what her role should and shouldn't involve so he can keep an eye out for warning signs. Very proud of her all the same.
Seokjin - Tries not to worry but can't help it. Works a lot on making their home a haven to protect her from the outside world and what she is exposed to. They don't talk about her job in certain spaces of the house to keep it cosy, but he always makes sure she has a safe space to talk if that's what he needs
Taehyung - Doesn't love the idea that he isn't the toughest in the relationship, gets a kick out of watching her beat all the men she works with at things. Tries to hide his worry for her wellbeing with jokes.
Jimin - Demands to meet every member of her team to make sure they are people he can trust. Impressed to find out she is one of the strongest. Doesn't do much to help his anxiety, but it does swell his pride.
Jungkook - A jealous man who is very nervous about it being a male-dominated field at first. The first time she comes home hurt he panics considerably and tries to convince her to take him to work. They compromise and land on sparring together as training in his custom built boxing ring
Hoseok - Tries to bribe her with all his riches and housewifery very early on in the relationship. Can't sleep if she is away or on a night shift somewhere.
Come be thirsty in my asks! Or ask me questions about previous fics, Or leave me a most least or reactions.
Or answer this form on next year’s fic requests you may have
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littlebosslady7 · 1 year
For the WIP asks, warning this is bare bones still idea/outline phase. It's some smutty romantic first honeymoon in Dalen's closet. Percy and Vex bought one of the few beach houses among bungalow like abodes.
I'll save the spicy stuff for story. But one line in my head from Vex.
"Mm, Darling." Vex reminded her husband, grabbing the sunblock, "Don't forget to put this on. You're quite pale."
Cue guffaws and flirty touches.
Then a slightly spicy exchange is
Percy found his breath again, scanning the messy room, "Well, it seems we need to get new sheets, cushions, and what do you think of that bathtub, dear heart?"
"That chilly monstrosity needs to be replaced." Vex answered, fingertip tracing along the scar nearest his heart, "And the medicinal pink color of this house must be changed for before we bring everyone else here. Do you think we'll eventually need to repair the railing at the balcony?"
"Hm, what do you...?"
Vex slapped him on the chest, and under the cover of a balmy stormy night, they do quite a bit of exploring together.
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shanie · 5 months
hi shanie!! 🥰🥰🥰
For get to know me asks:
Oh my gosh HI!!! 
Let's see. 
Answers under cut because this is LONG
🌹 favorite kinks to write for 
Actually, here's the thing. I've only ever written TWO smut fics ever, and neither of them is particularly kinky. In fact, I've had a WIP sitting for ages because the second, smutty half of it DOES involve kink and I have no idea how to write it. I'm not the type of person who feels comfortable putting smut on "paper" so to speak, so writing kinky stuff is pretty much out of the question. Sorry to disappoint, maybe I'll get around to finishing that one story someday! 
❤️‍🔥 what character do you simp for most often 
Honestly, and I think I understand the meaning of the word simp here, I'd say Kevin Owens. My love for Sami feels different than my love for Kevin. Sami is my joy, my sunshine, and my love. He makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside and I gain so much delight just knowing he's on this planet. 
He is the sexiest goddamn person on the planet and I lowkey wish I could wife him somehow.  
I mean, I also identify with so damn much of him in more aspects than I feel comfortable naming, and he also brings me so much joy just from existing, but GOD is he hot. 
🔍 what character do you enjoy writing for the most 
Ok, so bear with me. I ADORE writing El Generico. BUT, I adore writing El Generico from other people's point of view. Getting inside Generico's head directly is something I'm not fully comfortable trying yet, but writing, in my Generico!verse, Generico as seen by Kevin Steen, is one of my all time favorite things. I do hope to at some point write an entry in that universe from Becky's point of view, so you'll see him from her perspective as well, and SOMEDAY i will get to writing something from Generico's POV, but for right now, yeah. Generico through Steen's eyes is my favorite thing ever. 
Some place I'd like to visit 
Fun thing, I had to try and figure out on mobile what emoji that was because it doesn't appear on my desktop. 
Anyway, DISNEY WORLD!!!!!! God, it's been well over a decade, almost two since I've been there and after writing so much of The Happiest Luchador on Earth, I have a burning need to go back there. SO MUCH! I wanna go back there and do the whole deluxe tour, stay on property for a week, get all the lightning lanes, hit all the parks, eat at all the best places, PRESS A BILLION PENNIES, the whole deal. 
But, alas, I have neither the money nor the mobility for that so it will likely never happen. Oh well. 
💉do you have tattoos and/or piercings 
Nope, not unless you count having my ears partially pierced. My mom took me to Claire’s as a teenager and, sure enough, they got infected and we had to let them close. Except they never closed the whole way and now I have permanently half-pierced ears. 
🌙 your zodiac (Sun, Moon, Rising) 
Here’s a wild thing most people don’t know about me. I genuinely don’t know my rising sign and can’t find out. Why? Because I was adopted and therefore have no friggin clue what time I was born. I never met my birth mom once before she died and none of my biological family members want anything to do with me, so yeah. No clue my rising sign. 
My Sun and Moon signs, however, are both Gemini, as far as I know. So there is that. 
💛 what is your favorite feature on yourself? 
Oh wow, so I have a lot of self loathing, especially about my appearance, and I kind of hate everything about the way I look. 
I think the color of my eyes is awesome. 
I have what I call “windowpane hazel eyes” which is when you have pale hazel eyes that truly have no definable color of their own, they only reflect whatever is around them. It was hilarious when I got my driver's license test and they were trying to determine my eye color and it kept changing depending on which direction I was facing. LOL. If you get them in bright enough light though with nothing reflecting, they look like they’re the shade of an old garage windowpane covered in dust, hence why I call them Windowpane Eyes. 
And I think that is So Damn COOL. 
Anyway! This was so much fun. Thanks for the ask and sorry I’m so long with my answers! 
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bakugoyelling · 2 years
Giyuu Tomioka x Fem! Reader
a little drabble about sweet, soft-spoken Giyuu telling you to cum on his cock ♡
warnings: smut 18+ only!! minors dni [dirty talk, creampie]
wc: 800
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚* 💙 *˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
Giyuu Tomioka is calm most of the time. His voice is soft; he's hardly one to curse in everyday conversation unless he's upset, then the profane words leave him with a sternness that has whoever's on the receiving end rethinking their actions. 
He can be a bit harsh when angry, but he's never like that with you. Even if you're having a disagreement, he refrains from using phrases that could hurt you — which is why when Giyuu does say such words, you never want him to stop.  
"Fuck…”  his voice drops an octave from behind you. 
It's just past noon, and with his tasks done by early morning, he returned home to be with you. Now, he’s pressing his bare skin against yours while he helps you to your knees, settling you into the third position of the day. Pressing your back into his chest, Giyuu wraps his strong arms around you, holding you in place with one resting on your tits; and the other resting on your hip.
“You’re always so good for me,” he murmurs from behind you, his stiff length gliding against your silken folds, spreading your wetness as he kisses the shell of your ear, reaching down to grab ahold of himself. 
“Always so good for this fucking cock,” He rasps while pushing into you. 
The stretch of his dick feels delectable, and even if the two of you have been going at it for a while, the sensation never gets old. Giyuu fills you up so much you can feel it in your belly — and the only thing you can think to do is moan, let your body melt against his as you focus on how thick he is, your lower half jolting forward every time his pelvis smacks against your ass, your skin left sticky from the translucent ring of white at the base of his dick — what a mess he’s made of you already. 
“Your pussy is so wet too. Do you hear it? Hear how good I’m fucking your little cunt?” he sighs from beside you, his lips near your temple as his hand rests on your neck, feeling the vibration of your voice against it. 
“Fuck yes…feels so good,” you whine. “S-so fucking good,” 
The sounds you draw from each other are obscene, wet slaps of skin and moans unrelenting as your back begins to curve, Giyuu’s name falling from your lips as you clench around him. That's when he knows you're close — when you breathlessly whine his name like it’s a sacred word.
With his thrusts unfaltering, he speeds up, pushing the heavy head of his dick against your g-spot while bringing two callused fingers down to your clit, rubbing the swollen nub in tight circles until your eyes can no longer stay open, tears prickling behind your lids as your body grows stiff.
"There we go, baby. Cum on my cock, cum on my fucking cock,"  The low tone of his voice drives you insane, and as Giyuu continues to whisper vulgarities, the muscles in your stomach tighten, the walls of your cunt squeezing around his length as heat blooms through your body. 
Your orgasm crashes through you in waves, and as his cock coats in your slick, his hips begin to stutter, a groan spilling from the back of his throat as he shoots his load into you. Only stilling for a few seconds, he lets you enjoy the warmth of him filling your insides before pulling out, allowing the remnants of cum to leak from your pussy as it clenches in the aftermath of pleasure, heavy globs of white spilling onto the sheets below you.  
Disheveled, Giyuu's arms stay wrapped around you as you melt against him. His soft lips press to your jawline while you relish in serenity, catching your breath before you adjust positions — avoiding the mess you've made as you lie down facing one another.
You smile as he brings you closer to him, your fingers brushing his hair out of his face as you look up at him and ask, "Oh yeah, didn’t you say you had something for me earlier?”
And like always, Giyuu returns to his soft-spoken nature, responding with a nod as he remembers the small gift he carried back for you.
“Oh, you’re right, yeah. I brought you some of that daifuku you like. Would you like me to go get it?" His upper body shifts to get up, but you stop him, placing a hand on his bicep.
"No, it's okay," you softly chuckle, "We can have some later. Let's just lie down for now," you can feel his muscles relax as he settles back down — his arm draped across your waist as you cuddle up to him, where in the soothing silence he begins tracing delicate patterns against your skin.
— please do not modify or repost my work
Wow, I have not written smut in a while! But hopefully, this was alright. I really wanted to have it posted by today since it's Giyuu's birthday! Thanks for reading :)
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feralandmoonstruck · 2 years
Hiii!! Thank you for sending this sweet pea! Sorry I never answered it 😅 Here's some angst stuff that was supposed to be a (cute or maybe even smutty) oneshot and decided today that it needed to be bigger.
“I’m glad I have your permission,” she scoffed. “My parents can’t know about both of you.”  
“So lie and say it’s mine. They’ll never know the difference, Savvy. They never have to know.”
"Life isn't fair," she snapped. "But you don't have any other choice. So will you take our offer, or be publicly ruined?"
"Fine. Fine, Miranda, you win."
“If you’re going to keep putting words in my mouth and twisting everything I say so you can pick a fight about it, then I’m done talking to you.” He stood up, “If you decide that you want to have a civil conversation, you know where I’ll be.” With that he walked away. Possibly for the very last time, Savanna realized. The door clicked shut and it was just her in her big fancy house. Everything that she ever really, truly, cared about was gone and broken. She began to sob.
From this game
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twsthellhole · 3 years
Velvet Hedges of Red and Green, a Floyd/Riddle Royalty AU
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Rating: E (Read the A/N!)
WC: 11k
Summary: Floyd wasn’t that excited to visit the Rose Kingdom. A funeral was possibly the most boring event to attend, and he never knew the King of Roses, so it’s not like he cared a damn about the old man kicking the bucket. Unfortunately for him, being a prince entailed that he couldn’t escape these events.
Only when he caught a glance of Riddle Rosehearts, crown prince and soon-to-be-king, he started to see all the possibilities that visit offered, laid open like a hand of cards.
There was a coldness, an indifference to his grey eyes, that fascinated Floyd’s restless mind.
A/N: Actually, the entire story is Teen and Up Audiences, but I decided to add a smutty scene for those who like that stuff, so that's why there's a second chapter. If you're not into that, you can read just the first one!! ☺
🌹❤ Read it on AO3! ❤🌹
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vergina-spva · 2 years
Well hey my turn 🤣🤣 gotta get my hand in this ask game y'know~
14: choose between your oldest and newest ships...
Izou/Smoker👄🚬 or BartoDish🐓🌹?
I believe you, Aerle and ImperialMint were the only ones to write Izou/Smoker and it's been so long since they've been a thing (perhaps they broke up and the fandom moved on? Lol)
17: what's your favorite KidxLaw fic? 👨🏻‍⚕️💤❌🚗🔥
Okay, okay.
14: choose between your oldest and newest ships...
Izou/Smoker👄🚬 or BartoDish🐓🌹?
Okay, let's get a few things straight first:
Izou/Smoker is not my oldest ship, that's ZoSan.
IzSmo is very much alive, thank you very much. There's no way they broke up.
I count myself as the only one who really wrote for them, because Aerle and ImprialMint only wrote it for me, and would not have done it on their own volition. There was one other person who wrote a fic once on FFnet, on their own volition (after I made them ship it), but they never finished it I think (and I don't remember their username, I'm sorry).
I've posted a little smutty IzSmo fic at the end of last year. It's on AO3 if you haven't read it yet.
I love how you find fitting emojis for all ships 😂
That said, I definetely choose IzSmo over BartoDish, every time. IzSmo is my baby okay? If I stop loving them, no one will love them anymore.
Listen, idk if you saw it, but I'm trying to convince my boyfriend to cosplay as Smoker, as he said he likes Smoker. And if that happens, I am 100% surely going to cosplay Izou, and I'm going to force him to do a very shippy photoshoot. If that happens, you'll probably see some photos at one point lol.
To illustrate Aerle's pov on IzSmo: when I told her about these cosplay plans, she said "Then I'll go as Thatch and we can have a shipping war 😛" (Aerle is my irl friend and we always go to conventions/fairs together). Anyway, if I get my IzSmo photoshoot, I'd be more than happy to do a Thatch/Izou photoshoot with her as well 😛
17: what's your favorite KidxLaw fic?
hmmm let me dig into my old faves for a moment...
okay, I have surprisingly few KidLaw fics in my faves... I'm gonna go with 3 old ones, which I all reread in the past half year. (in no particular order.)
Forbidden Fruits by Reiki-Piratical (I reread this one because I saw it in your tags a few times, lol)
Grand Line City Hearts by Pieces_m (or Maggiepiece on FFnet)
Breaking Through Fire by Aerle
But if anyone has a more recent KidLaw recommendation, please let me know! I've just come back to reading kidlaw fics, like a half year ago, and haven't read much in the 6 or 7 years before that, so there's bound to be some good stuff that I missed.
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generallybarzy · 3 years
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Wow!!! Less than a month since I hit 1.2k and we're already up 100 followers! So, I have to say all this again. I'm literally so so so grateful for all my followers and ESPECIALLY the ones who send asks and reblog my posts and interact, you guys are the best 💕💕. I literally never thought I would get to this many followers on a dumb blog I made just to share my little stories about hockey. But here we are.
This time around, I'm gonna have a whole week scheduled out, with each night a different theme. You can send asks about each night in advance but I'll answer them on the specific night!
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C E L L Y N I G H T S (AUGUST 03--10)
💤 sleepover night (08/03): let's just chat about some stuff, fashion, makeup, our crushes, our jobs, school, even hockey if you want to! We can also do little also games like FMK (fuck, marry, kiss, but you can chose the three options), make me chose between two players, stuff like that!!
🤔 headcanon night (08/04): send me hcs you have about players! I'll add commentary to them or even give my own at times, but you run the show! Fluffy, smutty, or just general! Anything you want!
😍 appreciation night (08/05): tell me about your favorite players! Doesn't matter if I know them or not! I wanna spread some appreciation!
🥰 appreciation night pt. 2!!! (08/06): send asks about your favorite blogs and write them a cute lil message and I'll tag them! Let's share some love!
🫂comfort night (08/07): send me a line from this list and I'll write a comfort blurb for you. You can also specify a specific topic the blurb can relate to. Dont send anything too triggering, just some light angst that has someone comforting you, but I'll tag all these with TW to be safe
“I promise, no one will ever hurt you again.”
"Do you wanna talk about it?”
“You’re not going to lose me. Ever.”
"I know it hurts, baby."
"Listen to my heart, okay?"
"You want me to tell you a story?"
"We'll get through this one."
"Is it too bright in here?"
+ might add more on that night!
👀 sneak peak night (08/08): I'll post an updated list of all my wips and you can ask me about any of them, including long passages from each!
✨ moodboard/header night (08/09): send me a player and a theme and color scheme if you'd like and I'll make you a cute mood board or header image (for your blog or a fic! You can also tell me if you'd like it the normal squares format or something funkier
🥵 smut night (08/10): send me one of the blurb prompts from this list and I'll write a lil steamy thing!!! You can give as little or as much detail as you want in the request!
"Babe, it's the middle of the night."
"We shouldn't, not here!"
"I'll guide you."
"Just focus on me."
"Don't test me."
"You look good enough to eat. In fact..."
"You're not wearing anything under that, are you?"
+ might add more on that night!
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Once again, thank you all so much for hanging in there with me and actually sticking along for this mess. I saved these celly nights until after my very last day of work so I can focus solely on finishing asks on those days! I'll post more in depth "rules" on each night. Feel free to start sending things, but make sure to label your asks with the enoji or date for whatever night you're sending it in for, just for my sanity, thank you!!!!
🌸🌷🌺🌹🌻⚘I LOVE YOU ALL⚘🌻🌹🌺🌷🌸
Going through my mentions and tagging people who've tagged me in appreciation stuff in the past cause idk who considers themselves my friends anymore but ily all anyway: @fallinallincurls @dembenchboys @josthours @joekellys @yeahisupporttheleafs @probablygraves27 @bb-nhlqueen7 @matbaerzal @andreburakozy
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theteasetwrites · 3 years
🌟12/17 Updates🌹
Currently working on lots of stuff that should come out this weekend/this week!
I’ve got a few requests I’m working on so if you’re one of the people who requested something, don’t worry! I’m working on them as we speak and they will be out soon.
I’ve got a new Daryl x Reader mini-series in the works so stay tuned for that. I’ll probably post the parts all at one because it’s not really going to be like my other series in that it’s basically a oneshot but it would be really long if I made it in one post so I’m just going to do parts. It’s going to be quite smutty btw…
Sorry again to the Thy Saints Surrounded peeps for not posting the next chapter sooner. Just know I’m working on it and it will be out soon!
I’ve just been really busy/tired this week (and I have an iron deficiency and took the wrong type of iron supplements so that was fun lol) but today is Friday where I am and that means I get to work all day tomorrow on fics so that’s what I’m gonna do!
Thanks again to everyone supporting my stuff. It’s so much fun to write for you guys! I’ve got so many fun ideas for stuff (esp. Daryl bc he’s my main man) and I can’t wait to share them with you! 😌
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