#๐ŸŒน no one decides my fate but me. ( THREAD. )
misteria247 ยท 2 years
*Throws down more of my insanity like a businessman once more*
So the brain rot has won this round once again so here's more of my bullshit contribution to the 2012 tmnt fandom. An unasked sequel to this post:
But now with the rest of the cast fight me-
April O'Neil, the daughter of a well known doctor in a small Japanese village in the countryside. April's a kind yet passionate girl who's childhood friends with Donnie and who was born and raised in the village. April's specialty is her uncanny ability to predict what people are thinking as well as making things float for brief periods of time. Despite her father's reputation as the village's best doctor, April is somewhat of an outcast amongst her fellow villagers. Due to some rather strange occurrences that's been known to happen around her, she's believed to be a seer or witch of some sort by some of the villagers. However there's far more to her gifts than she realizes, and a chance encounter with her best friend Donnie soon reveals all that she's been questioning.
Casey Jones, a ronin samurai who roams and challenges others all over the vast lands of Japan. Casey is a rather chill person who has a surprisingly short temper underneath his laid back personality. Casey's whole life has been nothing but wandering and roaming the Japanese landscapes and fighting any who dares to challenge him. Casey's specialty is his innovation in creating strange weapons from seemingly useless things and always having something possibly deadly up his sleeve. Casey is also a friend and somewhat rival to the ronin ninja assassin known as Raphael Hamato, and the two will occasionally work together on jobs as well as challenge one another when the mood strikes them. Casey while being fine with his lonely ways of the ronin lifestyle, has a craving for adventure to some degree and a fateful moment gives him the opportunity to fulfill his desires.
Mona Lisa, a goddess of war and protection. Mona Lisa is a timeless being, having been around since the very dawn of time. Much like the mischievous yokai Michelangelo Hamato, Mona Lisa is an immortal being who's specializes in the art of war and protection for warriors who've earned her attention and favor. Mona Lisa doesn't interact with others much, preferring to instead observe the mortals rather than partaking with them. However a certain red clad turtle has caught her eye and has unknowingly been granted her blessings in warfare and protections. With a few pulled strings perhaps she could officially meet this ronin ninja.....
Renet, a goddess of time and rebirth. Renet, much like Mona Lisa, is a being as old as time itself. Renet while a somewhat bubbly and awkward person, is also a goddess who's wise and all seeing in ways many could never predict. Being a goddess of time and rebirth, Renet specializes in the delicate threads that make up several timelines as well as handling the souls of those who have passed and deciding if they're worthy of being reborn once again. Renet is extremely close to a yokai known as Michelangelo, and might even fancy him in a more than friends way. Yet just like the prankster entity, Renet knows more than she let's on and may have even played a role in said yokai's knowledge of his brothers.......
Karai Oroku, a demoness who wanders the shadows of Japan, bringing dread and despair wherever she goes. Karai is the daughter of the mysterious and deadly demon lord whose known as the Shredder. Karai's a mischievous yet biting demoness who holds no patience for those she deems unworthy of her time and skill. Karai's specialty is the reaping of mortals and destruction of villages within Japan that her father deems to be a prime target of being wiped out. It's during this very thing that she runs into a monk whose skilled in expelling and exorcising demons and yokai. After clashing with the monk, a boy known as Leonardo Hamato, Karai has become somewhat interested in him. Perhaps he could be of some entertainment for her in the long run......
Tang Shen, a phantom name that very few remember in the old, ancient lands of Japan. Not much is known about Tang Shen, her origins are unknown or have been completely forgotten due to the sands of time. Records that remain of her describe her as either a demon or a goddess, who was supposedly married to the elusive enigma known as Splinter. However much like the being himself, Tang Shen also disappeared some thousand or so years ago and her current whereabouts are unknown.
The Shredder, a name whispered in fear or spoken about like an unholy curse in Japanese folklore. Shredder's origins, much like Tang Shen's, are completely unknown. The story of the demonic lord on the other hand is one that many people, such as shrine maidens, priestesses, monks and older Japanese folks know of. It is said that he is the bringer of death and destruction, a man who sold his soul to demons, consumed by his excessive need to conquer and destroy all that stands in his way. However the Shredder has been locked away, banished from the world. Or so that's how the legend goes.......
Splinter, another name spoken rarely in the ancient Japanese world. Not much is known about him, his origins, his personality, his features or even his whereabouts are all unknown. All that is known is that Splinter is said to be either a demon or god, an immortal being that has been gone for thousands of years. No one knows where he could be or if he's even among the living immortals anymore. Yet despite the little knowledge on him, four turtles and two humans are destined to look for him and perhaps even have their very destinies intertwined.
Lotus Blossom, a shrine maiden in a nearby village located near the ancient and vast Japanese mountains. Lotus is a powerful shrine maiden whose known for protecting magical artifacts and scrolls as well as purifying evil and unclean auras and curses. Lotus is a quiet yet fiesty woman who while somewhat naive is not to be underestimated lest the fool who does earns her wrath and righteous judgment. Lotus lives in a small village next to the mountains where Leonardo's temple resides on. Despite her somewhat peaceful existence, Lotus wishes to at least have some companionship. Being a shrine maiden can become quite lonely, given that the villagers tend to only come to her when they're in need of her abilities or healing. However one fateful moment sends her a possible friend in the least expected way.
Venus de Milo, an orphaned turtle girl who had lost her parents in one of the many Japanese wars of the ancient times. Venus is a chipper yet quiet child who can be incredibly stubborn and short tempered depending on the situation. Venus's specialty is strategic planning via for pranks or tricks. She lives in the temple in the mountains with the monks that reside there and she's taken quite a shine to the one monk known as Leonardo and will follow him around and ask that he plays with her much like the several other orphans who stay there as well.
Usagi Yojimbo, a ronin samurai whose sole mission is to defeat his sworn enemy and to bring vengeance to his family's home. Usagi is a rabbit samurai who roams the Japanese countryside in the hopes of bringing honor back to his name and to defeat the one who had brought said dishonor onto it. Usagi is a rather stern young man who doesn't really interact with others much. Preferring to instead focus on his mission and hone in his swordsmanship with each battle he faces. Usagi's specialty is his quick thinking and deadly swordsmanship. With his katana in hand Usagi is a deadly and dangerous samurai who shouldn't be taken lightly. Usagi has a rather great dislike towards ninjas due to a few run ins with them however his opinion may end up changing in the future....
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