#🌲🍯 god save the pawn || prise and rusa
antlered-deity · 7 years
Continued from @kotovinblue Rusa looked up, eye sockets still empty as his mouth quivered. Tears covered his cheeks as he stared unseeingly at Prise. He reached his hand out of his robes to Prise to expose the hundreds of cuts leaking golden ichor and staining the ground. It took him a few moments to speak, but he didn't see his Prise. His voice was weak and soft as he spoke. "Ga...ster?"
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antlered-deity · 7 years
Continued from @kotovinblue Rusa hummed in content, nuzzling his muzzle into Prise's hand. Oh no, his little heart eyes were cute! That was the first time he'd seen Prise do that! Could his boyfriend get anymore perfect? Stars, he was so totally smitten. "What about if I was stuck like this. Forever. Would you still love me?"
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antlered-deity · 7 years
The Underground || Closed Rp
Closed starter for @kotovinblue Rusa let out a whine, throwing the phone at the ground. He was so STUPID! He knew that was a low blow! The god couldn't believe he said that to his own boyfriend! And then! To top it off! Prise hadn't messaged him back! Another groan as the antlered skeleton dragged his hands down his face in frustration, until an idea popped into his head. He was...very worried about Prise, and Rusa knew he was upset with him. If he wouldn't answer Rusa, then Rusa would just have to go to him! So with an affirmative nod, he teleported to the cavern inside the mountain where he knew the hole lay. Well, he may as . The god floated down through the opening, slowing into his descent until he land in a patch of flowers. How pretty! His eye lights flickered around and took in the sights of the pillars, the scenery was new and had him smiling. But he quickly had himself disappear from sight, slipping through the paths of the Ruins. Fortunately for the god, Prise's soul was easy enough to locate, and he followed his senses towards it. Traps and puzzles were easily avoided, making to god chuckle. It took him no time at all to make it through the Ruins, and out into the snowy environment that waited for him outside the doors. How interesting! Snow underground! This was neat! Not wanting to waste time though, Rusa continued his trek to where he could feel his mate was. Rusa needed to find him and apologise. That didn't mean he didn't admire the new environment though! The dog monsters he saw were very cute, and he ended up petting a few of them much to their confusion. One of their necks actually stretched! But as always, Rusa continued to trek on, floating through the underground, getting anxious as he felt himself getting closer. It wasn't until he got to a small town called Snowdin, Prise's town he recalled, that he realised just how mad Prise might be but...Rusa couldn't help it, he needed to make sure his lover was okay! He needed to make it up to him! Maybe he should turn back....? No. Absolutely not. He was so close! Prise was practically in front of him now! Rusa giggled excitedly, floating faster towards the soul that was so familiar. That was, until he landed outside of a cute little house. This must be Prise's house! So, with a firm nod, Rusa let himself shimmer back into sight and lifted a hand to knock firmly on the door. He really, really hoped Prise wouldn't be too made....
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antlered-deity · 7 years
Continued from @kotovinblue Rusa giggled, floating up and plopping in Prise's cake covered lap, not minding the mess a bit. He swiped a finger through some of the cake that was on Prise's cheek, bringing it to his mouth to taste. "Hmmm? What? You assume I just...took...someone's wedding cake? Me? I would never. How do you know I didn't bake this cake myself?" He was obviously lying, but he swiped another finger through the cake, licking the frosting off of it. "It's an unofficial offering"
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antlered-deity · 7 years
Continued from @kotovinblue Rusa pressed his teeth against Prise's once more, humming at the feeling of the other pressed against himself. It really had been a long time since he'd found himself falling for another. He pulled away so he could answer the another, making eye contact with him. "It's has nothing to do with luck." A peck to the teeth, and a giggle. "It has to do with you as a person. You're not lucky, you're you. It's not a random draw, Prise." Another peck. "You just happened to make me fall in love again for the first time in centuries"
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antlered-deity · 7 years
Rusa always did have a thing for tall mortals didn’t he? So it was no surprise to him when h found himself quickly falling for Prise even in the short bursts they had together. He knew he was going to regret this one day, but right now, he deserved to be selfish.
So when they lay in the grass like they always did, Rusa made up his mind. The god turned on his side, eye lights looking up and down the lanky mortal’s skull. It was now or never, yea? With that thought in mind he clambered on top of Prise just like their first meeting, and pressed his teeth to Prise's in a kiss.
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antlered-deity · 7 years
💭 (thought meme)
“oh no he’s hot”
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antlered-deity · 7 years
Immediately Rusa became limp in the other’s grasp as he was lifted, letting himself be carried. A lazy grin crossed his face as he looked up at the skeleton.
“you know pick up lines don’t mean actually picking the person up”
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