#🌲 Sometimes I use big words and I don’t actually know what they mean // about
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pinedipped · 4 months ago
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Name: Mason "Dipper" Pines Age: 22 Height: 5′11 Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Bisexual Occupation: Part-time Mystery Shack Employee/Part-time ghost hunter Zodiac: Virgo sun, Sagittarius moon, Gemini rising Faceclaim: Lorenzo Zurzolo
Dipper has always been intrigued by things out of the ordinary: conspiracy theories, the paranormal, extraterrestrials, anything with a mystery behind it! When he and his twin sister Mabel visited their Grunkle Stan over the summer for the first time at the Mystery Shack, it was no wonder that Dipper grew so attached to the area. The first summer they stayed with Stan on Destiny Isle was life-changing for both of them after Dipper found a mysterious journal that opened up an entire world of adventure. The twins both made some great friends along their journey that summer, and it was a sad goodbye as they went back home to their parents after their birthday. Unfortunately, things back home were pretty bleak compared to Destiny Isle. Their family seemed to be falling apart as their parents decided to divorce soon after, and by their freshman year, the twins were moving to the isle for good. Despite the excitement of returning, this time permanently rather than just for summer, it was still a hard transition as they adjusted to the news of their parents' divorce. A lot had changed.
It was good that Dipper and Mabel already knew people on the isle as they adjusted to high school. Dipper in particular grew closer to Mabel’s best friend Candy, transitioning from casually going to homecoming together to eventually dating each other by the end of their freshman year. It was new and it was exciting — Dipper had always been awkward but he was really growing into himself. By sophomore year, puberty had hit the twin hard and he began to get a lot more attention from others because of it. He was less sweaty, more confident, and the attention was a nice change from what he was used to in the past. Candy wasn’t as fond of this though, and her jealousy was the start of their many relationship problems over the years. The two broke up and got back together more times than anyone else could keep up with, as Dipper continued to reassure her he wasn’t flirting with others despite the attention and that his only focus was on her. His reassurance was never enough for Candy, but he still tried and tried again with their relationship once she cooled off. This continued even after high school, with some other relationships between Candy but nothing that ever seemed to stick. More recently, Candy and Dipper even tried to keep their relationship casual rather than serious, but it still ended the same it always did. It’s been frustrating for Dipper, but it’s obvious he still loves her if he’s willing to keep trying again — maybe he should just do a better job at showing it.
Besides his parents' divorce and ongoing relationship problems, Dipper has focused on other things in his life in the meantime. He's gone to college and majored in Mythology, minoring in history and journalism as well. He didn’t really have big plans for what he was doing after college, more focused on studying and enjoying school and life on the isle than putting pressure on his future, especially as he instead had a different plan in mind if he didn’t come up with a more practical career choice — Dipper planned to start his own ghost hunting series. He already had plenty of experience from his other adventures in Destiny Isle, and he knew it was something he was deeply interested in and would enjoy as a career path! He first started with a YouTube channel, which has slowly gained a following (mostly from Destiny Isle locals), but his goal is to eventually have a ghost-hunting TV show. He’s almost finished with school now and hopes to get the show going soon after.
Has a birthmark on his forehead shaped like the big dipper which is where he got his nickname. Do not call him Mason. Despite the nickname he keeps the birthmark well hidden with either his overgrown hair or a hat
Besides his interest in his ghost-hunting series, he’s also interested in journaling his experiences. This all really began when he discovered the journals that first summer on the isle. Publishing his writing is another possible career option for him if his future in television doesn’t work out.
He still helps Soos at the Mystery Shack part-time for extra cash
When he first came to Destiny Isle, it was clearly obvious he was head over heels for Wendy. Thankfully, that eventually faded as there was the obvious age gap between them and he grew closer to Candy instead
Despite growing out of his awkward phase and growing far more attractive as he’s aged, Dipper is still pretty insecure and isn’t always good at hiding it. His on and off again relationship with Candy doesn’t help his insecurities and trust issues either
He’s often found helping Mabel with her own school stuff in his free time, especially getting wrapped in helping with the arts and crafts that she has to prepare for her students. It’s no surprise if he randomly finds glitter on his clothing
No matter how different he and his twin may seem, he is very close to Mabel and also extremely protective of her. If anyone is mean to her even once they’re on his shit list likely forever
He hates being wrong or being unable to find an explanation for something. He will hyper fixate until he gets an explainable answer no matter how minuscule the topic 
Ambidextrous but favors his right-hand
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bonesandthebees · 1 year ago
I also got Priory of the Orange Tree!!! I’m currently reading a the new hunger games book (or I would be if school wasn’t killing me, I was enjoying reading that damnit). But that one is next on my TBR. Also, the same day I got it, I got like 2 other books from friends + the book I had on my to read on the train, so I was just walking around Brussels with 4 books like a champ (I really need to spot buying books now). (Also, on of the books was Fairy tale by Stephen King, so as you can imagine, my bag was very heavy.)
Anyway, yeah I don’t know what it is about the Dutch accent that makes it sound so goofy. It’s the intonation pattern or maybe the hard g’s Idk. The accent very much stands out among our Flemish Dutch and all those accents. Another big difference it that Flemish Dutch has a lot more loaned words especially from French. Like in the Nederlands they say jam (which I guess is the same as in English) but we use confituur like the French word. But then there’s also Belgian French which is different from French French. Like we say pistole in both Dutch and French and it’s a round type of bread. But if you use that word in France, it very much means the same as pistole aka the gun. Languages are so much fun.
Anyway, I need to go to sleep cuz I’m dead tired, but I will think on the Dutch songs, because there’s so many to chose from. Do I take the classics? The famous ones? Or just the ones I like? Which genre? Which artists? Oh the options. (I can also do French songs btw, cuz we have some very famous French singers no matter how many times France tried to claim them).
oh my god you were carrying around 4 books including a stephen king book and priory??? both of those are huge your arms must've been so sore
aaaaa so happy you have that though!! very excited to hear your thoughts spruce :D also the new hunger games book was so good too. funnily enough it was the book I read right after I read priory. hope you enjoy it!!
yeah I definitely think it's how much harsher the Dutch accent is compared to the softer Flemish Dutch accent. also I've heard that Belgian French (Wallonian French I guess? do you guys call it that or just Belgian French?) has a few differences from French French. I also heard you guys actually have a normal number counting system? so like instead of France French's '68, 69, 60-10, 60-11, 60-12' to the amazing '4-20' for 80, you guys just have like. normal numbers. my Belgian friend told me that once and I think it makes so much more sense
well usually with music my taste is a bit all over the place but for the most part I'm very into indie rock, a bit of alt rock, sometimes indie pop, and a bit of folk. but then also one of my favorite songs is an 80s synth pop and I also have a playlist for heavy metal so my taste varies lol
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