#🌙Verse: Tinylander
midnight-mama · 1 year
While I'm rambling on, I wanted to go on about how Alya(My idiot Oc) and Butcher would deal with a child version of Homelander. That's random asf I know, but I literally am on a plane without my emotional support animal and human.
I've been dying to write Alya and Butcher again, but my brain hasn't been musing for either until now. So....yeah, imagine this with me, okay? Somehow, some way, Homelander's crazy ass gets bapped back into a Baby(Not literally. He's like 10 years old). He has no memory of what he's done and what he grows up to be like. All he knows is the trauma from being in the lab.
Butcher starts out with a "Fuck Dem Kids" point of view on it. He really doesn't give a shit if the boy can't remember, he still ruined his life. Even still, he's not handing little John over to Vought. The kid stays with him and The Boys. Honestly, mostly MM and Hughie take care of him. I can't see either of them being mean to this child, even if it's Homelander. Nor do I see them allowing Billy to bully him. No one is fully relaxed around him, though. Like, no one wants to trigger him back to adulthood or the trauma that bottled up in the kid. Butcher will NEVER treat him as will as he treats Ryan. Not even close. At max, he tolerates him and keeps him fed. In return, Tinylander won't trust Billy at all. He won't directly try to hurt him or fight with him. He's just not asking him for anything unless he really needs it. If John does warm up to any of the Boys, He will completely shut down once Billy is in the room.
With Alya....Its quite different. First and foremost, I don't think she would just find him and take care of him on her own accord. Nonono. Someone higher up at Vought just pops up at her Condo and drops him off with a vague explanation. "This is Homelander. Yes, THE Homelander. He responds to John...sometimes. He likes grapes. Bye." Baby girl didn't even get a Hello! Literally, no one at Vought has a reason why SHE had to deal with him. So she gets stuck with a traumatized 10 year old AND her overly energetic 10 year old. It's really not fun for the first few weeks. But Alya does give Tinylander much needed affection and attention. She isn't a Homelander groupie by any means, but she understands that's what the kid needs because that is what she needed when she was handling her own childhood trauma. The fact he would have a friend in Alya's daughter, Luna, also helps a lot.
With Butcher, John is allowed to be....more normal than he was originally. If he had to grow up again, he would definitely not be as batshit insane as he is in Canon. Under the influence of the Boys and Butcher, he would be more put together but still have issues. With Alya, John is allowed to be an actual kid. He gets to play baseball with Luna, watch movies and enjoy his childhood. However, I reckon, That wouldn't last too long. Alya is still connected to Vought and I have no doubt they would just take Tinylander and rid themselves of the woman completely. Sadly, I think here he would be pretty close to Canon in the crazy department. He was abused, allowed to be happy for a short period and then tossed back into the abuse. I think he would have some morals but not much would be retained from what he learned with Alya.
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midnight-mama · 9 months
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🌙Muse: Moon- Main Alya tag
🌙Musing- Headcanon/Goofy muse stuff
🌙Open starter
🌙Photo Gallery
🌙Verse: Vought Ogs- Verse based in main The Boys canon
🌙Verse: Restless Rogue- DND Verse.
🌙Verse: Too Norm- Normie AU. Alya works as a divorce lawyers
🌙Verse: Curtain Call- Actor AU
🌙Verse: Different world same bitch- Marvel/DC crossover AU
🌙Verse: Tinylander- Aged Down Homelander AU/Joke Au
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