moonspower · 1 year
✨ ❝tête-à-tête.❞ 🌙 tromell & vi.
✨ @starvingtongue​ asked ’ you always seem to have a solution for any problem. ’ meme. still accepting! ft. ❝unfolding.❞ by poldoore.
❝Thank you. You know I can be good at being deceitful when I need to get things done, Tromell! Believe you me. Here, I got the perfect thing for this evening.❞ Out of his bag came a round, crystal wine bottle with a metal plaque; inside was a wine made of a flower called Aeon's Tears, native to the manmade gardens of Bevelle. It was created only there too, at the time. Exports to other areas stopped once the Calm started ( for some economic, bullshit reason that wasn't exactly clarified. ) It was marveled by Spirans for its deep, perwinkle color and its taste. Sommeliers called it violet noir, but Virote mostly knew it to be a rosé with a load of lavender notes. An acquired taste for people who weren't exactly alcohol savvy.
Virote was very proud of himself as he slid the bottle closer to Tromell's end of the table with a pointer finger—he was always proud of himself when he could pull one over someone. ❝I used a dress sphere to disguise myself since I have… Well, some temporary issues with the temple in Bevelle. I'm not too wild about this new tech coming out like sphere grids or whatever, but it has usefulness. Let's finish up making dinner and crack this thing open. We haven't spoken in a while, I'd love to catch up. What's life lookin' like for you?❞
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