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survivcrsguilt · 3 years ago
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@unheald​ said:  “   you’re  doing  great ,   okay ??   i mean it .   ” — from Benjamin :3
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Ella’s head rose from where she was brooding over a book Benjamin had given her. It was math and the little girl had never done that before, so she felt like she was completely failing at this. When the world had ended, school had still been in the distant future for her, so everything she knew now had either been taught to her by her family, or she learned it on her own. Luckily she was able to read very well, so she wasn’t entirely stupid - but all of these numbers didn’t really make any sense to her.  “I’m not. I don’t understand anything”, she said with a frustrated sigh, putting her pen down. Naturally she could count; she could add and subtract, but aside from that nothing else seemed relevant. “Can we do another subject now? It’s getting dark outside.” And that meant she would retreat back into the woods, because she hadn’t quite committed to staying inside the walls yet. Being surrounded by other people was nice for a change, but Ella was so used to her own ways by now, that giving up her freedom was hard. Benjamin didn’t push too hard, though, and had accepted the fact that she came and went as she pleased for the time being.
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survivcrsguilt · 3 years ago
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A sigh passed lips, which then formed a small smile when the girl pointed out how she was sat in broad daylight. It was true, she was, but he had an inkling that she had known what he meant with his words. Even if Ella didn’t have an education, being a child of the apocalypse after all, she was still INTELLIGENT, Ben could tell that much.
Smile soon faded however, when the conversation took a turn that he certainly hadn’t been expecting. It wasn’t just what she mentioned her mother did, but the way she went into detail about it… Brows furrowed in concern, and well… He didn’t want to stifle the girl while she was opening up to him, but he also didn’t really want her to keep focused on what must have been an incredibly TRAUMATISING image. The man crouched down so that he was more at Ella’s level, and he was quiet for a long moment — racking his brain for the right words. “ Sometimes… Sometimes I suppose the world gets a bit too much for some people… ” He murmured. “ But I am SO SORRY, Ella. ”
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Ella contemplated Ben’s words, before nodding softly. “I guess the world is a bit much at times”, she agreed, because it was more than obvious that planet earth had seen better times. Her mother had never been well, she remembered, but the circumstances of the outbreak had made things a lot worse. Some people were born survivors and others were just not. Luckily Ella didn’t think she had inherited her mother’s weakness, because against all odds, she was the only one of her family left alive at this point. Unless a miracle had happened and one of her brothers had actually survived, but she highly doubted that. They would have found her by now, wouldn’t they? No, she had absolutely no one left and there was no sense in hoping.  “Did you have siblings in the world before?”, she asked Ben, looking over at her teacher. She had grown quite fond of him, because he taught her things and was generally kind. Granted, he worried too much, but aside from that he was pretty cool.
@survivcrsguilt said : 23 ( for Benjamin )
spotify wrapped has arrived. send me a number from 1-100 for a starter based on that song, or a lyric from it, or send a 🎁 for me to shuffle.
Highly Emotional People — MARINA
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“ You don’t need to hide. ” Words were SOFT, quietly spoken. He’d grown to care about the girl, and any time she retreated back from The Kingdom and into the woods, he worried. But on top of that, despite the fact that they’d been meeting for little school lessons, Ben didn’t really know a thing about Ella. She hadn’t spoken much at all about what she’d been through, but of course he knew it likely wasn’t good. This world was full of pain and SUFFERING, but he just wanted her to know that she didn’t have to deal with everything on her own.
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survivcrsguilt · 3 years ago
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When she’d heard the telltale sounds of someone behind her, Sophia hadn’t known who she’d been expecting, but it certainly hadn’t been someone younger than her to say the least. Honestly, for a moment or two when she stood looking back at the other girl, she couldn’t help but FLASHBACK to the time when she’d been younger. She’d been much more fearful when she’d been lost in the woods than this girl seemed. Clearly the other girl must have learned how to defend herself, SURVIVE.
But then she made that comment about groups from Sophia’s settlement, she’d been WATCHING them? While she was just a kid, and Sophia didn’t really know how much of a threat she could be — she didn’t know anything about her, after everything they’d been through, Sophia knew now that you couldn’t be TOO careful.
“ You’ve been watching us? ” She questioned, turning now to face the other girl fully. “ WHY? ”
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It was a strange question to ask her WHY she watched the people that came into the woods, because what else was Ella supposed to do? Life out here was rough and she had to be mindful of who trudged along in the area she called home. “Why not? You’d watch me if I walked around in your settlement without your invitation”, she pointed out with a shrug. At 12 years old, Ella didn’t really pose a threat to anyone, but the adults could be potentially dangerous for her. That’s why she never talked to them and stayed invisible, but given the other girl was much younger than most, Ella felt the need to extend some sort of courtsey towards her.
“There’s a lot of walkers down that way, wouldn’t go there”, she said, nodding down the path Sophia was on. “They killed a horse and it attracted a bunch of others so there’s a party going on there. Which means the rest of the area is rather save at the moment, so that’s a win.” Ella carefully drew a bit closer and realized how nice it was to actually TALK to someone. It had been...a long time since she last spoke to her brothers. Last year, as far as she knew, or maybe longer? Ella had lost track of time, because it didn’t really matter anyway. SHE didn’t matter to anyone, because they were all dead. “Well, anyway. Have a good day. Just wanted to let you know that this path is the worst possible choice at the moment. Pity if you got eaten.”
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She wasn’t a kid anymore. And she wasn’t that SCARED LITTLE GIRL she used to be either. Ever since that time she’d ended up chased from the highway by walkers, to end up lost — Sophia had wanted to change. Throughout the years she’d watched her mom change, become STRONGER, and she’d followed her lead, never wanting to be HELPLESS anymore. Sophia also didn’t like being cooped up all that much either, didn’t like to be crowded, liked some time to herself too.
That’s why she was outside Alexandria now, disappearing off into the tree-line, backpack containing water and a bit of food, her knife at her hip should she need it. But she heard the crunch of leaves underfoot behind her, head turned to look over her shoulder. “ Are you following me? ”
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survivcrsguilt · 3 years ago
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Ella’s head lifted as she heard the soft words behind her, hands furiously wiping at her face so he would not see her tears, because she didn’t cry in front of people, ever. Her mother had cried all the time and Ella had HATED it, because nothing would made her stop, so she kept her own tears at a minimum. But she had made the mistake of falling asleep under one of the trees in the sun and was startled awake by a nightmare. Hadn’t even heard Benjamin approach. “I’m not hiding. I’m sitting in broad daylight”, she pointed out matter-of-factly, shrugging with one shoulder. Even at 12 years old she understood that he meant something else, something deeper, but she wasn’t used to sharing her life anymore. It had been far too long since someone cared. So she just sat in silence for a long moment, eyes lifted upwards to look at the crown of the tree. “It’s a nice tree. Do you think they hanged witches here? My mother hanged herself in a tree like this. You would think humans are too heavy to sway in the wind, but they’re not. I’ve read about Salem once and after that thought my mother must have been a witch for a long time, but now I think she had depressions.”
@survivcrsguilt said : 23 ( for Benjamin )
spotify wrapped has arrived. send me a number from 1-100 for a starter based on that song, or a lyric from it, or send a 🎁 for me to shuffle.
Highly Emotional People — MARINA
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“ You don’t need to hide. ” Words were SOFT, quietly spoken. He’d grown to care about the girl, and any time she retreated back from The Kingdom and into the woods, he worried. But on top of that, despite the fact that they’d been meeting for little school lessons, Ben didn’t really know a thing about Ella. She hadn’t spoken much at all about what she’d been through, but of course he knew it likely wasn’t good. This world was full of pain and SUFFERING, but he just wanted her to know that she didn’t have to deal with everything on her own.
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survivcrsguilt · 3 years ago
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People often came into the woods from the settlements, mostly for scouting or on supply runs, but it was rare that someone YOUNG came here alone. The girl was older than Ella herself, but still much younger than most of the adults that she spotted every once in a while. So Ella couldn’t help but be CURIOUS, so against her better judgment, she began to follow the stranger with a little bit of distance.  Being inattentive to where she was walking, Ella’s foot got caught in a root and it snapped, making her stumble into some dried leaves that crunched under her boots much more noisy than she would have wanted. Normally she was really good at being a shadow that traveled the area unbeknownst of those around her, but this happened when she wasn’t on guard. “Maybe”, was the answer she gave the other girl with a little shrug, halting in her steps now that she had been caught. “People usually don’t go into the woods on their own. It’s usually always groups that come from your settlement.”
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She wasn’t a kid anymore. And she wasn’t that SCARED LITTLE GIRL she used to be either. Ever since that time she’d ended up chased from the highway by walkers, to end up lost — Sophia had wanted to change. Throughout the years she’d watched her mom change, become STRONGER, and she’d followed her lead, never wanting to be HELPLESS anymore. Sophia also didn’t like being cooped up all that much either, didn’t like to be crowded, liked some time to herself too.
That’s why she was outside Alexandria now, disappearing off into the tree-line, backpack containing water and a bit of food, her knife at her hip should she need it. But she heard the crunch of leaves underfoot behind her, head turned to look over her shoulder. “ Are you following me? ”
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