#πŸ†ƒπŸ…·πŸ…΄ πŸ…ΆπŸ†πŸ…΄πŸ…°πŸ†ƒ πŸ…ΏπŸ…·πŸ…°πŸ…½πŸ†ƒπŸ…ΎπŸ…Ό πŸ†ƒπŸ…·πŸ…ΈπŸ…΄πŸ…΅ | Verse
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akirathief Β· 1 year ago
@fatexbound hit the HEART
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" ENEMY at seven o'clock. Looks like a tough one. "
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akirathief Β· 1 year ago
Continued from here.
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There really is something very...soft and quiet about enjoying an old game like this with Futaba. A sort of warm comfort, like holding off the winter cold in the presence of a fire place and a mug of hot cocoa, washes over him as he follows along the explanation she gives him. He lives for the moments like this, where things in the outside world feel so distant and he can catch his breath for a moment. Things don't have to always be so dire.
The comment does not go unnoticed. In all honesty, their growing popularity is starting to become a cloud hovering over his head; as exciting as it is to hear people up and down the streets of Tokyo talk about them, the ordeal of being known in this capacity makes it feel as though they have painted a target onto their own backs.
Having that bit of reassurance, though, goes a long way. Akira glances in Futaba's direction, a small smile gracing his expression. "Yeah. Gotta try keeping a low profile, at least. It's a lot harder than it sounds." That's a joke. "But, yeah, I think we'll get through this. After all, we can get through anything if we stick together, especially with a master hacker on our side, right?"
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akirathief Β· 11 months ago
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@ochazos sent:
β€œwith great power comes a great need to take a nap. wake me up later.”
He did not say that | Open
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" Wuh--just like that? On my couch? "
Well, it's not actually his couch, but it is in the attic, and therefore in his room. So. His by technicality. But that does little to wipe the surprised look on Akira's face before he blinks and leans back from the work desk, looking in Yuki-san's direction.
" ...Okay. When do you want me to wake you up? Do you want a blanket at least? "
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akirathief Β· 6 months ago
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@aeipathcy sent:
[ fake ] sender and receiver pretend to be a couple and are forced to kiss each other to blend in [from Reanne; I think this suits them the most, especially considering the kinds of trouble Reanne gets into on a regular basis]
Kisses | Open
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Well, his already fascinating time here in Tokyo has certainly only got more interesting. They're somewhere new--at the very least, new to him, as he doesn't seem to recognize the surrounding area.
What he does recognize, though, is that in the distance there are other Shujin students, all dressed in similar uniforms, and for one reason or another Atkinson-chan seems a little distressed by something. So he plays along at the request, turning around so that the other is obscured from view by his figure instead, and leans in to kiss.
( It's not the first time he's played along with something like this. He doubts it will be his last. )
" ...That good? "
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akirathief Β· 1 year ago
{ Hojo-san​: }
Why him? Why would Yukio invite someone who she thought hated her- or invite anyone at all- to the house? It didn’t match up with how her sister acted, nor did it bode well if their parents changed their minds and came home earlier than expected.
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β€œYou really shouldn’t be here.” A small chuff as she tightens her arms up more. Knowing their mother and father there would be questions for both Akira and the two sisters. They were supposed to be focused on their studies, after all, not friends.
Yumi pauses to let the hidden, serious tone settle in. To try and search the teen’s face for some ulterior motive. Then she’s turning and motioning with her head for Akira to follow.Β β€œBusy’s one way to put it. But what older sister isn’t busy when it comes to her younger siblings and parents. You’ve seen the size of the mansion as well. Maintaining it isn’t the most relaxing of tasks.”
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β€œHow’d you convince her to let you come along? Chamyle’s not usually the agreeable type to people she’s rarely ever talked to before.” Once she was in the kitchen, Yumi set about making some snacks. An obligatory task for when they had guests, unexpected or not. Better to do it now then wait to be asked.Β β€œAnything in particular you want to eat or drink?”
There is a lot that he could say in response. The issue is, really, he knows when he should not be somewhere. He is an outcast, a social pariah--someone who others whispered about behind their hands. There are places for someone like him, but those places have to be carved, not found.
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The house, this mansion, is a different topic altogether, of course. He does not live here. He is an outsider invited in, and it is easy to see the issue laying itself out before him. He might be a guest, but he is a bit unwanted by at least one of the occupants. It still has the same result, though:
He wants to stick around all the same.
Nonetheless, Akira stands when Yumi gives him the signal to--a gesture of the head feels familiar to him for a different reason, and the tension in the air is almost enough to send his instincts on edge. Almost. It is funny though, how close this is to an actual, proper heist. In a way, it is one--just not in the same way the more active parts of the process is. β€œ I’m not that picky. If it makes it easier, I’ll just take some water. ”
A hand raises up to fidget with the fringe of his hair. Come up with something, quick. β€œ Guess it’s just my charming personality, ” he jumps to rather quickly. Maybe not the best choice, but a lighthearted joke never hurts anyone. The recovery comes a beat or two later. β€œ Eh... Just figured I could help with studies in some way. Group study sessions have always been helpful for me, so... ”
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akirathief Β· 7 months ago
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@aeipathcy sent:
❝ D-Do you have anything for an upset stomach? ❞ Reanne asked, leaning against the wall to support herself as she held onto her stomach to lessen the pain. Normally, this kind of issue wouldn't have occurred but it seemed like something she ate yesterday was killing her guts right about now. It was probably of her own making considering how she normally carried herself though. She was on the way to the nurse's office but she doubted that they'd have the good kind of stomach medicine. [from the meme]
Misc. | Open
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" Oh! Probably. Hang on a second. "
It's very easy to tell that Atkinson-san is not doing too well right at that moment--and perhaps that is why Akira swings his bag off his shoulder and begins to rifle through it. But it takes a second or two before he decides to set the bag on the floor and he actually looks through it, ignoring the indignant meow that Morgana makes. Eventually, though...
" Yep, still have it. " Akira stands back up, pulls the bag onto his shoulder, and hands over a medicine bottle. " Here. I got this from a doctor near where I'm staying, so it works pretty quick. It might taste terrible, though. "
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akirathief Β· 8 months ago
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@aeipathcy sent:
"I need you," Reanne spoke plainly as she held out her arms toward him for a hug. Of course, as Akira was fine with the act of hugging a friend, she was going to make use of that to help her with her own hug quota. Her eyes shone with an excited, expectant glimmerβ€”one that loudly conveyed the desire to hug a friend she hadn't seen in a while. [from the meme]
Simple Words | Open
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" Pretty straightforward, huh? C'mere. "
And who is he to deny a hug, especially from a good friend? Akira all but swoops in, arms wrapping around Reanne as he practically lifts her an inch off the ground with a gentle swing, a soft laugh playing at his lips before he sets her back down.
" You doing alright? It's been a while. "
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akirathief Β· 8 months ago
Continued from here.
" Alright, candy it is. Just make sure you don't eat all of it before the movie starts, okay? "
Only slightly teasing. He gets a chocolate bar for Yumeno-kun and something else for himself, a bucket of popcorn, and drinks--and only belatedly realizes he might be spoiling the younger just a little bit. But, hey, a little fun never hurt anyone, right?
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It's kind of cute, though, to watch the kid be so enamored with everything around them in the theater. Akira notes the way their eyes light up at the sights around them, and thinks that maybe they really should do more outings like this, things that are fun enough for someone like Yumeno-kun to enjoy. He will have to think of something else, though. One thing at a time--for now he hands over Yumeno's candy and drink.
" You ready to grab our seats? "
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akirathief Β· 1 year ago
{ stranger​: }
What a blank response. It didn’t match his cheery grin, though it didn’t last too long. Soon as this daring teen downed the questionable liquid the regret clearly broke his casual expression. Rin stifled a laughter, letting it snort out of her nose. That’s what he got for chugging it done at once. If Rin were in that same position, she’d have done the same. Once and done, never go for multiple sips.Β 
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β€œWow…tha’ mus’ve tasted nasty if yer chokin’ on it. Got some stray seaweed caught while shootin’ tha’ shit?” Her laughter grew more boisterous, gaining the attention of some strangler’s wandering eyes. Teenagers. Always the same, some thought. Others rolled their eyes before picking up speed towards their departing train.Β 
Once she settled down, and wiped a small tear from her eye, Rin grabbed the cup out of Akira’s hand.Β β€œHmmm…can’t believe ya took all of tha’ down in one go though. Takes some real guts ta swallow somethin’…” A curious sniff was a big mistake. Oh, that’d smelled alright. She preferred the scent of hot, fresh car oil than whatever stank that vendor served up.Β β€œβ€¦like tha’. But hey, I’ve eaten my fair share of horrible foods before.” She gave the cup back and placed the hand on her hip, letting it pop out to the side. β€œWh’ts yer name, kid? Lemme put a name ta th’ face who bravely drank th’ subway concoction.” 
Well, at least it got a laugh. Which, in all honesty, is all he could really ask for. He does not know this person (again, at least he thinks he does not, but the nagging feeling lingers somewhat), but it is nice to see someone smile at his own shenanigans. Kind of makes him wish one of his friends saw him do it, too--they all need a laugh sometimes, especially while things can get so stressful with their extracurricular activities.
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β€œEh, well, it’s not something I’d recommend,” Akira responds, glancing over his shoulder towards the stand as he ignores the looks strangers are giving the two of them. He has gotten used to those sorts of looks. Kind of have to with the situation he is in, but in this case he really does not care about it. He can be a little silly, as a treat.
β€œThey’ve got better stuff, that’s for sure.” What he does not say, though, is that there are definitely better stands altogether. Seaweed juice is definitely not his go to, but he puts himself through the gauntlet for some unholy reason or another. (That reason in the meta sense is stat increases, but he does not have to know that.) β€œBut it’s what they had today, so I just kinda took it. You’re welcome to give it a try, too.” That one is said more as a joke than it is a challenge. Either way, if he can handle it, certainly anyone else can. Right? β€œAnyway, it’s, uh, Kurusu. Akira.”
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akirathief Β· 8 months ago
Continued from here.
He'll have to figure out what to do with the dead bulb later--he could've sworn there was a place nearby he could drop it off, or that Sojiro had told him about it. One thing at a time, though.
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" Yep, exactly. "
Carefully, he takes the new bulb and screws it into place. And it's funny, really, how such a simple, mundane thing makes him think of carefully removing an item from its place while on a HEIST. ( Perhaps he's simply waxing poetic. )
" Oookay, think you can turn on the lights for me? "
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akirathief Β· 10 months ago
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@aeipathcy sent:
β€œΒ  i can tell something’s bothering you.Β  ” [from Reanne]
Softer Prompts | Open
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" I guess you could say that. "
It's almost funny, in a way. At this point he's kinda figured he'd somehow managed to keep an air of being hard to read, but here is someone else able to pick up on his feelings. Arms crossed atop the table, gaze drifting to the side for a moment, fingers tapping out an anxious rhythm against the table. He lets out a heavy sigh.
" ...You know how I'm on probation for a bullshit reason? "
0 notes
akirathief Β· 11 months ago
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@aeipathcy sent:
β€œifΒ  youΒ  can’tΒ  beatΒ  them,Β  dressΒ  betterΒ  thanΒ  them.” [from Reanne]
He did not say that | Open
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There's a snort in response to those words. Something about meeting with people you don't like does always feel like a bit of a chore--but he can't quite turn down the idea of being stylish for it. Not that he has the wardrobe for it during his time in Tokyo, but it's worth a shot.
" Now that's an idea I can get behind. Should I pick me best? Or are you gonna play dress up with me? "
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akirathief Β· 11 months ago
@woodcries started following.
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" Kinda quiet lately. "
Though, truth be told, that tends to be the case in between larger heists, while they are waiting for the results of a changed heart. Things are lingering in the air, an uncertainty hovering over their heads, and it leaves behind thick tension and anxiety that schoolwork can't drive away. He needs something to do--to make sure they all don't go stir crazy.
" Should we head to Mementos soon...? "
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akirathief Β· 11 months ago
@iiguess started following.
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God, what a shitshow. Can't even go two feet without hearing someone whisper behind his back about him. Rumors that range from mundane to outlandish continue to circulate, and there is little he can do about it aside from ignore it. ( And wait. They'll get their chance with the gym teacher. He's sure they will. )
Quietly he readjusts his school bag and feels the by now familiar rustling of Morgana shifting inside. Maybe he should hang back a bit before he braves the rush on the subway...
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akirathief Β· 6 months ago
Oh, well. That's sweet. He almost does not know how to respond to such a compliment, but Akira's smile lights up his face in regardless. Here he was just trying to repay an act of kindness. Well, he supposes that means it went a long way in the end.
"Haha," a hand lifts up to rub at the back of his neck, a bit self conscious but still doing his best to accept the compliment, "I'll look forward to it! I hope the rest of your day goes well and that you find something nice while you're at Jinbōchō." All in all, not a bad interaction at all.
"It's nice to meet you Kurusu." Artair inclines his head with a smile. They were a stop away from his destination now, so he made sure all his things were with him for a moment, before nodding. "Thanks for all the help. I hope you get home safe, and the rest of your day is good. I appreciate the kindness! You're a good kid."
He might as well say his goodbye here, before the subway stopped again. Once it did, moving with the crowd would be his only chance for a smooth departure. He cracks a smile again. "Maybe if we ever happen to ride the same car again, I'll be able to hold a whole conversation with you in Japanese."
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akirathief Β· 3 years ago
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@aeipathcy​ sent:
❝ Akira, I want affection!! ❞ Reanne was nearly tearing up from seeing a friend after so longβ€”it really seemed like forever since she last spoke to him, ❝ please give me a hug. I missed you! ❞ 
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There’s a pause in which Akira stares, a brow raised as if to look incredulously at Atkinson-san.Β  One second, two, and then...
β€œ Aaaah!! C’mere, you! ”
And all of a sudden he’s all smiles, pulling Reanne into a great big hug and lifting her an inch or so off the ground. The genuine grin, the joking tone, all signs pointing to evidence of his next statement after he sets her back down.
β€œ Missed ya too! ”
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