#𝙊. 𝘼𝙍𝙍𝙔𝙉 : study
patriciers · 1 year
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we  welcome  osric  arryn  ,  the  lord  of  the  eyrie  .  keep  an  eye  out  for  their  vacillating  nature  ,  they  tend  to  cover  it  up  by  acting  charismatic  .  rumor  has  it  they  are  neutral  to  the  peace  treaty  ,  and  their  loyalties  lie  with  houses  arryn  and  stark  .  you'll  know  it's  them  when  you  get  flashes  of  a dazzling  smile  that  doesn't  always  reach  one's  eyes  ;  the  soft  ,  coarse  fur  of  a  wolf's  coat  under  one's  fingertips  ;  the  fear  of  fond  memories  of  days  long  past  beginning  to  slip  away  .
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FULL  NAME  osric  arryn  .
ETYMOLOGY  from  the  germanic  elements  os  "  god  "  and  rice  "  rich  ,  powerful  ,  ruler  .  "  also  an  old  arryn  family  name  ,  borne  by  at  least  five  kings  of  mountain  and  vale  before  the  conquest  .
ALSO  KNOWN  AS  os  ,  the  young  falcon  .
TITLES  lord  of  the  eyrie  ,  lord  of  the  vale  .
AGE  twenty - five  ,  born  in  summer  .
GENDER  cis  man  .
PRONOUNS  he / him / his  .
ORIENTATION  bisexual  biromantic  .
MARITAL  STATUS  unwed  ,  unbetrothed  ,  untethered  .
BIRTHPLACE , HOMETOWN , & CURRENT RESIDENCE  the  eyrie  ,  the  vale  of  arryn  ,  the  northern  kingdom  .
TRAITS  vacillating  ,  charismatic  ,  jocose  ,  perspicacious  ,  ambitious  ,  generally  easy - going  .
FACECLAIM  kofi  siriboe  .
HEIGHT  6'2" / 188cm  .
BUILD  tall  and  lanky  .  occasionally  gives  the  impression  that  he’s  really  only  just  grown  into  his  body .
EYES  golden  brown  ,  a  few  shades  darker  than  his  sister's  .
HAIR  black  ,  tight  coils  usually  closely  cropped  to  his  head  .
NOTABLE  CHARACTERISTICS  a  meticulously  groomed  beard  ;  a  wide  ,  captivating  smile  ;  languid  movements  .
SIGNATURE  SCENT  bergamot  ,  cassia  ,  vetiver  .
PARENTS  ruling  lord  lawren  arryn †  and  ruling  lady  karina  arryn †  .
SIBLINGS  lady  mayra  arryn †  ,  ruling  lord  arryn  ,  lord  arryn  ,  princess  sharra  martell  née  arryn  .
EXTENDED  FAMILY  ruling  lady  alicent  arryn  née  royce  ,  lady  mayra  arryn  ,  house  royce  ,  prince  abraxas  martell  ,  house  nymeros  martell  .
PET  nightshade  ,  a  she - wolf  of  varying  shades  of  gray  with  amber  eyes  ,  not  unlike  osric's  own  .
STEED  sabine  ,  a  seal  brown  mare  .  she  was  the  first  horse  that  osric  chose  ,  as  opposed  to  being  a  hand - me - down  from  a  family  member  or  picked  for  him  by  the  master  of  horse  of  the  arryn  household  .  as  such  ,  he’s  very  attached  to  her  .
ALLEGIANCE  house  arryn  ,  always  .  mostly  positive  about  house  stark  ,  though  he  is  mildly  annoyed  with  how  the  king  handled  things  following  the  tourney  in  winterfell  .
the  youngest  of  numerous  siblings  —  a  "  spare's  spare  three  times  over  ,  "  as  he  sometimes  calls  himself  —  osric  was  quite  spoiled  growing  up  .  with  the  freedom  to  do  as  he  pleased  ,  he  became  a  jack  of  all  trades  ,  but  most  importantly  a  master  of  none  —  he  grew  to  be  a  competent  swordsman  ,  but  not  the  best  .  he  did  well  enough in  his  studies  ,  but  no  one  would've  ever  called  him  "  exceptional  .  "  his  instinct  for  politics  was  solid  ,  but  not  great  .  in  the  past  ,  as  his  interests  have  changed  so  rapidly  ,  he  didn’t  mind  being  so  average  at  so  many  things  .  but  as  he  gets  older  ,  he  does  wish  he  had  some  sort  of  niche  like  the  rest  of  his  family  .
being  so  far  down  the  line  of  succession  ,  any  ambition  for  power  osric  has  can  only  be  met  by  marrying a  current  or  future  ruling  liege  , so he's on the lookout .
as  his  character  aesthetics  suggest  ,  osric  was  quite  young  when  his  parents  and  eldest  sister  passed  .  not  much  younger  than  sharra  ,  mind  you  ,  but  young  nonetheless  .  back  in  the  eyrie  ,  he  finds  himself  studying  their  portraits  whenever  he  passes  by  them  ,  as  if  making  sure  not  to  forget  what  they  look  like  .
hates  being  serious  ,  to  the  point  where  it  can  be  a  problem  .  he’s  learning  to  vocalize  his  negative  emotions  and  not  bottle  them  up  so  much  , but it's a process .
such  a  horse  girl  tbh  !!  as  previously  stated  ,  he  adores  his  main  mount  ,  sabine  ,  and  spends  a  lot  of  time  pampering  her  .
continues to try new things not because of a lack of responsibility , but to attempt finding his place in the world .
all wcs can be found here !
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patriciers · 1 year
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belthasar returns to winterfell with the northern royal family , resuming his regular activities as lord commander and member of the small council . there , he keeps correspondence with his late wife’s family , helping jory write letters to them as well . he briefly returns to goldgrass , hearing lord jordan had taken ill . though grateful for the opportunity to see more of his mother , younger sibling , and nephew lord kieran bolton ( whose appearance at goldgrass manages to surprise him ) , he takes his leave back to winterfell the moment the old man seems to be doing better , tired of butting heads with his older siblings from the moment he passes through goldgrass’ humble gates . closer to the tournament , he also attends the wedding of northern master of ships cailin mallister and lady helaena mallister née florent , both as a guest and leader of the stark’s entourage .
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comforted by familiar surroundings upon his return to the vale , osric relaxes almost instantly , just as he did after king’s landing . at the eyrie , he adjusts to officially being a man grown , now that he is no longer the latest addition to the family after more than a quarter of a century . he keeps his needling to a minimum when it comes to his brothers , and dotes on his new niece whenever permitted to , trying to be the best uncle ( and younger brother ) he can possibly be . he also begins a fling with lady aaliyah mormont while they’re at the eyrie congruently . later , his eldest brother lord rodrik arryn sends him on a tour of the vale in his stead , an assignment that , while definitely appropriate for osric , is still a new layer of responsibility he has never had before . he begins his tour by departing with ser tharon to see the rest of clan redsmith , and continues on from there . notably also visits house baelish , house donniger , and house royce ; taking extra time with the royces to keep his best friend andar royce company . he even departs for highgarden from runestone .
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aside from watching maika grow , keeping up with her friends and allies , and briefly hosting lady guinevere lannister , a not - so - insignificant amount of serena’s free time is spent in the glass gardens of karhold , retraining a miniature maple she brought from the south ( and passed down to her from her late lady mother ) . her overall content mood spoils , however , when she receives a raven from her nephew , lord yeongjun serrett , that he has been arranged to be married , despite knowing he and his father had an agreement stating otherwise . for the first time ever , perhaps , she doesn’t view joji as someone who had hung the stars in the sky , but as simply a man — and one who’s gone back on his word , no less . when the invitation to the tournament arrives , the thought of not attending crosses her mind, what with the prospect of traveling with an infant , and having already declined an invitation to a wedding in winterfell , but a number of factors influence her , and in the end , she agrees to attend .
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overwhelmed  by  the  oppressive  atmosphere  in  dorne  ,  tobias  packs  the  few  belongings  he  brought  himself  to  be  transported  back  to  evenfall  hall  before  slipping  out  the  gates  of sunspear without  a  word  to  anyone  .  he  negotiates  his  way  onto  the  first  vessel  he  can  find  ,  promising  to  help  the  crew  in  whatever  way  he  can  for  the  duration  of  their  voyage  to  earn  his  keep  .  upon  his  arrival  in  lys  ,  he  treks  between  the  free  cities  ,  accumulating  coin  by  picking  up  mercenary  work  ,  gaining  infamy  ,  and  truly  living  up  to  his  old  moniker  of  "  the  butcher  knight  .  "  but  the  toll  of  work  as  a  sellsword  gets  to  him  ,  and  for  a  moment  he  considers  settling  in  lhazar  ,  living  out  the  rest  of  his  days  as  a  shepherd  .  but  ,  as  always  ,  homesickness  creeps  up  on  him  ,  and  he  ventures  to  the  nearest  port  ,  where  he  boards  a  ship  bound  for  (  regrettably  )  king's  landing  ;  though  tobias  heads  directly  toward  evenfall  hall  the  moment  the  ship  makes  landfall  .  there  ,  he  finds  the  castle  empty  ,  and  learns  just  how  much  he's  missed  in  a  mere  six  moons  .  after  a  few  days'  rest  on  tarth  ,  tobias  journeys  to  the  reach  ,  arriving  just  after  the  eventful  second  day  of jousting with  a  heavier  guilt  on  his  shoulders  than  ever  before  .
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patriciers · 2 years
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OSRIC  ARRYN  ,  lord  of  the  vale  .
location  :  the  eyrie  ,  various  other  places  around  the  vale  of  arryn  . the  youngest  lord  of  the  eyrie  could  not  have  returned  to  the  vale  fast  enough  .  he  kept  correspondence  with  some  of  the  friends  he  made  in  the  southern  capital  ,  and  though  hearing  the  stories  of  their  daily  activities  made  him  itch  to  travel  ,  he  kept  any  adventures  short  and  within  the  limits  of  the  vale  .  instead  ,  most  of  his  time  was  spent  with  family  ,  current  and  upcoming  .  with  rodrik  married  ,  and  kadeem  and  sharra  both  betrothed  ,  attention  could  now  fall  squarely  on  finding  osric  a  match  ,  which  ,  given  his  ambitions  ,  he  was  not  at  all  pleased  with  (  and  displeased  he  remains  )  .  he  is  ,  however  ,  the  most  excited  about  the  prospect  of  another  arryn  in  the  household  ,  if  only  to  finally  no  longer  be  the  baby  of  the  family  .
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SERENA  KARSTARK  ,  ruling  lady  of  karhold  .
location  :  karhold  ,  pyke  . following  their  release  from  the  red  keep  ,  serena  returned  north  ,  rather  than  taking  a  detour  through  the  westerlands  as  she  had  once  planned  .  by  the  time  the  karstarks  reached  karhold  ,  she  had  recovered  from  her  illness  ,  and  felt  well  enough  to  join  rickard  and  alys  in  pyke  weeks  later  .  in  her  final  days  on  the  iron  islands  ,  however  ,  something  seemed  different  ,  and  upon  her  return  home  ,  a  visit  with  the  maester  confirmed  her  suspicions  —  she  was  with  child  .  the  novelty  of  the  news  had  yet  to  wear  off  even  as  she  stepped  through  the  gates  of  winterfell  ,  and  though  she  was  (  and  currently  is  )  happy  ,  overjoyed  even  ,  she  has  been  uncharacteristically  reticent  about  it  ,  having  only  made  the  announcement  to  a  handful  of  people  .  she  plans  to  keep  it  that  way  while  she  still  isn’t  showing  .
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TOBIAS  TARTH  ,  knight  &  lord  of  evenfall  hall  .
location  :  evenfall  hall  ,  the  summer  isles  ,  dorne  . tobias  left  king’s  landing  steely  as  ever  ,  but  internally  he  was  beyond  relieved  .  if  he  had  any  plans  to  return  to  the  southern  capital  before  ,  he  certainly  didn't  after  everything  that  transpired  there  ;  if  he  never  went  back  ,  that  would  still  be  too  soon  .  he  stayed  at  evenfall  hall  for  a  while  ,  to  spend  quality  time  with  his  family  for  the  first  time  in  a  few  years  .  there  ,  he  spoke  with  his  eldest  sister  and  floated  the  idea  of  breaking  his  long - time  betrothal  .  she  declined  ,  citing  the  importance  of  expanding  house  tarth’s  network  of  alliances  beyond  the  baratheons  (  there  was  no  talk  of  the  targaryens  ,  given  that  bridge  had  been  throughly  torched  )  ,  and  in  fact  encouraged  him  to  stop  running  away  from  the  arrangement  .  instead  of  heeding  her  advice  ,  the  knight  resumed  his  duties  as  a  sworn  shield  and  reunited  with  aravis  during  her  travels  ,  journeying  north  with  her  when  the  summons  arrived  .
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patriciers · 1 year
i decided to compile these into one post , so under the cut you can find a compilation of all the questions asked of my muses for this meme weekend !
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16. which one of your biggest flaws do you like to rationalize the most ?
his stubbornness ( or tenacity , to put it more politely ) . belthasar tends to attribute it to his ambition , which , among other things , earned him his place on the northern small council . it’s easy to gloss over all the negatives of his stubborn nature when it seems to have brought him so much success , made him more than he ever could have been otherwise .
23. what is the most interesting white lie you’ve ever told ?
that king tylon was like a father figure to him . in reality , his relationship to tylon is even simpler : bel was a subject , and tylon his king . if anyone were to be considered a parental figure to him , it would be the previous liege commander ; at first seeing him as something of a charity case , then personally took him under their wing .
28. how do you deal when you know someone’s not willing to give you what you want ?
depends on the person . he’s willing to back down for a little while , but he’ll be back making demands soon enough , until they relent ( see : the question about his biggest flaw ) .
59. what is your favorite form of self - destruction ?
not necessarily a favorite , so much as just being what he tends to do , but alienating and othering himself ; being so uninviting that others maintain their distance . he’s also been known for getting too far into his cups .
73.  how  far  are  you  willing  to  go  to  maintain  a  relationship  ,  even  an  unhealthy  one  ?
if it’s part of his plans , there’s no limit . in general , though ? as far as he needs to , so long as he doesn’t feel he’s been wronged by the other person . then he’ll just cut them off .
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10. how often do you put on a happy face when you’re really not feeling it ?
not too often , as osric is a naturally jovial guy , and likes being perceived as such . recently , though , he’s been faking it more frequently , as he usually does when faced with adversity or negativity .
15. how often do you admit you were wrong ?
rarely , unless under duress . if it’s something serious , he’ll come around and admit to seeing the error of his ways — eventually .
33. have you stopped trying to control things yet ?
absolutely not . he’s coming up with a backup plan to his backup plan’s backup plan as we speak .
52. what’s  the  worst  habit  you  have  that  rewards  you  the  most  ?
his tendency to bluff , bluster , and talk himself up . it turns out that way other people will believe you’re confident , even if you aren’t feeling that way at the time .
85. which insecurity would shock people if they knew about it ?
that he doesn’t excel at anything . each of his siblings seems to have something they’re good at , some kind of calling , except for osric . “ jack of all trades , master of none , ” while accurate to describe the lord , is a bit of a sore point for him .
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11. when do you think you began putting your guard up so much ?
it’s been a while . in a way , it’s ingrained in her ; likely one of the first lessons she intuited from her parents to survive court .
17. is it your fear of commitment or your fear of intimacy that makes you shut down more ?
commitment . she accepted early on that there were a few things in her life that would be inevitable , but serena has always preferred keeping her options open when she can .
27. how do you deal when you know you’re being irrationally jealous ?
she’ll keep it bottled up and let it marinate , maybe be a bit more irritable and passive - aggressive than usual — especially if the focus of her jealousy is another person . very rarely , serena might vent to someone she trusts , but even then , she likely wouldn’t tell them the whole story because she doesn’t want to be a burden .
34. which  parts  of  yourself  do  you  still  seek  validation  for  ?
every part of herself . she especially wants to know that she means something to other people , that she doesn’t slip from their mind the second they look away from her .
38. are you okay with not knowing what happens next ?
not at all lol . if she could have one superpower , it’d be the ability to see into the future .
48. when do you give yourself permission to lose control ?
she has to trust someone wholeheartedly , and very few people fit that category . even if that weren’t a factor , it’s not something she does with ease .
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patriciers · 1 year
the  dornish  small  council  calls  ...  osric  arryn  .
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though  he  saunters  into  the  room  as  he  always  does  ,  confident  in  his  innocence  ,  there  is  still  something  different  about  the  youngest  lord  of  the  eyrie  and  his  demeanor  .  he  offers  an  exaggerated  bow  to  the  group  in  front  of  him  before  taking  his  seat  ,  slouched  only  slightly  .
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when  did  you  arrive  in  sunspear  ?
“  a  few  weeks  ago  ,  a  bit  after  the  rest  of  house  arryn  .  i  was  away  from  the  eyrie  when  the  invitation  arrived  .  ”  he  scans  the  faces  before  him  ,  trying  to  recall  which  of  them  are  of  house  martell  ,  and  which  members  of  the  family  they  are  —  people  he  supposes  are  now  an  extension  of  his  own  kin  .
what  were  you  doing  the  day  of  the  wedding  ?
his  brows  knit  together  ,  already  incredulous  of  the  master  of  laws’  line  of  questioning  ,  “  i  went  to  check  in  with  my  sister  ,  "  as  he  had  become  want  to  do  following  the  first  abduction  attempt  ,  “  since  i  had  some  time  to  spare  before  i  needed  to  get  ready  ,  i  made  a  stop  at  the  training  grounds  .  ”
did you  leave  the  festivities  at  any  point  during  the  ceremony   or  reception  ?  where  did  you  go  ?  did  you  return  ?
he  shakes  his  head  ,  “  i  had  a  lot  of  people  to  greet  ,  and  if  i  left  ,  i  wouldn’t  have  been  able  to  see  them  all  .  ”
did  you  see  anyone  leave  ?
“  no  one  of  note  .  ”  in  the  sense  that  no  one  he  saw  leave  the  courtyard  looked  suspicious  ,  rather  than  that  anyone  ‘  important  ’  may  or  may  not  have  been  among  those  he  happened  to  see  ,  “  again  —  i  had  to  make  the  rounds  ,  i  wasn’t  paying  much  attention  to  everyone  else’s  movements  .  ”
what  were  you  doing  when  the  fire  began  ?  what  did  you  do  in  response  ?
“  i  was  with  my  friend  andar  at  the  dessert  table  .  eating  desserts  .  ”  frustration  with  the  inane  questions  mounting  ,  he  releases  a  long  breath  through  his  nose  before  he  continues  .  “  we  helped  where  we  could  .  ”
where  do  you  think  the  fire  started  ?  do  you  have  any  ideas  on who  might  have  started  it  or  how  they  might  have  gotten  in ?
“  i  don’t  know  .  ”  he  just  barely  chokes  back  a  laugh  ,  one  out  of  shock  as  opposed  to  amusement  .  if  this  was  a  question  being  asked  of  everyone  ,  did  the  small  council  even  know  anything  ?  “  if  i  knew  anything  like  that  ,  i  would’ve  mentioned  it  as  soon  as  possible  .  ”
do  you  know  any  of  the  victims  of  the  fire  personally  ?  do you  suspect  any  foul  play  ?  would  anyone  wish  to  see  them harmed  ?
“  i  do  .  ”  a  long  silence  hangs  in  the  air  ,  as  he  stares  down  the  faces  before  him  for  the  second  time  .  “  and  yes  ,  i  suspect  there’s  foul  play  .  ”
who do  you  think  the  targets  of  the  attacks  and  fires  were  ?  do  you  think  some  were  used  as  a  smokescreen  ?
another  pregnant  pause  ,  “  the  new  dornish  princesses  ,  i  would  presume  .  ”  he  doesn’t  say  more  ,  lest  he  say  something  he  regrets  .
what  were  you  doing  yesterday  morning  ?  did  you  see  or  hear  anything  unusual  throughout  the  day  ?
“  i  went  down  to  the  training  grounds  ,  as  i  have  been  every  morning  .  ”
what  do  you  know  about  the  recent  murder  ?  are  you  aware  of  the  victim  or  who  might  have  desired  them  dead  ?  do  you  think the  victim  is  tied  to  anyone  in  sunspear  ?
“  i’ve  only  heard  rumors  ,  probably  the  same  ones  you’ve  heard  .  otherwise  ,  no  idea  .  ”
are  there  any  houses  of  people  you  suspect  may  have  had  any involvement  in  these  attacks  ?  are  you  suspicious  of  anyone  ?
“  nope  .  ”  he  does  ,  actually  ,  but  osric  is  also  aware  that  he’s  already  toeing  a  line  ;  he  can  almost  guarantee  insinuating  that  dorne  has  anything  to  do  with  it  would  not  bode  well  for  him  .
have  you  seen  or  heard  anything  that  could  be  of  use  to  the  crown  at  this  time  ?
“  no  ,  but  as  i  said  —  if  i  find  anything  out  ,  the  crown  will  be  the  first  to  know  .  ”
do  you  have  anything  else  you’d  like  to  share  ?
“  i’m  off  to  see  princess  sharra  now  ,  if  that’s  allowed  .  ”  he  can’t  help  the  snark  beginning  to  drip  from  his  voice  .
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patriciers · 2 years
meant  to  post  this  a  while  ago  ,  but  the  moment  passed  and  it  was  just  sitting  in  my  drafts  ...  anyway  ,  here’s  what  os  and  serena  and  tobias  were  up  to  alfdkljl
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OSRIC  ARRYN  ,  lord  of  the  vale  .
once  the  roads  cleared  ,  osric  returns  with  the  rest  of  house  arryn  to  the  vale ��,  where  he  attends  the  wedding  of  his  sister  now - princess  sharra  martell  and  good  brother  prince  abraxas  martell  .  rather  than  traveling  with  his  family  to  sunspear  ,  however  ,  he  is  promptly  swept  away  by  his  best  friend  lord  andar  royce  ,  and  the  two  flit  around  the  whole  of  westeros  .  though  part  of  him  is  concerned  for  his  friend  and  his  manner  of  coping  with  feelings  in  the  wake  of  orwyn  royce’s  death  ,  osric  is  all  too  eager  to  partake  in  debauchery  and  mischief  anyway  ,  as  their  trip  coincides  with  his  25th  nameday  .  he  makes  one  significant  stop  in  the  reach  ,  specifically  oldtown  ,  where  goes  to  catch  a  glimpse  of  the  citadel  ,  but  ,  more  importantly  ,  he  drops  by  to  visit  lady  melina  hightower  .  he  arrives  at  sunspear  a  bit  later  than  most  ,  but  still  manages  to  make  it  before  the  wedding  proper  begins  .
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SERENA  KARSTARK  ,  ruling  lady  of  karhold  .
serena  is  in  high  spirits  leaving  winterfell  ,  departing  for  karhold  with  not  only  house  karstark  but  also  her  natal  house  ,  house  serrett  ,  in  tow  .  between  making  preparations  and  playing  host  for  her  family  before  their  return  to  silverhill  ,  much  of  her  leisure  time  is  spent  keeping  correspondence  with  various  friends  ,  both  old  and  new  ,  throughout  the  kingdoms  .
the  arrival  of  a  dornish  wedding  invitation  fills  her  with  much  trepidation  —  she  had  been  content  to  not  leave  karhold  again  for  some  time  ,  and  the  idea  of  traveling  anywhere  in  her  condition  ,  let  alone  to  the  far  side  of  the  continent  ,  is  anything  but  appealing  .  yet  ,  she  decides  to  make  the  journey  anyway  .  upon  her  arrival  in  sunspear  ,  serena  is  exhausted  ,  irritable  ,  and  not  at  all  enthused  —  though  she  tries  to  put  her  best  face  forward  and  feign  her  usual  cheerfulness  .  the  last  thing  she  wants  is  to  be  seen  as  an  ungracious  guest  ,  though  perhaps  she  might  be  afforded  some  leeway  given  she  is  obviously  heavy  with  child  .
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TOBIAS  TARTH  ,  lord  of  evenfall  hall  ,  knight  ,  &  sworn  shield  .
tobias  takes  a  hiatus  from  his  duties  ,  rekindling  the  errant  ways  of  his  youth  (  though  this  time  with  far  more  experience and coin  —  he’s  a  far  better  knight  than  he  was  back  then  )  by  traveling  without  any  destination  in  mind  .  he  also  begins  exchanging  letters  with  one  lady  guinevere  lannister  ,  his  former  charge  .  through  her  ,  the  knight  learns  of  the  royal  wedding  to  take  place  in  dorne  ,  and  while  tobias  considers  forgoing  the  event  altogether  —  not  wanting  to  come  across  the  likes  of  his  eldest  sister  or  his  betrothed  —  he  thinks  better  of  it  knowing  his  current  charge  ,  lady  aravis  baratheon  ,  would  surely  be  in  attendance  .  and  so  ,  his  duty  as  a  sworn  shield  resumes  once  again  .
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patriciers · 2 years
SERENA  KARSTARK  :  lady  of  karhold
aside  from  the  draconidis  ball  ,  it  has  been  some  time  since  lady  serena  has  been  seen  at  a  gathering  in  the  south  .  and  in  spite  of  her  hesitance  to  attend  ,  given  what  happened  last  time  ,  she  is  still  eager  to  be  noticed  .  where  she  was  once  known  for  her  vibrant  dress  (  frequently  peacock  blue  )  ,  ever  since  her  marriage  ,  serena  has  developed  a  more  “  practical  ”  wardrobe  .  yet  for  the  betrothal  ball  in  particular  ,  her  style  of  years  past  seems  to  have  returned  :  she  sports  a  gown  that  is  a  bit  more  muted  in  color  but  no  less  dramatic  ,  with  its  sheer  black  fabric  ,  plunging  neckline  ,  and  golden  sunburst  beadwork  .  her  hair  is  styled  simply  and  with  little  accessory  ,  so  as  to  not  take  too  much  attention  away  from  the  intricate  design  of  her  dress  .  she  also  pays  homage  to  her  maiden  house  ,  this  time  through  a  golden  ring  in  the  shape  of  a  peacock  .
OSRIC  ARRYN  :  lord  of  the  vale
the  youngest  lord  of  the  vale  is  dressed  in  a  sky  blue  shirt  ,  black  jerkin  ,  and  his  finest  boots  .  some  might  say  forgoing  a  doublet  is  a  bit  too  casual  for  an  event  such  as  a  betrothal  ball  ,  especially  for  one  celebrating  a  princess  of  the  southern  kingdom  and  the  ruling  lord  of  the  stormlands  .  but  as  someone  who  swears  allegiance  to  the  northern  kingdom  first  and  foremost  ,  osric  has  little  care  for  the  actual  parties  involved  ,  and  is  more  focused  on  using  the  festivities  to  move  his  own  plans  forward  .  that  ,  and  the  combination  of  a  doublet  and  jerkin  is  ,  in  his  opinion  ,  too  much  for  the  southern  climate  .  if  he  were  back  in  the  vale  of  arryn  ,  perhaps  ,  he  would  change  his  mind  .  his  beard  is  freshly  trimmed  and  meticulous  as  ever  ,  and  he  is  armed  with  his  disarming  smile  in  place  of  an  actual  weapon  .  
TOBIAS  TARTH  :   knight  lord  of  evenfall  hall
not  at  all  enthused  to  be  present  at  a  ball  celebrating  the  betrothal  of  two  family  friends  ,  tobias  is  dressed  in  light  armor  ,  as  if�� to  acknowledge  his  status  as  both  a  nobleman  and  a  knight  .  black  and  silver  in  color,  his  outfit  is  accented  with  the  signature  sapphire  blue  and  dusty  pink  of  house  tarth  .  as  usual  ,  his  hair  is  half-up  ,  half-down  ,  fringe  framing  either  side  of  his  face  .  he  is  also  meant  to  be  presentable  ,  of  course  ,  so  the  placement  of  his  hair  is  much  more  deliberate  than  usual  .  there  is  also  the  addition  of  the  top-half  being  plaited  and  secured  with  ribbon  .  his  sword  is  not  at  his  hip  this  evening  ,  but  with  tensions  so  high  even  before  the  ball  began  ,  he  has  prepared  by  keeping  weapons  hidden  on  his  person  ,  should  the  need  for  being  on  the  attack  or  defensive  ever  arise  .
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patriciers · 2 years
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we  welcome  osric  arryn  to  king’s  landing  ,  the  lord  of  the  vale  &  the  eyrie  .  keep  an  eye  out  for  their  vacillating  nature  ,  they  tend  to  cover  it  up  by  acting  charismatic  .  rumor  has  it  they  are  neutral  to  the  peace  treaty  ,  and  their  loyalties  lie  with  houses  arryn  and  stark  .  you’ll  know  it’s  them  when  you  get  flashes  of  a  dazzling  smile  that  doesn’t  always  reach  one’s  eyes  ;  the  soft  ,  coarse  fur  of  a  wolf’s  coat  under  one’s  fingertips  ;  the  fear  of  fond  memories  of  days  long  past  beginning  to  slip  away  .
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FULL  NAME  osric  arryn
ETYMOLOGY  from  the  germanic  elements  os  “  god  ”  and  rice  “  rich  ,  powerful  ,  ruler  .  ”  it  is  a  name  that  was  borne  by  at  least  five  kings  of  mountain  and  vale  .
NICKNAMES  &  ALIASES  os  ,  ozzy  ,  the  young  falcon  +  others
TITLE  lord  of  the  vale  ,  lord  of  the  eyrie
AGE  twenty - five  ,  born  in  spring  .
GENDER  cis  man
PRONOUNS  he / him
ORIENTATION  bisexual biromantic  ,  no  preference  .
MARITAL  STATUS  unwed  ,  unbetrothed  .
BIRTHPLACE  ,  HOMETOWN  ,  &  CURRENT  RESIDENCE  the  eyrie  ,  the  vale  of  arryn
TRAITS  vacillating  ,  charismatic  ,  jocose  ,  perspicacious  ,  ambitious  ,  generally  easy - going  .
FACECLAIM  kofi  siriboe
HEIGHT  6’2”  /  188cm
EYE COLOR  golden  brown
HAIR  black  ,  tight  coils  cropped  close  to  his  head  .
BUILD  tall  and  lanky  .  has  the  vibe  that  he’s  really  only  just  grown  into  his  body. 
NOTABLE  CHARACTERISTICS  meticulously  groomed  beard  ;  wide  ,  captivating  smile  ;  languid  movements  .
PARENTS  ruling  lord  lawren  arryn †  and  ruling  lady  kaina  arryn †
SIBLINGS  lady  mayra  arryn †  (  older  sister  )  ,  ruling  lord  rodrik  arryn  (  older  brother  )  ,  lord  darnell  arryn  (  older  brother  )  ,  princess  sharra  martell  née  arryn  (  older  sister  )
CHILDREN  none  (  he’s  just  a  kid  >:(  )
EXTENDED  FAMILY  ruling  lady  alicent  arryn  née  royce  (  sister - in - law  )  ,  lady  mayra  arryn  (  niece  )  .
PET  nightshade  ,  a  wolf  of  various  tints  of  gray  .
MOUNT  sabine  ,  a  seal  brown  palfrey  mare  .  she  was  the  first  horse  that  osric  chose  ,  as  opposed  to  being  a  hand - me - down  from  a  family  member  or  picked  for  him  by  the  master  of  horse  at  the  eyrie  .  as  such  ,  he’s  very  attached  to  her  .
ALLEGIANCE  house  arryn  ,  always  .  mostly  positive  about  house  stark  ,  though  he  is  annoyed  with  how  the  king  handled  things  following  the  tourney  in  winterfell  .
the  youngest  of  numerous  siblings  —  a  “  spare’s  spare  three  times  over  ,  ”  as  he  sometimes  calls  himself  —  osric  was  quite  spoiled  growing  up  .  with  the  freedom  to  do  (  mostly  )  as  he  pleased  ,  he  became  a  jack  of  all  trades  ,  but  most  importantly  a  master  of  none  —  he  grew  to  be  a  decent  swordsman  ,  but  not  the  best  .  he  did  well  in  his  studies  ,  but  no  one  would  have  ever  called  him  “  exceptional  .  “  his  instinct  for  politics  was  solid  ,  but  not  great  .  in  the  past  ,  as  his  interests  changed  so  rapidly  ,  he  didn’t  mind  being  so  average  at  so  many  things  ,  but  as  he  gets  older  ,  he  does  wish  he  had  some  sort  of  niche  like  the  rest  of  his  family  .
being  so  far  down  the  line  of  succession    any  ambition  for  power  he  might  possess  can  really  only  be  accomplished  by  a  marriage  to  a  current  or  future  ruling  noble  .
as  his  character  aesthetics  suggest  ,  osric  was  quite  young  when  his  parents  and  eldest  sister  passed  .  not  much  younger  than  sharra  ,  mind  you  ,  but  young  nonetheless  .  back  in  the  eyrie  ,  he  finds  himself  studying  their  portraits  whenever  he  passes  by  them  ,  as  if  making  sure  not  to  forget  what  they  look  like  .
hates  being  serious  ,  to  the  point  where  it  can  be  a  problem  .  but  he’s  learning  to  vocalize  his  negative  emotions  and  not  bottle  them  up  so  much  .
such  a  horse  girl  tbh  !!  as  previously  stated  ,  he  adores  his  main  mount  ,  sabine  ,  and  spends  a  lot  of  time  pampering  her  .
all  wcs  can  be  found  here  !
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