#𝗰𝗹𝗮𝘄𝘀 𝗼𝘂𝘁 | ic
sniktbeer · 3 years
*  OPEN  /  @reshieldedstart​ ––   A WATERING HOLE SOMEWHERE. ​
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It was a common sight, or at least should be. Easiest thing in the world was to walk into a dingy bar at the quiet hours of the night and spot a solitary man at the balcony nursing a pint of the cheapest beer the place had to offer. May be his first or the night, or fourth, even seventh. It made no difference either way. His state of mind stayed the same, all it changed was the bitterness in his tongue. To Logan, the more bitter the better.
If he hears or senses someone approach, he pretends not to. The man stays unmovable all the way, as if hoping that through stillness he’d reach invisibility. God, did he envy Sue Storm sometimes. Alas, he doesn’t reach such a state and whoever had started on their way to him had not stopped. They were very much in his field of vision, invading the comfort of his solitude. Or at least it seemed like they were. For all he knew, they could’ve just felt like taking up the stool next to his for no particular reason. Regardless, he felt strongly about it remaining empty. “Seat’s taken, bub.” Declares the Wolverine in a grumble. “Fuck off.”
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sniktbeer · 3 years
*  CLOSED  /  ANYA CORAZÓN .  [  @spideyrgirl​   ] 
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“  so you throw webs.  “   wolverine deadpans, chewing on the inside of his cheek while wishing he had a cigar to smoke on. nothing personal against her, it was just the way he felt about most social interactions :  he wanted it to be over.  “ is there like, a spider-farm where you all get your arms bitten? i’ve lost track of how many spider-people are swingin’ about. “
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sniktbeer · 3 years
*  CLOSED  /  MILES MORALES .  [  @ofspidvrs  ]​
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ye gotta be kiddin’ me,  the old man thinks to himself while faced with yet another spider-man. different uniform  ( if he cared enough about this stuff, he’d even say this one’s was cooler  ) and built, but a webhead was a webhead at the end of the day. logan is already bracing himself for a new wave of irritation to wash over his not so peaceful shores.  “ which one are ya?  “  asks wolverine, who ironically happened to share his codename with a few people too.  “  spider-man the fifth? how many of you even exist? shouldn’t there be a cap for that?  “
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sniktbeer · 3 years
*  CLOSED  /   EMMA FROST .  [  @psymond​  ] 
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“  yer talkin’  like i should have a lesson plan or somethin’ . “   logan declares too little, too late. words spill from his cursed tongue and his brain catches up to it a second later ;  one second too long.   fuck.   his neutral expression twitches into recognition and dread.  “  i’m not makin’  a lesson plan. i’m teachin’ those kids how to survive. it ain’t gonna work if i write down what they’re supposed to expect week to week.  “  a good justification, but also he just didn’t wanna do it.
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sniktbeer · 3 years
*  CLOSED  /  PETER PARKER .  [  @greatresponsibility​  ]
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logan didn’t  hate  spider-man, but he did hate it when it turned out that he had to fight alongside him. he hated it mostly because, at some point, he would be falling off a high fucking place and get inevitably caught by a string of web that would launch him elsewhere. safely, sure, but the constant flying about was among his most loathed things in the world. on the list, it was directly above webs in his uniform.
panting as he lands on the ground, wolverine growls in disapproval at the webhead. ❝  would it kill ya to let me just fuckin' fall for once, kid? i can land on my goddamn feet!  ❞   protests the mutant, getting up to his feet with the power of his rage.  
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sniktbeer · 3 years
*  CLOSED  /  REMY LABEAU .  [  @thegxmbit​  ]
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something  rare  had happened with logan since the blip had been undone, and it was the fact that he’d been  smiling more.  or at least coming closer to it.  you wouldn’t have caught that ghost of a smile on wolverine’s lips upon seeing  gambit  around, but five years of absence had made sure things had changed.  ❝ took ya long enough to come back around.  ❞  he comments, a hint of teasing to his words.  ❝  thought you wouldn’t have made it back for a second. guess whoever snapped their fingers again didn’t really have standards on who should come back or not. ❞  the teasing is much clearer in his words then.  ❝ want a beer? ❞
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sniktbeer · 3 years
*  CLOSED  /  TONY STARK .  [  @ofhisiron  ]
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logan wasn’t the most  active  of avengers.  he was more the type who would come to the team from time to time when the situation was dire, the back-up muscle they sometimes required. he didn’t really boast of his position in the team, nor tried particularly hard to maintain it. but there was one thing he did like about having that convenient avengers i.d and free access to their headquarters:  the food.
CUT TO :  wolverine in the kitchen, dressed casually in a shirt and sweatpants, enjoying what the cook told him to be a french omelette with extra pepper. he savours the dish, and is having a pretty swell time of it until another avenger walks in.  “ tinhead.  “  logan greets iron man, acknowledging him with a nod. like he’s there everyday. like he hadn’t basically broken in for some grub.
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sniktbeer · 3 years
*  CLOSED  /   HARLEY QUINN .  [  @haharleys​   ] 
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stone faced and smelling like cheap cigars, logan looks over at the woman who’d gotten too  friendly  too quickly for his taste. not a single ounce of emotion is betrayed in his expression, only that of irritation  ––   which he seemed to wear like a second skin.  “ you tryna be funny?  “   questions the wolverine, who was most definitely not laughing. or even smiling. or vaguely amused.  “ yer punchline’s shit.  ”  
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sniktbeer · 3 years
*  CLOSED  /  ELEKTRA NATCHIOS .  [  @execvte​  ]
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❝  did you blip or go off the grid?  ❞   the wolverine asks calmly, tone tranquil enough to make one doubt it was coming from him. there wasn’t so much rage sizzling inside him now ; his condition was more of a dormant ferocity.  it only came out when provoked.  ELEKTRA  could very well be one of the people who did bring it to surface, but she could equally meet him in that peaceful territory. it was the burden of their similarities :  they could always go either way,  and there was little he could do to predict it before it was too late and said blades were meeting adamantium claws.  ❝ i ain’t sayin’ i missed ya, but i did wonder. ❞  
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sniktbeer · 3 years
tag dump. 
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