#𝑾𝑰𝑫𝑢𝑾𝑿𝑹𝑬𝑫𝑨π‘ͺ𝑻𝑬𝑫:// files βž™ in character ( answered asks. )
chernayavd0va Β· 11 months
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@the-innumerable-heroesΒ asked: "well that was a wasted bullet, sorry"
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β§—Β β”Š β”Š β”Š β”Š Natasha ducked when a spray of bullets came there way, taking cover behind a shipping container to reload her clip. The status of her partner's current bullet status made her gaze shoots to her, an incredulous look in her eyes.
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"Not like we're low or anything." ( scratch that...they weren't doing so good after all ) Nat let out a huff, loading her last clip. "Last clip...Better get ready for something insane."
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widoexredacted-moved Β· 11 months
Maybe Steve shouldn't have taken Thor up on his offer of Asgardian alcohol.
The super soldier was unsteady on his feet as he grinned, looking to Natasha.
"No...no I don't think I'll have anymore. I uh....I don't wanna do something stupid and that control I usually keep is getting harder to keep a grasp on."
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πšπ™°π™½π™³π™Ύπ™Ό π™°πš‚π™Ίπš‚ : π™°π™»πš†π™°πšˆπš‚ π™°π™²π™²π™΄π™Ώπšƒπ™Έπ™½π™Ά ! @marvelsmusings
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It wasn't very often she saw STEVE like this, and when she spun around to meet his form coming toward her, she furrowed her brow, before a smile formed on her features.
"I should say so." She commented, noting his UNSTEADINESS and looking toward the PERSONAL ROOMS. "Maybe you should go lay down? I bet it's been a while."
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chernayavd0va Β· 11 months
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@widowschild asked: "Da's gonna kill Alexei. Can I help?"
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β§—Β β”Š β”Š β”Š β”Š Her gaze snapped to her daughter, brow furrowing, her brain filled with questions but she wasn't sure she had the time to ask them before she was going to have to SAVE Alexei.
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"Hold on hold on. Why is he going to kill Alexei? And no...You can't help. Where is your father?"
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chernayavd0va Β· 11 months
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@khakerskayavdova asked: man i remember when i had a whole kit?Β  a whole lock picking kit? that was nice
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"Not gonna lie, kinda miss my old one sometimes too." She looked over to Faina. There was a lot to adjusting to live after defecting. Natasha knew that all too well. "Still...these new ones aren't so bad...Just takes some getting used to."
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chernayavd0va Β· 11 months
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@redheadarcher asked: "it's only a scratch."
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β§—Β β”Š β”Š β”Š β”Š"Well if it's just a scratch, then I'm just your mom." She chided back with a bit of a smile, showing she was obviously being playful, though there was still that little bit of worry in her eyes. She was a mom. That was to be expected.
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"Where did you get this anyways?" She hadn't been out on any missions lately. Looking up at her she had a look showing that she was waiting for a response, but by no means was he upset. She was speaking to HER daughter after all.
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widoexredacted-moved Β· 1 year
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𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑹 π‘ͺ𝑨𝑳𝑳 𝑷𝑹𝑢𝑴𝑷𝑻𝑺 : 𝙰 𝙲 𝙲 𝙴 𝙿 πšƒ 𝙸 𝙽 𝙢 ! @redheadarcher πšŠπšœπš”πšŽπš: sendΒ  🩹  forΒ  anΒ  injuredΒ  /Β  sickΒ  starter .
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These were the moments π™½π™°πšƒπ™°πš‚π™·π™° had been worried about when πš‚π™²π™°πšπ™»π™΄πšƒ started going on missions with them. She knew it would happen 𝑬𝑽𝑬𝑡𝑻𝑼𝑨𝑳𝑳𝒀, but it didn't stop the pang in her chest while she watched her daughter's shoulder get set. The only π‘ͺ𝑢𝑴𝑭𝑢𝑹𝑻 being that that girl's father π™²π™»π™Έπ™½πšƒ had made sure the man who dislocated her shoulder didn't live to see another fight.
" I'm just glad you're alright. " She gave a convincing smile before nodding to the medic before they left. " I'm gonna be sticking back with you, workin 𝑹𝑬π‘ͺ𝑢𝑡 till you're better so I can keep an eye on it. "
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