#𝐯𝐢. 𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝. ⸻ justin maximilian finch fletchley.
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petriichvrs asked: 10 & 20 & 30 for justin finch - flechtley.
are they a nap person? if so, how long are their naps? do they set a 20 minute timer and wake up before it? or set no timer and wake up in the middle of the night?
justin loves a nap, but a nap doesn’t love him because he’s never able to wake up from them. he has to set multiple alarms and will still doze through all of them, until the last one hits … maybe even longer. his naps are more like short sleeps and, for that reason, justin tries to avoid them on days he knows he has somewhere. don’t think that affects his sleep later on though when bedtime rolls around. justin is, fortunately for him, the kind of person who can sleep through anything, anywhere and at anytime, regardless of how much he’s already snuck in throughout the day.
do they like their brownies fudgy or cakey? or not at all, and only want the crusts?
justin is not picky when it comes to sweet treats, let’s start there. he’ll eat burnt brownies, just right brownies, brownie batter even if he isn’t supposed to. there’s really no such thing as a bad brownie.
do they have to see any specialist doctors? if so, do they have a strong bond with their doctor or do they dislike them?
no specialist doctors, no, but i do think he’s become somewhat of a frequent flyer at a non - urgent area of st mungo’s since starting work at gringotts. feeding those pesky dragons is no simple task! for the most part, he’ll try to manage the injuries with his own treatments, but there have been several occasions in which he’s needed a little extra aid, enough that there are at least two healers familiar with him. thankfully, justin is a very personable person, even when in pain, meaning they’re never too upset to see him. if anything, he brightens their day a little. it’s also worth noting that while reassured petrification came with no long - term side effects once healed, justin ( an inexperienced muggleborn ) wasn’t easily convinced and i do think, for a short period at least, he developed a bit of an attachment to madame pomfrey when he started visiting her frequently, just for reassurance. thankfully, the summer holidays came around pretty fast & his adolescent mind soon moved on.
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anonymous asked: centaur & orc & vampire for justin finch-fletchley.
has your muse experienced a physical altercation?
sure has! none that he ever started and it’s very rare for him to be able to finish them as well. justin is a lover, not a fighter, but being a member of dumbledore’s army and a muggleborn during the second war? physical altercations were impossible to avoid. getting out of those physical altercations heavily comes down to luck, with a side order of pure determination. determination to survive, determination to protect or defend, determination to exist.
does your muse tend to be protective?
extremely so. without contradicting my previous answer, if justin were to ever start a physical altercation, it would never be in his own defence. it would be in defence of another. justin is fiercely protective over the people who matter to him. he isn’t likely to ever really stand up for himself. doesn’t see the point. however, he will always stand up for a friend, even if the odds aren’t in his favour. he is very much the shield you from the storm, demand somebody apologise if they shove into you, step in front of a curse kinda friend. he might not be able to offer a lot of protection, but it won’t ever stop him offering what he can.
which of the seven deadly sins relates to your muse?
sloth, for sure. justin isn’t intentionally lazy and i don’t think it’s enough that he shirks his responsibilities. he still works his little dragon feeding job every day, he still does the dishes when it’s his turn. but i do think if he can put something off just a little longer, he will. especially if it meant he could binge watch a beloved show or play pokemon instead. if something seems too difficult or time consuming, he’ll avoid it, which is probably why he’s never been great with his studies or ventured much further into those dreams of becoming a dragonologist. it’s the type of lazy that affects him more than anyone else; a kind of gives up at the first hurdle approach, even if he wouldn’t encourage his friends to do the same. there is definitely some envy in the boy too. it doesn’t overpower him enough that he acts on it and i’d argue it’s more his own personal insecurities that make him do silly things like compare himself to others in a lesser manner, but alas, the jealousy is still there.
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viiktorious asked: 🧱 & 👪 & 🏆 for justin.
how would you describe your muses’ morality? what are their core values?
justin is your typical lawful good character. he follows the rules, he believes in the greater good. he’s built on the belief that the world can be a better place if everybody just held each other in high value. a lot of his core values stem around this, making him loyal, honest, an exceptionally fair team player and above all else, he has strong integrity. he’s less likely to stand up for himself, but highly likely to defend a friend or someone he cares for. it isn’t impossible for him to break rules, proven by joining dumbledore’s army, but it’s usually under only exceptional circumstances in which he believes the necessity outweighs the consequences. in some elements,
is your muse multitalented? what are their hobbies, and why did they pick up these hobbies? if they don’t have hobbies, why don’t they?
justin is not a naturally gifted person in general. he’s clumsy, he’s unorganised. he still accidentally glues his fingers together if trying to do something creative. i don’t think he has a lot of impressive talents so to speak, but he does have a lot of hobbies and he approaches them all with a strong enthusiasm that can often make up for his lack of precision. these hobbies include, but aren’t limited to; video games, skateboarding, watching documentaries, anything pokemon related, equally anything old horror - related / even if it gives him nightmares after, and an odd one to finish, pumpkin - carving. no other art. just pumpkin carving. he does have a strong talent of being able to absorb & pick apart information, however, which helps him greatly in running his true crime podcast.
what is your muse’s relationship with their parents like? was it always this way?
the relationship between justin and his parents is parts complicated, parts simple. ultimately, at the end of it all, justin adores them & they adore their boy. he was an only child and a surprise one at that, which naturally saw him become the apple of their eye. raised by muggles, nobody in their household knew about the wix world until that letter came through. still, discovering their child was a wizard was never the real issue as much as the consequences that quickly came with it. he’s barely at hogwarts two years before he’s petrified; an incident mr & mrs finch - fletchley can’t ever wrap their heads around. that’s when the doubt starts to sink in ( are you quite sure you wouldn’t be happier at your old school, dear? there’s still a place waiting for you at eton when you’re older. ) and in turn, that’s when justin starts to lie. he covers up what he can. opts not to tell his parents about students dying in tournaments or war impending. it isn’t because they’re not close, but rather, fear. he didn’t want to be ripped from this extraordinary world he’d discovered. he also feared the more they knew, the more at risk they’d be. keeping them in the dark seemed kinder. to this day, his parents are still relatively unaware of the horrors they’ve all faced during that second wizarding war. any friends lucky enough to meet them are well - versed in what they can & can’t talk about within earshot. he’s truly convinced it’s better that way and even if someone could change his mind on that, he’s been lying so long now, he doesn’t fully know how to stop without imploding their entire relationship.
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petriichvrs asked: 💸 & 💛 & 💀 for justin.
if your muse had no shortage of money, what would they buy?
this is super interesting because ultimately, justin isn’t someone that’s necessarily struggled with money but neither has he ever had an endless supply of it. the finch - fletchley family in general are well - off thanks to those eton college connections, and as an only child / the apple of his parent’s eyes, it’s safe to say he was spoiled as a young boy. but i do think he was also taught the importance of humble beginnings. that’s the hufflepuff in him. tying all that together, i know if this boy was in charge of big money, he would spend it on silly, little things that made him ( or the people around him ) happy; a giant, human - sized pikachu / a van that looks exactly like the mystery machine / so many concert tickets actually, so many. / covering the bills, probably a little too generously. i think justin is someone that could very easily be taken advantage of if he was rich, and that’s probably another reason his parents didn’t let him be a total trustfund baby. it’s senseless things at the end of it, but things that would bring joy as opposed to anything overly extravagant. i do think he’d also lean heavily towards wanting to use the larger sums for good, such as donating to charity or non - profit organisations. justin would spend his summers occasionally volunteering at fundraisers, even if it was something as simple as minding a tombola stall at a local supermarket, so he’d definitely wanna put cash to good use as well as silly use. it evens it all out!
how empathetic is your muse? how compassionate are they? is this something people expect from them, or are people surprised when they find out how compassionate or empathetic they actually are?
too empathetic. too compassionate. justin is somebody who feels everything. it can be overwhelming & it can certainly be taken advantage of, but it’s not something he’s ever regretted being. when it comes to justin, i lean heavily on the " there’s strength in being soft " quote. being compassion, thoughtful, etc. is something that comes as easy as breathing to justin, but that doesn’t necessarily make him the perfect confidant. i think at times it can unintentionally come across as overbearing; not always knowing when someone isn’t asking for empathy, but rather just asking to be left alone. that’s just who he is though. i imagine it would be more of a surprise to people if he wasn’t offering an ear or a shoulder, or some other limb, for comfort.
has your muse gone through anything traumatic? if so, how has this trauma affected them?
this boy is a whole walking trauma, but he actually manages to hide it superbly! like almost every other child of the second wizarding war, justin went through a lot very young & in a pretty short space of time too. from being petrified in his second year, to going on the run by himself before his 18th birthday, the wix world wasn’t necessarily kind to a muggleborn like him. however, justin is very much a person who … shoves that all down, way down, and simply pretends it didn’t happen. he won’t talk about it, he won’t acknowledge it. it happened & if anyone asks, he’s moved forward. this is not the case and i imagine one day the going is in fact going to get too tough for the tough to get going, but until then? he continues to live in an almost blissful ignorance to his own scars. staying positive would be impossible if he didn’t and positivity is so deeply ingrained in his personality, he would lose a big part of his identity without it. that said, recent events have resolve … faltering. boy is holding it together by the tiniest thread that could really snap at any given moment and then all the trauma he shoved into a closet will tumble everywhere.
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anonymous asked justin: what's the one true crime case you could talk about for hours?
" i know it sounds cliche as hell, but honestly? … jack the ripper. " answer feels stereotypical. unoriginal even, and justin is aware of this, however he can’t lie. " there’s just something so fascinating about the unknown. it’s an unsolved mystery. " and in turn, that made it an odd fascination. morbid even, though maybe that’s why it captivates him so. justin has lived his own share of horrors; petrification, life on the run. the wizarding world had left him fighting for his life and sometimes, he found comfort in telling other people’s stories. maybe because a part of him liked to believe someone would’ve told his had he not managed to make it this far. " there’s so much evidence to unpack. and everyone you speak to has their own theory. we’ll probably never know which one is correct, but i think that’s why it’s so interesting. because it’s unfinished. it’ll always be unfinished. "
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ANONYMOUS SENT : 🦋 & 👨🏫 for justin finch - fletchley.
does your muse have any unconventional interests? what are they?
i don’t know if justin has an unconventional interest, as much as a passion for new experiences. he is somebody always looking to learn a new skill, even if he might be terrible at it. from calligraphy to pottery, if the former hufflepuff sees an advertisement for a local class or activity? ⸻ the chances are, he’s signing himself up and he’ll absolutely be bugging friends to sign up with them. the ones that don’t sign up are often gifted the results, which is why many of his pals have received oddly - shaped vases for their birthdays, or very fancy - handwritten invitations to a simple lunch date. there was even a brief period when justin went through a stage of making video montages of almost every event after watching exactly one online tutorial.
how much does your muse care about image? how would they react if something personal got leaked about them?
he’s pretty casual about his image and appearance in general. there isn’t much people can say about him as a person that would cause a lot of upset, mostly because it probably wouldn’t be anything he hasn’t already heard as a muggleborn who survived the second wizarding war. for someone so soft, justin has surprisingly thick skin and he’s learnt not to take gossip or rumours too personal. however, that doesn’t make him completely bulletproof. while nothing said about his character would be unnerving, anything said about him as a friend? that’s his biggest weakness. justin takes being a good, honest pal very seriously. he tries to do his utmost to be supportive and present, and if that was in any way brought into question or worse, incorrect information leaked that risked a friendship, his reaction would be very different.
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🧀 & 🧜♂️ (justin)
is there something your muse can’t live down, no matter how hard they try? what is it? if not, is there something your muse has said or done that embarrasses them?
i would argue justin does things daily that embarrasses him, from apologising to the table he bumped into, to thinking he can befriend that dragon at work that’s already burnt him at least seven times. boy never learns his lesson. he’s clumsy and doesn’t have a natural way with words. one thing that did happen ( and stick ) was during hogwarts, when he once sat through an entire ghoul studies class he didn’t sign up for, because he didn’t have to courage to admit he’d come to the wrong class, especially when he turned up seven minutes late and made a point of elaborately lying about the reason why. even worse, he also still completed the homework assignment. on a more serious note, i don’t think anyone has ever forgotten about that one time he got petrified, or how he accused harry potter of being the heir of slytherin right before.
is there anyone that isn’t part of your muse’s blood family that they consider family? what is their relationship with that person or those people like?
his friendships from hogwarts, especially the hufflepuffs. justin has a big heart and finds himself very easily attached in general, but the friends he made in hogwarts are connections he holds very dear to his heart. they all went through something not everybody they meet later in life is going to be able to understand and even though it was awful, they went through it together. they’re as good as his family as blood relatives. outside of hogwarts, the people he was on the run with when he couldn’t return to hogwarts are considered family too. they kept him alive.
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ezekiel : 🔴👻🔷️ & justin : 💦😠🤜
what are bigger gestures that are important to your muse?
i’m not convinced ezekiel has ever been in any kind of position to know what big gestures are important to him. he doesn’t necessarily surround himself with people and the people he does allow a fraction of the way in probably aren’t the type of personalities that believe in grand gestures of the positive kind. equally, zeke isn’t doing much to offer them out either. this dude will barely even hold an elevator for you if you ask him to. if anything, he’ll purposely push the close button because he doesn’t owe you shit! there is no real generic answer to this, but there is an answer; real moments that have happened in his life & shaped him as a man, such as an older boy at durmstrang taking him under his wing, or a younger sibling always trusting him above all else / even when he gives them reasons not to. the smile of a beautiful woman named cordelia one summer in the nineties. ezekiel’s interpretation of bigger gestures are specific and personal gestures that came without warning as opposed to something he searches for. they say with him and, through all the indifference that powers him through life, they instill a rare sense of honor in him. a need to return the gesture, be it through never - faltering loyalty or brotherly affection.
recall one or more times your muse has been the most scared or fearful
it isn’t an emotion he feels often. there’s peace to be found in remaining indifferent & there has only been two times fear managed to seep in. both times involved his younger sibling. there are few people who deeply matter to ezekiel burke, but his sibling will always be top of that list. they’re his weak spot; the one person with the ability to remind him what it means to be human. the first time came when they were both younger. there is a considerable age difference ( twelve years ) between ezekiel & liana, and this led to an early - twenties ezekiel taking it upon himself to remove liana from the burke household, bringing her to live with him instead as he didn’t want her growing up in the same environment he did. unfortunately, he wasn’t prepared for the potential danger his choice of career as a hit wizard would put them in & only became aware when somebody he’d upset arranged for liana to be taken as leverage. ezekiel did of course get them back, most likely in the bloodiest way imaginable, but while they were gone? ⸺ not knowing what was happening to them, or if he would find them? zeke felt fear. the second time is perhaps less intense, but still important, and took place during the battle of hogwarts. when it comes to the battle of hogwarts, and the war in general, ezekiel felt very little loyalty towards either side, opting to make both work in his favor. though his appearance at the battle of hogwarts was ordered by the ministry, he didn’t consider himself there in a professional capacity as much as he was there as a brother. liana had grown to become an auror by this time and he knew they’d be fighting, which meant he was fighting too, by their side like always. from the moment liana was born, zeke considered himself their protector. merlin knows no other burke was going to. it is a role he’s taken seriously his entire life & for this reason, his sibling is the only person that can really trigger that momentary flash of panic whenever they’re in harms way.
is your muse good or bad at lying?
he is exceptional at lying; a master in it in fact, and he does so whenever the situation requires. ezekiel could argue a lot of this came from his training as a hit wizard, expert negotiating skills requiring a certain element of bluff, but this trait was built in him long before he picked a career / possibly even from birth. the ability to poker face any situation, and it’s only grown stronger as he’s got older, especially given all the work he’s done ( or covered up ) for a certain minister. i built ezekiel a lot around the song judas by lady gaga & i stand by that. everybody should always assume ezekiel is being dishonest with them. the real surprise would be to learn that he isn’t.
mannerisms that your muse has when they’re shy or nervous
otherwise known as some of his most common mannerisms. justin is first and foremost a chronic rambler when both shy or nervous. his mouth gets away with him, babbling on & on, and on, usually covering three different topics at once as well as completely losing the point he was originally trying to make when he first started speaking. other traits include; fixing his hair / hand rubbing the back of his neck as if there’s a crick in it, when really he’s just uncomfortable / unpredictable laughter, boy giggles at some of the most inappropriate times & he hates it, but it’s not something he’s ever been able to swallow down / unnecessary apologies. when in doubt, say you’re sorry! what are you saying sorry for? he’s never completely sure, but nerves have him thinking he should surely apologise for something.
what is something or someone your muse has ever hated or hates?
is your muse overprotective? in-between? or not protective/concerned enough?
justin is a very protective personality when it comes to other people. when it comes to himself? he rarely stands up to people, but he will always defend a friend, without hesitation & sometimes without any evident self - preservation. justin is the kind of person that will absolutely throw himself in front of a sword for someone he loves. it isn’t necessarily a brave or conscious decision he would make, as much as an immediate reaction, always ready to be their protector. it’s just a shame he can’t see himself worthy of the same hype.
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for justin: 😠, 💥, 😔 !
what is something or someone your muse has ever hated or hates?
it takes a lot ( and i really mean a lot ) for justin to ever use the word hate. if anything, he hates the word hate; it’s so intense & final, the kind of thing he feels you can’t come back from. this stems from both his natural personality, as well as how he’s been made to feel as a muggleborn caught in the second war. hate got him petrified. hate forced him on the run. however, justin is only human and there are exceptions. some are generic, avoidable things, such as movies where an animal is injured or raisins in his pastries, but there is no specific person he feels hatred towards. he just doesn’t have it in him.
is your muse reckless? or too cautious and paranoid?
oh, he’s absolutely both cautious and paranoid, and these two traits can often prevent him from being reckless under normal circumstances. he isn’t likely to consider going skydiving, or take a spontaneous last minute trip with little planning anytime soon, but he is reckless when it matters. the kind of friend that would step in front of an angry dragon to push you out the way. justin’s recklessness comes from acts that require fast action / little thinking, a situation that doesn’t allow him a chance to plant that seed of doubt.
is your muse insecure?
deeply! there is no natural confidence in justin, but he doesn’t necessarily let it show. he’s always been a very happy - go - lucky chap; the kind that goes above & beyond to make his friends feel good about themselves, lift their supports, hype them up. if only he could do the same for himself, but unfortunately, justin is constantly weighed down by self - doubt; this belief that he is a very ordinary boy, living in an extraordinary world, and he isn’t always certain he belongs there.
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justin & @impuriities ( 5'4" ) for height meme !!
height meme. — still accepting.
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⌘ ♡ ⌛ for justin !
do they rather shower or take a bath?
justin is a shower person through & through. they’re faster, more convenient, and where he rehearses his best x factor auditions. the only time he’ll ever really take a bath is if he’s feeling unwell.
are their fingernails dirty or clean? cut/long?
relatively clean, though if it’s after a shift at gringotts, there might be some dragon feed dug underneath because that stuff gets everywhere. thanks to this, he can’t risk being a nail biter, but length is still kept trimmed short.
do they go shopping for clothes often? how long do they usually need?
it isn’t necessarily specific to clothes, but justin is happiest on his day’s off, when he gets a chance to duck into local charity / thrift stores. he can spend hours in there, searching for perfect, little finds that he just doesn’t think you come across in commercial stores. as well as that though, he is in fact a little clothes thief. if you’re his friend or his partner, you can rest assured he’s probably walking around in your hoodies, jackets, shirts, hats, whatever his hands come across. he’s also a very impromptu shopper. if he made plans to go, it would feel like a drag; instead, he just ducks into a shop whenever he feels the urge.
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justin: 19, 21, 23 !
MISC. SMALL DETAILS ASK MEME . . . ( accepting! )

Honestly . . . there isn’t a household chore Justin would ever particularly begrudge doing. Growing up, his parents taught him the importance of cleaning up your own mess. He’s absolutely the kind of housemate that always cleans his bowl after breakfast, always puts his wet towel in the laundry basket, always uses a coaster. Except when it comes to his room. His room is a no - go zone; there’s clothes everywhere, the bed is never made. He cleans more for those around him rather than himself. If he had to, wand - to - his - head, pick a favourite, it would probably be vacuuming . . . which is because it’s usually 20% cleaning / 80% using the vacuum as a dance partner to his ‘doing chores’ playlist.
I would say in most cases, it’s on even footing. Justin has no qualms in handing over his hoodie, but you’ll absolutely also see him wearing your scarves, borrowing your nail polish, wrapping himself up in your sweater. When Justin is in a relationship, as long as the person is comfortable with it, it tends to become two wardrobes for the pair of you . . . and sometimes even when you’re not in a relationship, his friends might notice him doing the same.
He has one of each. Comfort movie is Spirit; Stallion of the Cimarron. Any animated film actually is a clear winner, but that one in particular reminds of freedom, childhood & never giving up, which he often needs. Book is The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgeson Burnett ( and he’s fond of the 1993 film too! ) because his mom read it to him as a child. TV is Friends and sadly, his roommates do hear him clapping along to the theme tune at three in the morning.
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🌋 + 💐 + ✏️ ( for .... justin i think ! )
OC EMOJI ASKS . . . ( not accepting. )

The slowest of boils. ― So slow that it barely exists! Justin is not a naturally angry or aggressive person. He believes in practising good karma & even when you’re at your worst, he’ll try to be at his best to even out the playing field. When he does eventually snap, it’s more a verbal explosion than a volcanic eruption. Justin uses his words to get his frustration across, but this would only happen if someone pushed, and pushed . . . and pushed some more because ultimately? This boy is a soft, gentle soul. Perhaps a little too soft!
The brightest colours available : bold, yellow roses / pink and orange germini / daisies / purple chrysanthemums . . . a bouquet that screams happiness! Not only that, but it would absolutely be a generous portion. The bigger, the better. Justin is the kind of person who buys people flowers just because it’s Tuesday & he was thinking of them.
My whole world is changing / I don't know where to turn / I can't leave you waiting, but I can't stay & watch this city burn. ― From I’ll Try by Jesse McCartney / Peter Pan sequel. I think this song in general reflects Justin’s entire story : from discovering magic, to becoming a near casualty of war, forced to go on the run because he faced arrest or death if caught as a muggleborn. When Justin first discovered he was a wizard, he was blown away by this wondrous new world . . . but that got disillusioned very quickly when he realised he was an open target. He lost his faith & hope, but it’s since come back. Nothing can keep a Hufflepuff down for too long.
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for justin : 🎵 & 🌺
OC EMOJI ASKS . . . ( not accepting. )

A lot of Justin’s character was built around the song I Try by Jesse McCartney / from the Peter Pan sequel and that’s the main song I associate with him, closely followed by : I Wish I was A Punk Rocker by Sandi Thom & One Call Away by Charlie Puth. I feel like those three songs really define Justin and who he is. As for his personal playlist . . . . he has multiple! The main ones focus on three eras : 80s, 90s & 00s. Boy loves his throwbacks. He’s definitely somebody who always ( if his location allows it ) has headphones on & rather than learn the new stuff, he sticks to listening to past favourites on repeat. There are also playlists dependent on mood, such as happy / sad / break - up. Justin loves a good playlist, there is probably one for everything!
Hay fever / pollen. Justin is not fun to be around some days in summer when it’s particularly bad & no solutions are working.
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🥞 & 🌩️ & 🎤 for justin !
OC EMOJI ASKS . . . ( accepting. )

The Muggleborn in him automatically leans towards a McDonald’s breakfast . . . specifically, a Double Sausage Egg McMuffin with golden hash browns and a bottle of Tropicana orange juice. Nothing cures a hangover faster! But, if we were to dig a little deeper, get a little more personal, the dish that brings him the most comfort is one of Mama Finch - Fletchley’s homemade cheese omelettes, just like she used to make whenever he was feeling poorly. It’s simple & a little plain, but always reminds him of home.
Do sparks of giant electricity shooting from the sky sometimes give him nightmares? Absolutely! For all the horrors he saw on the run & during the war ( and he surely did see horrors ) . . . Justin’s fears can still boil down to those human niggles instead, such as lightning or deep waters. It’s a little irrational, given that he’s never really, truly experienced issues with either, but that’s also partly why. Justin’s main fear is, ultimately, a fear of the unknown.
There is no doubt in my mind that Justin is an early - morning shower singer. Sorry, Hande and Ismene! Is he likely to be the next Lorcan d’Eath? No, but he can at least carry a tune. Nine times outta ten, it’s always muggle artists he’s singing as opposed to the Weird Sisters and when it comes to karaoke? He personally believes you can never go wrong with a good, loud version of Mr Brightside by The Killers or The One & Only by Chesney Hawkes.
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