#š©š¬š šœš«šžšš¢š­š¬: gatorgums Ā© pinkinnards / oceanside Ā© stephysource / cotton candy Ā© ariapsds / cherry blossom Ā© eviliesh
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fairywinkel Ā· 7 months ago
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š’‡š’‚š’Šš’“š’šš’˜š’Šš’š’Œš’†š’:Ā  aĀ  private,Ā  highlyĀ  selectiveĀ  andĀ  mutuallyĀ  exclusiveĀ  š’‘š’†š’“š’ŠĀ š’‡š’‚š’Šš’“š’šš’˜š’Šš’š’Œš’š’†Ā  ofĀ  š’•š’‰š’†Ā  š’‡š’‚š’Šš’“š’š’šĀ  š’š’…š’…š’‘š’‚š’“š’†š’š’•š’”.Ā  antiĀ  butchĀ  -Ā  hartman.Ā  strayingĀ  slightlyĀ  fromĀ  originalĀ  sourceĀ  materialĀ  toĀ  putĀ  myĀ  ownĀ  lil spinĀ  onĀ  it.Ā  š°š¢š¬š”šžšĀ  šŸšØš«Ā  byĀ  š©š¢šš šžĀ  (Ā  26,Ā  anyĀ  pronounsĀ  ).Ā  minors + personals dni. pleaseĀ  readĀ  theĀ  rulesĀ  beforeĀ  interacting!Ā  rulesĀ  listĀ  willĀ  beĀ  underĀ  theĀ  cutĀ  forĀ  mobileĀ  users.Ā Ā 
ššĀ  š¬š­š®šš²Ā  š¢š§:Ā  breakingĀ  daĀ  rules,Ā  goingĀ  intoĀ  theĀ  familyĀ  business,Ā  beĀ  carefulĀ  whatĀ  youĀ  wishĀ  for,Ā  foundĀ  family,Ā  neverĀ  wantingĀ  toĀ  growĀ  up,Ā  sittingĀ  atĀ  theĀ  losersĀ  table,Ā  allĀ  forĀ  nothingĀ  atĀ  all,Ā  avoidingĀ  theĀ  glimpseĀ  ofĀ  yourĀ  trueĀ  selfĀ  inĀ  theĀ  mirror,Ā  falseĀ  smilesĀ  thatĀ  hideĀ  darkĀ  secrets,Ā  moreĀ  thanĀ  justĀ  aĀ  job,Ā  youĀ  callĀ  itĀ  crimeĀ  weĀ  callĀ  itĀ  smartĀ  familyĀ  business,Ā  aĀ  softĀ  heartĀ  andĀ  aĀ  sharpĀ  tongue,Ā  thickeningĀ  yourĀ  skinĀ  withĀ  sarcasmĀ  &Ā  more.
惟ā˜… š’ƒš’š’š’ˆš’“š’š’š’ : @playbarbies , @missretros , @itspib , @vhsreel ā˜…å½”
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FOLLOWING.Ā  for my own comfort, this blog is highly selective. i amĀ  mutualsĀ  only.Ā  meaningĀ  iĀ  onlyĀ  writeĀ  andĀ  interactĀ  withĀ  thoseĀ  whoĀ  followĀ  meĀ  andĀ  iĀ  followĀ  back.Ā  iĀ  willĀ  notĀ  follow, interactĀ  norĀ  writeĀ  withĀ  munsĀ  underĀ  21,Ā  thisĀ  isĀ  nothingĀ  againstĀ  youĀ  orĀ  yourĀ  writing!Ā  iĀ  alsoĀ  willĀ  notĀ  followĀ  anyoneĀ  whoĀ  expressesĀ  anyĀ  typeĀ  ofĀ  homophobicĀ  ,Ā  transphobicĀ  ,Ā  racistĀ  ,Ā  writesĀ  themesĀ  pertainingĀ  toĀ  rape,Ā  incest,Ā  pedophilia,Ā  orĀ  justĀ  anyĀ  otherĀ  problematicĀ  &Ā  /Ā  harmfulĀ  behavior.Ā  iĀ  alsoĀ  doĀ  notĀ  followĀ  justĀ  toĀ  followĀ  ,Ā  ifĀ  iĀ  followĀ  youĀ  iā€™veĀ  readĀ  guidelinesĀ  andĀ  characterĀ  profileĀ  ( s )Ā  andĀ  wantĀ  ourĀ  charactersĀ  (andĀ  usĀ  ifĀ  youā€™dĀ  like)Ā  toĀ  interact!Ā  shouldĀ  youĀ  beĀ  onĀ  theĀ  fenceĀ  aboutĀ  interactionĀ  ,Ā  feelĀ  freeĀ  toĀ  sendĀ  aĀ  memeĀ  toĀ  testĀ  theĀ  waters,Ā  orĀ  justĀ  popĀ  onĀ  byĀ  toĀ  plot!.
TRIGGERS. iĀ  willĀ  tagĀ  everyĀ  triggerĀ  asĀ  triggerĀ  /.Ā  forĀ  exampleĀ  :Ā  trypophobiaĀ  /.Ā  iĀ  willĀ  alwaysĀ  readĀ  guidelinesĀ  beforeĀ  interacting,Ā  andĀ  inĀ  doingĀ  soĀ  willĀ  takeĀ  noteĀ  ofĀ  triggersĀ  soĀ  thatĀ  iĀ  canĀ  tagĀ  thingsĀ  appropriately.Ā  Ā Ā iĀ  wantĀ  myĀ  blogĀ  toĀ  beĀ  aĀ  safeĀ  spaceĀ  forĀ  allĀ  ofĀ  myĀ  mutuals.Ā  shouldĀ  aĀ  situationĀ  everĀ  ariseĀ  whereĀ  iĀ  donā€™tĀ  tagĀ  aĀ  neededĀ  trigger,Ā  pleaseĀ  pleaseĀ  pleaseĀ  reachĀ  outĀ  toĀ  meĀ  immediatelyĀ  soĀ  thatĀ  iĀ  canĀ  tagĀ  it.Ā  iĀ  askĀ  thatĀ  youĀ  tagĀ  childĀ  abuseĀ  ,Ā  anyĀ  depictionsĀ  ofĀ  SAĀ  (asĀ  wellĀ  asĀ  flashbacks;Ā  asĀ  aĀ  recentĀ  victimĀ  ofĀ  SAĀ  iĀ  cannotĀ  stressĀ  enoughĀ  Ā  howĀ  importantĀ  itĀ  isĀ  toĀ  meĀ  thatĀ  thisĀ  isĀ  tagged)Ā  excessiveĀ  goreĀ  ,Ā  trypophobiaĀ  andĀ  childĀ  abuse
SHIPPING & PLOTTING.Ā  regarding shipping and plotting - in the words of the wise sharpay evans ā€œi want it all!ā€ platonic, familial, romantic ā€” iā€™m a total simp for shipping and plotting, i will plot with you til the cows come home. plotted ships will get priority over non-plotted ships! however, you are NEVER obligated to a ship, and if youā€™re not feeling it for any reason whatsoever, please donā€™t feel nervous to let me know! there will be no hard feelings, comfort comes first! no smut will be written on this blog.
REPLIES. asĀ  aĀ  wannabeĀ  authorĀ  &Ā  screenwriterĀ  ,Ā  iĀ  amĀ  oneĀ  whoĀ  lovesĀ  toĀ  delveĀ  intoĀ  innerĀ  dialogue,Ā  whoĀ  lovesĀ  toĀ  challengeĀ  myselfĀ  intoĀ  findingĀ  newĀ  waysĀ  toĀ  stringĀ  togetherĀ  descriptorsĀ  &Ā  playĀ  withĀ  expositionĀ  andĀ  emotions.Ā  iĀ  justĀ  getĀ  veryĀ  excitedĀ  andĀ  investedĀ  -Ā  andĀ  thatĀ  tendsĀ  toĀ  showĀ  inĀ  theĀ  lengthĀ  ofĀ  myĀ  replies.Ā  toĀ  memesĀ  ,Ā  startersĀ  ,Ā  plottingĀ  -Ā  theyĀ  canĀ  getĀ  LONG.Ā  youĀ  never Ā haveĀ  toĀ  feelĀ  anyĀ  kindĀ  ofĀ  pressureĀ  toĀ  matchĀ  myĀ  lengthĀ  orĀ  anythingĀ  likeĀ  that.Ā  asĀ  longĀ  asĀ  thereā€™sĀ  somethingĀ  forĀ  meĀ  toĀ  workĀ  withĀ  ,Ā  doĀ  whatĀ  makesĀ  youĀ  happyĀ  andĀ  comfortable!!Ā  thisĀ  isĀ  aĀ  hobbyĀ  andĀ  weā€™reĀ  hereĀ  toĀ  haveĀ  funĀ  ,Ā  doĀ  whatĀ  youĀ  wannaĀ  doĀ  &Ā  itā€™llĀ  beĀ  amazingĀ  iĀ  knowĀ  itĀ  <3 repliesĀ  mayĀ  varyĀ  inĀ  time.Ā  pleaseĀ  takeĀ  noteĀ  thatĀ  myĀ  responseĀ  timeĀ  doesĀ  notĀ  equalĀ  interestĀ  inĀ  threadĀ  orĀ  lackĀ  thereof.Ā  Ā Ā iĀ  loveĀ  everyĀ  threadĀ  ,Ā  memeĀ  ,Ā  andĀ  starterĀ  thatā€™sĀ  sentĀ  myĀ  wayĀ  theĀ  sameĀ  wayĀ  iĀ  loveĀ  chocolateĀ  cake.Ā  memesĀ  areĀ  theĀ  bestĀ  wayĀ  toĀ  interactĀ  withĀ  meĀ  ,Ā  andĀ  ifĀ  youā€™reĀ  wonderingĀ  aboutĀ  turningĀ  anĀ  askĀ  intoĀ  aĀ  threadĀ  ,Ā  myĀ  answerĀ  willĀ  alwaysĀ  beĀ  yesĀ  please!!Ā Ā Ā 
ABOUT THE MUN. heyĀ  howdyĀ  hey!Ā  callĀ  meĀ  pidge. anti butch hartman. anyĀ  pronouns. 26.Ā  ashkenazi-jew.Ā  queer.Ā  autisticĀ  +Ā  adhdĀ  +Ā  dyslexicĀ  +Ā  chronicallyĀ  ill.ā€¦.lions andĀ  tigersĀ  andĀ  bearsĀ  ohĀ  my!Ā  beenĀ  awayĀ  aĀ  hotĀ  minuteĀ  butĀ  iā€™mĀ  veryĀ  muchĀ  lookingĀ  forwardĀ  toĀ  reconnectingĀ  withĀ  munsĀ  asĀ  wellĀ  asĀ  formingĀ  newĀ  friendshipsĀ  too!Ā  iĀ  loveĀ  makingĀ  newĀ  friendsĀ  soĀ  pleaseĀ  feelĀ  freeĀ  toĀ  popĀ  byĀ  andĀ  sayĀ  hi.Ā  donā€™tĀ  beĀ  nervousĀ  ,Ā  iā€™mĀ  likeĀ  aĀ  spiderĀ  ,Ā  moreĀ  scaredĀ  ofĀ  youĀ  thanĀ  youĀ  areĀ  ofĀ  me!
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playbarbies Ā· 10 months ago
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#š’‘š’š’‚š’šš’ƒš’‚š’“š’ƒš’Šš’†š’” : aĀ  Ā  private,Ā Ā  Ā  selectiveĀ  Ā  andĀ  Ā  mutuallyĀ  Ā  exclusiveĀ  Ā  š¦š®š„š­š¢šŸššš§ššØš¦ š¦š®š„š­š¢š¦š®š¬šž.Ā  Ā  featuring muses from š™©š™šš™”š™šš™«š™žš™Øš™žš™¤š™£, š™›š™žš™”š™¢, š™©š™š™šš™–š™©š™§š™š & š™¢š™¤š™§š™š.Ā  Ā  sporadic activity. dream(house)edĀ  Ā  byĀ  Ā  Ā  pidgeĀ  Ā  (Ā Ā Ā²ā¶, any pronounsĀ  Ā )Ā  Ā  pleaseĀ  Ā  readĀ  Ā  theĀ  Ā  docs beforeĀ  Ā  following!Ā Ā 
šš Ė¢įµ—įµ˜įµˆŹø š¢š§: š™œš™§š™¤š™¬š™žš™£š™œ Ā  š™¤š™”š™™š™šš™§ Ā  š™—š™Ŗš™© Ā  š™£š™šš™«š™šš™§ Ā  š™Ŗš™„, Ā  š™™š™§š™šš™–š™¢š™Ø Ā  š™›š™–š™§ Ā  š™©š™¤š™¤ Ā  š™—š™žš™œ Ā  š™›š™¤š™§ Ā  š™– Ā  š™™š™§š™šš™–š™¢-š™š™¤š™Ŗš™Øš™š, Ā  š™Øš™šš™˜š™§š™šš™©š™Ø Ā  š™œš™žš™œš™œš™”š™šš™™ Ā  š™žš™£š™©š™¤ Ā  š™šš™–š™§š™Ø Ā  š™—š™šš™©š™¬š™šš™šš™£ Ā  š™›š™žš™£š™œš™šš™§š™Ø, Ā  š™™š™¤š™š Ā  š™šš™®š™šš™Ø Ā  š™–š™£š™™ Ā  š™– Ā  š™›š™–š™¬š™£ Ā  š™§š™šš™Øš™„š™¤š™£š™Øš™š, Ā  š™–š™Øš™ š™žš™£š™œ Ā  š™®š™¤š™Ŗš™§ Ā  š™¢š™¤š™¢ Ā  š™©š™¤ Ā  š™˜š™¤š™¢š™š Ā  š™„š™žš™˜š™  Ā  š™®š™¤š™Ŗ Ā  š™Ŗš™„ Ā  š™šš™–š™§š™”š™® Ā  š™›š™§š™¤š™¢ Ā  š™©š™š™š Ā  š™Øš™”š™šš™šš™„š™¤š™«š™šš™§, Ā  š™©š™–š™ š™žš™£š™œ Ā  š™®š™¤š™Ŗš™§ Ā  š™›š™–š™«š™¤š™§š™žš™©š™š Ā  š™™š™¤š™”š™” Ā  ļæ½ļ潚™žš™©š™ Ā  š™®š™¤š™Ŗ Ā  š™žš™£ Ā  š™®š™¤š™Ŗš™§ Ā  š™„š™Ŗš™§š™Øš™š Ā  š™žš™£š™Øš™©š™šš™–š™™ Ā  š™¤š™› Ā  š™®š™¤š™Ŗš™§ Ā  š™Øš™˜š™š™¤š™¤š™” Ā  š™—š™–š™œ, Ā  š™Øš™¢š™–š™”š™” Ā  š™©š™¤š™¬š™£š™Ø Ā  š™¬š™žš™©š™ Ā  š™—š™žš™œ Ā  š™Øš™šš™˜š™§š™šš™©š™Ø, Ā  š™—š™šš™žš™£š™œ Ā  š™©š™š™š Ā  š™”š™–š™Øš™© Ā  š™©š™¤ Ā  š™›š™–š™”š™” Ā  š™–š™Øš™”š™šš™šš™„ Ā  š™–š™© Ā  š™©š™š™š Ā  š™Øš™”š™Ŗš™¢š™—š™šš™§ Ā  š™„š™–š™§š™©š™®, Ā  š™›š™¤š™Ŗš™£š™™ Ā  š™›š™–š™¢š™žš™”š™®, Ā  š™–š™”š™” Ā  š™©š™š™–š™© Ā  š™œš™”š™žš™©š™©š™šš™§š™Ø Ā  š™žš™Ø Ā  š™£š™¤š™© Ā  š™œš™¤š™”š™™ Ā  & Ā  š™¢š™¤š™§š™š
惟ā˜… current favorite barbie dolls : all my starkid & smosh muses, lenore angello, fig faeth, kristen applebees, arte fact, j.j. armstrong & barbara handler! ā˜…å½”
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惟ā˜… open starters. ā‹†Ė™āŸ” 惟ā˜… memes. 惟ā˜… starter call. ā‹†Ė™āŸ” 惟ā˜… plotting call.
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