#𝄞₊ ⊹ Interaction; swxpped/ligtyear
swxpped · 9 months
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@ligtyear sent a sentence starter: "That is the stupidest plan I have ever heard!"
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
{!!} – A flash of indignancy disturbed his features, though the poor lighting inside the annex would’ve made his exact expression appear indistinct, as was most of their surroundings. McQueen shouldn’t even be here, he wordlessly seethed to himself, itching in his entirety to chew him out for approaching him unsolicited on his own property like this. Intruders weren’t usually met with such lenity, but with the shallow understanding that his brain-dead assistant had made the improvident and thoroughly reprimandable decision to send him down the garden in faith that he really did have some kind of childlike fascination with the decorative cast aluminium animal sculptures, Alexsander made the extraordinary decision not to bite. Literally. Perhaps, if he hadn’t reacted so promptly in order to shut off the main source of light upon McQueen’s unannounced entrance to the annex, the sheer know-it-all defiance upon McQueen’s contrary, young face would’ve commenced a sharper tongue (and teeth, and claws, and potentially various unsterilised taxidermist tools for good measure).
Clawed fingers twitched sporadically in his contained frustration, ❝I wasn’t asking for your opinion. I was telling you what it is that I plan on doing. That is what you asked me, isn’t it?❞ Alexsander sneered as he combed out the cold, brittle fur of the lifeless feline specimen resting atop the workbench. Its dull eyes, vacant and inexpressive, very dimly reflected the faery’s emotional detachment from the pertinent subject; absent pity. The room was overcast with the pungent odour of death and chemicals, while the shadows concealed the dissected bodies of various other recently perished animals (?) spotted around the room; unfinished projects.
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His speech was scathing and left absent room for compromise, the arctic blue of his irises seeming to shift to a darker, more crepuscular shade, remindful of the Eventide. ❝If your friend whose sullied reputation you pointlessly endeavour to recover did not wish to be caught out and therefore suitably disciplined for his actions, then perhaps he ought not to have misbehaved so directly under my nose like the cretinous, little sanguisuge that he is. I do not care how good he is at his job. I do not care how much money he makes. I do not care if you or the rest of them do so absurdly choose to pity him, nor do I care if he, you, or anyone else should resent me for it until the end of the Earth. He shall be dismissed forthwith from his position. Now, I shan’t shilly-shally about the matter, so you may as well either make peace with that or leave my property!❞ He continued in disparagement, ❝You’re only here because my assistant appears to have taken something of a shine to you - heaven knows why! Oh, and…one last thing…❞ The tortoiseshell comb of which he brandished crumbled irreparably into knife-like fragments within the severity of his grip, a thin trickle of blood escaping through his fingers as the shards slit his palm. Alexsander seemed not to mind it, ❝…if you lie to her or me again, I shall see to the immediate termination of your contract in succession to your little friend’s - are we clear?❞
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