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fukuzawa uhm. dad sir fukuzawa.
Oh dear....school is important. It's good for your brain to learn. And more than that, the structure it provides is very important to your development.
Can you find two things about school today that you're excited about?
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It's twins! mystery of famed brown dwarf solved
Astronomers have discovered that a well-studied brown dwarf is in fact two that are orbiting closely around
Hundreds of papers have been written about the first known brown dwarf, Gliese 229B, since its discovery by Caltech researchers at the Institute's Palomar Observatory in 1995. But a pressing mystery has persisted about this orb: It is too dim for its mass. Brown dwarfs are lighter than stars, and heavier than gas giants like Jupiter. And while astronomers had measured the mass of Gliese 229B to be about 70 times that of Jupiter, an object of that heft should shine more brightly than what the telescopes had observed.
Now, a Caltech-led international team of astronomers has at last solved that mystery: The brown dwarf is actually a pair of tight-knit brown dwarfs, weighing about 38 and 34 times the mass of Jupiter, that whip around each other every 12 days. The observed brightness levels of the pair match what is expected for two small, dim brown dwarfs in this mass range.
"Gliese 229B was considered the poster-child brown dwarf," says Jerry W. Xuan, a graduate student working with Dimitri Mawet, the David Morrisroe Professor of Astronomy. "And now we know we were wrong all along about the nature of the object. It's not one but two. We just weren't able to probe separations this close until now." Xuan is lead author of a new study reporting the findings in the journal Nature. A separate independent study in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, led by Sam Whitebook, a Caltech graduate student, and Tim Brandt, an associate astronomer at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, also concluded that Gliese 229B is a pair of brown dwarfs.
The discovery leads to new questions about how tight-knit brown dwarf duos like this one form and suggests that similar brown dwarf binaries—or even exoplanet binaries—may be waiting to be found. (An exoplanet is a planet that orbits a star other than our Sun.)
“This discovery that Gliese 229B is binary not only resolves the recent tension observed between its mass and luminosity but also significantly deepens our understanding of brown dwarfs, which straddle the line between stars and giant planets," says Mawet, who is also a senior research scientist at JPL, which is managed by Caltech for NASA.
Gliese 229B was discovered in 1995 by a Caltech team that included Rebecca Oppenheimer, then a Caltech graduate student; Shri Kulkarni, the George Ellery Hale Professor of Astronomy and Planetary Science; Keith Matthews, an instrument specialist at Caltech; and other colleagues. The astronomers used Palomar Observatory to discover that Gliese 229B possessed methane in its atmosphere—a phenomenon typical of gas giants like Jupiter but not of stars. The finding marked the first confirmed detection of a class of cool star-like objects called brown dwarfs—the missing link between planets and stars—that had been theorized about 30 years prior.
"Seeing the first object smaller than a star orbiting another sun was exhilarating," says Oppenheimer, who is a co-author of the new study and an astrophysicist at the American Museum of Natural History. "It started a cottage industry of people seeking oddballs like it back then, but it remained an enigma for decades."
Indeed, nearly 30 years after its discovery and hundreds of observations later, Gliese 229B still puzzled astronomers with its unexpected dimness. The scientists suspected Gliese 229B might be twins, but "to evade notice by astronomers for 30 years, the two brown dwarfs would have to be very close to each other," says Xuan.
To resolve Gliese 229B into two objects, the team used two different instruments, both based at the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope in Chile. They used the GRAVITY instrument, an interferometer that combines light from four different telescopes, to spatially resolve the body into two, and they used the CRIRES+ (CRyogenic high-resolution InfraRed Echelle Spectrograph) instrument to detect distinct spectral signatures from the two objects. The latter method involved measuring the motion (or doppler shift) of molecules in the atmosphere of the brown dwarfs, which indicated that one body was headed toward us on Earth and the other away—and vice versa as the pair orbited each other.
"It is so nice to see that almost 30 years later, there has been a new development," says Kulkarni, who is not an author on the current paper. "Now this binary system stuns again."
These observations, taken over five months, showed that the brown dwarf duo, now called Gliese 229Ba and Gliese 229Bb, orbit each other every 12 days with a separation only 16 times larger than the distance between Earth and the Moon. Together, the pair orbit an M-dwarf star (a smaller, redder star than our Sun) every 250 years.
"These two worlds whipping around each other are actually smaller in radius than Jupiter. They'd look quite strange in our night sky if we had something like them in our own solar system," says Oppenheimer. "This is the most exciting and fascinating discovery in substellar astrophysics in decades."
How this whirling pair of cosmic orbs came to be is still a mystery. Some theories say brown dwarf pairs could form within the swirling disks of material that encircle a forming star. The disk would fragment into two seeds of brown dwarfs, which would then become gravitationally bound after a close encounter. Whether these same formation mechanisms are at work to form pairs of planets around other stars remains to be seen.
In the future, the team would like to search for even more closely orbiting brown dwarf binaries with instruments such as the Keck Planet Imager and Characterizer (KPIC), which was developed by a team led by Mawet at the W. M. Keck Observatory in Hawai'i, as well as the Keck Observatory's upcoming High-resolution Infrared SPectrograph for Exoplanet Characterization (HISPEC), which is under construction at Caltech and other laboratories by a team led by Mawet.
"The fact that the first known brown dwarf companion is a binary bodes well for ongoing efforts to find more," says Xuan.
The work described in the paper, titled "The cool brown dwarf Gliese 229B is a close binary," was funded by NASA and the Heising-Simons Foundation. Other Caltech authors include Yapeng Zhang, a 51 Pegasi b Postdoctoral Scholar Research Associate in Astronomy; Aniket Sanghi, a graduate student; Konstantin Batygin, professor of planetary science; and Heather Knutson, professor of planetary science.
IMAGE: This artwork highlights a pair of recently uncovered brown dwarf twins, named Gliese 229Ba and Gliese 229Bb. Gliese 229B, discovered in 1995, was the first-ever confirmed brown dwarf, but until now astronomers thought they were observing a single body not two. New observations from the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope in Chile revealed that the orb is two brown dwarfs tightly orbiting around each other every 12 days (as indicated by the orange and blue orbital lines), with a separation only 16 times larger than the distance between Earth and the Moon. The brown dwarf pair orbit a cool M-dwarf star every 250 years. Credit K. Miller, R. Hurt (Caltech/IPAC)
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I don't feel so live laugh love anymore. WHY CRIRE
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VISITE AGORA A MASTER CIDADANIA E FAÇA A SUA CIDADANIA ITALIANA COM QUEM ENTENDE DO ASSUNTO, ESSE 2025 É O MOMENTO DE VOCÊ BUSCAR A SUA CIDADANIA E DESBRAVAR O MUNDO!!! VISITE O SITE E CONSULTE TODOS OS DETALHES: https://mastercidadania.com.br/ Os astrónomos descobriram ventos extremamente fortes a fustigar o equador de WASP-127b, um exoplaneta gigante. Com velocidades até aos 33 000 km/h, os ventos constituem a corrente de jato mais rápida do seu tipo alguma vez medida num planeta. A descoberta foi feita com o auxílio do Very Large Telescope (VLT) do Observat��rio Europeu do Sul (ESO), no Chile, e dá-nos uma perspetiva única sobre os padrões climáticos de um mundo distante. Tornados, ciclones e furacões são fenómenos que causam estragos no nosso planeta, mas os cientistas detectaram agora ventos planetários numa escala completamente diferente e fora do Sistema Solar. Desde a sua descoberta em 2016, os astrónomos têm investigado o clima de WASP-127b, um planeta gasoso gigante localizado a mais de 500 anos-luz de distância da Terra. Este planeta é ligeiramente maior do que Júpiter, mas tem apenas uma fração da sua massa, o que o torna “inchado”. Uma equipa internacional de astrónomos fez agora uma descoberta inesperada: ventos supersónicos estão a assolar o planeta. “Parte da atmosfera deste planeta está a mover-se na nossa direção a grande velocidade, enquanto outra parte se afasta de nós à mesma velocidade”, explica Lisa Nortmann, cientista da Universidade de Göttingen, Alemanha, e principal autora do estudo. “Este sinal mostra-nos que existe um vento de jato muito rápido, supersónico, que circula em torno do equador do planeta”. A 9 km por segundo (o que equivale a uns impressionantes 33 000 km/h), estes ventos deslocam-se a quase seis vezes a velocidade a que o planeta gira em torno de si próprio [1]. “Isto é algo que nunca tínhamos observado anteriormente”, diz Nortmann. Trata-se do vento mais rápido alguma vez medido numa corrente de jato que circula em volta de um planeta. Em comparação, o vento mais rápido alguma vez medido no Sistema Solar foi encontrado em Neptuno, movendo-se a “apenas” 0,5 km por segundo (1800 km/h). A equipa, cujo trabalho de investigação foi publicado hoje na revista da especialidade Astronomy & Astrophysics, mapeou o clima e a composição de WASP-127b usando o instrumento CRIRES+, montado no VLT do ESO. Ao medir a forma como a luz da estrela hospedeira viaja através da atmosfera superior do planeta, os cientistas conseguiram determinar a sua composição. Os resultados confirmam a presença de vapor de água e moléculas de monóxido de carbono na atmosfera do planeta. Mas quando a equipa seguiu a velocidade deste material na atmosfera, observou — para sua surpresa — um pico duplo, indicando que um lado da atmosfera se está a mover na nossa direção enquanto o outro se está a mover para longe de nós a grande velocidade. Os investigadores concluem que poderosos ventos de corrente de jato em torno do equador poderão explicar este resultado inesperado. Continuando a construir o seu mapa meteorológico, a equipa descobriu ainda que os pólos são mais frios do que o resto do planeta e que há também uma ligeira diferença de temperatura entre o lado diurno e o lado noturno. “Isto mostra que o planeta tem padrões climáticos complexos, tal como a Terra e outros planetas do nosso próprio Sistema Solar”, acrescenta Fei Yan, coautor do estudo e professor na Universidade de Ciências e Tecnologia da China. A área de investigação dos exoplanetas está a avançar rapidamente. Até há poucos anos atrás, os astrónomos apenas podiam medir a massa e o raio dos planetas fora do Sistema Solar. Atualmente, telescópios como o VLT do ESO já permitem aos cientistas mapear o clima nestes mundos distantes e analisar as suas atmosferas. “Compreender a dinâmica destes exoplanetas ajuda-nos a explorar mecanismos como redistribuição de calor e processos químicos, aumentando a nossa compreensão da formação planetária e, potencialmente, lançando luz sobre as origens do nosso próprio Sistema Solar”, afirma David Cont, da Universidade Ludwig Maximilian de Munique, Alemanha, e coautor do artigo científico que descreve estes resultados. É interessante notar que, atualmente, estudos como este só podem ser realizados por observatórios terrestres, uma vez que os instrumentos existentes nos telescópios espaciais não têm a necessária precisão em velocidade. O Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) do ESO, em construção perto do VLT no Chile, e o seu instrumento ANDES permitirão aos investigadores aprofundar ainda mais os padrões climáticos de planetas distantes. “Isto significa que poderemos provavelmente resolver detalhes ainda mais finos dos padrões de vento e expandir esta investigação a planetas mais pequenos e rochosos”, conclui Nortmann. FONTES: https://www.eso.org/public/portugal/news/eso2502/?lang #EXOPLANETS #CLIMATE #UNIVERSE
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Two articles, one published in the journal "Nature" and one in "The Astrophysical Journal Letters", report the results of two independent studies on Gliese 229 B, the first brown dwarf whose existence was confirmed, which conclude that it's actually a pair of close brown dwarfs. A team led by Caltech researcher Jerry Xuan used the GRAVITY and CRIRES+ instruments mounted on ESO's VLT in Chile while a team led by Sam Whitebook, also from Caltech, and Tim Brandt of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, used the NIRSPEC instrument installed at the Keck Observatory in Hawaii. There were already suspicions about the nature of Gliese 229 B due to some inconsistencies detected in its characteristics but only now was it possible to find the evidence.
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Gliese 229B is Actually Compact Pair of Brown Dwarfs, Astronomers Find
Gliese 229B was the first known brown dwarf, discovered in 1995. In new research, astronomers observed Gliese 229 B with the GRAVITY interferometer and, separately, the CRIRES+ spectrograph at ESO’s Very Large Telescope. Both sets of observations independently resolved Gliese 229B into two components, Gliese 229 Ba and Bb. They orbit each other every 12.1 days with a semimajor axis of 0.042…
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Fwd: Graduate position: CNRS_Montpellier.GrapeOliveTreePaleoGenomics
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Graduate position: CNRS_Montpellier.GrapeOliveTreePaleoGenomics > Date: 21 June 2023 at 05:16:21 BST > To: [email protected] > > > Ph.D. Student Position: Paleogenomics of Grape and Olive tree in France > > Our project "Modelling Interactions between Climate change and Agriculture > in the ancient West", supported by the French National Agency for > Research, opens a CNRS 3-year position (fully financed) for a PhD thesis > on the paleogenomics of grapevine and olive trees. The research will be > carried out by a nice collaboration between the French Research Units : > ISEM, AGAP and EDB in Montpellier, and GATK in Toulouse. > > You will find the description of the PhD subject and conditions here : > https://ift.tt/nUleDHN > > > The program requires the candidates to formally apply through the CNRS > system by 10th July 2023 (button "Apply" or "Postuler" according to the > chosen language). You will need to open an account but it is easy. If > you find it difficult or if you have preliminary questions, you can > write before the 3rd of July directly to Laurent or me (adresses below). > > > We wish to start the PhD in October 2023. We will accept candidates > online up to July 10th, and we will interview the candidates just after. > > Thanks to All if you can kindly transfer our offer to your best students. > > SIncerely, > Laurent Bouby, Roberto Bacilieri > > > #### > > > Bonjour > > Dans le cadre du projet MICA (Modelling Interactions between Climate > change and Agriculture in the ancient West) financ� par l'ANR, notre > �quipe "�tudes du pass�, patrimoines, cultures" de l'UMR ISEM, ouvre un > nouveau contrat doctoral (CNRS), pour une th�se sur la pal�og�nomique > de la vigne et de l'olivier. Le travail se fera dans le cadre d'une > collaboration entre les UMR : ISEM, AGAP et EDB de Montpellier, et GATK > de Toulouse. > > Le descriptif du sujet de th�se est dans le lien suivant : > https://ift.tt/nUleDHN > > > Pour postuler, les candidats doivent s'inscrire sur le site du CNRS > et suivre la proc�dure. Si vous avez des questions pr�liminaires, > vous pouvez nous �crire avant le 3 juillet (courri�ls dessous). Nous > souhaiterons que la th�se commence � partir d'octobre 2023. Nous > accepterons les candidatures jusqu'au 10 juillet, et auditerons les > candidats tout de suite apr�s. > > Merci de la diffusion que vous voudrez bien faire � vos �tudiants. > > Bien cordialement > > Laurent Bouby, Roberto Bacilieri > > -- > Laurent Bouby > Ing�nieur de Recherche CNRS > Institut des Sciences de l'Evolution - ISEM (UMR 5554) > > Universit� Montpellier > Place Eug�ne Bataillon > B�t 22 - 3�me �tage - CC 065 > 34095 Montpellier cedex 5 France > [email protected] > ResearchGate > > > Roberto BACILIERI > INRAE/CIRAD - UMR 1334 AGAP - B�t 3, B103 > TA A-108/03, Avenue Agropolis > 34398 Montpellier Cedex 5, FRANCE > T�l. : +33 4 67 61 49 31 > E-mail: [email protected] > https://ift.tt/usTcBro > > > > > > Roberto Bacilieri
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Mardi 30 Mai 2023 ❤ 🙏 Excellent mardi 🙏
Tiré de Saparole remasterisé en illustration!
Texte de l’encadré:
Qu’est-ce qu’un témoin ?
“Vous serez Mes témoins... jusqu'aux extrémités de la terre.” Actes 1:8
Vous ne vivrez pas une semaine sans rencontrer quelqu’un qui souffre d’un mal caché. Et tous ont besoin d’espoir. Il vous appartient de répondre à cette soif. Comment ? En témoignant de ce que Jésus représente pour vous et comment Il vous a aidé à traverser les mêmes difficultés qu’eux. Pierre écrit : “Soyez toujours prêts à justifier votre espé- rance devant ceux qui vous en demandent compte” (1 P 3. 15). Vous êtes appelé à offrir une dose de l’espoir qui anime votre cœur, à quiconque en a besoin. Votre témoignage ensuite actualisera votre espérance. Quel est le rôle d’un témoin ? Simplement de dire ce qu’il a vu ou entendu. Bien des chrétiens évitent de témoigner, car ils s’imaginent ne pas connaître suffisamment leur Bible, ou être incapables de prouver que Jésus est res- suscité ou que Dieu existe ! Mais un témoin n’a pas à expliquer quoi que ce soit. Le Saint- Esprit est capable de donner une “explication” aux cœurs les plus endurcis. Les disciples ont simplement raconté ce qu’ils avaient vu et entendu. Aucun d’eux n’a essayé d’expli- quer comment Jésus était ressuscité, ils se sont contentés de dire qu’ils L’avaient vu res- suscité ! Le témoin qui affirme avoir vu une voiture venant de la droite entrer en collision avec un fourgon venu de la gauche n’a pas besoin d’être un expert automobile pour dé- crire l’accident. De même, vous n’avez pas besoin d’être un expert en théologie, ni même un expert sur la Bible, pour donner un témoignage honnête de ce que vous avez vécu avec le Seigneur.
❤ 🙏 Denis pour Jésus Christ Seul médiateur par le sang de son alliance
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Moi j'avais tort mais toi t'es mort.
Moi je prospère toi tu galère.
Je suis aiguiser comme un couteau ont n'est pas dans le même bateau.
Je suis un animal sauvage toi une lopette de bas étages.
La vie est dure mais je perdure car par rapport a toi je ne suis pas une enflure .
Tu as le vice j'ai le tournevis c'est la crise et j'ai la main mise .
Tu n'a plus l 'emprise car je te la mais par surprise.
Je suis dans ma base et toi en plein naufrage.
Ce monde et sans pitié alors ne perd pas pied et fait pas chier.
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Ecrire c’est lâcher du lest, comme on le fait dans une montgolfière pour pouvoir prendre son envol. Tous ces mots superflus, ces adjectifs, ces adverbes, ces phrases trop longues qui te clouent au sol et t’empêchent d’atteindre ton idéal: exprimer ce que tu ressens au plus près, au plus vrai, sans te regarder écrire, sans vouloir bien écrire pour d’éventuels lecteurs. Tu tailles et sabres la matière verbale pour ne garder que l’essentiel. Ton corps est trop lourd, ta langue se doit d’être la plus légère possible, pour compenser.
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Extreme supersonic winds measured on a planet outside our solar system
Astronomers have discovered extremely powerful winds pummeling the equator of WASP-127b, a giant exoplanet. Reaching speeds up to 33,000 km/h, the winds make up the fastest jet stream of its kind ever measured on a planet. The discovery was made using the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope (ESO's VLT) in Chile and provides unique insights into the weather patterns of a distant world.
Tornados, cyclones and hurricanes wreak havoc on Earth, but scientists have now detected planetary winds on an entirely different scale, far outside the solar system. Ever since its discovery in 2016, astronomers have been investigating the weather on WASP-127b, a giant gas planet located more than 500 light-years from Earth.
The planet is slightly larger than Jupiter, but has only a fraction of its mass, making it "puffy." An international team of astronomers have now made an unexpected discovery: supersonic winds are raging on the planet.
"Part of the atmosphere of this planet is moving towards us at a high velocity while another part is moving away from us at the same speed," says Lisa Nortmann, a scientist at the University of Göttingen, Germany, and lead author of the study. "This signal shows us that there is a very fast, supersonic, jet wind around the planet's equator."
At 9 km per second (which is close to a whopping 33,000 km/h), the jet winds move at nearly six times the speed at which the planet rotates. "This is something we haven't seen before," says Nortmann. It is the fastest wind ever measured in a jet stream that goes around a planet. In comparison, the fastest wind ever measured in the solar system was found on Neptune, moving at "only" 0.5 km per second (1,800 km/h).
The team, whose research was published today in Astronomy & Astrophysics, mapped the weather and make-up of WASP-127b using the CRIRES+ instrument on ESO's VLT. By measuring how the light of the host star travels through the planet's upper atmosphere, they managed to trace its composition. Their results confirm the presence of water vapor and carbon monoxide molecules in the planet's atmosphere.
But when the team tracked the speed of this material in the atmosphere, they observed—much to their surprise—a double peak, indicating that one side of the atmosphere is moving towards us and the other away from us at high speed. The researchers conclude that powerful jet stream winds around the equator would explain this unexpected result.
Further building up their weather map, the team also found that the poles are cooler than the rest of the planet. There is also a slight temperature difference between the morning and evening sides of WASP-127b. "This shows that the planet has complex weather patterns just like Earth and other planets of our own system," adds Fei Yan, a co-author of the study and a professor at the University of Science and Technology of China.
The field of exoplanet research is rapidly advancing. Up until a few years ago, astronomers could measure only the mass and the radius of planets outside the solar system. Today, telescopes like ESO's VLT already allow scientists to map the weather on these distant worlds and analyze their atmospheres.
"Understanding the dynamics of these exoplanets helps us explore mechanisms such as heat redistribution and chemical processes, improving our understanding of planet formation and potentially shedding light on the origins of our own solar system," says David Cont from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany, and a co-author of the paper.
Interestingly, at present, studies like this can only be done by ground-based observatories, as the instruments currently on space telescopes do not have the necessary velocity precision. ESO's Extremely Large Telescope—which is under construction close to the VLT in Chile—and its ANDES instrument will allow researchers to delve even deeper into the weather patterns on far-away planets.
"This means that we can likely resolve even finer details of the wind patterns and expand this research to smaller, rocky planets," Nortmann concludes.
IMAGE: This artist's visualization of WASP-127b, a giant gas planet located about 520 light-years from Earth, shows its newly discovered supersonic jet winds that move around the planet's equator. Credit: ESO/L. Calçada
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Bain de la méduse
La mer est d’huile. Soudain, elle se fait plomb. Mercure moiré qui stroboscope les ultraviolets. Au loin, les martinets filent comme une caresse sur l’épiderme des vagues planes. On avance en contre-jour. Le métal liquide devient fibre tissée, texture gaufrée, grand bleu frotté. J’atterris à peine: vite vite mes pieds me portent vers l’ouverture de la froidure-morsure. Je la subis, je la savoure, je m’essouffle, je revis.
Et je la vois.
A ma droite, vingt centimètres plus loin, translucide sur cristallin, ellipse presque vide qui flotte pour taquiner, quatre quartiers rosâtres en son sein, comme ma peau il y a peu. Je l’évite; elle me fascine. Le temps me manque. Lui tournant le dos, je l’imprime en moi. Les couches sombres me rhabillent et me réchauffent. Son existence infime me souligne dans la douleur du danger d’être juste moi, flottant seule à la dérive.
#bain#méduse#eau#mer#existentialisme#miroir#douleur#être#passif#actif#écrire#écrivain#écriture#lire#lecture#texte court#texte#poème#poésie#poésie en prose#poème en prose#essai#chronique#journal
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6 lignes - Jour 475
Autrefois, on perçait une fenêtre dans le mur de n'importe quelle grange.
#récit court#récit en 6 lignes#récit en six lignes#histoire courte#histoire en 6 lignes#histoire en six lignes#écrire une histoire en 6 lignes#une histoire en 6 lignes#6 lignes pour une histoire#six lignes pour une histoire#écrire 6 lignes#écrire une histoire en six lignes#écrire 6 lignes pour une histoire#écrire six lignes#écrire six lignes pour une histoire#une histoire en six lignes#six lignes#6 lignes#écrire#proposition d'écriture#écriture#atelier d'écriture#short story#six lines story#six lines#writing six lines#writing prompts#creative writing
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Due articoli, uno pubblicato sulla rivista "Nature" e uno sulla rivista "The Astrophysical Journal Letters", riportano i risultati di due studi indipendenti su Gliese 229 B, la prima nana bruna di cui venne confermata l'esistenza, che concludono che in realtà si tratta di una coppia di nane brune ravvicinate. Un team guidato dal ricercatore del Caltech Jerry Xuan ha usato gli strumenti GRAVITY e CRIRES+ montati sul VLT dell'ESO in Cile mentre un team guidato da Sam Whitebook, anche lui del Caltech, e Tim Brandt dello Space Telescope Science Institute di Baltimore, ha usato lo strumento NIRSPEC installato all'Osservatorio Keck alle Hawaii. C'erano già sospetti sulla natura di Gliese 229 B a causa di alcune incongruenze rilevate nelle sue caratteristiche ma solo ora è stato possibile trovare le prove.
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