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Tug Esenkiyi disabled; no injuries #dardanelles #kegm #turkey
Photo: KEGM On September 16, the 26 meter long, 126 gt tugboat Esenkiyi (IMO: 7434858) became disabled in the Dardanelles near Çanakkale, Turkey. The Esenkiyi was enroute to Bodrum from Ordu with a barge under tow when it suffered a power blackout and engine failure. The tug contacted authorities who dispatched the tugs Kurtarma 15 and Türkeli to assist. The tugs took the Esenkiyi and the barge…

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In Istanbul, Turkey, on February 17, 1991, Burak Deniz was born. As of the year 2023, he will be 32 years old. He was raised in Zmit and went to 50 Yl Cumhuriyet Primary School there. He received his diploma from Turkey’s Gazi Anatolian High School in Ankara. Later, he pursued a degree in art history at Turkey’s Anakkale Onsekiz Mart University.

During a high school acting workshop, Burak Deniz was seen by a Turkish director named Gökçe Doruk Erte, which led to the start of his acting career.
He admitted in an interview that he enjoys playing evil characters.
Due to Burak’s absence from his father’s funeral in zmit in 2020, there were rumours that he and his father were at odds. The actor then emphasised in an interview that there was more of a timing issue than a problem with his father. He stated:
“Only a scheduling conflict prevented me from making it to the funeral. I did not have an issue with my father, as stated.”
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Mekteb-i Sultani’de tedavi gören Çanakkale gazileriyle öğrenci ve öğretmenler, 1915.
#mekteb-i sultani#galatasaray lisesi#çanakkale#gaziiler#1915#tarih#osmanlı#türkiye#istanbul#öğrenci#öğretmen
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Sitemize "İlk Defa Bir Gök Taşında Protein Bulundu" konusu eklenmiştir. Detaylar için ziyaret ediniz. https://doctortekno.com/ilk-defa-bir-gok-tasinda-protein-bulundu/
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Aon, öncü staj programının tamamlanmasını kutluyor https://www.fazlabilgi.com/haberler/aon-oncu-staj-programinin-tamamlanmasini-kutluyor/ #hashtag #Instagram #tag #internet #haber #teknoloji #Türkiye #SonDakika #Siyaset #Ekonomi #turist #İstanbul #otel #kongre #Trend#finans #iş
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Çanakkale'de 64 mülteci yakalandı Çanakkale’nin Ayvacık ilçesinden yasa dışı yollarla Yunanistan’ın Midilli Adası’na geçiş yapmak isteyen 64 mülteci yakalandı. Edinilen bilgiye göre, yasa dışı geçişleri engellemek için çalışmalarını sürdüren Ayvacık Jandarma Komutanlığı’na bağlı ekipler bölgede bu sabah itibariyle 3 ayrı operasyon düzenledi.
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FG Sefa
Photo: KEGM On September 1, the 81 meter long, 3346 dwt cargo vessel FG Sefa became in the Dardanelles near Çanakkale, Turkey. Authorities reported the vessel had suffered an engine breakdown while en route from Lebanon to Georgia. Local authorities were alerted and responded to the scene. No reports of injuries, damage or pollution released.

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#avlu #wall #door #77 #oldies #dooryard #border #çanakkale #turkey🇹🇷 #northwest #ege #streetphotography #village #ig_mood #ig_countryside #ig_doğu #timeless #another #instatravel #ig_travel #kadrajturkiye #world #onmyway #next (Kızılkecili, Canakkale, Turkey) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs0z9JqgUNZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1sduhujxe91gb
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Know about Canakkale Anadolu Hastanesi in Anakkale in Turkey. Book appointments online, check doctors, treatments offered, and reviews of Canakkale
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28.01.2019, Tag32, Wellington, Te Papa
Heute steht das Nationalmuseum TE PAPA für uns an. Dieses Museum ist der große Stolz der Neuseeländer und erzählt die ganze junge Geschichte des Landes von der Stunde Null an.
Wir möchten unbedingt die Sonderaustellung über die Schlacht von Gallipoli (Gelibolu/Çanakkale) besuchen. Im November 2017, bei unserer ersten Reise, war es wegen dem großen Andrang nicht möglich.
Die Ausstellung zeigt sehr detailliert den Kampf der westlichen Mächte gegen das Osmanische Heer um die Dardanellen. In diesem Teil des Ersten Weltkriegs wurden die Australier und die Neuseeländer durch Großbritannien zu ihrer Pflicht der Krone gegenüber aufgefordert und zogen in den Schlacht. Die ANZAC, Australian-New Zealand-Army-Corps, wurden in dieser grauenvollen Schlacht vernichtend geschlagen und danach auch noch vom Mutterland sehr schlecht dafür behandelt. Damals begann auch sich die Kluft zwischen der Krone und den fernen beiden Kolonien zu vergrößern.

Imposant dargestellt veranschaulicht die Ausstellung diesen Teil des Krieges.

Auch heute noch, 14 Monate nach Beginn der Austellung müssen wir Schlange stehen um uns die Details ansehen zu können. Bisher haben 2Mio Besucher die Ausstellung gesehen, so ein Museumsmitarbeiter.

Video Animationen, übergroße Wachsfiguren in Kriegsszenarien, Tonaufzeichnungen von Überlebenden und sogar Details der Verpflegung sind Teil der Ausstellung.

Nach der Niederlage bittet der ANZAC Kommandeur General Godley die türkischen Befehlshaber darum, sich um die letzte Ruhestätte der Gefallenen zu sorgen. Atatürk erwidert: Diese Helden, die ihr Blut vergossen und ihr Leben gelassen haben, liegen jetzt in der Erde eines befreundeten Landes und sind in Frieden. Sie sind jetzt auch unsere Söhne. 18 Jahre später gründet Atatürk 1934 die Türkische Republik.
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Turkey opened the world's longest suspension bridge in March 2022. At 4,608 meters in length, the 1915 anakkale Bridge spans the Dardanelles in northwestern Turkey. The longest span is 2023 meters. The bridge was completed a year and a half earlier than planned.
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Here are the Best Places to Camp in Marmara Turkey
Here are the Best Places to Camp in Marmara Turkey
With a population of about 30 million people, the Marmara Region is Turkey’s most densely populated region. As a result, camping has become increasingly popular among Turks in recent years. In Marmara cities such as Istanbul, Bursa, Anakkale, Krklareli, and others, you will find a plethora of fantastic camping locations. In this blog post, we’ve created a list of the top 10 camping spots in the…

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#best camping areas in Marmara Turkey#Best of Marmara Region#Best Of Turkey#Bozcaarmut Pond#Maden Stream#Marmara Region#Marmara Region Turkey#Marmara Turkey#Misi Camping Area#Sarıalan Camping Area#Things to do in Marmara Region#Things to do in Turkey
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Son dakika… DEAŞ’ın Çanakkale’ye saldırı planı ortaya çıktı! 24-25 Nisan günü Çanakkale’de yapılan Anzak Günleri’nde DEAŞ’lı Abdulkerim Hilef’in saldırı planladığı ortaya çıktı. Şüpheli Tekirdağ’da yakalandı.
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Çanakkale’de Kar Yağışı Çanakkale'nin Lapseki ilçesinde deniz seviyesinden 200 metre yüksek kesimlere kar yağdı. Lapseki ilçesinde deniz seviyesinden 200 metre yüksek kesimlere kar düştü.
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'Very heavy' rain warning for seven provinces
‘Very heavy’ rain warning for seven provinces
Sharing the information received from the Directorate General of Meteorology, AFAD warned citizens that very heavy rain is expected in Istanbul from the first hours of tomorrow morning, and beware of negatives such as floods, floods and lightning. The Presidency for Disaster and Emergency Management noted that heavy rainfall is expected from the night hours in anakkale, Balikesir, Bursa, Yalova,…

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PVC core for winding material An Exporter In Çanakkale Turkey
#Plasticcore #Çanakkale #Turkey
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