#�� ║ ( v.main )
vee-crytraps · 5 months
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Masterlist Key: Oneshot 💡| Series 🕯️| Chapters are individually marked for sexual content. Poly
Kiss Me More {Reader/ Dick | Jason | Tim | Damian}🕯️
Good Luck, Babe! {Reader/ Dick | Jason | Tim | Damian}🕯️
Bruce Wayne
The Good Death 🕯️
Roy Harper
Painkiller 💡
Also posting on Ao3! Comments keep me going!
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lustforrage · 5 months
. . . @goddamndaddies . . . gets a starter !
                    at  first  anya  wasn't  so  sure  that  living  in  the  compound  with  the  rest  of  the  avengers  was  a  good  idea.  she  was  a  far  cry  from  hero  material , but  as  her  parents  had  both  said . . . neither  were  either  of  them . . and  look  at  how  far  her  mother  had  come.  certainly  it  was  time  she  accepted  she  was  anything  but  what  people  thought  she  was.  and  as  it  turned  out . . . staying  at  the  compound  wasn't  a  bad  idea  at  all.  she  liked  it  there.  it  was  just  homey  enough  to  be  comforting , while  still  very  much  a  base  of  operations , something  that  anya  was  plenty  used  to  from  her  days  with  HYDRA.  what  it  also  did  for  her  was  branch  out  the  people  she  knew.  getting  to  know  the  avengers  showed  just  how  different  they  all  were.  she  also  took  notice  of  some  of  them  more  so  than  others.  thor  being  one  of  them.  she'd  taken  a  liking  to  him , and  after  tossing  and  turning  in  hopes  of  finding  sleep . . . she  could  only  think  about  him.  throwing  her  comforter  off  of  her , she  huffed  in  frustration  before  leaving  her  room  to  head  to  thor's.  after  a  couple  knocks , she  watched  the  door  open , and  was  greeted  by  the  god  of  thunder  himself  as  he  opened  the  door.    ❝   i  can't  sleep.   ❞    she  admitted , hardly  giving  even  herself  a  chance  to  finish  speaking  none  the  less  time  for  him  to  answer.
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tealbeats-archived · 9 months
Breathing was hard in this moment.
It felt like something spectral pushing into his chest; wrapping around Ezreal’s lungs the more he scrolled on the internet—the feeling wrapping tight and squeezing as it threatened to cut off his airflow. Ezreal’s breathing formed into heavy gasps for air; almost as though he was drowning and trying to expel water from his lungs—but it wasn’t getting better. Why wasn’t it getting better!?
‘If you don’t figure something out, you could lose your career, Ezreal.’
‘Some ‘Pop Star Prince’, huh? Can you even give that title to a One Hit Wonder?’
‘His stuff used to be better…what happened? Talk about a sell out.’
Of course, these were all from before he joined HEARTSTEEL, but he still had a habit of looking at comments or remembering old conversations with producers and managers—mostly to see if there was anything positive, but even some things weren’t…great, in regards to the present.
‘He kind of just fades into the background, doesn’t he?’
‘What’s even the point of him being there…?’
Invasive thoughts swirl into his mind before he shuts his phone off and chucks it at the door; making a large SLAM for anyone near by to hear. Thanks to his phone case though, there was no damage, at least.
Ezreal scrambles to his feet to grab it, swinging the door open, though his chest felt tighter and his knees began to buckle. Man, what if this was it? What if HEARTSTEEL didn’t work and he—and now his friends—lost their careers? Why did he feel like he would just blame himself for that? And lose…all of them? He couldn’t lose all of them.
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The walls felt like they were closing in on him and he planted his hand against one, keeping his body close before he succumbed, knees losing way and causing him to collapse; one hand digging into his hair and gripping tightly as he gave out a loud, ear piercing scream from the anxiety that riddled him in the hallway.
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foughtbelief · 2 months
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"Do you believe that anything can come true, if you just work towards it with a little pixie dust and elbow grease?"
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walkedlegacy-closed · 7 months
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they had a new probie coming to join the firehouse. there was always an excitement in anya about meeting new firefighters , and when she heard it was another woman firefighter . . . her excitement grew even more.
there wasn't a worry about being replaced , not for anya. she had worked hard to build her reputation , and bobby made it pretty obvious that he didn't run his ship like that. if you stuck around , or were let go , it was based on more than just someone outshined you.
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when she heard the sounds of someone walking into the firehouse through the large bay doors , she perked up , smiling when she saw the woman she didn't recognize carrying the ever familiar LAFD duffle bag , and put her own bag down at the locker room , and made her way to meet her.
"morning! you're early!" that was good. bobby was going to like that. he was upstairs cooking breakfast for the team. part of his 24 hour shift traditions. "i'm anya. you're the new paramedic right?"
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stcrsmoke · 18 days
@lcstkey ( for selena & aryin )
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"Being who I am has only left me more alone."
song: i'm not okay by citizen soldier
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deathxcko · 3 months
Here you can have a hobie too
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are you jason's type? / always accepting!!
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"Hello, I don't suppose you'd be interested in making a series of very bad decisions with me and get to know one another?"
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tenarcana · 4 months
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"Bloody hells." he grumbles as his eyes catch absently on the odd little... person? ( perhaps that was a touch RUDE. they obviously seem sentient, but then again, a lot of things could be, in his experience. ) "What're ye doin' out 'ere by yersel'? I don' t'ink ye should be alone... too dang'rous, aye?"
@chaosmicjelly starter call
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oozeyboozey-archive · 6 months
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❝ i'm not gonna say anything t'mom . . or your day . . but how exactly did you manage that? ❞
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▬ 𝚂𝙷𝙾𝚁𝚃 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁𝚃𝙴𝚁 : @redheadarcher .
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gobubyourself · 5 months
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❝ may i have this dance? ❞ - @mutantmuses.
the right answer would have been to just say no , tell her that he wasn't doing that , to go back to scott and just walk away. just walk away logan. but no matter how many times he repeats that thought in his head , over and over again . . . he still takes a moment to look around him . . . habit he supposed , before taking clearing his throat and giving in. ❝ sure . . ❞ he muttered under her breath , leading her out to the dance floor. it's not until they've been dancing a few seconds before speaking. ❝ you should be dancin with someone else jean. ❞
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brooklynbred-c · 7 months
verse tag dump!
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vee-crytraps · 5 months
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Fic Masterlist | Fanart | Fic Recs
Call me Vee (She/hers)! I write and reblog a lot of Batman/DC things, and a good chunk of them are Not Safe for Tumblr. This may include sexually explicit or dark content, so browser beware! Check out my Masterlist for my TW/CWs. Minors and ageless blogs DNI! I'm 25, and if you're here, you should be at least 18. If you're wondering why I don't follow you, I do! This is a side blog! If you're randomly followed by a thousand year old Homestuck blog with a freaky little green haired icon, tis me. My Lovely Sundews! Lore Anon 🫶 Anon 🫀 Anon
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drhelsing · 8 months
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The man was laying on the ground, a bleeding heap of torn flesh and broken bones. His once impeccable suit was reduced to nothing but rags, soaked so thoroughly in crimson that its original color could no longer be distinguished. Semi-conscious and lost in a sea of utter agony, Abraham could only muster a single relieved thought.
A faint smile twisted at the corners of his battered mouth. Finally, after centuries of unending night, he could rest. For not even one such as he, condemned to undeath, could survive such brutal wounds. Or so he hoped.
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tealbeats-archived · 9 months
“Heeeey. Hey! What’re you doin’, huh, huh? Whatcha up to, Phel?”
He tried not to be so eager and borderline obnoxious with the guy, but that’s was just how Ezreal was. Peering over poor Aphelios’ shoulder, the teal haired prince of pop tries to get a peek of the others work before shrugging and moving to prop himself up on the edge of the table behind the others work, shrugging softly as he did so.
“Look, all the guys are out doin’ their own thing, and we’re stuck here like a couple’a caged animals!” He complains, bringing a leg up and resting his arms on his knee, the. His chin on his arms and put his lips in thought before looking back to Aphelios from the corner of his eyes.
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“C’moooon, whattya say? There’s GOTTA be somewhere you wanna go hang out at, right??”
// @kazekamis ( Aphelios ) | closed starter.
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foughtbelief · 2 months
@aeternxm - lea / axel ( whichever you feel )
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"Oh hey! You're like, the hotheaded guy from the textbooks right? I'd never thought I'd meet you in person, mm. You should look into a straightening gel... instead of styling. Styling gel can mess with your ends."
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walkedlegacy-closed · 7 months
❛ you're stuck with me. ❜
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anya was so used to people leaving eventually. if it was partners , it was because the life she led was too much for them , and when it came to friendships . . usually it came down to anya not having time for them. she had her job , and that was it. when she hung out with friends outside of work , she always ended up talking about work. her whole life had been firefighter since she was a kid. how was she supposed to talk about anything else.
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gen's words make her pause. she plays it off casually , she always does. she's good at doing that. proceeding to take a seat on the sofa in her living room , wine glasses and bottle of red for their weekly hangout. in this case , dinner and reality tv. there's a slightly curious look to her , opening the bottle and pouring a glass for each. "okay weirdo." she answered , not sure where that had come from , but in all reality , she'll probably cry happy tears about it later. "but that just means you're equally stuck with me. and just ask my twin , that's not always a great thing."
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