#。・゚゚・      filed   under   ⤳   nola   harris    (   interactions    )
trustknown · 2 years
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“  you  can  be  kind  of  uptight  sometimes ,  you  know  that ?  ”   not  the  first  time  she’s  brought  it  up ,  but  their  newest  motel  sucks  and  she’s  bored .   “  is  it  because  your  wife  isn’t  here  to  fuck  the  stress  out  of  you ?  ”     /     @whorifics​
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touchbased · 2 years
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two  hours  on  the  road  and  she’s  already  one  obscure  oldies  rock  band  song  away  from  losing  her  mind .   “  you  actually  like  this  stuff ?  ”     /     @whorifics​
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touchbased · 8 months
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stands directly in front of him once the party's died down, a little tipsy but completely aware of what she wants. she's got a wine stain on her dress and he keeps suggesting she change, but nola has a better idea. "you can take it off for me." / @obsesionadas liked for a starter!
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trustknown · 2 years
muse :  nola  harris , late  twenties ,  daughter  of  a  crime  boss ,  bisexual . open to :  m / f / nb plot :  your  muse  always  swore  they’d  get  revenge  on  nola’s  father / family  and  now  they’re  finally  getting  it  through  her   (  up  to  mun  what  revenge  means !  ) note :  this  post  was  made  with  legacy  editor .  can  make  the  switch  to  beta  if  needed !
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“  so ,  you  found  me .  congrats .  ”   voice  is  unusually  calm  as  she  stands  in  front  of  them ,  frame  leaned  against  the  window .  this  day  was  going  to  come  sooner  or  later ;  wasn’t  much  sense  in  trying  to  deny  it .   “  what’s  the  plan  then ?  you  gonna  cut  of  my  ear  and  mail  it  to  daddy  dearest ?  ”
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touchbased · 1 year
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she’s  huddled  in  the  corner  of  the  room ,  voice  hushed  and  mind  hyper - aware  of  cris’  sleeping  frame  only  a  few  feet  away .   “  i  already  told  you ,  he  doesn’t  know  anything ,  alright ?  i’ll  keep  trying .  ”     /     @whorifics​
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trustknown · 2 years
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has  to  bite  down  another  grin  as  she  twists  to  face  him ,  eyebrow  raising .   “  yes ,  officer ,  i  am  being  sexist .  you  gonna  arrest  me ?  ”   it’s  so  easy  to  slip  into  banter  with  him  and  forget  about  her  world  for  a  little  while .  and  that  makes  the  whole  thing  ten  times  more  dangerous ,  because  she  isn’t  supposed  to  be  bantering  with  him .  she’s  supposed  to  be  sending  his  movements  and  whereabouts  back  to  her  family  so  they  can  tail  from  a  non - suspicious  distance .  so  they  can  keep  an  eye  on  things  and  stay  one  step  ahead  of  him  and ...  yeah ,  she  doesn’t  really  want  to  think  about  what  else  they  might  have  planned .  hence  him  being  dangerous .   “  that’s  before  you  decided  to  take  this  rescue  mission  international .  moose  and  hockey  change  the  game .  ”   hm .  she  chews  on  her  lip  for  a  moment  and  turns  back  in  her  seat .  he  doesn’t  seem  suspicious  of  her ,  so  maybe  she  should  just  drop  it .  take  him  at  his  word .   “  why  were  you  behind  a  desk  all  the  time ?  i  thought  cops  like ...  went  out  on  the  streets .  ”       /     @whorifics​  continued  from  here
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trustknown · 2 years
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"is it?" tilts her head slightly, wondering if he thinks she's going to believe a single word that comes out of his mouth. "seems like the perfect way to get revenge to me." can't help but laugh bitterly. "i'm not really interested in delaying the inevitable, mr. whoever the fuck you are." / @blndsided continued from here
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