#(◈)▸ ᴍᴇssᴀɢᴇ ɪɴ ᴀ ʙᴏᴛᴛʟᴇ. ( prompts )
heartswayed · 5 years
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@emblan​ sent...  “ are you looking down on me ? ” ( prompt. )
“not at all, your highness. i apologize if i sounded patronizing or condescending. it... it wasn’t my intent.” 
   you wonder if it would be your place to sit down next to princess veronica and give her what seems to be a sorely-needed hug. the scattered, headless dolls ( and doll heads ) littering the room indicate some sort of frustration, and you think you know what might have set her off in such a way: prince bruno had sent word that his return would be delayed for another few weeks. he had found an interesting lead in ylisse and decided to pursue it, if the rumour mill was anything to go off of. and... this wouldn’t been the first time it’s happened.
   ( you understand why prince bruno is travelling from world to world without cease, but it makes your blood boil that an older brother would go so long without at least checking in on his sister, especially after all that she’s been through in the past few months. )
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“i know what it’s like to miss your family... when i was younger, xander and the rest of our siblings were not allowed to visit me very often. it was... it was terribly lonely.” xander’s name feels like acid ‘pon your lips, and you struggle not to grimace at the mention of him in front of veronica. “it... it hurt me, knowing there was so much they were doing and seeing without me, having fun together... and i wasn’t even allowed to leave the fortress...”
you didn’t know that things in castle krakenburg were just as turbulent as your situation at the time, but that doesn’t matter.
“i... if you would prefer to be alone right now, i understand. but... if you would like to talk, or cry, or... anything, really, i am here for you. you don’t have to go through this pain alone, princess. that is... all i wanted to say.” 
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captainseamech · 3 years
Itty bitty tag drop to change some tags of mine and add new ones, don't mind this post
Rp memes and prompts tag:
From: 📨 | ᴍᴇssᴀɢᴇ ɪɴ ᴀ ʙᴏᴛᴛʟᴇ / ᴍᴇᴍᴇs ᴀɴᴅ ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛs
To: 🍾 | ᴍᴇssᴀɢᴇ ɪɴ ᴀ ʙᴏᴛᴛʟᴇ / ᴍᴇᴍᴇs ᴀɴᴅ ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛs
Chaged because the emoji made no sense before :)
New tags:
🛶 | ᴅᴏᴄᴋɪɴɢ ʜᴇʀᴇ / ᴏᴘᴇɴ
📌 | ᴛʜɪs ɪs ɪᴍᴘᴏʀᴛᴀɴᴛ / ʀᴜʟᴇs ᴀɴᴅ ᴘsᴀ
✉ | ʙᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ ʙᴇ ɪᴍᴘᴏʀᴛᴀɴᴛ / ᴀsᴋs ( I got tired of using separated ones)
✒ | ᴄᴀᴘᴛᴀɪɴ's ᴅɪᴀʀʏ / ᴅʀᴀʙʙʟᴇs
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caelight-a-blog · 6 years
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tag   dump   01   !      i   remade   them   all   because   i   hate   myself   or   something
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heartswayed · 5 years
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@valorwilled​ sent...  ❛ i never really belonged anywhere. ❜ - claude ( prompt. )
   though his tone is lighthearted and jovial, the words obviously having been meant as a joke of sorts, there’s a slight edge to claude’s voice, a muted bitterness hiding behind the easy smile, and ice in lovely green eyes. the jest is also a jab at himself, an acknowledgement of a past he’s careful to keep under lock and key lest a certain heir to house gloucester is listening in. you don’t know much about the internal affairs of house gloucester or the leicester alliance, but you do know that lorenz seems to have it out for claude. badly. 
   your book snaps shut, a small ribbon inserted as a bookmark, and you look up at your new house leader with concern. he... has never belonged anywhere? but how could that be possible? surely he belongs with his family-- and if not those in derdriu, with his mother and father... wherever they are out there. you would suspect there isn’t a very good relationship between son and parents but the few times claude has brought his mother or father up, he has spoken with nothing but glowing praise. 
   perhaps... he was bullied growing up? but that makes no sense either. there is absolutely no reason anyone would have picked on claude von riegan: he’s intelligent. he’s cunning. he’s a wonderful shot and a force to be reckoned with in close combat as well-- he’s funny, he’s kind, he’s well spoken, charismatic, and... well, he’s handsome. he carries himself with an easy grace; it brings to mind edelgard and prince dimitri, though... not quite. why would anyone ever have anything against such a well rounded individual? were they jealous...? 
   that has to be it. it’s the only thing that makes sense. 
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“claude...” you say, voice soft as you take one of the house leader’s hands and give it a squeeze-- only to drop it with a quick apology when you remember your place. he is not edelgard. you cannot be so freely affectionate with the next sovereign duke. ( ... or the imperial princess. not ever again. she does not want you. monica von ochs is a far better friend than you could ever apparently be. he pities you. you are merely tolerated out of the golden deer’s kind heart, and if you overstep your boundaries he will grow weary of you too. ) “that’s just silly. everybody belongs somewhere... and that includes you. even if people tried to convince you otherwise, you belonged just as much as they did. they were just... horrid, horrid people. and...” 
   you shift a bit, fidgeting with your book. 
“even if i’m wrong about that -- which i’m not -- you belong here. with the golden deer. with professor paimonia.” you shift in place again, hoping he won’t take offense to your next words. “with me, too. we’re... friends, aren’t we? it... it isn’t much, i know, but i promise you no matter what happens, there will be a place for you with me. we’ll always be friends. you’ll always belong.”
   and if anyone tries to give you or him trouble over it, they’ll get magical snow dumped down their shirts.
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heartswayed · 5 years
♂ for asshole dad garon, from dorothea: "do you even remember who i am???"
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   the lord scowls, eyes narrowing as he takes in the young woman standing before him, all passion and fire and fury. of course he knows who she is– who doesn’t? if they’ve not heard of the talented young opera singer, they’ve heard of a pretty young thing flitting about and cozying into the arms of as many noble men as she can muster in search of a match– and recently enough, admission to the officer’s academy. a better look at the girl’s features does make him question whether he’s seen her on more than just the stage, though he can’t quite place where.
   ( a particular conquest comes to mind, a beautiful young maid that had been left with child… and nothing to show for it, making the entire affair pointless. perhaps… ) 
“dorothea arnault,” he says after a moment, voice cold and eyes dismissive. “the rising star of the mittelfrank opera company. as a longtime supporter of the arts, i have been to the opera house often and have seen you perform many times. that moniker of yours – the mystical songstress, was it not? – is well earned. however, i fail to see what that has to do with me. we are strangers, nothing more. do not waste my time unless you have business with house krakenburg. though… the business you conduct tends to be with younger men, is it not?” 
@valorwilled | prompt.
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heartswayed · 5 years
♂ for asshole dad garon, from sumeragi: YOU WANNA GO??? but also give me back my daughter
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“i don’t even know who you are.” 
   yes he does, but he’s not about to give them the satisfaction. that girl is his child now.
@valorwilled & @halycondaze | prompts.
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heartswayed · 5 years
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@reztactics​ sent... W/B/B for Eliwood, Laslow, and Dimitri. I know it's different verses but I enjoy watching you squirm. ( prompt. )
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“...it hardly feels fair to involve prince dimitri in this when i barely know him... but... marry lord eliwood, bed laslow, and... my apologies, your highness. i truly mean no offense.”
   perhaps in another life, however... you might have answered differently.
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heartswayed · 5 years
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@draconicthorns​ sent...  "I see." Either rev or if you wanted, what we've discussed of them in 3h ( prompt. )
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oh boy celi’s perception of camilla in canon more like do we want to open this can of worms? 
of course we do. 
tldr: she still loves and looks up to camilla, but the time loop has definitely warped araceli’s view of the world around her. as a result, she also resents and feels alienated from her at times, as camilla continually treats her like a child in need of coddling and refuses to really listen when araceli brings up her issues with this conduct-- or any issues at all.
while araceli’s psyche and perception of camilla has definitely been affected by the ordeal she has been put through, it’s safe to say that camilla is actually the one sibling out of the fates royals that araceli still feels the closest to.
yes, she still feels closer to camilla than she does sakura or elise, the literal babies of the families who have done nothing wrong (...well, almost. we’re looking at you, conquest!elise in izumo). she loves camilla. there are still aspects of her personality that araceli wishes to emulate: her grace. her easy charm. her elegance. her confidence. her ability to both be a proper lady and absolutely wreck everyone’s shit. her genuine love for the people in her life. her protectiveness.
though... 300 years is also a major eye opener. for every aspect of camilla that araceli adores and wishes to emulate, there’s another part of her that araceli abhors: her obsessiveness. her constant treatment of celi -- a 22 year old woman in fates canon, even without the time loop tacking on mental years -- like an infant or child who needs to be coddled. the way she smiles and nods and just glazes over problems when araceli brings them up-- she knows camilla loves her. ohhhh, trust her, she knows. but... it also feels sometimes as though camilla does not love her, but the idea of her. 
a common complaint araceli has with the fates royals ( ...that persists through revelation and into the postgame, even after anankos’ defeat ) is that she feels as though both the hoshidan and nohrian royals see her as property; they lord her choices over the side she does not pick, fight over her like they’re children in the schoolyard and she’s a shiny toy they both wish to play with... while this perception is clearly the result of the time loop and watching events play out one hundred times with very little changes every go around, it is something araceli feels nonetheless. 
she wishes she could have gone on not thinking this way-- at least, not about camilla. but the damage is done, and the strain in araceli’s relationships comes to its head in revelation.
however, as camilla is the sibling araceli feels closest to, camilla will have the easiest time getting through to her.
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in three houses, camilla is still a very important figure in araceli’s life. even though she was not subject to memory wipes in house krakenburg and knows the nohr sibs aren’t her actual siblings, she still loves and looks up to camilla immensely and refers to her as her sister. as both araceli’s trauma and camilla’s issues aren’t as pronounced in fodlan, their relationship is much healthier.
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heartswayed · 5 years
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@ofostia​ sent... ❛ where did you learn to fight like that ? ❜ ( prompt. )
“oh, um... you saw that, lord hector?” 
   you shift in place uncomfortably, mind racing every which way in order to figure out when he saw you... only to remember that he’s known about your draconic heritage from the moment he first laid eyes on you. and even if he hadn’t, you’ve been fighting alongside his, lord eliwood’s, and lady lyndis’ ever since escaping the dread isle. you’ve tried to avoid using your dragonstone, having learned your kind has not been seen in this realm for at least centuries, but... there were some enemies you just had to tap into a greater power to defeat. the yato, as brilliant as it is, is not in its home realm. you doubt it is anything more than a shiny sword here. 
   ( peace has made you rusty, so you have taken to training in secret ever since you pledged your aid to these strangers. they rescued you. it is only right that you give your all to their cause... ) 
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“i, well...” you run a finger along the hilt of your blade to indicate it is what you speak of, “my older brother instructed me in swordplay. he has been, ever since i was a little girl... i know some magic too, but it isn’t as reliable as i would like it to be.” 
   ... that isn’t what lord hector is asking about, more than likely. if he saw that, of course he’s curious. 
“but if you mean, um, this...” you hold out your dragonstone for him to see, its glow pulsing in time with your heartbeat. “it... was a skill i had to develop on my own, in all honesty. in my homeland, i... am the only dragon left. that i know of, anyways. i had no one to teach me how to use this power... so i had to make sense of it all myself. luckily, i’ve had a long time to experiment. full transformations are easier than using sword and stone in tandem like you’ve seen, but i feel like that would cause undue panic among your soldiers. i would... not wish to be the cause of any more trouble.”
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heartswayed · 5 years
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@halycondaze​ sent... 👫 edelceli & okay but here me out: step momma ikona and celi ( prompt. )
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edelgard -- 
given they both have a sweet tooth, celi insists on edelgard joining her for tea at least once a week -- or every two weeks or so -- whilst they’re at garreg mach. this is in part because they both like sweets and it feels less awkward to indulge alone, and in part because she can tell edelgard is busy and wants to ensure she at leasts takes some time to recharge her batteries. 
as kids, before el was taken to faerghus, they played pranks on hubert. nothing malicious or serious, of course, but it definitely tested his patience. 
edelgard was the one to fix araceli’s forced haircut after the battle of garreg mach. araceli in particular was very upset that her hair had been ruined, as before she was experimented on edelgard had said that she liked her hair-- and she had kept it long even after the second crest was implanted, just so el could play with it. edelgard being the one to even out the jagged cut helped her come to terms with the event and move past it.
an enemy araceli is always positioned on the map near edelgard, and will not move unless the emperor is being advanced upon-- or, in the case of the final showdown in vw/sisn, she will directly block the path to el. you could get around this by using a flier, but they’d be in range of a magic attack...
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ikona -- 
admittedly, given the memory modifications from her childhood, araceli doesn’t remember ikona very well. she can recall vague details, like ikona’s kinshi and fleeting feelings of smiles and laughter in castle shirasagi, but not much more than that. she believes ikona died from what little she knows of the situation, much like most people in fateslandia.
if ikona joins the army, it would be in revelation. araceli would be surprised at her survival and admittedly rather shy around her stepmother; it’d been so long and she’s so different than the little girl ikona knew... she doesn’t want to disappoint her.
she does grow reattached very quickly however, and tends to hide out with ikona when she needs a moment of quiet. she knows her stepmother won’t question it and simply provide a distraction.
she really wants to ride that kinshi; it looks like a lot of fun and she wants to see how different it is from a wyvern! 
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heartswayed · 5 years
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   you actually snort at that one-- a sudden, undignified sound that you feel mildly embarrassed to have made. 
   you never loved them? they never loved you. 
   they loved the idea of you-- the perfect playmate sequestered away in a far-off fortress, so desperate for attention and love that she’d take whatever they could give without complaint. the perfect student in the art of warfare, so lonely and desperate to be of use to the tyrant king that she applied herself vigorously to every lesson so she might escape her prison. the perfect little doll to be dressed up and doted on. 
   and if you ever said something you shouldn’t have, if you ever made a mistake or misbehaved... they could always fix you. the dark mages of nohr’s memory modification magic is as terrible as it is powerful... even now, you can recall the chill of the dungeons creeping into your bones as you struggle to piece together how you’d gotten there to begin with. how they would quickly try to take your mind off the burning question with promises of training, games, and fun. 
   if you hadn’t been brought to hoshido, would they have stood by and allowed you to be altered to garon’s whim once again? they’d done it enough in the past... why would now be different?
   maybe there’s something to the rumour, then. a doll is a child’s plaything. a doll isn’t capable of love. 
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   and that’s all you are, right? a doll, to be flaunted in the hoshidans’ faces to prove that nohr is better. if you chose to break from your role, they would cast you aside like the broken toy that you are.
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heartswayed · 5 years
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   ... oh, this is a refreshing change of pace. you laugh softly, standing on your toes to kiss your darling nephew’s cheek. if nothing else, the break from the venom spat your way is very much appreciated. 
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“i don’t think it’s very fair to play favourites, sweetheart. but i do love you very much.”
@shirouiji | meme.
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heartswayed · 5 years
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   to be fair... you don’t exactly know what will happen once you leap into the bottomless canyon. the entrance could have closed already for... whatever reason. you really could be throwing yourself to a gruesome demise. and these people trust you enough to follow you. 
   ... well, that’s their problem. you’d decided you didn’t need them long ago. only azura’s cool head and calm logic had swayed you otherwise. that’s right... you’re letting them in for her. it has nothing to do with you. they’d turned their backs on you when they denounced you as a traitor. 
   ( you have to keep telling yourself this, or the guilt of several lifetimes will threaten to swallow you whole. you have to keep pushing, keep moving forward, blaze a new trail. you have to. )
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“am i, now? that’s interesting.”
   you don’t need to trick your siblings to fell them anyways. you’ve grown into something of a master at destroying the people you love with your own two hands.
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heartswayed · 5 years
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anonymous sent...  Hubert Ashe Hilda ( prompts. ) 
“oh, i don’t like this... i don’t like this at all.” 
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“marry hubert, of course. that isn’t even a question. i’ve known him for so long now that it’d be the easiest, most convenient option for the both of us. and... if possible, i would like to make the most of a married life to make sure he takes proper care of himself. he can’t serve lady edelgard without taking care of himself! ... a-as for ashe and hilda... oh, dear, but i don’t want to kill either of them... but... if it came down to it... b-bed hilda, and... trust that ashe is too nimble to be caught to even be beheaded to begin with. i’m so sorry, ashe...”
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heartswayed · 5 years
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anonymous sent...  Rumor has it the Krakenburg girl only came to the academy to find another husband - she thinks she's too good for House Vestra. ( prompt. )
“is that really something people are saying about me?” 
   you blink once, twice, unsure of how to process this information. you... can see why that rumour might have started, honestly. garon von krakenburg is a manipulative schemer determined to grant himself greater influence and power in any way he could. if you had been born a boy, you’re certain he would have tried to secure you a marriage to edelgard-- alas, such a union would be unlikely to produce biological children as you are now, and it had not been pursued.
   house vestra is one step down from the hresvelgs-- if those plans fell through, you suppose you’d be pushed towards house aegir. ( you shudder at the thought; ferdinand is nice enough, but he sort of annoys you with his competitiveness towards the imperial princess. being married to that would be... cumbersome. ) beyond that... the only other matches your adoptive father would take interest in would be with prince dimitri and lord claude, both of whom have nothing to do with the adrestian empire and thus would be pointless to pursue. 
   it’s not as if you have any say in the matter as long as he draws breath, and you get along with hubert just fine. why would you try to escape a comfortable, safe arrangement that he says won’t actually come to pass? you don’t know what that means, but you trust him enough to let that go. 
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“my apologies. if i might ask... what did i do to come off that way? i-- i truly only wanted to make friends... am i being too forward? perhaps i shouldn’t speak to people as often if it is causing them problems, or the wrong idea is being put out there.” especially prince dimitri or poor lord claude, who has enough rumours circulating around him as it is... “i truly am very sorry...”
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heartswayed · 5 years
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   you raise a brow, looking thoroughly unimpressed. why in the world would you be plotting the two kingdoms’ downfalls if you’d declared you would have nothing to do with them? it hardly makes sense. then again, you suppose from another perspective it could. the traitor-princess vanishes for a spell, only to reappear and begin amassing an army... 
   not that you’d wanted to. you’d been perfectly content with the thought of pursuing the scourge of valla with only azura, jakob, and felicia by your side. azura had pointed out this would be suicide, and it was with reluctance that you admitted she was right. 
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   still, you say nothing and return to your work. you don’t care. 
   people can talk all they wish. they can hate you and blame you for their troubles as much as they like. perhaps it’s what you deserve, for taking so long to find your answer. 
   being hated is more freeing than being loved. you’ve been imprisoned for far too long. 
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