#&. jules louden ‚ interaction .
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endfght · 1 year ago
yet another over-the-top extravagant get-together hosted by the one and only annabelle louden ⸺ the occasion ? who the hell knows. even something as meaningless as a new shrub in their garden was worthy of celebration in the deluded matriarch's eyes. and so at her will, the children were stuffed into what their mother deemed their finest outfits and stuck in the corner until they were needed (jules had been dragged to her mother's side more times than she can count; have you heard my julia is pre-med ? she's the top of her class ! (a lie.)). half of the people she'd spoken to were unfamiliar entirely, the other half she hadn't seen ― apparently ― since you were this tall ! she'd learned to just smile and nod a long time ago, to placate their delicate egos until she was given the look by her mother and could scurry her way back to their designated corner.
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❝ didn't we go to that aunt's funeral like, two years ago ? �� the eldest leans carefully into @innocentsbled's shoulder, brows furrowed while she points in the general direction of a small group of women that had a vague familiarness to jules that she just couldn't shake. ❝ or maybe not, all the old people she invites to these things look the same, i think. ❞ shoulders shrug with unbothered resignation, drink in her glass finished off before she leans back in her seat. head tilts to the side, boredom sinking in after only minutes of nothingness ⸺ as much as she lavished in the attention, once she was shooed away jules' restlessness became insufferable. stefanie, her unwilling outlet, made to endure the brunt of her sister's overwhelming energy. ❝ wanna go smoke a cigarette on the veranda ? ❞
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endfght · 2 years ago
🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲 i want more <3
tod waggner & kinsey oliver: tod b like 🧍 prrrety grill. dating christa or not this man is still blushing and stuttering and fumbling over himself in front of pretty girls im sorry theres nothing that can be done to change him. idk truly theyre both survivors of a tragedy??? both were/are incredibly fucked up for a Long Time after said tragedy..... emotional support friends when tod is just like a golden retriever he can be ur esa dog kins.
kirby reed & kinsey oliver: i had this in the tags originally and then was like?? idiot what are u doing sO : kirby is in the fbi now....... and probably would have been (or would have been in training but we can fudge the details ok) just starting out when everything happens with kins and mal the second time,,,, so What If she were to have helped mike (and his team) find them???? i simply think that these girls as her first case is sexy and would be exactly what she needs to throw herself into her job to rly stop ppl like charlie<3 and the man that took kins and mal.
bethany bixler & kinsey oliver: ok so it was a no on the hell priest with a love for pain and pleasure but.... what about deadites. totally different from creatures from hell........... but also we can go Not That and beth could meet kins while shes on tour w a band or something like that. kins if ur nice to her for one (1) second beth can get u backstage to meet the band for free ok just one (1) kind gesture.
jules louden & kinsey oliver: mal is related to the loudens,,, there is not a doubt in my mind that they attended parties at mals house for holidays/special occasions and to think that kinsey would not also be there is absolute insanity. jules/mal/kins (and stef too if she would like to join ofc<3) were probably an unstoppable trio when they were rly young,,, just annoying the absolute hell out of their relatives and gossiping. complete menaces if u see them walking towards u RUN. u know those holidays at ur aunt n uncles where u beg ur parents to sleep over for the night.... yeah thats them. their campouts in mals treehouse<3 but immediate Not Sweet jules comin Back From The Dead.. the first holiday that she attends and maybe mal brings kins with her.... how different their interactions would be.. but also so the same bc they all went through this horrible trauma and still came out on the other sside blah blah u kno. i think they could be neat.
michael roth & kinsey oliver: YEAH BOI. theres so mcuh that we can do with that but what can i write here that we havent already talked about???? what i cAN do is tell u some of my favorite ideas ok. im a sucker for letter threads so ,,,, if kins wants to keep writin mike letters he will answer them. or like. The FIRST letter she sends to start it off. the mental debate he has ab answering. mike interviewing them at the hospital but lowkey having the Worst Time bc he looks at kins and sees hannah and wants to scream and cry but also hug her. IDK i can keep goin i just we need to write them ok. kins (and mal) visiting mike and the others at the station a few months after theyre found to say thanks or smth idkidk thats probably dumb and a bad thread idea. they just have so much potential and the fact that we havent written them yet is a crime @graecland.
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endfght · 4 years ago
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meme   ↷   accepting   ↷   @gruvies​​​ [ top ]   -   to  kiss  your  muse  on  the  top  of  their  head  and  then  settle  my  muse’s  cheek  against  it  while  holding  them  close   ( curt  and  juLES ?? )
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      the  day  of  her  dreams         and  she  wouldn’t  have  wanted   anyone  else   standing  by  her  side .   it  was  everything  she  could  have  ever  imagined  and  more :   down  to  the  flowers  that  she’d  picked  out  and  the  dress  that  had  been  handmade   just  for  her   ( nothing  but  the   absolute  best   for   their  day ) .   and  he  had  been   her  other  half   for  as  long  as  she  could  remember,   high  school  sweethearts  rarely  lasted         but  curt  and  jules  would  be  the  exception .   the  reality  of  finally  starting  their  lives  together  brings  butterflies  to  her  stomach,   she’s  sure  her  hands  haven’t  stopped  shaking  since  the  minute  she  woke  up .
         she  presses  her  body  as  close  to  his  as  they  can  manage  as  they  continued  to   sway,   side  of  her  face  laying  against  his  chest,   the  sound  of  his  heartbeat  drowning  out  the  music  playing  around  them .   fingers  take  hold  of  the  fabric  of  his  jacket,   for  once  not  caring  if  it’d  cause  wrinkles,   and  hold  on  tightly ;   as  though  he  would   disappear  from  existence   the  minute  she  released  her  grip .   with  everything  that  they  had  been  through,   all  of  the  death  and  loss,   they  had  managed  somehow  managed  to  come  out  of  it  and  became  stronger  together   because  of  it .   if  she  could  go  back  in  time  and   change  her  past,   she  would  without  hesitation,   but  she  was   content   with  where  she  had  ended  up  now .
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      all  eyes  are  on  them,   but  he  made  her  feel  like  they  were  the   only  two   in  the  room .   jules  takes  a  deep  breath  in  through  her  nose,   and  with  it  she  inhales   him :   a  scent  she  had  grown  incredibly  familiar  with,   that  brought  an  immediate  sense  of   safety  and  comfort .   his  hand  resting  at  the  small  of  her  back  pulls  her  in  closer  still,   giving  the  fingers  they’d  entwined  a  gentle   squeeze .   the  feel  of  his  lips  in  her  hair  pulls  the  corners  of  her  mouth  up  in  a  smile,   whispered   i  love  you’s   passed  discreetly  between  the  two .   their  song   comes  to  a  quiet  end  and  others  begin  to  flood  the  dancefloor  around  them  with   applause,   though  her  attention  is  still  on  curt’s  beating  heart  and  the  weight  of  his  cheek  on  the  top  of  her  head .
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endfght · 5 years ago
@hallowburnt   ↷   starter  call .             jules and stefanie .
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      𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐤   𝐨𝐧   𝐭𝐡𝐞   𝐝𝐨𝐨𝐫   𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬   𝒐𝒖𝒕   𝒐𝒇   𝒕𝒉𝒆   𝒃𝒍𝒖𝒆--      to  interrupt  the  otherwise   eerie  quiet   of  the  empty  house  around  them .   ❛   hey   stef---   ❜   name  is  elongated,   spoken  in  a   sing - songy  voice   as  the  eldest  louden  leans  her  forehead  against  wood .   with  their  parents  out   god  knows  where,   jules  and  stefanie  had  been  left  to  their  own  devices,   though  her  sister  preferred  to  keep   locked  away   in  her  bedroom .   she’d  been  in  her  own  room  for  the  last  hour,   pulling  dress  after  dress  off  of  their  hangers,   not  finding  a  single  one  worthy  of  her  time .   so  down  the  hall  she  ventured,   shoes  slipped  on  and  bag  over  her  shoulder,   ready  to   drag  her  sister  out  of  bed   if  that’s  what  it  came  to .   ❛   curt  and  i  are  having  our   anniversary  dinner   on  friday,   and  i  thought  we  could  go  to  the  mall  so  you  could  help  me  pick  out  something  to   wear .   ❜   jules’  best  attempt  to  lure  her  younger  sister  out  of  the   cave   that  she  called  her  room  on  her  own ;   hole  up  for   weeks  on  end,   she’d  only  seen  her  a   handful  of  times   lurking  down  the  hall  to  use  the  bathroom .   ❛   you’re  the  only  one  i   trust   to  actually  tell  me  whether  i  look   hideous   or  not .   ❜
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endfght · 5 years ago
☾   surprise  me
                        meme   ↷   accepting   ↷   @hallowburnt​                                              #  165 .
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      𝐧𝐨𝐭   𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞   𝐡𝐚𝐝   𝐣𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬   𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐝   𝐭𝐨   𝐛𝐞   𝐭𝐡𝐞   𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭   𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫   𝐢𝐧   𝐭𝐡𝐞   𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝      (  at  least,   not  in  the  face  of  her   family  ),   and  while  she  may  not  have  always   been  there   for  stefanie,   in  life,   she  was  generally  perceptive .   that,   and  curt’s  brother  was  the  complete   opposite   of  her  sister,   spilling  the  details   --or   lack  thereof--   of  their  relationship  to  him  without  second  thought .   with  the  stories  she’d  heard  from  them  and  what  she  could  piece  together   herself   from  her  sister’s   self - isolation,   she  was  beginning  to  spiral  into  a  hole  that  would  only  be  harder  and  harder  to  pull  herself  out  of .
      𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡   𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫   𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬   𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐞,      jules  found   now   the  best  opportunity  to  try  and  speak  up,   an  intervention  of  sorts .   ❛   keep  it  up,   you’ll  die  in  pain .   ❜   brows  knit  together,   with  her  arms  crossed  over  her  chest  jules’  toes  push  stef’s  bedroom  door  fully  open .   an  invasion  of  her  privacy,   not  that  a  closed  door  had  stopped  her  in  the  past,   she  takes  a  few  steps  in  before  clearing  her  throat .   ❛   you  can’t  just   ice  him  out,   stef .   at  least  send  him  a   text   or  something,   just  say   it’s  over   and  block  him   --it’s  not   fair   for  you  to  keep  matt’s  hopes  up  if  you  don’t  want  to  be  with  him  anymore .   ❜   no  other  way  for  jules  to  get  her  point  across  than  to  be  completely   blunt,   she  stops  at  the  foot  of  her  bed,   fingers  tugging  lightly  on  the  comforter  covering  her  body .
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