#﹝ welcome to my world of fun ﹞⟴  ooc  ≫ ANSWERED ASKS
You Call It Madness But I Call It Love
Chapter 11: I Can't Think With You Yelling At Me!
Pairing: Soldier Boy x f!reader, Reader POV
Summary: When the reader left Payback 40 years ago after a falling out with her childhood best friend she never looked back, but when two men show up to her apartment and start asking her questions about the past, the reader begins to think those things can’t stay hidden and starts to question what’s real and what’s fantasy.  This is a re-telling of The Boys Season 3, where the reader is a supe who's known Soldier Boy since 1927. The chapters will fluctuate between past and present. This is chapter eleven of my "You Call It Madness But I Call It Love" series. (I'm so bad at summaries please forgive me!)
Word Count: 6.2K
Warnings: References to sex, Cursing, Drinking, Soldier Boy might be, is, really, absolutely, a little OOC, Angst.
Note: This is told from Reader's perspective. Any references to the reader is made using you or your. There is minimal use of y/n. I tried my best to proofread, but nobody's perfect. Reader is described as "curvy" occasionally. If you don’t like, don’t read, but if you do like, you’re my favorite!
Internal Monologue is in first person and is in italics
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
A/N: This one takes a bit of a turn guys, but I promise I know what I'm doing. :) Maybe? Probably?
Suddenly your phone rings, shattering the still silence in your apartment. For a second you hope that it's Butcher returning your call, but when you answer, it's not Butcher.
"I need you." The familiar voice says.
Present Day
“Thank you so much for coming!” Rosemary says dragging you through the front door of her two-bedroom apartment. “The sitter cancelled and I’ve got 5 minutes to make it to the hospital.”
Her dark brown hair frizzes out of a messy bun at the back of her head waving as she emphasizes her point with rapid hand gestures. The dusting of freckles across her cheeks catches in the light from the open windows at the back of her apartment as she traverses through the minefield of toys and children's books sprawled over the bright blue couches, the pastel rug, and the coffee table in the spacious living room.
As heartbroken as you were, you never regretted the night you and Ben spent together, because that meant you wouldn't have had Rosemary and you didn't want to imagine a world without her in it. She was the only good that came from that night. A surprise, but a welcome one. The years that followed losing Ben should have been empty, filled with an endless wandering of the world from someone who couldn’t age and couldn’t die, but they weren’t. Ben might have broken your heart, but he gave you the greatest gift. Rosemary filled the hole in your life and you wouldn’t change a thing. Even if it always ended up like this.
Well, besides the whole Ben possibly being alive this whole time and being tortured in a foreign country.
Rosemary was another reason why you had gotten out of being a supe. You didn't want that life for her and you were afraid that Vought would take her away. She was a second generation supe from two of the first and two of the most powerful supes. So for the early years of her life you lived on the coast of Maine in a small town, making sure that Rosemary had as normal a life as she could, despite having superpowers. At first you thought that she was like Ben, she was strong, faster than the average person, and had enhanced senses, but then you realized that her powers were more like yours except Rosemary did not have to die to obtain the powers of another supe. Rosemary could replicate any ability from a supe that she touched for one day, something you both realized when she was two and started to move things telekinetically around the house after she grabbed on to your arm and wouldn't let go. Which may have been fun for her, but not for you. Chasing around a two year old that could suddenly levitate sharp objects and throw them anywhere she wished was far from your idea of a good time.
When you moved back to NYC 10 years ago, the last time you saw Legend, you decided to introduce Rosemary as your cousin whenever anyone asked, including Stan Edgar, who showed up to one of your art shows as soon as you reappeared in the city, prepared to find out if you were Indigo.
You examine your daughter’s flustered expression, the wrinkled black scrubs, and the frantic beat of her heart that thuds loudly in your ears. Rosemary looked more like Ben than you. They had the same eyes, the same dark brown hair that turned into liquid honey in the sunlight, but you were the same height and had the same nose, your father's nose to be exact. And although Rosemary should be 39, she looked barely older than 27.
But despite her resemblance to Ben, it didn’t pain you to see her. You liked to think that she was a reminder of the boy you used to know, the one that you held on to for so many years when things got hard and all you saw was Soldier Boy and not the boy you loved.
She was the only person who knew everything about you and everything about Ben. She was the only family you had left, well, except for-
“Aunty y/n!” A small pink blur leaps towards your face from the end of the couch, to latch onto your upper body like a monkey climbing a tree.
You catch your four year old granddaughter, Lou, with a smile, twirling her around in the air.  Despite your relation, you made sure that Lou referred to you as aunt, as afraid as you were for exposing Rosemary to Vought, fear that they would take Lou away too haunted you at night. Rosemary also did not call you mom, except after Lou went to bed and only when she was upset.
You both figured that it was easier this way, at least until Lou was old enough to understand why you did things the way you did them.
Thankfully, Lou still hadn't presented any powers, which made you and Rosemary happy. It made finding a babysitter easier when you didn’t have to worry about a four year old picking up a couch and throwing it through a window.
Being with your family always made you feel better, despite everything that happened with yours, you always remembered what your father ingrained in you as a child- that the only real wealth in life was family.
Of course he also was the son of the man who owned more than half of the real-estate in Philadelphia and who personally invested with Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller, so he had room to make generalized statements like that.
When you first got the injection and refused to marry Howard it strained the relationship you had with your parents, well, mostly your mother. She hadn't taken it well, thought you were throwing your life away on Ben. Meanwhile your father and you continued to send letters back and forth until the day he died, despite your mother's want for him to cut ties with you. He was always supportive of what you were doing, wanted to know how Ben was, how you were, and would meet you for dinner occasionally in New York whenever he could. Ben would make an appearance every once in a while, but your mother never came, and it was always like a giant purple spotted elephant was sitting at the table beside you.
You wondered how much grief she gave your father whenever he went to see you. You had tried several times to send your mother letters, telling her of all the good you were doing, but she would send them back unopened. When your father died, you showed up to the funeral and she refused to let you sit on the pews reserved for family. Ben had come with you, and you practically had to drag him away when he started to yell back at her because he knew that despite you being all grown up, he knew that you weren’t strong enough to stand up to her.
"Hey Lou." You smile at your granddaughter. She too had Ben's brown hair, but her eyes were like yours that shone with excitement and happiness.
When Rosemary’s husband died just after Lou was born, you stepped in whenever you could to help her, that meant occasionally babysitting so Rosemary could go to work her overnight nursing shifts downtown in the emergency room.
"I missed you!" Lou hugs you around the neck. She's wearing a floral long sleeve shirt and a pair of pink overalls. Pink was her favorite color and you tried not to be reminded of the dresses your mother forced you to wear when you were younger.
"You saw me three days ago." You brush back the tangled mass of curls from her smiling face.
"Too long." Lou replies.
Rosemary breezes back into the room, toting a large bag over her shoulder. "Okay. I'm so sorry-"
"Don't apologize again!" You wave a hand. "Just go. We'll be okay."
"What are you going to do?" She roots through the bag, looking for some unseen object.
"Oh the usual. Watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I've heard great things about the remake-" You wanted to test if she was listening.
She passed.
"I'm kidding Rosie." You put your free hand on her shoulder, noticing the wear in her eyes and the dark circles that frame them. You try to remember if things were as hard for you when you were her age. Given that you had already been injected with Compound V and were living as a superhero you figured that they were.
Maybe when everything calms down we can all go for a long vacation somewhere.
"Okay." She sighs. Her eyes search your face for a second, brows pinching together. "Are you okay?"
You always thought her ability to read you was almost supernatural, but Rosemary wasn’t psychic.
"Um. It's been a rough few days." You shrug, adjusting your grip on Lou.
"Do you want to talk about it?" She looks worried.
"Yes. There are a few things we need to talk about. But when you get home. Go on. I can take care of the little gremlin for a few hours."
You didn't like it when she worried about you. Rosie had enough on her shoulders, she didn’t need the 90 plus years of baggage you dragged around everywhere. But what had happened over the past few days deserved a conversation. You were going to go to Russia to find out what happened to Ben and you weren't sure when you would come back or if you could. Going to Russia might mean exposing your identity, which meant you might have to cut and run. You also weren’t sure how much damage had been done after what happened with Countess. When you killed her, you had expected Vought or the police to show up at your door, but you thought that you covered your tracks pretty well. There wasn't a piece of her trailer left and no evidence to convict you, well, aside from the burned jacket in your apartment that you needed to get rid of. You were still hoping that you could salvage it, but it was doubtful.
Your thoughts drift to Rosemary and Lou. The thought of leaving them behind destroyed you, but if it meant keeping them safe from Vought, you knew that you'd have to do it. But you also wondered if you could leave them behind. They were all you had left.
"Okay. I love you." Rosie half-hugs you with her free hand.
"Love you too. Be careful."
"I love you mommy!" Lou crows as Rosemary kisses her on the head and walks out the front door.
"Alright, what do you want to do?" You ask Lou putting her down.
"PAINT!" She raises her hands over her head like a triumphant gladiator.
"I like where your head's at kid." You smile down at her. "Go get your kit, I'll meet you in the kitchen."
When Rosemary gets home twelve hours later, Lou is asleep, but you sit up on the couch with your sketchbook.
Painting with Lou had been enough of a distraction from everything that happened the past few days and the memories of the past that kept rising at the back of your mind, but when she went to bed they started to rush back. The sketchbook had started as a way of escaping the thoughts of what you did to Countess and what she said about you and Ben, but the only thing that you could draw was him. His strong jaw, arching brow, bright green eyes, and mischievous smirk haunted you from the page in front of you.
You hadn't drawn him in over thirty years, hadn't seen him in forty, but you still remembered everything about him, his voice, his laugh, his smile… You had to actively shut off your brain to stop from thinking about him, but none of the usual tricks were working. All you could think about was what if he was alive out there and if the Russians had been torturing him all these years. He was alone.
Did he think that no one cared about him? That no one wanted him?
Yes you hated what he did to you, and as much as you wished that you didn't care, you did. And as much as he hurt you, the Ben you knew would have never left you to rot, he would have come for you and you knew that was what you needed to do for him. The problem now would be telling Rosemary.
Your daughter knew about him. You’d never held anything back when she asked you about her father, including the reason why you two "broke up." In hindsight it was probably not the greatest decision you'd made to tell her exactly what happened, but it was nice to have someone to confide in. And the two of you didn't keep secrets from one another.
"Hey." She whispers with a heavy sigh, collapsing onto the couch beside you. Rosemary drags here eyes around the apartment. "Did you clean?"
"Yeah. It was a bit messy." You smile, shutting the sketchpad so she can't see the page. "Plus I figured it would be nice to be able to sit on the couch without getting probed by one of Lou’s toys."
"Yeah. Don't think I need another little mermaid toy 'exploring' the secrets of the cave, if you know what I mean."
You laugh at her. "How was the shift?"
"That good?"
"Mhmm." She leans her head against your bicep.
"You know I've been thinking," You put your arm around her shoulders. "Maybe we should all just get away for a few days. We haven't been to the coast in a while. And Lou loves the beach-"
"Don't you have that big show coming up next month?"
"Yeah, but I’ve been feeling a little bit uninspired. I'm thinking about postponing.”
She sits up to look at you, suspicious. "Alright, what's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong-"
Everything is wrong and I have no idea how to tell you what I need to.
“You have never once postponed a show before.” She raises an eyebrow. "And you’re the worst liar.”
"I’m not lying I am feeling a little bit uninspired.”
"Fine." But you still have no idea how to start the conversation.
How do I tell her that it’s possible her father has been alive this whole time and that he’s currently being held against his will in a Russian Lab? Why is this my life? What did I do to deserve this?
"Is this about Crimson Countess?" Rosemary asks, nudging her shoulder into yours.
"What?" Your head snaps up.
"Her death was on the news. I figured that hearing her name again would make you feel a little-" She moves her head back and forth trying to decide on the word. "Weird."
"It's partly that." You bite the inside of your cheek. "I'm going out of town for a few days-"
Oh and I killed Crimson Countess.
"I can't tell you?" Your face scrunches up as you say it.
You sigh and rise from the couch, pacing in front of it. How do I explain this? How do I tell her?
"Why can't you tell me where you’re going? Is this another retreat for your art again? Like when you went camping?“ She almost sounds hopeful, as if that will make any of this okay.
Nothing is okay.
"A few days ago some men showed up at my apartment looking for me."
"Really? Why?"
"They wanted to know about Ben."
Rosie frowns at the mention of her father’s name. “Why? He's dead. And it's been what? 40 years?" She pulls one of the multicolored pillows into her lap, smoothing her finger over the stripes. The shift in her mood is obvious.
"I don't know. They introduced themselves as government agents and I told them the usual lie about Indigo being my mother and that she was dead. And told them a limited amount of information-"
"I still don't see why you have to leave for a few days?" She interrupts.
You press your lips into a tight line.
This is not going to end well.
Rosemary frowns. “What did you do?”
How can she read me so well? I'm her mother, I should be the one doing the reading!
"Alright, I'm going to say something and you can't freak out." Your hands are clasped in front of your chest tightly, trying to think of a way to tell her that you killed Countess.
"Promise me."
"I promise."
"I killed her." You say it slowly, gauging her reaction.
"Crimson Countess. I lost control and I killed her."
"What?" Rosie rises from the couch so quickly you think she's flying. "You killed Crimson Countess?"
"Shhh. You're going to wake Lou. And what happened to the promise-" You look down the darkened hallway where your granddaughter is asleep in her room.
Because that's just what the situation needs, for Lou to find out I'm a murderer.
"Fuck the promise! Why were you even with her?" Rosemary asks you, her eyes are still wide.
"That's why it's complicated-"
"Uncomplicate it now." She puts her hands on her hips looking ridiculously like your mother.
"I went there because I started to think about how Ben died, and I realized that I never heard it from her. I heard it from Legend and from Stan Edgar and I wanted to-“
"So you killed her?"
"She said a lot of things that upset me, but she also told me that-" The words catch in the back of your throat. "That Ben might not be dead."
"He's what?" She shouts.
"Rosemary I'm serious you have to stop shouting. Your neighbors are going to call the cops and that's the last thing I want right now."
"Well obviously because you murdered someone and covered it up!"
"Please get off the high horse. She wasn’t a good person.” You snap before you can stop yourself.
Guess the guilt is gone. Honestly, what guilt?
"Fine." She closes her eyes and takes in a deep breath. "Go on."
"The Russian army took him. Which means that there's a possibility he's still alive and I need to know." You didn't expect her to understand why you needed to go. You just hoped that she would let you.
"Are you kidding? This guy did terrible things to you and to other people! He said horrible things to you and you're going to go help him? I say just leave him to rot!” Her green eyes flash around the room, familiar in a way that makes your heart ache.
Her harsh words hurt. Rosemary only knew what you’d told her about her father and although you tried to tell her about the way Ben was when he was younger as she got older Rosemary wanted to know why you and Ben had a fight. And you didn't like lying to her. Now you consider that maybe you should have.
Because what if he was alive? Would she want to meet him? Would he care enough to want to meet her or Lou? I mean I can cut him out of my life, but if Rosemary wants to know him I shouldn't stand in her way...
You and Ben weren't exactly careful that night, but you weren't sure if he just never cared about that kind of thing before. You weren't sure if he actually wanted kids, the one time you'd asked him and he'd said it "maybe" sounded nice to have some kids. You didn't know if that was a good standard to hold him to or not, given that he was drunk when he said it.
Then again, Ben was always drunk.
"I know that you can't understand this, but even though I hate him, I can't leave him. If the roles were reversed, if it was me, Ben wouldn't leave me. Even with everything he said.” Your chest tightens. "And it hurts me to think that he's been there since 1984 with those people doing God knows what to him."
Rosie sighs. "Mom, I know that you love him, but maybe it's better this way. He’s out of you life. You’re doing better than you were. You said it yourself you felt trapped when you were a supe-“
"He might not even be there. I just need to know what happened. And that means I have to leave for a little bit and I’m not sure when I’ll be able to come back.”
"Wait what do you mean? You'd come back. You'd go over there, find out and then come back right?" She looks confused.
You press your lips together. "There's a possibility that if I do this, it will expose me, and I’ve already evaded Vought once. I’m not sure I can do it again.”
"So, what? You're gonna go over there and throw away everything for a guy that shit all over your heart and threw you away? Really? You're going to throw Lou and me away for him?" She's gesturing wildly with her hands now, eyes flashing around the room and again you're reminded of Ben.
"I'm not throwing you away-"
 It breaks your heart that she'd think that you'd do that, that you were willing to sacrifice them so easily.
Am I doing that?
"You're throwing away the life that you've built for yourself. You told me that you were more happy now that you'd been in the past. And now as soon as you hear about him you go right back? Just like how he made you leave your family-"
"He didn’t make me leave my family, it was my choice! I’m not throwing away the life that I have made and I'm not throwing away you or Lou. If you or Lou were taken, you better believe that I would fight for you, I wouldn't leave you to fend for yourselves for any amount of time. You are my family. And yes Ben is an asshole and I've hated him for the past forty years, but I can't leave him."
"I can't believe you're doing this." She pinches the bridge of her nose frustrated.
"I believed after all these years that the reason why Ben died was because I wasn't there. And Countess confirmed it."
"But he's not dead!"
"Maybe. But they made us fight so that I wouldn't be there. They wanted us to fight because they knew they wouldn't be able to stop me if they turned on him-" You try to reason with her, but you know she won’t listen.
She's just so damn stubborn. Just like someone else I know.
"That doesn't matter! That doesn't make what he did or said any less okay." Rosie snaps, before her gaze softens. “It doesn’t change anything. They may have caused you guys to fight, but Ben said those things to you. They didn’t make him say that or do that. He chose to. And I can’t believe that you’re going to forgive him-“
"I don't have to forgive him and I don’t want to. It’s not about forgiveness. I can't leave him. He might be able to turn his back on me, but I can’t stand back and ignore him if he needs help. Believe me I wish I could. I wish that after everything that happened I could walk away, but I can't.  And I know you don't understand that but-" You try to take a step towards her, but she steps back.
"That's not what I don't understand. What I don't understand is you playing with the possibility of losing this for him." She gestures around the apartment. "Do we really mean that little to you that you drop everything for someone that used you and treated you like you meant nothing?"
"You both mean everything to me. Trust me when I say that, but the fact that those two men showed up at my apartment and everything that happened with Countess means that I'm already involved. They already made this about me. I don't know why they needed to know about him, and I want to know why.”
“I can’t believe this.” She stalks past you into the kitchen to get down a bottle of tequila from the top shelf above the stainless steel refrigerator where she locks it away from Lou.
“Rosemary you’re so young-“
“Don’t make this about age. You’re older than me and you should know better.” She angrily pours a shot of tequila before knocking it back.
You try not think that the answer to all of your problems might lie in the bottom of that bottle. Sobriety definitely wasn’t getting any easier, not after you killed Countess or the revelation that Ben was possibly still alive. And especially not now in this fight.
“When you finally told me about him, it was the first time I’d ever seen you break.” Rosemary isn’t looking at you, she's looking down at the floor. “You’ve always been this strong independent figure in my life. You never needed anyone’s help to raise me. You’re so strong and formidable,  but then you told me what he did to you and I’ve never seen you look so small.”
The memories of what happened between you and Ben surge up again, but you beat them away with a stick. The last thing you wanted right now was to relive that in the middle of this fight.
She looks up, locking eyes with yours. “I don’t know why you would do this to yourself again, put yourself through that-”
“Because I still love him.” You mutter. As soon as you say it, you know it’s true. Ben did terrible things, said horrible things, but deep down you still loved the boy you grew up with. And maybe that was the problem, you imagined the boy you grew up being tortured and left to rot, and the thought broke you. “And I don’t know how to stop. Even after everything he did, we spent so many years together and the memory of them doesn't just vanish. I won’t be able to live with myself knowing that I could have helped him and I didn’t.”
Rosemary stands there halfway in the kitchen and the living room, the bottle hanging from her right hand. This time she drinks right from the bottle before answering. “If you really need to do this, then I'm going with you."
"Why not? I'm as powerful as you-"
"It's not about being powerful, I don't want this life for you, I've never wanted this life for you. I've worked so hard to keep you out of it-"
"No. This is why I introduce you as my cousin, why you were homeschooled, why Lou is homeschooled, why Lou doesn't call me grandma, why you don't call me mom around other people. If Vought finds out about you or Lou, it won't matter. None of this will matter.”
"You don't know that." She says it softly.
"I do." You take her hand. "Rosemary, you are one of the strongest supes I've ever met and you're second generation. And Lou, we don't even know what her powers are, but I can guarantee that as soon as Vought finds out they will come for you both. There's a reason why I never told them what my real power was. I kept you both far from this and I don't want them to know."
"I don't want you to do this alone. What happens if you get taken over there?"
"What if you come with me and we both get taken? What about Lou then? What would happen to her? I don't want her to grow up without a family. Please. Just let me do this. It’ll probably take 2-3 days tops.”
Rosemary doesn’t look happy. “I don’t care how long it’s going to take. The only thing I care about is losing you.”
“They’re not going to take me-“
“Not just then.” She sighs. “I mean after. If you do have to cut and run-.” Rosemary shifts her eyes towards the hallway where Lou is asleep in her room before bringing them back to you. “I don’t care how complicated it is, we will go with you.”
“I won’t ask you to do that-“
“It’s what family does. It’s a sacrifice that I’m willing to make. I can always get another job, Lou can be homeschooled anywhere, and I don’t want Lou to live in a world where you’re not here. She needs her grandmother.”
Her words make tears prick in your eyes as you watch her determined stance. Rosemary and Lou were the only family you had left, the only two people that you cared about in the whole world. And maybe she was right, maybe you were throwing it all away for Ben. You hated yourself for wanting to help him, but you knew if the roles were reversed Ben would have come for you.
Well, the old Ben would have come to get me, maybe not Soldier Boy.
"You got another glass?" You ask with a sigh, looking at the bottle in her hand.
"You sure?" Rosemary raises an eyebrow.
"I'm gonna need it to get through the next few days. There's no way I can do any of this shit sober." You mutter following her into the kitchen.
Ten minutes later, you're both sitting at her kitchen table with a bottle of whiskey and a fresh bottle of tequila between you. The haze of alcohol is making you feel infinitely better given the past few days you've had.
The whiskey burns pleasantly as you take a drink from the bright green sippy cup in your hand. Rosemary hadn’t washed dishes so this was the best she had. You knew you probably looked ridiculous.
Rosemary eyes you. "I can't believe you're drinking."
"I really needed this." You snort. "Given the past few days I've had-"
"I also can't believe you killed her."
"She wasn't a good person." You frown remembering what Countess said to you. "Plus I never liked her even before everything that happened. I know that's not a god enough reason to kill someone, but I can't change that now." You run your fingers through your hair to push it back from your face, trying to lose yourself in the buzz, but Ben keeps flashing through your mind.
Damn it, he's invaded by subconscious again.
Another few minutes pass as Rosemary sits there taking a sip from the bottle in front of her. “Do you really miss him that much?”
You pause considering the question. “Yes and no. I miss the person he used to be, before all of this. I think that’s the problem. I’m holding on to the person I grew up with. That’s all I keep thinking. That boy I knew being tortured in that lab.”
“It’s why you stayed on Payback for so long?”
“Yeah.” You take another drag of whiskey frowning at the sippy cup. “Sometimes I’d get glimpses, shapes really and it would make me forget who he was as Soldier Boy and then when I woke up the next day, Soldier Boy was back and Ben was gone.”
There were always quiet moments when it was just the two of you, when you forgot who he became and all you saw was the boy you used to know. When the cameras weren't rolling, the team was gone, and Ben was crashing at your apartment, for some unknown reason. He would do that, continue to show up at your apartment like he had when you were kids. It never made sense to you, especially because he only slept in your room growing up to escape his father. You couldn't think of a reason why he slept at your apartment when you were adults.
Probably just didn't want to be alone.
“That’s why you slept with him?”
“Yes. That night all I saw was the old Ben. And then I woke up with Soldier Boy.” You bite the inside of your cheek as the memory of the morning that followed washes over your mind. You never understood why he ran to Countess, never understood how he could push you away after all the years you spent together. Why he lied and said that he didn't care, because he had to. After everything you’d been through Ben had to care. You remember what Countess said to you and your shoulders sink under the weight.
Or maybe he was just a better liar than I thought.
“Do you regret sleeping with him?”
You look up at your daughter. She really does look like Ben. She was strong, determined, stubborn, and the way she held herself was so confident. And even though she would have been one of the strongest supes she chose to be a nurse, chose to devote her life to helping people instead of the shock and awe of the superhero world. You were so proud of her. You wondered if Ben would be too.
“Why? You say that you loved who he was and then he-"
“Because he gave me you. I wouldn’t change a thing. You and Lou are the only thing that matter to me. I know you hate it when I say this, but you’re so young, you have no idea what it’s like to live as long as I have without changing. And whenever it was just me and Soldier Boy I was so alone until Ben came back. I don’t think I would have lasted these years without you Rosemary, think I would have given in to Vought or maybe gone to the government-“
“Are you serious?” Her eyebrows pull together as a worried frown graces her lips. She knew what you were saying.
“Yeah. But I am happy. Happy for the first time in a long time. The problem now is dealing with everything over there.”
“How about I come with you and wait in a hotel-" Rosemary tries again.
“No. It has to be me. I have to go.”
She sighs. “I just hate the idea that you’re not going to come back.”
“I’m going to come back." You smile. "If you can remember I'm a supe too-"
“If they’ve been able to hold him all these years, that means they could take you too.”
“Don’t know if I should be scared or impressed.” You snort into the cup.
“It not funny.”
“Fine, if I’m not back in a week, then I give you permission to come. But I don’t think you’ll need to.”
"You're old and decrepit. Probably will need my help-"
"Low blow."
She smiles faintly.
You roll the glass in your hand for a moment, watching the amber liquid swirl against the green sides. "If he is alive, would you want to meet him?"
Rosemary takes a long pull of tequila, but doesn't answer for a long time. "When I was a kid, sometimes I'd imagine that he was still alive-"
"What?" You looked at her genuinely shocked. You hadn't realized that she ever thought about Ben.
"That he would walk up our long driveway at our house in Maine and we'd be a family. That was before you told me about that night." She runs one of her fingers down the label of the bottle frowning. "I don't know. After what he did to you, I don't know.  Plus I’m almost forty years old, don’t really think I need a father now.”
This time you reach for the bottle of Whiskey, not bothering with the empty sippy cup. "Maybe I shouldn't have told you what he did. Should have let you fantasize about him, see the good-"
"I'm glad you did." She squeezes your hand. “And you didn't just show me the bad, you told me about the good times too."
"Maybe too much bad."
"I don't hate him. I'm mad at him for what he did to you, but I don't hate him."
"So it's a maybe?"
"I guess. I say that now, but I think my reaction if I do ever meet him will probably be the complete opposite. I’m also not sure if he should be around Lou.”
“Ben wouldn’t hurt her.” You press your lips together. "I don't think he would."
“Maybe not intentionally.”
"He's not a bad guy, well-" You take a sip from the bottle, remembering the fight. “He’s just complicated. I guess.”
And I'm still making excuses for him. 
“Sounds like you’re going to forgive him.” Rosemary is frowning at you.
For someone who wants to maybe meet him, she’s acting like she still doesn’t want me to forgive him.
“Trust me, our story is over, finally. I’m just going to bust him out of wherever the hell he is and then I’ll never have to see him ever again.” You remember what you yelled at one another the night of the premiere and it strengthens your resolve. You didn't want to forgive him, you just wanted to get him the hell out of Russia and maybe slap him around a bit and then go home and finally move on with your life. Because you were slowly realizing you never did, you just packed it all away deep down and pretended to move on. "This isn't about forgiveness, it's so I can live with myself."
"I just don't think you should forgive him so easily."
"I don't want to and I'm not going to. He doesn't deserve that." You mutter that last part into the bottle, because it was true. Ben didn't deserve your forgiveness, hell, he didn't deserve you risking your life to find him, but you had to.  His death left such a big hole in your life and you beat yourself up about it for years, you not being there for him when he needed you the most. But now, going to Russia, getting him back, meant that you could finally move on, that you could close the hole and finally be at peace.
Rosemary leans back in her chair with a sigh. “Promise me,  you're going to come back."
"I promise. Not even Homelander can stop me." You smile at her. “Now I just got to figure out where Ben is.”
Easy. Yeah right.
Thank you so much for reading! If you'd like to be added to the taglist for this series let me know :)
Taglist: @roseblue373 @anundyingfidelity @cheynovak @cassiecasluciluce @muhahaha303 @deans-spinster-witch @kayleighmeister @demodemo909 @fruitfacess @bobbobbobinogs @bughill126, @simplyfixated @sleepjam, @tiredstrangerr @freefallthoughts,@onlyangel-444 @lov3vivian @mxltifxnd0m @mayafatimakhan
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hi! im miku and welcome to Internet! you can do lots of fun things here. like look at my blog! ok im gonna hand the mic over to the omnipotent being that watches my every move
thanks miku. here are some things to remember before you send an ask:
- I am not associated with crypton, sega, or the official miku twitter! im just a guy making funny post
- miku lives in a computer. i probably won’t answer anything referring to her doing things in the real world, since saying “I am in a computer what are you talking about” is only funny the first five times
- I use my askbox as a jumping off point for jokes! if I don’t answer your ask it’s not because I didn’t like it, I just probably couldn’t think of anything funny to respond with
- I love receiving art!!!!!!! please send me your miku art!!!!!!! you can even send me a link to your art posted on your own blog and I’ll reblog it so you still get the notes!!!! I LOVE ART!!!!!! (also the ai training toggle has been turned off for this blog so. you’re safe here.)
- there are some things you should speak to a mental health professional about ( ie “i just can’t go on” “my life is terrible” ect) and you should not send these things to hatsune miku. i understand and empathize with you but I cannot help you and it’s very upsetting to receive things like this !
- anything written in parentheses for the most part is an ooc comment from the person running this blog (that’s me!). I don’t like doing this very often though, so if you have a question that can only really be answered ooc then please ask it off anon so I can respond privately!
- please remember I am just one person and sometimes I make mistakes! im a pretty busy person and also disabled so sometimes things slip through the cracks when im low energy. I do my best though so please let me know if you think i’ve made a mistake and i’ll do my best to fix it :]
- sometimes I like to reblog miku art from other people! please be respectful in these artists notes. I know this is a silly jokes blog but these people have not necessarily signed up to be goofed at on their posts. please be kind and keep the clowning to a minimum on posts that aren’t made by me!
- no TERFS allowed. hatsune miku loves trans women
Q: can I make a vocaloid-official blog too???
A: yes!!!! anybody can!! please let me know if you do so I can add you to the masterpost and interact with you! I would check the masterpost first though to make sure there hasn’t already been a blog made for that character :]
Q: do you also run [insert other vocaloid-official blog]?
A: no! I can barely think of funny things to say here do you really think I could manage being funny on two blogs at once. I am friends with the people who run the teto, luka and una blogs so if our posts seem coordinated it’s because I asked them really nicely
Q: who runs this account?
A: secret
Q: miku what’s your opinion on [insert queer identity]
A: I don’t like answering these because I don’t want to open myself up to shitty comments and I can’t think of anything funny to say that wouldn’t just sound like “ally twitch streamer smiling at the camera and saying trans rights”. this blog is run by a queer person and miku is whatever you want her to be, if that helps.
Q: i made a vocaloid-official blog! how do I get added to the masterpost?
A: adding people to the masterpost has gotten really overwhelming for me so I won’t be doing it anymore. sorry! feel free to still make a vocaloid-official blog and interact with me if you want, I just won’t be updating the masterpost anymore. the current list will stay up as it is as sort of like. a memento or something.
Q: do you know anything about PJSK???
A: no <3
these are my Official Friends! go say hi to them!!
🥖 @kasaneteto-official
🐟 @megurineluka-official
🐙 @otomachi-una-official
🍷 @hanakomeiko-official
💛 @neruakita-official
🍌 @kagaminelen-official
🍊 @kagaminerin-official
🐢 @ryuto-official (RESURRECTED)
💜 @vflower-official
🥕 @gumi-official
🖤 @zatsunemiku-official
🍡 @tohokuzunko-official
🩹 @fukase-official
🔌 @utatanepiko-official
🐰 @yukari-official
🩵 @ringsuzune-official
⚓️ @oliverv3-official
🌷 @nekomurairoha-official
🥢 @vocaloidcul-official
☕️ @rukoyokune-official
🥂 @meiko-offical
👑 @galaco-official
🐱 @seeu-official
🌸 @meikahime-official
🪻 @meikamikoto-official
🍆 @gakupo-official
🎀 @utanekoe-official
🌹 @sakinemeiko-official
🔪 @mayuofficial
🛰️ @moonbase-alpha-tts-official
🍺 @yowane-haku-official
🪐 @ia-official
🎹 @namineritsu-official
☁️ @tone-rion-official
🎤 @maika-official
🌈 @kawaiine-official
🍏 @macnenana-official
🌻 @dex-official
💗 @garnetvocaloid-official
💿 @yohioloid-official
🌺 @zhizidongfang-official
🤍 @kokone-official
🐸 @vocaloidrana-official
🌟 @xingchen-official
🍎 @yuki-official
🌿 @fionetheutau-official
💫 @sfa2miki-official
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juniperwoodwell · 4 months
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Welcome to the first post of my Keanuverse writings! This was a request from @scarlettspectra! I gave myself the goal of 1k words for each character since I'm still learning how to write for them(which I achieved), it's not my best work but I had a ton of fun writing! I hope you enjoy!
Pairing(s): Neo (Thomas Anderson) x F!Reader. Aged up!Ted Theodore Logan x F!Reader. Tom Ludlow x F!Reader
Word count: 3,383k
WARNINGS: use of Y/n, Cursing, suggestive flirting, fluff, a bit of angst, minor references to death, aged up Ted (18-19), most likey OOC for all three.
Notices: For Tom's story it is written in first person. Not sure if they even count as fluff. And I'm not sure why all of them end with sleep... I'm just that exhausted I guess.
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"Neo" Thomas Anderson.
“Where’s Y/n?” Neo’s voice cut through the hum of conversation in the rec room of their ship. Trinity's shrug was almost imperceptible, but Neo caught it.
“Where do you think?” She didn’t need to elaborate; they all knew Y/n's penchant for losing herself in her work. Neo nodded, understanding, and made his way to find her.
Y/n lay in a chair, her brow smoothed out in sleep, her breaths soft and even. Neo stood beside her, the dim lights casting shadows across her face. He reached out, his fingers brushing against the strands of her hair, a stark contrast to the constant chaos of their reality.
“What does she even do there?” Neo asked Morpheus, who had been waiting nearby.
The older man’s laugh rumbled low. “Whatever she wants. It’s her construct, her rules.”
Neo observed her for a moment longer before making his decision. “Want to join her?” Morpheus asked, knowing the answer already.
When Neo entered Y/n's construct, he was greeted by a world unlike anything he had seen in the Matrix. Towering skyscrapers were replaced by lush trees, the cacophony of the city silenced by the gentle rustle of leaves and the distant chirping of birds.
“Neo, what a surprise.” Y/n's voice reached him before he spotted her, nestled beneath a tree, bathed in the warm glow of simulated sunlight. He approached, the soft grass yielding beneath his boots. She patted the spot beside her, and Neo couldn't refuse. As he settled next to her, Y/n leaned against him, their connection tangible in the serene stillness.
“What are you working on?” Neo gestured towards the notebook nestled in her lap, his eyes lingering on the sketches and notes scrawled within its pages.
“Her,” Y/n replied softly, nodding towards a figure seated at a nearby picnic table, engrossed in a book.
“Your mother?” Neo asked, understanding dawning in his eyes.
Y/n nodded, her gaze distant. “Trying to capture her essence, her spirit. It’s proving more challenging than I anticipated.”
Neo pulled her closer, a silent understanding passing between them. He admired her resilience, her determination to resurrect a piece of her past.
“Tell me what you've achieved,” Neo encouraged, eager to share in her triumphs.
“Well, her physical appearance is mostly accurate, but...” Y/n trailed off, a shadow crossing her features. “But her presence, her aura... that’s proving elusive.”
Neo listened, his heart aching for her. Despite their reality, Y/n persisted in her quest for connection, for closure.
“I feel like I'm at my wit's end,” Y/n admitted, her frustration palpable.
Neo stood, offering his hand. “Let's walk,” he suggested, a small smile tugging at his lips.
Hand in hand, they wandered through the idyllic landscape, the sun casting long shadows across the grass.
“Wits end, huh?” Neo teased gently, the corners of his mouth quirking up.
Y/n rolled her eyes, her laughter echoing in the tranquil surroundings. “A bit dramatic, I suppose.”
As they walked, Neo couldn’t help but admire Y/n's simplicity, her authenticity in a world built on deceit.
“What made you finally decide to join me?” Y/n asked, breaking the comfortable silence between them.
Neo glanced down at her, his gaze softening. “Curiosity, I suppose. And maybe a bit of... admiration.”
They paused, the world around them shimmering with an ethereal beauty. Neo pulled Y/n close, her warmth seeping into his bones.
As their lips drew near, a jarring ring cut through the peaceful scene. Reality beckoned, but for a moment longer, they lingered in their shared sanctuary.
A few hours after departing the simulation, Y/n navigated the ship's corridor, her steps weary but determined. As she reached her room, she found Neo leaning casually against the doorframe, his presence both comforting and electrifying. “Neo…” she breathed his name, a mixture of longing and anticipation hanging in the air. “Got a moment?” he asked, his voice a low murmur in the dimly lit hallway. She nodded, her resolve wavering in the face of his magnetic pull. “For you? Always,” she replied, her voice a whisper carried on the currents of their shared reality.
Once inside her quarters, Y/n settled onto her bed, the weight of the day settling around her like a heavy shroud. Neo joined her, his presence a grounding force amidst the chaos of their world.
As she removed her shoes, his eyes traced her movements, a silent acknowledgment of the strength she carried within her. When she turned to face him, his touch was urgent, his lips meeting hers with a fierce intensity that ignited a fire within her soul.
In that fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still, the boundaries of their reality blurring as they became lost in the ecstasy of their connection. It was a sanctuary, a brief respite from the trials that awaited them beyond the confines of their shared embrace.
As they pulled away, breathless and exhilarated, Y/n's heart soared, her desire for him consuming her entirely. Neo's laughter echoed in the quiet of the room as he trailed kisses along her jaw, his touch a balm to her restless soul.
Reluctantly, he pulled away, a hint of regret in his eyes. Y/n protested, her need for him palpable in the air between them. “If we continue, you'll never rest,” he cautioned, his voice a gentle reminder of the responsibilities that awaited them.
Y/n met his gaze with defiance, her determination unwavering in the face of his gentle admonishment. “That's not for you to decide,” she countered, her voice a whisper against the backdrop of their shared intimacy.
Neo's smirk was both infuriating and endearing as he regarded her, his gaze lingering on her with a mixture of admiration and desire. “Very well,” he conceded, his fingers trailing along her cheek. “Let's rest, for now.”
Y/n smiled, her eyes alight with mischief as she draped her arms around his neck. “Agreed,” she murmured, pulling him close for one final kiss before surrendering to the call of sleep.
As Neo guided her beneath the covers, Y/n felt a sense of peace wash over her, his touch a soothing balm against the chaos of their days. “Will you stay?” she asked, her voice a soft plea in the darkness.
Neo nodded, his gaze unwavering as he ran his fingers along her back. “Of course,” he replied, his voice a whisper against the silence of the night.
As Y/n drifted into sleep, Neo remained by her side, his presence a steadfast reminder of the love they shared amidst the tumult of their existence. In the warmth of their embrace, they found solace, a sanctuary amidst the storm.
And as the world faded into darkness, they surrendered to the sweet embrace of sleep, their dreams intertwined in the tapestry of their shared existence.
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Ted Theodore Logan
Ted’s joyful greeting interrupted Y/n’s intense focus, her eyes reluctantly leaving the dense textbook pages. With a weary smile, she raised her gaze to meet his, her exhaustion evident.
"How’s it going, babe!" Ted’s tone brimmed with joy as he slid into the seat beside her, his presence a welcome distraction.
Y/n couldn’t help but smile at his infectious enthusiasm, though she couldn’t hide her weariness. "Very... Very slowly," she sighed, running her hands down her face in exhaustion.
Ted's mischievous grin widened as he settled beside her, his excitement palpable.
As she looked at him, a mix of concern and curiosity flickered in her eyes. "What are you planning?" she asked cautiously, bracing herself for one of Ted’s wild ideas. His grin grew wider, a glint of mischief dancing in his eyes. "I’ve just had the most excellent idea, dudette. Let’s go!" With a swift motion, he grabbed her hand, pulling her up from her seat, his enthusiasm contagious.
Y/n hesitated, her responsibilities tugging at her conscience. "Ted Theodore Logan! I can’t just leave; I’ve got a paper due in the morning," she protested weakly, knowing deep down that Ted’s persuasion was hard to resist. But his determination was unwavering, and before she knew it, she found herself grabbing her jacket as Ted dragged her along to the Circle-K.
Standing before the familiar store, Y/n couldn't help but voice her skepticism. "Really, Ted? The Circle-K again?" Her hands found their way to her hips, her gaze fixed on the unassuming sign above.
Ted shrugged, undeterred by her doubt. "I know, I know. But tonight, we embark on a daring quest: to conquer every slushie flavor they possess!" Y/n couldn’t suppress a laugh at his infectious enthusiasm. "Alright, dude. But this time, you’re footing the bill... with your pretzel money," she teased, a playful grin tugging at her lips.
With a theatrical flourish, Ted swung the door open, bowing as Y/n entered with a mock curtsy, their banter echoing through the aisles as they filled their cups with an array of vibrant colors. But by the time they added the cola flavor, the mix turned a dark purple—not a very appetizing color. Y/n handed Ted her slushie and told him she’d go get some snacks. They met at the counter and pulled out all their loose money. Ted refused to let Y/n spend a dime on anything tonight, so she negotiated a penny, which he agreed to because he couldn’t argue with her logic.
Exiting the store, they embarked on their customary leisurely stroll home, tongues stained and spirits high. Ted's tongue became the subject of Y/n's laughter, prompting a playful exchange as they walked hand in hand. Ted stuck out his tongue, and Y/n laughed loudly. "Your tongue is so purple!"
"You should see yours!" he countered as he nudged her shoulder. She nudged him back a little harder, then bolted ahead. Ted followed after her, catching her with his free hand and pulling her into him. "You’re mine now, babe!"
Their journey led them to Y/n's backyard and her cherished treehouse, adorned with twinkling lights. It was her sanctuary, a haven away from the chaos of the world.
Ted sat down on one of the three beanbag chairs on the floor of the treehouse. They hadn’t had much time together lately. Y/n had been sent to an all-girls high school after getting into trouble too many times, being the third member of a certain-rockin'-duo. Ted and Bill had blamed themselves for a while, but now, they all had their own paths. Y/n was an A-student, and the boys were still very passionate about their band.
Y/n sat on the floor beside the window, next to where Ted was sitting. She looked out toward her house; her parents were in the dining room building a puzzle. 'How boring' she thought.
"Y/n," Ted’s usually bouncy, aloof demeanor wasn’t present in his voice. When she looked over at him, she saw the vulnerability she saw in him when he was around his father. "Yeah, Teddy?" The rare use of that nickname caused his heart to race. Only she could call him that, only Y/n. He looked away and shook his head, finishing off his slushie. Y/n sat up and placed her hand on his knee. "What’s wrong?" she asked, suddenly concerned.
"I- It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it," he quickly smiled to cover up his sullen attitude. "That won’t cut it. Tell me, or I’m kicking you out." He laughed. "Again!? But I just got pardoned!" he exclaimed gleefully.
Y/n stood up, her hands on her hips. "Teddy, I’m going to sit down." She spoke but didn’t give him a chance to respond. She straddled his hips, causing them to sink further into the beanbag. Ted’s face erupted in red, his ears, cheeks, and neck red as a tomato.
"Talk." She crossed her arms, knowing this was like Wonder Woman's lasso of truth to him.
Ted groaned, a mix of surprise and irritation. "Fine. I was gonna tell you anyway! You didn’t need to..." He motioned to her hips. She raised a curious brow, and his head fell back. "You’re acting like I don’t do this all the time." His head snapped back up, and he glared at her playfully, his hair looking wilder than usual. Y/n reached forward to thread her fingers through it. Ted’s eyes fluttered shut at the feeling.
"I miss you," he admitted softly, his hands finding their places on her hips. Y/n’s face softened in understanding. "Oh- I see… I have been really busy, haven’t I?" Ted nodded. Y/n continued to play with his hair. "You haven’t been around; even Bill misses you."
Y/n hummed. "Yes, I bet he does. But my sweet boyfriend misses me more, doesn’t he?"
"More than anything," his words were slow and mumbled. He was exhausted; this was probably weighing on him more than he realized.
Y/n removed herself from his lap; his hands reached for her as he groaned in protest. "Hold on for a sec, babe." Y/n spoke sweetly as she moved to open the trunk in the corner of the treehouse.
She pulled out a thick, fuzzy blanket and then moved back over to Ted. She sat down in his lap, her legs draped over his, and her head rested on his shoulder as she put the blanket over them. "Teddy, I’ll try and make more time for you and Bill. I’m sorry I didn’t realize sooner that I was neglecting you." He shrugged tiredly, a goofy, tired smile on his lips, his eyes still shut as he struggled to keep his head up. "It’s totally cool, babe, no worries," she smiled at his words, allowing sleep to consume her.
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Tom Ludlow
The sun was setting over LA, casting a warm glow that enveloped the balcony of my apartment. The fading daylight's gentle warmth kept me company as I lounged outside. A cold glass of iced tea sat on the table beside me, the ice cubes clinking softly as they melted. It was 7 o’clock, and I waited patiently, soaking in the tranquility of the evening.
Thirty minutes passed, and finally, the door to my apartment swung open and then slammed shut. "I’m home," my boyfriend's rough, tired voice echoed through the space. I rose from my chair on the balcony and made my way inside. "Green, Yellow, or Red?" I inquired, our signal for the mood we were in after work: Green for great, Yellow for moderate, Red for really shitty. I found him by the front door, shrugging off his coat. I crossed my arms and leaned against the doorway.
"Red. Bright fucking red," he grumbled. I nodded silently, understanding that it was my cue to let him set the pace. When he turned to face me, his shoulders visibly softened. "Look at you. Did you dress up for me, or?" he teased, a smirk playing on his lips. Even on Red days, we didn't bring our troubles home; they stayed on the doorstep. But we would address them eventually.
I smiled and shrugged, playfully turning away and heading towards the kitchen, with his heavy footsteps trailing behind me. His favorite meal awaited him on the table, along with a beer at his usual spot. He chuckled as he took in the spread. "You're amazing," he said, wrapping an arm around my waist and kissing the top of my head. I leaned into him, and he embraced me tightly, seeking solace.
"Don’t tiptoe around me tonight; I’ll be alright," he confessed, turning me to face him. His eyes scanned me from head to toe. I wore his favorite outfit—not too flashy, just the right mix of sweet and sexy. "Shall we eat?" I nodded, kissing the corner of his mouth, feeling his hands softly gripping my hips. I could tell he needed to unwind, and I was determined to help him relax.
So we sat down to dinner. I held a glass of wine in my hand while he nursed his first beer. Across from each other at the dining table, he turned the attention to me. "How was your day, sweetheart?" he inquired. I hummed, "Boring. Forced leave is stupid." He rolled his eyes. "You fell down a flight of stairs and had a mild concussion. I think it’s justified," he remarked. I scoffed, "I wouldn’t be here if I had just bought those new shoes you told me to." Tom chuckled, taking a long sip from his bottle. My wine remained barely touched.
"You're worried," he stated, knowing me like the back of his hand. He could read me like a book, even from the day we met. "Yes... I mean, you rarely have Red days anymore, so of course I’m worried," I confessed. He nodded, understanding, placing the bottle on the table before standing up from his seat. Standing beside me, he lifted my chin and kissed me tenderly. I melted into his embrace; I was supposed to be the one to relax him, not the other way around.
He pulled me up from my seat, guiding me to the living room as he peppered kisses along my jawline. His warmth enveloped me as his body pressed against mine. Sitting me on the couch, he knelt in front of me, and I tilted my head, curious. He smirked, "I can’t let my girl get stressed over me," he declared, his knuckles brushing against my ankles as he slipped off my heels. My eyes brimmed with affection as I watched him. What a sap. I chuckled at the thought, and his gaze met mine, his smile genuine.
"What’s so funny?" he inquired. I shook my head, smiling. His eyes darkened, locking onto mine like a predator eyeing its prey. Tossing my shoes aside, he stood up, maintaining his intense gaze. "I won’t ask again," he asserted with feigned authority. "You're a sap," I teased. He laughed, a genuine, happy sound. Surprised, he smiled. "A sap, huh? Why don’t you slip into something comfy, and I’ll come find you in the bedroom."
I nodded and stood, grabbing his hand and giving him a brief kiss before darting off to our shared bedroom. "Comfy" meant wearing his shirt and a pair of PJ shorts. I sat on the bed, organizing my bedside table, removing empty pill bottles and water bottles. This room had become my sanctuary during my leave, but I had let it become cluttered. As I threw away the last bottle, Tom entered the room. His expression was soft, and I noticed his hands were damp.
"Did you wash the dishes?" I asked. He nodded. "Oh, Tommy, you didn’t have to," I said, touched. He shrugged, "It gave me some time to think. Ready for bed?" I nodded wearily, then crawled under the covers. I watched him as he shut the bedroom door and began undressing, but he disappeared into the bathroom to change. "Tease!" I exclaimed, hearing his deep chuckle from the other side of the door. "Nothing you haven’t seen before, baby," he quipped.
When he emerged, he wore a pair of low-waisted black sweatpants. Nothing else. It was warm, and I didn't blame him. He climbed into bed, and we leaned against the headboard, me nestled against him with a book in hand. He turned on the TV, the volume low, quickly finding a rerun of an old TV show. This was our routine. If we weren’t tired, I would read while he watched something.
Tucked against his chest, I read my book. "How many is this?" he asked. "Four. Hopefully, next weekend I’ll have finished the fifth one," I replied. He hummed, kissing my head. "We lost an officer today. He was just a kid. It really hit me hard, and I’m not sure why," he confessed. I placed my book face down, looking up at him. "Oh, baby…" I caressed his face, kissing his cheek. He held my hand, kissing my palm.
"I’ll be alright. I’m taking the day off tomorrow. It’ll be just us," he assured me. I smiled, nuzzling back into him. "I like the sound of that. A day of infinite possibilities." We relaxed into each other, my book untouched, and the TV left on. A peaceful slumber enveloped us in its warmth.
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mysteryshackaskblog · 1 month
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Welcome one and all to the Mystery Shack Ask Blog! Ever wonder what's been going down with the Pines Family and the rest of Gravity Falls since the whole almost-end-of-the-world? It's time for a reunion and for some answers to all your burning questions.
The inbox is open for business, don't be shy!
More information below the cut!
Hi everyone! My name is Gus and I'll be running this ask/rp blog! I hope you guys are enjoying the Gravity Falls resurgence as much as I am!
This blog will be set around 3 years post-show, Mabel and Dipper are set to turn 16 this August 31st, and the year is 2015. Stan and Ford are visiting along with the twins to see Gravity Falls again and celebrate with old friends.
Various characters are available to ask and answer! The main cast will of course be Dipper, Mabel, Stan and Ford but also expect to see others like Soos & Melody, Pacifica, McGucket, Wendy, Grenda & Candy, and many more!
I'll do my best to answer all asks but some that are doubled up may be stepped over to avoid repeat questions and answers. There's also some rules I'd like people to keep in mind!
This is Blog is a LGBTQ and Neurodivergent friendly and run space! There will be headcanons to this effect and asks are allowed to highlight them! Please be respectful and understand this is not an actual, Canon blog. Opinions may differ and you are free to not engage if it's not your thing!
Be respectful in general really, swearing and pg13 and even more mature asks in line with new content like Book of Bill are allowed but try to keep it from being overly explicit, swearing and certain jokes are okay but bigotry, slur usage aren't allowed.
Some things may have trigger tags, and upsetting content may come up. I will do my best to treat it with care but if you want any specific things tagged that I miss or haven't considered please let me know and I'll tag the future and past content that requires it!
Some ships may come up, again, keeping in mind this is not a Canon run blog. They will all have their own tag as well as a general shipping tag so it can be avoided / blacklisted with ease! Though I ask in general: all ships pertaining to inc*st or minor/adult pairings are not brought up here, thank you!
That's all for now! I hope you guys can have fun and enjoy this space with me!
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askfuzzycallie · 9 months
Welcome to askfuzzycallie!
This is a splatoon au ask blog! I'm your humble host, @possiblycringe! I hope you enjoy my silly little au :D This blog will have a overarching story told over time. Most asks will not progress the plot, but Callies behavior and the status quo will change, usually during the course of longer answers or non ask comics. If you are just arriving, I recommend reading through the asks in chronological order. <- Chrono Tag Also, this is a horror au, or at least an au that contains horror in it. There is going to be psychological horror, body horror, and other unpleasant stuff. These aspects will become more apparent later on in the story, though. Just be aware of that! ______________________________________________________________ Our cast! Captain 3 (Carp)
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-The quiet captain of the NSS. She can face down a horde of enemy octarians but when faced with a slightly uncomfortable conversation she will bolt. -Carp is also partially Octarian -(SPOILERS) Carp has been on the sidelines this whole time, but with Callie feral will she step into action? She seems uncomfortable to even talk about it... Agent 3 (Peashooter) and Lil Buddy (Pod)
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-The short-tempered, half-fuzzified kid who, for some reason, was recruited by Craig. He seems to not trust easily, but those who gain his trust, such as Craig and Pod, are people he will die for without question. Despite Pod eating the fuzzy ooze just before it transformed him, he doesn't remember anything about his old life, and wants to keep it that way. -(SPOILERS) It seems that Pea has reason not to want to remember his former life, as he had a past similar to the squid sisters...except he was forced into fame at a much younger age, leading to neglect and a belief that genuine joy is simply a facade that he is above -(SPOILERS) In the past, Pea, or as his name used to be, Crumb, had a collaboration with the squid sisters, where Callie comforted him after he tried to run away from set. This memory has inspired a new courage in Pea, who seems to have changed his view on the world just a little Agent 1 (Callie Cuttlefish)
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-The cheery premier agent of the NSS and the former pop star, Callie has been enjoying life after her incident with the hypnoshades. Unfortunately, the fuzzy ooze might disrupt that...but she doesn’t seemed very bothered by the changes! -(SPOILERS) The symptoms have progressed. Callie is now hunting birds without Marie's knowledge -(SPOILERS) Callie has been convinced by Mr. Grizz to hide her worsening symptoms from Marie. This could be a bad sign -(SPOILERS) Callie has become aggressive towards Deep Cut, now attacking them without hesitation. Memories have also begun to degrade -(SPOILERS) Callie has attempted to kill and eat Big Man, and this whole time has been eating salmonoids, some of which used to be her friends. Has she fully lost herself? She has separated away from the NSS, permanently for now Agent 2 (Marie Cuttlefish)
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-The sassy half of the Squid Sisters and second agent of the NSS, Marie has one of the strongest wills in the Splatoon. She's wary of Callie's new quirks, but is trying not to let them drift apart again. -(SPOILERS) Marie's worst fears have been realized: Callie has been lying to her this entire time. Now she's who-knows-where. She will need to find the inner strength to keep going and rescue her cousin. Again. I have other agents and feel free to ask about them, but they will likely not make a huge impact on the story! ______________________________________________________________ General rules and guidelines: -No NSFW related asks, please -OOC asks are okay, if you want any clarification on the au! -You can clarify who you are asking or leave it up to me to decide who answers -No ships are planned for this, there are some I am considering but I might not include them as I am not the strongest with romance (Edit: There is one minor romantic subplot planned because I was enabled by a friend. Have fun with that!) -I'm pretty bad with fancy formatting, so I will probably not have that much fancy texts -M!Anons aren't allowed. I'm pretty new with askblogs so I want to wait a bit until I'm more comfortable to let M!Anons happen. EDIT: No M!A will be allowed until the main story is completed
-As established in this ask, the context for asks is that an ancient human AI was found in alterna. You are free to send asks to any character in alterna because of this, but please keep this lore in mind! -No interaction with other roleplay blogs, please. This is a self contained story and because of the reasoning given above, other roleplay blogs sending asks wouldn't make sense. Thank you for understanding! -Non-OOC Asks will generally be answered with 1-5 sketches, might add splashes of color if needed ______________________________________________________________
Tags: [Ask] - any asks, in character or not [OOC] - any OOC asks [Fuzzy Callie] - any in character asks or events relating to the overall story ______________________________________________________________ Ending things off, I have never run an ask blog before so please forgive me for any mistakes I make! Thank you :D
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ask-nightmares-castle · 3 months
Hello, everyone, and welcome to this little shitshow of an askblog!!!! My name’s Coco, and I am the singular owner of this blog,, ofgh.. I’m not actually sure what to say here!!!
Uhhh,,, so these little freaks (the bsp and other sanses,,, totally) have been stuck in my head for YEARS, and I’ve built way too much of a story for them to not put it SOMEWHERE. this is somewhere, now. This isn’t a very serious thing at all, just some funnies, but I thought ‘hey, why not give it a shot’, so now we’re here!
This is an info post, so I’m gonna explain the rules of the ask box, some background, blah blah blah.
Here we go I guess🪑
-Don’t be an ass! Idk if I have to say this, but rude/uncomfortable asks will not be answered, and if persistent, will result in a block
-No explicit NSFW!! Suggestive asks are absolutely fine, and I’d say that I consider ‘suggestive’ a lot more lenient than most,,, but like,, no porn. That’s for other places. (Like my ao3, once I actually post stuff)
-No angst! This (incredibly fanon) multiverse is primarily fluffy and sweet, and I don’t feel too comfy doing any sad/angsty stuff. No offense to people who love it, just not for me. Things that could be bittersweet are ok, as long as I can end the post happily:)
-If you want to be remembered anonymously, please mark yourself with some sort of emoji or sign off! (I don’t know askblog etiquette so this may be common sense but yk,,, just gonna say it)
-When asking about lore/world stuff, don’t ask me, ask Kesia! Kesia is a character that will show up here, and she is essentially the info person for lore and story. She isn’t exclusive for that though, so if you want to ask her other things, feel free! Sometimes she’ll appear in answers and art, just because she does that lol
-This isn’t just for the bad sanses, even if that is the main theme here. You can ask just about any well-known au character, and you might be surprised to find how they fit into the story!
-(mostly) Everything here is just headcanons! A lot of these characters have been changed HUGE amounts to fit my liking, and sometimes they go directly against something stated in canon! (ie. Bear (horror) not eating humans in canon, while he does so enthusiastically here)
-Last but not least, please don’t compare my Nightmare with that of Neahchanart’s, I’ve had issues with that before, and I don’t feel like addressing it. There are core differences between the two, and it just sucks to be compared to another artist, especially this specific one.
GH,, THAT SHOULD BE ALL! Now, I’m gonna go finish the references for this, and get it started!
Have fun!
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hyugahell · 7 months
Why hello there and welcome to the Hyuga clan!
This blog was created for me (admin) to illustrate all the chaos I feel could possibly take place with a fucked up family like theirs! I mean c'mon, I cannot be the only one that thinks they're at least a tad bit more colorful in personality behind closed doors. Surely the way they interact with the world isn't always done with a stone-cold attitude and somber face?
With that noted there may at times be when the Hyuga might get portrayed a bit OOC, but then again this is a lighthearted blog I made for myself for pure entertainment purposes. Please don't take anything here too seriously!! The blog is to be fun for everyone!
NOW RULES (I know, I know), but these are very important for us as much as rules were to the Hyuga clan!:
PROSHIP DNI (I as the admin will not tolerate incest or pedo shipping here at all, you will be blocked immediately!)
Harassment will also be met with a block! If you hate a particular Hyuga that's fine, that's an opinion you're allowed to have! But, I made this blog strictly for fun, so don't go trying to harass me or anyone else who may enjoy it or any characters.
Just don't be a dick, pretty easy to do!
Please send a message if you have any sort of questions and concerns and admin (me) will get to you as quickly as possible!!
Additionally, you can also send asks to the inbox for a specific character to answer and I WILL DO MY BEST to be in character with how I feel they'd answer!
Now that all the boring dialogue is out of the way, welcome the the Hyuga clan chaos blog!
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soaps-mohawk · 2 months
me sliding into your asks as soon as i see they're open: HECKIN. YES.
(also i wrote this before the latest update if the vibes seem off)
I know you've been having A Time of it so no pressure to answer this (or if it bothers you! I hope you don't mind but if you do I apologize) 
But I was reading through the CRCB FAQs and you were talking about how a second omega would fit in the pack, with Simon as their "primary" alpha. I was thinking about what kind of omega would be interesting and able to keep up with them....and landed on: well, there have to be SOME omega rights activists, right? It seems like omega suffrage would be a fairly new thing (last 100 years or so), and that generally speaking omegas have the limited rights that American women had prior to women's lib/the advent of no fault divorce (and if you've already talked about this ahhhh don't mind me!)
And I just thought. That would be so delicious. An older omega rights activist (30s? older than reader!omega "Too old" by societal norms) , not super well known but pretty independent for an omega. and the US government can't just KILL them as much as they want to, (the FBI is like wym y not???:( so ooc for us ) so the CIA is like hey UK!!! heard about some omega shit you were doing. Need another one??? But don't look at that file too closely. Actually, you know what, just give the file back to us, you don't need it
Basically the exact opposite reason reader was chosen (military background, textbook good omega , genuinely trying their best to be a good omega vs civilian actively trying to cause a ruckus  who needs to be black bagged) and they know Ghost's reputation and his upbringing, on paper they see a man who will NOT take kindly to this mouthy omega, who will undoubtedly fight him on EVERYTHING, who will certainly hate the good omega the pack already has, so no one will be too concerned if Riley roughs them up a bit. if the omega dies during claiming wah wahhh so sad. but these things happen and now the Brits owe us a favor for killing a US citizen
Of course they don't take into account how much reader!omega has impacted the pack, who is already working on ways to make the new omega feel welcome and cared for, that Ghost would sooner kill himself than put himself in a position where he felt he was unsafe for (his) omega OR that Ghost would probably be really chuffed to have an omega that will stand toe to toe with him and who will be SO EXCITED at learning how to fight alphas. 
idk idk i just had fun thinking about it. reader!omega being very protective of New Packmate, doing things she wish had been done when she was first introduced to the pack (fluffy blanket shopping spree!!) lowkey being a wingman, baking brownies together, HAVING THEIR OWN GROUP CHAT ABOUT THE BOYS!! well i guess it's just a chat if there's only two in it but you get it
anyway thank you for sharing this wonderful world with us :)
(also: i was so scared about the new chapter bcos anxiety! i was worried the boys would just be harsh and angry for the dramatic tension but their reactions were believable and informed by what they've been learning about the realities of being an omega. and it was so well done, it made my heart hurt but the good way.)
Haha yeah, I was getting a ton and didn't want to overwhelm myself so I turned them off for a bit before Saturday since I knew I'd be getting many after I posted the chapter.
Ah yeah, that was an idea I had early on writing this fic. Something similar except Simon doesn't accept the first omega so Laswell sends in a second (the details and world are very different with a few similarities) for Simon and Johnny.
But this would be a good idea too!! Definitely would be some butting heads there and there would be a lot of struggles between them. Angst though. The angst would be chef's kiss
(Yeah, I tried to tone it down more from what it was originally going to be and honestly I made them nicer than they should have been, while also keeping it realistic still. John definitely was the most understanding because he understands why 'mega kept it a secret in the first place. I broke everyone's hearts this week. I can't promise I'm not gonna do it again next week)
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evo-lutioneternal · 2 months
// Content Warning:
This blog will occasionally discuss topics of cults, religious trauma, and experimentation/medical malpractice. These topics will be addressed with the "cw: [topic]" tag. Please block these tags accordingly
Outside of that, this blog is low-stakes. The mod is not a huge fan of a lot of angst so I will mostly remain lighthearted and silly //
Hello rotomblr.
I'm Evian, a university student at Naranja/Uva/Blueberry Academy. Any pronouns for me are fine.
I am what people would call a "chosen" — my patron legendary is Eternatus. Yes, the one blamed for Galar's darkest days.
Rest assured I have no intent on destroying anything or whatever. I and my... patron just wish to live quietly. Evil teams who wish to "recruit" me for their.. purposes are not welcome. Please leave and rethink your actions.
Pelipper and Musharna Mail are on, Magic Anons are off.
I have one pokemon, a Hatterne named Astella. She was gifted to me by a close friend and she is my most trusted companion. Without her a lot of my daily tasks would be much harder to achieve
My Tags
#☆Evian Answers -> Answered Asks
#☆Stellardex -> Important Posts
Welcome to the OOC bit.
☆ Pelipper Mail | Musharna mail is ON
☆ Musharna Malice is ON
☆ Sentient pokémon + Legendary pokémon can interact!
☆ Canon character RP blogs can interact!
☆ Magic Anons are OFF
Hi again! It's Necro with another pokemon irl blog :) - this time we have the "chosen" of Eternatus! Though... something makes me think that they're not human at all... Probably just me though.
(The gimmick here is Evian is their world's Eternatus, but they are hiding that fact and claiming they are the chosen. That is a lie so they aren't bothered by people. NOBODY IN CHARACTER KNOWS THIS EXCEPT FOR ASTER)
I also run @4ster-bl4ster , so check out my other blog!! These two will interact occasionally :)
General tidbits:
No NSFW with this account, but suggestive is fine. Evian might not get the jokes though
I literally made this blog to be silly and have fun, so please don't take things too seriously :')
If things don't fit 100% with people's canon it's fine, like I don't mind working with ppl. Again, this is just me making a blog for my pokemon oc for the sake of havin fun.
Here's a bit about myself:
Name is Necro/Nec
Main blog is @the-necrobotanist [follows and likes are from @wyrmoffthestr1ng though]
Pronouns are He/They
20 y/o, Illustration major in college
LGBTQIA+ (I'm trans/nonbinary!)
I mainly dabble in Wizardblr lol
Pokémon is my hyperfixation, and I am an avid shiny hunter :)
Chronically ill, and I have a lotta anxiety so I often will explain things in tags if I'm worried abt something.
If you want more just like, go to my main or smthn.
I can't think of anything else to add to this part right now, so I'll add things here as needed.
Btw no TERFS, Zi*nists, or your like. I will block you on sight. Get out
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ask-reidsgagngo · 9 months
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[A live video pops up onto your feed, starting off with a soft static over the screen. You could hear a vague southern accented voice grumbling.] "C'mmonn.. Almost!"
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[After a moment, the camera fades to a clear image of a neon greenish-yellow koala.] "Ah! There we go! Heya darlins. My name is Reid Stock, I use She/They pronouns, and you may know me as the owner of the 'Gag N' Go shop'! I saw a ton a' my peers makin these blogs, and I thought it may-a been interestin' to check out. "
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"Now, before yall' send anything I would love to make one thing clear.. Toons AND cogs are welcome 'ere. Though my job is to sell gags for.. well.. y'know.. I don't really see it anymore than a job, while it is fun to make gags; we do not wish real-world harm onto cogs."
"Well.. that's 'bout it! I just had to make it clear, with some of the toons runnin' round here.. Thank yall' for watchin, and if you're interested, feel free to give a follow!"
(OOC intro below the cut!)
Heya!! My name is Link, and I use they/them pronouns! a ton of my friends have been making ask blogs for their favorite ttcc characters; and I wanted to as well! A small note!! This Reid is my own interpretation.. So she may act a tiny bit different from canon!
I would like to state while Reid is an adult, I am a minor (+ She's from a kids game..), so no NSFW please! Angst is fine, but nothing y'know..
I do have the right to refuse to answer any asks! If it doesn't fit with what I have planned for lore, I may not answer. But! If you want to check in with me to make sure I at least saw it, feel free to shoot me a msg
Interactions will be with @pumpkinslinked !!
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We’re back in business, baybieeee!
Long story short, being disbanded didn’t last long. You numbskulls missed us and we missed you. Team Skull is a family yo!
So since our poor Shady House just sat empty in our brief absence, we decided to slap a few dozen new coats of paint on it and move back in! And with Aether outta our hair, we can leave all that crap behind us and get back to our regularly scheduled chaos. No more wormholes and interdemensional horrors, just good old, family-friendly, petty crime.
Follow to stay up-to-date on what’s going down in Po Town, and send your asks if ya got ‘em!
Wanna be a part of the fam, but you're not in Alola? Check out the Team Skull Expanded Directory HERE!
~Account run by Head Grunt Calla
Pelipper Mail: OPEN!
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((Follows from @ratt-teeth , ooc rules and info below the cut, please read before interacting! Last updated: 10/24/23))
Heyo, it's the mun here! Everything here below the cut is blog info and housekeeping~
This blog acts as the in-universe "official" page for Team Skull. It's run by Calla, who is considered the "head grunt" of the team. While it's supposed to be run as an official update account, she often uses it as a personal blog. More info on Calla can be found here and here.
While this blog is mostly gen, it's definitely more on the pg-13 side. Given the nature of Team Skull, there will be swearing, adult humor, and innuendo. If this makes you uncomfortable, feel free to block, I promise I won't get offended!
In the history for this blog, Team Skull reassembled about a year or so after disbanding, this time without any influence from Aether. They're back to just being a gang of goofy hooligans.
Should also note that this will more or less follow Sun and Moon's canon. I didn't particularly care for a lot of the plot changes in USUM, especially regarding Lusamine’s arc, so I'll be disregarding most of them.
While anyone is welcome to interact, I generally prefer other human characters over sentient pokemon. This blog follows the canon that pokemon are only slightly more sapient than real life animals, and Calla will assume most pokemon-run blogs are just people role-playing, and she's just playing along. (Whoa, meta!)
The above rule also applies to canon characters from other franchises/series.
Pelipper Mail is open and will be treated as if it was actually delivered via Pelipper (or other flying Pokemon)
This blog is generally LOW-STAKES. While Calla may occasionally make commentary on higher-stakes events, please do not attempt to rope me into high-stakes scenarios without discussing it first. Absolutely no ultra/death-stakes. While mentions of death are fine and expected (such as in a backstory or in reference to agriculture/Pokemon as food) I prefer not to participate in it directly. I'm mainly using this blog for goofy fun-times, so please be considerate.
If you OR your character are a minor, absolutely NO flirty/romantic interactions. Friendly interactions and banter are fine and encouraged, but both me and my character are full-grown adults. This is a hard line to ensure everyone’s comfort and safety.
No magic anons!
This one isn't a hard boundary, but I tend not to lean too far into things like fallers/alternate realities, Pokemon-human hybrids, etc.
☆ Overall, this blog's canon tends to be more on the realistic side. I started this blog because I loved the idea started by @/realpokemon of combining the whimsical Pokemon world with the mundane-ness of the real world, and the challenge of balancing the two. While a lot of blogs in the community lean into the more zany and fantastical side of Pokemon, I just personally prefer keeping things more in line with the mainline games but with a touch of realism more akin to the real world.
Original posts/relevant reblogs: #updates from po town
Asks: #answered asks
Out of character/maintenance posts: #ooc , #housekeeping and #behind the curtain
Posts involving Guzma and Plumeria: #guzma and #plumeria respectively
Posts involving my various grunt NPCs: #grunt spotlight
Posts that revolve around Calla or her opinions: #all about calla
Posts including the Team Skull regional branches: #team skull expanded
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ask-voca-mutant-au · 1 year
Welcome! Welcome! (Tw for the whole blog:body horror)
Hello people! Welcome to my au askblog! For those wondering, this au is talking about an alternate reality where the cryptonloid are mutant monsters created in a lab!!!
A lot of other vocaloid (even utaus and fanloid) that aren't the cryptonloid also are in the au, you can ask me about them and their role btw!
@socks-wizard-money-gang <- also this is my main blog
Do not expect any consistency or regular activity it's my first time having an askblog and I'm doing this for fun!!
Btw here are the tag!!
#Mod answers: the mod (me) answer some of the asks
#Character's answers : in character questions!
#A lil piece of lore: lore and world building
#We do some talkin : announcement and textposts (always ooc)
#au design : pretty self explanatory
BTW you can ask questions about the au to me! The mod! Not only the loids!
Current number of asks unanswered:7
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shrubbiest-toon · 2 months
Welcome to my Dandy's World OC ask blog!!!
(Mod does not support Rox's actions, and this blog is not associated with blush crunch!!! This intro henceforth will be in character, with some ooc rules n stuff at the end)
(also, some of the lore stuff might be a little off or WAY off just remember that uhh im not smart so idk a lot uhh yeah also this takes place
Hello everyone! My name is Shrub! I am a toon at Gardenview Educational Center and Museum, and a few of my friends have been doing this "blog," thing, so I thought I would try it out!
I enjoy gardening, and anything to do with plants! You can ask me anything you want to know about them, and I will try my best to give you a good answer!
Besides that, feel free to ask me just about anything!
(okay now that that parts done here's some STUFF
Shrub uses He/they pronouns and is transmasc, though he doesn't rlly tell anyone lol
He's also in a sibling-like relationship with @scramblebrained-toon!!!!
Mod uses any but she/her lol
Here's the rules:
Nothing of the "suggestive" flavour! Mod is a minor and Shrub is innocent!
Uh yeah that's it for now lol
I'll add stuff to this as time goes on! Have fun lol go fckn crazy oh wait also here's what shrub looks like:
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Uh okay bye)
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shiftingmuse · 2 months
my rules of roleplay;
Every role-player should have a set of rules it seems! So here they are…
1) I will roleplay with pretty much anyone; OC and canon are welcome. Even from other fandoms! 
2) NSFW roleplaying is fine by me; It doesn’t mean that is the only way I roleplay.
I won’t even bring that kind of roleplaying up. Considering it usually is short lived. While it can be fun, I like some depth in my writing. ‘Smut’ isn’t always challenging and can be kind of bleak if the characters don't really connect.
{Please be of age when asking for this type of writing. I think it’s fairly obvious everyone in the writing community should have a no-minors rule. 21+ only! Please and thank you!} 
3) Don’t force my character to be with yours!
I’m fine with shipping but I need more than a few posts to get a character interested in yours. 
4) Very similar to the last rule but still needs to be said; 
Don’t God Mod My Character!
I don’t control your character. So don’t try and control mine. If I didn’t write that my character has done something. Don’t write that he has when it’s OOC in the first place. Unless we’ve planned it for some AU roleplay. Just do not do it!
5) I’ll ship pretty much anything. Male x Male, Male x Female.
6) I do not write with Anime or Cartoon based characters.
I admit I’m not a fan of cartoon-based characters like ‘looney toons’ or ‘anime’ based mixing with realistic characters. As I’m not on the level of ‘Who Frame Roger Rabbit’ or even ‘Cool World’ in experience.
So, I don’t want people to shy away because of that writing but I do have my limitation for imagination
7) Something I want to add to this account in particular; If we ever write something together and you are not okay with it even after having discussed it. Please say so, it's not going to ruin anything and we all have boundaries.
This is why I believe interacting directly with someone you write with is important and I don't want to make anyone feel out of place or awkward writing things.
Trust me, I've had to shut people down before when you plan one thing and the roleplayer ends up trying to force something else. It's not fun and it makes you no longer want to write with them.
Anyway! That’s the end of this list!
If anyone has any questions when reading this. Just send me a message! I’ll answer any questions you have as soon as I am able to. :)
My Ask Box and IM are always open to everyone!
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yourfavdandyflower · 3 months
Hi, it’s Dandy, your favourite shopkeeper!!! Welcome to my blog!!!
I’ve heard a lot of things about this site! So I wanted to come on as well!
We’re going to hopefully be having a lot of fun around here! :)
//OOC - Info//
This is an askblog for Dandy from Dandy’s World on Roblox
The Dandy in this blog will probably differ from the canon one in some ways.
He goes by He/They on this blog btw (maybe it/its too but idk)
Also hes kinda unhinged and suspicious (which is sort of how i see canon dandy anyways) :3
18+ NSFW asks are not allowed and will not be answered here
I do not support the co-creator of dw’s actions
In character tag: #Dandy Posting (with additional variations probably)
OOC posts will be tagged with #OOC Post
(the mod of the blog uses they/he/it pronouns)
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Welcome to The Yellow Rose of Sodor
Hello all, all hello! Welcome to the official tumblr for The Yellow Rose of Sodor, a work of fiction created by yours truly (Kamiko!). Although you won’t find much art here to begin with, as I am but a humble writer and my skills with the artistic pen are so-so, here there will be fun prompts and asks for the characters of the series. I will try my utmost to keep up with everything and no one will be OOC to the absolute best of my abilities. Here you can also ask Camille (my OC and lead female for the fic) and the other members of the steam team questions as well! 
Let me premise with I am a young adult (cries in turning 30 this year) and there will be some adult content here. I will not be posting anything graphic or considered NSFW, nor will anything like that be given a dignified response in the asks. I will be treating these characters just like how I would want to be treated. That means any questions about their more intimate relationship will be met with the following statement: “Epic and private” 
With that out of the way, I hope you enjoy your stay and feel free to stop by anytime! 
A few questions I felt might be asked: 
Who’s my favorite character(s)?  Gordon and Henry are my top two. But I also love Donald, Douglas, Edward, James, and Paxton.
What got you into this fandom?  Funny story! I LOVED Thomas as a kid and my dad worked and retired from Union Pacific many years ago, growing up, I was around trains. Trains are awesome. I LOVE them, they are such an awesome symbol of our history and are just pretty freaking cool machines/engines. So, when I had kids of my own, I introduced them to Thomas, discovered it had gotten a CGI revamp while I was off being a preteen/teenager/young adult and I was like “WHOA! This is freaking exciting and cool!” So, I came back!  
How come you like Gordon so much?  Well.... that’s a whole question with a big honking answer that I currently don’t have the time to answer. I think it’s because Gordon has the most story and the most to offer, besides his charming personality and voice (they had no right to make him that attractive). Thomas is just a cheeky character and yes, the show is named after him, but all we know are his adventures that happen day-to-day. Gordon, we know, has a family and he’s lost a lot of that family. He has a brother that’s younger and famous and Gordon kind of has to live in that shadow and also get over his own jealousy. Technically, he was a prototype and wasn’t supposed to really stay on the line, yet here he is. He’s literally the symbol of strength and endurance. He’s here when he really shouldn’t and despite all odds is still rocking it. (That is until he was destroyed via All Engine’s Go along with everything else good in the world) 
What universe will you be focusing on?  So, from my basic understanding (I’m pretty new back in this fandom) there’s the original TV show that used the models, there’s the books, and there’s the CGI era. I really like the original TV show but I’m also living for the CGI era. I love the books too and I will be pulling from all three, but technically I’m mainly sticking with CGI. 
How does the magic/shifting work?  In my headcanon world, the magic to shift between engine and human was given by Lady to all the engines as she saw that many were being scrapped for no good reason as ‘better’ engines were being built. I couldn’t imagine, as a God, watching creations you love and cherish be thrown away, disposed of, torn apart, and burned (possibly alive), and not stepping in. So, that’s what I’ve done.  Newer engines have the ability to shapeshift and it comes just as naturally as foals/calves/kids/etc with the ability to stand and run within hours. The older ones, like the Steam Team, had to learn on their own and it originally happened one morning without them even realizing it had happened and scared the crap out of em. Now, they do it easily and when they want. 
Do the engines have rights? Can they vote? Do they earn wages?  So, I don’t want to get political in my fanfic (there’s enough drama in the world now that I really don’t want that in something I enjoy). Engines still have that deep rooted desire to be “really useful”. They want to work, they enjoy working! Getting involved in human political issues is just something they would rather stay out of. I like to think they coexist with the rest of us just like the other creatures we share this world with. If I’m being honest though, I think whatever rights an engine has, has to do with where they’re working and where in the world they are, just like everyone else. As for Sodor and the engines in this world, Sir Topham Hatt takes very good care of his engines and they’re treated like people.   As for the wages question, again, they’re still engines and don’t really understand the concept or want to understand the concept of money. They understand it for humans but they’re happy just existing. That doesn’t mean that they can’t have cool things. You’ll notice each engine has a cell phone and that’s just part of the times! It’s easier to keep up with one another on an island that way and helps out a lot. Camille has a Nintendo Switch and the others get the gaming console from Sir Topham Hatt and the others for Christmas.  Think of them like dogs but not in a rude way. They exist with us but are on a higher plane of happiness. 
Why do you have them written so young?  As long as an engine is cared for and not neglected they will look young. It’s LOTR elf rules with a small twist. They can live forever and not age. Also, have you watched the show? Edward is over 100 at this point and he still looks like he’s in his 20s/30s. Plus, there’s hints throughout the show of them acting like young adults/teenagers. Like the episode “Pouty James” where he’s called a “young steam engine” by Sir Topham Hatt much like a parent would say to their teenager “Young man” when they’re in trouble. He’s also said “steam engines these days” just like “teenagers these days”. 
Can engines get married? Are Gordon and Camille gonna get married?  Again, depends on where they’re living and if the people accept that sort of thing. Most engines just straight up don’t care. If they love another engine and want to dedicate their life to that engine, then by golly they’re gonna say they’re married or whathaveyou whether the human population likes it or not.  As for Gordon and Camille you’ll have just have to read to find out 😉 
Do they bleed/what happens when they get hurt?  I’m with @asktrio516 on this and I think that they would bleed like us, seeing as they have the ability to cry or taste, etc, but it would be a darker blood.  Injuries in their human form will translate to their engine form as well. Some injuries may be healed easier in their human form depending on part availability or how busy things are and vice versa. A serious injury in their human form may be much smaller in their engine form, or easier fixed. Just depends. 
How do they shapeshift without being naked next?  Mystique rules! They can shift the clothing onto themselves. Also anything like a cell phone or a watch or memento will also disappear with the magic dust when they shift into engines and reappear when human. Because magic, don’t ask me to explain further. 
Will there be art here?  Maybe eventually. I mean, I did buy an iPad and I'm still waiting for it. Alaska shipping is so slow. So, when it gets here and I start practicing maybe I'll be brave enough to post. 
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To read the Yellow Rose of Sodor you can either go here or read it on here as I post (which will be slower, but hey, it'll all get here eventually)
The Yellow Rose of Sodor:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
The Yellow Rose of Sodor Shorts (coming soon)
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