#﹙☘︎。﹚ defluxiimus.
sintva · 4 months
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“    no,    i    don’t    wanna    have    to    talk    to    anyone    else    right    now.    i    just    want    you.    ”
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sintva · 4 months
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“    you’re    my    person.    i    need    you,    okay?    ”
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sintva · 4 months
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“    i    love    you!    okay?    i’ve    been    so    fucking    in    love    with    you    for    longer    than    i    can    remember.    ”
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sintva · 4 months
@defluxiimus sent ―― ❛  you’re already the most important person in my life.  ❜
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Marie saw a soft side to Ezra, which was a rare gem. It simply increased how valuable and treasured those sparring moments were to her. Vibrant eyes remained focused on the homme, eyebrows briefly lifted. Although Ezra had always had a way with words, Marie would gradually find herself in awe of him when he would occasionally shower her with kind words.
The femme had the impression that her responses would pale in contrast to his poetic vocabulary. The small woman looped one arm around his neck, running her fingers softly through the back of his hair. Perfectly positioned above her heart, her free hand rested lightly on his chest.
“You don’t know how much hearing you say that honestly means to me. — & Ezra, you have always been the most important person in my life. I don’t see that ever changing, unless you tell me to leave."
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sintva · 4 months
˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ♡ ⠀ ⠀ continued - baylee + hermosa. @defluxiimus
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There was something extremely mature about the other femme. Maybe Baylee had dubbed her too young rather quickly. Before she could even settle on that thought, the small voice in the back of her mind reminded her that she very well could just be mature for her age. It would not be the first time that Baylee had met a young woman with an old soul. Quickly deciding that it was best remain as cautious as possible.
However the way Hermosa was closing the distance between had Baylee nearly squirming in her seat to regain that distance. “You are right, kindness has become so very rare. I make sure to appreciate it whe that rarity comes around.” Crystal orbs rapidly scanned over the femme once more. As if she wanted to take a mental picture, something to remind her that this very moment was reality — & not a dream.
As her tongue glided along the bottom of her pearly whites, each breathe seem to grow heavier. Attempting to make mental notes of practicing her self control, though the beauty right before her eyes seemed all too keen on making it a rather hardy task. Shaped brow arched at the others question, a smirk twitched upon her lips, only for a moment. One that if someone were to blink too fast they’d very well miss it.
“I need some time away from my home and after a long day of work, something about this place called me. & now, i’m more than positive as to why — meeting you.” The raven haired femmes hand lightly turned around, fingertips just barely gracing the palm of the others hand. “& what brought someone as beautiful as you out tonight??”
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sintva · 4 months
˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ♡ ⠀ ⠀ continued - aura + selene. @defluxiimus
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Being on her own for the past four months, she had gotten a bit too comfortable with killing. It had started to become her first reaction, then again that could be the reason behind her survival. Aura was not one to ask questions first, with the way the world had fallen — it was just not smart — unsafe, better yet. The familiar sound of the femme’s voice sent chills down the ebony femmes spine. This had to be a dream. It had been far too long since Aura had run into someone living, that she was having an internal battle with herself.
“Selene??” She called out, as if the blonde wasn’t clear as day in front of her. The femme couldn’t help her state of disbelief. She hadn’t seen the other in well over four months, a bit before the apocalypse started. & that still hadn’t been enough to keep her from forgetting the other. In fact, Selene had plaque Aura’s mind consecutively for months on end. Wondering if she was safe, happy — LOVED.
“I could ask you the same exact thing. Where have you been?? Are you with anyone??” The questions continued to roll off the tip of her tongue like word vomit. She didn’t even bother to wait for the tall femme to make it to her. Aura’s feet swiftly lead her to meeting the other halfway. “This is real??” She whispered under her breath. A question that was more to herself than for the other. short almost inaudible laugh slipped past firmly pressed lips. “Honestly, I have no clue how I have managed to make it this far. Especially with being on my own. How did you survive the outbreak??”
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sintva · 4 months
˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ♡ ⠀ ⠀ continued - maize + rory. @defluxiimus
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Her gaze had never once fell from the other, the blonde femme found herself fully captative by him. Something about the hommes' aura that held her attention. A single daunting finger traced over his fabric covered chest, the corner of her mouth curved into a taunting grin. "Oh, I'll make sure you don't miss a second of it." Her voice carried a sly yet alluring tone. With a couple small steps, the femme found herself closing the bit of space that had remained between the two. "Wanna share a backwoods with me? Might help you release some of that built up tension." The suggest quick to escaped her, pearly whites sunk into her lower petal as she awaited to hear his response.
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sintva · 4 months
˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ♡ ⠀ ⠀ continued - gabriel + imogen. @defluxiimus
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He kept his attention solely on the blonde female next to him. A single brow raised as he took in a deep breathe, as if in attempts to hide that smile that threatened his lips. Gabriel knew that the moment he said one of the many dad jokes, there was no taking it back. The homme still found himself stuck on the fact of how many corny ones he actually knew. A single hand ruffled through his hair before reaching forwards for his drink. “Okay, don’t say I didn’t warn you.” He chuckled under his breathe as he tilted his head back, taking a long sip. “What kind of bird works on a construction site?” As the simple and short question fell from his lips, his head tilted ever so slightly in her direction. Once a few seconds had passed, Gabriel shook his head with a half smile. “A crane.” Feeling the appropriate amount of time had passed by before delivering the pun. “Tried to warn you, nothing but dad jokes came to mind on the spot.”
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sintva · 4 months
˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ♡ ⠀ ⠀ continued - nessa + josiah. @defluxiimus
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It would be so much easier, more peaceful if only she could just walk away from him. & yet nessa continuously found herself never leaving, never even truly giving it much of a second thought. Until their next fight & with their track record, that was a given to happen sooner rather than later.
The poor femme still remembered the day, the second she met josiah. & how in what felt like a blink of an eye, he had become everything & more to her. Never imagining that would drag into them nearly resenting each other. A huff of air forcibly pushed free of her lungs, arms dropped to her side as if the strength, never ending inferno within her burnt out.
“Do you really think I would still be here if I could walk away? I wish I fucking could, Josiah.” Even in her fits of uncontrollable rage, she had never uttered a single lie. Nessa had zero intent on breaking that now. As she noticed his attempt to close the space between them, her body naturally reacted by backing up, begging for the space to return.
It would be simpler to say she feared him, what he could do with just his hands and venom laced words. But truth be told, Nessa feared herself when in close quarters with the homme. Forever uncertain of which route would be taken by either of the two. “That ship sunk long ago, baby. There is no redemption, not for either of us.” Knowing all too well that she had never once been innocent. Not when it came to their relationship.
Fuck, she mentally screamed as her heart skipped a beat at those pathetic three words. The same alluring three words that got her entangled with the man in front of her. In that very fleeting moment, everything washed away from her. The anger, the hurt, the burning red rage. Gone as quick as those final three words left Josiah’s mouth. Delicate digits slightly extended, coming to a soft rest against his cheek. The pad of her thumb gently stroked his jawline, once darken eyes began to soften. “We’re no good together, Josi. I love you, i will always fucking love you.”
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sintva · 4 months
˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ♡ ⠀ ⠀ continued - julia + james. @defluxiimus
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She couldn’t believe she had allowed herself to get in this situtation to begin with. Anger boiled her blood with a pot of coffee starting to brew, breathes quick and short. All she wanted to do was to cah as e him pain, to make him feel remotely to how she was currently reeling. Tongue swiftly slide along her lips, thin delicate arms crossed in front of her chest. Though she wanted to look away from him, the middle aged woman just could not find the differences
She couldn't stop the scoff that followed his words. Truthfuy she didn't even try, there was no desires left in her for pleasantries. "Save me your bullshitting lies. I don't want to hear it." She snapped, eyes narrowed into slit, damned near. Biting her tongue the petite blonde moved around the male, starting to collect the rest of her items that had gotten scattered all across his bedroom.
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sintva · 4 months
@defluxiimus sent ―― ❛  why are you looking at me like that ?  ❜
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Maybe she was giving him an odd look however that was not her intention. Actually, the way the sunlight was coming through the peek of the trees nearly left her stunned. He was utterly captivating & the sad part was he didn’t even know it. Ophelia wanted nothing more than to be able to show him exactly how she saw him & just like that the peaceful harmony that was his voice brought her back to reality.
Straightening her back as she sat up straight, the honey tinted blonde raised her brows as her brain finally processed his question. "What look?" Her own tone had a slightly puzzled hint to it. "I wasn't giving you a look.." Trailing off mid sentence as she readjusted on the seat of the wooden bench. A innocent giggle passed through her lips as her emerald gaze remained on the taller male. "Sorry, you're just beautiful."
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sintva · 4 months
˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ♡ ⠀ ⠀ continued - cash + sylvanie. @defluxiimus
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The wide smile only continued to grow as her savory tone filled his eardrums. Not many girls pulled his attention as quick as the blonde femme fatal had. However Cash harbored no regrets, in fact, he found himself hoping to run into the girl more often. After all, who could stay away from someone that was able to keep up with his own level of sarcasm & wit. "One of a kind, baby." His playful demeanor never once altered. If anything, she seemed to only draw even more out of him. & Cash was not certain if that would end up being a pro or con about meeting the girl. As his brow lifted, processing her question. He had never been one to turn down a night of drinking & this very well could lead to a memorable night. Letting her dwell in the silence that had engulfed the two, his index finger tapped his chin as if he was truly contemplating his answer. "A drink or three is an enticing offer. Suppose I could keep you company for the night."
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sintva · 4 months
˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ♡ ⠀ ⠀ continued - cora + ellias. @defluxiimus
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As she listened to him, the sound of his voice reminded her of a peaceful melody. One that she would often find herself humming along to. The dark skinned femme reached up, pushing the few loose strands of hair away from her face as her gaze finally dropped from the blonde. He had a way with words, something that she was not entirely used to. Nevertheless, Cora could not deny how refreshing it was. "I try to be. The world has enough evil and ugly, it wouldn't do any good to add to it." Her voice filled the room, lightly bouncing off the walls like a breeze of fresh air. "The same could be said for you. After all, we are strangers and you've done nothing but show kindness & compassion towards me." Way to good with stating the obvious, that nagging voice in the back of her mind taunted her. "Don't think I ever actually introduced myself... I apologize for that. I'm Cora."
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sintva · 4 months
˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ♡ ⠀ ⠀ continued - coleman + iris. @defluxiimus
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A short lived laugh erupted from deep within him. Pure amusement light up within his gaze. While the two may have had a history, most of which involved her buying whatever flower she could get off of him. He found himself somewhat growing comfortable with the femme. Comfortable enough to continue their regular back and forth banter.
It came with no surprise that the two of them raised many questions. The obvious ones were the most overheard ones. It had gotten to the point that he didn’t even bother acknowledging many of the whispers. Despite his ability to ignore it, he wondered if she was unable to. If that could have possibly played a part in why she suddenly drifted away from him.
“Oh you aren’t?? Now that’s surprising since you only care to come around when you are in need.” He stated with a quick nod of his head in the direction of the broken up flower on his side table. “Unfinished business, is that so… & with who do you have unfinished business with?? Humor me.”
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sintva · 4 months
˛ ⠀ * ⠀ ♡ ⠀ ⠀ continued - skye + jude. @defluxiimus
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Skye had never been one to be able to hold a grudge for long. However she had never gotten hurt & betrayed the way that she had with Jude. Maybe she was being too harsh, too closed off. She just couldn’t bring herself to forget what happened the last time that she had let the blonde femme completely in. Their entire bond had turned into a lesson for the young Russo.
“I know that I’m partly to blame. I am certain that I caused a fair share of n pain as well.” Admitting with a deep breath, brows barely knitted together. “& I am sorry for any pain that I caused you.” The apology slipped from the tip of her tongue. Slightly catching herself by surprise. Even through all the pain, Skye couldn’t lie to herself — she still so deeply cared for the other femme. That she even found it difficult to be reserved with her, once again.
“I want to try to move past everything. I do, I’ve… missed you, believe it or not.”
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sintva · 4 months
@defluxiimus sent ―― ( mark )  for the sender to give the receiver hickies / love marks.
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her series of light giggles echoed off the walls, eyes fluttered shut as goosebumps riddled her body. the sensation of his lips littering her neck in bites & the occasional kiss. her delicate digits combed through his short trimmed hair, back arched as she felt his teeth bite into the thin flesh of her neck.
as if it was a natural response her head rolled to the side, just enough to welcome more access to one of few sweet spots. a honey soaked whimper betrayed her as her body pressed against his. nessa well aware that josiah knew exactly what he was doing. he had for the past years, in truth, she had lost count ──── for as long as she can remember, she had been his & only his. “ baby… ” a breathless plea rolled off the tip of her tongue.
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